Mark and Dannys Easter Weekend


Published on May 1, 2021


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I take a couple of minutes to dry off and try to process what just happened. I'm not mad about it. It's been a while since I've been so well-fucked, and I'm standing under the heat lamp in the bathroom just kind of luxuriating in the feeling.

By the time I get out of the bathroom and find some shorts to throw on, Mark is out on the sofa and he's immersed in a game on the tv. He looks up when I walk in, smiles a fucking million-dollar smile at me, and then cusses up a storm when his toon gets killed onscreen.

He jostles the controller, flips the game off, and pats the sofa next to him all in one smooth motion.

"Don't worry, man, that wasn't you. I was smart enough to start a new game."

I laugh and smile at him, in part because it had actually crossed my mind that he might have just cost me a fuckton of loot.

I go into the kitchen and grab two beers, and then come back and take him up on his offer and sit right next to him. As I'm sitting down, he casually runs his hand down my back, into my shorts and into my crack, so that when I sit down, I actually sit on his finger, which pops into my hole.

"What the fuck?!" I gasp.

He laughs, and then pulls his finger out, holds it up to his nose and sniffs it, and then puts it in his mouth.

"Just markin' my place for later so I don't forget." He says with a shit-eating smile on his face.

It was so ridiculous it was charming, and I couldn't help but laugh. He puts his arm across the back of the sofa, and kind of half-hugs me.

"Well, I didn't know what you wanted, but I'm starving, so I ordered just about one of everything. Food'll be here in about twenty-five minutes, I'm guessin'."

I nod, because I am actually crazy hungry, and Judy Foo's is good as hell -- it honestly doesn't matter what he'd ordered, I'd probably eat it.

"What should we do to pass the time?" He asks with exaggerated innocence.

I raise an eyebrow at him, and he lifts up the edge of the towel draped across his lap, and makes a show of looking at his dick, and then up at me, and then back at his dick.

It would have come across as cocky from someone else. It was cocky as hell, but it also wasn't a bad idea, and just the sight of that fat dick starting to pulse back to life made my mouth water a bit.

"I don't know man..." I said, while shaking my head, but also sliding off the sofa and onto the floor in front of his knees.

"No? You don't know?" He says, while opening his legs to allow me in.

"I mean...we could PvP?" I say, nodding to the game controllers on the coffee table.

He laughs, "Oh, man, we are gonna player versus player, all fuckin' night. Just not on any damn video game." He pulls the towel away from his crotch to show me that his dick is at three-quarters mast and flying high. It's bouncing, sniffing the air like a wild dog on the hunt.

I grin up at him, and then lean forward and take the head of his big cock into my mouth, and swirl my tongue slowly.

He groans and looks down at me, and just smiles his sexy smile while gently thrusting his hips up off the sofa at me.

I grin around his cock, and then gently lick the underside of his fat mushroom head, spending a minute nibbling at his frenulum -- that really sensitive spot that either drives guys crazy, or they hate it.

It drives Mark crazy.

His dick is instantly rock hard, throbbing with every beat of his heart, and drooling precum like it was a drunk down at the corner bar.

I don't know what it is about this guy, but the chemistry is insane. My body just kind of goes into fuck mode around him, and my world narrows down to his massive dick, his fat balls, his thighs, and the dense, musky place along his taint.

My throat is putting out some kind of super saliva. Thick and extra slippery, like it knows I was choking and wants to help. Between that and my hands helping to feed his dick down my throat, I'm managing to get virtually the whole thing, and Mark is moaning in appreciation above me.

"Fucking hell, Danny! You've got the best goddamn mouth! Fuck, man! Your mouth is like another fuckin' pussy, bud." He's rubbing his hand on my throat so he could feel how deep into me his dick is. It just seems to make him harder and turn him on more.

"You know that? You know your throat is another pussy, Danny? Goddamn you've got two fuckin' tight-ass pussies in one hot jock body, bud!"

My dick is straining in my shorts, and I can feel the wet spot forming from my own precum leaking everywhere. The feeling of it just pushes me on even further, and I start hammering my throat on his fat dick. I'm deep throating him with every thrust, choking on his whole dick, and then pulling back just in time to gasp another breath and do it all again.

We're like a fucking locomotive of motion. Iron hard thrusts into my hot gullet, sucking and wooshing, the muscles of his legs and ass clenching and releasing repeatedly under my hands. His hands are rubbing my back and shoulders, fingers running through my hair. It's like we're running a marathon, determined to win, a team set on victory which is just coming into sight.

Mark yells out, "Fucking suck my dick, Danny! Suck that fucking cock!" He's so close it's like he can't stop yelling his pleasure, and I'm so ready to eat his hot load.

And then the doorbell rings.

And it was like my brain broke. These two things shouldn't occupy the same space -- a hot, hung stud egging me on to suck his dick and eat his cum, and the fucking food arriving at the exact same moment.

I pull off his dick, and look up at him, and we both burst into laughter. We've been so focused on the task at hand that we'd lost track of time.

I am still in some kind of fuck haze, so I jump to my feet and run to the door like it's a matter of life or death. It's dumb. I don't know what I am thinking. Like if I could get the food fast enough we could get right back to where we were? Like we wouldn't miss a beat somehow?

I pull open the door, and stand there squinting into the darkness of the hallway, forgetting to turn on the front light.

There is a crinkle of plastic bags, and a shadowed figure kind of motions towards me and says, "Mark Whatcom?"

I'm super confused, still thinking about Mark's huge dick and how close I was to choking on his load, and this doesn't make sense. Mark's last name is Whatcom? It's not the same as Doug's last name, and my brain is spinning out on the wrong things, so I just sort of stand there like an idiot.

Mark strides up, the towel flung over his shoulder, with nearly a foot of throbbing hard man cock leading the way. He stands next to me and looks at me with a funny smile, and flips on the front light.

Mark says, "I'm Mark." Right at the same time the delivery guy sees his cock and says, "Holy fucking shit." Simultaneously, I'm realizing the delivery guy is this super-hot ginger frat jock I've seen on campus and at the gym and have been all low-key crushing on for the last year.

Mark motions the guy in and says, "Hey, set it over there on the table and let me get my wallet." The guy nods, and steps in, and Mark shuts the door, and then heads off to get cash for the dude.

Hot ginger delivery guy is looking me up and down, and some part of my brain is seeing it from his eyes. Hot college jock dude, tenting out a skimpy pair of shorts with a twitching boner and a huge precum stain, mouth puffy and rubbed pink and chin dripping with thick saliva. Hot military dude with a giant, rock hard dick. Smell of sex in the air. Shouting coming from the apartment right as he arrived.

The math isn't hard, and I can see that he's starting to chub up in his shorts, and goddamn if my ginger crush here isn't packing what looks like a big fat dick, too.

He sets the bags of food on the table, and then turns back towards me and nods, and has a sly smile on his face.

"I'm Brent."

I just kind of nod at him, still trying to get my brain to shift into gear. I'm not embarrassed by the situation. It's so unexpected I don't think I can be embarrassed. If anything, I am deeply turned on.

Mark ambles back up in that moment, and says, "I'm Mark, and this here is Danny," motioning towards me.

He counts out a wad of cash, and says, "This is for the food," and then holds up another twenty, and says, "And this is for you." Brent nods at him, and Mark folds the bills, and then reaches over and tucks them into Brent's front pocket, pushing them deep, intentionally grazing his fingers against Brent's swelling dick. Brent gasps just a little.

We stand there for an awkward moment, and then Brent says, "Uh. Looks like you guys are having a good night."

Mark laughs, and says, "Oh, man. The best! Sometimes the best thing is stayin' home and hangin' with a bud. Right, Danny?" He claps me on the shoulder and squeezes, shooting me his megawatt smile again.

I nod, because what else can I do?

Brent says, "Well, I gotta get going..." and feints with his shoulders towards the door.

Mark, like he's reading from a script, says, "Well hang on, Brent," and he claps his other hand on Brent's shoulder, and squeezes, like he's intentionally creating a circuit between us.

"Danny here has two of the sweetest pussies I've ever fucked." He let's that hang for half a second, and I can feel a flush of heat race across my face and down into my body. Brent's eyes flick up and down my body, and the bulge in his shorts swells noticeably.

"And it's big, but I've only got the one dick." He leers at Brent, and we all can't help but glance at Mark's monster dick, which has gone down a bit, but is still twitching and dripping. It makes sense, considering how close he was to cumming.

A grin splits across Brent's face, and he pulls out his phone, taps the screen a couple of times, and then says, "Uh. I just put myself on a thirty-minute break."

"Nice!" Mark says, and like he's a stage manager at a porn shoot, steers us both back over to the sofa. He plops back down, and pulls Brent down right next to him, throws an arm around his shoulder, and then grins up at me.

I'm grinning back, because this crazy Navy stud has rocked my world in the last ten hours or so, and it just looks like I need to hang on and enjoy the ride. This is not my normal MO, but what the fuck, YOLO, right?

I say, "hang on!" and I dash into the kitchen and come back with three beers, and hand two of them to the guys. Brent looks like he's about to refuse, and then shrugs, adjusts his hard dick with one hand and reaches for the beer with the other.

We clink cans, and swig the beer, and I look down at these two hot dudes, and they both grin up at me.

I do some quick mental math, and at the same time Mark makes the smallest gesture with his chin: towards his dick, and then towards Brent. I drop to my knees in front of him.

His dick is throbbing back to full-on rager, and I lean forward and lick the slippery precum that has streamed down it onto his shaft and balls. He moans encouragement, and Brent grunts and chuffs his approval.

I take Mark into my mouth, and start shoving my throat back down his massive tool. He moans again, and hisses, "Fuck yeah, Danny." Brent is nodding along, like his favorite song is playing on the radio.

I've got my right hand on Mark's huge balls, and with my left, I reach up and run it along Brent's leg. He moans again, and I reach up and squeeze a super-thick feeling dick through his shorts. He grunts again, and laughs a little, like he can't believe what's happening.

Brent reaches up and pulls off his tee, and Mark reaches over and starts gently rubbing his chest, slowly teasing his nipples. Brent groans again, and reaches down and starts undoing his shorts.

He struggles for a minute, his now rock-hard dick tangled in his underwear, but he manages to get his shorts and underwear past his knees, lifting his butt up off the sofa to do it. He has a super fat uncut eight-inch dick.

It's like a fucking obelisk of pale marble, with thick blue veins crisscrossing it. His foreskin is pulled back, and he's got a fat, blunt cockhead that's a shiny, angry purple. He's got big, fat balls in a pink nutsack, and his trimmed pubes are a strawberry blond, lighter than his hair. It's a fucking great looking dick, and I moan around Mark's dick seeing it. I reach up and wrap my hand around it, and Brent yelps at the contact, and thrusts his thick hot cock into my fist. The thing is so thick my fingers don't meet on either side.

Mark chuckles, and shoves his cock deeper in my throat.

"Lookit that thick fuckin' dick, Danny. You want that deep in your throat?" I grunt, and nod on his horse cock.

He laughs again, and leans forward, running his hand down my back and into my shorts, rubbing his fingers on my twitching hole.

"Yeah? You want Brent's fat ginger cock in your pussy?" I whimper, and nod again as he plays with my hole, and I can feel Brent's cock throb in my hand.

Mark leans back, and places a hand on my head, and really starts fucking my throat. We're back to our locomotive, hard, long thrusts pistoning into the whole length of my throat. I have to let go of Brent's cock to brace myself on Mark's thick legs, and Brent leans over and takes Mark's right nipple into his mouth, and starts sucking like a hungry wolf pup on the teat.

Mark bellows, grips my head tighter in both hands, and skullfucks me, the whole length of his cock pounding the walls of my esophagus. He buries it deep, and hollers while rope after rope of flaming hot jizz burns its way into me.

The moment is frozen in time. Mark's whole dick in my throat, endlessly unloading cum. My need to breathe suspended in time, like my body breathes cum now, not air. Brent's mouth clamped on Mark's right nipple and his fingers squeezing Mark's left.

Eventually, the moment ends. Mark's dick is done spewing jizz, and I resume breathing, and pull my face out of his lap, and as if my life depended on it, I switch to Brent's lap and stuff his fat monolith of a dick into my mouth.

He growls in surprise and pleasure, and pulls off of Mark's chest and sits back to watch me struggle with the width of his dick.

It's crazy. Mark's dick is a fucking horse cock, long and fat. But Brent's like two dicks, side by side, fused together in the middle. I've never seen anything like it, but it's hot as fuck. As much as Mark stretched my throat out, Brent's dick is forcing me to stretch even more. I'm in a half-crazed, cum-drunk state, and failure is not an option.

Mark stands up, and stretches, and then turns and puts one leg up on the sofa so that he can wag his half-hard, sloppy dick in Brent's face, and Brent dives on it like a hawk snatching its prey. His hands are running through my hair, and he's moaning around Mark's dick while I'm groaning around his. It's magnificent. If I had a video of this, we'd break the internet.

I reach up and grip Brent's marble-hard ass with my hands, and I'm massaging his butt while I'm fucking my throat deeper onto his awesome dick. His dick is streaming precum, and it's both sweeter and saltier than Mark's, so the taste is driving me wild. Or, wilder.

Mark pulls his dick out of Brent's mouth, and winks at the stud, and says, "Watch this. I'm gonna help you out and get him ready."

He moves behind me, shoves the coffee table out of the way with one strong leg, and sinks down behind me. He rubs my back with both hands for a minute, and then slides them down my ass, completely removing my shorts in the process.

"Show me that sweet pussy, Danny." He commands, a gentle but firm instruction that I can't imagine not obeying.

I stick my bubble butt out, and arch my lower back, and Brent groans in delight at the sight of it. Mark winks at him again, and then dives into my crack and licks the whole length of it, his hot tongue lighting up my ass like lightning shattering a dark night.

I'm whimpering around Brent's dick, and I can feel the blessed victory of his gingery pubes against my lips, a soft sandpaper rubbing them raw in the best of ways.

Brent has begun thrusting up into my mouth, and my gagging noises are just egging him on.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! Suck my fat dick, Danny! Fuck yes this throat is so fuckin' good! Goddamn, bud, suck that fuckin' dick!"

I reach up and start tweaking his nips, and he returns the favor, reaching under me and pinching mine. Mark's tongue is digging into my ass, and my body is on fire with lust and singing like a choir in praise of the almighty.

Mark scoots closer, and I can feel his fat mushroom head rubbing on my spit-covered hole. I moan assent, and he starts maneuvering his freshly-hard dick into my ass. I'm so focused on Brent's fat dick, and so relaxed from last time that he's able to slide his whole horse cock up into me in one long, slow motion, popping into that secret, deep place in just a couple of strokes.

Within a moment, he's set up a rhythm of steady longdicking my ass, forcing me even deeper onto Brent's cock. Waves of pleasure are rolling through me from both ends, meeting in the middle in a fusion core of massive sexual pleasure radiation. I figure I'm glowing like the motherfucking sun right now.

Brent is keeping up a steady stream of groans, and after a minute, Mark pulls all the way out, and slaps my ass, and says, "Up you go, bud."

I pull off of Brent's dick, and hop to my feet, and then I'm straddling the hot ginger frat stud on my sofa, locking my eyes onto his blue ones. He's nodding at me, as if I need encouragement or permission in this moment.

I squat down on his cock, and the blunt purple head slips easily into my hole, the tip of the proverbial arrow. He shouts his approval, still nodding his head, eyes locked on mine.

I bounce for a minute, and then flex my legs and begin to squat deeper on his fucking obelisk dick. It's so fucking thick it's stretching my hole open in a whole different way than Mark just did. It feels incredible. Pain and pleasure mixed up in a confusing and heady way.

I bounce my way slowly down, and we're both grunting and moaning. He's ripping me open in entirely new ways, and just as I think I can't take it, his blunt head pops though that deep second pussy, and his eyes go wide in delight. I bounce on it again, and feel it pop in and out, in and out. I slide all the way down, and feel his pubes on my ass, and grind out my victory dance on his lap.

"Oh, fuck! Oh my god, Danny! Your fuckin' pussy! You really have a fuckin' pussy, man!" He's looking at me like he can't believe what he's feeling. He looks up at Mark and says, "He's suckin' my fucking dick with his pussy!" and Mark nods and says, "Told ya!"

Every bounce on his lap is forcing air out of Brent's lungs like he's taking hits in a heavyweight bout.

Mark steps up and sticks his giant dick between our faces, and we both fall onto it, licking and sucking along the whole length. We take turns stuffing it into our mouths, the whole time I'm flexing my ass muscles on his thick dick.

After a moment, our mouths aren't fighting over Mark's dick; they're locked on each other in a deep and passionate kiss. I'm sucking on Brent's tongue like I'm deepthroating a cock, and he's roaring into my mouth like a lion on fire. Mark is standing there with a hand on each of our heads, like a benediction.

I feel a wave of insane pleasure building in me, radiating out from that back pussy that his cockhead keeps hitting, and suddenly cum and piss and fucking hot molten lava is shooting out of my dick as my ass clenches around his hot marble slab of a dick.

My squeezing sends him over the edge, and I can feel his cockhead swell and start spewing super thick cum into my guts, like he is shooting hot concrete out of a firehose deep into me. The feeling of his sperm in me radiates out in another wave, and I fucking cum again, shooting even more hot fluid all over our bellies and chests.

He is gasping, mouth opening and closing a bit, like a pearl diver coming to the surface, or a fish out of water. He has a dazed smile on his face, and we keep catching eyes, and then looking away, like we're suddenly shy.

I lick along his neck and chin, and then we kiss again, deep but quick, and then I climb off of him and his spent cock pops out of me. I step back, Mark steadies me as my legs go a bit wobbly.

Brent is covered with cum and spit and fluid, but he looks amazing, a fucking ginger-and-marble Adonis.

Mark and I both hold out hands to him, and he laughs as we haul him to his feet.

We pull into a weird but functional three-way hug, and he kisses me again, and then spends a minute letting Mark explore his mouth with his tongue.

Mark throws him the towel, and Brent wipes down as best he can, and then stumbles into his clothes. He grabs his phone from his pocket, and swears.

"Oh, fuck! It's been forty-five minutes, and I'm fuckin' late for two pickups. FUCK!"

He shoves his phone into his pocket, and fishes out his keys, and gives us both quick half-hugs, and practically sprints to the door.

"I gotta...I'm sorry guys, this was...fucking...I don't know...this was fucking amazing! But I gotta go!"

Mark and I are still naked, but we hustle him to the door, assuring him that we understand.

He's out the door, face flushed from the sex, and from his urgency to get going, and he turns back and winks at us, and then sprints down the stairs.

Mark shuts the door, and then rounds on me like a beast.

I'm so surprised that I gasp a little and take half a step back. I'm looking up at him, wide-eyed, and he's grinning at me in a feral and monstrous way.

He strides towards me, and whips me into his grip, snatching me into his arms like a wild bear about to devour Bambi.

He throws his mouth onto mine, mashing our lips together, sucking the air out of my lungs in a kiss that is possibly designed to incapacitate or kill me. He's moaning into my mouth like an abandoned baby that needs its mother's milk to survive.

Before I know what's happening, he's pushed me to the floor, onto the carpet, rolled me onto my back, spread my legs, and climbed in between them while never breaking the kiss.

His rock-hard horse cock is sinking deep into me, using Brent's thick cum as lube, punching deep into that back pussy in a single motion, a hole in one.

His lust is setting me on fire, and I respond fully in kind. I've never felt so...taken. So...owned. So completely full, and open, and ready.

He pounds into me, a fucking monster. A machine. A machine driven by a monster, whose only purpose in life is to fuck. He's churning Brent's giant load of cum into butter right inside of me.

We've both cum so recently that it shouldn't be possible. It should take longer than it does, but somehow in just a couple of minutes, he has caused me to squirt out two watery loads as waves of insane passion roll through me, and then is unloading his own prodigious load of babies deep into me.

We're yelling into each other's mouths, shouting our pleasure into the other's throat, and then whimpering, cooing, moaning as we come down off of the mountain of lust that we've both just conquered together. We planted our flag on the mountaintop, and now we're just laying back on the carpet together for the toboggan ride down.

I look over at this horse-dicked stud next to me, and he looks back, and we smile. It's only just about nine on Friday. I haven't even known this dude for twelve whole hours yet.

And we have a fuckton of cold Chinese food to eat, and now I'm really fucking starving!

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