
By Jonah

Published on Jan 20, 2019


This story is a work of fiction and all characters are fictitious. Where any organisation is mentioned it must be assumed that none of the characters named in this story as connected with that organisation bear any resemblance to , nor are intended to represent, any character really associated with that organisation. There may well be some activity in this story which is of a mildly sexual nature, and involving a minor. If this is offensive to you, or if it is not legal for you to read it, please do not do so. Having said that, any such activity is of a loving kind and is not intended to be pornographic. Again, if it is pornography you are looking for, look elsewhere.

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Marooned Chapter two.

By Jonah

By nightfall I had managed to explore most of the island. It was not unduly large, perhaps a mile across and less than half that in depth.

Ben had showed me the clear pool where he had found the water. It seemed bananas grew wild there so there was a source of food of some sort.

Still the boy had spoken not one word. Initially I had put it down to trauma, but there was a tiny reservation that I couldn't put my finger on.

As darkness fell the air began to cool. I guided Ben back to the spot on the edge of the beach where our clothes had been drying. Hurriedly I deposited all of our clothing on the ground beneath some of the large ferns. I lay on the clothing and pulled the naked boy close to me.

"We need to be close to share our body heat", I explained.

He gave no sign of having understood me, but made no resistance as I pulled the remainder of our clothing over us and then lay and cuddled him.

At first light there were birds singing. The boy still lay in my arms and slept peacefully. Carefully I extricated myself, then covered him up again before I walked onto the beach to pee. The tide was out, but had turned, so I had use of the world's largest flush toilet.

While Ben lay sleeping I walked to the pool and clambered up the rough trunk of the nearest banana tree. I liberated a number of the fruit. I planned on letting some ripen at ground level, so took more than we planned to eat immediately. I took the bananas back to where Ben lay sleeping. The morning sun was fast warming the air and the boy now lay on top of all the clothing. He may have been small, but he was beautifully formed. His face was handsome, and beautiful in sleep, and his chest, was smooth with proud nipples, the remains of the fast disappearing puppy fat, a deep innie navel then his pelvis and a not too small, uncut cock. Good thighs and calves connected those cute feet. His cock stood to attention without any provocation from anybody (though I'd been tempted), but then so did mine. I sat down on the ground and began to gently massage those cute feet. Slowly the lovely boy's eyes began to open and his smile broadened. He just lay there and enjoyed the attention.

I massaged his lovely feet for a few minutes more then presented him with a banana for breakfast. He ate it voraciously, then walked off to pee.

All this while he had not uttered a word. I had hoped that a good night's sleep and a pleasurable awakening might break the trauma. He followed me to the pool so that we might bathe and drink. We had no means of taking the water away with us. Ablutions over, I decided we needed to get organised. Most of the trees were bananas, we were obviously not in coconut palm country, which was a pity. But the land beyond the pool included two large stands of bamboo. I cut some long lengths of this stuff with a sharp-edged rock. we returned to our bedding and I decided that another banana would be a good plan.

As Ben sat on the floor to peel his banana, I quietly circled round behind him. I got within a couple of feet from him then leaned forward and clapped my hands sharply together about a foot behind his head. He continued munching on his banana. I had the answer. Now I knew why I had not been able to draw him into conversation on the plane. His silence since we arrived on the island was no longer a mystery. His father had no reason to mention it, but the boy was profoundly deaf. He had never learned to speak.

Having dined I dragged my trousers out of the pile of clothing. I began to tear them into strips. Next I selected three of the trees nearest the beach. They were six or seven feet from each other. Using the strips of cloth I lashed bamboo poles to the tree-trunks about four foot from the ground. I now had a triangle of bamboo lashed to the tree-trunks. Ben and I collected small branches and laid them across this triangle, we then collected the large ferns and laid them on top of the branches. I pushed our pile of clothing underneath this makeshift shelter. and picked up the banana skins. As the sun was nearing its zenith I took Ben by the arm and began to rub the inside of a banana skin on his back. The banana oil would make a pretty effective sun blocker. Once he had got the idea I let him finish the operation while I took the other banana skin and started work on my own body.

High tide was early afternoon and as soon as it had turned, I took Ben for a walk along the beach. We soon got onto the wet sand I bent down and, with my forefinger, wrote in the sand "CAN YOU READ". Ben nodded his head vigorously, so I gave him a thumbs-up and we continued our walk.There were a couple of rock pools that had been topped up by the tide. I found a couple of crabs which I took and we headed back to our camp. I foraged in my jacket for my reading glasses while Ben went to gather small wood. Using dried grass for tinder we were able to make a small fire on the beach to cook our crab meat. We kept the fire going into the evening, until it was time to turn in. We crawled under our shelter, and Ben cuddled up with me with no prompting.

Next: Chapter 3

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