
By Jonah

Published on Jan 22, 2019


This story is a work of fiction and all characters are fictitious. Where any organisation is mentioned it must be assumed that none of the characters named in this story as connected with that organisation bear any resemblance to , nor are intended to represent, any character really associated with that organisation. There may well be some activity in this story which is of a mildly sexual nature, and involving a minor. If this is offensive to you, or if it is not legal for you to read it, please do not do so. Having said that, any such activity is of a loving kind and is not intended to be pornographic. Again, if it is pornography you are looking for, look elsewhere.

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Marooned Chapter four

By Jonah

Morning was announced. Ben announced it. No he didn't say a word. He couldn't say a word, but he had a pretty firm grasp of my cock and was pretty rapidly trying to bring me to orgasm. Not wishing to disturb him I kept my eyes closed and let it happen. I opened them in surprise when I felt a wet tongue on the end of my cock. It moved rapidly over the glans, as if trying to tickle it into a response. Down went his head, and I felt myself engulfed in his cute mouth. There was some sucking and some more tickling with the tongue, but I could take it no longer

I blasted off and he swallowed every drop. I lay on my back - spent. He lay beside me.

I unzipped the curtain and rose to go out and pee. Glancing down I saw the look of devastation on his face. He must have thought he had angered me somehow. I bent and planted a kiss on his lips. That brought the smile back to his face.

We enjoyed a banana each and then I set off for the pool. I cut some poles of bamboo. Ben was obviously getting used to me going off to do crazy things. He just watched with interest. He watched as I drove four bamboo poles into the ground near our woodshed. He still watched as I knotted a corner of one of the silver emergency blankets to each pole. I took Ben and the other emergency blanket to the pool. He watched as I submerged the opened-out blanket then drew the corners together. With Ben's help I also drew in the centre of each side. Holding the blanket by these eight points I lifted it out of the water. I reckoned I was holding about a gallon of water. We took it back to camp like that and I emptied it onto the other blanket. Then we went back to the pool for more. With a handfull of wet grass I scrubbed out the crab shell from the night before. I rinsed it off with a little water and hung it upside down on one of the poles. As Ben watched, I took the shell, filled it with water from the blanket-pool, and drank my fill. Then I put the shell back on the pole. Ben grinned and did likewise. Now we had our own water supply at camp. We walked down the beach to the rock pool, but the tide had only dropped a fairly smallish crab in there. I took it anyway, I had an idea how to make it go further. I dropped the crab by our hearth and then , as Ben lay down for his mid morning nap, I set off for the pool again. I walked up to the far end of the pool where I had spotted some lush green vegetation. I was fairly sure this was water-cress, but there was only one way to find out. As I got near I could see that it certainly looked to be watercress, and a quick taste confirmed it. I grabbed a handful and took it back to camp. Before preparing lunch I walked to the sand where the tide had just receded. With my forefinger I wrote, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN? Then it was time to prepare lunch. While Ben dozed I cooked and scooped out the crab and served it on a bed of watercress on a couple of mussel shells. It looked quite colourful so I called Ben. Then I remembered and went to fetch him. Again we were not going to get fat, but we enjoyed that meal, including another banana washed down with a cup of water, and then I sent Ben to look at the beach. He wandered off toward the sea then came back beaming. He nodded his head vigorously. I don't know whether he was most pleased by the idea of mountain climbing, or the fact of the communication. Either way we both rinsed off our "plates" and laid them on the woodshed roof. Then it was time to rub in some banana oil. I picked up a cou[ple of the plastic drinking water sachets that we had found in the dighy. It was as well to be prepared. Walks on the island didn't tend to be long ones, but when you add an ascent into the equation, you can expect it to get tough.

It was past noon when we set off into the wood. I figured that we didn't need to walk to the far side of the mountain, as we had done the previous day, because, if we went through the jungle we could find the East side of it. We did, but the East side was a steep cliff face that dropped down to our pool. I should have thought of that before. Our pool was obviously a corrie lake. Moving to our left we found the shallower South face. If we kept moving Westward as well as upward we could walk up that easily. We just needed to be aware of the steep drop on the other side when we got to the top.

It was a stiff scramble to the summit of the mountain and we reached its rill thoroughly exhausted. Ben sat down on the hard rock and I sat next to him. We lay back and recovered our breath. It was time to broach the drinking water. The rock was fairly hot and the sun was high and beating down on us. It woudn't do to hang about up here, but the top was only a few feet above us. I stood and, looping one arm under both of Ben's armpits, pulled him to his feet. He probably mistook my motive, or wanted me to think that he did. He rose as I lifted him but kept going till our lips met. He probably thought I was an easy catch and wouldn't be able to resist his advances. He was probably right. Fair enough - he was right. Tongues duelled for supremacy. Care was needed though. He could easilly initiate another round of sexual play that we simply could not do with up here. We should be nicely griddled if we stayed on this rock too long.

The top was only a couple of hundred feet above the level of the beach, but you could see the island from up here. It was an long triangle with the lake taking up almost all that wasn't jungle. The mountain was at the wide end and the island came to a point at the other end. The reef swept from the foot of the mountain to the opposite point in a shallow curve.There was a gap in the trees about halfway along, where the lake ended. That rock outcrop must go through there and it forms the opposite shore. We could see the horizon out to sea through three-hundred and sixty degrees. No other land was visible. We descended towards the North shore. I intended to follow the North shore as yesterday but the take a short cut along that rock outcrop.

That was successful, and another large crab was trapped in the rock pool. We took it with us and gathered some more watercress from the shore of the lake. We had not gone more than a few yards into the jungle when Ben went sprawling. The rock was about six feet above the floor of the jungle just there and he had stepped on thin air. He crashed through the undergrowth and sprawled awkwardly on the floor. I jumped down next to him. There was a graze on his forehead and a cut on his shoulder, but otherwise he appeared uninjured.

"Can you stand?" I asked carefully , hoping that he might lip-read a little.

He couldn't - lip read that is - but my grip under his elbow to help him to his feet told him all he needed to know. He shook his head violently and pointed to his right leg. I felt down the injured limb from the thigh downward. No fracture that I could detect, but that proved nothing. I gently cradled the lovely heel and lifting my own foot wiggled my toes. He understood and wiggled his. Unlikely to be a fracture then. Stil holding his heel I gripped above the metatarsals and squeezed gently. He winced with pain. A sprained ankle most likely then. Hopefully not too bad a one, and he should be walking again before the day is out, though he'll need to be careful with that ankle for a few days. I helped him to his feet, gripping below the armpits to keep his weight off the ankle. I picked up the crab and handed it to him, since my hands would be occupied. In this fashion I helped him back to camp.

Once back at the dinghy I sat him on the beach and taking my shirt from the dinghy spread it on the beach and rested his foot on it. I found a triangulr bandage in one of the medikits and rolled it to make a strip about thre inches wide. I sat and gently massaged his foot and ankle for some time then bound the bandage fairly tightly around it. I'd keep his foot slightly elevated like that for a while, then he should be able to put a little weight on it. Gently I lifted him into the dinghy and rested his ankles on its inflated bulwark. I would have liked to devote more attention to his feet but the fire was, by this time, a few glowing embers. If we were to eat, it needed to be more than that.

By the time I had revived the fire enough to cook supper the sun was dipping in the West and the sky had adopted its beautiful rosy glow. We sat by the fire until it was truly dark. There was no conversation. None was possible. We sat side by side with an arm round each others shoulder and peacefully watched the fire, the sunset, the sea and the stars. The tide was out, so we walked down in the darkness to the edge of the surf. Well I walked and he limped. The tide lapped gently at our toes as we gazed at the heavens. Immediately ahead the Southern Cross hung near the horizon. If we had been in Bali, that way would lie Australia. As it was, if we were where I thought we must be, the next possible landfall in that direction would be Antartica - barring any other uncharted islands of course.

Peace! That was what we had found. I had no way of telling how peaceful it was in Ben's head, but I guessed he must be feeling as I did. We turned toward each other and embraced. Our lips met. I don't know how long that kiss lasted - how long we were joined together - but it seemed an age, yet it seemed an instant. We turned and walked, arm in arm back to our dinghy - our home.

Next: Chapter 5

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