
By Jonah

Published on Jan 25, 2019


This story is a work of fiction and all characters are fictitious. Where any organisation is mentioned it must be assumed that none of the characters named in this story as connected with that organisation bear any resemblance to , nor are intended to represent, any character really associated with that organisation. There may well be some activity in this story which is of a mildly sexual nature, and involving a minor. If this is offensive to you, or if it is not legal for you to read it, please do not do so. Having said that, any such activity is of a loving kind and is not intended to be pornographic. Again, if it is pornography you are looking for, look elsewhere.

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Marooned Chapter seven.

By Jonah

The new day dawned and birds sang. I disentangled myself from Ben and clambered out onto the beach. The tide was in but the rowing boat and the aircraft wing were both above it. The pirate ship, now nosed toward the island was beached a hundred yards or so beyond it, obviously in nowhere near enough water to float it, even assuming it were seaworthy which, with most of the stern missing, didn't seem likely. I walked down the beach and took a pee where the tide would wash it clean. Then I walked back to the water-basin and splashed fresh water over my body. I picked up the emergency blanket and walked down to the pool.

"Are you awake Ben?"

"No" , came the reply

"Funny guy! Just wanted to know...."

"Already washed while you were staggering about in the jungle".

"Fine, I'll change the water. Empty the...."

"Just did it".

I scooped up about a gallon of water in the blanket, carried it back and emptied it into the water-basin. Ben and I had a banana each and a drink of water to wash it down with.

"When's your birthday Ben?" I thought.

"Seventh of June" he replied, "why?"

"Your dad said you were eleven, and I think of you as an eleven year old. I'd hate to think that you'd got to be twelve without my knowing it."

"I will anyway", he replied. "You don't know what day it is now, so you'll have no chance by June. Planning on counting the years till I'm legal?"

"It'll be a long count" I thought. "We'll be rescued before then."

"It won't be a long count" came the reply. " Under the laws of Robben Island, I reached the age of consent at my last birthday"

"I expect the laws of Robben Island say that I didn't murder five people yesterday."

"Too right they do. "

"Well before we pass any more legislation, I'm off to see if there's anything useful on that ship."

"Want to take the boat?"

"No, I reckon I can walk out that far. The tides on its way out so if I row out, there might not be enough water to row back again."

I walked out splashing through the shallow water. Ben didn't seem to be following, which was fine by me. He'd probably find it too traumatic being back on board. I reached the ship and clambered up the accomodation ladder. On board was a mess. The whole of the after part of the boat, what there was left, was blackened by fire. I was worried about the charred deck planks giving way, so I picked my way very carefully to the galley.

Some cupboards contained provisions - dehydrated food, ship's biscuit, and dried fruit or meat. I scooped what I could into a large stew pan and placed it outside on the deck. Four tins of condensed milk, I placed into another pan and placed it outside. I emptied a drawer of knives and other utensils into a third pan together with a fair bit of cutlery. Very little of what was not in the cupboards or drawers was salvageable. A few mess tins, that was all. I had destroyed the wheelhouse, but I doubted anything useful would be there. A few filthy blankets were in the crew accomodation and some oilskins.

I dragged both on deck and used them to wrap the pans. Several coils of rope were added to the haul and I slipped over the side.

The tide was now beyond the ship, so I had only to drop the bundles onto wet sand. Ben was walking out to assist. I lowered three bundles of provisions to him and then dropped down myself. Between us we dragged our haul to camp.

What's for lunch?" said a voice in my head.

"Scrambled egg and ship's biscuit", I replied. I dug out the canister of powdered egg and passed the glasses to Ben.

While he was sorting out the fire, I was mixing up powdered egg with a little water in a mess tin. It didn't take long to cook so we had our first non-seafood or fruit meal for some days. After the washing up was sorted Ben retired to the dinghy. For once I joined him. It was too hot to be in the open at midday anyway.

"Now what?" said the voice in my head.

"I expect we've got some more laws to pass" I responded.

"May as well get comfortable then", came the reply.

He lay down at the closed end of the dinghy. I followed suit and discovered his feet lodged on my shoulder. That wasn't all. A small hand seized hold of my swelling member as the thought came.

"You know I'm inside your head, so there's no use pretending you don't like it".

"I suppose you know everything I'd like you to do", I responded.

"Well I don't see you proposing to pass a law against this", came the message from my boy.

"I could propose one", I thought, "but I doubt I'd get it through parliament".

"Too right" he thought. "Just lay back and go with it"

I should have resisted, but all my defenses were down. I should have been marble, but I was clay - putty in his little hands.

I gazed at the beautiful feet then took them in both hands. He scooted down, his knees in the air, so that his toes reached my face. I knew what he wanted me to do with those. I did it. One cute little toe at a time. I didn't notice the point at which his hand on my cock gave way to his mouth. There wasn't even a thought to alert me. I couldn't last long like that. I didn't last long. I presume he sucked me dry then cleaned me up;, but my attention was elsewhere. All I knew was waves of unmitigated pleasure.

"Do you know why telepathy is different to talking?" That was the first thought to hit me for some time and I couldn't even tell whether I had thought it or he had.

"Are you going to tell me?" I thought, having decided to assume it was him. I could think of lots of answers to his question.

"Because you can share feelings", came the reply. "Words come from the outside and to convey a feeling you have to choose the right words, and sometimes you can't. When you go straight into somebody's brain you don't need words. You can take the feeling itself straight in there".

Wait a minute. Was this an eleven year old talking, I thought to myself.

"Not quite to yourself, and it's a member of parliament talking - though probably more than talking"

"You're picking up the stage directions as well as the dialogue." I thought, grinning. "That's pretty smart".

"Yes, well I've learned a lot in the last few days" he returned. "Along with your thoughts I'm picking up a lot of your experience. Before I came here I could only pick up Carrie's experiences, and she was a six-year-old girl. I'm learning to do things with this ability that I didn't know there was any reason to before".

"Blimey! What sort of monster am I breeding here?"

"One that you love. Come on, the tide's right out. Let's go for a walk along the beach before bedtime".

I wasn't about to argue. I reckoned it was only about six p.m. anyway. With only the fire for artificial light we tended to turn in early, but not that early. It would be about eleven before it was properly dark anyway.

"How's the ankle" I thought.

"I'd forgotten about it", he replied. "Had other things to worry about".

I was afraid of that.

"Yes, well don't let it ruin you're life".

"What, More than ............."

Oh Heck! I should have seen that coming. The wave of despair almost knocked me over. I recalled the inhuman screech in my head yesterday as my boy was violated. It returned with a vengeance but this time the pain was mine. How could I be so insensitive. My thoughts were completing his, of their own volition. I had no part in thinking,

"Yes, more than becoming an orphan. More than witnessing the death of the sister you doted on. More than fighting literally for dear life to survive, and rescuing me too. More than having to spend who knows how long on starvation rations, and more than getting raped into the bargain. More than being stranded on a desert island with a pervert who......"

"NO !" he shouted.


There were tears in his eyes, and He had fallen silent. The word probably sounded in my head, but I definitely saw his lips move.

"No", in my head this time, "you're not a pervert. You never did anything to me that I didn't want you to. I never did anything to you that I didn't want to. "

"That changes nothing. In law....."

"What law?", he was thinking. "We make the laws here."

"Still changes nothing, " I replied. "Right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter how many laws we pass that say otherwise. Yesterday I murdered five men. I still have to live with that, and it won't do for me to make excuses for it that say it's alright to murder people. "

"They'd have murdered us otherwise," he thought, "and it wouldn't have been pleasant".

I had no answer to that.

We sat on the rock outcrop and watched the sun sink slowly. Gradually the stars appeared. Night-time on our island, with no light pollution, could be beautiful. Orion Wheeled overhead. The dog-star was at his heels and his sword pointed to the Southern Cross, low on the horizon.

We sat and gazed. Then we walked back to the fire and sat by that for a while. I had a feeling that any sexual activity would be on hold for a time. The truth was that we cared too much about each other. We depended on each other.

Those were the thoughts that we shared as we crawled into the dinghy and spooned together.

Next: Chapter 8

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