Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 20, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 10

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Henry Scorned

Warning Contains Character Death

"THE THIRD WHAT?!!" Henry Jr. yelled

"You heard me, the elders told me to make the decision and I did, I choose C.J as mine and Wyatt's substitute brother." Chris explained

"So, the fact that you've only known me for fifteen more years than you've known him means nothing to you at all..." Henry Jr. asked

"Look if you guys wanna discuss this take it inside, we're all gonna go ahead to the restaurant, we're going to The French Laundry, we'll order you guys something." Paige said, with a look at Chris he couldn't decipher

"No snails..." C.J and Henry said at the same time, looking at each other, before heading into Chris and Johnny's to the space station living room, and setting the babies in the playpen

"Ok WHY in the WORLD did you choose him over me?!" Henry asked loudly as they sat on the comfortable furniture

"Look Henry I realize this hurts you, but we want to have the Charmed ones be as mature in their magic as possible, and you still have a ways to go before you reach our level." Chris explained

"Ok Chris.. I am just as powerful as either one of you..." Henry said

"Actually you come from a descent of one witch and one mortal, if we brought you into the charmed circle you would get premonitions, and who knows when your active power would show itself, but with C.J, he already has active powers, and would be able to move things with his mind with the charmed power, and Wyatt and I come from a magical mother and a magical father, not to mention we come from the oldest charmed one, so we ARE more powerful, whether you want to believe it or not." Chris explained trying to be as nice as possible

"But, I'm a black belt, I can certainly offer that!" Henry attempted

"Henry, we all have hand to hand combat, you are more advanced than us but we don't always end up in situations like Aunt Phoebe did where we'll actually need it, I'll tell you later Ceej." Chris said noticing the look on his face

"But... Chris.. I've been your cousin for sixteen years, you've only known him ONE!" Henry explained his side

"You have also done nothing but make fun of mine and Wyatt's chosen life style, and you have gone out of your way to out do us, and you have never once fully cooperated with a plan that we have made." Chris explained

"Bu..." Henry attempted but Chris stopped him

"My decision has been made and my decision is binding, I chose C.J and that is final." Chris said

"You're gonna regret this..." Henry said

"No, and the fact that you can't accept my decision proves to me that I made the right one, now you guys have a good time at the restaurant." Chris said with a smile

At the car, Henry and C.J loaded in the kids, and C.J pulled off the ribbon and put it on a shelf, they both got in Henry was cold and silent

C.J started the car, and pulled out of the driveway

"Do you know how to program a satellite system?" C.J asked

Without a reply Henry started typing things in and programmed the restaurant into the system

"Thanks." C.J said and followed the directions that the GPS told him

"You know the only reason he picked you if because he knows you'll be their bitch and do what they say, right?" Henry said coldly

"Or maybe he picked me, because he knows that I'm not some hot head that only cares about himself." C.J said

"You think you know all about me don't you...?" Henry asked

"Oh I have a pretty good idea, until I came along you were the sure pick to be the thrd if they needed one, but then I came along, and you believed I couldn't be trusted, don't think I didn't find out that you were digging up dirt on me in the underworld, and when you found nothing, your dislike and distrust of me became an obsession. You wanted me to be bad so that our family wouldn't want me and you'd be back to being the obligatory choice, your cousins can't stand you and at every chance you get you second guess them or try to prove that you're better than them, and do you know why you do that to them? Because you hate that they are better than you in every way, and you hate it even more because they happen to be gay." C.J said, "Does that sound about right?" he prodded And Henry just kept quiet

"You know, you have a pretty decent picture of me painted there, did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason I give them shit all the time is so that I don't have to get close to them?"

"No, but if you can't get close to them, you don't have what it takes to be a charmed one anyway." C.J said smartly

"You know, for once I have to agree with you, if I was a charmed one I would be the weakest link, all the attacks would happen to me, and all the spells and stuff." Henry said a little more depressed than before

"Henry, at heart I know you're a good guy, but you know, I think you are more cut out to be a whitelighter, not a witch." C.J said

"I guess you're right, but be honest, would you want me as your guardian angel?"

They avoided the valet and parked themselves, C.J turned off the car

"Yeah, you're smart, you're a nice guy when you're quiet, you can kick anyone's ass you choose to, and you have good instincts, you're hot, and ripped... Yes I would want you as my white^×." Henry Jr. kissed C.J on the lips

Henry pulled away "^×lighter" C.J finished his sentence, "what was that?"

"That was a thank you, no one has ever had that many nice things to say about me, don't read anything into it, I got carried away is all." Henry Jr. blushed

"You're bisexual..." C.J said as he read his emotions

"Stop that, I didn't say that..." Henry's face was now red

"You don't have to, you've had a crush on me since the day you met me, and you've been so jealous of Wyatt and Chris's openness that's why you give them shit!" C.J said

"Stop that, seriously you're freaking me out." Henry Jr. said

"Everything about you makes so much more sense now Henry." C.J said, "now let's go eat, I'm starved."

They walked into the restaurant and asked where their family was and they were directed to a private area.

"Wow, what's all this about?" Henry asked

"They were all booked up but we mentioned Johnny Storm's name and they cordoned off an area for us to sit in, I guess when you're son dates a celebrity it has its perks." Piper said

"So honey did you guys work everything out?" Paige said running her hand through her son's dirty blonde hair

"Yeah, we did, I don't think I'm cut out for that particular job anyway, we were discussing it, and I have to admit, I'm not exactly a team player." Henry Jr. admitted

"I'm glad there's no hard feelings, so girls when are we going to promote them anyway?" Paige asked

"I think tomorrow, after Chris and Johnny have celebrated their anniversary." Phoebe said, realizing how it sounded and covering her face and started to laugh

"Wh... OH Phoebe!" Paige exclaimed

"Wh^×HEY that's my son you're talking about there!" Piper said and then started to laugh and everyone who caught on did the same.

When the food arrived everyone ate in happiness, and they all had a good time, then the bill came.

Piper whispered "HOLY SHIT!" and flashed everyone the bill "2250" it read

"Thank you Johnny." Wyatt said snuggling up against Piotr

"Well 15 people, 150 each, that's not too bad, don't forget to tip." Wyatt said and Piper put the credit card in the leather sleeve

Everyone was winding down and the bill was ready to be signed, Piper did so, and they left

In the car Henry and C.J talked some more, "I do like you C.J, but we, can't have anything." Henry said

"Look dude, I get it I know that already, I've had sex with one family member already and I totally wish I hadn't." C.J blurted out

"Who...?" Henry asked

"Wyatt..." C.J responded

"You fucked WYATT?" Henry asked

"Technically he fucked me, but yes." C.J said

"Why?" Henry asked

"Because I wanted him to, and he wanted to, but we shouldn't have done it cause, him and Piotr had just had a big fight and I was the first guy he saw." C.J said

"So he used you...?" Henry asked

"Yes, and no." C.J began "At first he tried to brush me off, then he admitted he had wanted to and it did have some emotional meaning to him, but he was meant to be with Pete." he finished

"I guess it's not so bad, I mean you got some sex from the deal right..." Henry said

"It was great I ain't gonna lie, but it was so not how I imagined losing my virginity." C.J said

"YOU, a virgin, yeah right!" Henry said

"Are you?" C.J asked

"Yeah, but only for intercourse, I've done everything else." Henry said

"I'd never done anything until Wyatt, and I wish I hadn't." C.J said as he pulled into Chris and Johnny's driveway

They brought little Johnny into the house, "Hey guys did you have a good time?" Johnny asked taking the baby from them. Only with a towel wrapped around his tapered waist

"Yeah, 2250 worth of fun, thanks buddy!" C.J said patting Johnny on the back and walking past him to find Chris

"Hey guys, glad you came back." Chris said also only in a towel

"I see you've been working out." Henry Jr. said "Soon you'll be caught up with me." Henry said

"Yeah, and if I let my chest deflate and work too much on my abs and arms I'll be right there with ya." Chris quipped his cousin

"HEY... I'm not that bad..." Henry said looking from himself to Chris then to Johnny, both shirtless "Ok, maybe you've already passed me and are a little more proportiate, but you're still thinner than me!"

"YES!!!" Chris said

"What?" Henry asked

"You said I'm thinner than you, that means the baby weight it GONE!" Chris exclaimed jubilantly

"Hey congrats dude, you've been working hard..." C.J said

"Yeah, hey guys when you head back to the manor, could you tell Wyatt and Petey we wanna talk to them... and you too C.J?" Chris asked

"Yeah, we should be getting back now, oh and Chris..." C.J said and tossed the keys at Chris, "That thing BOOKS!"

They left and Chris turned to Johnny "We should get dressed.." They both ran upstairs and changed clothes, Johnny put on a tight red tank top and grey loose sweatpants, and Chris put on a tight black tank top and white track pants, they ran back downstairs just as the doorbell rang

Chris opened the door "Hey guys!"

"Hey C.J said you wanted to talk to us..." Wyatt said, holding Laura, and C.J

"Well, I wanted to talk to you guys about, well, you moving in with us." Chris said

"Wait.. you.. want us.. to live here?" Wyatt said indicating everyone that had just walked through the door.

"Yeah, I think it will be important that the three charmed ones live together, and since mom and the aunts destroyed the nexus that can really be anywhere!"

"Yes. Sure. That sounds like it'll be a blast." Wyatt said

"Yeah I'm game, but getting my mom to say ok to it might present a problem..." C.J said

"Why's that?" Wyatt asked

"Because, she has only been around me a year, and I mean, she's probably not ready to let go." He explained

"I think she'll be fine, especially when you tell her you'd be going away to college anyway, and that you're only an orb away." Chris said

"And also be sure you mention that we're stronger living together, cause of those brotherly bonds, and being that you're our cousin, we need to maintain those bonds more so than if we were brothers." Wyatt said

"Meaning, we are dropping the title cousin, and as of today you are officially our brother!" Chris finished

"Well mom's at home now, she's not at the paper, so now is as good a time as any... gimme a hand..." C.J said and Wyatt waved him away to the condo

"Hey sweetie, we bought some ice cream for desert." Phoebe said as she handed out the bowls

"Oh ok, sure sounds delicious." C.J said and joined his sisters and stepfather at the table

"Oh son, I'm sorry we can't get you your own space, it's just that we never expected to need more than 3 bedrooms, so.." Phoebe said as she handed him a sundae

"It's ok, I was actually here to talk to you about that.." C.J said

"Oh, and what's your idea?" Phoebe said and scooped ice cream for her husband

"I think I'm going to move in with Chris and Johnny..." C.J finished and everyone looked at him

"That's not going to happen." Phoebe said and continued her sundae making

"Well, I have decided to do it, we are going to be the charmed ones soon, and we're stronger together, we need to form the bonds of brotherhood, especially since I'm not technically their brother." C.J countered

"Be that as it may you are still my son, and I think I have been clear." Phoebe said and forcefully hand Coop his ice cream

"I am your son, you're son you've only known for a year, and until then, never gave a second thought."

"That isn't true, do you honestly think a day has gone by that I didn't think of you, I never talked about it but it's not like I didn't think, oh you know today little Cole would have been 5 or 10 or 18 or any other age, I thought that every single year, and every single day I was reminded of the hell I was put through, and now you wanna leave?" Phoebe asked almost in tears

"Look mom, if I was in college I would be gone already, I'll only be an orb away, and I'll still be here to see you and my sisters, all the time, and we still have family get togethers, you'll see me just as much." C.J said

"But what if I have a nightmare again C.J, who will I go to?" Caitlyn asked hugging her brother

"Oh, it's ok you still have mommy and Co--- daddy, and you have Cooper, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you coming to her... and no matter what time it is you can ALWAYS call me" C.J said putting his arm around his youngest sister

"What about me, when will there be time for our talks, we always can help each other through anything?" Cooper asked

"Aww, Mini Cooper, you know I'll always be there for you, just heart on over and we'll talk like always." C.J said

"And what about our game of Halo?" Christie asked

"Do you think I would leave without helping you beat Halo? Finish your ice cream and we'll go work on it." C.J said

"And mom, you just know that I'll always be there for you guys, whenever you need me, just call or orb or magic to magic, however you need o get to me, you just do it."

"Ok, since this is obviously what you want, you just follow your heart, and I'll follow our decision." Phoebe said

"And Coop, I know we've never really warmed up to each other, but I know you love my mother, and we have that in common, so if you need anything, I'm there." C.J said

"Well son, you've proven to be a good addition to our family, so you do the same." Coop said shaking his hand

"NOW... How about some Halo, Christie?" C.J said and they went off to play

"I'm so worried now, I mean, I always knew this day would come, for all of my kids, but I never thought I'd be dealing with it so soon."

"Well you also never thought you'd be dealing with a son either..." Coop said.

"It's so weird, it's like my daughters, all know my son of 19 years better than I do..."

"Well, they've spent more time with him, and over the past year they've been through a lot together, it's very good he came along when he did, right when this family needed a strong presence the most."

"Yeah, I'm going to miss him, but space here is tight, it will be better for him to live with Chris and Johnny, and I assume Wyatt since he said the charmed ones would be under one roof, which I would assume also means Pete and Laura, it's a good thing they bought a house on Prescott..." Phoebe said thinking of the space they'd need

3 days later

"You're all packed?" Phoebe asked

"Yeah mom, it's not like I needed to pack much, I only own clothes, a laptop, and my ipod."

"True, but a mother always worries, CHRIS!" she called for her nephew

"Yeah, so dude is that all you are bringing?" Chris asked

"That's all that I own, that and a bike." C.J said

"Whoa, total deja vu there for a second..." Phoebe said

"What?" Chris asked

"Oh just that what C.J said to you is exactly what I said to Prue when I moved back to San Francisco.."

"How did you travel back then, did you ride a dinosaur from New York to San Francisco??" Chris asked then quickly orbed out

"YOU ARE YOUR MOTHERS SON!!" Phoebe shouted and then laughed

When they got to the house, Pete was carrying 10 boxes

"Dude, what's in those feathers?" C.J asked

"Books, some other stuff Wyatt couldn't lift." Pete said totally unfazed

"Dude, what are you?" C.J asked a little astounded

"I am a colossus, I am a being with immense physical strength and the ability to coat myself in armor made of solid metal." He said and put all the boxes down, "That's everything baby!" he called out to Wyatt

Piper walked in, "Hey guys its looking good in here, very full.." she said

"Yeah next comes the fun part of un packing." Wyatt said

"First things first, I want to get a couple pictures of you guys for the first time in your new home." Piper said and set everyone up, and took group shots of them.

"Well I'll let you guys get settled." She said and walked home

"OHHH I'm so tired!" Wyatt said and collapsed in a leather arm chair.

"I hate to admit this, but me too." Pete said and collapsed onto the loveseat

"Oh guys, what do you wanna do for our first meal in our house?" Chris asked

"PIZZA!" The entire group said

"Ok, but only if I can pay for it, I need to feel like I contribute around here..." Wyatt said

"Deal." Johnny said

"I feel like catching some Z's, Pete lets set up our bed and get some rest, and Ceej, I'll cut a check, and you can pay the person." Wyatt said

"Sure. Go get some sleep." C.J said, and Chris placed the order

About an hour later the doorbell rang

"Hey I have you---." The pizza guy stopped as soon as he met C.J's gaze

"our pizza?" C.J finished his sentence for him

"Yeah, I have it the total is 56.09, tip not included of course." The stricken boy said

C.J gave him a decent tip, and on the receipt wrote down his number and a small note

"Oh, um, I don't need this." He said with a wink folding it and slipping it into the pizza guy's pocket

As the guy made his way to the car he said "wow..." and took out the paper

"If my instincts are correct give me a call 415-555-8990, ask for C.J... Wow he's hot and could tell I liked him..." he got in the car and drove away

"Was that the pizza?" Chris asked as he walked into the foyer

"Yeah, and the pizza guy totally has a thing for me, not only could I feel an intense lust for me, but I could tell he was deeper than most guys, and also, is truly single and not a demon, he's also 21 and graduated from UCLA and is working for his uncle in the pizza parlor until he can save enough for grad school."

"Dude you got all of that from the short amount of time he was standing there?" Chris said

"Well it was going through his mind cause he thought that all I would see is a pizza boy, he was thinking of all the reasons that I would reject him, but explaining them in his mind, in the, if he only knew, category.." C.J said

"I see, like I used to do all the time.. I get it.. so did you make a move?"

"Wrote him a note and our number, and my name, and slipped it into his pocket." C.J explained

"That's my boy, I've taught you well... GUYS GET DOWN HERE THERES PIZZA!."

"Pizza again?" a young boy asked

"Well, I do deliver the stuff, and we can't afford much right now.." the delivery guy responded

"It's ok Jason, I understand." The little boy responded

"You know Tommy, one day, I will help you find your real parents, you just need to give me time." Jason told the little boy

"You're almost like my father Jace, I don't know if they even remember me, I went missing when I was 5 and you've been there for me for almost a year now." Tommy said maturely

"Look, it's only been a year, and I think I know how to find them..."

"Are you going to use magic?" Tommy asked

"I'm going to try, I haven't used in a long time." Jason said as he searched for a map and got out a crystal on a string.

"Put your hand on the crystal." Tommy did so and Jason started to scry, and the crystal wouldn't drop, they kept trying.

"Let me try a spell." Jason said and thought of one "I call upon the spirits to help us find one that can aid us in our search for truth, uncover the past and find the parents of Tommy Booth." Jason and Tommy were surrounded bye white circles of light, and appeared in a living room, it was pretty antique looking with salmon walls and floral wallpapers

"Who are you?" Melinda asked

"I'm Jason, I'm a witch, I was looking for help and the spell brought us here."

"Well if you wanted help I guess you came to the right place hold on, MOM AUNT PHOEBE COMPANY!"

"Who is this sweetie?" Piper said as she walked in

"That's Jason, and that is..." Melinda didn't know

"Tommy, his name is Tommy." Jason said for the boy

"Yeah, tall one is a witch and he's looking for help with something, I'm sure he can fill you in." Melinda said and walked out

"Ok, so what's the deal, what is it you need help with?" Phoebe asked

"I need to find his parents, I tried scrying, but it didn't work, I used him as the connection, but it didn't work."

"Ok I know just the spell.." Piper said and led everyone upstairs, "We're going to use the to call a lost witch spell, but we'll tweak it a bit, and we'll need some of his blood." Piper said handing Jason an athame

"Will it hurt?" Tommy asked

"Only for a little, if you get in too much pain, we'll have our sister heal you." Phoebe said

They cut a small cut into the palm of his hand

"Power of the witches rise course unseen across the skies, bring them to you we send them there bring them to you with time to spare, blood to blood we plead with you, re-unite this family with you."

Again they disappeared in the white circle lights, and they appeared at a house familiar to Tommy..

"We're here, this is my house, we're in Austin!" Tommy exclaimed

"Wait Austin... as in what state?" Jason asked

"Texas of course!" Tommy exclaimed and ran to the door knocking hard

"Can I hel---..." The woman that answered the door passed out

"MOMMY!" Tommy yelled and opened the storm door to see if she was ok

"Terri, what's goin' on out he---..TOMMY!" The weathered man ran to his son and hugged him tightly

"Dad what's going on..." A teenaged girl asked and when she saw her brother she grabbed the cross around her neck, "thank you Jesus!" and she too hugged him tight..

"How did you get home?" the girl asked him

"Magic!" Tommy exclaimed beaming at his family, Jason was watching from the doorway, "Jason brought me home, he helped me."

"You son of a---." Tommy's father started at him but Tommy put himself in between them

"NO! he didn't take me, the bad men did, he killed them and saved me, he has been searching for you to bring me back, and then the nice ladies took some of my blood and sent us here with magic, see..." Tommy held up his hand with the cut

Terri was waking up "Tommy!" She exclaimed

"Mommy!" he hugged her and the family joined in

"I guess I'll be going now." Jason said

"Thank you sir, you will never know how much this means to us." The girl said

"I already do, just by seeing you with him." Jason replied

"How will you get back, more magic?" Tommy replied

"There is no such thing as magic Tommy you know that." Terri explained

"But Mommy magic is what brought me home, white lights and a spell, I sawed it I know what I sawed!" Tommy exclaimed

"Yeah Tommy I'm going to use magic..." Jason said to him with a smile

"You have to show them so they believe me." Tommy said

"Ok Tommy, for you." Jason said and gave him a small hug "A place for everyone and for everyone a place return me now to the place I came from." He improvised having forgotten the spell, and was taken away by white lights before their very eyes "Oh, my...GOD!" Terri said loudly

"Sweet Jesus." Her husband said and ruffled his son's hair

"Are you hungry Tommy?" Terri asked

"No Jason fed me pizza, it was all we ever ate, he delivered it to help provide for me and brought home the extra, we didn't have a lot of money." Tommy said and started blurting out everything he could remember about the past year

Meanwhile at the manor they had all gathered for an official family meeting, attendance mandatory even for boyfriends and fiances

"Mom, I'm telling you we are fine!" C.J said to his mother

"Look, can you blame a mother for worrying..

"No, but what is this meeting all about?" Chris said cutting them off

"Look we want to make sure, you all aren't mooching." Piper said

"Mooching, oh great here it comes." Wyatt said

"Don't take that tone with me mister, just cause you don't live here anymore won't stop me from binding your magic!" Piper scolded her son

"Look, guys, we just wanna make sure that you are helping provide things around the house, Johnny shouldn't be footing all the bills." Phoebe said

"Well he's not, Wyatt bought us all our first dinner and in the house, and C.J has volunteered to be our cleaning person, and I being the soon to be Mr. Storm, am doing plenty by putting up with him." Chris explained

"Well, that's all great, and I'm not trying to control you Chris, he's your fiancé, I somewhat expect him to provide, since you, well, provide the children... but the other two, if they aren't doing their fair share, let us know." Piper said sternly

"I need to pee." C.J said and walked out of the dining room just as swirling white lights appeared... "AUNT PIPER! MOM!" C.J called

"What is it?" They all came running.

"You?" C.J asked

"... and ... you... did I go to the wrong house?" Jason asked

"Oh... Jason, how did it go with Tommy?" Piper asked

"Wait... You know the pizza guy?" C.J asked

"Well I don't KNOW him, but he swirled on in asking for some help to save a rug-rat and we helped him, and are still waiting for an answer..." Piper said watching Jason become disenchanted by C.J long enough to respond

"Oh, yeah, his family was so happy to get him back, there were tears, passing out, hugs praise to Jesus, you know the usual." He explained

"That's all fascinating... I still have to pee." C.J said and went to the bathroom, "How is this even possible, GOD he's so HOT..." he went about his business and washed his hands returning to the dining room, where everyone and Jason now were

"So you haven't done magic in over a year, and you started again just to help some poor boy you found near dead, that's awfully admirable." Phoebe said

"Well, he sort of became like a son to me, but I couldn't afford too much, since I delayed finding a better job that would in turn take up too much time, and was providing for a child on a pizza boy salary." Jason explained

"I dated a Jason once... Didn't really work out..." Phoebe said casually and winked at her son knowingly

"I KNOW, how about you guys offer him one of their old rooms, until he can get on his feet, he came to us for a reason." C.J said

"I think that's a good idea, who knows why you were brought to us... Of course it would be up to you..." Piper said

Jason gave a quick look at C.J and said, "Well this place certainly seems 150x better than my shoebox loft, we got it after the last tenant practically burned it down back in '01..." He said and Piper and Phoebe snorted

"If you're referring to the loft space above that hardware store on 7th, you have us to thank for that little fire, that was our sister's loft and a demon set it on fire.." Phoebe explained

"That's such a coincidence..." Jason said

"Oh we don't believe in coincidences..." C.J said

"Yeah... We just have a habit of moving people into our house that live in that particular space." Piper said jokingly

"Ok, well I guess I can get all my stuff tomorrow, I'm pretty tired, could someone show me where I'm staying?" Jason asked

"Yeah.. Ceej, could you take him to Wyatt and Chris's old room?" Piper asked

"Sure... Follow me dude." C.J said waving his arm

They walked up the stairs, C.J could feel Jason's eyes watching his tight ass through his jeans, they got to Wyatt and Chris's old room.. "You know I have other body parts that re just as fun to look at." C.J said seriously looking Jason in the eyes, who in turn blushed

"I'm sorry, was I being that transparent?" Jason asked innocently, and C.J walked towards him slowly and he backed into the wall, C.J placed a hand on his chest

"Yeah, but I'm not complaining." C.J said and allowed his hand to travel lower, and tracing a finger down to the waist of Jason's pants, grabbed him by the waist, and licked his own lips seductively

"Yeah...?" Jason asked licking his own lips as well

C.J leaned in close to Jason's lips and they could feel the hotness of one another's breath, "Yeah..." C.J pressed his lips against Jason's softly and kissed him lightly like a feather. He pulled back "You should get some sleep." C.J said teasingly and left the room, walking down the stairs

"Everything ok?" Piper asked

"Yeah, he's settling in just fine." C.J said

"Ok, we're gonna head home." Wyatt said

"Good night guys." Phoebe said

"So what really happened up there Ceej?" Chris asked as they walked out Johnny holding the baby

"I just teased him a bit, I kissed him lightly, after I caught him staring at my ass for a while, I thought he needed to get a little something." C.J said

"DUDE, that's cold, I don't know if I coulda left a pretty blonde like that with blue balls." Chris said earning a smack from Johnny "Not that I need to I prefer scorching hot brunettes anyway!" Chris said

"Damn right." Johnny said

They walked through the door and sat down "I'm gonna put little Johnny down for the night." Chris said taking the child from his father

Everyone said good night to Baby Johnny as though he knew what they were saying.

"Johnny, you are the perfect little baby, I can't believe you'll be one soon, I remember holding you and you were the smallest 6 month old baby I'd ever seen."


"Oh, sweetie daddy has to go now, Corey needs him." Chris said

The Next Day_______

"WHAT?!? Wh-- I can't believe this, how could this have happened he wasn't even his whitelighter, what was he doing there?!" Paige screamed

"I know Aunt Paige, I'm so sorry, he's gone, I never meant for any of this to happen." Chris cried hard and hugged his aunt

"MY BABY!! She shrieked

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I should have gotten there sooner, if I had maybe..." Chris stopped and sobbed

"How am I supposed to go on?" Paige asked Chris

"I don't know, if anything were to happen to my son, I don't know how I'd do it, you just need to remember little Patty and Penny need their mother, now more than ever, and Henry too, he needs his wife." Chris said clearly

"OH GOD! HENRY, how am I gonna tell him our only son is dead?!?" Paige squealed and started bawling

"OUR SON IS WHAT?!?" Henry yelled, voice pained

"Oh god honey, I'm so sorry, h-h-he DIED!" Paige screamed and threw her arms around her husband.

"I think ther--- this can't be right, he can't be, NO, NO, NOOO!" Henry for the first time Chris had ever seen, began to cry

"I wanna know what happened." Paige said

"The only person that can tell you that is Corey..." Chris said and beckoned Corey into the room

"We're listening..." Paige said

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 11

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