Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Sep 15, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 13

Out with the old... in with the... Old...?

Previously on Marvelously Charming

I knew Chris was a slut... I didn't know he was such a two timing whore!

Oh... Don't stop on my account, I'm just a whore right...

You aren't ready Johnny, I guess they were right, you aren't the one I was meant to be with, you're free

Well. You know I just thought that he might want to take a break from the demon business for a while, if it can be avoided

What do you mean, I'm here, and I'm ready to kick some demon ass, who's with me!?

"I don't know about this, I mean, he was just all sad, and now all of a sudden he seems so repressedly happy, like a Bree VanDeKamp clone or something, I'm telling you that wasn't the Chris I grew up with.

"Ok first of all, I never should have bought you those DVDs, and second of all Mr. Detective, then how exactly did the miraculous change come about."

"Three words, Book Of Shadows."

"You don't honestly think that Chris would cast a spell..." C.J said

"I'm waiting!" Chris yelled from outside

"Ok, we'll deal with this when we get back, as of right now, we never had this conversation, you can't even think about it or Chris will know." Wyatt explained

"Um... yeah I know Wyatt, it's not my first day as a witch." C.J said with a pat on Wyatt's back heading towards the door

"Good luck guys." Piotr said holding a baby in each arm smiling at his lover

"Yeah you too sweetie, Laura has gas." Wyatt said and walked out the door "How many was that?" C.J asked collapsing against a brick wall

"I lost track after 30." Wyatt said and sat next to him

"Oh come on guys, we've barely made a dent, we've got demons to hunt... LET'S GO!" Chris said dragging them from the wall

"Chris, wait, I know you cast a spell on yourself." Wyatt said

"So..." Chris responded still headed towards the car

Wyatt grabbed his arm "So, why? Is it because of Johnny?"

"Of course it is, why else would I do all of this, just go with it fight the demons with me " Chris pleaded

"Chris this isn't a good idea, let's take you home, you shouldn't be out here like this." C.J said

"Like what, I'm over it, Johnny is locked in the back of my mind, and now I'm free of him, I can't think of him, OH GOD!" Chris screamed and was enveloped in white lights, and was trembling with tears streaming down his face

"Chris?! Is this about Johnny?!" Wyatt yelled then he and C.J ran to Chris

"Johnny... Chris... Who are they... Friends of yours...?" Chris asked

"No... Chris is you, and Johnny's your ex-fiancé..." C.J said

"Oh... Ok ..." Chris said then screamed when a demon shimmered in, Chris ducked behind a dumpster

Wyatt vanquished the demon with a wave of his hand, and then went to Chris, who screamed and accidentally sent Wyatt flying into some garbage stacked on the opposite wall

"Whoa.. That was awesome... Did I do that?" Chris asked

"Yeah you did." C.J said helping Wyatt get up

"How?" Chris asked

"Because you're a witch, all three of us are..." Wyatt said

"Oh, can you guys throw things too?" Chris asked with a smile

"It's called telekinesis..." C.J said and held Wyatt up as they walked

"Come on Chris, we need to get home..." Wyatt called

"Oh.. right.. Chris... that's me... I think..." Chris thought out loud

When they got back to the manor Wyatt tried to heal his own knee, and couldn't do it...

Chris was watching, wondering what he was doing "Wha'cha' doin'?" Chris asked smiling

"Bright side you're happy again, downside, I think you busted my knee when you threw me." Wyatt said

"Can I help?" Chris asked smiling again

"Yeah.. maybe... could you hold your hand over my left knee, and only think about love, and how much you want to make my knee all better." Wyatt coached

"I could try..." Chris said smiling and did as he was instructed, and it worked "Cooool!" he exclaimed

"Oh I guess we don't need the ice." Pete said and threw the bag off his head, adjusting the babies in each arm

"Ohh.. How cute are they???... Yours?" Chris asked Wyatt

"Well the guy holding them and the bigger one yes, but the smaller one in the left arm, he's yours." Wyatt said cautiously

"Oh... ok... I... do like kids right?" Chris said innocently

"Well you love YOUR kid, and that's enough." Wyatt said handing baby Johnny to Chris

"Oh.... Come here big guy, how you doing... Oh god.. what's his name?" Chris asked horrified

"Johnny." Wyatt said and sat on Pete's lap, holding Laura."

"Oh the same as my ex... Why would I do that, I mean what did the baby's mother think of that?" Chris asked Wyatt

"Um... Chris... You... Are the baby's mother..." Wyatt said

"But I'm a guy, how is that possible, well it's kind of hard to explain, you and I are mutants as well as witches, so we can get pregnant." Wyatt simplified the difficult issue

"Ok.. So I'm what 17, single and a daddy, and I'm a guy, who was pregnant... wow, I guess I just am the poster boy next door." Chris said and sat down

"Daddy..." Johnny said, and Pete, Wyatt, and C.J all looked stunned

Chris's eyes got wide, and suddenly all his memory came rushing back.

"Oh Johnathon Christopher, my baby just said his first word!" Chris exclaimed

"Hey wait a second, he just called him Johnathon Christopher, we never told him the baby's middle name, he's BACK!" C.J said and hugged Wyatt and Pete kissing Laura on the cheek and looking at Chris holding Johnny looking surprised

"Ok.. I know my own son's name, why would you have to tell me that?" Chris asked confused

"Oh just another day at the office, somehow your memory disappeared." Wyatt explained

"Oh.. alright."

"Slut..." Johnny said

"Oh no..." Wyatt said

"Two... whore... back!" Johnny said and started giggling

"Oh no no no no no no, honey those are very bad things to say, you don't do that." Chris said

"Bad..." Johnny said and flicked his little hand like Chris had done

"That's right sweetie."

"He's talking, this is great..." Wyatt said

"Yeah... it is... Wyatt could you watch him, I need to get out and I'd like for C.J to come with me." Chris said

"Yeah go on, no problem." Wyatt said taking Johnny

C.J walked out to the car with Chris, and they drove to the mall

They stopped in the food court for coffee, and sat at a table, "C.J, do you think I did the right thing by breaking it off with Johnny?" Chris asked seriously

"Yeah dude, I do, he was good for a while, but as soon as he treated you the way he did towards the end, you were totally right to leave him." C.J said

"Oh my god, Chris Halliwell..." A familiar male voice said from a distance, as the owner of the voice got closer, Chris saw his best friend from his freshman year, that had moved away before school let out...

"Zeke Benson, oh my god, it's great to see you, wow, you sure aren't Zeke the Geek anymore."

"Yeah, compliments of lots of gym time and contact lenses, I think I've vastly improved." Zeke said

"Most definitely, join us, this is my brother, C.J, C.J this is Zeke Benson."

"Hey how's it going." C.J asked offering a hand to Zeke that was soon shaken

"Hey baby what's up?" Jason said and swooped in on C.J for a kiss

"Who told you, you are allowed to kiss me?" C.J asked Jason with mock anger

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself, you look so irresistible in preppy clothes..." Jason kissed C.J's cheek "a nice change from your usual camo black uniform." He said kissing the other cheek

"Hey Pizza boy, other people present." Chris said waving

"Sorry Chris I didn't notice you there." Jason said snootily

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to notice someone when you mind is set on only getting one thing from m brother over there." Chris said making tongue movements, causing everyone at the table to laugh

"Touché." Jason said and high fived Chris

"So back to you, are you back for school or what?"

"Well, Dad got his job back here in San Fran, so I'm here to stay, I'm starting senior year with you next week, what's new with you."

"Well, if we're gonna reconnect, you may as well find out now, I have a son, he's almost one and a half, and I just got out of a relationship that went from good to very bad, and now I have moved back into the house, and I have my brothers my parents, and my son plus my little niece."

"Oh so C.J has a kid too?" Zeke asked

"Not from me..." Jason input

"No Wyatt has a daughter, Laura..." Chris said

"OH so you have two brothers, I thought you just had the one, but then, that one would have been Wyatt... duh..." Zeke said

"Yeah. So now that me and Johnny aren't together, I guess I'm available, god, I haven't been single in over a year, how do you date again?" Chris asked sarcastically

"So you and Mr. Hollywood man are no more huh, so your high profile romance is the relationship gone from good to very bad?" Zeke asked

"Yeah, it sure is, too bad not many guys out there will find a guy Johnny Storm would dump, that has an almost 2 year old son very attractive." Chris said

"Who knows there may be more of us out there." Zeke said charmingly

"Us?" Chris asked

"Yeah, us.. I think there should be an US, don't you?" Zeke asked blinking his large pale blue eyes at Chris

"That depends, if after someone in my family died, you caught me in the arms of some guy in my son's nursery would you call me a two timing whore, and a slut?" Chris asked resentfully

"Well, I'd simply ask you, what was going on, and if you said nothing I'd have to believe you, because a relationship without trust is hardly a relationship at all." Zeke said

"Terrific answer." Chris said and blew him a kiss

"Wait, but Chris, you and Johnny have only been broken up for a week." C.J said

"Your point?" Chris asked

"Do you wanna get involved in a rebound with someone you could really see yourself with." C.J said and walked over to where Zeke was sitting, "and do you think he deserves to be put into a situation where he's gonna be dumped in a week or two?" C.J said and patted Zekes shoulder, but he gasped and had a premonition

In the premonition, he saw a happy family sitting around at what looked to be a holiday dinner, and then he flashed to a wedding day, and he saw that Zeke and Chris were going to get married, and it looked only a few years down the road, after the kiss, three kids ran up to them, Wyatt picked up one of the girls, but the other girl was picked up by Zeke, and the vision ended

"What did^×I mean, what happened to you?" Chris asked wide eyed

"Oh nothing I just had a little flash of vertigo. But you know, I've decided, I shouldn't get involved in your life, if you want to date each other go ahead, sometimes rebound relationships work out, maybe this one will too." C.J said and drank down hi frappacino

"Ok then, so when do you wanna go out?" Zeke asked

"I'll call you, I'll just need a number to call." Chris said handing Zeke a napkin and a pen, and eyeing C.J suspiciously

Jason leaned over and asked "What did you see?"

"Happily ever after, for them." C.J responded to Jason in a whisper

"Oh, and you don't want to add any pressure." Jason whispered back

"Well no, I mean you saw what the pressure of the future did to Johnny and Chris, it's better this way." C.J whispered back

Jason winked at C.J to make it appear as though they were whispering about something dirty "Well.. I better get going and I will see you later..." Jason said with a quick kiss to C.J's cheek

Jason walked away leaving Zeke, Chris, and C.J sitting at the table "Isn't he great?" C.J said and exhaled deeply causing Chris to giggle like a schoolgirl

"Sure.. Yeah.. .Dude I think your head is over your heel..." Chris said continuing his laughing fit

"Well I'm glad my emotional state could make my brother smile." C.J said finishing his coffee

"I'm sorry dude, but the look you got on your face after that sweet little kiss on the cheek said it all." Chris said stifling his laughter

"What can I say the pizza boy delivers... Ok that came out wrong, cause I wouldn't know about THAT quite yet..." C.J said with his face turning red

"Are you trying to tell me that YOU are a virgin?" Zeke asked surprised

"Well... No... I'm not, but I wouldn't know how well, or if he even delivers.. oh god, just shut up..." C.J said, now scarlet, covering his ears

Chris and Zeke laughed at C.J's obvious embarrassment, "So Zeke are you a virgin??" Chris asked

"Yes, and no, I mean, I've done everything except the actual like, intercourse part..." Zeke said turning red

"Well the hot nerd thing probably gets you a lot of attention." C.J said

"Yeah, I guess it kind of does help." Zeke said pushing up his glasses for effect

C.J and Chris laughed "You should stop by the house to meet little Johnny and Laura, I'm the only childless brother." C.J said

"Yeah, I would love it if you would meet Johnny, I mean with any luck, you'll be spending a lot of time with us." Chris said with a wink

"Well when you put it like that, what are you guys up to Wednesday?" Zeke asked

"I think Wednesday at around 11 would be perfect." Chris responded

"Absolutely." C.J said with a smile

"Great I'll come over Wednesday at 11." Zeke responded

"Ok, I hate to break up this wonderful love fest, but, me and Chris need to get back to our brothers day out, so please make yourself scarce, Chris will definitely call you." C.J said

"Ok you guys have fun." Zeke said and walked away, when he rounded the corner to the bathroom, he flamed out

"Have you re-implanted yourself into the youngest's life?" A hooded figure asked

"Yes master, I have, and I will take him down, as long as you can resurrect the demon of anger, I can break the charmed circle long enough to kill the charmed ones, and bring the babies to be raised as demons, but I must ask you, why me?" Zeke asked the figure

"Because, you were once the most trusted person in Christopher's life, and now that you are back he will fully submit himself into your hands for the taking, do with that what you will, as long as he ends up dead." The figure responded

"But that does not fully explain why you didn't send a more powerful demon..." Zeke responded

"Because a more powerful demon would not have a human half and be able to blend into what humans refer to as "polite society.""

"So you chose me because I am half demon, this has failed on two prior occasions, by much more powerful demons than I."

"You dare question my logic, you have something they didn't, a history with the family as an innocent, that is how they know you, as mortal, they trust that you are, so use that." The figure responded with anger to his tone

Another demon shimmered in, "Sir, the alchemist has resurrected the demon of anger, he is ready for you to use."

"Very well, that is all." The figure said "Now, Zequerios, you must attack the brothers, as your demon form, they must be on your trail before we break them.

"What do you want now?" Wyatt asked Chris

"What do you mean, you offered to watch the kids." Chris responded

"Yeah, well it's one thing to do this but you failed to recall that YOUR son had his daddy and me class, and I had to reschedule my doctor's appointment with Ava, and I had to push back Laura's check up so I could take him." Wyatt responded

"Well, sorry but you know I'm only human aren't I entitled to make mistakes?"

"Not when it comes to kids, but ok I can deal."

"Hey Chris is it ok if I use your car to go see Jason?" C.J asked

"Um.. I guess, but I need it back by 6, I need to shop for the homeowner's association meeting, and try not to leave it on E this time." Chris said handing C.J the keys

"Back by 5:45." C.J said blowing a kiss out to Wyatt and Chris

"God, he better not leave my car without gas." Chris said, and pulled his son out of the high chair, leaving it dirty as he took him to nap

"Ok, I'll just clean this up." Wyatt said sarcastically

It was now 6:05 and C.J wasn't back yet

"Come on Jason I need to get going..." C.J said pulling away

"Ok, go ahead, but Chris, I want to get close to you, and you don't let me in." Jason said

"Like I said I just need some time." C.J pulled on his shirt

"It's not me is it?" Jason asked pulling on his polo over his taut stomach

"No, it's not, but right now my day hinges on not getting killed by my brother, I'm already 5 minutes late." C.J said

"Ok you should go." Jason gave him a quick kiss good-bye

C.J jogged to the car, and didn't notice the "runner" who with a wave of his hand caused the gas line to start leaking

C.J walked into the manor at 6:25, "Where the hell were you I needed the car 25 minutes ago, the meeting is in 35 minutes, I'm gonna have to shop at that ghetto ass corner store just to make it back in time." Chris said loudly as he ran out the door

Chris got into his car, it started and he drove to the corner store, he shopped and was on his way back when his engine sputtered, and the car shook, obviously dead, he tried the ignition, nothing, he looked at his gas gauge, "EMPTY!!" he screamed, and grabbed he groceries, orbing home

"Whoa, what's with the orbs?" Wyatt asked

"A certain someone, let my car run out of gas, so now it's at the very end of Prescott." Chris said, preparing the food he way his mother had taught him, the meeting was supposed to start in 5 minutes. "Time is something I don't have prepare this food, so I won't be rude." Chris chanted and he food prepared itself

"Ah ah ah, PERSONAL GAIN!" Wyat scolded

"Screw it I don't have time, now I have to run this..." Chris's phone rang

"Hello?" Chris said

"Come dancing with me?" Zeke said

"Is that a request or a command?" Chris responded

"Yes or no?" Zeke asked

"Hold on.... Wyyyyatt?"

"No... there is no way..." Wyatt responded knowing the question

"Please, this is my chance to be over Johnny." Chris responded giving the sad lip

"OK... Go before I change my mind." Wyatt said frustrated

"Ok I can go, pick me up in 10." Chris said, and ran up stairs

He changed into the sexiest outfit he could find, a crimson shiny striped button down and moving leather pants, perfect for dancing, with shiny black shoes, he fixed his brunette locks to fall over his face, and checked himself out, noticing he was still wearing the necklace Johnny got him for their anniversary , he ripped it off and replaced it with a black shark tooth necklace

He ran downstairs waving bye to Wyatt who was trying to break up an argument

Zeke pulled up just as Chris emerged from the house "Wow, is that you? Muy caliente."

Chris got in the red car "Drive, before Wyatt roasts me."

Back inside Wyatt was listening to his neighbors whine about the most insignificant things "The bread has nuts if anyone's allergic."

"Thank you dear, now, about your shrubs, they block the sunlight from my begonias, they need to be shortened" a woman said

"Well my hedge was planted long before your begonias, so I don't think I should have to trim anything..." a man responded

"Here's an idea, move the begonias, they can be moved, they have no roots, unlike a shrub." Wyatt said holding his head, and from outside the window a demon threw a ball at him and he felt a surge of anger

"I don't need to move a damned thing, I moved in before you I have more association right!" the same man yelled


"Well I never..."


"I'm going to speak to your mother about the way you behave..." another woman said

"Well you know what SHE FUCKING HATES YOU TOO!" Wyatt yelled

"Be that as i---."

"DID YOU NOT HEAR THE PART WHERE I SAID TO GET THE FUCK OUT!? Wyatt yelled throwing a ceramic platter of fruit slices at the wall shattering them and splattering fruit all over the guests, they all left cussing and giving Wyatt evil looks

"What the hell happened down here?" C.J asked

"Oh what the fuck are you even doing here, you're not still trying to pull the brother act are you, you fuckin pussy, just own up to it, you hate me just say it you pansy!" Wyatt yelled, and C.J was pissed, and got hit with the same surge that Wyatt had before

"Oh I'M the pansy, who is it over here that's such a little pussy he can't even control his powers, what's the matter Wyatt you too amateur to know the difference between good and bad."

"You think you're so good because you're a charmed one, the only reason you're even here, is because your daddy practically forced himself on Phoebe, yeah, he poisoned her first, then allowed the source to surface while he was fucking her, so the source's seed, is where you come from, your evil, and we all know it!" Wyatt yelled

Chris walked in "Oh and what about you, why don't you just move on and fuck someone else like you usually do, it's not like you actually loved Johnny or anything, or well you loved one thing about him, and we all know what that was, how was it with your legs up in the air for the nerdy boy of the northwest, was he good, did he compare to every other guy in town you fucking whore?!" Wyatt yelled at Chris

"What the fuck is wron---?" Chris was hit with the surge

"What's the matter Wyatt all housewife and no play making you even more boring, does it bother you that your boyfriend finds me more attractive than he does you, or is it just your impotence that gets to you?" Chris yelled back

"Well since your such a slut, it's no wonder Pete can't help but look at you, everyone else has, why shouldn't he get a taste too?!" C.J yelled

"Oh like you have room to talk about anything, you're a pathetic leach, who didn't even go for higher education, doesn't it bother you that you'll never amount to anything except a parasite sucking the rest of us dry, cause you can't even afford to fill a fucking gas tank?!" Chris yelled

"Fuck YOU!" C.J yelled telekinetically throwing a chair at Chris, who orbed it at Wyatt who levitated to dodge it." As soon as they did that the triquetra on the cover of the book of shadows separated into 3 separate pieces, Chris left the manor, Wyatt went upstair, and C.J went to the kitchen

Chris knocked on the apartment door, and Zeke put a knife in his belt loop he opened the door wearing a tank top and his pants from the club, from earlier. "Chris... What... are you doing here?" he asked

"My brothers, and I had a huge fight, and I... I just had no place else to go." Chris said and broke down into tears hugging Zeke

"Need some help?" C.J asked Wyatt, who was attempting to clean up the messes in the living room

"Yeah sure."

When they heard someone orb in they saw their whitelighter Kyle Brody, who hadn't been around much for years "Kyle what are you doing here?" Wyatt asked

"Checking on my charges, because whatever happened it was so strong the elders felt it." Kyle responded

"Well we just had an argument." C.J responded

"Is that all?" Kyle asked

"Well... No... We used our powers..." Wyatt responded

"ON.. EACH OTHER?!" Kyle asked

"Yeah." They both responded

"Well, when you did that you broke the charmed circle

"It was like, so horrible, I mean, they were vicious, and I know I said some things I didn't mean, but it was like I was in some kind of trance." Chris said, and Zeke listened

"Look you..." Zeke started but Chris kissed him, they both got into it, and Zeke opened his eyes, but they rolled into the back of his head and he reached behind his back, pulling out the knife, he raised it, but put it down, pulling away

"Look Chris, you should get back to your brothers, you guys need to work through this." Zeke said

Chris looked at him with adoration "Thanks." He said he left

"Please tell me my eyes deceive me, don't tell me you're falling in love with that pathetic witch." The demon of anger yelled

"You've been... Watching me..." Zeke said pulling out the knife.

"You don't know who you're dealing with, or do you know, I can also possess my victims"

"Look Kyle I don't know where he went, he just left, try sensing him."

"I did, he's blocking whitelighter signals." Kyle responded

"You don't need to keep looking." Chris said

"Oh god Chris, we're so sorry." They both said at the same time

"What happened, I mean, we should have been angry, but we shouldn't have been THAT angry, it was like some kind of..." Chris stopped

"Demon!" C.J said

"But Piper, Prue, and Phoebe got rid of that demon, or oh wait, someone els---" C.J couldn't finish because a demon crashed through the window and tackled him

Wyatt tried to use his powers "Oh shit, we're still down, WE WORKED THROUGH OUR ISSUES! C.J, Chris go on get out of here!" he yelled

"No, we're in this together, until the end." Chris responded, the book reformed, and when the demon lunged at Wyatt , Wyatt blew him up but another demon fell out of him

"Demon filled demon?" Chris asked

"Nobody double crosses me!" the demon yelled and threw an energy ball at the demon

The demon approached them "Oh shit, guys, upper level demon formation, athame!" Chris called for the athame they kept in the attic, Wyatt froze the demon, and Chris slashed of a slice of skin without thinking, from the left side of his chest

The demon fought through the freeze and knocked Chris across the room, Chris smashed into the grandfather clock

Wyatt threw the demon through the window and the demon flamed out

"Oh god Chris!" Wyatt yelled

C.J and Wyatt ran up to their brother, and Wyatt started to heal him

"Whoa, that was a juicy one..." Chris said grabbing the flesh

"We should go see who our houseguest was..." C.J said

They went upstairs to the book of shadows, "Zequerios, a demon of average power, half-blood demon..." Chris continued reading

"This was put in by Paige, so he can't have been around all that long." Wyatt said

"Who knows, maybe he was just dormant for a while, there's no way to age a demon, we'd never figure it out anyhow."

"Well to go by the former charmed past, when they had to do this for the first time, it was with your dad, a half demon." Chris told C.J

"So, judging by that, this demon, could be someone we trust, or even love." C.J said

"So, everyone is a suspect, we should do the bleeder test on our men." Wyatt said

"What's the bleeder test?" C.J asked

"Well, Mom, and Aunt Prue did it on Jack and Dan, their boyfriends, you just prick em with a needle and if they bleed they're human."

"Ok, but wouldn't a half demon bleed anways?" C.J asked

"He's right, we would need a sample of each and then to do the magical DNA test." Chris said

"Are we sure we wanna do this?" Wyatt asked

"I don't" C.J said honestly

"I don't really wanna either..." Chris said

"So you guys would let your guys be in a position to hurt you?" Wyatt asked

"Look, I'll carry a potion with me and so will C.J so if they try something we have it, and if we get suspicious, we'll do the DNA test." Chris said

"I agree totally with that." C.J said

"Ok.. So are we done High School Musical 2 comes on in 3 minutes." Chris said

"Why do you watch that crap?" Wyatt asked

"Hey I like it too, and you've never even seen the first one so you can't judge, you should watch with us." C.J said

"Ok if I watch with you I control the movie we watch after." Wyatt said

"Ok but let's sweeten the deal if you like it, we watch the first one on DVD." Chris said

"Deal." Wyatt said

During the movie, Chris occasionally read Wyatt's thoughts and emotions, and knew he liked the movie, but didn't let Wyatt know

{He likes it Ceej}

{I know, I was reading his emotions too}

{Don't let him know we know, unless he tries to worm his way out of the deal, look! He's practically dancing}

{Haha, and "this movie is crap" we win}

{Always!} Chris finished and continued watching the high powered dance number

After the movie was over, {Quiz time!} Chris thought

"So Wyatt what'd you think?" C.J asked

"Put on the first one." He said biting his lower lip

"HA! We win!" C.J high fived Chris

They watched the DVD and fell asleep, they awoke to the babies crying

"Please don't let it be a demon..." Wyatt said, and he and Chris went up to check on the babies

"Close enough... What are you doing here?" Chris asked Johnny Sr

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 14

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