Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Sep 23, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 14

Say What?

Now I have begun to make regular updates to my yahoo group, all of my stories are available there, including ones not found of Nifty, and advanced chapters of this and others.

(To ease confusion Johnny will now become John, and Baby Johnny, will just be Johnny, reason will be confirmed in the first page)

{Oh and try to remember this does take place in a fictional reality}

"I'll ask you again what are you doing here?" Chris asked Johnny

"Look I just came to see my son, I don't wanna fight with you." Johnny responded

"Well, I don't care that you wanna see your son, matter of fact I encourage it, but you could have called." Chris said

"Look I'm sorry, but I didn't know how you'd react to me calling, so I flew over just to hold my son."

"How long has this been going on?" Chris asked

"Only a few days, but today when I got here a demon attacked and I was going to let you know, but I took care of it, that's why the babies started crying."

"Daddy..." Baby Johnny said looking at Johnny

"Was that his first word?" Johnny asked excited

"No more like tenth, but who's counting, he called me Daddy last week, then whore and slut I wonder where he picked those up from." Chris said

"Chris I don't wanna fight with you, but here, take this, it's a child support payment." Johnny said

"What? I don't want your money Johnny..." Chris said

"Well you don't want it, but our son will need it one day, if you don't wanna use it to support him now, then put it in a college fund for him." Johnny said

"Ok. I'll think about it, thanks John." Chris said

"What no Johnny?" John asked

"No, it's about time you grew up, you have a son now, he's the Johnny now." Chris said

"You're right, John it is. I like it anyway, good luck Chris, and I do still love you and I always will, and I will never stop being sorry for the things I said." John told Chris

"I know you mean that, and when I say know, I mean I know, but it can't change things, I won't set myself up for that kind of hurt again." Chris said

"Well I do mean every word, and I'm not going to force you to do anything, but, you should know, I don't want to give up on us, but I will if that's what you want." John said sadly

"I don't want it, I need it, can you understand that?" Chris asked

"Yeah, who was that guy you were talking to at the mall the other day?" John asked

"That was my old friend Zeke, why were you at the mall, you hate the mall..." Chris asked

"I was buying Johnny some clothes, and I saw him talking to you and C.J, I just got a bad vibe from him, the same kind of vibe I got from Victor when I used to work for him, even before he became Doom." John said

"I appreciate your concern, I really do, but Zeke is a friend, and we have gone on a date, I'm not saying we're serious or anything, but if you want there to be a chance at friendship for us, you can't go after him." Chris said

"I don't want to be your friend Chris, I can't just be your friend, I will never want to see you with anyone or go to a wedding where I'm not the other groom, so no I don't want that chance, and I won't go after him, but I will be watching him, for you." John said and flew out the bedroom window.

"How did it go in there?" Wyatt asked as Chris came out of the nursery

"We were civil, and then I told him I need him to stay away, and also, he told me that he doesn't want to even try and be friends, because he can't just be my friend." Chris said

"Do you want him back?" Wyatt asked, with his hand on Chris's back

"A part of me does, but then my heart pleads with me not to let it break again, and I don't know what to do." Chris said tearing up

"Well being a firm believer in doing what your heart tells you, you shouldn't go back to him, unless your heart desires him." Wyatt said

"I love you Wyatt." Chris said

"I love you too Chris." Wyatt responded and hugged his little brother

"So what do you want to do for your big Two Oh, tomorrow?" Chris asked Wyatt

"Oh just the usual family dinner, Paige is finally out of the hospital, and coming for my dinner." Wyatt responded

"I can't wait to see her." Chris said


The Next Day

Wyatt's Birthday Dinner

"Aunt Paige!" Wyatt exclaimed as Henry, Paige, Patty, and Penny walked through the door, it pained him not to see his cousing with them, Henry looked older, and Paige, though as beautiful as ever, was run down, and tired looking

"Hey baby, happy birthday..." Paige said meekly and hugged her nephew tightly

"Happy birthday Wyatt." Henry said giving him the manliest hug he could manage

"Happy Birthday Wyatt!" the twins said at the same time hugging him on each side

As soon as they finished with their greetings, Phoebe, Coop, Cooper, Caitlyn and Christie walked in

"Happy birthday sweetie!" Phoebe said hugging her nephew

"Congrats on the big Two Oh, one more year and me you and the guys are going out for beers and ditching the family." Coop said

"Twenty huh, still useless to me for another year." Cooper said kissing her cousin on the cheek

"You're getting old!" Caitlyn said and hugged Wyatt

"Yeah, really old!" Christie said and wrapped her arms around Wyatt's waist

The rest of the guests, including Zeke and Jason arrived over the next 15 minutes

"Whoa, Zeke, man it's been a long time, looking good dude!" Wyatt said

"Yeah it's been a long time, what's new?" They were interrupted by Pete

"Happy birthday baby!" Pete said kissing Wyatt lightly

"Introduction?" Zeke asked

"Oh, yeah Zeke, this is Piotr my boyfriend, and Petey this is Zeke, the boy after my brother's heart, you know the one I made you promise to crush if he hurt him...?" Wyatt said causing Zeke to chuckle nervously

"That's good, you gotta have a protector..." Zeke said unbuttoning his top button, very intimidated by Piotr's massive muscles

"Yeah, I love Chris like a brother, so you just be careful with him and you won't have to deal with my shiny side..." Pete warned playfully, yet in all seriousness

"Got it." Zeke said saluting Pete, and going to find Chris

"Good job Petey, let's go get Johnny and Laura." They went upstairs, and got the children

When they came down they gave Johnny to Chris

"Johnny this is Zeke." The baby gave Zeke the once over, and put up his shield around Chris and himself

"Demon..." Johnny said pointing at Zeke

"What did you say Johnny?" Chris asked

Johnny put down his shield

"I guess I have some explaining to do..." Chris said to Zeke

"No, you don't I am a demon,"

"What?!" Many people said at the same time

"I was sent here by a surviving member of the triad to kill the charmed ones but I screwed up and fell for you all over again, that wasn't part of the plan, and I couldn't I wouldn't hurt you." Zeke said to Chris

"I know you're telling me the truth, I could always sense something, but I wasn't sure what, but I know you're telling me the truth right now..." Chris said and kissed Zeke

"Oh this better not be another Cole situation." Paige said

"Did someone call me?" C.J asked

"No sweetie just an allusion to your father." Phoebe said

"Oh so Zeke finally came clean about being half demon?" C.J asked

"Wait, you knew?" Chris asked

"Yeah, part of my empathic ability is demon identification and detection, it's like having an enchantment spell on my eyes that I can control, and I knew he was the demon that attacked us, but I had a vision that day at the coffee shop, and knew you must have worked around it somehow, so I decided to let you two work this out." C.J said nonchalantly and sat at the dinner table.

"Ok..." Chris said and did the same, everyone was sitting around chatting, and then Piper, Phoebe and Leo served the food, all of Wyatt's favorites.

"I would like to propose a toast." Chris said clinking his glass "To my brother on your birthday, I cannot think of a better brother for me and C.J, a boyfriend for Pete, a son for mom and dad, or a father for Laura, Wyatt's my big brother, and I love him unconditionally, he is self-less, and has always been there for me and no matter how I try I will never be half the person he is, he has sacrificed so much for me and his family and he is the bravest person I know, cheers." Chris said and raised his glass

"Cheers!" everyone said and raised their glasses

"My turn, Wyatt you are my son, and you are a wonderful brother and father, you are a better person because of me and your father, and you are your own person because that's the way we raised you, you're independent and in control, you have a boyfriend who adores you and a daughter who is as beautiful both inside and out as you, and a boyfriend who would move mountains to keep you safe, you are a great brother, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather have saving the world for us on a weekly basis, cheers." Piper said tearfully and raised her glass

"Cheers!" everyone said and raised their glasses

Paige rose "Wyatt, this is your day, and it is a special day, you are a great person, you were the one person my son looked up to, and the one person outside Henry and I who he respected 100% of the time, I always knew you were special, but I never imagined you would turn out this beautifully, you are a genuine man, a great boyfriend, father, brother, and nephew, you make my world a little brighter even after my son's passing, having helped raised you since before you were born, I feel a special connection to you, and I know Phoebe does too, and I know you will do great things one day, and I hope you continue on the path that has presented itself to you, cheers." Paige said crying, so Wyatt hugged her tightly

"I guess I'll go now, Wyatt you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I was a lonely guy living in a school where there were only people like me, people focused on battles, and focused on stopping each other from success, and then you showed up at the school, and my life changed instantly, it got better, and it made sense, you brought light into my dark life, and I know we've had our issues, but our daughter has made us close and there is just one more step, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, will you marry me?" Pete asked with a tear in his eye

Wyatt looked up at Pete and stood up "Yes!" and he kissed him everyone cheered and clapped and congratulated them

The ring was not as extravagant as Chris's had been, though it was similar, a thick platinum band and a tasteful 2 karat diamond with surrounding sapphires

After more toasting and hugs, and kissing, Pete asked one more question "Will you do it tomorrow?"

Now everyone looked surprised "Why so soon?" Wyatt asked surprised at the haste

"I don't want to spend one more than necessary as your boyfriend, I want to be your husband, and I want you to be mine." Pete said

"Ok!" Wyatt said "Everyone keep tomorrow at 6pm open you have a wedding to attend!" he yelled


The Next Day

The Wedding of Wyatt and Piotr

"Are you sure you want to do this Wyatt?" Chris asked and C.J agreed

"Yes, I'm sure, and I know as my best men, you two are required to ask me those questions but yes I am set." Wyatt said adjusting his tux

Wyatt was wearing a white tux and Piotr was wearing a black tux

"So you went with the white... Trying to let EVERYONE know that you're the bottom huh?" C.J quipped

"Well if you saw Pete's dick, you'd wanna bottom too." Wyatt said and stuck his tongue out

Since the wedding was at magic school and being performed by the angel of destiny they had Wyatt getting ready in one classroom, and Piotr getting ready in another

"So Pete, you and Wyatt are getting married, how do you feel?" Bobby asked

"Bobby I realize you're my best man, but could you cool it, I'm nervous enough without all the questions." Pete said

"Sure man, Oh good here's Kitty, Rogue, Jean, and Ororo, come in guys" Bobby called

"This is so exciting!" Jean exclaimed

"I've never been to a wedding where there were two grooms, which one's the bride?" Rogue asked

"Well if you mean who's wearing white, that'd be Wyatt." Bobby said

"Of course it would, Pete's too manly to allow himself to be the bride." Kitty said

"Well if you must know I did offer to wear the white, but Wyatt insisted." Pete explained

"That's cool, I guess we know who the top is!" Ororo quipped

"Very funny!" Pete said

"Are Logan and Scott coming?" Bobby asked

"Yeah, but they said it was only the job of the best man and the ladies to go to the chambers so they just sat" Jean explained

"Pussies!" Pete said causing everyone to laugh

"Places!" Leo said

The wedding music began to play and Caitlyn and Cooper flowered the walk way, then Johnny carried by Paige held the ring pillow, then Phoebe, Jean, Ororo, and Piper walked down the aisle in their dresses carrying bouquets, and then Leo and Wyatt walked in unison down the aisle, Leo hugged Wyatt at the altar and found his front row seat

"Dearly Beloved..." The angel of destiny began

The ceremony went by briskly and since they held it at magic school there was no demonic interruption

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The angel of destiny said, and Pete kissed Wyatt sensually and passionately everyone cheered and clapped as they walked out of the room

"So Mr. Halliwell, how does it feel to have a wife?" Wyatt asked Pete

"Pretty damned good, but you know, you can call yourself my husband I don't mind."

"I kinda like showing my submission by saying I'm your wife, it's a tad bit kinky, don't you think so?" Wyatt asked

"Let's go on our honeymoon and consummate this marriage!" Pete said and grabbed Wyatt's hand and they orbed to their reservations in Hawaii.

"Come here Mrs. Halliwell!" Pete said and kissed Wyatt deeply

They lowered themselves onto the bed and disrobed each other sensually, kissing every part of the other's body that they could reach, and then Pete went down and began sucking gently on Wyatt's pulsing erection, and took the entire 8 inches down his masterful throat, Wyatt reciprocated on Pete's 11 inch monster cock, taking the entire shaft to the pubes, and preparing his hole with lube

Pete shoved the length of a finger in Wyatt's well lubed hole and worked it in circles, an then he added another and another, and put his un-condomed penis against Wyatt's entrance

"I love you Mrs. Halliwell." Pete said and shoved his entire length into Wyatt juicy ass

"Oh god Pete it hurts so good!" Wyatt moaned, and rested his legs on Pete's massive shoulders, "fuck me good and hard baby, oh god make me yours!" Wyatt moaned and screamed out in ecstasy as Pete probed in at every possible angle finding Wyatt's prostate and jabbing in on each thrust causing Wyatt to convulse into and intense orgasm, without touching his prick, then Pete erupted into Wyatt's well used hole, firing volley after volley of searing hot jizz into his lover's battered anus.

"Oh god, I love you so much Petey." Wyatt moaned

10 minutes later

"Fuck me hard oh god, yeah, ooooh god yeah ooh that's that spot, don't stop, oh god I'm gonna cum!" Wyatt yelled as he and Pete shot simultaneous loads

1 Hour later

"AHHHHHHHH yes! Harder, faster, deeper!" Wyatt scream as Pete dumped a third load into his hole

"Oh baby, I love you so much Wyatt." Pete said

"I love you too, let's get in the Jacuzzi for a while."

20 minutes later

Wyatt is bent over the edge of the Jacuzzi "Oh fuck yeah, yeah, oh god, please harder, yeah OH." He came into the water while Pete shot a load into his hole

"Ok let's go shower, I'm tired." Wyatt said

In the shower they fucked again until dry orgasm, and Pete needed one more so Wyatt let him go for it while he tried to sleep.

Pete dumped a final load into Wyatt's hole, and they slept peacefully all night

They fucked at least 70 more times on their 3 week honeymoon, if they weren't at the beach or sleeping they were fucking. The last night of their honeymoon Wyatt started feeling sick, so he orbed them home after an early checkout

There was a welcome home banner, but nobody was home, they must have been planning something that was gonna be ruined by an early arrival

Chris walked in with a brown paper bag carrying Johnny

"Oh god please let it be negative, please let it be negative.." he said putting Johnny in the playpen and going to the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom..." Wyatt said and walked into the bathroom

"Chris!" "Wyatt!" They said at the same time

"What are you doing here?"

"No I asked you first?"

"Stop doing that!"

"Ok you go first!"

"No You!"

"STOP!" They both said at the same time

"Ok. I came home early cause I'm having a familiar feeling, and from the looks of it SO ARE YOU!" Wyatt said indicating the paper bag

"Look Wyatt there's 4 in the package, we should both take two." Chris said

They both did their business and set them down for the 5 minute wait

"Ok.. We check them at the same time, there's nothing difficult about it, it's a digital read out, it will be words." Chris said

"3, 2, 1 LOOK!!" Wyatt said

"SHIT!" Both of them said at the same time

Chris said "I'm carrying another one!"

"Me too!" Wyatt said scared

"Damn, neither one of us can even drink yet and we're already on two kids each, at least your kids have the same father!" Chris said

"Oh shit, it's Zeke's?!" Wyatt asked

"No, it's my bio professor's, OF COURSE IT'S ZEKE'S" Chris yelled

"How are you gonna tell him...?" Wyatt asked

"Well, I'm gonna start by telling him he sucks at pulling out and the next time we do it without a condom I won't be able to conceive anymore." Chris said making scissor motions

Wyatt laughed "I'll just have to tell Pete an apartment is out of the question, if we keep getting pregnant at this rate we'll need a mansion." Wyatt said

"I don't know how I'm gonna tell John, I mean our son is turning 2 next week, him and Zeke are gonna be at the same party."

"Wait he agreed to come?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah, he said it was gonna be good for Johnny if we made nice, and were able to be in the same room as one another." Chris explained

"You need to tell him and Zeke before the party next week, another 7 months and my little girl is gonna be 2."

"Oh speaking of 2 we can't get Johnny to shut up, he talks non stop, and can carry on simple conversation. And he's walking" Chris said proudly

"That's great bro, I'm proud of my little nephew, I can't believe he's walking, they said he might not until later." Wyatt said

"The doctor said that our keeping him active allowed his muscles to grow, I didn't mention the fact that we had the elder's bless him and cast a little muscle enhancing spell with their permission saying that it would be for the benefit of the greater good in the long run."

"I still can't believe my younger brother is actually giving birth to the next line of charmed ones, I wonder if they'll all be boys like us, or if the next generation is gonna be mixed." Wyatt observed

"I think they'll be two boys and one girl, I just don't know the order, I just have a strong feeling, mom said that the next time I get pregnant I should see if I get the ability to make breast milk, I'm a little freaked about that chance, but I'll deal, she also wants me to visit Ava regularly." Chris said

"I don't want this baby..." Wyatt said

"I don't want this one either, I was considering a magical abortion, but I don't know if I'd forgive myself." Chris said

"Me neither, so I guess I'll just suck it up." Wyatt said

"Hey that's the kind of thinking that got us this way!" Chris said teasingly

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, very funny..." Wyatt said

The Next Day

"Good news?" Zeke asked Chris

"Well, that depends on how you look at it." Chris said cautiously, "How about I break the bad news first...?" Chris asked

"Ok..." Zeke said

"Ok... Well the bad news is that you suck at pulling out... The good news, to me at least, is that, I'm... pregnant..." Chris said

"You mean, we are gonna have a baby?" Zeke asked

"Yes, I mean we are gonna have a baby." Chris said

"I need a minute to process this, a minute ago I was dating a great guy and had a shining future ahead of me, and now I have to factor in a kid..." Zeke said

"I get that you're surprised, but apparently the preview before the movie can cause the arrival of a new actor..." Chris said

"You mean I didn't cum in you, it was my precum that did it!?" Zeke said

"Yeah, according to Ava, so my second child is a mistake..." Chris said

"I didn't even know precum could cause a pregnancy." Zeke said

"Me neither!" Chris said loudly

"Well, I'll be there for you baby, it's not like I'm a stranger, you've known me for a long time, maybe we can work with this." Zeke said, making Chris very happy

"I love you Zeke!" Chris said kissing his lips

"I love you too." Zeke kissed him back

"Slow down there killer, that's how I got this way in the first place..." Chris said

"Well, you know, if you're already pregnant, we could have a little fun before all your symptoms set in..." Zeke said

"I'm up for it!" Chris said

They stripped, and started to kiss fiercely Chris sucked on Zeke's 9 inches and lubed his hole then laid on his side, while Zeke pressed against Chris's hole

"Oh baby, you're still so tight." Zeke said and sucked on Chris's neck while fucking him

He put hickeys all over Chris and fucked the cum out of him literally, and then came inside Chris

"Wow, I haven't felt that in a long time, I forgot how good it feels to have my insides covered in cum." Chris said getting up to shower

"I really do love you Chris, I have since the day I met you back in our freshman year of high school." Zeke said

"I love you too Zeke." Chris said pecking him on the lips

A demon shimmered in and Chris freaked "Why am I always naked?!" and he moved to freeze the demon but instead shot pink energy bars from his hands killing the demon instantly

"What was that?!" Zeke asked

"I have no idea!" Chris said

"You don't think... no..." Zeke said

"It can't be... Can it? I mean she is part demon..." Chris said

"But how far along are you?" Zeke asked

"Well we haven't had sex in a little over a month so like a month and two weeks or so, I don't know." Chris said

"That's enough time for you to be able to access his or her power." Zeke said.

"Great, so not only am I barely 19, but I'm pregnant, and carrying a baby that has demonic powers, lovely, at least the nausea isn't as bad this time around." Chris said

"Well let's just hope everything goes according to plan." Zeke said

"Let's hope, so what do you want to do today?" Chris asked

"Well I was thinking we could go out for lunch, then we could go to the mall, see a movie, have dinner, and just chill out tonight, nothing special." Zeke said

"Well it will be special cause I'll be with you." Chris said, and heard Johnny say something from the other room and went to go check on him

"Oh... Sorry Chris, I just wanted to see him, I should have called." John said

"No, it's fine, actually there's something I need to talk to you about." Chris said, wishing his timing could be a little better

"Sure, anything, what's up?" John responded

"Here, let's sit." Chris said and they sat at the kiddy table

"A little cramped don't you think?" John asked

Chris nervously chuckled a little "John, I'm..." Chris couldn't say it

"You're pregnant aren't you?" John asked


"And it's obviously not mine, so you were trying to ease into it without being an asshole, but why did you want to tell me?" John asked seriously

"Because, it affects you too, I want you to be there for Johnny, but if things work out with me and the baby's father, Zeke, he is gonna be a part of Johnny's life too, and these babies, are half-siblings, so they are gonna be close and have separate fathers, so they are gonna be confused, and I need all of us to be there for them." Chris explained

"I'll be there for my son, any day, any time, no strings, just unconditional love, like I once had for you." John explained

"Look, John, I do love you, but the love has changed, you are important to me in a different way, a way I can't explain, but I'm not in love with you." Chris said

"Well I'm in love with you, and I don't want to be, but I am, and I just want the pain to stop, and it is, slowly, but it is."

"I'm glad, well, I have to go, me and Zeke are going out Piper's gonna watch Johnny, um, wait, would you like to take him for the day?" Chris asked, and John's face lit up

"You bet your cute little ass I would." John exclaimed and grabbed Johnny and a diaper bag.

"You boys have fun, all I ask is that he's back by dinner time." Chris said kissing Johnny's little cheek "Bye Johnny"

"Bye mommy." Johnny responded

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that, but whatever, have fun." Chris said and went back to his bedroom

Would you boys mind very much coming to the mansion, we have a mission perfect for you Professor X sent to C.J, Wyatt, and Chris

Chris frowned, "The day just got interesting, well, looks like me and the brothers need to go to New York." *** Be there soon professor***

"But what about our date?" Zeke asked

"Well saving the world needs to come first today." Chris said pecking his boyfriend on the lips and going to find his brothers

"Did you guys get the message?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah." C.J and Chris responded

"Let's go." Chris said, and they joined hands to orb

Once they arrived outside the professor's office they walked through the door, to find a conference table set up and three open chairs

"What's this all about?" Wyatt asked

"Well, we received a notice today from Professor Dumbledore of Hogwarts today, it appears they need some extra protection, but they do not allow anyone but witches or wizards into their school, so you three are the only witches I know of, so I hoped you'd help." Xavier told the boys

"So what exactly is Hogwarts?" Chris asked

"It is a school for witches and wizards alike, a 7 year academy, and home to some of the most powerful witches or wizards around."

"Until we came along." C.J said and smiled

"Very true, which is why they require your help, you can teleport to the nearest train station but will travel by invisible horse drawn carriage, but first you will need to study up on some spell books, and purchase wands." Xavier said

"You've gotta be kidding me, I mean spells I get, we've got plenty of our own, and being charmed we can make up ones that will work, but magic wands, please." Wyatt said

"Ok we'll do it, where do we go to buy wands?" Chris asked

"I took the liberty of getting you basic spells, and advanced spells."

Wyatt, Chris and C.J held their hands over the books and absorbed the spells into memory as the pages flipped

"Ok, done, now let's get going." C.J said

"Can you guys believe we're on our way to buy magic wands?" Wyatt asked

"No, but you know I also never thought demons, trolls, and fairies were real, but we grew up with them." Chris said

"True." C.J said and they orbed to the location given to them by Xavier, and after they followed the directions through some bar, they saw a brick wall "GREAT! What the fuck are we supposed to do now?" C.J yelped

"Well lemme see." Chris read the paper and tapped some bricks and the wall opened

"Pretty cool." Wyatt said and they walked through, and they found a bustling town area

"Hey C.J, you want the fastest flying broom on the planet?" Wyatt asked

"You bet your ass I do, does it really fly?" C.J asked

"It's 2000... Galleons...? What the fuck are galleons???" Wyatt asked

"I don't know all I know is to blend in we should each get one..." C.J said

"Yeah.. that's the ONLY reason you want a flying broom." Wyatt said laughing

"Ok, this Ollivander guy's shop should be over here." Chris said, and they walked into a small narrow building.

"Hello?" C.J called

"Ahh the brothers Halliwell, I hoped I'd be seeing you." Mr. Ollivander said, grabbing numerous boxes

"Ok Wyatt, now, give it a wave." He said, Wyatt did and the right wall exploded

"NO! NO! Definitely NOT!" He said waving his wand to fix the wall

"Try this one..." and Wyatt did, and a hole appeared in the floor


After three more wands Wyatt finally got a light shining over him, similar to when he and his brothers had become the charmed ones

"Ok you next Christopher." Mr. Ollivander said

Chris took 5 wands, killing a chandelier, a lamp, some boxes, and blowing up the counter before getting it

"Now you Cole." Mr. Ollivander said

C.J of course got it in 2 wands, only sending Mr. Ollivander flying

"Ok, that will all be 20 galleons." Mr. Ollivander said

"Sir, we are on assignment, from America, and we don't have that kind of money." Chris said

"Oh, alas, I will accept American tender, and your total is, 200 American dollars." Mr. Ollivander said

"Not too bad, considering their money is gold." C.J said as they all pitched in

"Ok let's get to Hogwarts." Wyatt said and they orbed to the specified location, and like Professor X had said, there was a carriage waiting

"Ok. He did say the horse was invisible, right?" C.J asked

"Yeah, why?" Chris asked

"Because I see a really creepy looking horse connected to that carriage." C.J said

"I don't see anything..." Wyatt said

"Maybe, I'm just crazy, let's go, we've got work to do." C.J said

As the carriage pulled up to the gates of a castle the boys were in awe, "You know, wonder what our magic school looks like from the outside, if it's as impressive as this..." Wyatt said, as the carriage approached the front entrance

"Ok, I don't suppose they have a doorbell..." Chris said

"They must know we're coming maybe the doors open automatically or something." Wyatt said

"Yeah, cause this place sure looks up to date technology wise." C.J said

"Point well taken." Chris said as they approached the doors, and they opened

"You were saying..." Wyatt said

"It's probably just magic..." C.J said

"Right you are my boy, magic it is, and powerful magic at that, I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, this is Severus Snape head of Slytherin house, Minerva McGonagall head of Gryffindor, Filius Flitwick head of Ravenclaw, and Pomona Sprout head of Hufflepuff." The old man said to them

"Well we're Wyatt, Chris, and Cole Halliwell, heads of good magic." Wyatt said indicting each of them as he said their names

"Professor if I could interject, these boys are far too green to be the protectors we were looking for." Severus said

"Well you may not interject, whatever your name is, we are far more powerful than any of you so some proper respect would be appreciated!" Chris said loudly

Each professor had a look of shock that someone so young could speak to them with such disrespect.

"Pardon my brother, he's pregnant, so he's a little moody, but that doesn't take away frm the mere fact that he is correct in his statement, we are the most powerful witches the world has ever known." C.J said politely

"Well pardon me, but the three of you do not appear to be much in the way of power, prove it." Severus said and opened his arms

"Well boys, what should we do to prove to our friend here?" Wyatt asked his brothers

"I think maybe the triple threat?" C.J said arching his eyebrows

Wyatt blasted the ground sending Snape flying into the air, Chris froze him, and C.J levitated and hooked him onto a rafter by his robe, then Chris unfroze him

"What in the, let me down from here this instant!" Snape yelled

"That was certainly quite a display, but would you mind letting him down." Flitwick said to Chris

"Not a problem..." Chris said and blew up the rafter, and Snape fell from the ceiling, but Wyatt stabilized him with telekinesis

"Hormones...?" Chris said innocently

They proceeded with the tour of the school, "So this is the great hall, this is where we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as special events, whatever they may be, you will be staying in my house, Gryffindor. So shall we" Minerva said, indicating a staircase

"Are those staircases moving?" C.J asked still fearing he was seeing things

"Yes, they are enchanted so just know where you're going, do you apparate?" Minerva asked

"Um.. yes... no... whats apparating?" Wyatt asked

"A method of teleportation." She responded

"Oh, we have our own method." Chris said resulting in the professor having a strange look on her face

"Well me and my brother are technically half angel, so we have a teleportation called orbing, have you heard of whitelighters?" Wyatt asked McGonagall

She shook her head

"Well, it's the same basic principle, only whitish blue lights appear when we teleport." Chris explained

They arrived at a landing and there was a portrait of a large woman wearing a pink dress

"Password?" The fat lady asked

"Rumpelstilskin." Minerva said

As they entered a common area they saw many people walking around some lounging in chairs and others working in textbooks, while others were flicking their wands fooling around.

"This is the Gryffindor common room, this is like a family room or recreational area, if you will, I think you'll be very comfortable, I am in the teacher chambers, if needed, you will be briefed on the situation in the morning." Minerva said leaving the boys in the room with all the unfamiliar people

A boy with round glasses and a sloppy looking haircut was walking and ran right into C.J

"Hey dickwad, watch your step, or you're gonna have bigger problems than that kmart haircut!" C.J said loudly, causing everyone to look over at them

"You obviously don't know who you're dealing with, how dare you speak to Harry Potter that way." A little blonde boy with a camera around his neck said huffily

"Um. Yeah. Sorry about your name dude, that's rough, can't have been easy growing up with a name like that, you get teased a lot, yeah judging by the state of your lovely outfit, I can see why, now, how about we discuss your complete lack of hand eye coordination a bit further." C.J shot at Harry, causing everyone's eyes to widen

The boy with the glasses said something to the boy "I'm really am quite sorry, I should have been watching where I was going more closely, but you see, it's kind of hard to see someone, when oh I don't know, their ego is blocking the view of them."

"Yeah, add my ego, to the `small' issue you've got going on down under, and I can see why you wouldn't want to see someone, who is better, at quite a few things, than you, and junior down there, a little jealousy is said to be blinding." C.J said with a look down and a wink at Harry, pushing past him

"I don't suppose you'd want to take this to a duel?" Harry said

"Trust me baby, it's you that doesn't wanna duel me, and what is this a western, who the fuck duels anymore...?" C.J said

"Is that so..." Harry said drawing his wand

"Ok here we go again... Wand please..." C.J made a small gesture with his finger and Harry's wand flew from his hand to C.J's, and C.J withdrew his wand and held both of them up... "Now.. what was that spell... oh yes... PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" C.J said aiming both wands at Harry "That should keep him busy for a while" C.J said and everyone looked horrified that their hero had just been schooled by some random guy they'd never seen

They walked up to the last door, labeled Halliwell

"I guess they knew we were going to need our own space."

"Whatever, just cast the locking spell, so that kid doesn't try and kill us in our sleep."

"Protect this space from all bringing hell, don't allow entrance or exit to anyone but those named Halliwell." Wyatt said "If we want to really protect our selves you two need to say it too." Wyatt said

They all looked at one another "Protect this space from all bringing hell, don't allow entrance or exit to anyone but those named Halliwell" they chanted and saw magical orbs appear to be sealing the room

"Decent spell..." Chris said

"Yeah, let's get some sleep that old fart is gonna tell us why we're here."

"Night guys." Wyatt said

To Be Continued

I claim no ownership to any of the characters from Charmed, Marvel, or Harry Potter, they are all copyrights of their own right, this is purely for fan fiction purposes

Next: Chapter 15

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