Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 10, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 15

Forgive or Forget

I claim no ownership to anyone except the characters I made up. ?

The boys awoke the next morning, and each dressed in their training gear

"I still say we look like an 80's rock band." C.J said

"Yeah well, it's wife beaters and track pants it beats restrictive clothing any day." Chris said

"Let's go down to the great hall, I'm sure someone can tell us where to find that old guy, or he'll probably be there anyway." Wyatt said and they walked out and down to the common room, they could hear people talking about them but C.J and Chris heard more

<That one with the eyes, he's so hot, and he took down Harry, ooh baby>

<Just so you know, my names C.J and I can hear everything you're thinking...> C.J sent to her, she just blushed and went about her business

<Just because he attacked Harry doesn't mean we can't talk to them and find out who they are> Chris heard a girl with thick bushy hair thinking, so he walked up to her

"Hi, I'm Chris, what's your name?" he asked her with a pearly smile

"I'm Hermione, who are you guys, everyone's been talking about you, and how one of you managed to take down our mascot last night, oh mascots a horrible thing to say he's my best friend.." She babbled

"Well. Not that you haven't said it all, but we are here from America, on an assignment, to protect Hogwarts, and we don't know why." Chris said

"America, how much experience do you have in wizardry?" she asked

"None, I'm a witch, and a damned good one, me and my brothers are the most powerful witches in all the world, so that's why we were sent here."

"How are we supposed to believe that?" Hermione asked

"Just look up a prophecy, we're the Charmed ones, though we're technically supposed to be girls, but, we sort of perpetuated that cycle if you catch my drift, see you later Heather." Chris said

"Actually it's Hermione."

"Oh, sorry, I'll just come up with a nickname, I'll never remember that." Chris said with a smile

she thought and C.J and Chris turned and smiled at her

<Did they hear me, oh well breakfast time, must fill in Ron and Harry> she blushed

"So who are they?" Ron asked with his mouth full

"I'm sorry Ronald, but it's most difficult to understand you when your half masticated breakfast is practically falling out of that wide open orifice you call a mouth." Hermione said

"I asked who they are." Ron said

"They are the most powerful witches in all the world, they are brothers from America, here to protect the school."

"But I thought that was Harry's job..." Ron said

"You know Ron, contrary to popular belief I don't enjoy being the hero, let someone else do the work, they are obviously much more powerful than any of us." Harry said

As he finished the three boys that stuck out like a sore thumb in their work out clothes, walked in and sat with Harry, Ron, and Hermione

"Heya H, how's it going?" Chris asked Hermione

She blushed, and this didn't go unnoticed by Harry or Ron "It's quite alright, this is Harry and Ron." She said indicating her friends

<Why I oughta... I like her, you can't have her you're not good enough to lick her shoes!> "Now, now Ron it's not nice to think about people in such a negative manner, as for the other thing, your secret's safe with us" Chris said catching them off guard, indicating himself and C.J

"I wasn't, how did you, what is this?" Ron asked reddening

"So I don't think we've officially met, I'm Cole Halliwell, the one who kicked your ass last night, it's nice to meet you, Harry is it?" C.J said

"Charmed..." Harry said brushing off the jab

"Oh so you know of me and my brothers then..." Wyatt asked

"No, I was just saying, oh never mind, so what are you guys doing here anyway?" Harry asked

"We're here to protect you guys from something only we can handle." Chris said

"Whatever you can handle Harry's done worst, with he who must not be named..." Ron butted in

"And who's that, not like we care, but if we were sent here to stop him we should know, who is this, he who must not be named, and for real why don't you pansies just say his name, or are you to scared?" C.J asked

"Has anyone ever told you what an asshole you are?" Ron asked and Hermione scolded him

"Don't worry Herms, he's just being protective, my boyfriend tells me I'm a bit of a bitch, but I'm up front about it, I don't hide behind anything, I'm a bitch and I own it." C.J said, causing the looks on all their faces to change

"What do you have a problem with gay people?" Chris asked

"No, not at all, we just weren't expecting someone to be so open." Harry said

"Well brace yourself, all three of us are gay, matter of fact Wyatt here is married to a super hero that can turn himself into solid metal, I was engaged to a super hero who was literally made of fire, C.J here is fucking the pizza boy, and now I happen to be dating a demon, all of whom, are men, yes fuck boy, we're ALL gay." Chris said

"That's... unexpected, oh well, I guess I don't have a chance with any of you." Harry said

"Right you are, if we're nothing, we're loyal, oh and me and Chris are also pregnant" Wyatt said causing all of their eyes to become large

"Students, may I have your attention, we would like to take this opportunity, to welcome three new additions to our school, in Gryffindor house, Cole, Chris, and Wyatt Halliwell, they are going to be our teaching assistants and heads of prefects for the remainder of the school year, they will be supervising your every move, and will be monitoring for any suspicious activity, and are going to help with the dangers that face us in the midst of Voldemort's return, will you three please come to the podium."

As Wyatt, Chris, and C.J made their way to the stage Chris and C.J could hear thoughts

<What could they do that we can't>


<Someone pinch me, they're a dream.>

"Which of you would like to speak?" Wyatt and C.J backed up leaving Chris up front

Chris flashed them an evil look "As you've heard, we're here to help, we know we're new, and you guys all have no real reason to believe we're any better than you, but, we are, we have active powers that don't require a wand, and we can also use wands, if you try and outsmart us you will not like the result, and we look forward to starting our new positions here at Hogwarts."

Some students looked surprised at the our right disregard for them, while others still were impressed about the fact that they had real powers

"Ok, will you three please follow me to my office." Dumbledore said

They followed him to a winged gargoyle "Laffy Taffy!" he said

"Please, sit." He said as they reached his office "As you heard, in there, we don't want it to be obvious to the students that you three are here to protect them from the inevitable threat of Voldemort

"So, who is this Voldemort, maybe we just don't get the news but he sounds like we could vanquish him with just a sample of his blood."

"We have located his horcruxes, or pieces of his soul, and we destroyed them, and that should have weakened him, but there must be one more, one that he did not know about." Dumbledore said

"Well speaking from our family's experience with bad asses like this guy, sometimes, their mortal enemy, one who's defeated them in the past, holds the key to their destruction, or someone who brings back someone from the dead, their lives are connected and while one lives, the other lives, and when one dies, the other dies, to put it simply, if this guy and Harry are mortal enemies, there's a good chance that since Harry is his enemy, they are connected, but its like possession, so we have the perfect family spell for this, allow me to go retrieve it." Chris said and orbed to the manor

"Hey honey how's it going in London?" Piper asked

"Look mom I need that spell, the one you cast on Paige to expel the soul of Isis." Chris said

"Ok, it's in the book under expelling souls, are you going to be gone much longer?" Piper asked

"Yeah till the end of term." Chris said

"Then you need to take your son with you, Johnny just dropped him off, so take him." Piper said handing him Johnny and the diaper bag

"Thanks mommy." Chris said and orbed out back to the school

"Got the spell, I'll have to rework it a bit to fit our situation, but it should work." Chris said

"And who is this?" Professor Dumbledore asked playing with Johnny a little

"Oh that's my son, his name is Johnny, his dad dropped him off and I had to bring him." Chris said, and sat at the desk to rework the spell Two warring souls now burn inside, where only one can reside. I call upon the power of three, to save his body and set Harry free."

"Well, it should work, but after we say the spell I need to freeze the soul, because we'll need to destroy it, and then Voldemort will be weakened, let's go." Chris said and Dumbledore handed them a sword

"Use that to destroy it." Dumbledore said

When they got back to the common room, they found Harry, "come with us." Wyatt said taking him up to their quarters

"Lay down." Chris said

"Ok now hold still..." C.J said and put a hand on Harry, then joined hands with his brothers

"Two warring souls now burn inside, where only one can reside. I call upon the power of three, to save his body and set Harry free."

Harry screamed and cried as his body ripped open and a snake like aura floated out of his body, "NOW CHRIS!" and Chris froze it, while Wyatt levitated and slashed through the snake 12 times with the sword, and Chris unfroze it, now a piercing sound was emitted from the snake as is spun around and blew up, there was Harry, barely breathing, body ripped open, both Chris and Wyatt began to heal him, and Ron and Hermione came in

"HARRY!!" Hermione screamed as she saw him

"YOU SONS OF---." Ron went to attack but C.J stopped him

"They are helping him, they are healing his injuries, he was the last horcrux." C.J said

"No, they're hurting him and I'm gonna stop them!" Ron exclaimed raising his wand but C.J acted quickly and borrowed Chris's freezing power to stop him

"Please help him!" Hermione asked in tears

"They are hon, they're doing everything they can." C.J said hugging her

Harry screamed as he was forced to relive his character defining moment, the night his parents died, he was forced to relive it, through the eyes of his enemy, he could feel Voldemort's hands aiming his wand, he could feel his own mouth moving to the killing curse as Voldemort killed his mother, he felt the agony of the rebounding curse from his forehead hit, what seemed to be himself, and he felt the immense torture, of what happened to Voldemort.

He awoke screaming and the room began to shake, Ron was thrown against the wall, as were Hermione, Chris, C.J, and Wyatt, from the uncontrolled power that flowed from his hands.

"Chris calm him with your power!" C.J called "Chris... CHRIS!!" C.J yelled, and decided to do it himself, he focused on all the positive and calm thoughts throughout the castle and channeled them into Harry, and extracted the rage, and raw emotions and said a spell to be rid of them.

Now that Harry was calmed, C.J looked for his brothers, "Oh god!" he screamed as he looked at the wall, they had flown through it, and without touching anything he had a flash

He saw his aunts being blown through a wall, and he saw Leo heal them at the same time, he knew it was up to him to save his brothers, he checked their pulses, they were barely alive, and he channeled every fiber of his being into borrowing their power to heal, when he saw something that amazed him, both of them started to glow on their wounds, and he hadn't done anything. He just watched, as did Harry, Ron and Hermione as their wounds seemed to heal themselves

Chris coughed, and Wyatt gasped, they both popped up and held their heads, and at the same time asked "What happened?"

"I don't know, I mean, I was in the process of channeling your power to heal, and then you guys started to heal yourselves.."

"You don't think..." Chris started

"Well, I did from the womb..." Wyatt said

"Did what?" C.J asked very confused

"The babies healed us, they take after their mommies." Chris joked

"Really. Wow.. cool..." C.J said

"Yeah, this means we'll be invincible for the pregnancy, SWEET!" Wyatt said

"Yeah, surprisingly, I probably would have with Johnny, but I was never hurt when I was pregnant with him, cause he has the shield, I guess I'm the only generation it skipped..." Chris pouted

"Oh whatever, mom told us you weren't able to heal, and look you can, obviously things change." Wyatt said

"Ok, so since Harry was the last horcrux, what does this mean for You know... I mean Voldemort?" Hermione asked

"Please don't say his name..." Ron pleaded

"Well.. it means that Voldemort is gonna have to face the four of us, it only seems right that Harry be with us, Voldemort has been trying to kill him since oh, birth..." Wyatt explained

"How did you...." Harry was about to ask

"We were bored so we read up on you, and apparently ourselves, or rather the former charmed ones, it's amazing what makes it into magical history books." Chris said

"Yeah, it was weird for me to know I was in history books because I grew up in the muggle world like you three." Harry said

"What sports do you guy play around here, I could really go for a game of football, or basketball." Wyatt said

"We play quidditch, or football, depending on what football you mean, do you mean your football or our football?" Hermione asked

"Oh whichever you guys know how to play, we meant American football, but soccer would be fine too."

They all went down to the quidditch field, and decided to set up a make shift soccer field, when they were rudely interrupted by the Slytherin quidditch team

"Well. If it isn't the famous Harry Potter and his band of loyal blood traitors and the mudblood her self Granger." Draco exclaimed with mock excitement

"And who might I ask are you?" Chris asked

"Who the hell are you to speak to me, I am a nob---."

"Cut the shit kid, my brother asked you a question, now answer or you're gonna see a side of magic you don't even know exists." C.J threatened

"alright then..." Draco said and withdrew his wand but as he did so, C.J flicked his finger and the wand flew away, and then used his hand to levitate and incapacitate Draco in mid air

"Now. You were asked a question by a member of the Hogwarts staff, now be a good bitch and answer to those superior to you."

"Draco... Draco Malfoy..." Draco said petulantly

"There, that's better, now Draco, we have granted permission for the field to be used for a practice, for the Gryffindor team, and unless you have come out here to join another team, then I suggest you and your other ill conceived friends scurry on back to the castle and do as you're told for once." C.J said

"Very well." Draco said and led his team away

"Why'd you lie?" Hermione asked

"Because that punk needs an attitude adjustment"

Then they saw a pale figure in a sweeping cape and a green robed boy who must have been Draco walking towards the stadium

"What is the problem now?!" C.J asked <Chris, astral to the Gryffindor common room and tell the team to get down here in uniform with brooms FAST> C.J thought

Chris did as asked "Did you assault a student from my house?" Snape asked bluntly

"That depends on what you mean by assault, if by assault you mean did I set that punk ass bitch over there straight without inflicting any bodily harm whatsoever then yes I assaulted him, but if by assault you mean did I physically harm him, then the answer is absolutely not." C.J said cutely

"Mind your language young man, or have you forgotten who you're speaking to?" Snape asked with an arched brow

"With all due respect Severus, I am a member of the staff, and you have no authority over me, the only two people that can dictate to me what I can and cannot do, and also, the only ones I need to show some respect are Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore, other than them I don't recall being told that I am supposed to give you any sort of regard at all..." C.J said

Snape took out his wand "Do... Not... Test.. Me young man, I will rid the world of your petty foolish existence..." Snape said dangerously

"Disarm this man, he poses a threat, turn his wand, to a pink barrette." C.J said with a smirk, and watched as Snape's wand turned into a pink barrette, "I think you should wear it on the right, to hold that one greasy strand in place, right there." C.J said and everyone laughed

"Turn it back at once!" Snape scolded holding the barrette

"A pink barrette???" Wyatt asked

"What I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with threat..." C.J said

"I'll only turn it back if you promise that you aren't going to cast spells at us, or make us vacate the field..."

"You lied to my team, you told them you booked a practice and where is your team, I see them nowhere." Snape said

"Well wrong again Severus, look behind you..." Chris said

There was the Gryffindor team, ready to practice...

"The threat no longer outstanding, give his wand back no problems withstanding." C.J said and the wand reappeared

"SEC---." Snape began with his wand aimed at C.J

"DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE!" Chris yelled and orbed Snape out of sight

"As for you Draco, 100 points will be deducted from Slytherin, for lying, cheating, disrespect to school personnel, and disrespect to students, and I will be writing home to your parents, to tell them why there son will also have a week's worth of detention." Wyatt said


"If you finish that sentence you'll have another 10 points and another week's detention..." Chris said

The next day Chris was supposed to assist in Flitwick's class but he was nowhere to be found

"Um.. attention." Nobody paid attention... So Chris blew up a lamp

Everyone looked forward

"Ok, so now that I have everyone's attention, who can tell me what you've been learning?" Chris asked

"We've been learning about advanced levitation with the wingardium leviosa charm." Hermione explained sweetly

"Thank you Miss Granger 5 points to Gryffindor."

"So, can anyone in here demonstrate for us?" Chris asked "Yes, Seamus."

Seamus mispronounced the spell and blew up the floor below him. "Nice effort Seamus, but the spell is wingardium leviOsa, oculus reparo." Chris said and pointed his wand at the hole in the floor

"Now, some people need to use their wands while others can simply levitate themselves on their own, I am not one of those people, but both of my brothers are."

Hermione asked what everyone was thinking "Is there anyway you could show us?"

Everyone nodded "Ok.. I suppose..." Chris said and concentrated on Wyatt who emanated a more powerful aura, and he concentrated on floating above the class, and using his emotions, he started to float, and went higher and higher

"See. There, you have it." Chris said, and imagined himself slowly floating downwards

"But, if you don't have that power how did you do it?" a blonde boy (not Draco) asked from the back row

"Well, I am what we call in the muggle witching world an empath, I can read emotions, and thoughts projected with emotion, and I can channel people's power, because powers are tied to our emotions..."

"Wait, there's a muggle witching world?" another boy asked

"Well yes, we are quite similar to you guys, and we practice openly, in public, because, well in this day and age people just qualify us as super heroes, or mutants, and we don't tell them otherwise." Chris explained

"So what are your powers?" Draco asked, and Chris was surprised to hear an element of respect in his tone

"Well, I have the power of empathy, I also, have the power to stop time, and speed up molecules to a point of combustion, telekinesis, energy balls, and teleportation, electricity from the hand, and astral projection."

"How about your brothers?" Hermione asked

"Well, Wyatt, has dominion over the earth and all it's natural elements, telekinesis, levitation, fire blasts, shockwaves, fire waves, energy balls, molecule combustion, time stopping, premonition, electricity from the hands, teleportation, and projection. And C.J has Levitation, Premonition, Electricity rays, Empathy, and enhanced hand to hand combat."

"So you guys are supposed to be like all powerful, right?" another boy asked

"In effect..." Chris said

"Well, then, why are you really here, three guys as powerful as yourselves aren't here to teach us to play with wands..." Ron said

"We are here to protect you all, as requested by your headmaster that is all I am allowed to say regarding the matter." Chris said

"Show us one more power before we leave." Hermione asked in a commanding sort of way

"which one?" Chris asked knowing the answer

"Combustion." A boy said throwing his cauldron in the air from his bag which didn't seem large enough to contain something of that size, and he threw it as high as possible, Chris decided to give them a little show, he blew it up and froze the pieces mid explosion

"WOW!" many kids exclaimed

"Let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen." Chris said and the cauldron appeared intact on the boy's desk.

"Whoa..." The boy said

"So if you and your brothers are so powerful, why waste your time protecting us when you could be ridding the world of it's biggest threats?" Hermione asked

"Well, we do what we can, but even our kind of power has its limitations." Chris explained

"Like what?" Draco asked

"Like, when we aren't under the jurisdiction of your ministry of magic, we are not allowed to use magic for anything and everything, for fear of personal gain, so in our part of the world, if a witch uses their powers for personal gain, they may lose their powers for an extended period of time..." Chris explained

"So while you're here you can do as you want, since we can?" Hermione asked

"Technically, class dismissed for today." Chris said checking his watch

Nobody really wanted to go but many of them had Snape's class next, so they left in a hurry.

When Chris got back to the common room he plopped down in a chair across from the couch on which C.J sat with his feet in Wyatt's lap and Wyatt was rubbing them

"Aww, what a kodak moment..." Chris said with a fake smile

"Well his feet hurt, and we can't heal pain like that, so we do the next best thing." Wyatt said

Johnny came bounding into the room, "Play, Mommy, Play!" he said and pulled on Chris's leg

"A mother's work is never done..." Chris said and got on the floor with his son, and they played with blocks

"So how was your day Chris?" Wyatt asked, still rubbing C.J's feet

"It was pretty good, but Flitwick didn't show, so I ended up having to teach the class advanced levitation, it's a good thing we studied up before coming here." Chris said, and began tickling his son

Johnny shrieked with laughter and rolled around on the floor, Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked in and saw the adorable scene, "Ooh, how precious, is he yours?" Hermione asked

"Yeah, he's my first, this is my second..." Chris said patting his belly

"Wow.. You're like a machine, he doesn't look much older than 2..." Ron said and Hermione smacked his head

"He's so cute, what's his name...?" Harry asked

"I'm Johnny!" The boy spoke for himself, and he hopped up and looked up at Harry "What's that?" he pointed to his head

"This?" Harry asked pointing at the lightning shaped scar on his forehead, prompting a nod from Johnny

"I got hurt a long time ago, and this is a scar." Harry said

"When I hurt, mommy kisses me... mommy kiss boo boo!" Johnny exclaimed

"No that's ok, Harry will be fine, and you on the other hand need to go get washed up for food, go with Uncle C.J." Chris said, and C.J took Johnny upstairs to the bathroom

"I hope I handled that ok, I wouldn't want to traumatize him, he looks a lot like you." Harry said

"Well, he's got my eyes, and the rest is all his father." Chris said

"So, is your new baby gonna be a boy or girl?" Hermione asked

"Hermione, it's too early for him to know..." Ron said

"Well, I think it's a girl, mainly because the energy bars that I fired the other day were pink, but maybe I'm just hoping for Johnny to have a little half sister." Chris said

"Wait... This baby has a different father, you sure don't waste anytime bed hopping..." Ron said, earning himself another, harder smack from Hermione

"Ron, what is your problem with me, I mean, you have been nothing but antagonistic to me since we got here." Chris said

"Maybe, I just don't like common whores that try to be some kind of special force of goodness in the world, when they should just accept that they are nothing but ---." Chris materialized a demonic fire ball in his hand and threw it at Ron, it hit him in the arm

"Whoa, what the hell was that?" Wyatt asked

"I don't think my little girl or boy liked the way his or her mother was being spoken about... I didn't do that, I swear, I wasn't even going to use my own powers on him." Chris said

Ron got up "What in the bloody hell was that?" He yelled

"You pissed off a half demonic fetus." Wyatt said

"Huh?!" Hermione and Harry asked

"Well, her dad is half and I come from a line of only good, so, I'd say we cut the demonic presence in half, maybe she's only like ¼ evil." Chris said

"Well, I still say what I said was true, all of it especially the part about you being a common whore..." Ron spat venomously, and fire shot from Chris's eyes, hitting Ron in the chest

"Ok.. You need to figure out a way to control your unborn child." Hermione said

"Well, if your obviously small brained friend would stop talking like that about its mother, then maybe it would stop attacking Ron!" Wyatt said

Wyatt healed the wounds "Look Ron, unless you want that baby to kill you, I suggest you quit treating Chris so badly." He said firmly

"Bu..." he started to respond

"No buts, there is no telling what kind of power that baby has with Chris and Zeke's combined power, so be careful what you say." Wyatt reinforced what he'd said before

"Oh great, someone's calling me..." Chris said

"What? I don't hear anyone..." Harry said

"Oh it's an angel thing Wyatt'll explain..." Chris said and orbed out, Ron opened his mouth to say something, but Wyatt stopped him

"I'm only going to tell you this once you ginger bastard, if you ever speak to or about my brother that way again you will find out exactly what my power is truly capable of, and it will make you wish you fell victim to an unforgivable curse, get me?!" Wyatt asked in a scary tone

"Got it..." Ron said scared

"What did he mean an angel thing?" Hermione asked

"Well, from our dad's side, we are half angel, so we help people, and guide new witches or whitelighters." Wyatt said

Chris orbed into a familiar looking place, but it was in shambles, it looked like someone had set off C-4, and then a tornado came through, there was rubble everywhere, and he was walking through it, then he saw it, a photograph, of himself kissing Johnny's stomach, and realized this was his former home with his former fiancé.

He looked around and saw an arm sticking out from under some rubble, he removed the table top and the boards, and found Zeke, dead.

He held him "No... Come on Zeke, come on sweetie, wake up, WYATT!" Chris called and Wyatt orbed in with C.J, and they heard coughing... Wyatt held Zeke, while C.J and Chris went to go find the other person

"Who's there..." Chris called as they followed the groaning and the coughing, and lifted off some rubble, to find, John, he tackled him to the ground and began to punch his face, "You son of a bitch, why did you do it, huh?! You really couldn't stand me being with someone else could you...?" Chris screamed, C.J witnessed this and forced a vision, but channeled it to Chris so he could see what really happened


"Look I came here to tell you, I know you love him, and want him back, but we're happy, just please leave us alone..." Zeke said

"I won't abandon my son, and Chris happens to be in his life that's not my fault." John replied

"I'm not asking you to, but just leave Chris out of it, he's my boyfriend now."

"I get that, and I understand he's pregnant with your kid now, so you feel that entitles you to run his life for him, but it doesn't, I get that now, the fact that I was able to come to terms with that really says something for my future with Chris..." John said

"Bastard... You don't have a future..." Zeke said and threw an energy line at John, but John threw a line of fire and they clashed, the power emanating from them erupted all over the house causing a massive explosion that caused them to fly through walls and glass shards cut them up

End Vision

"You... accept my decision... you're ok, with my choices?" Chris asked in tears

"Of course I do, I lost you once before, and I don't want to lose you ever again, but if you think us being separate is what's best for you and our son, and your new baby, then I fully agree to keep my distance

Chris kissed John lightly on the lips "Maybe we could give things another go, but SLOWLY, we need to start our relationship over again, and I need a little time to put Zeke behind me, I mean, it was kind of a lame relationship, I wasn't even in love with him, just enthralled I suppose." Chris said

"Could you..." Johnny asked and Chris knew what he meant

"Yeah in a minute, we need to fix this real fast "Let the object of objection be returned so its existence may be reaffirmed." Chris said, and brought the house back, then healed John who screamed from the agony as his bones were moved back into place

"Sorry Johnny!" Chris exclaimed

"So I'm Johnny now, what happened to me needing to grow up..." he chuckled

"Well I mainly said that out of anger, but every single thing I said still has merit, I am not a pathetic leach, I will have your ass if you ever treat me that way again..." Chris said seriously

"Um... Chris, sorry to break up this reunion, but shouldn't we do something about this body..." Wyatt said

"Oh.. right, well since we're under the Hogwarts rules.. Remove the traces of we Halliwells three remove this body and set us free, turn him into a nice fichus tree?" Chris said and Zeke's body turned into a fichus "Local nursery!" Chris said and orbed the tree away

"You're certainly taking his death well..." Wyatt said

"Well, truth be told, I wasn't happy with him, I was miserable, except when we had sex, but that's not good, I want to enjoy every part of a relationship, and I've had that before and want it back." Chris said and looked at Johnny

"Oh no... Guys we just got the red alert from Hogwarts, they're under attack..."

They orbed out leaving Johnny there on the floor

"Help!" Colin Creevy screamed as a death eater cornered him

"AVADA---." The death eater began but was blown up by Chris

"GO COLIN!" C.J yelled

Various curses were flying through the air, "When in the circle that is school, safety's gone and demons rule rid all evil beings from these walls, save the students and we brothers three, Now heed our call." The boys chanted, and all the death eaters were consumed by the earth, leaving one in the center of the great hall

"So, this is the great and powerful Voldemort..." Wyatt said

"You dare say my name... Brave, or maybe foolish, let's find out..." Voldemort aimed his wand at Chris

"Give it your best shot..." Chris said

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort cast at Chris, and when the curse hit him it bounced off of the shield provided by his son or daughter, "OH, Oh.. I'm Dy.. oh wait I'm ok..." Chris joked

"How is that possible...?!?" Voldemort shrieked

"We're charmed, HARRY!" Chris called, waved his hand and Harry appeared in orbs in front of them with a box of crystals

"You killed my parents, now you're going to feel the pain you've caused."

The brothers said a spell, "Small of mind, big of woe, the pain you've caused, you now will know..." They knew it wouldn't kill him, but it would incapacitate him long enough for Harry to set up the crystals, which it did.

"What is this?!" Voldemort said

"Harry, is there anything final you'd like to say to Voldemort?" Chris asked

"Say hello to Satan for me..." Harry said and he and the boys began to chant

"Riddle, Diggory, Potter, Black, Voldemort's victims join our fight, Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace, Voldmort's victims and Halliwell witches stand strong together and with the power of three, we the descendants call the spirits, to vanquish this evil from time and space!"

They all held hands "This is it..." Voldemort started to emanate heat, and turned red with a glow, he lifted into the air and exploded, causing a sonic boom to throw the four of them smashing into the stone wall...

The four of them laid there limp and unmoving, while a crowd flowed in from the other areas of the castle, and surrounded the four lifeless bodies...


To Be Continued In Season 2

Next: Chapter 16

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