Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Nov 10, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 18

Cold Feet...?

"You are cordially invited to attend the ceremony of marriage for Johnathon Storm and Christopher Perry Halliwell... Hey... why isn't your middle name on the invitations?" Chris asked as he placed the left over invitation in a frame

"We've been together four years and you don't know that I don't have a middle name...?" Johnny asked slightly amused

"Of.. course I knew, I must have just forgotten..." Chris reddened

"I still love ya..." Johnny said with a kiss to Chris's lips

"You better, cuz I swear if this baby gets any bigger there's no way I'm snapping back..." Chris said

"Well hon, you are eight and a half months now, you're due soon, baby can't get too much bigger."

"I can't believe Grace is already 3 months, Wyatt and Pete have never looked happier, but Wyatt's body has had better weeks... You know what I really wish though...?" Chris asked

"Well I've seen pictures of your mom after Wyatt, and after having you, didn't even look like she'd been pregnant at all after Wyatt, hopefully you're that lucky... sure, what?" Johnny asked enthusiastically

"That this baby would come before the wedding and we could find out... oh god... can you believe that we're getting married on Sunday...?" Chris asked beaming

"I know, it seems like only a couple weeks ago we were engaged..." Johnny said with another kiss

"OH, why don't you two ever go to your bedroom..." Wyatt said covering Grace's eyes

"Oh Wyatt put a diaper on or something, it's nothing you haven't done before, exhibit a is hitting my son..." Chris said indicating Laura

"LAURA, that's not nice!..." Wyatt yelled causing his daughter to cower

"Wow.. over dramatic much?" Chris said, "Johnny honey, go in the yard and play, no magic..."

"Ok... come on Laura, let's go play..." Johnny said and grabbed Laura's hand

"Bye mommy and aunt mommy..." Laura said

"Ow..." Chris said and held his stomach "the little shit is getting more violent

"Hey that's my niece or nephew you're talking about there, why didn't you find out the sex?" Wyatt asked burping Grace

"Because, this is one baby that was not foreseen, and I wanna be surprised, but I think that it's a girl, I don't know, it's just a feeling I have." Chris said

"You want a girl, don't you?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah, I mean I've always wanted a daughter, and look at you, you always wanted boys, let's hope we get what we want..." Chris said

"Well, all I know, is I am not going to ruin my bikini body again for quite a while, I'm thinking next kid 4 years from now..." Wyatt said

"I agree, that somehow didn't work out and I was destined to have this child now..." Chris said

"I love being a parent, I see why mom and dad like it so much...." Wyatt said, "Let's go for a ru... run for coff...I'm out of ideas... what can you do?" Wyatt asked

"Well, I can eat take out and watch movies, I'm supposed to be on bed rest because I'm at risk for toxemia, mom had it with you, and apparently since I had high blood pressure before the pregnancy I'm more likely so as a prevention I've had to go back to my dieting, so get something low sodium I have to pee." Chris said and went to the bathroom, stark naked there stood Caleb Danvers from next door

"I brought you a tow................el... Chris!... What are you... doing here?" C.J asked nervously

"Apparently catching an eyeful, give him the towel!" Chris yelped

"Right.. this is embarrassing, look Chris..." Caleb started

"Don't need any details, you two get back to whatever you were doing, I'll go to my bathroom... and maybe.. throw up a little..." Chris walked out to the master bedroom.

"Wait... Chris??" C.J walked towards the door, Chris just held up his hand

"Did... do... you um.. regret what we did last night?" Caleb asked, C.J turned around surprised by his forwardness

"No.. not at all, it's just, this isn't how I imagined people finding out, I kind of assumed you'd start spending more time, and then they would just assume something was going on, and then I would have no choice but to admit it to them..." C.J said

"Are you ashamed of me?" Caleb asked, confused

"What?... No... not at all, I just am not ready for this, I slept with you way sooner than I imagined sleeping with someone, I never did this with Jason and we dated for a year, you and me, well we haven't even had a date, and I just feel like... like... a whore..." C.J said and stood at the mirror

"Hey..." Caleb wrapped his sinewy arms around C.J, "YOU are NOT a whore, you are sexy..." Caleb kissed the crook of his neck "gorgeous..." Caleb kissed his neck and nibbled slightly "and perfect" and Caleb whipped him around and planted a kiss on his lips, C.J reciprocated and massaged Caleb's tongue with his own

"I would have settled for "you aren't a whore..."" C.J said

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to settle...?" Caleb asked resting his forehead against C.J's

"My mother never had the chance, I've only been truly alive for four years, ever since I located my birth mother, Phoebe." C.J said a little remorseful

"Oh... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..." Caleb wrapped his arms around C.J

"It's ok, you didn't know..." C.J said and cried into Caleb's shoulder

"Let's take a shower..." Caleb said

"But you already took one." C.J said with a sniffle

"Not with you." Caleb said cutely

"I'm game... Ready?" C.J gave a devilish smile and dropped his boxers, climbing into the shower

They kissed and rubbed each other's bodies, Caleb went down and said "time to get really clean..." and slowly took the head of C.J's throbbing cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it

"Oh, god..." C.J moaned

"mmm." Caleb groaned lightly savoring the taste

"I'm cumming..." C.J exclaimed

Caleb slurped all C.J had to offer and swallowed it standing to kiss his lover

"You taste delicious." And they kiss

"Your turn..." C.J said and slowly kissed his way down Caleb's rippling torso, and the harsh V of his waste, running his tongue along it, and looping to the protruding tube of skin pulsing before his eyes, it was enormous, and thinking of how just hours ago that 11 inch monster had been ripping him open for the first time in years, he opened his mouth and took about half in

"Oh..." Caleb's legs quivered as C.J expertly sucked on the massive fuck pole, "how did you... oh god!" C.J had all eleven inches in his throat and was contracting the muscles "I'm... CUMMING!" Caleb screamed

C.J swallowed every drop "Yummy..." he said and kissed the tip of Caleb's dick

"How.. Oh my god.. that was the best head I've ever... oh wow... best ever..." Caleb stood under the nozzle and allowed the hot water to cascade down his developed body

"Hey... don't hog the water." C.J said with a small kiss and rinsed off himself

"Let's dry off and get some breakfast..." Caleb suggested shutting off the shower

They dried off and kissed a couple times, then got dressed, kissed some more, and were finally ready for food, they walked down the iron staircase into the marble kitchen

"Good morning C.J... Caleb.... Nice night?" Piotr asked scrambling some eggs smirking slightly

"Very nice thank you for asking..." C.J said and went to sit at the marble island.

"WAIT.." Pete said effortlessly lifting C.J with one arm, and wiping off the chair C.J was about to sit it, and set him in it after wiping the mess

"Whoa..." Caleb said astonished

"Yeah... he does that sometimes... So what was it this time?" C.J asked

"Oh, Laura spilled her juice and ran away crying." Pete said

"Oh, thanks for saving my ass from getting wet..." C.J said

"NAH... too easy..." Pete said and got out plates

Wyatt walked in "hey guys let's all eat together in the dining room." He said

They all walked into the dining room which was set nicely with various foods, Chris walked in "Oh wow, that smells amazing... like maybe it's gonna be the best I've ever had..." he said with a wink at Caleb smelling the air

"Well it's ready, lemme just get the kids." Wyatt said

A few minutes passed and Wyatt came in with the kids, and set up the high chair for Grace

"Ok guys... this is the first..." Wyatt began but Chris interrupted "Where's John?" he asked

"Oh he had Fantastic 4 business to take care of, he said not to wake you cause he didn't want you stressing..." Wyatt said

"Alright, I just wanted to know, you know, this toxemia thing is only a precaution, I CAN handle stress..." Chris said, a little pissed nobody told him earlier

2 Days Later

"Well Chris, it looks like you've still got yourself one healthy baby..." Ava said

"And the toxemia?" Chris asked

"Oh you're fine, since you took those precautions for a month before showing any symptoms, as long as you stick to the dieting, you can resume your `duties.'" Ava said knowingly

"Great..." Chris said, still not happily

"Chris, I know it's not exactly my place, but I have been a family friend for a long time, are you and John doing ok?" Ava asked

"I haven't seen him in 3 days, apparently the surfer received wind of something major about to go down, and the four are trying to save the planet, I don't know if the wedding is gonna happen..." Chris cried a little

"What do you mean?" Ava asked

"I just mean that, on Sunday, me and Johnny are supposed to get married, and it's our 4 year anniversary, and I don't even know if the man I love is going to make it to our own wedding." Chris said

"I may not be close to you guys, but I know Johnny well enough to know that he wouldn't miss your special day for the world..." Ava said

"That's just it... he might need to miss our special day for exactly that... the world..." Chris said sadly


The wedding of Christopher Perry Halliwell and Johnathon Storm


On a New York rooftop, magically protected from demons, white chairs and white satin adorn the walkway, flowers and ice sculptures magically protected from dripping frame the grand archway, orchids frames the altar, and majestic double doors are just a few of the grand essentials of a high profile ceremony

"They are calling it the wedding to break every woman's heart, Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four is to wed his long time partner Christopher Halliwell, atop the Baxter building this afternoon, but Chris and everyone else are asking one question, where's the groom...?" a journalist reports on the midday news, Chris flips off the channel shocked

"How... How do they know he's not here?!" Chris flipped out

"I, I don't know dude, they just do..." Wyatt said

"Ok, the wedding is set up, and the flowers and caterers are here, we have all the clothes... WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FIANCE?!" Chris screamed and grabbed his stomach in pain

"What's wrong...?" C.J asked

"Oh.. nothing, I just got a cramp..." Chris said

"That's not your first cramp... you just had one like 10 minutes ago..." Wyatt said

"What.. are we timing when I get a cramp, I'm pregnant, I'm bound to get them..." Chris said

"Yeah... but Chris... you've never been through labor before, THIS is how it starts..." Wyatt said

"Wait... no.... I can't be going into labor on my wedding day, that can't happen..." Chris said

"It's ok... What if I orb the baby out of you, then you could still get married....?" Wyatt asked

"Are you CRAZY?! You want me to get super induced labor, I don't care about the wedding, it's not like my fiancé is bothering to show up anyway, it's not labor, it's too early, we'll wait..." Chris said

"But... what..." C.J began

"DO YOU REALLY WANNA TEST ME RIGHT NOW?!" Chris boomed and the toaster exploded, he walked out

C.J and Wyatt looked at each other and followed

"What the HELL was THAT??" Wyatt asked a little bit upset

"I was angry..." Chris said

"Ok... but you blew it up without even flinching..." C.J said, a little frightened

"Well our powers are tied to our emotions, it makes sense mine would be a little off..." Chris explained

"Look I know you're upset about Johnny but..." the iron banister blew up

"You... don't... know ANYTHING!" Chris yelled, he started crying, a shrill kind of crying, "I just... I just thought things would be d-different this time, that he would wanna stay with me, that's not happening, he's gone j-just as much, and it s-still h-hurts me t-the s-same..." Chris broke down

Johnny Jr. witnessed this little episode, and began to cry, he ran to Chris and wrapped his little arms around his waist, "Why are you crying??" Chris asked his son

"B-because you're crying..." Johnny Jr. replied in tears, Chris got down to his son's level and told him, "I'm sorry honey, mommy's done now, so, you can stop crying for me." Chris said forcing back his tears

"O-ok..." Johnny Jr. said and hugged around Chris's neck tightly, Chris kissed his son on the cheek causing him to giggle. "Ok, Uncle Wyatt needs to help mommy get up now..." Chris said and smiled genuinely for the first time in days

Wyatt helped him up, and gave him a strange look, "you ok?" he asked Chris

"Yeah, I am, for the first time in a while actually..." Chris said honestly, just then a demon burst through the window and with unseen force threw Chris towards the grandfather clock, the housewarming gift from his parents

"CHRIS!" C.J yelled and telekinetically changed his course landing him on the couch softly, which got C.J thrown into the wall above the staircase, and sent him toppling down the stairs.

Wyatt charged at the demon, using a before untapped power, attempting to kick the demon in the air with a magically enhanced strength, but the demon saw him coming, and hit him with an enormous energy ball, Wyatt was thrown through the wall, and landed in the dining room, bleeding from the ears and nose...

Chris stood valiantly, the demon attempted to use telekinesis once again, but the baby was now aware and Chris was able to tap into her power of deflection... "Do you know what it feels like to be in real pain...?" Chris asked in a serious tone, he put out his hands, and channeled all his anger, pain, sadness, and the pains of the harm that the demon had done to C.J and Wyatt and created a force field of emotions inside the demon, and increased the field's strength until the demon could no longer take it, and Chris recited a spell "Calling on the power three, let this demon no longer be." And he expanded the field as he finished causing the demon to implode into a mushroom cloud

"CALEB!" Chris screamed

Caleb came running from the yard and saw the horrifying site, his new lover, and his friend barely alive, "What.. what happened?!" he begged to know

"No time, pick up C.J and bring him over by Wyatt, keep him breathing.." Chris said strongly

"I thought..." Chris cut him off "DON'T THINK PICK HIM UP AND DO AS I SAY!" Chris shrieked, his voice breaking on his last word, and blew up the chandelier

Caleb did as he was told "He's barely breathing..." he said

"Well Wyatt isn't... Keep him alive, I need to do this the old fashioned way..." Chris said and began administering mouth to mouth, then doing compressions

"C.J's fading..." Caleb squeaked in tears

"Don't let him... Wyatt needs me..." Chris said

"He's the one still breathing HEAL HIM!" Caleb yelled

Chris held Wyatt, "I didn't choose him over you..." he said softly and kissed his forehead

"Hold him..." he said to Caleb and handed him Wyatt's body

Chris focused his attention on C.J, and reached deep within himself and healed C.J

"AUNT PAIGE!" Chris screamed

She orbed in.. "What?"

"Bring my mom, dad, and Phoebe quickly..." Chris said

"What's..." she began but Chris cut her off, "JUST GO!"

She orbed out and quickly came back with Piper, Leo, and Phoebe

"Wyatt's gone..." Chris said crying

Piper's face went from concern to sadness, and in the most heartbreaking voice imaginable simply asked, "What?!" and ran to her son, Leo joined her, but then Laura and Piotr came in from the backyard, and everyone just looked at the little girl, and the baby in Pete's massive arm...

"What's... going on... what's all the commotion..." Pete asked

"It's well..." Piper began

They heard Laura, "Come on mommy, wake up sleepy head, I wanna go to the park..." but Wyatt did not wake up, "mommy?" Laura sensed the anguish from everyone, and knew in her little heart what had happened, and she began to cry and rested her head on her mommy's unmoving torso.

Pete knew by his daughter's reaction exactly what had happened, he scooped up his daughter and allowed her to cry on his shoulder.

"How did you fix death when you were fighting Billie and Christie?!" Chris demanded

"We used Coop's ring... but, he's on assignment, he's using it..." Phoebe said tearfully

"Wait, if Wyatt was meant to die, then where's the angel of death, he should have been here and Wyatt would have said something if he'd seen him."

"Talking about me?" The angel of death said and materialized in the usual skeletal way

"If Wyatt was meant to die, then why didn't any of us see you...?" Chris demanded

"As much as I enjoy these little chats, I must tell you, that Wyatt was not the intended soul, but circumstances change." Death replied

"How?!" Chris asked

"Wyatt was not meant to die, but Cole, however, was..." Death said

"Have you seen him before?" Chris begged of C.J

"Yeah, but it's not like he came up to me and said hey how are ya, I'm death, an oh by the way you're next on my list... how would I have known" C.J said in his defense

"Well if the circumstances changed, then that means I can change them again, Aunt Paige go get Billie." Chris said

"What are you doing?" The angel of death asked

"Changing the circumstances, now please, give me a chance to right this..."

"You have 3 hours..." Death said to Chris, and de-materialized

"Paige, go get the spell from the elders that they were gonna use to turn the seer human." Paige sniffled, nodded and orbed out

"Dad, watch the kids, Pete go to the herb store and pick up powdered toadstool." He handed Leo the baby and went, Phoebe comfort your son he's in agony, mom you help me make the stun potion."

"Chris I know you're doing the right thing, but why did you send Pete out for an ingredient we don't even need for this potion." Piper asked

"Because, I have enough guilt and sadness without dealing with his depression." Chris said honestly and mixed the potion

"Whoa there killer, that's too much burdock root..." Piper said, and took over

"Thanks mom, how can you be this calm?" Chris asked

"Because I believe you know what you're doing and I believe in you." Piper said and gave him a small hug."

"For the added effect of pain..." Chris said and blessed the potion with a bit of his blood, his finger healed itself

"You've gotten pretty good at this stuff..." Piper said

"I learned from the best." Paige orbed into the kitchen

"You've really got one on your side up there Chris, Sandra wishes you the best of luck..." Paige said and handed Chris the slip of parchment "it's gonna take the power of three, you have one shot..." Paige said

"Go get Billie, I need her power...." Chris said

"Should we be putting an extra life in danger..." Paige asked

"No, and we aren't, I'm going to borrow her power, I don't wanna change the situation, I just wanna right the wrong." Chris explained

"Be right back." Paige said

"Ok, I have the spell, and I have the potion, and now all I need to do is make sure I keep my brothers alive." Chris said and took a deep breath, and Paige orbed in with Billie holding her hand

"Is it true, is Wyatt dead?" Billie asked

"Yes, and all I need you to do is stand there while I tap into your power." Chris said

"Anything for you guys." Billie said

Chris knew exactly when he needed to go back to, he focused, and felt himself take over his own body

"You ok?" Wyatt asked

"Put up your shield Wyatt..." Chris said


"Just DO IT!" Chris exclaimed

Wyatt did it and as the demon burst through the window, he collided with Wyatt's shield being sent flying, Chris froze him and repeated his actions from earlier, and threw the stun potion at him, causing the freeze to break, and then they read the spell to turn him human, as the spells intertwined the demon was turned human as he died.

"How did you know?" Wyatt asked

"I came back from the future to save you." Chris said

"Well this has certainly been an interesting day, I take it he is the replacement for C.J's soul..." Death said and took the soul of the now human demon "see you later." He said cryptically

"Wait, I thought you said you came back to save Wyatt..." C.J said

"Well, in the future I came from, Wyatt intervened and changed the circumstances of your destined death, and he died in your place, so I came back to turn the demon human so that I could save both of you... get it?" Chris asked

"Whatever, as long as we're alive..." C.J said

"Geez Chris, you must be really excited about this..." Wyatt said indicating the puddle on the floor

"Oh I am.. but not THAT excited... my water just broke..." Chris said

"Oh god, we don't have time to get you to a hospital..." Wyatt said, "PETE!!!"

Pete came running "What?"

"Chris is in labor put him on the table"

Pete effortlessly put Chris on the table, and they called for Paige and everyone else

"What's going on?" They asked

"Chris went into labor..." Wyatt responded

Johnny Sr. burst through the front door, "WE GOT HIM!" he exclaimed

"SHUT UP!" Chris screamed through the agony

"Wait, what'd I miss?!" Johnny asked

"A LOT!" Chris shrieked

"There's no time to get him to a hospital, "Boys, you need to turn him into a woman, fast..." Piper said

"WAIT WHAT, NO..OHHHH GOD... DO IT!..." Chris screamed

"We the brothers three call upon the power of three turn this he to a she..." Wyatt said questioningly

"That's good, now both of you say it, holding Chris's hand..." Piper said

Chris changed into a beautiful woman, and Phoebe looked between Chris's legs "IT WORKED, I SEE A HEAD..." She yelled


"Push..." Phoebe said, Chris looked at her shocked

"PUSH WHAT!?" he yelled

"Act like your peeing I don't know just PUSH..." Phoebe yelled


"Almost there, one more push, big push..." Phoebe encouraged

"AH.. AHH... AHHHH FUCK OH GOD ALMIGHTY AHHHHHHHHHHHH..." Chris screamed, and felt the slightest bit of relief, though agony was still very much present...

"She's here..." Phoebe said, and the baby was heard crying.

They reversed the spell, and Chris felt no pain "She?" he asked excitedly

"Yeah you got your daughter..." Phoebe said handing him the baby

"Hey little girl, how you doing?" he asked

"She's so beautiful..." Paige said

"I know what I'm going to name her, Jocelyn, Jocelyn Billie Halliwell, in honor of her amazing aunt who made it possible for ALL of us to be here today."

Johnny Sr. stepped forward "Hey there Joss, it's daddy." He said kissing her forehead, she looked at him and the love showed in his eyes

C.J brought Johnny Jr. forward, and Chris brought him onto the table and said "Look Johnny, this is your little sister, Jocelyn..."

"Hi, Ja-Lynn... I'm your big brother..." he said giving her the most adorable kiss on the cheek.

"So about that wedding..." Piper said

"Oh... I'm fine, the woman me was the one in pain, I feel great..." Chris said

"I think we should postpone for a couple weeks, I mean you did just give birth..." Johnny said

"NO... there's always been a reason for why I want to have this wedding today, and that reason hasn't changed it's either today or one year from today." Chris stated firmly

"Ok... I guess we have a wedding to get to..."

"And despite the obstacles they have faced, the wedding to rival all weddings has not been cancelled, with the re-appearance of Johnny Storm, he still intends to marry long time partner Chris Halliwell this afternoon." The news caster said with a plastered smile

"Am I really about to do this...?" Chris asked C.J and Wyatt

"Get married?" they asked at the same time, Chris stood looking out the window at the beautiful city, and they were sitting on a king sized bed dressing

"Yeah, but this is crazy, there are 20 or 30 cameras out there ready to broadcast our I do's to every country with television, is my life always going to be some kind of circus, how am I supposed to raise my kids like this, they are gonna have enough troubles just being witches." Chris reasoned, very exasperated, almost sad

"Not to mention the whole body of fire thing..." C.J said

"That's not helping... Seriously how can I live my life if "Access Hollywood" is waiting to see what I'm wearing when I take my daughter on a walk..." Chris asked with a slight joke

"You just live dude, this, this is all just you getting cold feet, you love Johnny and he loves you, you have two beautiful children together, not to mention you so don't look like you had a baby 6 hours ago, how did that happen, anyway back on topic, you have everything people dream of, and it's only going to get better..." Wyatt said

"Hope we aren't interrupting..." a female voice said, it was familiar

"Sue! It's good to see you, glad you made it." Chris said

"Oh Chris, I just met my niece, she is so beautiful, she looks more like you though, don't tell Johnny I said that..." She said nicely

"It's been a long time Chris, how have you been?" Reed asked

"Pretty good, saving the world, giving birth, twice... and being happy, for the first time in a while." Chris replied

"I remember the fourth time Reed and I tried to get married, actually it was on this same roof, but then the Norrin crashed through the atmosphere and nearly decimating all things thermal and organic, but other than that it was a beautiful ceremony..." Sue said with a light chuckle

"Wow... never heard that story, I'll wait till video..." Chris said lightly

"Well we have the wedding DVD..." Reed said realistically

"Honey, it was a figure of speech, god I don't know why we kept that thing anyway it was a disaster, see the whole media thing is why we got married in a Japanese well.. Japan..." Sue said comedically

"Yeah.. all this wedding disaster talk not good for someone with cold feet." Wyatt interjected

"Right... so when was Jocelyn born she doesn't even look a day old...?" Reed quickly changed the subject

"That's because she's six and a half hours old..." Chris said

"Why isn't she in the hospital...?" Sue asked shocked

"Oh, magical baby thing, they don't need hospitals, especially not one that's born with healing powers." Chris said simply

"Oh, wow, cool, I can't wait till we're officially related..." Sue said sounding 12

"Me neither, I can't think of a cooler big sister..." Chris said and hugged Sue

Meanwhile on the rooftop Piper was walking past the guard, "Hold it little lady..." the guy said

"I beg your pardon, I'm probably at least 12 years older than you tiger, how about a little respect.." Piper stated in her usual attitude

"Name, miss?" he asked nicely, but with a forced niceness that got under Piper's skin

"Piper HALLIWELL, I would be the mother of the groombride!" she smacked the guard

"OH... I'm SO sorry, but 50 people have used that excuse already, I believe YOU I do, but for my job's sake could I see an I.D?" Piper looked at the guy and took a deep breath, stopping herself from blowing him up and showed him her driver's license

"Satisfied...?" She asked and walked past him

Piper saw the beautiful arrangements, the ice sculptures the 11 tiered wedding cake, the supremely expensive Clos du Mesnil champagne and numerous white satin linings draping the aisles and the rooftop, the grand archway, and the orchids, she thought of how the champagne alone, seeing as there were 6 bottles of a rare champagne, costs more than her own wedding. "Wow, Leo, are you seeing this?" Piper asked

"Yeah, it's amazing, the champagne alone costs what our wedding did..." Leo said Piper's exact thought out loud

"I think it costs more..." Piper said and found her reserved seat at the front

"Dude Brad and Angelina just got here, they got in right before Paris Hilton, is this whacked or what...?" C.J said as he walked back into the bedroom

"Oh PARIS is here?! she slept with Johnny, why is she here, what the fuck motivated someone to invite her!" Chris exclaimed

"Chill out dude, your guys' wedding and reception is like the event of the year, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley are here too, I think I saw Scarlett Johansen too, your like Mr. Celebrity now..." C.J said

"They are here because of Johnny, not me..." Chris said

"Well they're here, and all of them are gonna be watching you kiss the... groom...?" C.J asked confused, making a face that caused his brothers to laugh, hard

"Oh Ceej, I love you so much, that was the best face ever...!" Chris said attempting to duplicate the confused look C.J had made, and C.J laughed at his effort, and Wyatt just laughed harder

"It's time." Piper said and went back out to her seat

Two grand staircases had been constructed, leading down to the area where the wedding was to take place, with two white carpets leading to the aisle, but through the double doors bride's maids, escorted by groomsman walked through the doors down the aisle, followed by Johnny Jr. the ring bearer, and Laura the flowergirl, who flowered the aisle, and on opposite sides of the building, Johnny Sr. and Chris emerged, and walked down the grand staircases, meeting each other in the aisle, and walked to the altar arm in arm

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the love of two beautiful individuals, Christopher Perry Halliwell, and Johnathon Storm, have prepared vows to recite to one another, we will hear those now..."

Chris began, stifling a tear, "Johnny, ever since the day I met you, I have felt a connection, more powerful than I have ever felt before, and that connection completed me, I was only 17 and they said I didn't know how to love for real, but here I am, almost 21 and still loving you as much as I did that day, the day you walked through my front door, and flashed me that smile, the one that you're giving me right now, telling me that I am loved, and that you care, we have brought out the best in each other, and like any couple we've had our battles, but together we overcame them, you are my light the very light that makes the fight for the future worth every second of suffering, because that just makes the good stuff that much better."

Johnny flashed another smile and began with a deep breath. "Chris, before you there was an empty space in my heart, a space I tried to fill with girls, but when I finally decided to stop fooling myself into thinking that it was ever meant to be filled, I met you, and I felt something I'd never felt before, the day I met you and I saw the beauty in your eyes, I knew that we could have something, something more, and because of you I was able to get past the old me, and allow myself to experience with you something I've never had with anyone, I found a partner, an equal, someone to love me and someone to receive the love I withheld for my entire life, and now that I have filled the emptiness, not only with you, and your love, but with our love, for our children I feel like I can finally tell you, and anyone who will listen that Christopher Halliwell, is my true love, and the one person who can ever truly occupy that space in my heart."

Chris let a tear fall, the minister held back a tear, and the tears were falling freely in the crowd, cameras rolling, "I don't think that anything more needs to be said, do you have the rings?" the minister asked

"Thank you sweetie..." Chris said to his Johnny Jr.

"With this ring as a symbol of love and unity, do you Christopher Perry Halliwell take Johnathon Storm to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Chris said

"and do you Johnathon Storm take Christopher Perry Halliwell as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Johnny said

"By the powers vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you both husbands, till death do you part, you may kiss."

They shared a kiss and walked back down the aisle...

"So Mrs. Storm how about a honeymoon?" Johnny asked

"Oh no thank you Mr. Storm, we have a newborn to worry about now." Chris said and they got ready for the reception.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 19

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