Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 21, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 2

A New Day Begins

Knock Knock

Chris was awoken by the sound of someone at his door, when he finally gathered the strength to pry himself from Johnny's death grip he slipped out of the bed in search of clothes "CHRIS, It's Logan, oh and Scott, we're here to take you to your danger room session, now OPEN this door or I will BREAK IT DOWN!" Chris could hear Scott begin to argue with Logan "Do you always have to be such an ass hole to them, would it kill you to just be a little compassionate, they are only kids." "Take it easy there one-eye I just want the kid out of bed.. why don't you make yourself useful and go get his brother." Chris found some of his clothes, and got dressed, then he realized that Johnny was still in his bed, asleep.

"Johnny, wake up!.. Come on Johnny!"

"Five more minutes"

Chris got tired of trying to wake him up and telekinetically tossed him out of the bed.


"It's time to go, I've got some, dangerous room section to go to or something, I couldn't understand Logan's growls."

"Ok, I'll stick around and maybe we can spend the day together before we go out tonight."

"Sounds like a plan, we'll do that when I get back." Chris said giving Johnny a kiss

They walked to the door and Logan was waiting impatiently

"What happened to busting it down?" Chris said smartly

"You had about 30 more seconds" Something about Logan's tone made it seem so serious

"Well you guys go ahead, I'm gonna go get some breakfast." Johnny said

"While your at it you might wanna put on some clothes there bub, spongey rob doesn't do much for you're image."

`FYI Wolfy it SpongeBOB" Johnny said in a fake nasty tone as he walked away

"Whatever man." Logan said with a slight shrug "So you and Johnny huh?"

"Huh, oh yeah, me and Johnny.. How'd you know?"

"I may be anti-social, but even I watch TV bub"

"So what is this Dangerous Room Section about anyway?"

"That's DanGER room SESSION. And it is so we can determine how powerful you are, and what your control over your powers is like."

"Coolness.. How long will this take I've got a hot guy waiting for me.."

"Talking about me?" Wyatt said with a smirk

"No.. I was referring to Scott." Chris said with a half smile and wink at Scott.

"OK, lets get you guys suited up and ready for your test." Scott said as his ears pinked

"I PASSED" Melinda squealed "I got an A+ on my Geometry final!!!"

"And?" Piper said containing a laugh

"and I pulled my grade up from a 52 to a 60!!!"

"So basically you're plan is to skim by in high school and not show any effort WHATsoever?"

"Geez mom, you never seemed to have a problem with my math issues before, I thought you'd at least be happy about my 102% on the final."

"Sweetie, I was kidding" She said with a laugh, "I know how hard you try, and so Math isn't your best subject, u have straight A's in everything else, why would this one bad grade bother me, come here!" Piper said opening her arms to her daughter.

"You had me going there for a second mom." Melinda said hugging her mom tightly

Piper sniffles "It's just, all you guys are growing up so fast and I don't know, with Wyatt and Chris in New York, your dad running Magic School, and You being 2 years from graduation, I think its just all hitting me at once." She managed to say as she kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Wait isn't that one of the men that was here for Chris and Wyatt!" Melinda said as she looked over to the TV and saw the midday news playing something..

"Yeah mom, that's Johnny Storm.. Like the hottest celebrity super hero ever."

"I know who he is, but why's he on the news"

Piper grabbed the remote and turned up the volume

"and in other news^Å"

"It's probably just some dumb thing about his personal life or something" Melinda cracked

"SHHHH!" Piper made the noise louder than needed

"and after a bizarre impromptu press conference with the New York Media Johnny Storm of the Fantastic 4 publicly admitted to being homosexual.."

"What?!" Both women said eyeing each other

"And when asked if there was someone special, the answer was yes"

Press Conference Clip Johnny: Well it isn't official yet, because we haven't had our date, but there is someone I hope will become my special someone, and that person is Christopher Halliwell, and I hope he remembers our date for tomorrow night at the Ocean Front Bistro at 8 pm.. FLAME ON!! Clip end

"We do not know who Christopher Halliwell is, but we can say for sure that he's in the position women dream of."

Piper just switched off the TV and looked at Melinda "Umm.. did I just hear correctly, did they just say that Chris, my Chris.. Is going to be dating Johnny Storm?" She said calmly

"Yes. I think that's what they said Mom.." Melinda said knowing that couldn't be all

"How old is Johnny Storm?" Piper asked still calm

"About 25^Å" Melinda said preparing for an explosion

"And Chris turns what next month^Å?" Piper asked

"18^Å" Melinda said worried now

"But he's not 18 now?" Piper said


"GODDAMN IT!!!!" Piper said as the TV exploded

"Mom, calm down remember 17 is consent.. Nobody's doing anything illegal.."

"Consent.. as in SEX?! No. No. No. No. No. No. AND NO! There is no way I'm going to let this happen

"What are you gonna do?" Melinda asked

"Well I'm gonna turn on the simulation, and then you guys are gonna fight anything that comes at you, using as many of your powers as possible" Scott replied to Wyatt's question

Some robot looking things approached them and Wyatt threw it with telekinesis and Chris hit it with a bolt of lightning

Then even larger things started coming for them, but these things were just like demons, so they each took on a huge "demon" by themselves

Chris used his telekinesis on himself and levitated into the air and kicked the robot "OUCH!" he said "These things are harder than they look!"

Wyatt was too busy with his own "demon" he didn't hear his younger brother

Wyatt threw a telekinetic fire blast at the sentinel, and melted it with just a few blasts

Chris was having fun evasively flying around, and then he felt something hit him, it was shooting something.. "Oh hell no!" Chris said loudly, and he magically lifted the robot into the air and started shredding it into tiny pieces and watched it crumble.

The boys met up at the center of the room and were thinking they were done, when even bigger sentinels came and surrounded them

Suddenly Chris became unconscious but was still standing, and then 4 Chrises appeared in his place^Å "WHOA!" Wyatt was impressed, his brother had never done that before.. "Leave some for me" he said as the clones started to shred the sentinels

"The professor was right, they are strong.." Scott said

"That's for damned sure." Logan said while watching them closely. "But they've still got 2 waves left, that even us X-Men have a hard time with still."

"Yeah.. You think they'll make it that far?" Scott asked Logan truly wondering

"Don't know, but if they're as powerful as Charlie says they are then he's got himself some new angels." Logan joked dryly

"Did you just try and make a joke^Å try harder^Å" Scott said with a smile

Wyatt felt the building of intense power inside him, and he waved his hands and clapped them together, causing an earth shaking tremor and metal to burst forth from the ground and skewer each of the robots at the same time.

Then Chris regained consciousness, and was not sure what was going on. "Wyatt??"

"Dude that was awesome, you just astrally cloned yourself like 4 times over, and took on 4 of those sentinel things by yourself, you only left me 2^Å" Wyatt said, very proud of his brother

"Here it comes Scotty, watch, it took Colossus throwing me to take that thing out nothing worked" Logan said, sure they would fail

An enormous robot came up to the area and started shooting at the boys, they flipped off of each other and Wyatt threw energy balls at the over sized sentinel, and Chris hit it with lightning, but nothing happened.

Wyatt called for its motor, but somehow it kept going, so they kept calling for parts and Wyatt would blast them, Wyatt decided their best bet was to destroy it from the inside. Together they orbed into the center of the robot, and started to blast with every power they knew, it was working pieces of metal were flying in every direction, when suddenly, Wyatt felt a rush and he had a slight pain in his head, then it stopped, and he now could see things as though he were the robot.. Being unfamiliar with this power he willed total destruction of the being, and he saw a countdown begin: Self Destruction in 10 Seconds.

"WYATT?!" Chris's voice seemed to echo, and Chris lunged for him and orbed them out.

Just as he did so, the entire robot imploded on itself

"What the hell was that?!" Scott said not realizing he'd spoken it

"Beats the hell outta me." Logan said

"Well now they get to face the X-Men team.. I even got the Fantastic 4 to participate in this one, but don't go easy, these are two VERY powerful mutant-like whatevers we've got here" Scott pleaded as he and Logan suited up

"You have both done very well, but now it's time for the ultimate test, you will fight us." Scott said pointing at himself and Logan

"And what is that supposed to prove, that we know how to use a fly swatter?" Chris asked with a superior smirk

"Oh and them." Logan said as the door opened and in walked the Fantastic 4 and Jean, Ororo, Rogue, Piotr, Bobby, Kitty, and night crawler

"Did my lil bro stutter?" Wyatt said cockily

"This should be fun." Johnny said with an overly confident sexy smirk

"Yes it should" Chris said back with a sexy grin

Johnny launched himself at Chris and tackled him "Oh honey, if you wanted to be on top^Å" Chris orbed out then orbed onto Johnny "You should have tried harder" he finished with a sarcastic sting to his words

"Come and get me shocker.." Wyatt said to Ororo

"Shocker^Å??" She asked him confused

"You know^Å the hair^Å it's shock white.. never mind just come and get me." Wyatt said impatiently as her eyes turned white and she started to fly at him

When she punched he dodged when she jabbed he blocked

"Impressive" She said as she began to create a bolt of lightning

"Wait^Å" Wyatt said with confidence, and as soon as the lightning struck he deflected it back to her, making her unconscious

"Come on honey don't you wanna gimme a kiss?" Johnny said

"Do you have to trash talk ALL the time?" Bobby asked Johnny as they landed in the same area

"It's just a lovers' quarrel"

"Aww I'm your lover^Å" Chris orbed in "How cute! Fire and Ice, both coming for little old me."

"Your not as good as you think you are, you're no Jean Grey." Bobby said

"Yes, and if I was like Jean Grey I'd be a little worried, because well, then I'd be a girl, and I like being a boy, it got me the toy.. So are you boys gonna try and kill me now?" Chris teased

"We're not gonna kill you." They both said at the same time

"I know, I said you'd try, not succeed" Chris said

Both Bobby and Johnny started sending fire and ice at him

Using a combination of telekinesis and empathy Chris halted both in mid air and sent them back to their respective people "Hey Bobby, you know what happens when ice combines with fire^Å"

Chris sent the fire from Johnny into Bobby "You get water!" Chris smiled and turned to Johnny

"And as for you my little fire fighter" Chris sent an empathically charged energy ball into Johnny causing him to feel the emotions of pain and suffering enough to knock him out

Wyatt got knocked back by Colossus.. "and here I thought we were gonna get together.."

"This is only training it means nothing about us." Piotr said through a thick Russian accent

Wyatt noticed the puddle of water containing Bobby, he telekinetically threw it at the metal coated Colossus, "What was that for, it won't hurt me.."

"No but this will." And Wyatt channeled Ororo's powers striking a very wet Colossus with lightning sending his hulking figure through the wall

Scott sent a beam at Chris, "Didn't your mother ever tell you lasers can blind you?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well because something in your emotions is telling me that I shouldn't rip that mask off your face.."

"What?" Scott didn't have a chance to react when Chris telekinetically took off his mask, laser started shooting freely with no control right at Chris

He used the same trick he'd used on Bobby and sent the beam right back into Scott's eyes. "I realize my reason didn't make much sense.. but I'll bet it does now.. OOH that must sting. Keep those eyes closed."

Logan growled "Come on kid is that the best you can do?"

Wyatt looked amused "Well GRRR to you too, and no there's plenty more^Å That metal doesn't go through your WHOLE body does it, I mean do you give new meaning to the word hard as a rock???"

"It goes through enough.." Logan said with a sneer

"Well aren't you gonna attack me Logan"

Logan lunged and Wyatt held him in the air with one hand. And with the other began causing the metal to be pulled farther through Logan's skin "I could make it so you don't have that pesky metal any more, but I think I'll just give you a little makeover instead." Wyatt said as he started waving his hands, telekinetically bending the metal and slicing it through Logans body in different patterns, binding him to not be able to move.

"What did you do to me?!" Logan growled

"I know you can heal yourself, but if I were you I wouldn't move much, that metal is sharp."

Wyatt went in search of his brother, and he found him being touched by some chick with white streaks through her long brown hair, something was wrong, and Wyatt sent Logan flying at her

"AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as the exposed metals ripped through some of her skin. "Bed time skank, Wyatt said as he entered her mind and fiddled with a few nerves here and there, and she was out like a light.

"Damn dude, you can handle these other people and this one little girl gives you a hard time^Å?" Chris asked

"Hey I took out that blue transporter thing, he wasn't easy, and that other girl that like went through me while I was fighting her, but SHE can like take powers or something"

"That she can^Å" Jean said as she dropped from above

"Now, now Ms. Grey, it's not nice to enter someone's mind without alerting them first."

"I think I can handle myself against two amateur mutants."

"But you forget Ms. Grey, we're not only mutants^Å" An astral Wyatt knocked Jean over the head from behind "We're witches too."

"Well^Å Now that we've taken everyone out, how do we end this simulation?" Just as Wyatt spoke those words, the session ended

Hank and the professor walked into the now metal room and saw everyone out old except the two test subjects

"What have you done to them?" Charles spoke first, looking impressed, yet scared for his students and teachers

"They're fine, we just did what we had to do to survive." Chris said

"Well Hank we should get them to the med-bays, and see what Jean can do about Logan's unfortunate predicament" Charles said, referring to the metal protruding from all the wrong places

"You two come with me." Charles said waving on the boys

"That was quite a display of power you both put on in there; I think you did, well beyond anything we hoped for." Charles stated with a smile

"Well we tried, and it was hard, but with some team work and a little of what we each do best came in handy." Wyatt said to the Professor.

"Well as soon as we have revived all of the X-Men, then we will meet to discuss the results of your session."

"Do you think they need help, I mean, I do have the ability to heal others" Wyatt asked Charles

"I think right now, since you both incapacitated my faculty it would be best if you would heal each of them, and as for you Christopher, could you re-align Logan's metallic alloys?" Charles asked the younger of the two

"We'll do what we can" they both replied

After each of the people was healed and Logan was back to normal the praise began.

"You guys were truly amazing." Ororo said with pride for the two newest students

"Yeah you two really clobbered us." The thing said to them

"I just couldn't believe, how you tied me up with my own husband and turned my force-field into a wave bomb." Sue stated with a small smile

"I just wish Bobby would wake up" Rogue said

Reading her emotions Chris said "Look Rogue, I'm sorry, I can tell you have feelings for him, and I'm sorry I caused this."

"It's not like that, we're not together, I just still care, and hey it was just a danger room session." She tried to brush off Chris's correct statements

"Hey Logan, I'm sorry for doing that to you, no hard feelings?" Wyatt asked, extending his hand to him

"Well since you helped heal me a little faster than I could have done myself, no hard feelings."

"Ok, so I'm gonna come right out and ask the obvious question.. What exactly are you guys?" Johnny asked

"Johnny! They've already demonstrated this! But if you wouldn't mind.. just a little bit more detail^Å?" Sue asked truly curious

"Well as you know, we're mutants, and you already know we're witches, but we are also the most powerful generation of witches in the world, the second line of Charmed witches."

"Excuse me, what?" Sue asked

"Well we come from a long line of witches, dating back to the Salem witch trials, and our some amount of great grandmother, Melinda Warren was being executed, and she vowed, that each generation of Warren witches would become more and more powerful, culminating in the arrival of three sisters, and these sisters would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known. Our mother happened to be the first to bear children of the new line, therefore me and Chris form a new line, and a new set of Charmed ones. We have a sister, but she doesn't do magic."

"But if there's only two of you, how can you be the charmed ones?"

"Because my bro Wyatt here is basically the prodigal son, he was prophesized to be born, as mutants did your powers just stop one day in the year 2003?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact they did." Charles replied for everyone

"Well that was the day Wyatt was born, on the eve of a Sabbath and the planetary alignment being correct, on this sacred day, all magic of any sort, will cease to welcome a twice blessed child, that child being Wyatt, he has more powers than god, and by that fact, makes up for the lack of brother number 3."

"So you two didn't know you were mutants?" Bobby asked

"BOBBY! You're awake!" Wyatt said

"Yeah, that was one killer fire ball."

"Mmm.. Yeah.. Sorry I melted you." Wyatt said making eyes with Bobby. This did not go unnoticed by a now jealous Piotr

"No, we didn't know, until you guys smashed through our front door." Chris finished

"Well. I'm tired." Chris said looking at Johnny

"As well you should be, after that show, you two, should get plenty of rest, we'll continue this in the conference room at 1pm tomorrow afternoon." Charles said

They made their way to their respective rooms


"It's open!" Chris yelled

"Hey baby, how you doin?" Johnny asked

"Better now."

"Sorry about all the trash talk."

"If you kiss me, I might just forgive you^Å" Chris said seductively and made eye contact with Johnny, just as they began their kiss a swirl of white lights caught Johnny's eye "WHAT THE^Å"

"Hold that thought" Piper said and froze Johnny in place.

"Uh Mom?!?" Chris exclaimed "What are you doing here?"

"Not allowing my son to get involved with someone who is WAY too old for him!" Piper stated

"Spoken from the woman married to someone, who would be upwards of 80 IF HE WEREN'T DEAD!" Chris yelled

"That's not .." Piper began

"It's not what, fair?? Well what is, I'm happy, I'm finally with someone I wanna be with, and I just hope you can accept that, or I won't be coming home."

"But Chris?"

"I can't do this right now^Å HOME!" Chris said and waved his hand at his mother

"HELL?!.... Was that real^Å cause now you're over there, and there was a woman there.."

"That was my mother.. She must have seen your press conference."

"Yeah, I suppose I should have thought that one over a bit better."

"Oh well. So what do you say Johnny, how about we have our first date like we are supposed to?"

"You're not too tired?" Johnny asked concerned

"No dude, I'm fine, and I can't wait to try their food.. Go get ready I'll meet you downstairs in 20 minutes."

Just as Johnny left and Chris started to change he felt something was wrong.. "Well aren't you just the picture of sexiness?"

"Um.. you are?"

"Drexus.. Pleased to meet you Chris.. So you ever think about having sex with a demon?" Drexus asked

"Well I have thought about it^Å"

"I have a big long dick in my pants, and I'd love to fuck a tight little ass like you got, I would even spare your life."

"Well I have someone for that."

"Who, that pansy ass super hero, he couldn't save a cat from a tree."

"All this angry talk is making me hot.."

"Yeah?" Drexus asked before he started rubbing Chris's shoulder

"NO.. of course not you idiot..." Chris sent him flying "Evil here in my sight vanish now from this cool night."

Chris continued getting ready, thinking about his upcoming date with Johnny, he only had 5 more minutes, and then the date would finally be there. He finally decided on leather pants and a tight red button down with the top button undone and a necklace that could be seen through the opening

As he passed Wyatt and Piotr's room he heard grunts and moans of pleasure.. "Go Wyatt^Å" he smirked

As he walked down the stairs people began to stare.

"Wow, Chris you look amazing, where you headed so dressed up?" Ororo asked

"I've got my date with Johnny tonight." Chris replied

"Well then tomorrow, you have a date with me and the girls to give us all the details.." She smiled "Have fun!"

Chris just shook his head "Yeah! Tomorrow.."

Chris sat on one of the over stuffed couches and waited for Johnny to get ready.

The doorbell rang

And Jubilee ran to answer it, "WOW!" was all anyone within earshot could hear.

Chris looked up to see his date in the sexiest outfit he could have pictured for him to wear, black dress pants that hugged his perfect ass so well, and a navy dress shirt topped with a rocker inspired sport coat, he looked good.

"Wow, Johnny you look amazing." Chris said, suddenly feeling over-shadowed

"However I look, doesn't even compare to how good you look Chris." Johnny said pulling him into a quick kiss, all the girls were staring, some looked jealous and others just looked envious, the guys looked shocked, but some just brushed it off.

"You ready to go?" Johnny asked Chris

"Yeah, let's go."

Johnny led him to his new car, "Wow, I guess science pays a little better than I thought" Chris said eyeing the indigo Mazerati

"Yeah, do you have a driver's license, I mean I'm not robbing the cradle THAT bad right?"

"I'm 17, I've been driving for 2 years, and you're not technically robbing the cradle, I AM legal."

"If that's the case, would you like to drive?" Johnny asked holding up his key ring

"You don't have to ask me that twice!" Chris said making his way to the driver's seat

"Can you drive stick?" Johnny inquired

"Better than you know." Chris joked and took off driving

Johnny had never drove this way, it was what he imagined being a passenger in a racecar would feel like.. "Where did you learn to drive like this?!" Johnny asked Chris, holding onto the handle

"My Aunt Paige, I learned to drive on her little VW Beetle, and I've had a knack for it all along."

"Turn left at light." The GPS commanded

"What the^Å."

"Sorry, I programmed the location into the navigation"

"I wasn't expecting that, Aunt Phoebe's car is the only one with navigation, and the only person she lets drive it is Billie."

"Enter freeway on right in 0.4 miles."

After more commands and actions, Chris and Johnny arrived at the Ocean Front Bistro.

As soon as they exited the vehicle they were swarmed by photographers and journalists, begging for a picture or quote, they stopped for a couple pictures, and said nothing but "No comment"

"It's not gonna be like that EVERY time we go out is it?"

"It will probably be like that until the newest sex scandal develops, I guess right now the only thing burning in some peoples minds is that there is a "gay super hero among them."" Johnny stated using his fingers to exaggerate a quotation

"Ahhh Mr. Storm, so nice to see you again, and who is this lovely young man you have brought with you today?" The Maitre D asked politely

"Hello Marc this is my date, Chris Halliwell."

"Well it is good to meet you Christopher, now would you like a table with a view of the ocean?"

"Of course Marc." Johnny said with a chuckle

They were led to there table and seated and each of them was given a menu.

"Holy shit Johnny, the food here costs more than my tuition^Å" Chris said hushed

"It's all good, you deserve it, you're perfect." Johnny said looking into Chris's eyes

"Well so are you, and I think I'll have the king crab legs and whatever that word is, but it must be good, look at that description."

"Oh that, yeah that's just a fancy word for potatoes, Sue taught me that."

"Ok, so I need to excuse myself for a minute." Chris said standing up, surprised to see Johnny standing too "You gotta go too?" he asked

"No, just being a gentleman, standing as my date leaves and standing when they get back."

"Isn't that more for a girl?"

"Well yes, but you deserve to be treated the same way I would treat a girl."

Chris left the table with a smile on his face and orbed quickly to San Francisco

"I don't know what his problem is I mean I am still his^Å.." Piper saw orbs and saw Chris standing in front of her mother^Å What are you doing here?"

"I need help!"

"What is it? Phoebe asked

"I'm on my date and he's treating me like^Å like^Å. A WOMAN!"

"Wait.. he?" Phoebe and Paige asked

"Oh yeah that's what I was about to tell you, my son was making out with someone 8 years older than him!" Piper yelled

"Well Piper in all fairness, Leo is like 60 years older than you and dead^Å" Paige said

"You know Paige you're my sister you're supposed to be on my side.."

"I agree with Paige, you really have no room for judgment." Phoebe said

"Well now that they both agree with me what should I do?"

"Well, how bad is it? What did he do?"

"Well he opened the door for me, led me around with his hand on my lower back, and stood up when I left the table." Chris said

"Oh no GIRLS!, we have a true gentleman on our hands, what ever shall we do?!" Piper dramatized sarcastically

"I think he needs to be dealt with, he should know, that you don't treat someone you care for with such.. such^Å RESPECT!" Paige said

"No way, this date should definitely stop, I mean before you know it, he'll wanna pay the bill, and oh no^Å He's gonna wanna walk you to your door and kiss you good night not expecting any sort of sexual favors.. This can't go on!" Phoebe said joining in the fun placing her hand on her head in exaggeration

"So you guys are basically saying, that I'm being too difficult and should just be glad he's being so perfect?" Chris asked

"YEAH!" All three of them said.

"I better get back before he starts looking for me."

"One more question.. Who is he? And Where did he take you?" Phoebe asked excitedly

"Johnny Storm, and Ocean Front Bistro" He said as he orbed out

"WHAT!" Phoebe and Paige both blurted out staring at Piper

"Slipped my mind?" Piper said innocently inching towards the door

"You're son is dating a super hero, and sex icon, damn he's so lucky!" Paige said

"Who's lucky?" Leo said grabbing a water from the fridge

"You're son, dating the hottest guy on the planet."

"But that's not possible, I'm already married."

"Pssh, you wish dude, Chris is dating Johnny Storm." Paige said

"Yeah I know. I mean, I do watch the news."

"What do you mean^Å?" Piper asked

"Well I was watching some current news event thing, and then the celebrity portion came on and they showed them walking into a restaurant."

"Oh my God!" Piper yelled

"That was amazing Pete. I've never felt so.. full." Wyatt said as Piotr rolled off of him

"I was just surprised you could take the whole thing, nobody has ever been able to do that before."

"Well it wasn't easy, and it hurt a lot, but once I got used to it I never wanted you to stop."

Piotr kissed Wyatt, "You are so hot, I really like you." Piotr said inviting Wyatt into his arms, Wyatt moved himself into the large muscles and relaxed, feeling safe.

"Wow dinner was so good, you don't get much, but it's so satisfying."

"Yeah, it's worth the couple hundred you spend, especially when it makes the person you're with smile." Johnny said smiling at Chris

"Well I would be smiling I we were eating Mac and Cheese right out of the pan, as long as I was with you." Chris said leaning in to kiss Johnny

"Well I'll keep that in mind for next time." Johnny said kissing Chris "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's get outta here."

As they reached the Valet area and requested they're vehicle, Johnny asked Chris "So what are you doing with me, are you just testing things out, or do you want all I have to give?"

"If by all you have to give means a serious committed relationship to you and only you, the answer is yes, I want all you have to give."

"How about all I have to give" Chris heard someone ask

"And who are you?"

"I am Wezqal, the demon of eternity^Å"

"Demon of Eternity^Å? And me without my Book of Shadows^Å What exactly do you mean by eternity?" Chris asked mouthily

"Meaning, I cause the pain and suffering for all of eternity, and I'm here for YOU."

"Haven't you learned yet that you can't beat us.." Chris said cockily

"I can beat him.." Wezqal said pointing to Johnny and shooting fire at him, Johnny just turned into his flame version and absorbed the fire.. "That should have worked."

"And it would have if he WASN'T MADE OF FIRE you moron." Chris retorted

"I've had about enough of your adolescent behavior!"

"and I've had enough of you talking period, just try and kill me and get this over with."

Wezqal threw a fireball at him but Chris deflected it back at him

"Can your little boyfriend withstand electricity.." Johnny looked at Chris and shook his head.

"Yeah he can actually^Å" Wezqal threw a bolt of electricity at Johnny but Chris acted quickly "Mansion!" and orbed Johnny away "With my help, he can."

"WYATT!" Chris called, and Wyatt orbed in buckling his belt "WHAT?!" he asked but got knocked over by a fire ball "Oh HELL NO!!" He said blasting Wezqal with a fire wave blast killing him immediately

The valet drove up^Å "The car sir^Å" and went back to his post

"Lets go Wyatt.." Chris said and began to drive away

"What are we doing in this car?" Wyatt asked

"It's Johnny's but I had to orb him to the manor, but I don't know how to set up the navigation, so I don't know how to get back to the mansion."

"Let's just orb the car with us, I know the way to the garage."

They orbed out.

"Where in the hell have the two of you been?!" Jean asked angrily

"Cool down, Chris was attacked, but we took care of it."

"Thank God! We were just so worried because Johnny was here saying he had to find you and then Pete said that you just disappeared after hanging out with him."

"Yeah Chris called for me so I went to help him."

"Called for^Å you mean called you on the phone, right?"

"No I mean like he yelled my name and I was able to orb right to him."

"Ok that must be something with you guys' connection."

"No it's a whitelighter thing, we get it from our dad, the angel."

"I see, you two are just so complicated we don't even have reasons for why you are so powerful."

"We're Charmed." Wyatt said with a smirk

Chris went to find Johnny

He went to his and Bobby's room, and heard some arguing "I'm with CHRIS! Why would you kiss me?! I don't do the player thing anymore, I'm a one man^Å man.."

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to, I mean the way you looked at me^Å"


"I'm sorry, I get it you love him or like him whatever." Bobby said saddened

"I think I do, or at least I will, I know I'm falling for him, and I'm falling hard, he even saved my life tonight." Johnny said, making Chris smile a little

"How'd he do that" Bobby asked

"He orerbied me or whatever he calls it from the restaurant to the mansion without touching me, I don't know how he did it, but he did it right before a lightning bolt would have hit me."

"Talking about me?" Chris asked, as though he hadn't heard a word

"Yeah. OH I'm so happy you're ok!" Johnny said lifting Chris into a passionate kiss

"I'll leave you two to go at it." Bobby said walking towards the door.

"No, actually Johnny can you go wait for me in the living room, I'll be down soon and we can watch a movie together."

Johnny agreed and left the room. "Now that he's gone^Å"

"Lock!, Chair!" Chris yelled waving his hands causing the door to lock and a chair to knock Bobby off his feet into the chair, in doing so though knocked everything out of place

Chris sat on his lap facing him "You want me, I can feel it, emotionally and looks down physically, but you can't have me, and I know you kissed Johnny, I would know even if I hadn't heard the two of you arguing.."

"You hea^Å" "SOCK!" Chris yelled orbing the sock into Bobby's mouth "Now, didn't your parents teach you it isn't nice to interrupt."

"If you make any more plays for MY boyfriend I will harm you, and I won't have to use powers to do it." Chris said getting off his lap.. "Great it looks like we fought in here^Å I KNOW^Å Let the objects of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen^Å See ya later!" Chris said leaving the room as the door opened the bulletin board was back on the wall, the desks were in order, and Bobby was left sitting in the chair

Chris made his way to the living area

Johnny and Chris watched "The Notebook" but made out the entire time so neither of them knew what happened.

"Johnny?" Chris asked while Johnny was sucking his neck

"Yeah baby?" Johnny asked between suckles

"I want you to be my first."

"Now?" Johnny asked

"Yeah right now." Chris said giving him a kiss "Guard this space, block it off seal the goings on from view" Chris said

Johnny kissed Chris on the lips, and began to unbutton his shirt, seeing Chris's developed chest and strong looking abs made him hot, he took off his sport coat and ripped off his shirt, exposing his bulging muscles.

Once again they kissed and Johnny pulled up Chris so he was on top, and removed their shoes and pants, now they were both down to boxers, and Johnny started to kiss down Chris's hot body, stopping at his nipples, then moving down and licking the hard lines of his waist and pulling down his boxers to reveal a fully erect 7 ½ inch cock, looking into Chris's eyes, he placed the delicious cock between his puffy lips and started to suck

"Oh. Wow, keep UH." Chris said as he came "Sorry Johnny."

"It's ok baby it's your first time."

"Your turn" Chris said kissing Johnny on the lips, tasting his own seed

"You don't have to, I mean, if your not ready." Johnny told him honestly

"Oh.. I'm ready." Chris said seductively with a small wink

Chris started licking a trail down Johnny's ripped body and bit his nipples


Chris ignored the noise and swirled his tongue around Johnny's six pack abs, licking his belly button, and the harsh lines of his waist.

The bulge in Johnny's boxers was enormous, and Chris knew he wouldn't be able to take it without a magical assist, but decided he'd used enough practical magic for the day

He pulled Johnny's boxers off and saw the monster, it was huge, he began to lick the head.. Worried about pleasing Johnny, and not wanting this to back fire, he decided he should take it real slow

He continued to lick the head and started to lick the shaft swirling his tongue at the base, he licked back to the tip, and engulfed the thick head into his mouth, it tasted different, he'd tasted skin, but this was better, much better, he began to get a steady sucking rhythm going, sucking hard then soft, then licking and kissing the beautiful penis, before he knew it his nose was in Johnny's pubes and he was able to smell the musky man smell and loved it

Now deep-throating the 10 incher he was really getting into it, he was craving more, and even when Johnny told him he was gonna cum he started sucking only the head fast and hard, and Johnny started to scream and yell and he blasted into Chris's throat and the couch was on fire

"Oh shit" Chris said "Fire!" and orbed the fire into the fireplace "Great, how are we gonna explain that?" Chris asked

"Ahh no problem, I'll just tell the professor I caught it on fire."

"Well.. he does know you have a tendency to do that."

They both laughed.

**Both of you get to my office immediately ** They both heard the Professor say.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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