Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jan 30, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 27

Split Ends...

...*Ok Kids, the response to the story's been lagging lately, I've just added a second job to the mix, so if I'm gonna be devoting sleeping time to the story there should be a reason, the more comments the more motivated I'll be for more updates... Oh and don't forget about the yahoo group, to see all my stories, even ones that haven't been posted ;) * ...

"Sue you don't get it, he's been gone for a year, and only coming home when HE wants to, he's always hanging out with his HOLLYWOOD boys, it's like he's forgotten who he is, and where he came from..."

"Look Johnny, he has wanted this for a long time, and now that he has it, he's finding out that it takes more time and effort than he expected..." Sue replied

"I know, I know, I love him so much, but I just, I feel like we're drifting apart, and if he doesn't start to work with me, I might want a separation..." Johnny said head in his hands

"I'm sorry, I think my brain just farted please repeat that last part..." Sue said firmly yet somehow still sarcastically

"I think I might want to get a separation..." Johnny said

Meanwhile, Chris was out dancing with Zac and Chad at a new trendy night club, they got some drinks and sat down...

"So Zac have you gotten any movie offers or are you gonna go for High School Musical 14...?" Chris asked jokingly and Chad spit out his drink in a side-splitting fit of laughter

"Very funny, no, I just wanna take it easy, maybe focus on my album, I'm not sure, but I may just leave acting on a high note, with the golden globe nomination and all.." Zac said

"Dude, you're gonna win, I mean how could you not, I was in the movie for 15 minutes and then flashbacks... pssh, not like I'm gonna win..." Chad said

"I agree.." Chris said funnily

"HEY!... you're supposed to be on MY side..." Chad said

Chris was a little buzzed now, "You're just mad cause I think Zac's a better kisser..." he said in a feigned feisty way

"No, I have come to terms with that, anyway though Chris, I think you're gonna win the globe, you were amazing..." Chad said

"Awww... thanks buddy, it means a lot..." Chris said

"Yeah dude, I mean all those other people got nothing on you..." Zac said

"Well I couldn't have done it without my supporting cast, you two were the legs I stood on..." Chris said and got a confused look on his face...

"Excuse me..." Someone said as they walked up to the table

"Yes?" the three young men asked

"My daughter is a huge fan of you guys, could I get you to autograph this for her...?" A man asked Chad and Zac...

Chris sat back and watched his friends interact with the father of a fan

"Could you sign it too?" The guy asked Chris

"Oh... sure..." Chris said

"And one more thing... would you like to dance...?" The man asked Chris, Chris readily accepted

They danced for hours, bumping and grinding and just having a good time, they had lots to drink, and it all was fuzzy from there on, dancing into the night....

"Chris promised me he'd be home last night..." Johnny vented to Wyatt, now that the kids had all left for the day

"He probably got too tired to even orb, he'll call..." Pete said giving Wyatt a look

"What's that look? What is that?" Johnny asked irritated

"Nothing, just worried, he usually calls even when he's tired, you know that..." Wyatt said

Chris woke up his surroundings unfamiliar, he was comfortable, and just assumed he was in his hotel room, not that he remembered how he got there...

"Good morning..." somebody said, and Chris lifted the covers and found Zac beneath them, nude...

"What happened last night?" Chris asked

"You don't remember?" Zac asked

"No... Of course not, why would I ask if I remembered..."

"Well.... All I remember is that you, and me were making out, we somehow managed to get our clothes off and then we fell asleep..."

"Please tell me you're joking..." Chris said

"Nope.. not joking... though you did keep calling out Johnny when I would go near your neck..." Zac said and crinkled his nose

"Look Zac, I made a huge mistake last night, I need to go... now..." Chris said and got up to find his clothes...

"Chris... I was only joking... we didn't do anything last night, other than the occasional fart and snore... I mean... one of us would know if anything happened..." Zac said in a cheerful way, Chris smacked his head as hard as he could

"Don't ever do that again!" Chris hollered, Zac's eyes flashed fear

"Dude... chill it was just a joke..." Zac mumbled

"A JOKE?! This kind of thing doesn't just concern me, I have kids and a husband to consider, toying with my mind like that just isn't right... please don't do that again..." Chris said breaking down at the foot of the bed

"Whoa, whoa... Chris... look at me.." Zac said and put his hand on Chris's chin, "you did nothing wrong, nothing happened, I'm sorry it was a bad joke, I apologize, you didn't betray Johnny, you just slept in the same bed as me, and didn't have any clothes on... no biggie..." Zac said and hugged Chris to calm him down

"Zac. You are one of my best friends, but I have to go..." Chris said, got dressed and ran out of the room, as soon as he was in the elevator he cried, he sobbed, thinking it was possible something had happened, maybe they didn't fuck, maybe they did everything but... he just cried on the floor of the elevator, he heard a ding and stood composing himself...

He walked out of the hotel and down the street, he walked and walked the streets of L.A for what seemed like hours, now that he'd composed himself, he found an alley and orbed home

Chris saw Johnny come in and rushed into his arms, he kissed him with every ounce of love and passion he could manage... Something was missing...

"What's wrong Johnny?" Chris asked holding his lover's cheek

"We need to talk Chris..." Johnny said

"Ok.. shoot..." Chris said and sat on the bed...

"I'm tired..." Johnny began

"Ok, well take a nap baby..." Chris said

"No... I'm tired of this, I'm tired of you, coming and going, forgetting about your family day and night, not coming home to see your children, you've changed Chris..."

"I have not, I've just been busy..." Chris said

"Busy would be one thing... but you quit the restaurant, you see the kids a couple hours on the weekends, we never have sex anymore, I just, I feel like you are not a part of this family anymore, ever since C.J left..." Johnny said

"That's not fair, I am trying to achieve my dreams, you said you supported me..." Chris said

"That was before I realized you achieving your dreams would affect me and the kids so negatively, it's like you don't care about us anymore..." Johnny said

"That is so far beyond what I imagined you'd say to me, I love you and my kids more than life itself..." Chris said

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want a separation..." Johnny said

"What?" Chris gasped

"I can't deal with this anymore... It's either me or your dreams take it or leave it..." Johnny said

"You know Johnny, you've always been my dream guy, I always assumed that meant I could have it all, my dreams and the guy..." Chris said

"Well that's not how it is, make your choice..." Johnny said

"You've already made it for me, I'll be gone within the hour, and the boys are coming with me..." Chris said

"Wait, no, you can't separate the kids..." Johnny said

"Well either all three of them come with me and you never see any of them again, or the boys come with me and John can orb here with permission."

"The kids are all staying with me, you can't..." Johnny started

"In that case, all three are coming with me... and if you try and stop me, I won't revive you this time..." Chris said menacingly and Johnny

"Fine.. deal..." Johnny said choking back tears

"You did this not me..." Chris replied and started packing

"I didn't want to hurt you..."

"Well you did, I never thought I'd say this, but make that separation a divorce, if I can't have you and my dreams, then why not just end this..."

"I only wanted a little time so we could see how this was gonna go..." Johnny said

"Well, you gave me an ultimatum, I thought you knew, I would never pick anyone who asked me to choose, unless it was my kids doing the asking..." Chris walked out of their room and into John's

"Get packed John we're leaving..."

"A vacation?" he asked hopefully

"No, we're moving, me you and your brother and sister..."

"What about daddy?" John asked

"Daddy wants mommy to leave, so mommy is taking you three with..." Chris said

"Are you and daddy getting a deforce?" John asked

"Do you know what a divorce is John?" Chris asked

"It's when a mommy and daddy don't wanna be married anymores, so they no lives together anymore..." John said

"Good, yes, mommy and daddy are getting a divorce..." Chris said

"Ok..." John looked very sad

"Pack as much as you can..." Chris said

"ok..." the tone of his son's voice was heart breaking

Chris ran out to Joss and Justus's room and started packing everything, he put Justus in his carrier and told Joss to go help her brother, she did so...

"You don't have to do this you know..." Wyatt said from the doorway

"Yeah I do, at least for now, I've gotta do it, for myself, and my kids..." Chris said

"It's your decision." Wyatt said, Chris orbed the baby's stuff to his hotel room and went to get Jocelyn and John

"Ok guys let's go..." Johnny stepped into the doorway and the kids ran up to him

"I love you guys so much..."

"We love you too daddy..."

"I don't wanna go!" John yelled

"Do as your mother asks..." Johnny said

"Ok daddy..." he said and gave him one more hug

"Goodbye Johnny." Chris said and orbed out holding his children

As the last of the orbs disappeared, Johnny buried his face in the rug and screamed and sobbed, "what did I do!?" he just shrieked and cried loudly

Wyatt grabbed him into a strong hug and told him not to worry...

"How am I supposed to do that, I just threw out the love of my life and he took my kids..." Johnny asked still a wreck

"Just think about it... You're still gonna see them everyday, it's not like he's enrolling them in school..." Wyatt said

Next day...

"I'm here to enroll my son..." Chris said smiling at the secretary

"Oh.. isn't he precious, would you like a sucker?" She asked sweetly, the boy simply nodded and accepted the candy, "What grade?" she asked

"Um. First..." Chris said

"Ok, you'll need to fill these out, and we need a copy of his birth certificate and to see his social security card..." Chris cursed himself for not thinking of that, he simply asked where the bathroom was, once safely in the stall he quietly called for his security box, and brought it to the front desk... "What was it you needed?" he asked

"Um... did you have that a minute ago?" She asked

"No.. I ran out to the car, false alarm..." Chris covered

"Ahh.. ok..." She said and they filled out the necessary forms.

"Ok, will he be attending today, classes have yet to start for the day...?" She asked

"I don't see why not, but if you'll excuse me I have a quick call to make..." Chris said and stepped into the call and dialed Zac..

"This is Zac..."

"Hey buddy how are the kids doing?"

"They're doing great Joss practically takes care of her brother but he's babbling on and on about... well... it's not exactly words..." Zac said

"That's what they do at that age he's only one and a half..." Chris chuckled, "I just needed to check in I need to call the school back in Fairview so I can un-enroll John..."

"Good luck..." Chris thought that was a strange choice of words...

He dialed the school, "Barcliff Academy Julie speaking how may I help you..."

"Hi Julie this is Christopher Storm, I'm calling to take my son out of school." Chris said

"Ahh yes. Mr. Storm, he's leaving early?"

"No, transferring..." Chris replied

"Oh, then I just need you to answer a couple security questions to ensure your identity."

Chris did so and successfully un-enrolled John, after being assured his spot would be available to him for the next 2 months, just in case..

John came walking out of the office with the secretary

"Ready for a new adventure buddy?" Chris asked

"Ok..." John said and took Chris's hand

They walked down unfamiliar hallways and found themselves at a solid oak door they knocked and were greeted by a woman who screamed for a makeover

"Hi, I'm Wendy Thompson, this guy must be John." She said and looked at John who's hair was in his eyes as he looked up at her

"I'm John." He said unenthused

"Well, I'm Mrs. Thompson..." Chris was amazed this trainwreck had a man.

"Nice to meet you I'm John's dad, Chris." He said

"I know who you are, congrats on the globe thingy, that's a big deal..." She said, winking

"Thanks, for being so cool, a lot of people aren't so great about that sort of thing.." Chris said

"Well, take care Chris, John's in good hands..."

"What do you mean he no longer attends your school?!" Johnny exclaimed into the phone

"His other father called this morning and pulled him out, I sent some records to... hmm let me pull it up... Ashland Academy, in Los Angeles." The secretary said

"Los Angeles?" Johnny asked

"Yeah, that's right, the city of angels, LA, L to the A... Have a great day Mr. Storm..." The secretary said and hung up

"He did it... he really did it..." Johnny said

"What?" Wyatt asked

"I can't believe he did it..." Johnny said

"What?!" Wyatt asked grabbing Johnny's arms

"He took my kids, to live, in LA... without me...." Johnny said starting to cry

"Wait, who was on the phone...?" Wyatt asked

"It was the receptionist, she, she said Chris transferred John into another school..." Johnny said and sat down on the couch

"It's ok... you guys can work this out, you're just hitting a bump, it'll be fine..."

"He hates me, I wasn't supporting him and he hates me for it..." Johnny said

"Johnny, listen to me, Chris doesn't hate you, he loves you, more than life, he would die for you, you need to believe that..."

"I've changed, I'm not the guy I was before I met him, I have turned into somebody I'm actually proud to say is me..." Johnny said

"That's great, but Chris has changed to... he's not the 17 year old boy you fell in love with..."

"What do you mean...?" Johnny asked

"When you met Chris, he was confused, he was a teenager, you had the experience of being 25, he was almost 18, he didn't know what he wanted, then he met you and everything seemed amazing, but then after you two were together until recently, he started to experience some of the life that was taken away by him finding out he was able to get pregnant, and he sacrificed some of his best years to be your boyfriend, a mother, and eventually your husband and a father twice more... He experienced the life you had before you met him."

"I get it... so you're saying, he never stopped loving us while he was off doing whatever he was doing, he was just making up for lost time..?" Johnny asked

"Yeah, he sacrificed a lot by making the decision to keep John, in that moment he went from teenager, to a mother or a father whatever you wanna call him, the life he could have lived became a distant memory, until he was away from home for the movie, he found a freedom, but I'm also sure he thought of you everyday..."

"You're right, but I can't move past it, it's like, ever since we split up back with the whole Zeke deal, we just never fully recovered..." Johnny admitted

"You think it's over?" Wyatt asked

"I don't want it to be, but I can't wait for Chris to figure out what he wants..." Johnny said

1 week later...

"Ok John, you guys are spending the weekend with your dad..." Chris said

"Serious!?" the young boy exclaimed

"Yeah, but you can't orb yourself, I'll be orbing you..." Chris said grabbing, Jocelyn's hand and baby Justus in the carrier, orbing them our

"Daddy!" Jocelyn and John squealed

"Oh come here babies!" Johnny exclaimed and got down on the floor to hug his kids, and stood up looking Chris in his icy eyes, Wyatt's eyes moved from Chris to Johnny

"Hello Johnathon..." Chris said sternly and handed Justus over

"Chris, don't be like that..." Wyatt said, and took Justus into the living room

"Like what, this is business, not pleasure, certainly not pleasure..." Chris said more pointedly, at Johnny

"John, why don't you and your sister go play in the living room and I'll be right there.." Johnny swatted his behind and they ran to play.

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to end like this..." Johnny said

"But you DO want it to end..." Chris said trying to hide his emotions

"No, I need it to end...." Johnny admitted to Chris

"I see... so what was so terrible... was it the waiting around, the wonders of what I might possibly be doing, was it the fact that I was actually achieving something that means so much to me, was it me being gone, or the fact that I wasn't here for your satisfaction...?" Chris asked, sadness more evident

"Some of all of that..."

"You are so selfish, do you know, that since I got married to you, since you put those rings on my finger, I have dealt with each and EVERY one of those emotions for YEARS, jesus Christ Johnny, I've been with you since I was seventeen, I didn't know what you were doing, but I had faith in you, SEVEN years, I have dealt with you disappearing for weeks or even months at a time, not know if you're ok, not knowing who your with, or what you're doing, but I believed in my heart you would always be there for me, I guess I was wrong, because the second the shoe is on the other foot you crushed me with it..." Chris said and a free flowing tear fell down his cheek

"It is so not the same thing..." Johnny said meekly

"Isn't it though, the Fantastic Four is important to you, like acting is to me, I supported you, I may not have liked it all the time, but I supported you, because it's who you are, this is who I am, take it or leave it..." Chris said tears now falling

"I can't deal with this right now..." Johnny said throwing his hands up

"You never could... Have John back to me on Monday morning, if you're not comfortable with him orbing, have Wyatt orb him, you can keep Joss and Justus for seven days." Chris said sniffling and gulping he orbed out

"Whoa dude, what's wrong?" Zac asked when he saw Chris's puffy eyes

"It's really over..." was all he said and passed out

"Chris!?" Zac yelled and felt his forehead, he was so cold, but so hot at the same time, he called for an ambulance

After only about 10 minutes the ambulance was there, as were camera crews and of course paparazzi...

John was flipping channels, while Johnny was playing with Justus and Joss on the floor...

"Daddy!" John called

"What is it son?" Johnny asked as he looked over his shoulder

"Mommy's on TV"

"in other news, our cameras were there as we caught a glimpse of Chris Storm, golden globe nominee for the controversial film "Journey of a Lost Soul" as he was being rushed to the emergency room after apparently collapsing in front of co-star Zac Efron, he's been taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital, no word yet on his condition, more when the story develops..."

Johnny looked horrified as he repeated the story over again with the DVR option

"WYATT!?" Johnny called

"What's wrong?" Wyatt asked

"Watch the kids I have to go..." Johnny flew out the door, literally

"John what happened?" Wyatt asked, and the boy shrugged his shoulders and pressed play, the story repeated itself, and it was Wyatt's turn to be shocked... Pete walked through the front door followed by Laura and Grace, Wyatt looked at him

"I heard, go, I'll hold things down here." Wyatt kissed his husband and orbed out

"Hi, yes, hello, I'm looking for my husband.." Johnny said

"Hey, you're Johnny Storm..." The nurse said

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm looking for my husband..."

"Oh, ok, yes, Christopher Storm, room 211.."

Johnny found the stairs and ran up, stopping outside room 211, he heard talking

"Chris, you scared the hell out of me..." Zac said

"I just can't believe it's actually over..." he heard Chris say

"What's over?"

"My marriage..."

"Wait a minute, I thought you and Johnny were one of those love conquers all couples..."

"Me too, I guess I was wrong, I mean, I gave his seven years, five of which as his husband, I hav..." Chris stopped himself

"What is it?"

"If I were to tell you something huge, would you still want to know me?" Chris asked

"What could you possibly have to say that could be that extreme..."

"I'm not like other guys..."

"I know, I think that's part of the reason we get along so well..." Zac said, Johnny listened closely

"I have kids with Johnny..."

"Yeah I know... um.. I've babysat for you..." Zac said punching Chris's arm playfully

"No... I actually gave birth to them..." Chris said

"Wha... how?" Zac asked with his jaw practically on the floor

"I'm a mutant..." Chris said

"Wait seriously?" Zac asked in a relatively normal tone

"Yeah, and as a mutant, I developed the ability to conceive children, whether it was as a father or mother..."

"Look Chris, the world is changing people are not against mutants like they once were, it's cool with me, and there's nothing you could say that would stop me from lov... liking you..." Zac covered a slip

"And if I told you I was also a guardian angel and a witch what would you say to that?' Chris asked, this time Zac's eyes were the ones popping out

"Whoa... You mean like hooked nose broomstick witches?"

"Well no, but my Aunt Phoebe actually inspired the cliché..." Chris said with a nervous chuckle, Johnny didn't know what he was talking about

"What are you doing?" Wyatt asked

"Waiting, he's busy, he's not gonna wanna see me anyway..."

"Chris, like I said, it's cool, but what kind of witch is so lame that they pass out cause of their douche bag husband not being able to accept their dreams..." Zac laughed, and Johnny stiffened hearing himself being talked about

"I don't know, and I certainly expected better from Johnny, I mean we took vows, for better or worse, I guess only one of us heard that part..." Wyatt looked and saw Johnny's face fall

"You're right, you are great Chris, and anybody that could abandon you for being you, doesn't deserve to lick the scum off your shoes..." Zac said and Johnny cringed

"You know you're right, why should I cry over him, I've cried enough, I cried myself to sleep every night since he dumped me, and thanks for holding me through it..." That caught Johnny's attention as the tears were now flowing on his face

"Dude you were a mess, I had half a mind to go beat his ass, hurting you that way, what were you guilty of, so you weren't there to cook, clean, and take it up the ass, you were doing something special..." Zac said, Johnny was feeling a little shitty at that moment

"He doesn't see it that way, all he sees is that I wasn't there for him and the kids every waking moment, all he sees is that I wasn't there... I'm not even 25 yet, I sacrificed my prime years to be his "wife" and a mother to our children, I've been a parent since I was eighteen, I could have taken the easy road and aborted, but I stepped up, and raised my son, and I think I did a damned good job, I was a good spouse and a good parent to all three of my kids, I never asked for help, I never complained, I never expected anything, then he proposed to me, and I suddenly, asked for help, I had the odd complaint, and I got expectations, because now we were a team, equal partners... and I was there, EVERY second of everyday, for SEVEN years, and then I decide to do something for me, and suddenly, I'm a problem, suddenly the marriage isn't working, and suddenly after seven years of being a couple, I'm alone..." Chris said and started crying again

Johnny absorbed everything hearing it coming from Chris, and walked away, Wyatt stayed behind to wait until they were done

Zac hugged Chris, "Listen to me, if you two are meant for each other, nothing is going to stand in the way of you being together, not even that spineless brainless doof you call your husband."

"What if we aren't meant to be, what can I do then...?" Chris asked

"You just live your life, I can't tell you anything other than that." Zac responded

Wyatt walked in sensing his timing was good, "Hey buddy, what's up?" Wyatt asked

"Oh nothing, just had a mental breakdown, but we're calling it a simple fainting spell so I don't have to stay overnight..." Chris said insincerely

"What's with the attitude...?" Wyatt asked

"The attitude is that I had just found out that my husband would rather divorce me than deal with me being away from him so pardon me for getting emotional and passing out then not wanting to talk about it..."

"Ok, you know what I'm gonna go, I'm gonna head home, when you get your head out of your ass, come see me.... And by the way, you aren't the only one that sacrificed for your marriage..." Wyatt said and orbed out...

"What was that??" Zac asked

"He's a witch too..." Chris said

"Oh.. this is gonna take some getting used to..."

"Yeah.. anyhow, subject change, are you taking Vanessa to the globes...?" Chris asked

"Ahh, no... Vanessa and I, aren't together anymore, look at us the break up boys..."

"Yeah dateless on one of the most important nights of our careers..."

"We could always go together..." Zac said

"Why would we do that?" Chris asked

"Well, we are co-stars and we are dateless, together would work..." Zac said

"Ok, yeah, it's a date..." Zac smiled brightly

"You look happy, I'm not exactly what you're used to as a date.." Chris said and laughed

"Well, you've become one of my best friends, I'm more than happy to be going to the globes with you..."

Two Weeks Later

"Johnny, we're gonna watch the ceremony you don't have to, but the kids want you to..." Wyatt said, the entire family had gathered at their house to watch on their projection tv.

"I'll watch, we may be having problems, but I still wanna see him win..." Johnny said positively

Chris was nervous, he was decked out in a Dolce and Gabana suit with some white and black wing tips, he felt good, but was terrified, Zac was sitting next to him in a Ralph Lauren black label suit and classic wing tips...

"Nervous much?" Zac asked

"A little..." Chris said

"Just think of it as a performance, and you'll do great..."

They walked out of the limo and the crowd exploded cameras were flashing and rolling

"Zac" "Chris" "Chris" "Zac" all directions they pasted on some good smiles

Piper who had Justus in her lap was pointing at the TV as Chris got out of the limo "who's that?" she asked

"Chris, seeing as this was your first movie how does it feel to be nominated in a catergory with such experienced actors?"

"Well actually I feel totally out of place.." Chris began with a chuckle, "I'm just a guy who got discovered while out to lunch, and to get recognized for something that took a pretty good toll on me personally is great.."

"I see you're missing a date... need one?" she asked hopefully

"Nah, I've got my date right here..." Chris said and put his arm around Zac, Johnny's eyes darted at the TV

"Zac, how does it feel, your first golden globe nomination?"

"It's awesome, I feel like now I'm truly just Zac."

"Is there anyone you guys wanna say hi to?"

"Hi, John, Justus, and Jocelyn, daddy's thinking of you!" Chris said to the camera

"Mommy!" Justus said causing everyone to look at him, he rarely says anything, and that was his first totally audible well said word...

"One more thing, what was it like being naked together?" Everyone stared at the screen

"It... was a little awkward, at that point in time we didn't know each other like we do now..." Chris said and smiled

"We gotta get inside..." Zac said

The ceremony started, and went smoothly and Chris was now backstage since he was going to be presenting supporting actor with Jessica Alba

She walked up and introduced herself, "So yeah, I think we know each other's names..." she said

"Yeah, I've been a fan of yours for a long time." Chris said

"Thank you, you were AWESOME in Journey."

"Really, everyone's been saying that, I refuse to watch it..." Chris said

"Ok you guys are on..." the manager said

They linked arms and entered the stage Jessica carrying the envelope

"We are here to present the award for best performance by an actor in a supporting role.."

"Yes we are Jessica, and between you and me, well mostly me, we've made out with the nominees." Chris said prompting laughter and clapping

"And the nominees are..." She began "Chad Michael Murray for Journey of a Lost Soul..." The clip they played really got to Chris, it was the first scene

"Jerod Reynolds for The Age of Candy" Chris said

"Jesse Baily for Winding Roads"

"Steven McHail for Simply Friends."

"And Zac Efron for Journey of a lost soul..."

Clip "How can you love me, I am literally an incubus for a virus that could kill you..."

"Because I don't care about all of that, what I care about is you..."


"No... you are the only thing that I wake up for in the morning, before you I had nothing, do you think I would give that up because of the minor chance of infection, I love you damn it..."

"And the award goes to..." They both opened the envelope and looked at each other before saying "Zac Efron for Journey of a Lost Soul..." at the same time, loud applause were heard

In the living room everyone cheered as well, well, not Johnny...

Unexpectedly Zac pulled Chris into a full on kiss on the lips, causing applause in the audience to boom, while the ones in the living room came to a rather abrupt halt... To cover Zac did the same thing to Jessica Alba...

"Thank you, wow, this is totally not how I imagined this night going, I imagined faking being happy for someone else while secretly wishing they'd face plant on those stairs..." laughter, "Where can I even start, first of all my family, without you guys, nothing, then I'd like to thank Marty, Aaron, all the crew, my agent, Chris and Chad, you guys are the best friends I could ask for, Chris you're not a bad kisser either..." The audience laughed and cat called "but I'd like to thank god, and fans, cause you know without fans there'd be no point to making movies..." he said and walked off stage

"What was with the kiss dude this isn't MTV..." Chris said not angry, just shocked

"Sorry, I was just feeling it, but I kissed Jessica too, I didn't want it to seem blatant or anything, especially since our families are watching..." Zac said

"It's cool, like I've said in the past, you're a good kisser..." Chris said, and something came over him and he kissed Zac once more

"What... was ...That?" Zac asked

"I guess it's my way of saying thank you for being the best friend I could ask for..." Chris said

"You're... welcome?" Zac said

They went and found their seats, and then came the moment of Chris's dreams

Matt Damon and Keira Knightley were presenting it...

"Well I don't know about you Keira but I remember being up here in this category before..."

"Well I don't actually recall being up here for this category, but this isn't about us, it's about these five talented men one of them in their debut role who stood out and are being recognized for it..." Keira said

"And the nominees for best performance by an actor in a motion picture drama..."

"Leonardo Dicaprio, for A Valiant Effort"

"Clive Owen, for It Comes Standard"

"George Clooney, for Livewire."

"Christopher Storm, Journey of a Lost Soul."

*** Clip*** "You don't know what it's like, to have this, this pain building inside of you that could kill you at any moment, I didn't ask for this, but here I am, HIV positive, and fighting for the man I love."

"And Jonathon Rhys Meyers for Frankly Scarlet..."

"And the award goes to... wow.. Christopher Storm Journey of a Lost Soul." The crowd actually stood up to clap as he went to the stage, he couldn't believe it listening to the song he and Zac had recorded together he felt the emotions of the crowd too, he was ready to burst...

"OH MY GOD!!!" Piper yelled, and everyone in the living room cheered just as loudly and waited for his speech

"Wow!... Oh my god... thank you, ok, I gotta be honest when I heard who I was up against I threw away my speech..." Chris said and there was laughter, "so bear with me, first I'd like to say what an honor it is to be here with all of you, especially in recognition of this movie, it's a very real thing and to be able to bring it into the spotlight is a very big deal, I don't think any of us thought it would catch on like it did... I know I know, time restrictions, I'd like to thank Aaron, Marty, Chad, my babies Justus, Jocelyn, and John, daddy loves you, my mom, dad, my brother Wyatt, all my family, and anyone who supported me while I achieved my dreams, the fans who saw the movie, and of course god, without whom I wouldn't be standing here, but I have to thank the one person who was there for me the entire time no matter what, Zac, congratulations buddy, we actually won!" Chris exclaimed and people laughed and clapped some more as he walked off stage

In the living room, everyone was kind of sizing up Johnny's reaction to not being thanked... he walked out of the room... Wyatt followed him

"Dude slow down..."

"You know I sat there and watched that show, thinking maybe, just maybe he'd do something crazy and profess his love or something, but no, I had to watch him be kissed by another guy, and then thank everybody except me, I mean not that I deserve it, but damn, it still hurts..."

"Look Johnny, I know it hurts, but you did ask him for a separation..."

"I know, I just didn't think he'd be this okay with it..." Johnny said

"Well, he is an actor, and a damned good one, do you honestly think anything but his speech was genuine...?" Wyatt asked not expecting an answer

"Now that you mention it, he did look kind of sad, in a fake happy sort of way..." Johnny said and Wyatt just nodded

Piper was on the phone with all her friends talking about her son the award winning actor

Zac and Chris decided to hit an after party, they were of course a big hit, and met all sorts of important people

They were mingling when Jonathon Rhys Meyers walked up...

"Hey." Simple yet very effective

"Oh, wow, this is so cool, sorry, I'm new to all this..." Chris said

"It's alright, so I gotta say I saw your movie, and I threw away my speech too..."

"You've gotta be shittin me..." Chris said, prompting the hot actor to laugh

"Not as eloquent as in the movies are we?"

"Yeah, I get that a lot three kids and no life put English on the back burner..."

"Three kids, wow, how do you keep that tight figure..." J.R.M said jokingly and Chris lightly chuckled

"I work very hard..." Chris said

"I can see that, or rather I should say, saw, on a rather large screen I might add."

"Wow.. that's embarrassing..." Chris said

"You have no reason to be." He said and walked away

"Ok... I think Jonathon Rhys Meyers just hit on me..." Chris said to Zac

"He sure did, he didn't even glance at me..." Zac said

"Well, you know you only won supporting..." They shared a laugh

"Hey, you guys, congratulations..." Chad said as he walked up

They all hugged, "Yeah, so what's it feel like being the odd man out..." Chris joked

"Nah, it's all good, I actually remember the premiere, and then seeing your clips tonight just made me remember all the better, you guys were great, I mean even your clips stood out against the others..."

"You know there are some fine looking actors in this party, if I wasn't still stuck on my soon to be ex husband I would be getting me some tonight..." Chris said

"Wait, soon to be what?" Chad asked

"Oh... right, you weren't there, yeah, Johnny and I, we're finito, no mas, through, done, splitting..." Chris said

"Yeah I got that with finito..." Chad said laughing, "why?"

"Because he's a douche bag and can't take it that I'm more famous than he is.." Chris said and grabbed a drink chugging it

"Whoa, slow down there killer." Chad said

"You're right he's not worth it... I'm gonna go get me some Irishman..." Chris said and walked away, soon Chris and Chad saw him leaving the party with Jonathon Rhys Meyers..."

To. Be. Continued...

OK.. it's up to you guys, unless told otherwise, the next chapter is gonna include some sex with Chris and someone who isn't Johnny, if you're opposed to that I suggest you send me some feedback...

Next: Chapter 27

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