Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Feb 6, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 28

The Choice...

During flashbacks, you won't find these memories in the earlier chapters, if they sound unfamiliar it's because, well... they were too tedious to include so they are in the unedited versions of some of the chapters and not the final products

"Are you sure about this?"

"I want to it's just..." Chris said...


"That was amazing... "

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me..."


Chris awoke to the sound of his cell phone ringing


"Hey it's me..."

"Me who...?" Chris asked

"It's Zac duh genius, I need clothes so you and me we're going shopping, be downstairs in 20 minutes no excuses..."


Chris got up and walked to the bathroom turning on the water

I love you so much He shook the thoughts from his head

He grabbed his toothbrush and paste and got in the shower

His mind was racing as he washed himself, he scrubbed and scrubbed and finally "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" as he collapsed to the shower floor and cried...

He got out of the shower and dressed himself for the shopping trip, and was in the lobby after 25 minutes

"Five minutes late means you're buying lunch..."

"Yeah, yeah, you think this kind of beauty just happens..."

"Yeah... after being punched in the face a few hundred times..."

"Shut up you know you want me..." Chris said with a smile and batting his lashes

"One day maybe..." Zac said almost inaudibly

"What'd you say bud?" Chris said

"I um, I said in your dreams dude..." Zac covered

"Dude, the valet should have been here with the car by now..." Chris said

"No worries.." Zac said and waved over a valet, asking for his car

A few minutes later they were blazing a trail in his Ferrari

"Where to?"

"I don't know, wherever..." Chris said

"Dude what's eating you, you are like some shell of Chris..."

"I just couldn't do it, I had this gorgeous Irishman in my hotel room, and all I could think about is my idiot of a husband..." Chris admitted to Zac

"You mean, you still love him, and want to be with him..."

"I do, and I think I'd be willing to give up my dreams to be with him the way we used to be..."

"You mean, you'd go back on everything you have been standing up for?"

"If it means I get to keep the love of my life, then yes, that's exactly what I'm saying..." Chris said

"You know something Chris, that's not a good thing you're saying, what you're saying is that you are going to let this guy run your life, if you give in to him, then you're telling him, if he feels strongly enough about something, all he has to do is threaten you with a divorce to get what he wants..."

"I just don't know anymore.. I don't know what I want, I want my dreams, but I want my husband more..."

"All you have to do is sign..."

"I'm not sure what I want, I always said that I wanted everything for my husband, but I never thought everything would include being away from me and our family..."

"Look Johnny, you may think of me as just your dorky brother in law, but you should know, you aren't in the wrong here, sure your motives are a bit on the selfish side, but so are Chris's, you two need to talk this out..." Reed said

"Reed, I just don't know what I want anymore, I don't wanna lose the love of my life over something like this, I know in my heart that I should support him, this is his dream, I just can't not be affected by it..."

"Ok just answer me this, what would Chris do if it were you...?" Reed asked

"He'd bitch about it, but when push would come to shove he'd be behind me, no matter what, like he always has been, even when he argued with me, he only did that to protect his emotions."

"One more question, before you sign the papers... Can you be with Chris and accept his dreams, keep in mind you are gone an awful lot too..." Reed said

"I think I can..."

"Then you have a choice to make, either sign the papers, or go get your man..." Reed said

Johnny hugged Reed and thanked him for his help

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Chris said standing in front of them

"Chris... what are you doing here?" Johnny asked

"What... no hi honey it's good to see you're alive and kicking...?" Chris asked dryly

"Reed could you um.. leave...?" Johnny asked

"Sure..." Reed walked out of the room


"Am I doing here... Well I was talking to Zac, and I came to the decision, I'm not ready to let you go, I don't want to let you go..." Chris said

Johnny was completely shocked, "really?"

"No, I'm joking, of course Johnny, I don't want to lose you, and if having you means giving up my dream, I can live with that, you and the kids mean too much to me..." Chris said

Something about hearing it from Chris, the way he said it, it actually pained Johnny to hear his lover talking about sacrificing even more on his behalf...

"What about Zac?" Johnny asked

"What about Zac, OH... yeah.. that was just his emotions overtaking him..." Chris said with a light chuckle

"You wanna come home?"

"Well I certainly can't live in a hotel for the rest of my life..." Chris said and hugged Johnny, Johnny hugged him back tightly

Johnny felt complete again, but still a nagging feeling felt he was making a mistake about Chris and his choice...

"Chris, if you promise me that you won't turn into one of those Hollywood people who forget who they are and where they come from, I want you to keep pursuing your dream, you've made it this far, it would be wrong for me to take that away..." Johnny said and kissing Chris's neck

"Yeah... wrong..." Chris moaned and felt waves of ecstasy, as Johnny kissed his way to Chris's full lips, kissing them lightly, and Chris lost it, grabbing the back of Johnny's head and pulling him in harder.

They collapsed on their bed, and Chris pulled off Johnny's shirt, and Johnny ripped off Chris's, as they tore off each other's clothes, they licked, bit and sucked leaving all sorts of marks, as Johnny pushed past Chris's entrance with his lubricated cock, to Chris's dry hole, Chris hollered and pushed down, taking the whole thing, burning and split in two, Johnny started to pound Chris, months of pent up sexual rage burning inside his churning nuts, as he selfishly used Chris's battered hole to get off. Johnny was slamming against Chris, the sounds of flesh and Chris's cries of pain and pleasure echoing off the walls...

Johnny started to curse, and shout, grunting, and erupted shot after shot of cum deep inside Chris's abused hole...

"Wow... that... was... insane..." Chris said and went to the bathroom

"Are you ok?" Johnny asked

"Not really, but I'll be fine..." Chris said turning on the shower

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked

"Nothing, it's just been a while..." Chris said

"Oh.. so you were still faithful while we weren't living together..." Johnny said

"Well of course, I assumed this day would come..." Chris said looking into the bedroom and smiling at Johnny, "What you expected otherwise?" Chris said

"No, I just mean, I don't even know what I mean..." Johnny said

"You seem surprised that I was able to keep it in my pants, you think that's what I was doing the entire time I was away don't you...?" Chris asked, feeling very hurt

"I'm not surprised..." Johnny said

"You just did the trademark, Johnny, I'm lying to you to protect you look..."

"What? I don't have a look..."

"There it is again.. What... please tell me it's not true, who is it?" Chris asked, voice breaking

"Look Chris..."

"WHO... is it..." Chris started to cry, "Who did you sleep with?! GODDAMN IT TELL ME WHO YOU FUCKED!!!" Chris screamed

"It was one time..."


"It was Alex..." Johnny said

"TELL ME... tell me you don't mean Alex my cousin from another world..." Chris said fiercely, "Oh my god, I can see it on your face, and in your emotions, you did, you actually slept with him..." Chris said and silently cried

"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you..."

"But then you decided it would be more fun to nail me first huh?!" Chris asked nastily

"No, it wasn't like that..."

"In all the years we've been together, I have done some things wrong, I have been selfish at times, but I never EVER cheated on you Johnny, hell it's not like I didn't have opportunity, hell I had Jonathon Rhys Meyers ready to break down my backdoor, but I didn't and you know why, BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Chris shrieked and threw a book from the dresser at Johnny hitting him in the jaw...

"I'm sorry Chris... I'm so.. soo... sorry..." Johnny said

"Did you ever love me?" Chris asked

"How can you even ask that?" Johnny asked

"Gee whiz, how could I ask that, I don't know, I'm gone less than a month and you slide your dick into a fresh hole, doesn't inspire much confidence..." Chris said

"It wasn't like that..."

"Oh so what, you slipped and your erection just WHOOSH landed in Alex's mouth...?" Chris asked sarcastically

"Oh that's real mature, come on Chris, it was a mistake, I told you the truth..."

"Only because I cornered you by a fluke, you would have kept this from me if I hadn't caught you..." Chris said, and ran out of the room in search of Alex, he found him in the living room reading a book, Chris flung it away with his telekinesis...

"What the?"

"I bet you just couldn't wait for your chance to get at my husband..." Chris said

"Whoa, Chris calm down, you look a little rattled..."

"Oh I'm rattled, I'm rattled that I ignored my better judgment about you and that Henry imposter..." Chris said

"Chris, it was a one time thing, we were both pretty emotional, it just happened..."

"THINGS LIKE THAT DON'T JUST HAPPEN!" Chris screamed at Alex and uncontrolled emotions sent him flying into the grandfather clock

"What the hell?!" David said and ran to Alex

"Get away from him, we're talking now..." Chris commanded, and without flinching caused David to be thrown into the couch

"What's going on in here..." Wyatt asked, soon followed by Pete, and then Johnny

"Do you wanna tell them Skankerella or should I?" Chris asked Alex, I'll take that as no comment, "That little whore over there fucked my husband, that's right, the bottom feeder fed his bottom to my husband..." Chris said loudly

All eyes were on Alex, then Johnny

"Is this true Alex?" David asked

"Yes..." Alex said softly

"Sorry whore I didn't catch that. Care to speak up?" Chris said

"I said, yes, but god Chris I am SO..." Chris ran up to him and kicked him in the face

"I am SO SICK, of people telling me they're sorry! Nobody's sorry, don't try to act like you didn't want it, hell in a sense you share a child why not sample the worldly goods?" Chris fumed

"It wasn't like that, we were emotional, I was having problems, and Johnny was missing you so badly, haven't you ever just needed comfort sex? Alex asked as Chris's fist made contact with his jaw, Alex laid on the ground clenching his face

"NOT WITH A MARRIED MAN!!! Now.. you're gonna learn what it means to cross a real Halliwell..." Chris said and stomped on Alex's ribs breaking at least two, causing the boy to shriek in pain

"Chris THAT'S ENOUGH!" David yelled

"No it's not... but I suppose I could give him a break..." Chris said and picked Alex up by the neck and a leg and snapped him over his leg, then telekinetically threw him into the the iron staircase, when the bruised and battered guy hit the ground Chris grabbed his hand, "Let's see.. for all the lives you affected by not being able to keep your legs or mouth closed..." Chris said "For Johnny Jr."

"CHRIS STOP!" David yelled, but Chris held up a hand magically stopping him from coming closer, and snapped his pinky finger causing him to scream out in agony, "For Jocelyn..."

"CHRIS PLEASE!" Johnny yelled

He snapped his ring finger, "For Justus..." then he snapped his middle and index finger, he was convulsing during his screaming and crying, "for my soon to be ex husband...." He broke his thumb... "And for me..." Chris orbed a knife from the kitchen

"CHRIS STOP! THIS ISN'T THE WAY!" Wyatt said trying to psychically link with Chris, but Chris was blocking his signal, and Wyatt knew he couldn't use all the power it would take to break Chris's hold on them it was too risky

"No, please don't... please, I'm so sorry, I wouldn't.. I didn't wan... I PLEASE DON'T..."

"I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong..." Chris said, and used the knife handle to break his hand and crush the bones in his fingers

He threw Alex into the coffee table causing it to break

"Heal him, and you'll wish you were dead..." Was all Chris said and went upstairs

Johnny burst through their bedroom door, "Why did you do that to him... Isn't it me your really mad at?!"

"Lemme just put it to you this way, I was imagining you the whole time, but to answer your question, I am just as mad at him as I am at you, and just be glad I don't kill you where you stand" Chris said venomously

"Chris, what is the matter with you?" Johnny asked

"What's wrong with me, you know everyone's always been on your side, I'm always the selfish one, I'm always in the wrong, but you know what, I'm the one who's always been in this 100%..." Chris said noticing the divorce papers on the nightstand

"Chris, you could have killed him, doesn't that concern you at all, you're supposed to be the good guy here..." Johnny asked

"Oh I just beat him senseless, maybe every bone in his hand, maybe a few broken ribs, I don't know, I wasn't keeping track... but whatever he'll live it's not like I killed the little bitch..." Chris said

"How could you do that, he's your cousin..." Johnny said

"No he's not, and you aren't my husband anymore..." Chris said grabbing the divorce papers...

"What are you doing..."

"You are getting what you want..." Chris said and signed the papers, "There I've done my part."

"Are you really ready to give up on us...?" Johnny asked

"I didn't give up on us Johnny, you did..." Chris said

"I still love you, that night with Alex meant nothing, it was sex, I have no feelings for him..." Johnny said...

"You know, it's funny, I turned down so many guys that saw me in that movie, and you sleep with somebody who I always thought was gonna try something... I always knew his Johnny wasn't enough, he'd end up trying to get with my Johnny.... I guess I was right again..."


"Sign the papers Johnny, if there's one thing I'm not equipped to forgive it's cheating, before that I would have been fine, but now, knowing you've had your dick in someone else, and someone else IN my FAMILY... just makes me sick to my stomach..." Chris said handing Johnny the papers...

"Chris.. .I...."

"Save it for someone who cares... I'm done with this..." Chris said and orbed out...

"I can't believe I stood up for you..." Wyatt said from the doorway....

"I'm sorry..."

"That seems to be all you know how to say nowadays..." Wyatt said

"It's all I got..." Johnny said

"You are so low, you tell me how much you love my brother, and want him back, and then you go and sleep with my cousin, how could you do that?" Wyatt asked

"I don't even remember much of it, I was really drunk, or high, I don't remember... but Alex just reminded me of Chris, I guess because he's had my kid too... well... technically..." Johnny said

"Don't LIE to me..." Wyatt said

"Ok... ok...I was just SO hurt, Chris was gone, he said he wanted a divorce, Alex was there, he was willing, he was so kind to me, I couldn't stop myself..." Johnny said

"You don't deserve Chris..." Wyatt said and punched Johnny in the eye, "and if you ever try and mess with him again, you'll deal with me, and I am ten times worse than Chris..."

Johnny just held his eye, and sat on the floor

Chris orbed into Zac's hotel room...

"Chris, oh my god, what's wrong...?" Zac asked and pulled him into a hug

"Nothing..." Chris said and kissed Zac, "Do you really love me?" Chris asked

"I never said I did, how do you... oh god.. I do... so much..." Zac said

"You were pretty bad at hiding it..." Chris said and pulled Zac's tank top off, and kissing him

"I do, I love you so much Chris..." Chris could feel the power of the words, literally and figuratively, and kiss Zac again, harder, and pulled down his sweat pants, his chest was glistening with sweat, it was obvious he'd been working out

Zac pulled off Chris's shirt, and unbuttoned his jeans, Chris stepped out of his shoes, and they fell onto the couch making out, Chris got on top of Zac and rubbed his bubble butt on Zac's prominent bulge.

"You are so beautiful..." Zac said as Chris kissed his chest and neck, sucking on his nipples

"I love you..." Chris said and pulled off Zac's bikini briefs, tonguing the head of his beautiful dick

"Chris, you don't have to do this..." Zac said and placed his hand on Chris's cheek

"I want to..." Chris said and stared into Zac's eyes as he engulfed his entire shaft

"Ooooh my god...." Zac threw his head back

Chris sucked, as the tube of flesh engorged filling his mouth, he pulled it out of his mouth and kissed the head...

"You like?" Chris asked stroking the enormous cock

"More than you know..." Zac replied

Chris continued his assault... and pulled off his own trunk briefs while sucking, he pulled himself onto Zac's lap and aligned his cock, "Do you want this?" Chris asked

"Please... please, I need to feel your ass on my cock..." Zac pleaded

"I love you..." Chris said and sat on the thick cock, even this soon after getting fucked it still hurt... a lot

"OH GOD... I love you too, you're so tight, I love this little ass..."

** Flashes of Johnny pounding into Alex flashed through his mind**

Chris increased his speed and moaning loudly

Johnny kisses Alex's lips and fucks him tenderly

Chris arches his back and falls onto his back, Zac adjusts and starts plowing into Chris's loosened hole, kissing and sucking on Chris's neck...

"OH I'm gonna cum!" Chris called out and started moaning and screaming out Zac's name

Zac started groaning and long dicking Chris's ass, and thrust in one final time, planting his cum deep within Chris.

"Wow... that was... you were so... I love you Chris..." Zac said

"Mmm... I love you too Zac..."

They spooned and fell asleep.

Over the next few months the separation was legal, Chris and Zac became a couple in the public eye.

"Ok, is anyone else even a little shocked about the new relationship that's all the buzz in the media right now, I mean academy award nominees Zac Efron and Chris Storm, now Halliwell have become the hottest new couple around, did anyone see this coming?"

"No Kim, I gotta say, when they made their first public appearance, I did a double take, I saw them, and I assumed it was an advertisement for the movie they appeared in together, which comes to blu-ray and hd-dvd in a few weeks..."

"What about Chris's ex Johnny Storm?"

"Well all I have to say is, what a LOSER... Right now Chris is one of the HOTTEST guys around, with his golden globe, and his oscar nod, not to mention rippling muscles, a face to swoon for, and a south of the border that was well worth the 10.50 per ticket, he wasn't gonna be pining for his super hero husband for long with his equally hot and endowed co-star being newly single and openly bisexual..."

"But you know there are kids involved..."

"Yeah, and I feel for them, but these things happen, but I'm sure Chris and Johnny are doing everything they can to keep the kids away from all the hysteria, and what's this I hear, Johnny got himself a new man, we don't know or care about his name, but I'm sure he doesn't equal up to Chris..."

"Oh, come on Jamie, that's not fair, I'm sure Johnny Storm is perfectly capable of landing a decent guy, HOWEVER the future holds for Chris, another movie and rumors of an album..."

"That's all the time we have for today, thanks for watching..."

Bobby Drake switched off the television

"Oh, so apparently I don't measure up to Chris in anyway, do you agree?" Bobby asked rubbing Johnny's shoulders

"mm hmm yeah..." Johnny said not looking up from his laptop

"Johnny, listen to me!" Bobby said and closed the laptop

"Sorry hon, I guess I was a little absorbed in my work..." Johnny said

"It's ok, I'm just a little weirded out, I mean even if they don't know or care about my name, the fact of the matter is, they hate me...

"Who does?" Johnny asked

"The media, I mean, they don't know who I am, but they call me things like, the homewrecker, or the OTHER guy, some of the cable shows aren't as nice..." Bobby said

"I just can't believe Chris is with that guy..." Johnny said

"Johnny, sweetie, I get that you still love him, but do you have to do that..." Bobby said curling into a ball

"Look I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't fucked up, how can you even be with me, I'm a cheater..." Johnny said

"John, I know all about that and I'm here, Chris isn't, he's off somewhere not thinking about you, so why should you worry about him..."

"Ok... this isn't happening.... Easy to use remove cap and urinate on absorbent end accurate results in just 90 seconds..." Chris said to himself

He waited, and waited, the longest 90 seconds he'd ever endured...

"Hey Chris, how's it going in there?" Zac called

"Fine babe, I'm gonna hop in the shower..." Chris called, feeling he'd sounded a bit too anxious

"Ok, I'm gonna run out and get us some dinner..." Zac called

Chris said "Okay!" and looked at the test, "Not again..." he said and turned on the shower

"Johnny, you wanna do something for dinner tonight, or just stay in?" Bobby asked, when his cell phone rang

"Bobby Drake..."

"Bobby, it's Chris..."

"Hey Chris, we were just talking about you... How's life?" Bobby said in an only slightly bitter way

"It's headed in an entirely new direction..." Chris said

"What do you mean?" Bobby asked and started folding Johnny's laundry

"I'm pregnant..."

Bobby dropped the shirt he was holding

"It's Zac's right?" Bobby asked unsure

"I don't know..." Chris said

"What you mean you've been with him, shouldn't you know it's his...?" Bobby asked

"It's complicated..." Chris said

"Hey Bobbo did you find my watch...?" Johnny asked, and looking at Johnny and then listening to what Chris had said, Bobby put two and two together

"Yeah, it's on the dresser... " Bobby turned his attention to the phone as Johnny left the room saying he'd fix dinner


"It's Johnny's isn't' it...?" Bobby asked

"It might be, but it also could be Zac's I don't know what to do, I didn't even want another baby..."

"Ok... I need to go..." Bobby said and hung up before Chris could respond...

Johnny walked into the bedroom and saw Bobby looking off, "Hey Bob, you doing alright?"

"I don't know...

"Well I know that look something..."

"CHRISISPREGNANTITMIGHTBEYOURS!" Bobby blurted and it didn't sound like what he said

"OK... either I am going crazy or you just said that my ex-husband might be pregnant with my baby, is that what you said?" Johnny asked, Bobby just nodded

"Oh boy..."

"Ok... Zac... I'm pregnant..."

"You mean.. we're gonna be parents?" Zac asked

"Not exactly..." Chris said prompting a look of confusion to appear on Zac's face

"What do you mean, you have been with me for the past three months..." Zac said

"I know, but, that same night I had been with Johnny, see, I didn't tell you this, but, Johnny and I made love before I found out about him and Alex, and we didn't use protection..." Chris said

"So... The baby might be Johnny's..." Zac said

"Yeah, it's a 50/50 shot for him or her to be yours..." Chris said

"Look Chris I'm not mad, so don't give me that look like you're in the wrong, look if this baby turns out to be Johnny's you don't have to tell him, we can raise him or her as our own..." Zac said

"You'd do that, you'd accept a child that wasn't yours...?" Chris asked getting emotional

"Only if you didn't want to tell him when the time came to do so." Zac said and kissed Chris on the forehead, "I'm here for you..."

"If the baby turns out to be yours, what then?"

"Well, I mean it would be the same way it is now, the kids live with Chris and I see them every other week, and I see John on weekends and vacations from school..." Johnny said

"So you wouldn't go back to Chris if he showed up wanting to work it out?" Bobby asked

"I can't say that I wouldn't take him back, I still love him, and it's my fault we aren't together anymore, I was unfaithful." Johnny said

"But you weren't thinking clearly you thought you'd been abandoned, and had too much to drink..."

"If the baby were mine, I'd be there for you and him or her, of course we'd then have to tell my parents about your little secret..." Zac said

"That would be a dramatic moment if there ever was one in my life..." Chris said

"Leave it to you to joke..." Zac said, "If the baby's Johnny's if there a chance you'd go back to him?" Zac asked bluntly

"Even if I wanted to, I can't trust him, so we'll go with, no." Chris said

"Chris... Just please don't make me any promises, he was your first love, and he's the father of at least three of your children, so just remember, I'll understand if you do go back to him..." Zac said, his hand covering Chris's

"You would still be a part of my life?" Chris asked, and started to cry a little

"Of course, Chris, I love you, and I love you enough to let you go if it comes to that." Zac said

"You are so perfect, so much more than I deserve..." Chris said

"You deserve me, hell you deserve two of me, and I deserve you, we are a match, and I love you." Zac said

"I love you too." Chris said and hugged Zac

"Do you still love him?"

"I do, I have to be honest..."

"Then what are we doing here Johnny?" Bobby asked

"Look Bobby, I thought you understood, I can't just get over him, he's the father of my kids, and the love of my life..."

"If you're still describing him as the love of your life maybe I should go." Bobby said and walked out

"I think I should talk to him..." Chris said

"I think you should too, try and be back to put the kids to sleep, but I'll do it if you need me to." Zac said and kissed Chris...

Johnny went into the nursery, he sat at the drawing table and thought about the past


"Oh my god Johnny it's perfect, what do you think of your new room, Johnathon Christopher?"

"Isn't he perfect?" Chris asks Johnny while they watch their son sleep

"Daddy loves you so much son."

"Welcome home Jocelyn..."

"She's perfect, like her daddy." Chris said

"You think I would do THAT in a NURSERY!"

"Daddy! Draw with me!"

"Play daddy, play!"

"Mommy, read a story!"

"Justus this is your new home, no more hospital..."

"Daddy, why's the new baby sleeping in my room?"

"Joss, go help your brother pack!"

"Where's mommy?"


"Can we talk?" Chris asked from the doorway as he closed the door behind himself


Of Season 2.. hee hee

Ok... for the season premiere of Marvelously Charming, you all NEED to send me feedback on who should be Chris's baby daddy, and I mean it, if you don't do it, I am just gonna flip a coin...

Next: Chapter 28

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