Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Mar 10, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 30

A Twist of Fate...

(during visions anything not in quotes is being said in present time)

"We need a whitelighter.. or an elder, SOMEONE!" Phoebe yelled at Dionne

"What about your sister, Paige?" Dionne asked

"No, she's in the underworld... and the elders wouldn't come if I called..." Phoebe said

"Call Paige's boyfriend..." Dionne said

"What?" Phoebe confusedly asked

"You know, her boyfriend, the one that died, Kyle..."

"I don't even know how, I don't know if he can hear a call from someone who isn't a charge..."

"You have to try..."

"Come on Wyatt, you can do it, just pull through for me baby..." Pete said to a weak Wyatt

"H-how's C-Chris...?" Wyatt asked looking over at Chris's non-moving body

"He's unconscious, the arrow went through his chest..."

"Y-you... h-have to g-g-get me the book of sh-shadows..." Wyatt said


"Just do as I ask, and bring Alex over here..." Wyatt said

Pete ran up the stairs to the attic and got the book, he quickly ran back to where three of the people nearest to his heart were gradually slipping away...

Piper burst through the front door... "What happened?! I felt like something was wrong..." Leo followed behind

Pete looked at Piper, and his look said it all... "Oh god no... please tell me they're ok..." Piper said

"They're dying... and with all of the whitelighters being down, and the elders not responding to our calls, we have no way to heal them..." Pete said clutching the book

"What are you doing with that...?" Piper asked

"Wyatt asked for it, I don't know why..." Pete said and Piper motioned for him to give her the book

"He wants to use the power switching spell, so one of us can heal him... I know..." Piper and Leo were hit with energy balls, and flew back through the front door windows

"OH GOD PIPER, LEO!" Pete called as the book flew at him, since it couldn't go through the front door

"Ok Wyatt you better make this fast, ALEX, over here now..." Pete called

"What's... mine is... yours what's yours is mine... let our powers cross the line... I ...I...offer up... my gift to s-share... switch... our powers... through the... a-air." Wyatt squeaked while holding Alex's hand, his grip loosened as he became unconscious

"Wyatt... Wyatt!!" Pete yelled, and Alex felt a rush, as he felt the power of Pete's love for Wyatt flow through him and his hand, still in Wyatt's began to glow, he watched as the color returned to Wyatt's entire face, and he awoke...

"Oh my god... it worked..." Wyatt said, and recited the spell again reversing what had been done

He walked up to Chris and Johnny, "Come on Chris, it's not your time..." Johnny said and Wyatt began to heal him, it took a very long time, and after he was done, Chris still had a slight hole in his chest

"Oh Johnny..." Chris said and clutched him tightly, he whispered in Johnny's ear, "you were all I could think about."

"He's alive..." Wyatt said about David, who was hugged by Alex

"Wait... where's mom and dad?" Chris asked...

"They were.... Oh no... they got hit..." Pete said and pointed to the foyer

Wyatt and Chris looked at each other and ran over and saw the shattered glass, and busted door frame, they each ran to their father and mother.

Chris tried to heal Leo as Wyatt attempted to heal Piper...

"Surprise...." Melinda called as she orbed in, noticing the somber looking crowd of her family, "oh no..." she ran over to the scene

Wyatt looked up, and Chris did too, a tears began to fall, and they saw for the first time, their mother and father dead, holding onto one another, born for each other, and married till death did they part, they just broke down on their parents' bodies, and Chris shrieked, Melinda ran to her brothers and put an arm around each as they all cried

Johnny walked up and pulled Chris into his arms and Pete did the same to Wyatt

"It's not your fault..." they told their husbands

"Why now, why them... was this supposed to happen?!" Wyatt screamed

"It was supposed to happen earlier..." Chris said

"What...?" Wyatt responded

"When I turned 15, grandpa told me, that when I was future me, I told him, mom was supposed to die when I turned 14, the future changed, but only delayed the inevitable... and dad... I don't know... but" Chris continued to cry

Everyone gathered around and comforted one another

They saw an awkward swirl of what looked to be a form of visible air...

"Aunt Phoebe?" Melinda asked

"Help me... I need healing..." Phoebe said

Wyatt rushed over, and saw Caleb and C.J limp and nearly lifeless

"What the hell is this...?" Wyatt asked

"What do you mean... just heal them!" Phoebe said

"Why, healing hasn't done us very good has it.. WHAT GOOD IS HEALING IF IT CAN'T SAVE THE ONES I LOVE?!" Wyatt boomed

"What happened?!" Phoebe demanded

"LOOK! Maybe if this so called precious gift of foresight had seen this coming we could have saved my mom and dad..." Wyatt sobbed

"What?" Phoebe asked seeing what was in front of her for the first time, "how?"

"Does it matter... THEY'RE DEAD..."

"But they aren't..." Chris said, and walked to C.J and Caleb, one hand over each and healed them, it took quite some time, but worked...

"Chris!" C.J said

"Don't speak to me... this changes nothing." Chris said

"But wait, I need..."

"I don't care what YOU or ANYONE needs, right now I need time..." Chris said and left the manor to go, anywhere but there...

Chris left the manor and walked down the road, he was feeling all sorts of emotions, he could not even differentiate them, he felt, anger, sadness, impotence, rage, anything, and it was all weighing on him so hard

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and collapsed on the side walk

"Chris, Chris Halliwell is that you son?" A neighbor who had heard the scream came out to check

"Chris what's wrong do you need help?" she asked

"No... Nobody can help me..." Chris said and walked away

Wyatt was trying to sense Chris while the others cleaned up

"Any luck?" Paige asked

"No, he's blocking my signal..."

"He just needs time..." C.J said

"We ALL need time ass hole, nobody asked your opinion" Wyatt snapped and C.J cowered

"Don't talk to him like that, he made a choice, a choice you would have made for Piotr or Chris would have made for Johnny..."

"I NEVER would have abandoned my family..."

"Wyatt I know your mad at me, but I didn't want to leave you guys, I just wanted so badly to be with Caleb after I messed up so badly during our life together..."

"I get it Cole, but it doesn't change the fact that you left us high and dry without a third charmed one, you missed the birth of your niece and nephew, you missed birthdays, and anniversaries... and now you're here, for death... so tell me... how am I supposed to feel..."

"There hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't think about the choice I made, but the truth of the matter is, I would make that choice EVERY time, cuz I love my daughter and husband very much, and choosing them over anyone wasn't very hard, you would have chosen Pete Laura and Grace, I know you would have!"

"Now isn't the time, we have to stage a crime scene..." Wyatt said, "for the passing of this magic hour, replace what is with what could have been, no trails or evidence ever again..." Wyatt recited a spell he'd made up after an incident in middle school

They called the authorities and Piper and Leo's bodies were taken away

Chris sat on a swing at the park and thought about everything that had happened to him in his life


"Mommy can we go to the park, I wanna ride on the swings!"

"Ok honey, but you need to get a sweater before we can go..."

Scene changes to a 4 year old Chris being pushed by Piper on the swings

They sat in the sand box together playing

"Chris honey, you know one day you will be here, with your own children, and you'll be able to feel how I am right now..."

"How you feeling momma?"


"Compwete... What's compwete?"

"Complete mean that I feel like I never need anything more than you and your brother, and the moments like this..."

End Vision

Tears started to stream down his face, as he remembered



"Hey buddy, what are you doing?"


"What do you want to do?"

"I wanna.... PLAY!"

"Well what do you wanna PLAY?" Leo asked playfully


"That we can do.."

They sat together and put together the pieces of the puzzle

"I love you so much buddy.."

"I love you too daddy..."

"I know you're too young to know what this means, but you and your brother and the times like this is all I'll ever need..."

"I know... you feel copwete..."

Leo looked surprised, "Where did you learn that word?"

"Mommy told me, she feels copwete too... but why we only need me an Wyatt, mommy stomach is big again, like the pictures before I was borned..."

"You wanna know?"

Little Chris just nodded

"You're gonna have a little brother or sister"


End Vision

The tears just started to fall even harder and a young woman walked up

"Excuse me?"

"Yes...?" Chris asked sniffling

"Um... are you alright?"

"No.. I'm not alright, but I don't want to unload on a perfect stranger..."

"That's alright I'm a psychology major, I'll be paid to do it in the future, so I may as well offer some free counseling to someone in need..."

"Alright..." Chris sniffled as the woman sat on the swing next to his

"What's the problem?"

"My mother and my father... they... died..."

"Oh you poor guy, when..."

"Just an hour or so ago..."

"Oh my god... that's terrible... well when you lose somebody it helps to think of all the good times you had together... Why not tell me your fondest memory?"

"When I was turning 8, it was my birthday, everybody acted like it was just a regular day, nobody did any birthday wishes or punches or spankings, nothing like that..."


"Morning Chris, sleep ok?"

"Yeah mom, it's a good day..."

"Oh... is it... well there's cereal for breakfast..."

Mom always cooked our favorite breakfast on our birthdays, it was a sort of family tradition

"You better get ready for school..."

The funny thing was...

"it's Saturday..."

"Oh... then.. go out and play...

I was a little upset, but I didn't want anyone to know it so I went outside and played, what I didn't know was what was going on while I was at the park, this park actually

"Ok, is everything set?"

"Yeah honey, the guests should be arriving soon..."

They were putting together a surprise party, they had all my favorite foods, and all my favorite characters from movies, special plate, personalized balloons, everything a little kid could want

"What's your problem?" Wyatt asked

"Mommy forgot what today is?"

"What's today?"

I must have given him a look or something, cuz he bust out laughing...

"Of course she didn't forget, let's go home..."

When I walked through that door and saw my mom holding her camera to catch my expression when I saw the party, everything made sense, she held me in her arms and told me...

"I'll always remember you..."

End Vision

"That's a really good memory... I wish I had some like that of my mother... look Chris, you need to know, your mother loves you, even now, and you have these memories and you need to hold onto them..."

"How did you know my name?"

"Honey, even I go to the movies, and so does my entire class, and it was basically assigned as a project to go see that movie to analyze the social and personal psychology of the characters..."


"Yeah, believe it or not, your mother raised a son, who not only won awards people can't even fathom, but who impacted so many people, she and your father must have been very proud of you..."

"Thank you.. I still don't know your name..."

"Oh.. Bianca... Bianca Fuentes... We actually went to high school together..."

"Oh hey, I remember you, the top of the pyramid..."

"Yeah.. look at that the famous gay actor remembers the girl that had the biggest crush on him...." Her face changed to total embarrassment, "Oh... my god... I cannot believe I just outed myself

"Ahh it's alright... to tell you the truth, when I was trying to convince myself I wasn't gay, you were the one girl I wanted to date, so take that.." Chris said and started his walk home

When he got to the manor, he saw the coroner was leaving... He took a deep breath and walked through the repaired door...

"Chris..." Melinda said and hugged her brother

"It's ok I'm here now..." He said and hugged her tightly

He felt her body start to shake and she shrieked and broke down completely for the first time since she had orbed in....

"I swear on their souls I'm going to vanquish those responsible..." She said in a scary voice

"What are you saying Mel..." Chris asked her at arms length

"I'm saying I'm ready to assume my rightful role as the third charmed one..."

"Are you sure...?" Chris asked

"Why are you asking me that I just fucking said I'M READY!" She shouted and the front windows exploded again

"Ok.. calm down" Chris said and held her tightly

"What are we gonna do...?" She asked as she cried more

"We're gonna research.."

"Chris..." Johnny said and hugged him, "It's ok to cry..."

"No it's not... I have a family to take care of, deaths to avenge, and demons to grill..." Chris said and walked away from his husband

"Pete did you see the demons..."

"Only an arm..."

"Was there anything about the arm..."

"A red mark... I had to get the book to Wyatt... but I would know it if I saw it again..."

"To the book, NOW..." Chris commanded and he followed closely

"Cross reference red marking with demons..."

Flipping through a surprising amount of pages, Chris stopped on one, and Pete confirmed

"The Phoenix... A group of middle level demons, with the ability to reform, they are hired assassins usually guns for hire... Typical weapon of choice is a conjurable athame, however in special situations the use of an energy ball is common..."

"There's a mass vanquishing spell, power of three, we need to find the leader..." Pete said

"We don't need to do anything, go tell Wyatt and Melinda to get up here now..."

"Chris you know I don't.... GO NOW DAMN IT, LIVING ROOM!" Chris orbed him out, he felt his stomach pain him and he blacked out...


"Chris, Chris baby, you have to know, this is not your fault..."

"Yes it is mom, if I had just been more aware..."

"Honey that would have been impossible, you are not a super witch, you can't blame yourself, it was just our time..."

"BUT you saw yourselves 80 years old and alive"

"Be that as it may, the future changes, remember, we went to the future and you and Wyatt didn't exist, but Melinda did and so did Aunt Prue, things change."

"Mom... I know who killed you..."

"I do too it was that bitch Lynn you know the one with the ditzy daughter that you had that crush on before you knew you were totally homosexual..."

"Please don't say homosexual..."

"Look at you even after my demise still trying to order me around... homosexual..."

Chris smiled but covered it up

"Honey, it's ok to smile, I want you to smile, I want you to get past this... you are one of the three best things to ever happen to me, I want you to be happy, and get past this..."

Chris awoke on the attic floor

"Whoa.. you ok..."

"Um... yeah... I'm fine... I saw mom... I know who killed them..."

"I'm tweaking the Belthazor spell to bring her here..."

"Magic forces black and white reaching out through space and night be she far or be she near bring us the phoenix bitch lynn here..." Chris recited, and in a tornado she appeared

"Crystals circle!" Melinda called, and grabbed a jolting crystal placing it on the circle, and the woman screamed in agony, "This is for my parents bitch!" she cried out

"Stop for a minute Melinda..." Chris said

"Why did you kill our parents?" Wyatt asked

"I will say nothing..." she said and Melinda started jolting her again

"I'm gonna ask you one more time or I read this spell, and ur gonna get a little taste of what getting vanquished feels like for real!" Chris threatened

"I will not say a word..."

"Phoenix being of fire and ash, I call now from the power of three to vanquish thee..."

She burst into flames and began screaming and howling, but was only burned not vanquished after the fire settled

"Now... I'm going to ask you again... WHO ORDERED THE HIT ON PIPER AND LEO!?"

"Ok... please, I'll tell you... it was... Bixtosis, of the Frerax clan..."

"But we've vanquished their leaders TWICE!" Wyatt exclaimed and Melinda held up a hand

"How are they still functioning..."

"They are like a separatist group of the underworld, they have their own laws, the law you know them by, the one where they are made from their master, is no longer in effect, they are demons, it doesn't matter where they get their connection from, but the master or in this case the leader, does not have a connection other than he is the most powerful..."

Chris orbed away the crystals, "now get out of here..."

She conjured and athame and threw it at Chris, "ATHAME!" and it impaled her heart

"Stupid bitch, when will you demons ever learn... guys slow and painful or should we end this..." Chris asked he looked at his brother and sister, and tore up the vanquishing spell and threw it on her face... "Take that bitch..." he said and they walked away while she writhed in agony

"We should talk about the power of three..." Melinda said

"No..." Wyatt said

"He's right... I'm done.. I can't take this anymore... it's just not fair..." Chris said

"What are you guys saying..."

"I'm saying, I have a family to worry about, and I'm not going to put their lives in danger anymore, look at what we've already lost..."


Prue and Piper burst through the front door and soon are followed by Shax, Prue flies through some drywall and dies

Patty is consumed by the water demon

Penny suffers a heart attack

Zeke dies in an explosion

Henry Jr. gets his heart ripped from his body

end vision

"Think of Aunt Prue, Grandma, Grams, Zeke, Henry, and now mom and dad, haven't we lost enough?" Wyatt asked

"But think of all the good that we did..." Melinda said

"No... you mean the good WE did, while you abandoned your heritage..." Wyatt said

"I went to college, I hardly call that abandoning my heritage..."

"Look, call it whatever you want, but for the past three years we've barely seen, you and then you orb in and our parents are dead, and I KNOW what your first thought was, and so do you, and all I can say is... you know what, I'm not saying anything..." Chris said

"No say it, you obviously really wanna say something...

"You are a selfish brat, and mom and dad would be so disappointed and ashamed of you if they knew what your first thought was after they died... I'll leave you with that..." Chris said and left the manor

He walked through the front door to his own home, and remembered the day he moved in


"Do you like it, we all helped..."

I love it but this room's gotta change

"Well it was Wyatt's doing...."

He always was a Star Trek fan

"Welcome home son..."

Thanks mom

End Vision

"Oh, you're home..." Johnny said and put Jesse in the playpen and walked up to Chris and hugged him

"Let's sit..."

They sat for hours, talking, there were tears, and memories, but mostly tears...

"My mom taught me how to cook when I was eight, I remember, cause the very first thing we made together was chocolate chip cookies..."


"Ok buddy, how much chocolate do you want?"

All I did was smile, and poured the bag into the cookie dough

"Sweetie, that's too much, if you have too much the cookies won't come out right..."

I was so sad, over something so small, she just let it be

"Ok... we'll keep it..

The cookies turned out delicious, but they were pretty flat...

"You know sweet pea, these are the best cookies ever..."

End Vision

"They really were the best cookies ever, and not because of the cookies, but it was because of how they were made... with love..."

"Sweetie, you know, we're gonna make our own memories like that, and your mom will always be with you, especially when you cook, and clean, and everything else you spent quality time with her doing what she loved, and what you love too.."

"I know, but, it's not the same, who am I going to call when I need advice, and when I go to fix the pickup, who's gonna do it with me, oh god.... Who's gonna run magic school, the kids, they rely on dad... and the restaurant... oh my god... I can't do both..." Chris cried thinking of all the people this dramatic event would take a toll on

"Shhh, it's ok baby, I'm here, it's ok to cry, you just cry..." Johnny said and stroked Chris's hair...

"How can this be happening?" Wyatt asked running his hands through his short blonde hair

"I can't answer that..." Pete said and hugged is husband

"It isn't fair, I should feel better now that the person responsible is dead..."

"Do you ever wonder if the demons you vanquish have families?" Pete asked

"What, where did that come from, seven years and now you bring this up?"

"Well it's a reasonable question, I mean this Phoenix group is mostly human, it stands to reason that they could reproduce, feel emotions, like love... who knows what families you broke when you vanquished her out of vengeance..."

"Mom?" Bianca Fuentes asked as she walked through the door to her mother's apartment,

"Your mother is dead..." a man she only knew as Boss said to her

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the charmed ones vanquished her today for killing their parents..."

"I would have done the same thing..."

"Bianca! You know what you must do, you must fight!"

"I must not do anything, I know now why people do the things they do, and I am not about to take somebody from their family, though my mother is my mother, or was, she was bound to be killed sooner or later in her line of work, I accepted that years ago..."

"Then you serve no purpose..."

"Mommy, where's grams?" John asked as he walked into his parents' room

"Oh... um..." Chris looked at his son, who he still could not believe was turning seven in a month, "Son, you're old enough to hear the truth..."

"Ok..." the boy said and sat in the spot his mother had patted

"You know what happens when the demons attack?"

"Yeah, you and daddy vankrish them..."

"Yes that's right... well, grams, and gramps, they got vanquished, they were killed by the demons..."

The boy couldn't speak, his icy blue eyes, turned silver with the flowing of his tears as he hugged Chris tightly, "Why?"

Chris just clutched his son, and said, "I don't know baby, sometimes these things just happen..."

"When will we see them again...?"

"I don't know, but I promise you that we will.." Chris kissed his son's forehead and cuddled with him until he fell asleep...

"How's he doing...?" Wyatt asked from the doorway, Chris shushed him, and got up to walk with his brother

"Let's go for a walk..."

Chris and Wyatt walked down the street, when they reached the corner store they went inside for a few groceries

"Hi, how are you doing?" a cashier who looked familiar said to them

"Hey, do I know you?" Chris asked

"Oh, I don't know I see a lot of people in this line of work..."

"Huh... oh well.. we'll take these..." Chris said, and as they were finishing up a gunman pulled his pistol out and aimed it at the young man

"Give me all the money from your drawer and the safe..."

"Hey buddy, can't you read?" Wyatt said not really having regard for what was going on, indicating the sign that said employees do not have access to the safe

"Do you know who you're talking to...?" the masked man asked dangerously pressing his gun against Wyatt's shoulder

"Do you?" Wyatt asked staring him into his eyes, and invaded the man's mind taking control, the man started to beat himself...

Chris noticed what was happening, and the evil smile crossing Wyatt's face, he froze the scene, "Ok, Wyatt that's enough!"

"No it's not, it'll never be enough, they will never stop, I've... HAD... ENOUGH!" Wyatt screamed and the man vaporized

"Oh my god..." Chris said, and watched as Wyatt changed before his eyes, he went from clean shaven, with a clean short haircut, to a brooding scraggly bearded long haired dark warrior looking man, in combat boots black leather pants and a black V neck

"Not quite..." Wyatt said and sent Chris flying into a magazine rack, and dark orbed out

The security camera's red light blinked and Chris lost consciousness...

To Be Continued...

Comments... Questions,

Sorry it too so long, but I've been busy, I'm really aiming to get more feedback to continue this story, it's taking a while to create chapters, so some encouragement would be appreciated... suggestions are welcome.

Next: Chapter 30

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