Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Mar 14, 2008


Previously on Marvelously Charming...

"Give me all the money from your drawer and the safe..."

"Hey buddy, can't you read?" Wyatt said not really having regard for what was going on, indicating the sign that said employees do not have access to the safe

"Do you know who you're talking to...?" the masked man asked dangerously pressing his gun against Wyatt's shoulder

"Do you?" Wyatt asked staring him into his eyes, and invaded the man's mind taking control, the man started to beat himself...

Chris noticed what was happening, and the evil smile crossing Wyatt's face, he froze the scene, "Ok, Wyatt that's enough!"

"No it's not, it'll never be enough, they will never stop, I've... HAD... ENOUGH!" Wyatt screamed and the man vaporized

"Oh my god..." Chris said, and watched as Wyatt changed before his eyes, he went from clean shaven, with a clean short haircut, to a brooding scraggly bearded long haired dark warrior looking man, in combat boots black leather pants and a black V neck

"Not quite..." Wyatt said and sent Chris flying into a magazine rack, and dark orbed out

The security camera's red light blinked and Chris lost consciousness...

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 31

It's Not Okay

"How did this happen?" Inspector Philips asked his partner

"I don't know Philips, but the amount of force it would take for somebody to take down an entire magazine display has gotta be more than the average guy possesses..."

"Come on Morris, you and me both know sometimes, these things just happen, now I'm sorry your son was working when it happened but we need to focus, and if you can't do that then you need to take yourself off this case..."

"Dad..." the young man from before said

"Ok, son, I need you to tell me exactly what happened..."

"Honestly, I don't know, I only remember the gun being pointed at me..."

"Well, did you get hurt, or hit, knocked out, something?" Philips asked

"Not that I know of, and I think I'd feel it if I did..."

Chris regained consciousness, and sat upright...

"Whoa, whoa..." The EMT said, "Take it easy there, you took quite a spill..."

"Um.... Yeah.. that's great, I have to go..."

"Wait, you can't leave, you need medical attention..."



"Andrew, I may be hurt, but I may not be, I'm used to getting beat up pretty bad in my line of work, so I'm refusing medical attention, I have a family emergency, my brother is out there somewhere, lost and very angry..."

"But, you need to get checked out, and talk to the police..."

"...The... Police...?"

"Yeah, they need to talk to you, they haven't had a chance to review the security tape yet..."

"Security...." Chris saw the forensic tech pressing the eject button, "Oh no..." he quickly froze the scene, "Security Tape!" and put in the waist of his pants

He unfroze it, "There's no tape in here, you know, it should be required in this city for the businesses to have digital security..." the tech said angrily

"Well... if the police need to talk to me I'm sure they can find me, I have to go..." Chris said and left in a hurry

"Was that the victim?" Morris asked the EMT

"Um... yeah..."

"Why wasn't he being treated?" Philips asked

"He refused medical care..."

"Trudeau, I don't care what you call it, he's our ONLY witness!" Morris said

"Darryl, I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you need to know, some people, just don't want help..."

"I need help!" Chris called as he walked through the door of the manor

"What is it Chris..." Melinda asked as she, Alex, and David perked up

"Well... Wyatt sorta crossed the line from protecting the innocent to punishing the guilty, and is now probably on some sort of rampage, to avenge the deaths of our parents... but I'm just snowballing here..."

Their mouths just opened slightly, "Chris, slow down, what are you saying?" David asked

"What I'm saying is, Wyatt killed a not so innocent mortal, and then turned into some sort of evil incarnation of himself, and I think he's going to go out and hunt down some more evil doers..."

"I think I get it, but try again..." Alex said and Chris just growled a bit

"Observe..." Chris popped the tape into the VCR that hasn't been used in over 10 years...

They all observed what Chris had tried to explain

"Ohhh... what do we do...?" Melinda asked

"Well all of us except one, can orb... so we need to track him down and protect the people, because the longer he's in this rage, the less chance he has of being able to tell good from evil, now we need to get him back here, so we can break the spell... you guys go, I'm gonna make a binding potion" Chris said

"Wait, Chris, you can't bind his magic....."

"He might leave me no choice, if I need to bind his powers, to make sure I can save him, then I am damned well going to do it...."

"You'll need the blessing blood you, Wyatt, and C.J made as the just in case..."

"Wait... what... you still have that..."

"Yeah of course I do, you made me promise to wear it around my neck, and I did, until the day you need it..." Melinda said

"Thank you..." Chris said and went to work while the three of them orbed out

He mixed the ingredients, and blessed the potion with the emergency blood, a few extra bottles just in case, "In this night and in this hour I call upon the ancient power bring my brother before me now, another way I don't know how, stop the pain, and help me stop him from personal gain..." Chris recited

"What are you doing Chris, I have to avenge them!" Wyatt yelled

"Wyatt, you need to stop this, we already got the one responsible..."

"But SHE is NOT the one responsible, not ONLY her, she was just the messenger, the real ones responsible is evil... and I am going to take them down..." Wyatt said, and Chris slipped the potion into his back pocket

"Wyatt, you can't do this, please, just don't do it..." Chris walked up to his brother and put his hands on his shoulders, "This isn't you, you wouldn't do this, you can't, you need to be strong for Laura, and Grace, and for Pete, for all of us, we love you..."

Wyatt hung his head slightly and Chris hugged him, reaching into his back pocket slowly, demons shimmered in..

"That's the one!"

And they started to attack Wyatt, who deflected all of their attacks, they moved in on Chris

"NO, you will NOT harm my family!" Wyatt yelled and vaporized all the demons

"Ok, Wyatt, you need to know, what happened to mom and dad, was nobody's fault, you need to know that right now, and the LAST thing that mom or dad would want is for you to be doing what you're doing now, you know that, they love you..."

"Chris.. I just, you know I would do anything for you don't you...."

"The one thing I can't do is be a coward for you, so please don't ask me to..."

"You ALWAYS told me growing up, you would do ANYTHING I asked of you, well right now, I'm not asking you to be a coward, I am asking you to be a real man, and to stop this craziness, so you can be with the man you love, and the family you two have created..."

"I can't let them get away with this..."

"Wyatt, there are better ways to deal with this, and I promise you, they will not get away with this, with every breath in my body, they will pay, and I will help you, but not like this..." Chris said

Wyatt dark orbed out... "Melinda, David!" Chris called, the three orbed in

"Sorry, we couldn't find him..."

"That's ok, I used the spell that him and me would use as kids when the other would go off for personal gain..."

"and...?" Melinda asked

"And, no luck, right when I had him in a hug, demons ruined the moment..."

"I have three extra bottles of potion, I want you guys to each keep one with you, if you find Wyatt about to do something that will make him evil for eternity, you throw this at him no thinking about it..."

"Ok... this won't kill him right?" Alex asked

"God no, I mean, I formulated it to expel his powers, and I did learn from the masters..."

"I always forget that you guys actually had teachers..." David said

"Yeah well teachers or no teachers instinct is fifty percent of the job, so let's ..." the doorbell rang

Chris ran to the door, on the other side were two men in suits, "Um... I'm not really interested in switching religions..." Chris said and both men looked down at what they were wearing as the door closed

"Did he just call us Jehovah's witnesses?" Philips asked

"I think he did.. this time badges ready..." Morris said and knocked on the door

This time Melinda answered it, since Chris, Alex, and David were out looking for Wyatt

"Yes? Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?" Melinda asked making eye contact with Morris tossing her bangs aside

"Well.. miss... we're here on a matter concerning Christopher Storm, and a robbery during which he was injured..."

"Oh.. ok... come inside..." she said

"Is Mr. Storm home?" Philips asked

"CHRIS!, we have guests!" Melinda called out, Chris orbed in walking down the stairs

"Oh, sorry about the slamming, thought you were religion dealers..." Chris chuckled, it was Philip's turn to drool, as he watched Chris's form walk down the stairs and towards them

"Is there something I can do for you gentlemen..."

"Well you could start by telling us everything you know about the corner store robbery..."

"Well I don't know much, the guy must have gotten away I don't even know how I wound up in that magazine rack..."

"Do you think we could get that in a statement, cause our Captain will crack down on us if he thinks we were skimping on the details, this is a rookie sort of assignment after all..."

"Well we wouldn't want you to be cracked down on, where do I sign..."

Morris kept looking at Melinda, and she would look back, Chris got an empathic sense

"OK... you wanna go out with him, and he wants to go out with you, she'll be ready at eight, he'll pick you up after his shift, ok... bye now..." Chris said to the inspectors practically shoving them out the door

"I can't believe you just did that..." Melinda said pinking on her ears

"Oh shush, you were ready to see him naked, and I also knew neither one of you was gonna make the first move, so I took it upon myself, besides, I haven't felt a feeling like that since the last time Johnny and I....." Melinda stopped him

"Don't need to know... ever..." she said

"I was going to say said I love you..." Chris giggled and playfully shoved his sister..

"But you don't honestly expect me to go out on a date with all that's going on do you?" She asked

"I do, because you and me both know, the one thing mom wanted for us, was for us to have as normal lives as possible, and something tells me, solving this little issue isn't going to be as hard as I thought, I saw the look in Wyatt's eyes, he's hurting, but won't say it..."

"How are we going to get him to say it..."

"Well I would say orb him to their graves, but we haven't buried them yet, so I'm going to employ the methods used by the courts when people abuse alcohol..."

"You're gonna take him to rehab?"

"No genius... I'm taking him to the morgue... he needs to see where his actions are putting people, and how his actions are strikingly similar to those of the ones that killed mom and dad..."

"I think that might be a little much..."

"What?" Chris asked his sister surprised

"I think it might be a little on the dramatic side to take him to the morgue and see what he'll see..."

"What else should I do... sit him down and read him a book on right and wrong, we're past the point of dramatic, we are in need of drastic!"

"He hasn't done anything yet..."

"HASN'T HE!!! He literally vaporized a mortal, even if that mortal was trying to rob the store, he still murdered someone, he has to see that, it's the only way..."

"Ok... But the guy deserved..."

"Don't finish that sentence, he didn't deserve anything, that is the kind of thinking that will send you straight down the path of evil... we can't think like that, that's how the demon's justify their actions..."

"You know.. mom would be proud of how you're handling this..." Melinda said and hugged her brother

"Thanks Mel..."

"She would be, you know, ever since you were old enough to understand all the bad stuff that was pre-destined to happen, you went from being the middle child with no responsibilities, to having the added weight on your shoulder of making sure your brother won't be evil, you did NOT fail at this, you WILL fix it, I have faith in that, and more importantly I have faith in you." She said

"Then why do I feel like I failed?"

"Because, you are always so guarded, making sure Wyatt's good, and making sure I'm protected because I'm non-practicing, you never really took the time to see, we didn't ALWAYS need that, Wyatt IS good, even when you took that vision quest to find out what could happen you saw the good in his eyes, you never stepped back long enough to see, without you, where would we have been, sure mom and dad could have done fine, but without you, once we left the house, what would we have done...?" She said very sadly

"That... doesn't really make sense..." Chris laughed

"What I'm trying to say... badly... is that you focused so much on us, that you didn't take the time to see when we didn't need a third parent anymore... just a brother, and a damned good one at that..."

"I've made so many mistakes..."

"And by you making those mistakes, we all learned from them..."

"I lead with my heart not my head..."

"And we suffer a little but in the end it wouldn't matter..."

"But why me, why do I have to be lead witch, I mean, Wyatt's older shouldn't it be him...?"

"Do you remember that last time you asked that question?"

Chris nodded


"But mom, why do I have to be the lead witch, Wyatt's the older brother shouldn't he be lead..."

"Honey, you know in your heart why you need to lead..."

"Because Wyatt's destiny is not good, and in order for him to stay on the good path he's on now, he needs to focus on his training, and keeping his powers under control, with you in the position of leadership, he'll be able to do everything he needs to do, without the added stress of worrying for you and the charmed ones..."

"So you're adding the stress to me... how does THAT make sense?"

"You're still young, you have so much to learn baby, you're only 17, you have a life to lead, choices to make, but I need you to do this... Wyatt understands and says that it's a good thing, I need you to do this, not only for Wyatt's future but for all of ours..."

end vision

"You know why you need to do this, and I know you've done so great, but now, I think it's time for you to realize, we're past that, we don't need a leader anymore, we all just need each other..." Melinda said

"You're right, but we still need to get him here... or there won't be a we help each other through this..." Chris said

"Wyatt!.... WYATT!!... WYAAATTT!!!" Melinda yelled

"He's not gonna...." Dark orbs appeared ""

"What is it Melinda, I don't have time for this..."

"You should make time... I NEED you Wyatt, you are my brother, me and Chris both love you, and right now we need each other more than ever, please Wyatt, come home..."

"I can't..."

"Why, because you need vengeance? We got that already, Lynn is dead she can't do anymore evil..."

"EVIL is the problem, it's EVIL that killed mom and dad, it wasn't JUST Lynn or whatever the bitch's name is, but she was EVIL, and so is the entire underworld..."

"What would mom want?!" Chris blurted

Wyatt's blue eyes glassed over and an energy rod shot from his hands




"No you listen to me Wyatt, has sacrificed so much for you, from the time she found out about your future, she has been so careful to make sure that you WOULDN'T become what you are right now..."

Wyatt punched Chris in the face, "She did nothing of the sort, you're LYING!"

Chris punched Wyatt back, "She loved you she would have died 1000 times for you if it meant you would stay good!"

Wyatt kicked, Chris blocked, Chris kicked, Wyatt blocked "But I AM good, better than GOOD, I'm unstoppably good!" Wyatt kicked Chris in the ribs causing him to fall to the ground

"You never were better at me at one thing Wyatt... you remember what that is...?" Chris asked

"Why don't you tell me baby brother..." Wyatt brought his foot down towards Chris, who grabbed and snapped his ankle, Wyatt screamed

"You never could fight fair..." Chris said and orbed them out

Alex, David, Johnny, and Piotr, who had watched the exchange, all looked to Melinda...

"Where'd he take him...?"

"To what Wyatt's really angry at..."

They orbed into the morgue

"Why did you bring me here?!" Wyatt asked attempting to stand

"It's ok to hate mom right now, dad too... when Zeke died, and I was still pregnant, I hated him for it, you should hate them right now, hell it just makes you human, it's OK to hate mom and dad!"

Suddenly Wyatt forgot of his ankle and looked at the label on the morgue slab door

"Why did you have to die!? How could you leave us here with no one to lean on for guidance and love!? How could you think that we'd be ok?!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Wyatt broke down against the cold steel, "How did they think we'd be okay without them?" He asked as he changed to his normal self...

"Oh Wyatt... they didn't want to die... they fell victim to evil, but you need to promise me right now, this rampage of yours ends... now..." Chris said as he hugged and healed his brother

They orbed out together

-----Funeral----- (Use you imagination, it's a sort of montage, the speeches are all one speech delivered by Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda, no particular order, again... imagine..)

"I'd like to start by saying, there are no words to describe just how great of people my parents were, there were many things you didn't know..." Wyatt said

"Like, did you know that Piper, knew eight different ways to make scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, the one thing that was basic she could turn into a gourmet meal..." Melinda said

"Or that Leo was the headmaster of a school for special needs children..." Chris said

"You knew them as Piper and Leo..."

"We knew them..."

"As mom and dad"

"They fixed our injuries..."

"and were with us while we created our own families..."

"They accepted us for who we are..."

"No questions asked..."

"I would like to take this time, to say, my parents..."

"Were two of the best people, I've ever met..."

"And I say that with no bias, and no disregard for others, but as the truth as I know it"

"How many parents do you know that would adjust to having two gay sons who ended up with children..."

"How many parents do you know, that would tell off a girlfriend who was speaking ill of their son..."

"and how many parents do you know that would encourage their daughter to go to a far college, even though they want more than anything for her to be in their home...?"

"I love my parents..."

"That love did not die..."

"And it never will..."

To Be Continued

This is more like how i wanted to end chapter 30, but i was so tired... this is more like chapter 30.5.. lol...

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, I'd LOVE to hear it...

Next: Chapter 31

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