Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 9, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 33

Blind Justice Pt. 2

"YOU FAILED ME!" a female demon screamed at her minion

"Quite the contrary my queen, I have discovered a way to break the charmed circle and put the scales in our favor!" a male demon responded

"Speak quickly before I end you..."

"The middle brother, has a child, with a mortal, if we kidnap that child and make the brother so angry at the father that he harms him, even just a little using his powers, then he crosses the line from protecting the innocent to punishing the guilty..."

"Corbin... that may be a stroke of genius... Who is the father...?" A haggard looking Ashley Tisdale asks her minion

"It gets easier from there my queen, the father of Chris's ... that's the middle charmed one's name, the father is Zac, so if I can position myself to get close enough to kidnap baby Jasmine while she's with her father the plan just might work..."

"I know how you're going to do it..." Ashley said

"Really... how... I haven't figured that out yet..."

"Oh... I think you know how..."

"But... I'm straight, Zac knows this, he'll never go for it... I couldn't do it... I can't be with a guy..."


"Yes my queen..." Corbin said

"Good... Now go..."

"Go Zac, it's okay, Jasmine will be fine with us... we do have kids of our own too you know..." Johnny said

"I know, and I'm sorry Johnny, but you gotta understand, I've never left her before, but I do need to set up our new house..."

"I still can't believe you're moving here..."

"I know, neither can I, but it'll be good for Jas and Jess that way they can grow up together, and be as close as possible, by the way, where's Chris today?"

"Oh, he's subbing at magic school for Mrs. Donovan... Ever since... yeah... so...Paige has resumed headmistress and Phoebe is juggling a freshman basic powers class and her job at the paper, Wyatt is doing all the advanced power courses for seniors, and I don't think anyone knew just how much Leo actually did..."

"That's insane... I wish there was something I could do..."

"Wanna supervise a restaurant?"


"Oh... I was half kidding, but Charming is opening for Lunch in 45 minutes, and there's not gonna be an owner or a manager there... We're interviewing managers but nobody's working out... so... You want to oversee the restaurant?

"What would I do?"

"Just make sure everything runs smoothly, Chris trained all the employees so you shouldn't have to do much, I'll be doing manager interviews in the office, you just sit by me like you belong there and occasionally check on the kitchen and we'll be fine, I could use the extra hands..." Johnny smiled, he really was growing to like Zac

"Sure... I guess it doesn't sound too hard..."

"Don't let Chris hear you say that or he'll shank you..."

The Elf nanny materializes, "Hello Sir."

"Hi Victoria, how are you today?"

"I'm alright, are the children ready for me or do they need dressing?"

"Nope I bathed and clothed all of them, but since John is in puberty we try not to bother him, he's very moody..."

"Very well, I understand sir..." she dematerializes

"John's in puberty?"

"Yeah, Chris and I were shocked cause he's only 9... but the doctor says that it can happen, but he was just as surprised as we were cause usually a premature baby wouldn't mature so early... Probably has something to do with the spells Chris and the elders cast when he was a baby, since he was so small..."

"Chris cast spells on his son???"

"Yeah, you don't know... John was born at five and a half months, nobody thought he would survive, probably since he's half immortal he did, so Chris and the elders said a few spells to maximize musculature and growth, I guess the spells are kicking in late.. all things considered..."

Johnny and Zac drove off in Johnny's new car, "What kind of car is this?"

"It's just the new version of my old Mazerati..."

"I see, it rocks..."

"Damn well better for how much I paid for it..."

"How much was that...?"

"Pretty much the same I spent on Chris's engagement ring..."

Zac thought for a second, he'd never really asked Chris about the ring, but assumed that if the ring cost as much as this car...

"That's an awful lot of money for a car..."

"I paid double that for our house..."

"We live in million dollar homes..." Zac said... everything making sense now...

"I know this..."

They pulled into the restaurant and the employees were filing in the back entrance

They went into the office and sat down "So, now we let them set up and then we check to make sure everything is in order, and then we tell the hostess it's okay to open the doors..."

"Okay, got it..."

Chris was checking his watch, noting that the restaurant was opening soon and that he was not going to be there, he was not having the best of times watching over all the youngest members of the magical community, they cried too much and he was used to the calm nature of his own children...

The final chime sounded for the end of the day and parents materialized and came through the door to grab their respective children, Chris was so relieved, he went to his Aunt Paige's office...

"Thank god... Chris I need you to handle an intermediate class Mr. Emerson just called in sick, and those brats need someone to teach them telekinesis...

"Sure... I can handle it, it's not like I have anything pressing to do anyway..."

Wyatt was finished for the time being and sat back in his chair thinking about how his life has changed... When Pete walked in...

"Hey honey, how's gym class?"

"Those children are out of control, I had to give out six detentions..."

"Wow.. impressive, you know, I always had fantasies about sucking off a gym teacher..." Wyatt said seductively

"Really, well I always had a fantasy about getting sucked off by a teacher... we can kill two birds with one cock..."

Wyatt smiled as he unzipped Pete's pants...

"Wow... That sausage couldn't be any bigger..."

"Well then I suggest you slice it small now, this customer is a jackass he likes his sausage cubed too not sliced..." Johnny said

"This is stressful..." Zac said as they walked into the office

"Yeah, and Chris has been doing this since he was 14..."

"I don' know how that's even possible... I'm ready to crack after four hours..."

"Sorry I got you into this bud..."

"I'm not... it's a life experience..."

"I guess you could put it like that..." Johnny said laughing

That night when everyone got home they sat down to dinner, minus Johnny who was still at the restaurant

"So Zac, how'd the restaurant treat you?"

"Horrible, I did so bad Johnny made me go home..." Everyone laughed at the comment

"Don't worry, we've all tried, Chris is the only one who has ever managed, and he had to deal with the wrath if he messed up, at least you got Johnny, the softy..." Wyatt said

"I guess... So how was school?" Zac asked

"UGH! Don't even get me started on those horrific brats, they make me wanna strangle them, each and every one of them..." Chris said as Johnny cracked up grabbing his side

"You make me laugh so hard!"

"Shut up you, this is why i'm not a teacher..."

"I love you baby... SO Zac, how's the new house coming along?" Johnny asked

"It's going good my friends are coming to help me finish up tomorrow..."

"And you didn't ask us... i'm crushed..." Wyatt said

"You guys are my family, i asked my FRIENDS to come and help." Zac said smiling and everyone returned the smile

"I'm glad you feel like you belong here.." Chris said

"I do... You guys are the best."

"Oh stop..." Johnny said feigning modesty

"Well guys as fun as this has been, i need to get to bed... Wyatt are you still gonna orb me to my audition tomorrow?" Zac asked

"yeah bro, sure, just call and wake my happy ass up.."

"Later guys..."

"I'll walk you out..." Chris said and stood up with Zac and they walked to the front, "Hey, Zac, tell me the truth... are you happy here?"

Zac touched Chris's face for a split second and brushed some hair out of his eye, "you know i'll never be totally over you, you were my first true love, but i am developing a different kind of love for you, and your family, you guys are like the big family i always wanted."

"I'm glad you're really good with all of this." Chris touches Zac's shoulder for a moment and pecked his cheek, "I do love you Zac, you're like my third sibling..."

"I love you too bro."

"What do you see?"

"I see, a child, born of good, raised evil, becoming... Queen of the underworld, you're plan will....."

To be continued...

I know... i'm a bastard, i know it's short but i have like no time... Should i keep writing or just give it up... you decide

Next: Chapter 33

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