Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 11, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 34



"It is too soon to tell, I see conflicting futures, though, if successful this plan will see to it that Jasmine Halliwell is raised evil, however, she will not be evil until she commits her first evil act..."

"I know this already... you mean to tell me, you have nothing new to tell me about my plan..."

"I'm sorry sir, but the vision is only as sure as the plan."


"No, I am saying, the outcome is unsure, the plan is air tight, but the reactions of the charmed ones are unsure, they are not the most powerful form of goodness the world has ever known for being easily swayed to evil..." The seer half joked in her totally serious tone

"Understood, well I sense the time is right to put my plan into motion..." Corbin's eyes glazed over, "Os sensus is letalis teneo meus sententia lust ego iam speciosus permissum cado in sinus genu sic is mos planto mihi suus vir futurus..." Black orbs rose from Corbin and his eyes returned to normal


"YAY!" The kids exclaimed

"Who wants some waffles?" Chris asked with a smile, and all the younger kids exclaimed excitedly

"Whooptee freakin doo waffles, how freaking exciting, yay, oh my god waffles yay..." John said while eating his cereal

"Hey, pride and joy you're starting to give me a pain in my neck, so can it." Chris scolded

"You're a pain..."

"You and I will be having a talk, get in your room, and don't even try to orb I'm blocking your powers."

"I HATE YOU, I HATE THIS HOUSE AND I HATE EVERYONE IN IT!" John screamed and ran up to his room

"Well we're not you're biggest fans lately either..." Chris called after his son

"Another run in with the child from hell?" Johnny said as he came down the stairs into the kitchen wearing his fantastic four outfit

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me... you have ANOTHER mission?"

"Well baby, evil never rests, you of all people know that..."

"Haha.. daddy looks funny..." Jocelyn said pointing her finger

"Funny.. did I hear you say funny..."


Johnny jumped at the girl and started tickling her, she shrieked with laughter, "Is this funny?!" He smiled and continued to tickle his 5 year old daughter

"Are you ready for your first day of school my dear...?" Chris asked her

"Yes..." She said fixing her dress and sticking out her tongue at Johnny

"Wait, they're letting her start late?"

"I may have claimed she was transferring in..."

"Well whatever works, I can't believe this, our kids are growing up so fast... John's voice cracked when he told you he hates you, did you notice...?"

"I was a little focused on controlling my powers not to blow up my son..."

"Good idea, okay, the elf nanny will be here in about 45 seconds, so are you gonna take her?"

"Yeah, I'll drop them off on my way to the restaurant, Pete says he'll bring home Grace and Joss, and Bree is picking up the rest."

"Is Bree still doing play dates even though the kids are in 3rd grade now?"

"Yeah, I swear that woman is like too perfect..."

"Oh well... it guess it's good for the kids to maintain their friends... although I certainly hope John isn't the only one growing up quickly..."

"No... he certainly isn't... have you seen the size of Benjamin lately, he's got fifteen pounds on John easily... and for a third grader have you seen the boobs Priscilla is growing, I'm telling you, something must be in the water..."

"Oh honey you are too cute..." As John was about to kiss Chris the elf nanny cleared her throat...

"Oh.. sorry... The kids are all ready for you, but please, the neighbors are already gaining interest in our undersized nanny, so could you PLEASE, if you are gonna take the kids to the park cover up your ears, they attract an awful lot of attention..."

"Yes sir..." she said politely and went about her usual chores, and caregiving

"Shit... I forgot, I have to rip our son a new one, can you drop off Joss?"

"No problem... Come on honey, we're gonna fly now..."

Chris stepped up the stairs slowly and went up to his son's room, when there he heard someone talking... "This is all totally normal..." he recognized the voice of David, also known as his cousin Henry Jr. from another world

"I don't mean to be bad, but I just get so mad, about everything, and then I feel bad about being mad so I'm sad I wish I was more like my dad...."

"NO!" Chris said, but it was too late... John had unintentionally cast a spell

Chris watched as his son grew before his eyes, and there he stood bearing such a striking resemblance to Johnny...

"Mom... What happened?"

"You were rhyming... with WAY too much enthusiasm young man and you wanted what you were rhyming about so..." Chris gestured with his hand at the tall handsome man standing before him, "What EXACTLY did you want when you were talking to your uncle?"

"I wanted to know things, I have questions..."

"I'm listening..."


Zac runs to the door, sweaty and shirtless from moving and assembling furniture all day

"Hey!" Zac exclaimed and pulled his best friend into a hug, it was a short hug but for long enough that he inhaled his scent and suddenly felt very horny

Corbin patted his back twice, "Dude you're soaked..."

"I know I was just finishing the feng-shui of the new place..."

"I have something I need to talk to you about..." Corbin said removing his track jacket

"What is it...?"

"This..." Corbin pressed his lips into Zac's, and Zac froze...he didn't believe it, but after a more insistent move by Corbin he gave in and enthusiastically returned the kiss, pushing Corbin down on to the new sofa, he pulled off his pants and was wearing nothing, he soon found neither was Corbin...

"I didn't tell you one thing I was doing..." Zac said and nibbled on Corbin's ear

Letting out a soft moan at the nibble, "What?"

"I was using a dildo... so I don't need any prepping..."

"What does that.... GASP..." Zac shocked Corbin by taking his entire dry cock all the way inside him down to the thighs, "OH GOD..." Corbin exclaimed never having felt raw sex before, it was amazing

Zac kissed Corbin again and rode his fat cock uncontrollably fast and hard

In Corbin's mind, thoughts were racing "oh my god, what are you doing, this is a guy on your dick, you're not even wearing a condom, you're not supposed to like this so much, what's wrong with you, god he looks so hot on my dick though, I love him, but he's like a brother to me, I couldn't ever.... Could I?... no I couldn't, this is a job, nothing more, it just happens to be a good job.... A REALLY good job..."

"You're so hot..." he said out loud and Zac flopped onto his back, pulling Corbin along with him, still inside him

"Give me no mercy, I want you to clear your mind and I want you to treat me like a ragdoll, don't stop if I say stop, you can do whatever you want to me just don't stop until you cum..."

Corbin was blown away by that statement, a girl had never said he could do whatever he wanted, even if this was his friend and a guy he was most definitely not gonna turn down a shot at living out his fantasies... He forced Zac's legs over his head and got into position above his hole and plunged in all the way as hard as he could, he long dicked the little butt and slapped it hard with each thrust he pulled Zac onto his lap then stood up and rammed him into the wall, he thrust upwards hard and fast pushing Zac further and further up the wall, the sweat causing him to stick somewhat, Corbin threw Zac on the floor and got into the standing doggy style position and slammed in, he could almost feel the skin ripping a little bit, but he relentlessly kept pounding in, Zac was wincing and tears were streaming out a little but he thrust back against the huge cock that was giving him such a painful pleasure, "OH MY GOD!" Corbin screamed and unloaded a week's worth of cum inside Zac's battered, used, and swollen hole.

"I love you Corbs..."

In the clarity after ejaculation Corbin responded, "I love you too..."

"You and daddy did WHAT?" hearing the man respond like a child made Chris laugh

"That's how babies are made, but since we're mutants it doesn't only work for women..."

"But the stuff that comes out of a pee pee... why is it so strange looking..."

"What do you mean, oh... Chris suddenly realized why his son was suddenly so interested in doing his own laundry, "Yeah, well that stuff is called sperm and it meets with an egg and then the sperm and egg make a baby..." Chris still found it weird having the talk with an apparently thirty something version of his son

"I noticed my pee pee gets very long and points out whenever I see Priscilla..."

"Oh son... that's totally normal, that means you are having an erection, and that means you like the way Priscilla looks... but you can't talk about this stuff with other kids, promise?"

"Yes mommy."

"Ok, do you have any other questions?"

"Yeah... what's a blow job?" David snorted, Chris glared at him

"Well son, a blow job is when a man or a woman, puts a man's pee pee in their mouth..."


"Sorry son... that's what it means..."

"Well I don't think Benjamin knows what it means, he told me to blow him..."

"Well son, he probably meant it as a joke, sometimes people will say it, but its just another way of saying buzz off..."

"Oh... ok then..."

Obviously satisfied with the talk John reverted to his child form.

"Is that all true...?"

"Every word son... I have no reason to lie to you or to sugar coat the truth..."

"Thank you mom... can I have permission to orb to school it starts in 3 minutes..."

"Go... but be careful...."

"I love you mommy, and I'm sorry I'm so bad..."

"You're not bad baby, you're just confused, I hope this helped..."

"It did..." John said and orbed out

Zac and Corbin dressed... "I really mean what I said, I didn't just say it cause we had sex." Corbin said skirting the truth

"I know..."

6 weeks later

"Well that's the last of it..." Corbin said dropping his box into his and Zac's bedroom...

"You ready for this, she's only two, but she already has such a quality for reading people."

"Oh... I'm ready..." Corbin said, he'd already met Chris, and been told the big bad secret, he acted just shifty enough to where he'd eavesdropped a conversation between Johnny and Chris that something seemed off about him...

"I'll go get her from Chris's..." Zac walked out, Corbin dematerialized


"He's bringing the girl over... this will be my chance..."

"Hey I'm here to pick up my little girl..." The girl came in walking next to Chris

"Dada..." she said cutely and he scooped her up

"So, today is the day..."

"Yeah... sure is..."

"Maybe I should go with you..."

"Chris, we've been through this, he's in the clear, not a bad guy

"Okay. But if anything happens to her so help me..."

"And you don't think I would... god Chris lighten up..." Zac said and left the house

"Sweet, sweet victory..." Ashley sniffed the air, "That had better not be doubts I'm sensing from you..."

"No... not at all." Corbin dematerialized back to the house, just as the front door opened...

"Hey, sorry I took so long, this is my daughter Jasmine..." Zac said setting her on her feet in front of him

"I know..." Corbin said and his eyes glazed over and shot beams at Zac hitting him in the chest... he flew back into the wall cracking it.

Jasmine began crying and Corbin scooped her up... "It's okay're one of us now..." he dematerialized leaving Zac unconscious and bleeding.

To Be Continued...

I'm a douche what can I say I love a cliff hanger, should it continue.... You decide.....

Next: Chapter 34

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