Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 23, 2008


Yeah... any characters in here from somewhere that i didn't come up with... yeah... i don't own any rights to them whatsoever.... i claim no such thing... at all... really..... enjoy...

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 35

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

heart beat

echo Zac...

heart beat

echo What...

heart beat


heart beat

echo Bring him back we've done it before...

heart beat

echo Let's both try...

heart beat**heart beatheart beat**heart beatheart beatheart beat*

Gasp "JASMINE!" Zac burst awake and then shriveled in pain

heart beat**heart beat

Normal Voices

"What...? What happened?!" Chris demanded

"Corbin... took her..."

"Okay, they'll be back then, how did THIS happen...? Wyatt asked

"No... HE did this, and then he... kidnapped Jasmine...."

"WHAT?!" Chris screamed and his voice reverberated and the ceiling cracked down the middle

"Whoa.. Calm down buddy..." Wyatt said calmly

"NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!... Zachary what did I tell you what did I FUCKING tell you, you idiot, I FUCKING TOLD YOU..." Chris cried and beat his hands against Zac's chest until Wyatt pulled him into a hug

"I know Chris, I know..." Zac said and began crying, "Don't you think I know... it was all a PLAN, he seduced me, he... he, he pretended to love me... to get her... the whole time..."


Chris slapped Zac across the face

"Chris... that's enough... he was tricked

"But I fucking told him Wyatt, I even offered to be there when they met!!" Chris said it and the feather down pillows on the couch exploded//

"Chris I..."


"Chris... put.. him.. down..." Wyatt said slowly and cautiously

Chris's eyes were glazed over, Wyatt summoned his power to temporarily stop the abilities of others, and one he rarely used, but focused it on Chris and Zac fell out of the air

Corbin materialized carrying Jasmine, he handed her to Ashley, "Try not to look too thrilled..."

"He was our friend..."

"Oh boo hoo, build a bridge and get over it, we're demons... we don't have FRIENDS..." she air quoted, "the plan worked be happy about it, wait a second..." she sniffed the air... "You.... YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM... I DON'T BELIEVE IT... hahaha big strong straight Corbin, falls in love with his MALE target///"

"No my queen..."

"Don't insult me, I'd know the stink of love anywhere, not to mention it's written all over your face... The little slut must be VERY good at what he does, to sway such a powerful demon as yourself..."

"He's not like that, he hasn't even been with anyone since he conceived his daughter..."

"And you actually believed him, such bull, he was probably sucking the charmed cock while that other little whore was flying around in his queer little leotard...": she spat

"I don't know if I can do this..."

"If you aren't with me... then you're against me..." she said threateningly

"I just can't... it would... kill Zac... I do love him..." Corbin admitted

Ashley sighed and put her hand on Corbin's shoulder, "I understand, haha, the funny thing about a demons heart is once someone warms it, it will be that way until one of the two dies, once said heart is damaged..." Ashley plunged her hand through Corbin's chest "It takes approximately three minutes for the body to shut down, and when removed, those minutes..." She rips his heart out...."diminish..." Corbin's lifeless body fell to the floor and disappeared to the wasteland, she brought his heart to her mouth as it beat one last time, and she took a huge bite out of it as though it were a juicy apple...

Wyatt sliced his apple, "We need to coordinate ourselves, to infiltrate the underworld, to do that, we need demonic powers, so I took the liberty of knifing a few demons to get us said powers..."

"hope you used a different knife..." Melinda said jokingly

"Whatever it takes..." Chris said, he and Melinda had already changed into their demon gear...

"I also wrote a spell to dispel the powers, as well as ones that will make our orbing appear to be shimmering..." Wyatt pulled on his black tank top over his leather pants and tied his combat boots. He didn't approve of the outfit his sister had chosen but she was 22 so it wasn't like he could dictate. She was in booty shorts and a leather corset with knee high leather boots her long brown hair pulled back into a sharp ponytail, she resembled her mother so much it was frightening, Chris was wearing a black muscle shirt and black leather pants, with steel toed boots with a literally steel toe, and cut off gloves with the fingers showing...

"Let's do it..." Melinda said, and Wyatt handed them copies of the spells

"In this time of need, good we are evil we must appear cloak us now as those we don't endear."

"Okay, that spell should make it look like we shimmer instead of orb.. try it Mel..." She orbed out, but what we saw was a shimmer instead

"Good that means it'll work, here are your copies to dispel the demonic power, and those only require the power of the infected person."

Wyatt orbed a power to each of them, "Whoa... this.... Fells... really weird..." Chris said

"Yeah, like I'm high or something..." Melinda said, and quickly added "not that I know what it's like to be high or anything..."

"Chris, you have fire balls, Mel, energy beams, and I have flame throwing..."

"Awesome... :Let's roll..." Melinda said

As they shimmered into the underworld the looked around for any clues as to where Jasmine might be...

"Chris, you have the strongest connection, you need to try and sense her..." Chris focused on his daughter, at first he couldn't sense her... then he sensed something... something different... something not good... and all of a sudden Chris had a vision

...Vision ...

A girl... his girl, in a blonde's arms, killing every innocent or good witch the blonde points to.


"We're too late... She's killed innocents, not just innocents though witches too..."

"What... how..." Melinda asked

"I don't know..."

"Do you think it'll stop them..."

"For now..." The seer said and continued "They will assume that the girl's father was tapping into his brother's power to foresee, they will believe that the girl is evil... for now..."


"Be swift to find a way to convert her, or they will find you... and kill you... I've seen that too..."

"Shouldn't be too hard, the girl seems to like me, either that or she doesn't have a shield..."

"Strange... she does... I can see now, she's used it before... but she won't now... you've met her before haven't you..."

"Once, in passing, I ran into her... sperm father at a photo shoot, he had her with him... she... trusts me.... Excellent..."

"That is a first, a good child, and a demon, as mother and child... make the bond strong... and she will protect you from them..."

"Fabulous... Come along sweetie, it's time for some fun..." Ashley said amidst a small chuckle from the seer...

"I can't believe my daughter is evil..."

"How did YOU get a vision...?" Wyatt asked

"I don't know, I must have tapped into your powers while I was concentrating, I haven't been in total control so it's possible..."

"Um... yeah... but I can usually feel when you tap into my powers, I didn't this time..."

"Maybe cause it's one you don't use, we always had C.J when we needed a quick premonition before..."


"I don't believe it, I just, I think we're being punk'd..." Melinda said

"Based on what?"

"The timing of the vision, I mean, don't you think it's at least slightly odd that the SECOND we enter the underworld and use our GOOD powers, you suddenly get a vision..."

"Sure.. .but that could be because I somehow managed to psychically link with my daughter, and saw what she'd done through her eyes..."

"Yes... but if you'd seen it through her eyes, you wouldn't know that a blonde was holding her..."

"You're right..."

"Describe this blonde..." Melinda said and took out a notepad

"About five three, blonde, it seems unnaturally so, ratty hair, also unnatural, very thin body, fake tan... I basically just described every girl in California!"

"Yes.. but how many of the girls that you just described would have the means to take your daughter from you... I'll give you a hint, "I need fabulous that is my simple request.......""

"WHAT!? You think that Ashley Tisdale is behind this...?" Wyatt asked

"She fits the description, and she does know Zac, if she's met Jasmine while she was with Zac, then Jasmine probably trusts her somewhat since she knows daddy, that would explain why she obviously didn't use her shield."

"You're right... but we have to be careful, you can't just accuse an actress of kidnapping, and being a demon..." Chris said

"I think the vision was planted too..." I think it's a possibility of what COULD happen, but she got the seer to make it appear as though it had already happened..."

"Too bad we have a truce with the seer, or I'd pay her a little visit..." Chris said

"Yeah, it is too bad... WE have a truce with her.... But the aunts don't..." Melinda said

"Really...." Wyatt and Chris said at the same time

"You guys were right..." Phoebe said after Paige orbed them in

"What did you guys do to her?"

"Just tortured her a little bit..." Paige said

"She admitted everything, when we threatened her family, demons do have some kind of heart after all, she said it IS Ashley, and that the vision was a plant, and that, well this is gonna be hard for you to hear Chris, but that a bond of mother and child is already beginning to form for Ashley and Jasmine..."

"What..." Chris asked on the brink of tears

"And I'm sorry honey, but she hasn't cast any spells on her to make it happen, she's just so young... she doesn't know...." Phoebe said now crying slightly

"She knows me..." Chris stated, "and now that we know who has her, let the games begin..."

They shimmered down to the underworld and vanquished all demons in sight, Chris sensed his daughter more clearly now that the seer wasn't interfering, they shimmered to her... "I was beginning to wonder if you'd show..."

"Give me my daughter, or I will kill you..."

"Jasmine... we're in danger sweetie..." Ashley said in mock despair and a pink shield appeared...

Chris recited his spell and morphed into his regular clothes, "Jazz, honey, it's me mommy, you remember yet, you know how we had your birthday and Jesse and you got all those presents, you had so much fun, we miss you honey, we miss you at home, Jesse, daddy, auntie Paige auntie phoebe, we all miss you, and we want you home..."

The shield went down and Jasmine orbed into Chris's arms smiling... Chris orbed her to his aunt Paige...

"Demon of hell vanquish thee as the Halliwell's three we summon the spirits of our magic bloodline banish this evil let this bitch no more exist."

She screamed a blood curdling scream as she inflated to three times her size and imploded with nothing left but a simple spark

"No messy cleanup..."

"Of course our one clean vanquish would happen in the underworld..." Wyatt said

"Let's go home..."

When they got to the house, Jasmine and Jesse were playing on the floor like nothing had happened, nobody even interrupted them because they looked so completely happy playing with one another...

The doorbell rang...

"I got it..." Melinda said

Wyatt morphed into his regularly clothed self, and sat beside Chris on the couch

"Hey guys, there's some people here to see you..."

"Hello..." Three familiar faces said

"Hi..." Wyatt and Chris said back

"Surprise..." Harry said

"Quite... come on in, wow, you guys look so different, I suppose time does have that effect..."

"Plausible theory..." Hermione joked

"We are actually kind of sort of here on business..."

"Really, well what can we help you with then...?" Wyatt asked

"What do you know about vampires...?"

"Not a whole lot, we know they come from a king or queen, and that if you vanquish said king or queen all the minions he or she's created die as well, of course, there would be multiple kings and queens, what brings about this line of questioning?"

"Well, I was off to visit some of my muggle family in the Olympic Peninsula, Forks more specifically, Harry and Ron accompanied me, and I got strange vibes from some of the towns folk, I don't know why but, the way they looked at us, like we smelled.... Tasty..." Hermione explained

"I don't understand, what evidence do you have to suggest this..."

"Well, I sort of intentionally slammed into one of them as we were walking down the road, and she just sort of kept walking, like I hadn't just smashed into her, and what's the evidence, she was ice cold, skin like marble, and her eyes, golden amber, a color never seen without contacts, her blonde hair was so long with an eerie kind of perfection, and she was so white..."

"Was she alone?"

"No, she was with another, a dark haired girl, with the same striking perfection, totally unrelated yet in a way they seems almost like sisters, same skin, same eyes, but totally un-identical, they moved with an almost dance like precision..."

"Sounds like vampires alright, but these ones seem more mythical than magical, the vampires we usually deal with are more magical, you know, transforming into bats, and they look totally normal..."

"Is there something we can do?" Ron asked

"My guess is that they are not harming anyone... especially if they were in town, around people, perhaps they don't hunt people..." Wyatt suggested

"Oh right, a vampire that doesn't drink blood... I'm sure..." Harry said

"David, Alex, could you come up here a second...?" Chris called

The two boys from another universe walked in followed by Alex's son

Whoa Harry thought

"Hey guys, we're gonna go on a little investigation vacation, you feel like not seeing sunshine for a little while?"

"Sounds awful, but when do we leave...?" David asked

"As soon as you can pack a duffel bag..." Chris said

"Look guys, even though this town isn't technically in our jurisdiction, now that we know there's a chance, we simply can't ignore this, we need to get to the bottom of this..."

"Yeah, well demons are everywhere..."

"Yes, but honestly we usually stick to our location..."

"We get it, but we thought you guys should know, you were the only witches we knew of that might be able to help..."

"We'll find out if there's anything to help with..." Alex said lightly

He's definitely related to these two... Hot... Harry thought looking at Alex

"I better get Charlie packed too..." Alex said and carried his two year old son to their basement apartment to pack

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, you should come with us, because chances are in that area, a lot of people will look a bit off color..."

"Definitely, we just wanna get to the bottom of this."

They all packed up and orbed to this new place, and looked around.

"What a drab place..." Chris said

"You have family up here?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah, they own the sporting goods store in town, we should go check in with them, and you guys should go find someplace to stay..."

"She said THE sporting goods store... not A... where are we..." David said

"I guess this is little town America.... Let's find a house..."

After promoting a little compromise Wyatt convinced someone that was renting out their home to allow them to stay there with no time frame attached, and he handed her two years worth of rent to do just that...

"Wasn't that personal gain..." Hermione said

"I see someone listens when the teachers teach..." Chris said

"And no, because we didn't do it technically for ourselves, we did it for the well being of this town."

"Well let's find us some vampires..." Chris said

They orbed out into the sprawling fields and forests wandering around, they found nothing, they walked into a clearing and the overcast skies, thundered loudly, they heard lots of whooping and hollering and in seeming seconds eight people appeared in the same clearing...

A tiny girl with dark spiky hair indicated the band of witches

"We're terribly sorry were you going to use the field?" she asked in a musical voice

Her  family' appeared at her flanks; they were all so strikingly beautiful, it was remarkable...

"No, but you all seem dressed for sport, what are you playing?"


"In the middle of a storm..."

"Yes, by the way I don't think we were properly introduced... Alice Cullen..." She extended her pale hand

"Wyatt Halliwell..." He took her hand and they were both shocked and then both had a vision

Wyatt saw the family defending a girl, a human girl, when they had played here before, he saw that one of the men was in love with the girl even though she was human, he saw the lengths this family had gone through to protect one human and knew they were not dangerous

Alice saw the pain and suffering this family had been through, she saw loss, she saw despair, she saw so much death, at their hands, but she also saw, each death they caused was of something evil, she saw such power, power inconceivable to most, real magic...

Her family was ready to pounce, but she held up a small hand

"Who are you all?"

"We are people who need to have a little chat with you and your family..." Wyatt said

"I think we should take this back to our residence..." a young looking father figure spoke up

Once all back in the glass house the vampires called home they all sat in a conference like room with lots of plush chairs...

"Can I get you anything?" A woman they now knew as Esme offered

"No, we're fine... um, but if you could ask your son to not try and read our minds that'd be great..." Chris said indicating a boy now known to them as Edward

"Edward... manners..." She scolded in the same musical tone she spoke in, he gripped his wife's hand tighter while their daughter played in the background

"We were told that vampires were around in this town, by some friends of ours, they were worried for the people of the town..."

"There is nothing to fear, we do not hunt humans, we are self proclaimed vegetarians, and we only hunt animals that are abundant..." Carlisle the father figure said

"I did see in the vision I got from Alice that you have all gone to great lengths to protect, Isabella was it, who is I see now one of you..."

"Only as a last resort..." Edward said through his teeth

"I see..."

"We don't want any trouble, we were only here to make sure no harm may come to the people here." David said

"So what are you people?" Rosalie, the blonde Hermione had bumped into on purpose asked

"We are witches, very powerful witches."

"Really, would you please demonstrate something for us, I have always wondered if there were other beings out there..." Carlisle asked

Alex sighed and orbed from his chair to another one.

The vampires' stone faces seemed to be in a slight state of shock

"There's more, but we don't want to be showy..."

"Show all you want!" the obnoxious one known as Emmett said loudly

They went through all of their practiced powers and each time they were praised...

"So you have physical abilities.... What about spells and such...?" Rosalie asked

"Oh yeah, the three of us.." Melinda said indicating herself, Chris, and Wyatt, "can write or read spells to make things happen, anything we set our minds to really..."

"Have you ever used your magic to make someone human?" she asked

"Once, and then he left out of our lives until very recently."

"Would you make me human?" She said in a hopeful voice

"Rose..." Emmett said with a shock to his voice

"This is my chance honey, I could be rid of this curse forever..."

"But then you'd die, worse, you'll get old, really, really, old..." Emmett said

She shrunk back, "I suppose its better I don't get an answer..." Rosalie said

"The answer is, yes, but only if and or when you are truly ready for that step, which goes for any of you, I'm sure immortality must suck sometimes...." Wyatt said ineloquently

"We'd like it if you would all stick around and get to know us, maybe we could even introduce you to our werewolf friends..."

"That sounds like a plan, we are gonna stick around for a while, it's actually kind of nice to get some use out of our warmer clothes..."

"You don't know what this means to us, to have people we can talk to that don't have an instinct to despise us..." Jasper the quiet blonde said

"I assume you're referring to the werewolves, we would love to meet them, so long as they don't make us need to kill them..." Melinda said

"Ok, well I'd invite you to come to dinner with us, but the animals we'll be eating are already drained..." Wyatt said and the room echoed with cheery laughter except from the beautiful blonde vampire who suddenly seemed sad...

To Be Continued....

Well I got lots of good emails, lots of suggestions and feedback, so I took the advice of some of the readers, now Harry Potter and co. are back, and we have introduced the Twilight characters.... This should be interesting.... Read on......

Feedback, suggestions, whatever....

Next: Chapter 35

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