Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Apr 8, 2009


*See End of Chapter 40 for an important note from author

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 39-40

A New Way

Part 1 -- A New Day

I wish that I could regret my decision to become a vampire, but I can't...

As I lay there in the wavering brutal agony as the venom overtook my body completely I couldn't help but think, "Will I make it?" "Is this the end?"

Then it all stopped

** 72 Hours Earlier...

"How did it feel?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, it hurts like hell." Bella explained

"Does it still hurt?"

"No, of course not, it's the first three days they are brutal, it was especially bad for me because to put it lightly Renesmee had a bit of a lets say difficult birth, and turning me into a vampire was a last ditch hope for my survival."

"I see, so do you have to be dying to become a vampire?"

"No, that's just Edward and Carlisle 's way, they wouldn't do it to anyone who had another choice..."

"I see... so if I asked you to turn me into a vampire, would you help me?"

"Alex, I am still very new at this, I don't have the same restraint as the others, mainly because I've never tasted human blood direct from the source, when it is most potent, I might not be able to stop."

"I trust you..."

"Don't, it would be a bad idea, have you spoken to Emmett?"

"Not yet."

"Tell him what your choice is, and tell him that you want him to be the one, and if he won't help you, I will, I promise."

"Okay, thank you Bella You've been so helpful..."

"Anytime, we're practically family now."

I walked up to the main house and Emmett was waiting for me

"Edward said you were here, he also said that you were mentally blocking him from your mind... this must be important."

"It is important, I need to talk to you about our future... let's go for a walk..."

**One Week Earlier...

"Do you ever wonder if you made the right decision by becoming a whitelighter and leaving behind your charmed destiny?"

"Sometimes I think I do, and then I remember, I was just a place holder, until Melinda was ready to claim her birth right, I lifted right out, no real connection, and a love I would die for..."

"Were you completely sure when you did it?"

"Not completely, I was about eighty twenty, but then I saw a vision, of Caleb and I growing old there were babies, and grandkids, it was a life worth fighting for, so I did, I fought to become a whitelighter, and left my whole family behind..." C.J said

"You must know why I'm here..."

"I'm feeling so many emotions I'm beginning to get whiplash, but perhaps, if you wouldn't mind telling me..."

"I'm getting older, by the day, and I have finally found someone that I can see myself with, the catch is, he's eternally eighteen, and I am in my almost mid twenties, and if I continue to get older, he's going to be less and less attracted to me, and he's also going to look wrong beside me, like a father and son as opposed to lovers, and I want that life, to be with him, eternally."

"So you want to become a vampire...?" C.J was astounded

"I have to become a vampire, it's the only way to keep Emmett in my life and have it be long and full, it may seem crazy, but I'm willing to give up everything to be with Emmett..."

"What about Charlie?"

"I'll leave him with David, he raised me, he's capable of raising my son."

"You would leave your son?"

"I am not leaving him, I'll be an orb away, sure he won't understand why daddy doesn't get any older, and when he's old enough if he chooses he can join me, or go about his life as he knows it, that will be his decision."

"You are sure about this aren't you?"

"As a heart attack, I am so sure of it, I know with every fiber of my being, and I know you can identify with me..."

"You're right I can, when I became a whitelighter, I left everything behind, I was so completely alone and pregnant, I wasn't sure if Caleb would approve, but I did it anyway, for love..."

"And so you can see why I have to do this..."

"I suppose so... and it would be hypocritical for me to stop you, I will do whatever you want..."

"Okay, four days from today, I need you to deliver this letter to David, just leave it on my bed Thursday is laundry day so he'll be in there at some point..."

"Okay, I will do that for you Alex, I just have one question, why did you come to me?"

"Because in my world, any time I had an issue, you were always there for me, until the day you died, you helped David rescue me and got killed cause you pushed me out of the way..."

C.J hugs Alex, "I'm sure that if we had gotten to know one another better in this world, we would have been very close."

"I know it... Thank you for listening."

"You're welcome..."

Alex said his spell and disappeared before C.J's very eyes

"Hey, is everything okay?" Caleb said holding their daughter

"No, it's not, I have to go do something..." C.J said and kissed his family

The Cullens

96 Hours Prior...

Alex was at the door of the Cullen house when it flew open and Emmett greeted him by scooping him into his arms into a very controlled bear hug and the softest kiss Alex had ever felt, from a marble hard vampire...

"Can we talk?" Alex asked

"Edward said you were here, he also said that you were mentally blocking him from your mind... this must be important."

"It is important, I need to talk to you about our future... let's go for a walk

As we walked down the path and were in a clearing Emmett began to kiss me, "Can we just talk?" I asked pulling away

"Oh, in that case..." Emmett sat in an oversized rock and looked intent on listening.

"Thank you..."

"I think I came up with a solution to our problems, one member of the power of three will not help us...

Alex remembered back to his conversations with each, and focused on the one that surprised him second only to Chris agreeing to help

"I can't do it."

"Why not, your brothers did it for C.J..."

"Because it's not his time, he should be dead or extremely old by now, but he's only nineteen..."

"That's not a good enough reason, come on Melinda, haven't you ever been in love."

"No, and you know why, because love is poison, it gets into people and warps their thoughts until you have no mind of your own and you are only doing things to please your spouse, I don't believe in love and I don't believe that a vampire is capable of love, so those are the reasons I am not willing to help you."

"What happened to you?"

"What does that mean?"

"You were once just like your mother, warm and loving with a heart big enough to, to I don't know, but you've changed, you are nothing like her anymore, you are empty, and you know what, I am so glad that Darryl wasn't here to hear your REAL thoughts on love, because that man would do anything to make you happy." With that Alex stormed out and went to see Bella...

"I see... so if I asked you to turn me into a vampire, would you help me?"

"Alex, I am still very new at this, I don't have the same restraint as the others, mainly because I've never tasted human blood direct from the source, when it is most potent, I might not be able to stop."

"I trust you..."

"Don't, it would be a bad idea, have you spoken to Emmett?"

"Not yet."

"Tell him what your choice is, and tell him that you want him to be the one, and if he won't help you, I will, I promise."

"Okay, thank you Bella You've been so helpful..."

"Anytime, we're practically family now."

"Now here I am with the man I love sitting before me and I can barely form words,"

"I love you Emmett, more than you can possibly imagine, but my cousin will not turn you human so now it's up to me..."

Emmett looked like a dear caught in the headlights, "NO... I don't want to hurt you like that..."

"It's only for three days..."

Emmett was surprised, he'd obviously been informed by someone, or ones, "Do you really love me that much?"

"Yes..." Alex said and sat on the rock with Emmett

"Then before we do this, we are getting married."

"But I want this tomorrow night..."

"Then Alice and Esme are gonna have so much fun slapping this together by tomorrow afternoon..."



"I don't have a suit..."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, but for now, we gotta tell everyone that is if Edward hasn't beat us to the punch..."

We ran to the main house, well actually Emmett ran, with me on his back, and when we got to the house, everyone was waiting.

"Edward told us the good news!" Alice said and danced her way over to Alex and kissed his cheek

"Wow Emmett, he does smell good... I guess I never paid attention..."

"Smells pretty rank to me..." Rosalie said

"Sweetie trim those split ends, then talk..." Alex snapped, and Rosalie growled

"Okay, I don't think we need Rose killing Emmett's fiancé..."

"Actually that's a fight I'd like to see, he could kill her with the wave of a hand..." Emmett said like he was boasting

"Well in that case maybe Rose should reconsider her plan of attack..." Carlisle said attempting to break through the new layer of bitterness in the air

"Look Rose if you wanna become human so badly, and aren't planning on loving anyone in my family or marrying them, then I'm sure my family will help you the way they wouldn't help me."

Everyone had a strange look on their faces, Carlisle was the only one to speak, "why would they refuse?"

"Well, actually only my cousin Melinda refused, Chris and Wyatt were willing to help me, I think in their hearts they knew it would come to this, me becoming a vampire, but Melinda doesn't have that kind of power."

"I see, well, what can we do..."

"I hear Alice and Esme are the authorities on fast weddings...?"

"Absolutely, since we don't sleep or anything..."

"Wow, yeah, forgot about that... well can you have a wedding ready by tomorrow afternoon..."

"There's a first time for everything..." Alice said and got to work right away

"Sweetie you look tired, why don't you head up to bed, the rest of us can handle this, Emmett you are staying in the cottage tonight, he needs to SLEEP..." Esme said in the way only a mother can.

"You got it..." Emmett said and went to help everyone

"Trust us, we'll have the wedding you've dreamed of, well kind of, by tomorrow afternoon.."

As my head hit the pillow I couldn't even imagine what tomorrow would bring, I was going to be married to Emmett, the man I love, I was going to become a vampire in order to stay with him, tomorrow would definitely be interesting...

I had a dream that night, I was seeing my family for the first time after becoming a vampire, I looked terrible, like a vampire off of "Buffy" not beautiful like my new family, but ugly and horrifying...

"I don't know who or what you are but leave now!" I heard David yell protecting my son from me

"I came for my son." My scary form said pointing to Charlie

"Alex?!" Melinda said in shock

"No, the boogeyman, of course Alex, I was left with no choice, I made the only logical choice..."

"You can't take him..." David said cuddling my son closer

"I'm not ASKING!" and I lunge at David tackling him and scooping up my son at the same time

Chris tried to freeze me but it didn't work

"I haven't committed any evil, so I am still considered good, your powers don't work on me, you see what you people haven't figured out, is that vampires are not inherently evil, that's just a myth, one has to CHOOSE evil..."

I watched myself as a monster steal my son, who remained quiet, as though he recognized me through the scary mask for all intents and purposes, and he snuggled against me as we ran...

I awoke frightened, but knew that was far from how this would turn out, and I knew that once I was well enough to collect my son I would, and I also knew that nobody would stop me.

It was pretty early, but I stayed awake anyway, I wasn't prepared for my ball and chain ceremony today, not by a long shot, I didn't know if we were writing our own vows, so I decided to do so anyway, and three hours later I had my perfect vows...

There was a knock at the door, "come in"

It was Alice , "I brought you your tux, I hope Dolce and Gabbana is suitable..."

"Uh, yeah, duh..."

"Mind if I sit?" she asked me

"Not at all..."

"Don't worry I told Emmett to write his own vows, so since you wrote yours, you guys are on the same page..."

"Oh, cool... thanks... I think..."

"I know it's weird for you, since I'm not a witch, to know I can use powers..."

"I'm so glad Emmett found you, I always told him he was destined to be with a gorgeous blonde, he just always assumed I'd meant Rosalie, since he never told anyone about his being gay, he always put on quite a show with her, but his heart was never in it, Edward and I knew, but until he told us ALL we kept it to ourselves..."

"That was really cool of you guys, you know since you always seem to tell everyone's business..."

"Oh you're referring to you becoming a vampire..."


"Well I had a vision a while back, I saw today happening, but then we found out Emmett was going to become human and your guys' future became fuzzy, but then when I focused on your cousins, I knew that today would happen, which is why I went shopping for the wedding months ago..."

"You knew, how could you be sure...?"

"Because destiny always finds its way." Alice said wisely

"I guess you're right..."

"And FYI, Emmett will never stop loving you..."

"I know, you and I have a little something in common..."

"We'll have to hold it over the others later..."

"I think we might... thanks Alice ..."

"Anytime, after all is said and done, we are family."

The day went by quickly and soon we were all getting ready, my wavy blonde hair wasn't cooperating, "I thought we might need these..."

Alice was in the doorway holding clippers scissors and a comb...

"You read my mind..."

"I tend to do that on occasion..."

She got to work with her feather light touch and ten minutes later my hair looked like a runway model, spiked to perfecting sweeping sideways

"Wow Alice , that's exactly what I wanted..."

"As you said... I read your mind..."

" Alice , will you be my best man?"

Alice looked as though she would cry, "of course..."

"You honestly didn't see that one coming did you?"

"No, I didn't..."

"Good, that means I'm gaining control of that..."

"You ARE a witch, powers are your thing."

"Okay let's get me married..."

I walked down the stairs to the main room, it was gorgeously decorated with white linen, garlands, and an arch of fresh flowers, Alice had gone a tad overboard, but it was beautiful, the smells of freesias and roses filled my nose as I took a deep breath, there were no chairs, since only the Cullens were in attendance, and Jasper was officiating the ceremony, using one of the many licenses he'd acquired over the years.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in this beautifully decorated house to join these two fine men in holy matrimony, they have prepared their own vows, Emmett, if you would..."

"Alex, in my many years on earth, I have never met anyone with such a fire to them, you are so warm and caring, I couldn't ask for a better partner, when you look at me everything feels like its going to be just fine, I don't need to look any farther than your gorgeous blue eyes to know that we are truly forever. So with this ring as a token of my love and faith I pledge to be yours always and forever."

"Emmett, you are my lover, my friend, my soulmate, I have been through a lot in my life, raising a son on my own, trying to find love and failing so badly, and then you came along, with your goofy joking nature, and you brought a light into my life, a light I thought had burned out a long time ago, you are so good to me, and to my son, that I knew you are the one, the one I want to spend my eternity with, you, me, and Charlie, a happy family... So with this ring as my token of appreciation, love, and faith I pledge to be yours always and forever."

"They've said it all, what more is there to add, be true, be faithful, and love each other as fiercely as the day you met, by the power vested in me by the state of Washington , I now pronounce you married, you may kiss."

Emmett pulled me into a crushing kiss, and I kissed him back while the whole family cheered...

We went to Emmett's room, now my room as well...

"So Mr. Cullen, how would you like to consummate this marriage?" Emmett asked me

"Well Mr. Cullen, I would love to..."

With that Emmett pulled off his tux coat, and then pants and finally ripped off his shirt revealing his rock hard chest and abs, then removed his briefs and revealed his near foot long cock and I was again reminded how much I loved this part, I laid on my back and he buried his face in my crack sniffing and licking his way around and he tongued my inner ring and I felt myself relax to his touch, as he sucked and began to finger my tight opening...

He reached into the nightstand and pulled out lube and a condom, he lubed his cock and slide on the condom, then lubed the outside of the condom, and eased his dick to my unwilling hole, I relaxed and pushed out as though I was, well you know, and felt him slide deep inside me, he hit more resistance and then I pushed the rest inside me with a pop...

I moaned out loud and began to mash my ass against his crotch, I pushed him back and straddled him and forced his dick back inside me, it wasn't the most comfortable position at first, but I was soon used to it and was taking the ride of my life, I was so full, and it felt so good, I couldn't believe the feeling, then he got me in doggy style and stood up on the bed and began to take me roughly from behind, it felt so good I almost died and went to heaven, as he pounded into me I felt every inch of his long fat cock stroking my swollen inner walls, I used my well trained muscles to squeeze and milk his cock, he moaned and growled slightly as he filled the condom with his seed, "Oh god, wow, Alex Cullen, where did you learn how to do that... WHOO!"

"I have my ways Emmett Cullen..."

We fucked for the rest of the night and around 4 am I knew what time it was...

"Emmett, I'm ready..."

"For round six?"

"No baby, I want to become a vampire now..."

"Why now?"

"Because it's 4am on Thursday, and that was my plan, for my three days to be up around 5am on Saturday..."

"Why five now?"

"Cuz, we are gonna get cleaned up and dressed, so lets go, I'm not becoming a vampire covered in cum..."

"I think you look hot..."

"Of course you do..." I said with a small laugh and kissed Emmett

We showered, and went to Carlisle 's office

"We're ready..."

"Okay, Emmett I will need to take some venom from you...:"

Carlisle took a syringe and extracted some of Emmett's venom

"Okay, we were successful with Bella, because not only did Edward bite her, but we also injected her heart with the venom."

"Okay, whatever will work..."

"Follow me..."

We were led to what looked like a hospital room right there in the Cullen house

"Lie down Alex."

Carlisle hooked up all the machines that would be used to monitor someone in a hospital, and then nodded to Emmett

"You sure you ready for this baby?"

"We belong together..."

"Forever..." and with that Emmett moved in for a kiss, and kissed my lips, then my cheek, and finally my neck, and there on the right side of my neck is when his teeth finally pierced my weak human skin, I gasped as he began to suck my blood, and then licked the wound closed, he bit my wrists, and licked it closed, and then I felt Carlisle inject the venom directly to my heart, the pain was greater than anything I have ever imagined...

The agony tore through every part of my body, it felt as though flames were overtaking my body, followed by ice being poured directly over the burns, then hot again and then I felt as though I were being crushed under a trash compactor, I was sure I was screaming, all this pain I felt, it was unbearable, then I passed out, at least I think I did.


I watched him as he screamed and cried and screamed, it shredded my heart into tiny pieces to watch him like that, If I could cry I know I would have, cause I felt the sadness, but no tears fell, I just watched, and held his hand, he was so hot, and then cold, but then hot again and stayed hot, and then I saw his body flatten, all his bones were broken, so they could be reformed and I was thankful he wasn't able to feel that part, or at least, he wasn't showing it...

I felt his pain I was sure that his witch side was somehow projecting it to me since I was touching him, but he didn't show the pain at all...


It was around two in the afternoon on Thursday, I was doing laundry, and when I went to put Alex's away I saw a note on his bed, he must have known I'd be in there that day

"Dear Henry..." I knew something was wrong he never called me by my first name...

"Dear Henry, I am so sorry to tell you like this, but I was left with no choice, I have decided to marry Emmett and become a vampire, I know that I told you he was becoming human, and I thought that was going to happen, Chris and Wyatt agreed to help with Emmett, but Melinda wouldn't budge, she said that she didn't believe in our relationship to help, so I had to take matters into my own hands without the help of the power of three, I am so sorry, I wish I could have told you, knowing Emmett if you're reading this right now, I am already married and becoming a vampire, I have enclosed temporary custody papers, and power of attorney for Charlie, once I'm well enough I will come to get him, you have to know if I had been allowed the chance to stay and have Emmett be human with me I would have but, one selfish girl's actions made up my mind for me, again I'm sorry, but you'll see me as soon as possible. According to Emmett it will take about a year or so before that time... All my love, Alex Cullen."

I suddenly felt a blind rage as I orbed out and to the manor where I knew I'd find her, I found her sitting on the couch typing something on her laptop and I orbed it against the wall smashing it to pieces, "HEY! I was writing my column!"

"Do you have ANY idea what you've done you selfish bitch!?" I screamed at her causing her to wince

Chris and Wyatt came running down the stairs, "What's going on?" Wyatt asked

"I don't know..." Melinda said scared

"Yes you do if you think for a second, and then read this..." I orbed the letter into her hands,

"Oh my god, I didn't know, I never thought he'd oh my god...."

"What is going on?!" Chris yelled

"Your selfish bitch of a sister flat out refused to help Alex with Emmett, and said she wouldn't say the spell to make him human, and so since Alex was left with no choice, he took the alternate route..."


"Yes Wyatt you got it, he married Emmett and became a vampire."

"Melinda, why would you do that, why wouldn't you help him..."

"Because I don't believe that a vampire can love, and I don't believe in love or marriage..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, marriage corrupts, it takes two separate minded people and turns them into mindless drones that only do things to please the other, no more thinking for yourself, it's all about your husband or your wife, it's never about you..."

"You really are that selfish, you really believe that?" I asked

"Let me explain something to you little girl, what you think is bad about marriage is one of the core values of marriage, because it's no longer JUST about you when you marry, it's about compromise, and it means being selfless and that making somebody else happy is more important than making yourself happy, and we are not mindless, what's mindless is thinking that love isn't real, if love wasn't real do you think any of us would exist, without love, me, Chris, and you standing there with that attitude wouldn't exist, and to project your feelings onto a situation you know nothing about, that is disgusting..." Wyatt said

"What is that supposed to mean..."

"It means that you are not a vampire, and you have never sat down and spoken to one about the subject of love, so you do not know enough to know whether or not a vampire is capable of love, so that shouldn't even be a concern of yours, Alex is our cousin, and HE was human, and HE LOVES Emmett, that should have been enough for you to hop off your high horse and just say the spell..." Chris said

"Because of you, the only family I have ever known is gone for who knows how long, I will never forgive you for this, and I hope one day that Darryl sees you for the bitter hag bitch that you really are and leaves you cold and lonely for the rest of your life, because that's what you deserve, you are no longer my family." I said

"David please..." Melinda said

"Don't even speak to me, you are nothing to me, you don't exist." I said and she began crying, I should have cared but at that moment I couldn't even try

"Wyatt...?" She turned to him

"No, I can't believe you..."

"Chris...?" she turned to him

"If even I could look past my differences with Alex, should it really have been so hard for you to do the same?"

"Chris, come on!" She shrieked

"No, I thought you were better than that..." Chris said and orbed home

She called her boyfriend, "Can you come over?"

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I just really need you right now can you come please?"

"Yeah, I'll be over in ten minutes..."


It's been two and a half days now and he still appears to be in a bit of pain, it doesn't feel as bad, but it still is pain, and that isn't something I ever want him to feel...

"How's our boy doing?" Esme asked

"He's doing good..."

"Honey, you need to eat something, go hunt with Edward and Carlisle , I'll stay with him, I won't leave his side, I promise..."

"Okay Esme, thank you..."

"He's my family now too Emmett..."

"I know, but you've been great..." Emmett gave her a slight hug and went with his father figure and brother to hunt some deer

They hunted for a good two hours, "Wow, someone was hungry..." Edward said

"Yeah, I haven't hunted since Monday, it's been crazy with Alex, I'm so scared he won't make it I don't know what to do with myself."

"Be strong, he's much stronger than Bella, and she pulled through after a rather messy birth..." Carlisle said thoughtfully

"I suppose you're right, what good will it do me to think the worst, I have to be strong for him..."

"Good thinking, I know I was a wreck the whole time with Bella, you've done amazingly well..." Edward said

We made our way back to the house and I relieved Esme from her duty, she had made good on her promise and not moved, she even held his hand, he was now pale as opposed to his usual golden tone, he still had a slightly rosiness to his cream colored face, his arms were more muscled now he had sinews that hadn't been present before, I saw a new set of washboard abs had formed, and his face, had always been striking, he now put Edward whom everyone has deemed the best looking one, he put him to shame, he has red lips, the slightest pink to his cheeks and his blonde curls were shinier than ever and brushed his forehead slightly, I knew his eyes would no longer be the shining blue they had always been and I was a little sad at that...


I wish that I could regret my decision to become a vampire, but I can't...

As I lay there in the wavering brutal agony as the venom overtook my body completely I couldn't help but think, "Will I make it?" "Is this the end?"

Then it all stopped

To Be Continued...

Right Now...

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 40

A New Way

Previously on Marvelously Charming

"I see, so do you have to be dying to become a vampire?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, it hurts like hell."

"No, and you know why, because love is poison, it gets into people and warps their thoughts until you have no mind of your own and you are only doing things to please your spouse, I don't believe in love and I don't believe that a vampire is capable of love, so those are the reasons I am not willing to help you."

"Your selfish bitch of a sister flat out refused to help Alex with Emmett, and said she wouldn't say the spell to make him human, and so since Alex was left with no choice, he took the alternate route..."

As the venom overtook my body completely I couldn't help but think, "Will I make it?" "Is this the end?"

Then it all stopped

Part 2 A New Night

I opened my eyes and they took a second to adjust to the bright lights of the room, I sat up and looked around, I wasn't wearing a shirt, just green scrub bottoms, my eyes met Emmett's...

" Carlisle , he's awake!" I cowered because of the heightened senses that hurt my ears I covered them, "I'm sorry baby, wait a second..."

"Wow... he's taller... and leaner..." Carlisle said

"Yeah, but Carlisle , his eyes, they're bluer, like the kind of blue only seen with contacts.... How is that possible?"

"I don't know, newborns always have red eyes, I've never seen a vampire with any other kinds of eyes, this is remarkable... perhaps the witch in him allows him to more easily blend in with society?" Carlisle suggests.

"What happened?" I asked, wow, was that my voice, it was almost a whole octave lower and was much smoother like a silky sound to it...

"Well, you've made the transformation, you're one of us now..." Carlisle said, and I noted that I was now Emmett's height about six one, a few inches taller than I was before, I gracefully walked to the mirror, and I startled myself, who was this guy looking back at me... I saw a beautiful greek god like face, with the bluest eyes, my muscles were showing through extremely defined, I had veins all over my arms and my pecs and abs were perfect, I didn't look like me, yet somehow, I looked the same... I kinda missed my tan though...

"Why do you guys keep looking at me like I'm going to attack you or something...?"

"Well, you're a new vampire and in our experience, new vampires are unstable..."

"Well I feel totally fine..."

"I guess he and Bella have a bit more in common than we thought..."

"Me and Bella?"

"Bella is the only other vampire that has been fine this early, only her eyes had been red so she couldn't go out in public without sunglasses, but somehow your eyes just got even more beautiful..."

I walked up to Emmett wanting to try something, I easily lifted him up spun him around and kissed him...

"Mmm... wow... that was new... ouch, not so hard..." I had actually hurt Emmett without magical assistance, I really had changed, and I had put zero effort into that, I should be more careful

"I'm gonna go see my family, you know, since I'm not scary looking, I don't have to wait to get Charlie..."

"I'll go with you..." Emmett said and we went to get me some clothes, I couldn't get over how swift my movements were, I was fast now, and I wasn't so clumsy

I put on some of my jeans, but they were too short...

"Emmett can I borrow a pair of jeans, all mine are a few inches too short..."

"Yeah babe, shirts should still fit you if they're long ones.."

I put on the borrowed jeans and one of my longer t-shirts I had grabbed when I left home, I'd have to grab more clothes or buy new ones.

I decided to use a spell to get us there instead of flying on a plane, which would take five hours. I was surprised when it worked, I guess I was still a witch...

I walked into the house I shared with Johnny, Chris, and David, and found the three of them and Wyatt sitting in the living room with the kids

"Why the long faces?" I asked

They obviously didn't recognize my voice, the same way I hadn't cause of the startled look on their faces... David looked at me and tried to identify who he was looking at...

"How is this possible, you said in your letter you wouldn't be ready to come in the open for about a year... what happened?"

"I guess being a witch and being bitten is different, I kept my powers, or at least my spell casting abilities, and my eyes aren't bright red..." I said in my sing song voice and laughed musical notes

"Your voice, it's so pure and it sounds like you are singing your simple words..." David said in awe

"I've changed..." I said with another musical laugh

"But since I'm not a monster I just came for my stuff and of course my son."

"I don't know about that Alex, how do we know he'll be safe with you..."

I let out a growl, I didn't mean to but I was pissed, and it caused David to back up, "I'm taking my son with me and none of you are going to stop me..." I said calmly

"Chris..." David said

"It won't work, he's still a witch..."

"No he's a..."

"He's both, and he hasn't performed any evil, he's still a witch, a witch who happens to be a vampire..."

"I am not evil, don't you get that, none of us are evil, hell Carlisle is a doctor, and I am your family, nothing has changed, other than the fact that I'll outlive all of you..."

"I don't know about this..."

"David, listen to me, do you really think I or my family would allow Alex to put his son in a situation where he'd be in danger...?" Emmett asked

"A house full of vampires sure sounds like a safe place for a child to be raised..."

"Do I need to remind you that we have a half human child growing up in our house?"

"David, please don't do this, I just want to take him with me..."

"I'm coming with you..." David finally said

"What?" I asked

"Do you really think I want to separate you from your son, no I don't I'll go with until I am satisfied that he'll be okay, I recall Carlisle's statements about unstable new vampires, I just want to be sure, it's the only way I'll agree to this." David said

"Agreed." Alex and Emmett said as they held hands. David picked up Charlie and handed him to me

"Daddy!" Charlie hugged me a little bit

"Let's go..." I said and David orbed us out back to Emmett's house

"Did that really just happen?" Chris asked the general audience

"I think it did..."

"So David willingly took Charlie to live in a house full of vampires?" Chris said


"I know..."

"Oh well, in the end it was their decision, and Alex would never harm David or Charlie, whether or not he's a vampire..."

"Wow Chris, you've really had a change of heart on him..." Wyatt said

"Yeah, he's a good guy, and he's still one of the good guys, did you see the look in his eyes when Charlie hugged him and recognized him, I think it made him complete again..." Chris said

"You guys know that we may never see any of them again, right?" Johnny said

"Oh yes we will, do you really think that Phoebe would allow them to keep her away from her grandchild, she'd have a fit." Chris responded

"That is very true." Wyatt said and Johnny had to agree...

Three Months Later


I've been here three months with this family and I've got to say I've never seen such gentle loving behavior from anyone, let alone a group of vampires, they gushed over Charlie, Emmett twirled him on his finger like a basketball, Esme enjoyed making him all sorts of foods, obviously much smaller portions than she would give me, Carlisle, Edward and Jasper had taken to teaching him how to play baseball, he was going to be three soon, and he was getting so big, he already didn't fit in the clothes Alex had bought him a few months ago.

"Hey, do you wanna run to Port Angeles with me?" I asked

"What do you need?" Alex responded, I still wasn't used to that voice

"I don't need anything but Charlie needs new clothes..."

"No he doesn't..."

"Yes he does Alex, he barely fits in the clothes I brought with..."

"Then get him some clothes from his room here... you know the one he sleeps in with the dressers in it... Emmett and I went shopping a month ago, and bought him almost three grand worth of clothes, he's got clothes for everything he needs, and then some, plus clothes for as he grows, so just go in the drawers, everything that will currently fit him is in there, the rest is in storage."

"Oh... okay..." I felt a little dim for not asking, of course Alex would have done that... but how much clothes could the kid need...

I soon found out, I went through the drawers, everything was name brand, there was everything, from J. Crew to Chanel, my god, what is going on here...

I walked back downstairs

"Okay, J. Crew, yes, but Chanel, Gucci, Dolce... this is a child we're talking about, I think Old Navy would have sufficed..."

"And if he was your son I would agree with you, but he's my son, and Emmett's step son, so you have no say in... well anything, now do you..."

"That was low..."

"What, they're clothes, so Esme and Carlisle like to spoil him a bit, so does Emmett, and for the record the only clothes I bought were the ones from J. Crew... Keep in mind these are people that can't and don't have kids of their own, so Nessie and Charlie get to reap the benefits, just let it go."

"I just don't get it, why is it necessary..."

"It's not old man, but think about it, if you inherited a grandchild even if it was through marriage, and you didn't and couldn't have kids of your own and your "kids" can't have kids, wouldn't you spoil that child rotten..."

"I guess I would..."

"So now do you see where the Cullens are coming from, and me too now, Charlie is the only kid I get, unless I decide to impregnate a human woman, which I don't so back off, I think it's time you went home."


"You heard me... you've been here three months, I haven't done anything nutty or dangerous, neither has anyone in this family, you came, you saw, and nothing happened, are you satisfied he's safe yet..."


"Ok then, we'll come visit soon, call me sometime Davey." Alex hugged me

"Can I call Charlie...?"

"Don't expect him to say much... but sure you can call him any time..."

"Okay then I'll grab my stuff and go."

"Bye Dave."

As I orbed home I began to cry, my family had been ripped apart, and I still couldn't help but blame Melinda for it, my surrogate son and my nephew had left me behind, and now here I was, 28, unemployed, and single living in my cousin's basement...

"I need a man..."

"You can say that again..." Chris said, I was surprised cause I didn't think I'd said that out loud

"Well you did... you know something Dave... I think I can help you in that area..."

"How do you mean...?"

"I mean you're not a total mess, you've got a decent bod, good face, but the scraggly Jesus thing just isn't working for ya... and those clothes geesh... we're dipping into my closet, I may be slightly bigger than you muscle wise, but you're still broader than me so you'll fill out my shirts, and you must be about my waist size and we're the same height..."

"Chris... you're rambling... and... thanks.... You know for understanding you know about me being into guys... well I mean I like both... I just prefer guys..."

"I know, you came out before you... well... you in this world died... I have to call Sandra, you need some highlights and a serious haircut..." Chris said and began rummaging through his closet while on the phone... I heard him talking to someone he obviously knew pretty well, and then I heard silence and clothes were thrown at me

"Should I really be putting these on before getting a haircut...?"

"Hmm...You're right... keep those..." Chris said and began rummaging again, he threw out jeans, a t-shirt, and a zip-up hoody.... "There we go, now... shoes..." he said and went back to the closet and threw out some odd looking black shoes...

"What are these?"

"Those my dear are Steve Madden pointed ankle boots, you will wear them and like them, even if they choke your feet cause they look great... Now get dressed Jesus we're going to make you into a Hollywood GQ man..."

Chris took me to a salon and they worked on me for three hours and then turned me around, I didn't recognize myself, they'd waxed and shaved, and cut, colored and highlighted and I think someone may have even put a little makeup on me but I'm not sure... I liked it... I liked a lot, my hair was brown and caramelish highlights, I haven't seen this guy for a long time...

"One more thing... he'll take a level one for ten minutes..." Chris said and threw me some lotion and walked me to the back...

"A level what for how... what?"

"You my pale cousin, are going to get a tan today..."

"Um... no, no, no..."

"Yeah... Strip..."

"What, no!"

"You leave me no choice, all of David's clothes please..." Chris said and grabbed my clothes out of thin air... I tried to cover myself up

"Rub this all over yourself, I'll get your back..." Chris took some of the lotion and got my back...

"Now climb in there and hit the green button or I swear to god I will bind your magic and then leave with your clothes... be sure to wear these..." he handed me some eye covering things


I stepped into the futuristic looking contraption, I put on the little eye thingies the room was small, but I fit fine, I hit the green button and it suddenly got hot and a fan started


Oh how fun this day was I had a project with David, we never really spent much time together, he usually kept to himself, but today he had been hanging out with me, probably cause he missed Alex, when he said he wanted to meet someone, I immediately knew we would have a day ahead of us... He got the works done, and now I was forcing him to tan... he doesn't know I gave him tingle... should be funny to watch him squirm for a while...

He knocked on the door from inside and I came in...

"I am feeling a weird feeling all over my body is that normal, what was that lotion...?"

"Oh I knew you'd figure it out, that lotion is making you tingle like that cause it brings your red blood cells to the surface, and makes you tan more evenly and darker..."

"Why didn't you tell me, I put it on my balls..."

"Good... You wouldn't want those to sunburn..."

"Just gimme my clothes please..."

"Okay, let's go get some lunch..."

We stopped at the front to pay...

"The total today comes to nine hundred and fifty four dollars and seventy eight cents..." the cashier said

"Wow, was I that much of a train wreck?" David asked me

"You bet your cute ass you were." The cashier said and blushed at his own comment

We both laughed at his comment, "By the way I'm Chris Storm, I know Sandra the owner, I get fifteen percent off..."

"Yes sir, but you didn't get the services..."

"But, I am paying, therefore I get my discount, you're more than welcome to call Sandra and ask her, I don't mind waiting..."

"I do have to verify this once, you know, I am new here."

"I gathered as much, your name is?"

"Aaron Adams..." he said holding up the one second finger, "Yes sorry to bother you on your day off Mrs. Richards I have a Chris Storm here wanting his discount, but I wasn't sure of the policy on that, regarding the fact that he wasn't the customer... Yes he is the one paying for the services... okay, I thought so but I wouldn't want to do it and then be fired for it later... Thank you mam, yes I'll see you tomorrow... She said of course, that you are a valued customer and friend...

I paid and we went out to lunch at a nice restaurant

"So, David, here's the deal, you're new to the whole dating thing right?"

"Yeah, I haven't really dated, and I kinda jumped ahead three years when I got here so I missed out on the twenty four to twenty seven years of my life and now I've turned twenty eight with nothing to show for it..."

"Well, I can help you there, you can manage the club and restaurant, there, that takes care of the job, don't worry it pays very well, and for someone with no experience in this world having me there to help you, you'll do great, and once you figure your shit out then you can find your own job, if you hate living in our basement, I have a condo downtown that I can sub-lease to you, I can take the first month rent from your first paycheck, and you can live on your own if you'd prefer."

"Well, definitely yes to the job, but for living on my own, I think I'd rather find my own place..."

"You've been in this universe for three years, you have no credit history, you just started your job, no place besides maybe a shady walk-up is gonna give you an apartment, think of these things as starting off points, you can always find your own stuff later, I'm just trying to help."

"Okay, I'll do it, but I'm buying my own car..." We shared a laugh and our food arrived

We drove home and the car was filled with new clothes bags, a couple of which were Chris's

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Spend someone else's money like that... I mean doesn't it bother you the way you earned it..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean you basically have money because you have sex with your husband..."

That pissed me off, my family has always thought that about me, I pulled over...

"Fuck you!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit a nerve, I was just wondering..."

"Well next time you wonder keep it to yourself... and not that it is ANY of your business how I make my money, but first of all I am an award winning actor, and I cut an album last year, I make money from those, not to mention that I was once manager of the club and restaurant, and now I own and operate them, so I am pretty much loaded with no help from my husband that I have sex with because I love him..."

"I'm sorry Chris, I didn't really know..."

"OBVIOUSLY... or you wouldn't have said something like that, I'm sorry too, if you don't like the fact that I spent over two grand helping you out today then we can return the clothes, I'll get your services credited back to me and I can make it to where you'll work them off sweeping hair off the floor of Sandra's salon!"

"I'm really sorry Chris, I should have thought about what I was saying before I said it I don't know what I was..."

"DUCK!" I yelled

All of a sudden the windshield of the car was busted through by a pole, if David hadn't ducked he would have died

We got out of the car, the crazy old guy with the helmet was back with his blue lady

"So we meet again..."

"Yeah, I guess you were resourceful enough to find your way back from Timbuktu..."

"Well it took a while, but we did manage..."

"You can't have my son..."

"Oh really..." Three garbage cans flew at me, I dodged them all, "Mystique, go pick up the boy from school, he'll be so happy his daddy came to pick him up..." I saw the blue woman shape shift into me

"NO!" I tried to blow her up but it barely fazed her, she got into their car and drove off

A blue guy appeared, and he looked familiar, he was once with Charles Xavier's group he materialized and then disappeared with the man

"I have to go!" I orbed out

I landed in front of John's school, in some bushes, I came out from them, it was late in the day so nobody was around, "Dad!" I heard my son exclaim

I bolted and yelled for him as I was running it seemed like slow motion, I couldn't move any faster, as I reached the atrium and approached them, John was just about to jump up and hug the fake me when I threw Mystique back with my powers

"Dad!?" John exclaimed..."Whoa, what's going on here?"

"It's me honey, daddy, don't go near that imposter..." Fake Chris said

"No, no baby, don't you listen to her, she's pretending to be me, she's a demon, well not actually a demon, but she's a bad mutant, and remember a few years ago, at Bree's house..." I said

"Of course he remembers, and he also remembers that daddy took care of that didn't he..."

"I don't know dad..." John said to neither one of us in particular

I had an idea, it was a long shot but I had to, "Okay then, kill us both..."

"What?" John asked me

"Remember the spell I taught you when you were starting school, the one that will kill "anyone in the room...""

"Yeah, but..."

"No buts young man, you say that spell now..." I said sternly

"Okay... When in the circle surrounds me now, safety's gone and evil roams, rid all beings from these walls, now heed my call." John said and kept repeating it over and over, nothing was happening to me, cause I am a good witch, thank god, but Mystique however was turning into all sorts of different people, he's not strong enough to kill her, so I join in

John and I continue reciting "When in the circle surrounds me now, safety's gone and evil roams, rid all beings from these walls, now heed my call..." and she explodes

"Dad!" John hugged me

"Good job honey!" I said and wrapped my arms around him

"I knew you were you daddy, your eyes, they told me so..."

"I'm so glad you know me baby... Let's go home..." I orbed us out, when we got back to the house, Johnny and David were waiting

"DAD!" John said and ran upto Johnny hugging him tightly

"Oh my god, I am so glad you're okay, I was so worried sport, you have no idea how scared I was..."

"Probably the same as me..." John said still hugging his dad

That night Johnny tucked in all the kids, and then came into the bedroom...

"Demons attacking them at SCHOOL now...?"

"I know I was just as shocked as your, although I think its because they weren't demons, they were bad mutants, I just don't know why they want John, and why they waited four years to attack him again..."

"Wait again...?"

"Well, they were mutants I couldn't vanquish them and I was at a mortal household, so I just sent them to Timbuktu..."

"Wow, that was... I don't even know what to say to that, you just sent away things that tried to steal our kid!"

"You knew about that whole situation..."

"YEAH but you told me you TOOK CARE OF IT..."

"What was I supposed to do stab them to death, I'm not a murderer, I'm a witch!"

"You should have done anything in your power to assure that they would never have another chance to harm our son!"

"I did what I thought was best, why are you arguing with me, I mean where were you!?"


"WORK WORK WORK, oh cry me a fucking river man, if I had to drop everything because of work, MY AUNT! MY COUSIN! AND MY PARENTS, wouldn't be the only family members of mine rotting in graves!" I began to cry, it wasn't like me to bring up my deceased family members, it was still a really sore spot...

"Look, I am so sick of having to walk on eggshells with you, I am going to tell you this once only, you need to move on, they are gone, and you need to focus on your children, and yourself, stop worrying about them, they aren't a factor anymore..."

"You really are an asshole you know that..." was all I said as I grabbed a pillow and blanket and went to sleep on the couch, then I remembered Alex's room in the basement

"UH, OH GOD FUCK ME HARDER! MMM... YEAH BABY!!!" I heard as I passed David's room, I guess someone's getting lucky tonight...

I laid down on the comfortable mattress and fell asleep cuddled up to a pillow, listening to my cousin and his flavor of the evening going at it...

I awoke at six am the next day, I got up, and made breakfast, and after an hour had a full meal ready,

I went to bedroom number one, "John, Joss, UP breakfast is on the table, get your brother..."

Bedroom number two

"Wake up my children!"

"Faw minuhs..."

"Nope now!"

I went down to start making plates, not bothering to wake Johnny...

He then walked in with kids all over him, "What's this I hear about breakfast?"

"For the children..." I said pointedly

"Come on mommy, let daddy eat with us!" Jocelyn smiled up at me with her two front teeth missing

"Ok fine... we'll all eat together..."

And there I sat and watched as my family dug into their food, and I realized, how could I possibly need anything more, my life was relatively demon free, I had a man who loves me and a bunch of great kids to show for it, and a close knit family that has been there with me through all kinds of tragedy...

When I think about the days of my youth and how short lived it was, all I keep wondering is, would I change any of it for any reason?

You know what my answer is?

Hell NO...

I lead a great life, yeah it sure has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, the most important thing is whether or not you're happy and I am as happy as I can be...

My life is Marvelously Charming



Next: Chapter 39

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