Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on May 25, 2009


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 42

Can I Get a What What...

As Johnny and I reclined on the sand holding hands, on a secluded beach here in the Caribbean, I thought back to the day I'd decided this was what we needed

We had talked all evening about how I had been such a jerk to him and then he was so amazing about the situation, about everything, I couldn't help but think, my mind had raced, I thought he deserved more...

"Chris what are you saying?" David had asked me, and I didn't have an answer at that moment, I sat there in silence as I thought about the question, as simple as it was I didn't know the right response.

"Chris, are you trying to say you want to divorce Johnny?" he re-phrased, the thought had crossed my mind, but I knew it wasn't what I wanted

"No, of course not, that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying..."

"Chris, we're cousins, and we've become really good friends ever since Alex went away, you can talk to me about anything buddy." David said

"Look, Henry, I mean David, sorry... I just I think we need a break..."

"From each other?"

"No, I think the problem is we don't spend enough time alone, I mean over the years, it's never been about us the couple, it's been about us the parents, you know we never even had a honeymoon..."

"Well there you have it..." David said

"What? A honeymoon...?"

"Hell yeah a honeymoon, that's exactly what you guys need, time away from the kids, time away from work, just time away, how about Fiji?"

"Where the fuck is Fiji? And how is that the first place to come to mind?" I asked

"Hell if I know, and I was drinking a water earlier..."

"You are so weird..."


"Who gets honeymoon ideas off a bottle of water?"

"The bottle was pretty..." David play pouted

"You are an oddball, must be that whole alternate universe thing... We were supposed to go to the Caribbean Islands when we got married, but then my eggo was preggo so we nipped that idea in the butt, the vacation, not the baby."

"So why not surprise Johnny with a cruise...?"

"You know, I think I'm gonna... if you can take care of the kids..."


"Yes you, Wyatt and Pete have enough going on, Zac has Jasmine, Johnny and Joss are basically over the idea of parents, so young they start to resent nowadays, so that just leaves you with Justus and Jesse, am I missing anything, nope that's five, and only two you would actually have to worry about, I'll leave my credit card for anything you have to buy to keep them occupied, you know, food, drink, video games, tranq gun... the usual... PLEASE... I need this..."

"You know I was gonna say yes, but now that you've begged.... That's just such an unattractive habit..."

"David, come on..."

"Alright, I'll do it, only because I want you guys to work past all this crap..."

"Thank you! I am orbing to Johnny right now!" I said and orbed out and to the Baxter building, Johnny was on the phone when I materialized...

"Lemme put it to you this way, you fuck this up and I will kill you myself." He said and slammed his phone shut

"Whoa, bad time...?"

"Oh, baby!" He smiled so big it warmed me inside that after all these years I still brought that smile to his face, he took me in his arms, and the smile faded, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine, I just wanted to ask you something..."


"I want us to take a break."

"What kind of break?"

"From reality, let's go on our honeymoon..."

"You serious?"

"Completely I just want to get away, the two of us, a beach, pina coladas, and the sun, no kids, no work, no demons, no cataclysmic events, just the two of us..."

"Can we do that?"

"Sure, Zac has Jasmine, and David and Aaron are gonna take care of the rest of the Storm crew..."

"Are you sure you wanna do it?"

"Yes, why do you keep asking me that..."

"Well, when you orbed in here I was in a screaming match with Allan my travel agent, demanding a first class all inclusive cruise to wait for it, the Caribbean Islands, just like we were supposed to for our honeymoon!"

"You were planning the same thing?" I was ready to cry

"Honey, I know we've been in a rut, but I know we are strong enough to overcome this and I want us to do it in a place that's as beautiful as you are."

That did it, "Baby!" I hugged myself against Johnny's strong chest and cried, "You are so perfect, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you so much Johnny, when do we leave..."

"That was the reason for the screaming, he said the next cruise isn't for a month, I said I want to leave tonight, and for him to make it happen, I don't care if the boat is leaving from London for crying out loud."

"You need to lighten up when you talk to people, but it's the thought that counts."

"So you think Aaton and Dave are gonna use our credit cards to order porn, pizza, and a nanny?" Johnny asked

"The nanny for sure, pizza probably, and porn no doubt, they aren't gonna be able to handle all the kids..."

We did wind up leaving that night, to catch the ship in the morning


"They just texted, they made the boat and Chris for the gazillionth time says thank you." I plopped down next to my boyfriend

"You know these last three months have been amazing..."

"You know Aaron, they really have, I've been having a lot of fun with you."

"Me too, and I know we're from different generations, but I feel like I know you so well."

"Yeah, me too, but you are a lot younger than me..."

"I know, but I'm not like most guys my age, I know what I want, and I want you."

"What are you saying?"

"I think what I'm failing at saying here is that I want to be with you, and only you..."

"Aaron, I don't know what to say..."

"Oh... so you don't feel the same way...?"

"It's not that, well at least I don't think it is, I need to break this down for you, I have very little dating experience, and by very little I mean you are the only guy I've dated since high school."

"Wow, aren't you almost thirty..."

"I've got one year to go, thanks for reminding me..."

"I'm sorry, it's just a surprise is all, I mean, I'm just barely 21 and I have lots of experience... well not lots like as in well, like, I don't sex... or... god fuck my life, I'm falling in love with a guy that doesn't feel the same way, I'm so stupid..."

"Did you just say you're falling in love with me?" I was astonished, I hadn't even thought of love yet

"No, I didn't say that..."

"Oh, well, I just thought that if you did you'd be able to explain it, I've never experienced it..."

"It's this feeling in the pit of your stomach, and in your heart, its like a nervous twitch almost, but it leaves you feeling warm and euphoric, and when you look at someone and you catch their eye, it's that lump that rises in your throat when you hold that moment and imagine kissing them and only them for the years to come."

"Don't you mean forever?"

"No, forever is a lie told to us as children so we won't lose hope for the future, but a very long time, well, we've witnessed that, but we've also witnessed failure after a long time as well, so its not something we can control, it's a natural thing." I saw a tear begin to fall from Aarons eye, I lifted my hand to his face and wiped the tear with my thumb he gazed at me from the corner of his striking blue eyes, I had never notice his pure beauty before, I felt a sensation, but not the usual in my loins, this one was higher, and it seemed to rise, and fall at the same time spinning almost, and I had an out of body experience I saw myself leaning forward and kissing the corner of his eye where the tear had fallen, he turned towards me and moved his mouth to mine, and when our lips connected I came crashing back to earth and whispered "I love you too." He pulled back completely shocked

"Do you really mean that or are you just saying it because I cried...?"

"If what I just felt was sympathy, I have never sympathized so hard, I felt like I was spinning from the inside out and I felt happy, but most of all I know, I'm in love with you too."

Aaron cuddled up against me and I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close, "You're very special to me David."

All I could think in my head was how is he going to handle the family secret, it's a pretty big doozy, I may as well get it out of the way... right...

"Aaron, you are special to me too, but there's something I've been hiding from you, but you need to know it, but this is a complete secret, you can't tell a soul what I'm about to tell you, it's a matter of life and death..."

"Baby, you can tell me anything..."

"Okay, I am a witch."

"You mean like a wicca, like you're one of those crazy people who thinks they can cast spells...?"

"Well kind of, I just can actually cast spells, and I have powers."

"Really, well what "power" do you have David?"

"I can move things with my mind, and teleport."

"That's great, do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, not at all..."

"Prove it..."

"Forgive me..." David said and orbed out for a few seconds and back in on the other side of the couch

"Oh my god..."

"It's still me..."

"No, no it's not..."

"I swear Aaron, I'm no different than when you first met me, just now you know my secret... You can't tell anyone..."

"I don't know what you really are or who you really are, I'll keep your secret in exchange for you to leave me alone."

My heart was breaking, "Okay." Was all I could say as the tears began to fall, Aaron headed for the door and I sat down and moments later I heard his car screech away, I was alone..


I drove my car to my condo I shared with Natalia and Isa, my two coworkers, and also my best friends, I parked in my carport, I was completely numb, I didn't know what to think...

I stumbled into the condo and plopped down on the sofa, the girls came in with a huge bowl of popcorn and some cookies in their PJs

"Hey what are you doing back so soon, I thought you were playing house with the sexy restaurant club man who's too old for you but perfect age for me..." Natalia said with a laugh

"He's only 29 and it's just not gonna work out..."

With that Isa shut off the tv and turned on a lamp, "Dish, now, you've been so happy what changed chicken little?"

"Okay, how do I put this, he's been hiding something from me..." Both shoved a handful of popcorn in their mouths and with her mouth full Natalia said "This is so much better than Bride Wars..."

"What did he tell you..."

"Well, it's a very personal secret, lemme equate it with something... what would you guys do if say a mutant asked you out?"

"Like a gross mutant or one that looks like your guy...?" Isa asked

"One that looks like my guy."

"Boy, in this day and age, who cares, so long as he looks, sounds, and acts human, who cares if the man can walk through walls or throw a bolt of lightning at you, if they have human emotions, they can really love you, and protect you if some burglar jumps through your window..."

"I agree." Isa said to Natalia's statement

"Most mutants are no different than you or me, they just wanna live their lives, is he a mutant?"

"No, he's not, it was just an example..."

"Genetics and such aside, all that matters is if he's a good guy and if he loves you..."

"But he lied to me..."

"Probably to protect you, or to wait until he thought you were ready and able to handle it, but you're here so I guess you told him your choice, actions speak so much louder than words."

With that they turned their attention back to the movie which they finally started, and I sat there thinking, what had I done, it was too late to go back now, I would sleep on it, and if I still wanted to go in the morning I would go, and I would beg him to forgive me.


It was about 8:30 when Wyatt came to bring John and Joss back from the manor, I dried my eyes and asked if they had a good time, Wyatt eyed me suspiciously, "John, go take a shower, Joss bath time, help your sister get ready for bed, brush your teeth and me or Uncle Dave will be up to read a bed time story

"What happened, first of all you've got puffy eyes, second of all I don't see Aaron anywhere..."

"I told him I'm a witch..."

"Oh... it all makes sense now."

"Yeah, he looked so scared of me, and I had just told him I love him..."

"Isn't it a bit soon for that..."

"Yeah, cause you are the authority on doing things the right way..." I snapped, Wyatt nodded, "Who made up the time limit anyway, isn't it all about how you feel, does somebody tell you when to feel sad, or that it's too soon to be angry, no, so why is love any different, you KNOW when you're sad, you KNOW when you're angry, but why is it that people say we're too young or it's too soon, when it comes to love, I had a 21 year old guy explaining to me what love is today, and you and Chris were still in your teens when you found the guys you're with now, so I don't see how you can ask me that."

"You're absolutely right, I'm sorry, but you haven't really dated..."

"Even when I did, I never felt this kind of connection, I can't really explain it, but I feel it, deep inside, I've come alive, the feeling is like, infinity, spinning, I'm weak kneed, light headed, and I've got butterflies every time he flashes me that winning smile or bats his long lashes, when I look into those baby blue eyes I melt, and I want to kiss him, and tell him I love him, so I know I've got it bad, and now he wants nothing to do with me." I stormed to my bedroom and Wyatt went to read to the kids


After reading the story to John and Joss I walked home thinking about the things David had said to me, I was wrong to judge him at all, I'm definitely not the poster boy for the proper way of marriage, love, and things of that sort, nobody in our family is, aside from Paige, oddly enough the only one to be with a mortal, Melinda too, only the women have made the right choices, not saying I would change anything about my life, I love my two beautiful girls and my gorgeous husband, but if I could have waited, and possibly been more prepared and still have all I have now, I would do it different.

"Everything okay honey?" Pete asked me as he wrapped his large arms around me from behind

"Yeah..." I said and turned around planting a small kiss on his lips, "When did you first know you love me?" I asked with my arms around his thick neck

"I think I would have to say the day you beat us in the Danger Room, I was so turned on by the way you moved and spoke, and then when we were talking the first night we made love, well I suppose at the time it was just sex, but when you told me you thought I am the sexiest thing you'd ever seen, I know you were trying to get me into bed, but I knew right then I was gonna marry you one day, then as luck would have it I was able to trap you by getting you pregnant." I laughed with a slight snort at the last statement

"You thought you landed the best thing ever... a guy that would let you go bare and cum inside him, then you got a kid..." We both laughed

"And to this day, my love for you is as strong as the day I fell for you, I love you Wyatt."

"I love you too..." Pete lifted me with ease and brought my lips to his we crashed into the wall and Pete ripped off my clothes with his free arm, we fell onto the bed and I ripped off Pete's clothes, I reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom and some lube, "I need you baby." I said and lubed my hole, Pete positioned himself and I unrolled the condom and he pressed into me firmly yet gently, I felt myself yield to his entry and moaned slightly, knowing the girls were just down the hall, we made love for an hour before sharing an orgasm, then a shower to get cleaned up

I cuddled into Pete and whispered "Thank you for being you."


"This is so beautiful; I didn't even imagine it could be so perfect." I said as we entered our suite

"I'm so glad you're happy." Johnny said and kissed me lightly

"Do you think everything is going good with the kids..."

"We are here to not worry about home. Just relax baby." Johnny soothed and massaged my shoulders

"That's nice, that's helping..."

I felt Johnny's package poking me in the back

"Can we just cuddle tonight, I'm really tired." I asked

"Of course." We stripped and went to bed, Johnny spooning me from behind


I made breakfast for the kids and Zac had gotten there early to pick up Jasmine and was helping me, "So tell me how exactly did you come to have a kid with Chris?"

"Well, he and Johnny went through some tough times back when Chris and I were working on the movie together, and in the studio all the time, Johnny asked Chris to separate, so Chris and I went to all those award shows together, and we started dating, and that was around the time we started having sex, and after a while Chris went back to Johnny, and apparently both of us fertilized an egg and he had the twins and we were each a father of one."

"Wow, that sounds like something out of a soap opera..."


"So Dave, how's Aaron?"

"I don't know, I told him the big bad secret and he freaked, he doesn't want anything to do with me I guess, he stormed outta here last night..."

"That's too bad, Chris told me you were really happy..."

"How about you, anyone special in your life?"

"Nope, just me and my little girl, I'm single, and celibate, having the hardest time with the last part."

"Purposefully celibate or lack of opportunity celibate?"

"A little bit of both I guess."

"You know, if I wasn't so hung up on Aaron, I'd definitely be trying to win you over..." I said leaning in a little bit towards Zac

"Really, I'd consider it a privilege, I hope you can work things out, he obviously makes you very happy..." Zac said brushing a finger down my cheek

"You definitely have a way with words Zac."

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." We both turned to the doorway and there was Aaron with coffee

"HI AARON!" Joss yelled and ran to hug him, he immediately set the coffee down, those two had bonded from the start

"Zac was just helping me get the kids breakfast ready..."

"And that involves touching my boyfriend..." Aaron asked with Joss on his hip

"It's not what you're thinking..." Zac said

"And you know what I'm thinking, you wrecked one relationship, was one not enough..." Aaron said scornfully

"Aaron that's enough, Zac..."

"It's alright, I'll see you later, come on Jasmine honey..." Zac said stifling back tears and carried his daughter with him

"Okay guys go play in the family room Uncle Dave and Aaron talk..."

David closed the door after the kids, "What the hell was that about, you storm out of here last night and then you show up this morning, insult a family friend, and mark your territory..."

"I'm sorry, I got jealous..."

"So you still wanna be with me then?"

"Yes, I know I freaked, but I think I'm entitled, it's not everyday you find out your boyfriend is a witch..."

"Okay, that's all fine, you're here now, but seriously, Zac was trying to cheer me up cause I spent the morning talking about you..."

"Ohh... I should probably apologize to him, but first, I should apologize to you, I was so shocked last night, I just needed to sleep on it, I'm sure you had your reasons for keeping it from me, and I trust you."

"Come here." I said and hugged Aaron suddenly he slumped in my arms, "Aaron!! AARON!!" I screamed he had an athame in his back, "Oh my god baby, I don't WYATT!!!! WYATT!!!!!!!" no answer, I pulled the knife out of his back

"Baby, I'm so sorry for last night..."

"No, don't talk like that I'm gonna fix this, cause you are my true love..."

"I love you, I'm getting really cold..."

"NO.. PLEASE!..." I put my hands on his chest, "You're gonna be okay..."

"It's not your fault...." I started willing myself to heal him

"Bye David..."


My hands began to feel warm and I felt a strange feeling almost draining, i saw them glow and I knew it was working, "Please baby, come on, you can pull through, come on Aaron, please!"


We were docked and exploring one of the many islands, but the beach was so inviting we reclined on the sand, and as we held hands and discussed our life together, I felt a pain in my head...

"Whoa, something's wrong..."

"Is it one of the kids?!" Johnny asked

"I don't know..."

"GO!" I immediately followed Johnny's instruction and orbed out I appeared in the kitchen of my own house and got a knife held to my throat, I orbed out and kicked the demon, grabbing the knife and stabbing him in the chest... I walked forward expecting to find more demons, but what I found shocked me, Aaron was on the floor and David was covered in blood he appeared to be healing him, but he has never done that before...

"David, concentrate, think of nothing but the love you have for Aaron, and how you want nothing more than for him to be better, but most importantly, think of love..."

"It's not working..."

"Concentrate honey, it's working, look at the wound, keep going..."

Aaron gasped and awoke immediately hugging David and kissing him, "Oh my god, Aaron!" David kissed him with as much passion as I've ever witnessed someone possess, "I thought I lost you..."

"You did... I was so sure I was gone, and then you saved me, you had your hands... you never told me you could do that..."

"I didn't know..."

"It's a very advanced skill it usually takes many years to master it, he must love you very much or it couldn't have worked since he's never done it before."

"Is that true?" Aaron asked me

"The key to healing someone is love, it takes a whitelighter years to develop an unconditional love for all of mankind, but in David's case it was specific to you, that's why I was able to feel his pain all the way in Barbados, I was able to come here to guide him to save you, as he must have been meant to." I said, not really sure where this sudden wisdom was coming from

"I can't believe this is happening, yesterday you didn't seem that sure of your feelings and today you literally saved my life with love, I love you too, is that an appropriate thanks?"

"More than you know..." David responded

"If you'll both excuse me I have a honeymoon to get back to..."

"Thank you Chris, David needed you and you helped him save me..."

"Well just don't tell ME that you love me and we're cool." We laughed and I orbed out

"So you must love me an awful lot..."

"Don't rub it in..."

"I'm glad, because now I know I'm right to have the feelings I have for you..."


Once again we reclined on the secluded beach, holding hands, "Is everything okay?"

"Better than okay." I said and gazed into my husbands eyes

"Great, I just have one question..."

"Go on..."

"What was your reason for wanting our honeymoon?"

"Honestly, this... right here right now, holding your hand, sipping champagne, and being so glad I found you and that we love each other so deeply, also so we could take a break from the reality that is our family and jobs."

"Good, I am so happy you're mine."

"I never believed in forever before you Johnny."

"Now you can baby."

"We're baaaaack..." I said jokingly

"Sweetie we were never gone..."

"And never will be..."

To Be Continued...

I'm suffering from a dental dam of writing issues, I couldn't even knock out this relatively short chapter in less than three days, so if you've got any ideas mine are running pretty sour.

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions

Next: Chapter 41

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