Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 19, 2009


~~Important note... See Bottom~~

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 43

Running Around in Circles

As the explosions rang and the bodies of innocents were splayed on the ground before my very eyes, I can recall the days when I knew it would come to this...

"We just met and you think I'm gonna blow you or something, you are completely insane..." I yelled and stormed out of my dorm room, I was fuming that Bobby Drake would suggest something like that. Not that I was that opposed to it, but I've got other plans

I roamed the hallways of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, not really knowing where I was going, I got in the elevator and hit a cool looking button

When I reached the stop, I was mesmorized, I had assumed it would be pretty high tech and awesome, but this was beyond cool, I walked forward, the floor was ice cold even through my socks, the air wasn't much warmer, I walked down the hallway and I heard a mean sounding voice booming,

"It is the only way!"

"No, there must be some other way to do it, I can't do that, I just can't."

"Jean we are one, you cannot deny I come from you, we are the same being."


"As are you Jean, you have me locked away in your mind, but I am you, I am your deepest darkest of desires, but we share a common goal, we both know Magneto is one day going to take this too far, and we are the only ones that can stop him."

"No, we aren't there are others, others stronger than us."

"Impossible, we are in a class of our own!"

"We aren't sure yet, but there are two students who change that theory."


Out of nowhere Britney Spear's Womanizer started playing and I hit the silent button on my phone

"Who's there?!" Jean called

I orbed out quickly

Jean went to go check the hallway, knowing immediately who must have been down here

She got in the elevator and searched the various common areas, finding Chris in one of them watching tv

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Much of what?"

"Oh please, there's only two students in this school with cell phones, and only one of them is buoyant enough to have that song as their ringtone."

"Did you just call me a flamer?"

"Well you're pretty obvious..." Jean laughed

"I guess I'll have to work on that."

"Let's have a talk Chris, I know you're new, but I'm a Psion and I know something is bothering you."

"What's a psion?"

"Someone with telekinetic as well as telepathic abilities, both very strong.."

"I guess that gives us something in common."


"Yeah, I can move things with my mind in a couple different ways, and I'm telepathic to the point I can read emotions as well as thoughts and channel another beings powers through their emotional connection to their powers, I wasn't supposed to be an empath but it was forced on me by the elders... I'm sorry you have no idea what I'm talking about..,"

"It's okay Chris, it's nice to have someone who knows what I've been through, what do you mean forced on you?"

"A couple months ago my brother and I were attacked Wyatt was being really careful with not using his more volatile powers, so I orbed out to get help but when I came back with my aunts and mom he was gone, they'd taken him, they'd left a psychic link for my aunt to follow and if I didn't submit myself to be their captive in 24 hours my brother would die."

"That's horrible..."

"I know, we didn't know what to do, so I went to the elders to consult with them, they told me I couldn't that Wyatt would have to free himself, I knew it was not a good idea to argue, but I knew he would never use his full powers, it would change him..."

"I can identify with both of you better than I ever could have imagined."

"Anyway I told them, and begged them to help me save him, they told me there was only one way, but I could die, I was willing to die for my brother than watch him turn evil, and have him live a life like that, he would hate himself, and his whole family, when I asked how, she said I would have to take in the power of empathy, and that I would then be able to fend off any powers they could use on me, as well as use them, when I agreed they circled around me and gave me the power."

"That must have been scary."

"What was scarier was having to learn this new power in less than a day, well enough to use it against the demons, they told me you were not destined for this power, and it may consume you, you are strong, as strong as anyone in your family, good luck."

"You learned about a power in a matter of hours?"

"Yes, but I was still nowhere near ready, but I did manage to fight through the demons, using all of my might to mentally block their powers, they were powerless, and I freed my brother and he took them down one by one."

"Okay, now that you've told me about you, it's my turn... I was a young girl when I found out I have a very dark side, actually I have an alter ego that grew inside me since birth, I came to know it as the phoenix, and it is pure evil, but very powerful, as powerful as I, and now that Magneto is regaining his following, it's only a matter of time before we're at all out war. Downstairs I was arguing with the phoenix, the only way to stop Magneto is for us to fight him off, I would have to embrace the phoenix as a part of myself and bring us both to full strength, which would effectively kill Jean Grey, and my body would become a shell and I would only be the phoenix, no reasoning in the world would stop me, or it, but with your help, you and Wyatt you two could help..."

I spent weeks contemplating this idea that I was somehow connected to the demise of the world, not that it was too much to handle, I mean I have been a part of my family, and we always seem to find ourselves in the middle of a huge battle, but this battle was about basic human freedoms, and that was the scariest part, but my big date with Johnny was that night, and after slutting it up on the couch a little we got to talking, "Do you believe that there are choices too hard to make?" I asked him

"Why do you ask that?"

"I was talking to Miss Grey, and she told me some very scary things, she has to decide whether to take on a huge burden, or to stick to her choice she's made for years now, and if she makes the wrong decision, innocent people could die, but I could help her or not, but then I could potentially be responsible for many deaths..."

"That's um... "

"I'm so sorry Johnny, I didn't mean to lay this all on you like this, you probably don't want to listen to this, I just turned you off from ever wanting to see me again GOD I'm so stupid.."

Johnny brought his hand to my face and stroked my cheek, "Hey, if it's bothering you it's important..."

The day my son was born I died, I saw that I was important to the future, the part I never breathed to anyone was the glimpse I caught of the day we'd die, the day war would break out, it never became clear when, where, or how that day would come, but in the back of my mind I always knew it was coming.

Present Day

It was a special day my baby sister was getting married, but sad at the same time...

"I really wish mom and dad were here..." She said sadly

"Oh honey I know it hurts but think about it, it's your wedding day, you're wearing mom's dress, your hair is styled just like hers..."

"I just never thought I'd have to do this without them..."

"You don't have to..." mom said and we turned to see them standing there hand in hand

"Oh my god!" Melinda exclaimed

"I can't believe you're wearing my dress, you look so beautiful honey."

"How is this possible?"

"The elders have put you all through so much they thought a nice reward would be your parents at your wedding..."

Sheila and Darryl Sr. walked through the door to my master bedroom

"Piper, Leo... We thought..."

"Oh come on Darryl, you were at our wedding with my mom being there and a ghost performing the ceremony

"Does Darryl Jr. know about all this?" Sheila asked

"I told him the big bad secret the night he proposed to me, he said he already kinda knew, from all the things he used to hear as a child, He also mentioned something about cowards and leaving friends in their time of need, but who's keeping track."

"Look, we had to..."

"I know, just promise me that as our family you'll be there for us if we need you to be."

"Of course we will." Sheila said

"And Piper, Leo, we just wanna tell you how sorry we are, but I had to for my family, I wanted to stay, but I had to leave for my family, to protect them."

"We understand, no hard feelings..."

"We just wish we'd had the chance to say this, you know, while you were alive..."

"Let's put the past behind us, and mom, dad, can you put on a glamour to be like my aunt and Uncle, everyone at the wedding knows you're both dead."

"But your father was going to walk you down the aisle..."

"Wyatt and Chris are doing it, it's fine mom, I want this to be as normal as my wedding would have been if you guys were still you know dead."

Leo and Piper glamoured so they still looks familiar, :"Thank you." Melinda said

"Let's get this show on the road!"

"YEAH! For the love of god, we've already beat everything, and my back is killing me, and I have a date tonight END!"

"We have more to do here..." Scott said

"No we are finished" Chris said and a ball of fire appeared in his hand

"Ok... finished!" Scott said and opened the magnetic doors

"Chris, what was that all about?" Wyatt asked

"I'm sorry, but I'm fat, emotional, and none of my clothes fit, I'm telling Johnny, I'm lifting the glamour tonight, I just have a really bad feeling about tonight..."

"Look, come with me to my room and I'll get you some of my clothes, you'll look great, I promise."

"Thanks Wyatt..."

"What are brothers for?"

"It's times like this you realize how much you love each other, god, our baby sister is getting married..."

"Guys, this is the most important day in my life as of yet, and I am so happy to share it with you two, I want you guys to stand up with me, screw traditions."

"What are brothers for." Wyatt beamed at his sister

"We'd be honored." Chris said with a wide grin

"Let's do this thing..." The wedding march started playing and Wyatt was linked on one side and Chris on the other and they walked in sync through the hallway the two standing sides of the guests provided, you could hear hushed compliments of Melinda's perfection as a bride, her beauty, and so on.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

"Her brothers do." Wyatt and I said fighting tears

"God I'm fat..."

"No, you're not..." Bobby said from his bed


"Yes, who cares if your pregnant, you still put everyone in here to shame..."

"You're just being nice..."

"No, I don't do fake niceness..."

"I'm gonna change, would you mind waiting on the other side of the door..."

Chris got ready wearing Wyatt's clothes, he had been trying some of his own

"You look amazing." Bobby said from the doorway

"Thanks Bobby, I'm just so worried that he's gonna take this bad and leave me." Chris explained

"Do you honestly think Johnny would do that to you, and to his own flesh and blood?" Bobby asked

"No, but I think the hormones think otherwise, cause that is the only thing lingering in my thoughts." Chris blurted out

"Well, you have people who care for you, me included in there, but you and Johnny have been together for 6 ½ months, that's saying something about him." Bobby comforted Chris with an arm around his shoulder

"But...That's what scares me, we've only been dating a month longer than I've been pregnant." Chris explained further

"Seriously, I thought you were like 3 months along, I mean your only showing a little and you 5 ½ months pregnant, I mean its enough to notice weight gain, but you aren't screaming preggers yet, I mean, how could you have not known?" Bobby asked

"I don't know, I blamed it on eating too much, not exercising enough, and having a bad case of the flu, I wasn't even that sick until recently." Chris said

"Not to mention you ARE a boy, so pregnancy was the last thing that occured to you." Bobby added

"I feel so fat and ugly, I mean yeah these clothes are great, but I just feel so..." Bobby kissed Chris on the lips, "mmm" Chris moaned and gave into the pleasure of being kissed, Bobby's hand glided up the back of his shirt and then down the seat of his pants, Bobby pushed him back against the wall and Chris moaned once more, Chris realized what was happening, but before he could stop it, it was stopped for him when Bobby was hit on the back with a fireball and sent flying into the wall.

"What! The Hell is GOING ON?!?" Johnny screamed

"Oh god Johnny, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." Chris said

"You... Were supposed to.. love... ME!" Johnny said, his voice breaking, "You stood in front of me and told me nothing was going on with you and Bobby..."

"But.. I .. DO love you, and only you Johnny" Chris said, feeling dizzy

"You have a lousy way of showing it." Johnny spat at Chris "Answer me one question, if I hadn't come in, would you have FUCKED HIM TOO?!?"

"Johnny.. I'm..."

"I'd like to propose a toast, I know its not tradition for a bride to make a toast, but it my party and I intend to so you all listen. My brothers and I have been through a lot this past year, we've lost so much, it is the greatest feeling to feel like I've gained something in the process, I found my husband, the man I'm going to grow old with, and throughout the past two years, Darryl has helped me with so much, even through the strains of a long distance relationship, he supported me to go back and finish college, to put myself first for once, he counseled me after the deaths of my parents, and made me feel whole again...

Wyatt, You are my oldest brother, I've idolized you since the first time I remember knowing who you are, you've been the overprotective one, the compassionate one, the one who knows just what to say... Chris, you I have idolized in a different way, not just because you married an international sex symbol and ladies man, way to go on that conversion by the way... but I have always admired your strength, and your ability to solve any problem Wyatt or myself had, you both have something I want, families of your own, and you are such amazing parents, especially you Chris you can almost field a softball team, as for Pete and Johnny, Johnny... I'm so elated that you are in my family, because you make my brother the happiest I've ever seen him, and for 10 years now you two have been my inspiration on how to make even the craziest of fights, or rough situations work and let love win out... Pete, the minute you stepped into my life, my first impulse was to be terrified, mainly cause you havbe quite the imposing size to you, then you spoke, and it was so clear to me why Wyatt fell for you, your compassion and ability to love so fiercely for my brother radiated in every word you spoke, and I remember thinking to myself, how could anyone love those two jerks? Then I thought about it, for two years now I've been thinking about it, I am just like those two jerks, in everyway, though I have boobs, and actual intelligence, but the fact that someone could love me made it clear, to love a Halliwell, you need a good helmet, football pads, and the most important cojones of steel."

Everyone cheered and laughed at Melinda's joke

Then the ground started shaking and everyone was terrified and screaming, metal spikes came through the floors, and people jumped out of the way, others were thrown into walls and through the ceiling, the double doors crashed open and shattered cutting into many guests, a group of mutants came through the doors, some marked with tattoos, and two of them being the Chris's buddies Magneto and Mystique

"Join us or we'll decimate them all..."

Wyatt stood up and yelled, "Are you completely insane, no, we won't..." Wyatt put up his shield around everyone innocent in the room, it was stretching thin because he had never tried to protect more than two or three people... "Chris you have to orb everyone out, orb them to a safehouse, Melinda you have to combine with each other and be strong, I believe in you guys, Aunt Paige, help them!" Paige, Chris, and Melinda joined hands Chris and Melinda held out their free hands and they all willed the innocents to a safe location guarded by whitelighters and elders, Wyatt's shield began to wobble and shot back like a rubber band throwing him into a chandelier

As they were revealed and vulnerable the guests all were orbed out, hopefully to their target location, there were still bodies on the ground, they were the ones that didn't survive, there was the sound of a jet, and within minutes, Wolverine, Bobby, Storm, Jean, Rogue, and Kitty were there to help.

"What a nice little Army you have there, have you seen mine?" Magneto opened his arms and the building surrounding them broke into thousands of pieces, there must have been four or five hundred mutants on Magneto's side...

And when the other mutants on our side stood, we were rather uneven, we only had about 100 total

"Jean, help me with Wyatt..." Chris yelled

"Chris, you know what I have to do..."

"Wait... are you for real?"

"Yes... I have to embrace my fears so we can win this...

As the explosions rang and the bodies of innocents were splayed on the ground before my very eyes, and I had recalled the days I knew I'd be right here, I couldn't believe it was actually here... "What do I need to do?" I asked Jean

"I am going to turn evil, do what you do to evil, but be invincible..."

"I have to vanquish you?"



We got Wyatt up and he was aware, the fighting was going pretty well, we were still standing, which is more than I can say for the first wave of Magneto's army

"Jean is going to take care of this, but you and me need to kill her..."


"We have to be invincible, we need Melinda..."

"MELINDA!" Wyatt called and she orbed to us

"Power of three?"

"Yeah, we need to make Wyatt and I invincible..."

"Um... why?"

"Because Jean is going to kill everyone on their side, and we need to be ready to kill her before she kills us, and if we don't everyone on our side will be dead too."


"Strengthen bone and skin, and life, we call upon the powers of the halliwell line no harm can be mine."

Chris and Wyatt glowed and watched as Jean was engulfed in flames, and reemerged as a very frightening rendition of herself, gray with veins and black eyes, with red pupils, soon everyone on Magneto's side was taken into flames, leaving only those on the front line alive

"Time to end this!" a voice that wasn't Jeans came out of her and she rose into the air, raising her arms, the front line started to bolt, and she clapped her hands together flattening their bodies, and then separated her hands and they splattered all over their comrades, "Run and die, stand and DIE, either way, you will pay for trying to execute the human race!" every object around the epicenter began to float and so did her targets, she crunched her fists, and they all began to flatten from head to toe, you heard the bones snapping as she decimated the ranks of Magneto's army, they were all gone, in the air she turned to us, and came to the ground, she threw everyone out of the way telekinetically, she tried to crush me, I couldn't feel it but I couldn't move, Wyatt orbed out and behind her, she threw him forward... I was free, but I had one more recollection from my past

"Welcome to the danger room, here we are gonna test your abilities..." Scott said, in my mind

"Wyatt, remember the training?" he nodded and we both orbed out and kicked her on either side of her, she was down, but not for long "You have to Wyatt..." that's the last thing I remember, as I saw my brother scream, and summon from the earth the metal spikes he had only summoned once before, and they impaled Jean from head to toe, and then she did something I didn't expect, she smiled, the spike exploded and we turned our heads, I watched the explosions for a minute, and mom and dad came to us, "You had to, we were all in danger..." Piper said

"I know mom, but it doesn't make it feel any better..."

"You are both so brave..." Leo said

"It's what we do, right?" Wyatt said

"Wyatt, we couldn't have stopped her with out usual powers, it takes something as equally extraordinary to kill something extraordinary."

"I never thought I would feel evil for using my powers for good, today we blurred the line..." Wyatt said and orbed out...

"He'll be okay, he's just scared." Mom said

"About time the strong one leaves..."

"Huh...?" I said and turned around, but I felt a sharp pain, as I was impaled with an athame, I looked up into the eyes of my father, as he changes into a demon, I turn to mom and she turns into another demon, "Just one weakens all three, our work is done..." I looked around, everyone was unconscious from Jean throwing them, everyone except Wolverine and Rogue, who came running over as they saw me holding my stomach, "What happened bub?"

"Demons, they were demons..." I coughed and felt blood come out of my mouth, "Mom, dad, were demons..."

"What's he saying...?"

"His mom and dad are demons..." I fell to the ground

I collapsed onto my knees and to the ground, as I laid there my life began to flash before my eyes...
















My eyes were getting heavy, and I could feel it coming, and the last thing that went through my mind was picturing my family all together...

With my last bit of strength, I pulled myself over to where Johnny was, very slowly, and I laid on him, giving him one last weak kiss before fading away...

To be continued?

I don't know, why don't you decide that one, I need lots of feedback, it may be too short a chapter to end it on don't you think?

To keep it going, email feedback to

Next: Chapter 42

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