Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 28, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 5




"MOM! You wouldn't!"

"Keep testing me and find out.."

Wyatt orbed downstairs decked out in slacks a button down with his gown open and cap in hand. ", I don't even know why I'm going, I mean we didn't even go to this school the last month it was in session, oh and sorry mom Nadine was on the phone and wouldn't shut up about graduation and how damned exciting it is"

"See this is why I only go for guys there's none of the PMSy type stuff, and what about Piotr, did you forget about YOUR boyfriend?"

"No, but I guess if I was as slutty as you I may forget I have one on occasion

"Wait.. I'm dating a slut?" Johnny asked

"Well don't you look great?!" Chris asked kissing his boyfriend

"Yeah I do..." Johnny

All four of them shared a nice little laugh

Every family member was up and ready, commencement at 2 and they were running late

"He's coming."

They were all wide eyed when they saw Cole his raven colored hair was spiked and his steel grey eyes were shining in the sunlight, his outfit looked like something straight from a display at Abercrombie, and he looked like he should be modeling it as well.

Cole notice this and thought {I must look pretty good} and winked at Wyatt

"Ok you two REALLY need to stop the flirting, you're cousins.. Keep that in mind.." Henry chirped from behind Paige

"Well you just remember who saved your ass, I mean butt last night." Cole shot an evil smile at Henry and he huffed at the thought of needing someone to protect him.

"Well maybe if you weren't trying to kiss ass to worm your way into our lives only to hurt us over time then none of that would have been neces....." Henry found himself pinned against the wall, but no one was holding him..

"Cole let him down, he didn't mean it, and he's just egotistical." Chris tried to calm him down

All the adults walked into the room with Patty and Penny in tow seeing the incident while it was happening


"Apparently Paige's son mouthed off one too many times and is having to learn the hard way that his words won't go un-punished" Leo said

"Oh ok, well leave them here the rest of us have a graduation to attend." Paige tossed in

"Agreed" Piper and Phoebe said together

"CHRISTOPHER, WYATT, MELINDA, PENNY, AND PATTY LET'S GO NOW!" Nobody dared to question Piper when she was upset

"You can't keep this up mom and the aunts said if we use our powers on each other we'll lose them."

"That's only for the Charmed Ones, nice try though.. if not.. So what?! You need to learn that I am not out to get your family or you and if it takes beating the fuck out of you I'll do it!" C.J yelled

"How will that help me thjink you AREN'T after us" Henry Jr. asked

"Because you need the shit kicked out of you cause you don't know when to shut up." C.J responded

"I get it I mouthed off, I shouldn't have, you can kick my ass if you want, I know I deserve it." C.J released his magical hold on Henry

"You've already learned we're done" C.J said

"Not so fast.. VASE!" Henry yelled and threw the vase at Cole but he magically deflected it and caused it to orb into Henry's head and knock him down

"Don't try anything like that again." Cole took his hand and borrowed his power to orb them to the high school.

"How did you do that?" Henry Jr. asked as they materialized in the broom closet at the school.

"I channeled your powers, so get over it. Now we have a graduation to attend" C.J said

Back at the mansion everyone was wondering where the newest additions to the school had gone off to.

"Professor, where are Wyatt and Chris? They haven't been to class in days..." Ororo questioned

"My dear, they had family matters to attend to, so they have taken an extended leave of absence." Charles replied simply

"When will they be back?" Piotr asked

"When the issues are resolved which I fear, may not be very soon." Charles told his student

That night while laying in his room Pete began to think of Wyatt, and how he missed him so very much


"Hey, Petey it's me Bobby!"

"It's unlocked Bobby." Piotr said loudly

Bobby entered the room and sat at the foot of Pete's bed, "you miss them don't you?"

"NO! I do not miss THEM, it is only Wyatt I miss, we just started this relationship a month ago and then poof he just runs away, is it me Bobby, am I that awful to not be loved?"

"Nah Petey, he just had some family issues to deal with, but you know I heard Wyatt explaining to Jean, that when he was in danger, all Chris had to do was yell Wyatt's name and he would come to him, maybe that could help you." Bobby comforted his muscular friend

"Thanks Bobbo, you are a great friend." Piotr said hugging his icy blue eyed companion

Bobby left and all Piotr could think of was..

"WYATT MATTHEW HALLIWELL" The principal of the school called out

Wyatt received his diploma and by far the biggest amount of cheers out of everyone.

As he was walking away he swore he heard someone call his name, after a few moments he realized it was in his head, but it wasn't a charge, because he didn't have one, but still he knew the voice.

"Pete?" Wyatt said to himself

"WYATT!?" Piotr called out

"Wyatt we're on our way back to the manor, are you coming with us or sticking around for a bit?" Piper asked her son

"Sticking around" Wyatt responded a bit dazed.

Wyatt went to the bathroom and locked himself in a stall

"Wyatt?!" Piotr called one final time

"What's up baby?" Wyatt's voice echoed as he orbed in

Piotr jumped at Wyatt and tackled him to the floor smothering him in kisses

"Where have you been? I've been so worried about you baby boy I was going crazy." Piotr exclaimed

"Well long story short a previously thought dead fetus was hatched and raised by demons and coincidentally happens to be my older cousin Cole, named after my Aunt Phoebe's insane psycho ex who tried to kill her.. multiple times, then redeemed himself, then well the cycle practically repeated itself." Wyatt said in one breath

"Well.... That was.. totally not what I expected.. but it does explain where you've been."

"I missed you too Petey... Do you wanna come home with me?"

That got Piotr's attention

"You mean.. you want to make.. us... official?!" He stammered with a smile

"Of course I do Petey, I'm falling for you and I want my family to meet you.

"I'm falling for you as well Wyatt" Pete said kissing Wyatt, their first kiss as a real couple.

"Oh Pete, oh god, wait, we have to stop this, we can do it later, UH my family is expecting me back soon, I'm sure by now OH everyon... oh fuck it" Wyatt managed while melting to his boyfriend's touch

"I know we don't have time so take off your pants and underwear and get ready for it, I'll do the rest." Pete said sounding much more confident than usual.

Wyatt did as he was told, and as soon as he did Pete grabbed him and shoved him against the wall, he lifted Wyatt like a rag doll, and pressed a lubricated finger against Wyatt's hole, "Good you are still kind of loose from last time, this won't take very long" Pete said lifting Wyatt and positioning his cock outside his hole. "Ready baby?"

"No, but do it anyway." As soon as Wyatt finished this sentence Piotr pushed in burying all 10 inches of his fuck muscle into his waiting partner

"OH GOD IT HUUURTS" Wyatt screamed

"Do you want me to stop?" Pete grunted

"No, OW, keep going it's starting to feel good" Wyatt lied, he knew it would, but it sure wasn't yet

"Ok, Oh Wyatt you're so good to me, UH." Pete grunted as he lifted Wyatt higher, the sweat forming was causing Wyatt to stick to the wall a bit so they moved away from the wall, and stayed standing, Wyatt wrapped his arms around Pete's large neck, and used it for support to move himself up and down, now it WAS feeling VERY good.

"Oh Pete cum in me please, I want to feel it inside me.." Wyatt moaned

"Ok. UH IM CUUUMMMIINGGG!!!!" Pete screamed out and came inside Wyatts tender hole.

"Ok we've gotta get going, my family is expecting me, and you are one more surprise for the books." Wyatt said grabbing his pants putting them on and orbing out holding onto Pete's hand

"I don't know where he is Nadine, if I did would I be asking you where he was." Piper told Wyatt's former girlfriend

"Well if you do talk to him, tell him that I wish him the best of luck with his faggotry and look forward to the day he burns in hell for it, and oh I'm sorry you didn't know did you?" Nadine spewed at Piper

"Actually bitch, I did know and love my son anyway, there's nothing he could do to make me not love him, which is OBVIOUSLY not true of YOUR parents or you wouldn't have that kind of viewpoint, Oh and sweetie the only one that will be burning in hell is you." Piper said as she hung up

"Thanks mom." Wyatt said gripping Pete's hand

"Oh honey, why didn't you say you were gonna leave the graduation, we were so worried, when we went back and no one was there... Who's your friend?" Piper said, containing her drool as she looked at the muscles on Pete.

"Piotr this is mom a.k.a Piper, and mom this is Piotr a.k.a my boyfriend."

"Oh, well, it is very nice to meet you Piotr, how old are you?" Piper asked praying the answer wasn't like Johnny.

"19 mam, almost 20" Piotr responded

"Ahh so, you two are the same age." Piper turned around and mouthed THANK GOD to no one but herself

"Are you guys ready for the big graduation feast, we were waiting for... you..."she said pointing to Wyatt, "but it won't be too hard to put out and extra place setting for" she said pointing to Piotr

They made their way to the table and everyone besides Chris and Johnny couldn't help but stare at Piotr as he and Wyatt walked in hand in hand. "Piotr...Everyone.. Everyone, Piotr, my boyfriend."

Henry Jr spit out his piece of bread, Leo coughed up his, Henry Sr chuckled, and everyone else just stared. So Chris decided it was his duty to diffuse the situation. "What it's not like Wyatt wasn't up front about it..."

"It's not that son, it's just that, well we never saw Wyatt as the "having a boyfriend" type"" Leo said

"Why's that DAD?" Wyatt asked

"Well, because um, well, you were never very good at relationships with girls." Henry Sr said

"Did it ever occur to you three geniuses, that maybe I didn't want to be in a relationship with GIRLS at all...?" Wyatt asked

"So are you trying to tell us that you told us you were bi, just so you could avoid telling us you were gay?? How does that even make sense, either way you like to suck...." Henry Jr wasn't allowed to finish that thought before Paige slapped him on the back of the head

"If you ever think of repeating what you almost said, I will bind your magic and orb you to a rock in the middle of the ocean, and you can be sure sharks will be circling that rock." Paige said giving her son a death glare

"Yes mam."

"It's ok Petey, they mean well.. in their own way." Wyatt told a scared looking Piotr as he kissed him on the lips quickly

"Awwww." Was heard from all the girls at the table

"You guys really are adorable." Melinda said

"Not to mention one HOT couple." Johnny said

"That they are." Said C.J as he walked in

"Sweetie, did you just wake up, you look a bit off." Phoebe said to her son

"I'm fine it's probably just allergies, I tried to sleep it off, but well.. here I am." C.J said with a yawn

"Well come sit, we're about to eat, Aunt Piper cooked a huge dinner." Patty Said

The entire family ate together, laughed, talked, and had a genuine good time, everyone loved both Johnny and Piotr, both of them were officially part of the Halliwell family.

"I hate to break up this family event but all the kids have school tomorrow, so we all better head back." Paige said

"Oh I just don't want this to end." Phoebe said

"Well.. We'll just have to find small reasons to gather the whole family together, we are only an orb away." Piper said

Everyone hugged everyone, and Paige orbed Phoebe and her family to the condo, and Henry Jr. orbed their family to their house.

"It's so good to have you guys here, even if it means you brought some guys home, I'm glad you were comfortable enough to do that."

"Well mom, we figured we couldn't hide it too long, so we wanted to get the meetings out of the way." Wyatt said

"So Piotr, do you go to school with my sons?"

"Yes as a matter of fact, I am a junior x-men team member, but I still attend classes"

"And how about you Johnny?" She continued

"Well in addition to being a super hero, I am also an astronaut, and I was working for NASA, then I went and worked for VonDoom, bad idea, and now I work with Sue, Reed, and Ben, and we do sciencey stuff, as well as crime fighting stuff."

"And here I thought my son was dating a dumbass." Piper said

"Well, not dumb, so much as, immature at times, but I do have strong feelings for your son, and I want you to know that I would never intentionally hurt him."

"Well that's good, because if you ever did, I would intentionally hurt YOU." Piper said seriously "Same goes for you muscle head, don't think those muscles scare me." She continued.

"Well now that the threats have been dished out I think that we should head to bed."

"Ok. But there are gonna be room assignments." Piper said "There will be no sharing beds with your boyfriends." She continued "Therefore, Chris, you will share your room with Pete, and Wyatt, you will share your room with Johnny."


"No buts.." Piper stopped both of them

Identity spell? they both thought at the same time

Wyatt meet me in the hall bathroom as soon as we go upstairs Chris thought

Ok Chris see ya

They went upstairs and the 2 boys met in the bathroom.

"Well there's the identity spell, but I don't want my body having sex with Pete, all braun and no brains isn't my type." Chris said

"Hey he's really smart, or he wouldn't be a junior X."

"How about we just orb?" Chris suggested

"That could work, but mom will be watching the halls, so orb out through the bathroom window and in thru mine, and I'll do the same thru yours." Wyatt explained

"But we need to switch back before going to sleep, because , if mom peeks in late tonight, she needs to see me in your bed, and you in mine." Chris said

"True, so we need to be done having sex by 2:45, mom ALWAYS does her bed checks at 3AM, if we're back by 2:45 that gives us time to genuinely be asleep when she opens the door." Wyatt continued

They high-fived and orbed out.

Johnny kissed Chris, "Where were you, I missed touching you."

"Making the plan so we could spend tonight together, or at least until 2:45"

"What happens at 2:45?"

"You sleep with Wyatt, for the rest of the night."

"Well as long as I have your permission..." Johnny quipped

"Jerk.. you know what I mean.." Chris said, kissing Johnny harder and more passionately than before

"Johnny?" Chris asked

"Yeah baby?" Johnny replied kissing Chris's neck

"I want to feel you inside me tonight, I want to have my first real time."

"For real?" Johnny asked

"Yeah." Chris replied as Johnny took off Chris's pants and shirt.

Chris removed Johnny's shirt, and rubbed his firm pecs, kissed his abs down to his leather belt, he unbuckled the belt, and removed it, unbuttoning Johnny's pants , and taking them down. He licked along the waist line of his boxers

Johnny removed Chris's boxer briefs, and tossed them aside, they were both out of breath as Johnny pressed his warm body against Chris's, Chris loved feeling Johnny's body on top of him. Johnny kissed his way down Chris's body and swept his tongue around his pecs and abs, he sucked a line down to the 7 inch piece of meat, and sucked it in his mouth taking the whole thing.

Chris started to moan but kept quiet, he ran his hands through Johnny's hair, enjoying the soft suckling sound as Johnny pleasured him so, Johnny sucked his own finger and used it to find Chris's tight pucker hole, as he found it he wriggled his index finger into the tight space. He licked down to Chris's hole, and started to move his finger in and out, while licking and sucking on the tight hole. After Chris became loose enough he added another finger, then another, and another, and each time Chris inhaled sharply to keep quiet.

"Chris, I love you." Johnny said as he came up to kiss Chris on the lips

He spit on his hand a bit and moistened his large prick, "I really love you." He said as he pressed his monster sized cock against the loosened hole.

The head popped in and Chris felt immediate discomfort

"Take it out it's too big." Chris said

"You'll get used to it in no time, but don't fight it or you'll tighten it up and hurt yourself, just relax baby." Johnny said as he kissed Chris all over the face and then finally on the lips as he moved his hips forth so that all 10 inches were buried inside the stretched hole.

"I'm all the way in, are you ok?" Johnny asked

"Yeah." Chris replied "Just go slow." He finished his sentence

After a while they were making passionate silent love with only the occasional declaration of love a whisper of "fuck" and each time Johnny pressed forward he would kiss Chris's full lips.

"I'm about to cum.. Where should I do it?" Johnny asked Chris as he let out a slight grunt

"Just cum in me, it can't hurt."

"Really?" Johnny asked

"Yeah why not, it's not like I'll get pregnant."

5 1/2 Months later...

"What do you mean I'm PREGNANT?!?" Both Wyatt and Chris said at the same time in different locations

"Yep you're pregnant, with child, knocked up." Logan said to Wyatt

"How could this have gone on for almost 6 months and me not know about it?" Both Chris and Wyatt asked

"Well.. Because you're a boy, this was the last thing you expected... ever, so you didn't think anything of the symptoms." Both Logan and Ororo told them

"Oh honey you should be excited you're gonna have a little boy or girl" Ororo said to Chris

"Gee Logan you sure know how to make a guy feel better." Wyatt said on the verge of tears

"Look you're the one that asked me to read your medical results to you, and hey, it's better this than cancer or something." Logan attempted to comfort Wyatt and hugged him

"How can I be excited, I'm barely 18 and I'm gonna have a baby, how is it even possible, I'm a boy!" Chris said shedding a tear, and hugging Ororo

"Well, as you are a mutant, we are a bit more complex when it comes to DNA, and like with flowers, or dinosaurs, etcetera when there is no female, someone, namely the person on the receiving end, can develop the proper organs necessary for reproduction."

"So this is kind of like in Jurassic Park when, all the dinosaurs were female, yet the males we able to lay eggs, since I wasn't going to reproduce with a woman, I in effect became a male baby bearer?"

"Same basic principle, yes, I'm sorry, I know your not ready for this, there is always abortions, or rather this far along, there's adoption, you have options baby." Ororo explained

"No I would never forgive myself if I did that, I will keep this baby and raise him alone if I have to." Chris responded, clutching his stomach.

"I just don't know how I'm gonna tell the father." Both Chris and Wyatt said.

Both Chris and Wyatt walked out of their respective med bays, and bumped into each other.. Wondering what the other one was ailed with they got ready to speak.

"Hey guys what's up?" Bobby asked


"Hey guys how's it going, what's your poison?" Rogue asked


"HEY you guys, how'd it go in there?" Jean asked

"Well if..."

"Oh hey you guys are done, how did it go anyway?" Angel asked

"OK is EVERYONE going to ask us that." Chris yelled

"Ask you what? How'd it go in there anyway?" Jubilee asked

"Ok I'll go first, I got myself knocked up... How about you Wyatt?" Chris asked

"Same here." "Ok..." Bobby said "But you're boys."

"Yes we've established that Bobby." Wyatt said.

"Think Jurassic Park.. With mutant boys being the changing sex." Chris threw in

"Well.. Congratulations, are you guys gonna keep them?" Jean asked

"Yes, no matter what the fathers say." Chris and Wyatt said at the same time

"Good for you two. Maybe you should tell them, see we just thought you guys stopped hitting the gym, and maybe were eating one too many cartons of ice cream." Jubilee said

"So we didn't wanna say anything, about the weight gain." Rogue added

"Well I have a date with Johnny.. Wyatt?" Chris asked hopefully

"Yeah Chris?" Wyatt responded

"Since your old clothes were bigger than mine.. Could I.. Borrow some.. None of mine fit me anymore." Chris said as he began to cry.

"Of course you can. None of them fit me anymore so why not, take them, at least they'll fit YOU for another couple months, but I want them back once we lose this baby weight." Wyatt told his younger brother

"You know, I always thought mom would have to worry about Melinda coming home pregnant not us." Chris said

"I hear ya buddy, I know exactly what you mean, now go get your man." Wyatt said

Chris got ready wearing Wyatt's clothes, they were a little big on him, which helped conceal his bump.

"You look amazing." Bobby said from the doorway

"Thanks Bobby, I'm just so worried that he's gonna take this bad and leave me." Chris explained

"Do you honestly think Johnny would do that to you, and to his own flesh and blood?" Bobby asked

"No, but I think the hormones think otherwise, cause that is the only thing lingering in my thoughts." Chris blurted out

"Well, you have people who care for you, me included in there, but you and Johnny have been together for 6 ½ months, that's saying something about him." Bobby comforted Chris with an arm around his shoulder

"But...That's what scares me, we've only been dating a month longer than I've been pregnant." Chris explained further

"Seriously, I thought you were like 3 months along, I mean your only showing a little and you 5 ½ months pregnant, I mean its enough to notice weight gain, but you aren't screaming preggers yet, I mean, how could you have not known?" Bobby asked

"I don't know, I blamed it on eating too much, not exercising enough, and having a bad case of the flu, I wasn't even that sick until recently." Chris said

"Not to mention you ARE a boy, so pregnancy was the last thing that occurred to you." Bobby added

"I feel so fat and ugly, I mean yeah these clothes are great, but I just feel so..." Bobby kissed Chris on the lips

Bobby held the kiss and Chris fought him, then gave in and continued the kiss, but it was cut short when Bobby was hit on the back with a fireball, and sent flying into the wall.

"What! The Hell is GOING ON?!?" Johnny screamed

"Oh god Johnny, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." Chris said

"You... Were supposed to.. love... ME!" Johnny said, his voice breaking

"But.. I .. DO love you, and only you Johnny" Chris said, feeling dizzy

"You have a lousy way of showing it." Johnny spat at Chris "Answer me one question, if I hadn't come in, would you have FUCKED HIM TOO?!?" Johnny answered approaching Chris near violently

"Johnny... I'm......." And with that Chris fainted forward into Johnny's chest

"Chris? SOMEBODY HELP?!? PLEASE.. ANYONE?!!?" Johnny screamed

Wyatt orbed in, and soon all the professors came in too.

Wyatt tried to heal Chris but couldn't

"Jean, help him please, you can't let my brother die, him and the baby both need you now." Wyatt urged Jean

"Baby? What Baby? There's no time for a baby help Chris" Johnny said

"You don't understand..." Bobby said getting up "Chris wa.. IS pregnant"

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 6

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