Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 7, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 7

Return to the Mansion

"You think it's going to be that simple, you show up here with our entire family and apologize, for undermining not only my ability as a mother, but my sons' entire way of life?" Piper asked her sisters firmly

"Look Piper, we were distraught, we weren't thinking properly." Phoebe said

"We will never doubt you again." Paige said

"Ok, we can work past this, um, do you guys wanna see Chris and the baby?" Piper asked, having restricted them from entry

"We'd love to." Paige said and dragged Phoebe in behind her

When they tried to open the door it stuck

On the inside

"Hold the door closed telekinetically Wyatt, I'll borrow your healing power, since skippy over there can't heal." C.J said gesturing to Henry Jr.

"I could do both." Wyatt said slightly irritated about being ordered

"Well we want you to be able to focus on one thing at a time." Chris said through the pain "and I want the pain to STOP, just PLEASE do as C.J suggested!" Chris said

"Ok, I'm ready." Wyatt said

"What emotion should I be channeling with your power?" C.J asked to be sure

"Love" Wyatt said as he put up magical protection as well as held the door closed telekinetically

"Ok, here goes..." C.J said and held his hands over Chris's still unhealed C-section incision

He focused love and Wyatt's power to heal on Chris, and his hands illuminated

"Hey, OPEN THE DOOR, What's going on Paige?" Phoebe asked

"I don't know I can't orb in..." Paige replied

"Open the door or YOU'RE ALL GROUNDED!" Phoebe yelled, and the restraints were let down, and they both stumbled into the room

"Hey, What's going on here?" Piper said walking in with coffees and breakfast bags

"Ooh nothing, we were just healing Chris." C.J said

"Oh ok, who's hungry?" Piper asked

"Piper, they used magic to block the room, we couldn't get in..." Phoebe said

"I know, I told them to, I thought they'd be done by the time anyone tried to get in, and we didn't want a demon to take advantage of Chris's weakened state." Piper explained

"Oh... Ok." Phoebe and Paige said

"Oh Chris, it's so good to see you." Paige said

"It's nice to be seen, without a coffin as my new home." Chris joked, sitting up "Can I hold my son please?" he asked Johnny

"Of course.". Johnny said carefully

"I can't believe he's already 4 months old, he's so small." Chris said

"Yeah, he's still not full term but he's developed enough so they were able to take him out of the incubator by my request, I just, he'd be so much better off if.. well.. you know." Johnny didn't finish

"Johnny, it's ok I don't blame you, our son is totally healthy, he'll just always be small for his age." Chris said thoughtfully

"I just don't ---."

"NO! Do not finish that thought..." Chris held his child close

They passed around the baby to their family

"Now I'm your Uncle, so you just remember if any of the other kids give you flack about your size, I will take them down a notch for you." Wyatt said lovingly, as he felt his stomach and felt a searing pain "Oh god, someone take Baby Johnny"

Melinda quickly grabbed the baby from her brother and looked on worried.

"Oh I think I'm going into labor." Wyatt said in agony

"Henry go to the mansion and get Piotr he should be here." Piper said quickly then called for the doctor.

"Baby, where are they taking him...?" Pete asked a nurse

"They are going to perform a cesarean." The nurse said "He should be out in less than 25 minutes, provided everything goes well, you can wait out here." The nurse indicated a waiting area

After about an hour of waiting, holding Piper's hand Piotr looked up as a doctor emerged carrying a healthy baby dressed in a pink blanket and a pink hat, "A girl?" Pete asked

"Yes, a very healthy baby girl, she pulled through very nicely, Wyatt is doing well too, sorry for the extended wait, but there was one slight difficulty, but it was nothing to worry about, just very routine stuff, and after a couple of tests everything is good." The doctor said with a smile

"Can we see him?" Piper asked

"I'm afraid only one of you for now." The doctor replied

"Give Wyatt our love." Piper said motioning for Piotr to go in

"Thank you." Piotr replied as he walked through the doors and they closed behind him.

The End...


"Hey Wyatt, look at our little girl." Pete said

"Yeah, she's perfect." Wyatt responded

"What of names?" Pete asked

"Laura Paige Halliwell, it's about time Auntie Paige got Halliwell associated with her name."

"We're gonna hafta cut this visit short, sir you can take the baby with you to meet the other family members, if you'd like." The nurse from earlier said firmly

"Thank you mam, I will." Pete said as he bent down and kissed Wyatt, and presented the baby for a kiss goodbye

Piotr emerged from the double doors and brought the baby into Chris's room, where he was sure everyone had gone back to

"Hey everyone, I want you to meet someone." Piotr said sweetly as he brought in Laura

"Oh my god!" Melinda said

"Wow, she's beautiful." C.J said

"What's her name?" Cooper asked Piotr

"Her name is Laura Paige Halliwell." Piotr told the whole family

"She... Has my name in her's? Paige said tearing up

"Yes. Wyatt said it was about time your name had association with Halliwell." Piotr recited what Wyatt had said earlier

The baby was passed around yet again and everyone cooed and said how beautiful she was, but again, what was to be expected, both of her parents were gorgeous, and she had a head of black hair already, and the most piercing blue eyes imaginable.

"Her eyes, they make her so striking, she will be a beautiful woman when she grows up." Caitlyn said

"Well I must take the baby back now, and in a couple of days we will be able to take both her and Wyatt home." Piotr said leaving holding the baby girl close she almost disappeared in the muscles

"That is gonna be one strong girl." Chris said after they left.

"I have good news Halliwell, and Mitchell families." A nurse none of them had seen before said as she walked in

"And..." Piper asked

"Since Chris healed so miraculously fast the doctor says after he is signed out he can go home."

"Yay Chris!" Everyone said as Leo went to sign him out

About an hour later they were ready to go... "Sorry sir, it's hospital policy, we can't let you walk out." An orderly said

"Ok fine, but I'm holding my baby the entire way."

"That we don't have a problem with." The orderly said as he handed Baby Johnny over to Chris

They left the hospital, and they were on their way to the mansion when Chris heard a dentist drill sound "Ooh that's rather unpleasant" He said

"What is?" Piper said

"I just heard a sound, it sounded like a dentist drill."

"Oh I know that sound anywhere, that's the elders calling you." Paige said

"Make it go away." Chris said

"I had that reaction, but then Leo told me the only way to make it stop is to talk to an elder."

He felt it again "OK! I'm coming"

He orbed up to the Elders and spotted Sandra "What's going on?" Chris asked her

"Oh good you're here, we are assigning you a charge." Sandra responded

"Wait, but Wyatt..." he was cut off

"Wyatt would have this charge but is otherwise indisposed, we do get the news up here you know, so you are the only other powerful enough to take this charge."

"Ok what's the assignment."

"A young wayward man is under attack in Central Park, and he doesn't know of his abilities yet, we need you to watch over him and to protect him, he may be the key to a better future." Sandra said seriously

"I thought we had that... I mean after Billie killed Christie." Chris said

"That only delayed the inevitable, someone will try and disrupt this as the demons you have faced have done, but it will be on a much grander scale, and the death count will rise, both good and evil alike. Believe it or not Chris, the battle is still very much alive."

"Ok I'll go, how will I know where to go? Central Park is huge."

"Follow your heart and use your whitelighter powers.

"Ok. I'm on it." Chris focused on Central Park searching for an innocent in danger, and found him. He orbed out to a nearby vantage point and watched

He saw the demons throw energy balls at him but he just dodged them, he appeared to at least know of magic because he wasn't even flinching, so it wouldn't hurt to orb in to help in the offensive, he did so

"Did I miss all the fun?" Chris said quoting his favorite demon story from his mother

"Oh no..." Chris shot each of the demons with an electric blast and killed them

"Holy shit man, I've never seen anyone do that before." Chris looked at his charge, he was bleached blonde and kind of cute, he had a little bit of mystery.

"Yeah, well I'm Chris I'm your whitelighter."

"What's a whitelighter?" the boy who appeared to be only a year or two younger than himself asked him

"I'm like your guardian angel, I guide you and I'm also a descendant of the Charmed line, so I can help you come into your magic."

"Oh, ok... What's your name?" the boy asked

"I'm Chris, Chris Halliwell."

"Oh, are you the same Chris Halliwell dating Johnny Storm?"

"Yeah that's me." Chris said smiling

"Oh well its nice to meet you Chris, I'm Corey, Corey Richardson."

"Nice to meet you Corey."

"Likewise, so do you have any idea what my power is, cause I have no idea."

"Well, I'm not entirely sure but I did sense a great deal of power from----." And Chris jumped at him like he was gonna attack him and Chris felt very hot and exploded

He awoke from his vantage point and orbed over "Chris?" Corey said

"yeah I'm right here, good job."


"You blew up a decoy, that was one of my astral selves, I knew that your emotional state would have an effect so until you can learn to channel your emotions, you just have to..."

"Get scared?"


"That shouldn't be all that difficult." Corey admitted cutely, and Chris couldn't help but smile "But what could you possibly have to offer me as my whitelighter?" He asked

"Well I think the Elders thought that you would be better able to confide in someone closer to your own age, and I am gonna be a Charmed one soon, so they probably decided I'm your best option at survival." Chris reasoned

"I guess that makes sense, I mean I definitely wouldn't want some 40 year old man or woman trying to tell me what to do, but I would rather take what I can get from someone my own age, and the fact that you're apparently very powerful helps."

"I hear ya, I -- we don't have whitelighters in mine and Wyatt's case, cause we have each other, at least for now."

"I see, look I don't think it's a good idea for us tot keep milling around where I was attacked.." Corey said

"Right, look come back to the mansion with me, I'm sure they can get you a dorm, so let's go" Chris said then orbed them out and to Xavier's mansion

As they walked into the living area Chris saw Johnny playing with Baby Johnny and they looked so perfect together.

In an excited voice Chris walked up to his baby and gently kissed him on the forehead "Hi buddy, sorry daddy was late, but I had to help someone, you'll understand one day." He said giving the baby a kiss

"He has a baby?" Corey asked the nearest person quite surprised

"Chris, yeah, he and Johnny have a son together." Bobby replied, "Oh and you're new around here, what's your name?" A now green eyed Corey looked at Bobby

"I'm Corey, you are?"

"I'm Bobby Drake, pleasure to meet you."

Corey didn't answer just continued to watch Chris and Johnny play with their son, and then he saw what he'd been dreading, he saw Chris and Johnny kiss.

He grabbed his temples and felt a sharp pang of rage in his head and the floor in front of the couple and their son erupted in flames.

"No!.NURSERY!" Chris screamed orbing his son into his and now Johnny's room.

Bobby shot his ice at the fire and extinguished it

"Nice reflexes baby." Johnny said kissing Chris on the lips

"You guys ok, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened..I.." Chris cut Corey off

"Am a firestarter, so demons are gonna be coming I better call my brother... WYATT!"

Wyatt orbed in, "Hey buddy what's up, could you do a little um magic I've been released, but still wounded..."

Chris look changed "I've never healed anyone before."

"Just do it like Aunt Paige used to before she came into her own." Wyatt said

Chris grabbed Wyatt's own hand and held it and his own over the C-section stitched incision, he concentrated allowing Wyatt's power to heal to flow through his own body and both of their hands illuminated and together, they healed Wyatt.

"Ok, now that I'm all better, what happened?" Wyatt asked sounding much healthier

"Ok, meet Corey my first charge who just so happens to be firestarter, and so now dem^×" was all Chris could get out before he was knocked into the air and through the glass coffee table

"That's ENOUGH you will not harm my family!" Wyatt yelled before the demons could even say anything he used a powerful fire blast to vaporize them

Rogue, Bobby, Corey, Piotr, Kitty, Jean, Ororo, and Logan heard all the commotion and got there right after the attack, and saw a horrifying sight

"Chris, baby, are you ok?" Johnny asked, gently slapping his face, and when Chris rolled over he had shards of glass impaling him all down his back.. "WYATT heal him quick it's BAD!"

Wyatt took out each shard of the coffee table, and began healing

"What's taking so long?" Johnny asked

"He almost died, that's what's taking so long" Wyatt replied tone a little firm

Chris gave a slight jerk "Take it easy Chris" Johnny replied

All the bystanders looked relieved and walked up, Jean was the first to speak

"What happened?" She asked firmly

"Oh, Corey there, he is a firestarter and the demons, or rather the bounty hunters are able to track him when he uses his powers, oh no Wyatt..." Chris said worriedly

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking...?" Wyatt asked knowingly

"Yeah, I am." Chris responded

"Could someone please explain exactly what you're talking about?" Logan asked

"Well, the only reason that we have ever heard of a firestarter being tracked was when the source was in power in the underworld, and was attempting to kill our mother and her sisters, so he wanted the power of the most coveted magical creature around, so if bounty hunters are tracking Corey, that can only mean that a new source is in the making, or is already about to be coronated and they want him as ^×"

"The human sacrifice was saved by one of those Charmed brats." A hooded demon said

"You mean to tell me that you couldn't handle one little boy." Another hooded demon asked

"I'm sorry Trixani, but the powerful one was there too."

"It's bad enough that boy I raised abandoned me to become.. GOOD.. but now you have decided to become incompetent." Trixani yelled at her hooded minion

"I'm sorry I^×"

"I don't have time for the tales of your mind you bore me with excuses." Trixani said as she threw an energy ball at her minion and he exploded

"If you want something done right..." Trixani said as she shimmered out

"We should take him back to the manor to be safe, so we can look at the book." Chris said

"Your charge, your choice, I still can't believe you got one before me." Wyatt said

"I'll be back later Johnny, take good care of our son." Chris said as he kissed Johnny good-bye

"Pete you'll be fine, you're gonna be a great father."

"But.. what if I crush the baby?" Piotr asked a childish sad tone to his voice

"Ok here's an idea, whenever you touch the baby, act like he's an egg shell, an egg shell you don't want to break." Wyatt said sweetly to his boyfriend

"Ok, I love you Wyatt." Piotr said, It was the first time he'd said it in the 10 months they'd been together

"I love you too Pete." Wyatt said choking back tears

Grabbing the hands of Corey and Chris Wyatt orbed them out.

"It's about time you got here." A woman's voice said, they didn't recognize it, but they saw she had the Charmed ones and Leo trapped

"Who.. are you?" Wyatt asked, as Chris hid behind something and astral projected twice, once to take his place beside Wyatt and Corey, and one to go get Henry and C.J for help

"I am Trixani, but who I am is not important, but why am I here is more pertinent."

"Henry!?" Chris called out in front of Paige and Henry's house, he walked through the front door, "Henry?!"

"What is it, Chris, it's almost 1am.." Henry Sr asked.

"It's Paige she's being held captive, I need Henry Jr, to come with me

"Ok, so, here's how it can go smoothly, you give me the boy and I won't kill them, if you don't you will get to watch your family die, one member at a time.. Your decision" Trixani said

Henry Jr. and Astral Chris orbed to Phoebe and Coop's condo, to the living room they shook awake C.J

"Wha--- I didn^×WHOA!, um yeah guys, not fully clothed under here, what's going on?" C.J asked

"Our moms are being held captive, come with us we need your help." Henry Jr. said

"What do we need to do?" C.J asked, standing up revealing the tightest pair of black bikini underwear you'd ever seen

"First, you need some clothes." Henry Jr said orbing some of the clothes from the pile of un folded laundry into C.J's arms

"Right..." C.J said as he dressed

"Ok, have you decided?" Trixani asked them

"Ok, you can have him, just don't hurt them." The other Astral Chris said

"What?!" Wyatt and Corey asked

"Sorry Corey, but our family is more important, just go with it." Astral Chris said winking slightly

C.J, Henry Jr, and Astral Chris orbed in on the stairs, they could hear what was going on and Chris whispered "Ok, Henry, When we get up there, don't think, I need you to just orb all of them to Magic School, in case anything goes wrong they'll be safe there."

"But I've never orbed that many people before without touching them." He said

"Now is not the time for you to lose your confidence, you can do this I know you can."


"C.J I need you on the offensive, blast her with some emotionally charged electricity right after Henry orbs them away, go."

They stormed the attic, and time seemed to move slowly and everything seemed to echo, almost like a dramatic effect on a television show

"Magic School!" Henry Jr yelled and motioned with his hand and they disappeared into the swarming bluish white lights

Proud of himself Henry Jr. joined his cousins on the other side of the room

C.J emotionally charged his electricity, and hurled it at the hooded demon, she flew back and her hood fell... C.J hesitated

"Fool!" Trixani said and threw an athame at Chris, it impaled his heart

"NO!!!!" C.J yelled and channeled all the emotion he was feeling into his electricity and it shot into Trixani and out through her back, she exploded into purple sparks, dead.

Chris laid there with the athame through his heart and when C.J pulled it out and began to cry the body just disappeared

"What?" everyone asked as the Chris beside them disappeared too

Chris emerged from behind the attic mess, and said "What, you didn't think I was just going to let everyone die, IT'S SAFE." Chris called out

"YOU ASSHOLE, I thought that she killed you!" C.J said tears now dry

"Well I had to let you think I'd died so that you'd be able to do what you needed to do." Chris said

"Why me though?" C.J asked

"Because, we both know who that demon really was." Chris said, while everyone looked confused

"My demon mother." C.J admitted

"Yes, and by proving your loyalties to us by killing her, you killed any doubt we could ever have about you, you also proved to yourself that you aren't evil, and we both know you've been struggling with that too." Chris said and hugged his cousin

"Ok, I get it, you know Chris you're gonna be a great whitelighter." C.J said

Paige, Phoebe, Leo, and Piper all orbed in "So who was that demon?" Paige asked

"My demon mother." C.J said

"Ohh, well I take it someone took her out...?" Phoebe asked

"I did." C.J said

"Oh sweetie, that must have been so hard for you." Phoebe said empathetically

"It was, up until she killed Chris, then it was surprisingly easy." C.J said

"Killed Chris?!" Piper asked

"Don't worry mom it was a decoy." Chris said from the crowd.

"Oh ok then." Piper said walking off to bed

"Mom, I feel kind of sick, can we head home?" C.J asked

"Yeah.. Paige, you mind?"

"Condo!" Paige called and waved them off

"Let's get home it's late my hero." Paige said orbing out with Henry Jr.

"Ok. Not bad for a night's work, but we should get back to our children." Wyatt said

"Hey Corey, you have your choice, do you wanna stay here? Or at the mansion with us?" Chris asked

"Well, would I be more likely to have my own space here or there." Corey asked

"Here." Wyatt responded

"Then you can have our old room, down those stairs first door on the left fork of the hallway, oh and this is important, since I'm your whitelighter if you get into trouble, all you need to do is yell my name really loud, and I'll hear you and be there before your done calling me a second time." Chris said

"If mom asks about you tomorrow just tell her that you're Chris's charge and needed to sleep somewhere for the night, and that we said to have Aunt Paige orb you to the mansion in the afternoon after our classes."


They orbed out and went to their dorms, when Chris got to his he found Johnny and the baby passed out together on the bed, the baby was sleeping soundly on Johnny's chest, it was too perfect Chris grabbed his digital camera out of the desk drawer and took a few great shots.

Wyatt however wasn't so lucky, when he got to his room, Piotr was apparently attempting to change Laura, but failing at it, he too snapped a couple pictures

"Rough night?" Wyatt said walking up to Piotr and kissing his cheek "Why don't you let me do that, and you can watch and learn.." Wyatt said

"Ok I'll watch." Piotr decided

Wyatt quickly took off Laura's diaper "HOLY! What did you feed her today?" Wyatt asked

"That's awful. She had carrots from the garbar stuff." Piotr said

"Oh honey, you mean Gerber carrots, I see, yeah, stay away from that one, or we'll have more of these fun filled nights, stick to applesauce and banana." Wyatt said with a chuckle as he orbed the diaper into the disposing unit.

"Come on buddy, let's get you into the crib." Chris said as he gently picked up Baby Johnny and managing to not wake him put him in the crib.

He changed into pajama bottoms and went to bed, thinking about his life and how in just 10 months everything was so different.

To be Continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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