Mas Boys

By moc.loa@22enihplA

Published on May 17, 1999


This is the first of a series. The title of the series is Ma's Boys.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. This story is fiction and should not be considered an accurate depiction of the lives of the characters involved. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Long Ball

It had been almost four months since Brady and Mark had gotten together. Mark was so involved in the home run race toward the end of last year, there was virtually no time that the two could get together without a camera crew, sports reporter, or autograph seeking fan being within 2 feet. So they decided to be content with the usual "hey, how are you doing?", "think you'll make the playoffs?" etc., whenever they saw each other. But once the season was over and the hoopla had died down a bit, then they would definitely make it up to each other.

That time had come. Their was know mistaking was Mark's message on Brady's machine meant, "I've gone out all week and not one reporter or camera crew has followed me, I've only be asked for 3 autographs, and I don't have any interviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks." Finally, the hoopla had died down, and the real fun was about to begin.

"Where, when, and for how long?" those were the first words out of Brady's mouth after Mark had groggily answer "hello."

"I know you have already made plans, or else you wouldn't have called me last night, so all I need to know is where, when, and for how long?" asked Brady rather impatiently.

Mark hated to be awaken from a good sleep, especially the one he was having at the time, but since the object of his dream was on the phone, he overlooked it this time. Mark had loved the prospect of breaking Babe's record, but he hadn't imagined the havoc it would wreck on his sex life. Almost 4 months since he and Brady had been together. The hand was effective, but there was nothing like a warm mouth or a tight willing asshole.

"The cabin, this afternoon, and for the next 2 weeks." replied Mark. At first he was going to toy with his love, but the desire, need, & lust in Brady's voice changed his mind. He'd bought the cabin in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina about 2 years ago. The beauty of the area was amazing, the vegetation, the views, and more importantly the isolation made it the ideal get away spot. Every time they went they always came back depleted, but totally refreshed and feeling more manly than ever. The last time he and Brady where their, they skinny-dipped in the small stream that meanders through the back yard, hiked along the many trails, fished in the stream, chopped wood and made love for hours in front of the fireplace. Thinking about it mad him realize just how long ago that had been, but they would change soon enough.

Listen Brady, "I'm flying out at 10, should take 3 hours & an hours drive so I should be there about 2:30 or 3. So in a way I'm grateful you gave me this wake up call. I should be getting dressed and heading for the airport. Packed last night, I was so excited."

"What about me, Mark?" queried Brady.

"You know I've already made your airline reservations, and you fly out at 1:30, 2 hours flight time, 1 hours drive, so we should be seeing each other about 4. Hopefully, Ma Johnson has already dropped by to air the place out and do some grocery shopping."

Ms. Johnson, or Ma Johnson as she has come to be called, Mark meet the first day he went to see the cabin. She was his closest neighbor, if you consider a mile down the road close. She was fishing in the stream and he loved her from the moment he meet her. She knew who he was, but she didn't make a big deal of it. She'd mothered him every time he was there, cooking him meals, fishing with him & later Brady, taking walks, and providing advice. He wasn't sure how she'd take meeting Brady, but she'd didn't even bat an eye. She just mothered them both whenever they were there. Last trip the 3 celebrated her 73 birthday and she still out walks, chops, and fishes her "boys" every trip.

"Mark, if people only knew how much of a perfectionist you were. You've thought of almost everything."

"I figured you were capable of packing yourself, but I could arrange someone to come and do that if you need me to." said Mark laughingly.

"Boo, Mark's pet name for Brady, I have to go now, or else my timetable will be all thrown off. See you at the cabin, and I love you."

As soon as the receiver was on the hook, then both were out of bed, in the shower, and getting ready for their much needed vacation. Mark began loading his Range Rover. Next he called Jonathan, his usual housesitter, to let him know he was leaving and where he could find the key. Jonathan was a good kid, at 22, young man would be more appropriate. Had he not found Brady, he might would've made a move on Jonathan. But he had his Boo, and that was all he wanted or needed.

Brady on the other had, was busy packing, unpacking, repacking, unpacking, etc. Mark knew how Brady was, part of the reason he booked him on the later flight. Finally all packed and ready to go, Brady headed to the airport and prayed that he didn't get stuck beside some talkative person, or a crying baby.

Mark's plane touched down at exactly 1:30, a short hop to the rental place and then a quick hours drive to the cabin. His rental car, a emerald green 99 Grand Cherokee was waiting with keys in the ignition. The paperwork was pre-authorized so he didn't have to stop in the building and inevitably have to sign autographs, well with the exception of the guy he had to show his ID to at the car. He'd stop by Ma Johnson's on the way in then to the cabin to prepare the cabin for Brady.

The flight out of Baltimore wasn't bad at all. Brady arrived 15 minutes before departure, got his bags checked by the red cap, went through security, and straight on the plane. First class was virtually empty with the exception of a few businessmen engrossed in their laptops, and more importantly no one was in the seat next to him. Once the plane was in the air, his headphones were on and the sounds of Boyz II Men was playing in his ear and thoughts of Mark and the cabin were on his mind.

Just as Mark had done, upon arrival at the airport Brady went to pick up his rental car a 99 Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo Spyder (convertible). Like Mark, only autograph he had to sign was the porter waiting with the car. Then he was off, with the top down to be with his love.

Mark picked the little black lady in his arms and gave her a bear hug and a kiss.

"You know if I was a few years younger, and a man, I'd think you had your eye on me." And with that the two busted out laughing.

"So how have you been? Have you been eating right? Where's Brady? Anything wrong, you two are still together?" the questions came in a stream before Mark had anytime to answer the first. One thing he did notice was that just like always, Ma Johnson said nothing about baseball, or the record breaking year.

"Yes, Yes, On his way, and outside of not seeing each other for a while, everything's fine," replied Mark.

"If you say so, but you look like you need to eat something, you look like skin and bones. I aired the place out, restocked the kitchen, and cut the grass. I got the other stuff you requested too. It's under the sink in the kitchen, and in the stove."

It must be a mother thing, because no one else would ever say that at 6'5", 250 pounds of muscle, he looked like he was skin and bones. Next to his mother, she was the most important woman in his life, and in just 2 short years he couldn't imagine life without her. They set an talked for a while, and they agreed she'd come over in a couple days to go fishing, hiking, and have dinner. Then Mark was off to the cabin to set things up for Brady.

Brady had that Spyder in the wind with Jon B's "What you say Boo?" blasting. That must be part of the reason he didn't notice the flashing blue lights, and sirens blaring behind him. Once he did he pulled over immediately, and watched through his rearview mirror as the officer exited his car and approached his door. Brady noticed how big the trooper was, about as big as Mark, and that's big. Like Mark he appeared to be all muscle. Just looking at the trooper brought thoughts of Mark, and Brady's 9 inch rod started rising. Luckily it was safely confined in his jock, but even then it made a slight bulge in his shorts. Hopefully, the trooper wouldn't notice.

"Hi officer, what's the problem?"

"You know the speed limit on this stretch of road is 65, and you were doing 80 easily?"

"Sorry officer, didn't realize I was going that fast. Mind was somewhere else."

"Could I see your license and registration, please?"

"Sure officer, anything. The cars a rental though, but here's the rental papers."

"Long way from home aren't you Mr. Anderson? In North Carolina when the speed limit says 65, that's the limit. Is there an address I can reach you at while you're in NC?"

Brady gave him the address to the cabin, as well as the phone number. "I'm really sorry officer, I'll watch my speed a little more carefully next time. Just needed a break and got caught up in the scenery."

"I'll let you go with a warning this time, but for future reference, remember speed limits are there for a reason. Speed really does kill, and especially if you're driving a convertible."

The trooper handed Brady back his rental papers, turned and headed back to his cruiser. Brady pulled back on the road and immediately set the cruise to 65 where it stayed until the turn off for the cabin.

"Mark, I'm here. You in the cabin?" yelled Brady

"I'm in here." replied Mark from the bedroom.

Brady dropped the shoulder bag he was carrying, and began undress as he walked back to the bedroom. First off was his shoes, luckily he'd worn slip on loafers. Next was his polo shirt & tee-shirt followed by his tan khaki shorts, and just outside the door to the bedroom came his jock.

Mark was on the bed propped up on the pillows with one leg up completely naked. His muscular 6'5" frame almost taking up the entire kings sized bed. Brady's mouth began to water as his eyes scanned up from Mark's feet, up past his calves to his trunk like thighs. He lingered there a while noticing just how thick they really were. Imagining how good it feels when they're slamming into his tight bubble butt as Mark pounds his ass. From their he glimpses Mark's rock hard 12 inch rod and slowly licks his lips, going to his abdomin , on up to his barrel chest. How that chest made Brady's mouth water, smooth as a baby's bottom, but yet so hard and thick. Then there they were those to little rosebuds he loved to chew and nibble on just sitting there waiting on his hot tongue and mouth to lick and suck on them. Tearing his eyes away and focusing them finally onto the man he loved with his pretty blue eyes, and red hair & goatee smiling knowingly at him. True the trooper was built like Mark, but he wasn't Mark. Only one man could make his body feel the things it was feeling now just from looking at him naked.

From his position on the bed, Mark looked lovingly at Brady's 6'1"195lb muscular frame. He wasn't nearly as big as Mark, but he was just as muscular, although his was more toned and defined. Lying on the bed beside Mark the two began to passionately kiss.

Leisurely their hands trailed each others body searching every inch. Slowly Brady kissed down Mark's body and inhaled his manly scent, using the tip of his nose to trace Mark's fully hardened cock. Teasingly Brady licked up the sides of the shaft, feeling every inch of this beautiful piece of manhood.

"Is this fully hard," Brady asked innocently.

"Oh baby, it doesn't get any harder than this. You do stuff tome that no one else can."

Apparently satisfied with the answer, Brady slowly licked around his big mushroom head. Mark started moaning from the familiar way Brady slide his tongue up and down his pole, pausing each time to dip into his piss slit to lick up the precum that had accumulated there.

Willing himself out of need to taste Mark completely, Brady engulfed Mark's huge cock in one swallow. Mark was momentarily disappointed as Brady let his cock slip out of his warm, wet mouth, and only to travel down to Mark's balls. Provocatively, licking one, then the other. Finally sucking one in his mouth and swirling it around. From past experience Brady could feel a slow boiling in them, and knew that Mark was getting close. Slowly he licked his way up to his head again, all the while, hearing Mark moan and groan in the background.

Using a technique that always worked Brady put Mark's cock down his throat and opened all his throat muscles to accommodate the amazing girth. Inhaling Mark's wonderful manly scent had Brady almost intoxicated as he devoured those 12 inches of hard man flesh. Up and down, over and over, Brady sucked as Mark fucked his face. Sensing he was at the brink, Mark slipped his cock from Brady's mouth.

Brady looked up at Mark and asked "What's the problem?"

"My turn," was all mark said, as he began to pull Brady up as he kissed, lick, and bite his way down Brady's body.

Mark had this thing about nipples, he loved pulling them, biting them, licking them, sucking them, pinching them, and no matter what he did to them, he knew it would really drive Brady wild. For as much as he liked toying with Brady's nipples, Brady enjoyed having them played with. By the time Mark had progressed to liking Brady's six pack abs, Brady's nipples were to bright red pencil erasers on his chest.

Taking his time, Mark continued his downward track nibbling on Brady's inner thighs, the back of his knees, which always made Brady moan in ecstasy, and slowly return to his ample balls. Brady had a nice low hanging ball sac with balls the size of golf balls. Mark loved to take one then the other into his mouth and swirl his tongue through the little hairs surrounding his sac.

Mark released Brady's balls and grabbing Brady's stiff 9 inches, he looked at it lovingly. Slowly he began to lick the head gathering the copious amounts of precum that Brady had already started to produce. Mark loved the taste, it had a sour tinge at first, but was as sweet as honey as it rolled down the back of his throat. Unable to control himself, he devoured Brady's cock. Taking first the head, then after watching Brady get over the first initial way of pleasure, burying the rest down his throat until he was nose deep in Brady's pubic hair. The smell acted as an aphrodisiac fueling his lust. Up and down, he sucked and this time it was Brady who was fucking his face, fast and furious.

Seemingly just as quickly as he had started, Mark stopped. He let Brady's cock drop from his mouth, and looked up at Brady with lust smoldering in his eyes. Brady knew exactly what that meant, and he'd been looking forward to this for almost 4 months. In one swift motion Brady grabbed his legs and held them to his chest, exposing his firm white ass, and rosebud to his lover's view. Without hesitation, Mark began to lick first one ass cheek, then the other, and finally attack Brady's little rosebud with one long broad stroke from end to end of his ass crack. Making sure to swipe his tongue across the blinking rosebud. For about the next 5 minutes, Mark processed to give Brady one of the best rimming he'd ever received in his life. Mark with alternate between nibbling, sucking, licking, and for added pleasure he even throw in a couple good finger fucks as well. By the time he was finished, Brady was more than ready for what was to come next.

As Mark continued to touched here and there, licked over there, and massaged over here, Brady felt his swollen head slowly push against his tight ass lips.. Kissing passionately, Mark slowly pushed inch after inch into my Brady's hole, filling him up with his cock and his love. No matter how many times the fucked Brady, his hole was always as tight and warm as the first time. And for Brady he could feel every inch of Mark's shaft and it always manage to touch some unknown recess in his body that had yet to be discovered.

"Do it, Mark, make love to me."

And with that he pushed, and retreated, and pushed again. He fucked Brady, just the way he liked it, like there was no tomorrow. But he did it gently, with love and concern, kissing and touching the entire time. Brady squeezed on the out take and moaned as he pushed in, and soon they were in their familiar rhythm that nothing could break. Feeling their bodies entwined, Brady knew that this is what he had been waiting for. Mark's thick cock ramming into him, his big balls slap his bare butt, and the look, equal parts love and lust all over Mark's face. Mark gave Brady the most earth shattering, "I'll always love you," smiles, and then leaned down and kissed him. And as their lips touched, Mark flooded Brady's ass with his essence, as Brady's exploded out in between our tightly pressed bodies.

As the two lovers were basking in the afterglow of there love making session, Mark asked Brady, "so who do you think the new neighbors are?"

"What are you talking about now Mark?"

"Oh so you didn't stop by Ma Johnson's on your way in?"

to be continued...

Next up "The Neighbors"

This is my first attempt at writing gay erotica. I welcome all comments and criticism as I hope to make this a series and need your help to make it one worth reading. I have an affection for professional athletes of all sports, but as I'm more familiar with MLB, the NFL, NBA, and professional wrestling this will probably be were my inspiration is taken. The premise will revolve around Ma Johnson and will go from there.

Next: Chapter 2: The Neighbors

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