Mas Boys

By moc.loa@22enihplA

Published on Jun 3, 1999


This is the second installment in the series entitled "Ma's Boys."


This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. This story is fiction and should not be considered an accurate depiction of the lives of the characters involved. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

"The Neighbors"

Ma Johnson had gotten word of land to the West of her being sold back when Brady and Mark was up visiting. For the first couple of days, it seemed that was all any of them could talk about. Ma wondering if they were going to be full time residents, or vacationers. Mark and Brady hoping that whomever it happened to be, that they were reclusive. After all, outside of Ma, they really didn't want to be bothered with anyone else when they came to the cabin. Ma, as only she knows how to do, reminded them of why they were at the cabin in the first place.

"Remember the important stuff, and don't sweat the rest" is what I say.

Pretty soon all talk of the new neighbors had ended and been replaced by a generous portion of intense love-making. Ma could honestly say she saw them maybe 3 more times during their vacation. She was happy though, she knew that they had been through a lot with Mark's home run chase last year and it might begin again with training camps not to far off in the future. Hopefully, it would not all be as bad as last year.

She loved those boys. They were her family, outside of her one grandson in Missouri. That reminds her, he hasn't called in a while, "Wonder if everything is going okay?"

With the blink of an eye, her thought process has switched back to the present and the new log cabin being built to her west. Perhaps she would take a leisurely stroll down the west path. The walk would do her some good, and besides the dogs needed to loosen their legs a little.

The construction site was almost deserted. She only saw one truck, "Peter's Wallcoverings," still at the site. She knew Peter, heck she knew or taught almost everyone just about, perhaps he could give her a hint as to who was her new neighbor(s).

"Peter, you in here?" she yelled.

"Well hey Ms Johnson, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while?"

"Doing fine, doing fine. And you know it's Ma Johnson or just Ma. Saw all the construction truck and delivery vans going by for the last few weeks, decided I walk down her and see what was going on."

"All I know is that I got a call yesterday, asking me if I had time to come wallpaper a new cabin. I remember a time when this area was only woods. Well, with the exception of your house. Nice place too, wish I knew whose it was?"

"Come on Peter, as bright as you were in my class, you mean to tell me you don't know who's having this house built?" Only, Ma could get you to answer a question without her even having to ask. Pretty soon you were volunteering the information.

"Sorry Ma, I don't. But just looking at the place, whoever it is has money. I mean look at the place. 2 levels. Hard wood floors in the living room, 3 bedrooms with full walk in closets and a bath in each room, a jacuzzi on the back deck, a jacuzzi tub in the master bath, back behind the house is what appears to be a sauna. No sense me telling you about it, no one's here besides us, up for a tour?"

"Why not?"

The two visited almost every room in the log home. On the first level was the living room with a beautiful tiled fireplace, a huge commercial kitchen, the laundry room, the pantry, the utility closet, a small bathroom, the last two rooms were a den and a workout room. Upstairs were the 3 bedrooms, that opened onto an inside balcony that overlooked the living room. Ma Johnson did notice that all the rooms were furnished except for 1 bedroom and the living room. From what she could tell, the owner was either a young couple or a single man. The house was beautiful inside and out, but it lacked some of the womanly touches.

"Nice, isn't it Ma?" asked Peter.

"Very nice. Well let me get going the dogs have probably gone back home waiting on me."

"I have one more room to do, and then I'm done as well. I guess I'll never know who owns the place, as I'm hardly ever out this way, and the contractor paid me in advance. Must be nice. See you around, Ma."

With that Ma Johnson was out the door and walking back up the path to her house. "I wonder if I should call and tell my boys about the house? No. I'll wait until I've meet my new neighbors first."

Saturday rolls around after a full day of busy work, Ma sits out on the front porch watching the sun set. She sees the truck as it turns into the road. She didn't recognize it, but perhaps she would after it got a little closer but it took the westward curve instead of coming straight.

Ma's house was situated in what could only be described as the center of a circle. The engineers that designed the road designed it so that it resembles a loop with only one entrance. Mark and Brady's cabin is situated behind her and the new cabin is on her left, with closed in woods on her right.

"The new cabin." It hit her right then, that that might be her new neighbor(s). "What do I have in her, that I can take as a house warming gift?" With that she was in the house, loading the fresh homemade chocolate cake she'd baked this morning into it's carrying case, and down the west path she went.

"The contractor did a better job on this place than I thought."

"Do you always have to be a skeptic?" Rob asked. "It's good for your `persona' but it really makes vacationing with you a bitch."

"Sorry, I forgot that we were leaving our alters outside the state of North Carolina. Sometimes it feels good to be good ol' Steve Austin, no STONE COLD, no cans of whoop ass, no monster trucks. Just me and you."

"Wonder what the fans would think, if they knew me, Rob Johnson alias Rocky Maiva alias The Rock' alias The BROMA Bull' was in love with his `most bitter rival.'"

The two laugh, and proceed to unload Steve's Expedition. "Damn Rob, we're only going to be here for 2 days. How much did you pack?"

"You know my motto, `Be prepared'"

Not more than 5 minutes after they'd finished unloading the truck and went into the house then there was a knock on the door. At first it went unnoticed since Steve was putting the clothes away in the master bedroom and Rob was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. The last thing the contractor did was have grocery delivered to the cabin.

Coming down the stairs, Steve yells "is that someone at the door?"

Rob yells back, "How should I know. I'm too busy trying to find something for dinner. Besides who knows we're here?"

Ma Johnson waited patiently outside the door realizing that someone would answer eventually. They're probably trying to figure out who I am. Sure enough, not more than 10 seconds after the thought ran through her mind, did Steve answer the door.

Recognizing him immediately, Ma Johnson reacted the same way she did when she first met Mark. Obviously, if he was in this remote area it was because he wanted to get away from the "celebrity" of it all and she didn't want to disturb that. However, she did promise the boys she'd find out who the new neighbors were so to help alleviate their tensions.

"Good evening, I'm Ms. Johnson from around the bend. I saw you drive up and wanted to introduce myself to my new neighbor."

Steve was a little dazed and unsure as to what to do next. Should he invite her in, but then she'd see Rob and there might be questions. Then again, she'd seen him and she didn't seem to recognize him at all. Maybe just maybe, she'd never heard of them after all she was a little old lady out in the middle of nowhere. That and normally older people weren't the biggest of pro wrestling fans.

"Where are my manners? Come in, come in. I'll take that. My name's Steve." By then Rob had heard the conversation in the living room and come out to see what was going on, "and this is Rob." Rob extends his hand in, but Ms. Johnson waves it away.

"Since we're neighbors, you boys should know everyone around these parts calls me Ma Johnson or Ma. I don't do handshakes, but I love hugs. Now I'd take an introductory hug if you wanted to give it."

Both Rob and Steve looked at each other a little dazed a first, then Rob gives Ma a hug followed by Steve after handing the cake to Rob to hold.

"I didn't want to drop by empty handed so I brought alone a chocolate cake, hope you like guys like chocolate."

Robs answers as he's taking the cake into the kitchen, "at least desert's covered, now to figure out what to do about dinner."

"Show me to the kitchen and I'm sure I can whip up something." Ma volunteered.

Surprisingly, the two professional wrestlers didn't object. So three went into the kitchen and as Ma cooked Rob volunteered his help while Steve sat on a stool at the end of the island. The 3 talked about everything, with Ma telling them her history on the mountain. Leaving out stories concerning Mark or Brady. She pretty much knew, that the two wrestlers despite their television personas were really deeply in love with each other. Perhaps it was the stolen glances they shared. When she saw them looking at each other it reminded her of her other two boys. To herself she said "I think I'll give them a call tomorrow and let them know that everything is okay."

Just as Steve was about to give her some made up story as to why the two were their together, Ma stopped them.

"I know who you two are and why you're up here. I know that this is a time where you just want to be you, the real you. I respect that. You never have to front,' as my grandson would say, around me. Personally, I think you're two wonderful young men and I can see the love between you two. So around me, just be yourselves. Can't have my boys fronting' in front of their ol' Ma can I?" smiling after she'd finished.

Again, Rob and Steve were staring in shock and total disbelief. In less than 2 hours Ma Johnson had already endeared herself into their hearts. It was as though she had a sixth sense or something. Just listening to her made them feel as though it was their mother or grandmother talking and giving them advice. From that point on the two never acted as though they didn't love each other when they were around Ma Johnson. For that matter, the expressions of love weren't few and far between for they were constantly kissing, touching and telling each other `I love you.'

The dinner was excellent, baked rosemary chicken, steamed carrots and broccoli, with a baked potato. The conversation continued to flow, as Ma just had to know if Shane McMahon was really as big an a**hole as he portrayed on television. She also volunteered to watch the place for them when they were on the road. When she left the 3 had become friends, family even and more importantly, Ma Johnson had 2 new boys to look after and worry about.

"Can you believe her, Steve? It was like talking to my grandmother with all the advice and the `okay, babies.' Amazing."

"I know Rob. It was as though she knew everything we were going through. It feels so good to know that we can be ourselves up here. I wish I'd asked her about any other neighbors. Oh, well."

"So Rob, you ready to test out the jacuzzi?"

"Which one?"

"How about the one in the bedroom, that way we have less distance to travel to the bed."

Like a flash the two were dashing up the steps, showing the speed that made them terrors on the college football field, and also in the `squared circle.'

"This feels so good. I love the way the water is bubbling around my balls and ass."

"Steve, you love anything that comes in contact with your dick, balls, mouth, or ass. Especially by 10 hard inches."

"Hey, you are just as dick happy as I am. I'm glad we're so isolated out here because you moan and groan like a ghost when I let you have by footlong, and I'm not talking about the kind you eat. Then again, you do that too."

"Okay Steve, how about putting your mouth were your mouth is?"

With that Rob stands and turns with his ass facing Steve. Steve wastes no time sliding across the jacuzzi and plants a big kiss on Rob's right ass cheek.

Steve asked Rob, not really expecting an answer. "If people knew "the Rock" was the nickname I gave you because of your hot ass, what would they think?" "Excuse me, but a little less talk and a lot more licking. You know having my ass reamed makes me hot as hell."

"Just as long as you return the favor later."

Steve began to massage Rob's ass cheeks, kneading them as though they were dough. As he was kneading he was also kissing, licking, and nibbling. All the while Rob was moaning like the ghost of Christmas past. Unable to take any more teasing, panting Rob said, "my ass Steve, eat my ass."

"Just wanted to hear you beg."

And Steve proceeded to spread "the Rock's" ass cheeks apart and devour the brown rosebud spasming in front of his hungry eyes. He ate that hole like a starving man at a buffet. Alternating between kisses, licks, nibbles, and bites. Finally, curling his tongue into a u, he plunged his tongue into Rob's fuck chute and proceed to give him the hottest tongue fuck anyone could imagine. Rob felt the tongue as it caressed his ass walls. It was nearly too much for Rob to take and Steve as well.

With the look of pure lust in his eyes, Steve said, "time to take this into the bedroom."

The two dried each other off, with each paying special attention to the cock, balls, and ass of the other. Closely, Steve followed Rob into the bedroom, so close Rob had a difficult time walking. As was to be expected with a 6'4" 250lbs solid mass of muscle draped over your back coupled with a 12 inch sword imbedded in your ass cheeks. This while said muscle mass was pinching the shit out of his tits and nibbling on his ears. It took all Rob's self control not to surrender himself right there in the spot and say fuck the bed, but he knew his back would regret his impatience later.

Once the two were on the bed, they didn't waste anytime with foreplay. They'd done enough of that in the jacuzzi and on the walk from the bathroom, what they wanted and needed now was a couple hours of some good sweaty sex.

"I'm going to lick you from head to toe, and back again." And that's exactly what Steve began doing. Sitting on the end of the bed he took Rob's right foot into his hand and then placed all Rob's toes in his mouth. Rob had that fresh shower taste from the jacuzzi and it only helped to serve as an aphrodisiac for Steve. He couldn't get enough. He was sucking the big toe on Rob's foot as though it was Rob's 10 inches, long flat strokes, flicking his tongue across the top, and burying the whole thing in his hot mouth.

Then from there to his other foot with the same treatment. From there up past Rob's calves to the back of his needs, upper to his inner thighs were just his mere presence made Rob moan in ecstasy.

"God, you know my spots so fucking well."

Not being able to resist any longer, Steve plunged Rob's cock into his mouth. He felt every inch as it filled his throat to capacity. Completely engulfing 10" with every downward plunge. The tempo varied from torturingly slow to unbridled abandon. All the while Rob was writhing in uncontrolled pleasure. Pretty soon Steve felt Rock's body tighten and he knew his reward was at hand. Rock felt the tingling as it started in the bottom of his balls and rise all the way up through his dick before it exploded like old faithful into Steve's mouth. Steve didn't miss a drop.

Panting Rob said, "Damn, that was hot. I haven't cum like that in a while."

"I always aim to please. Now big boy it's about time you take care of me, don't you think?"

Slowly Steve kissed his way up Rock's body to his lips were they shared a passionate kiss that allowed Rock to taste what was left of his essence in Steve's mouth.

Rolling Steve over, Rob proceeded to kiss and lick his way down Steve's body. He stopped at Steve's chest for a little nipple torture. He licked the right one first while slowly pinching the left one. Rob then progressed from licking to nibbling to biting, alternating from one nipple to the other. While he was pleasuring one nipple with his mouth, he was punishing the other nipple with his fingers. All this attention to Steve's nipples achieved its desired effect, for Steve was writhing in ecstasy over the entire bed.

"Bite it. Pinch it harder. Damn, I love it when you do that."

Momentarily releasing Steve's nipple from his mouth Rob said, "see Steve, you're not the only one that knows some secrets. Now who's turn is it to beg?"

With that Rob lowered himself until he was eye to eye with Steve's 12" monster. Oh how he loved the taste of all 12" and there was only one thing he loved more than the taste, the feel. Whether in his mouth or in his ass, Steve's cock was the only thing that made he feel complete and full.

"Take it in your mouth. Suck my big dick. Show me that you love me."


"Come on Rob, take my dick in your mouth. You know you want to. Besides, it's going in your ass in a few and it will go in easier if it was lubed."

Rob realized instantly that Steve wasn't joking, he was going to get fucked tonight. Although he wanted that ramrod in his ass, he wasn't sure if he could handle it raw. With that thought in mind he proceeded to give Steve the sloppiest, wettest, most mind blowing blowjob he could deliver. Steve helped by providing the verbal stimulation.

"The people's champ sucking my big dick. Yeah, Broma Bull, suck tat dick. Take it all the way down that hot throat of yours. You better makes sure it's nice and wet so you won't feel any pain when I stick my rattlesnake up your little roody-poo-candy ass.

The talk combined with the expert finger fucking he was receiving had Rob begging to get fucked.

"Fuck me Steve, fuck me now."

"Not yet, you still have a favor to return. Remember?"

With that Steve grabbed his legs exposing his as to Rob's lust filled eyes.

"You know what I want. I'm always as hard as a stone after you've eaten my ass. You do want me hard as possible when I fuck you, don't you?"

He hated Steve for using his need to get fucked against him right now, but then again that was part of what made their sex so hot. Not at all reluctantly, Rob devoured Steve's ass like a starving man. And just as he had said, Steve's 12" were as hard as a rock by the time Rock finished.

"Now back to my dick and remember the only lube I'm going to use is the lube that you provide."

After Steve felt that his dick was amply lubed and Rob had switched positions so that he was lying on his back with his legs back and his ass up. With the aim of a smart bomb, Steve plunged all 12" up Rob's ass in one slow, smooth motion. Rob resembled an accordion as the air rushed out of his body, only to be replaced by 12 hard, unyielding inches of man flesh. >From that point the scene changed from what had the makings of a brutal fuck to an intense session of love-making. Steve remained motionless allowing Rob's body an opportunity to get accustomed to the 12" pole implanted up Rob's ass. Rob preferred the 1 big plunge to the inch by inch method, but Steve could never get used to see the look of intense pain that always flashed across Rob's face. Outside of being 12" long his girth was just as menacing.

Finally Rob gave the okay sign to Steve and he slowly began to long dick Rob's ass. The sex was intense as the changed positions several times during their hour and a half fuck marathon. From doggie style and and serious butt pounding, to Rob on his side and a leisurely fuck, to Steve on his back and Rob riding to his hearts content. The two ended up in the position they started with Rob on his back with his legs wrapped around Steve's waist as Steve pounded his ass. Rob could tell my the intensity of Steve's fucking and the look in his eyes that he ass was about to be showered with a load of Steve's cum and right as it was he let loose with a load all his own.

As the two were basking in the afterglow, "Rob, I think I'm going to like it here."

"Me too, Steve. Me too."

With that the two drifted off to sleep resting up for day 2 of their 3 day vacation.

*Sorry it took so long for installment 2. I'm hoping to be able to bring you a different story every week. The next one is almost ready.

Next: Chapter 3: Acc Country

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