Mas Boys

By moc.loa@22enihplA

Published on Jun 22, 1999


This is the fourth installment in the series entitled "Ma's Boys."


This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. This story is fiction and should not be considered an accurate depiction of the lives of the characters involved. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

"The Big Show"

All 6 guys were lounging around the pool after eating breakfast and some intense early morning sex play. They also all happened to be naked as the day they were born. George and Todd were busy playing grab-ass in the pool.

"Ah, there's nothing like the beginning stages of a romance" piped Christian as he watched the two from his lounge chair.

"We were like that once," chimed Brian. "We just pick our spots now."

With that he stood up and proceeded to dump Christian and his chair into the pool as he jumped in after it. Not to be left out, Tom & Eric, who had both been sunning up until now, canon-balled into the action. So there they were 6 virile, hot, athletic, naked guys playing chicken in the pool.

Todd had George on his shoulders, Tom was on Eric's shoulder's and Christian had Brian hoisted up on his. No one is sure when but somehow the "chicken" fight turned into a full blown "cock" war. Todd had managed to turn George around so that he could suck on George's 10" rod. Looking over from the blow job he was giving, he saw that Christian and Eric both had done the same. The 3 proceeded to walk to the edge of the pool and deposit their partners, never once releasing the cocks they were sucking from their eager mouths. Coming up from Brian's cock, Christian looked to Todd & Eric and said, "Race you."

With that the 3 proceeded to devour the cocks in front of them. Todd's method of choice was to deep throat George's 10 inches, letting his throat muscles do most of the work in bringing George over the edge. Eric preferred the rapid up/down motion as his way of siphoning out Tom's seed while Christian relied on heavy suction. Pretty soon they had Brian, Tom, and George past the brink and scalding their throats with their hot seed.

During the ensuing argument over who got who off first, no one saw as Ma Johnson and an attractive young black man walked through the gate into the backyard.

"Nice to see you two haven't changed" said the as yet unidentified black man.

With that everyone's eyes focused on the new arrivals to the pool party. The next thing they all did was run for their towels to cover up, everyone except Christian and Brian.

"I didn't know you were coming up. I thought you'd still be at graduate school in Missouri" said Brian.

"I was but Grandma wanted to see me and since I knew you guys were here, I figured why the not."

"Oh, where are my manners" said Brian. "Guys this is Jonathan and I'm assuming his grandmother, Ma Johnson. Jonathan (Jon) told me a lot about you."

The next few minutes were filled with introductions, explanations, and the like. Jon and Brian had several grad school classes together at Duke before he moved to Missouri to finish his thesis. They'd stayed in touch and it was Jon who told Brian about the land Ma Johnson had for sale.

"I believe you words were private', secluded', `perfect as a get away spot'" chimed Christian.

Jon also told Brian about his grandmother, the fact she wanted everyone to call her Ma Johnson, the fact she could be a tad nosy, and the fact that she was very open-minded and understanding. Also she could be a `smart-ass' at times as well.

"Now that we've met, you boys can drop the towels now. I've never been one to "cramp" anyone's style. Did I say that right Jon?"

"Yeah, Ma."

"Besides," finishing her thought "you don't have anything that I haven't diapered. Maybe a little bigger, but nothing new."

Jon loved his grandmother. She always seemed to be able to put anyone at ease no matter the situation. He could see the guys as they relaxed. George and Todd jumped back into the pool. Christian and Brian were lying together on Brian's lounge chair since Christian's was floating at the shallow end of the pool. Eric and Tom went back to getting their tans as they all joked, laughed, and talked. Ma provide the crew with some details regarding the mountain, best streams for fishing, best campsites, skinny-dipping holes, etc. She even dropped in a few stories concerning Jon's upbringing that everyone got a laugh from except Jon. Pretty soon though, she had to dismiss herself. Seems she had a guest coming to visit. Before she left though, the guys invited her over later as they were going to throw some stuff on the grill.

"You're welcomed to bring your guest if you want'' said Christian.

"That's I just might do that" she replied.

With that said she left. Jon stayed behind to catch up on things with Brian and Christian.

"Your grandmother is really cool. I don't know too many older people who would've been okay with what they saw. 6 naked guys frolicking in the pool, no woman within miles, excluding herself."

"She's like that. Been like that every since I came to live with her" answered Jon.

"Not to be prying," said Brian "but how did that come about anyway?"

"My parents were killed in an automobile accident. I was the only child and her only grandchild. She went from losing her only son to raising her grandson in a split second."

Simultaneously Brian and Christian said, "sorry dude."

"No problem. We helped each other through. We're all that we have. Ma does have a younger brother, but they haven't spoken in years. It has something to do with their father's death, but she has never told me the complete story. It was shortly after that she ended up here. In my great grandfather's will, she got most of the land and her brother got most of the money. Last I heard he was in Florida somewhere. But enough about me. How long are you guys up?"

"Not long enough for me" chimed Christian.

"For about a week. I have some meetings I have to attend and Christian is operating a free basketball camp" explained Brian.

"What about the other guys?" asked Jon.

Brian answered, "Let's see, George and Todd are leaving when we leave. They're helping Christian with the camp next week. Eric and Tom are flying out tomorrow night. They're going to meet up with their wives and then they're all going to go on vacation together."

They continued to catch up before Jon realized how long he had been there.

"Wow, it's later than I thought. I promised I'd help weed Ma's garden. Hum, wonder if her guest is still there? It's probably one of the other ladies that helped raise me. Anyway, what time you thinking about firing up the grille?"

"Since I will be doing the cooking" said Christian "and I don't like to cook in the dark, probably about 6. That gives us 2 good hours of daylight to work with."

"Okay then. I'll see you guys then." With that Jon left and followed the path back up to Ma's house.

Christian and Brian went into the house where the other four guys had already showered and dressed. They were all sitting in the entertainment room watching a movie.

Christian peeped his head in and said, "Guys dinner's at 6." With that he and Brian were up the stairs to shower and dress themselves.

Meanwhile at Ma Johnson's:

"So Steve and Rob are doing okay?" asked Ma.

"Yeah, it should be "interesting" now that Steve's the CEO."

"Yeah it should. All the new twists make watching you guys all the more exciting. I have been wondering what everyone thinks of Sable's lawsuit?" Ma queried.

"Honestly, she may be telling the truth about sexual harassment by other female wrestlers but the male wrestlers are too busy groping each other to be worried about groping her. She was mainly there for the "good ol' boys" that buy the tickets.

"Sorry I'm late Grandma, but..."

Jon stopped in mid-sentence as his heart fell and his nuts drew up and he feasted his eyes on his grandmother's house guest. There taking up most of the couch sat, Paul White a.k.a. "The Big Show" from the WWF. At over 7'3" 550lbs of solid muscle he truly is a man's man. Rising and extending his mammoth sized hand he introduced himself in that deep sexy voice of his.

"Hi, I'm Paul and you must be Jon. Ma's told me a lot about you."

Stammering, Jon replied "Nice to meet you, my name's Jon. But you already know that. How do you know that. I've just meet you."

"Jon! Take some deep breathes and relax before you scare my quest" joked Ma.

"Sorry, I need to go to my room for a second be right back" and Jon was up the steps in a flash. Once inside his room he was able to get his heart to beat again. Being so close to the man of his dreams had him flying on a "natural" high. He barely made it out of the living room before his excitement manifested itself to everyone in the room and at 9 inches it would've been noticeable. Every Sunday and Monday you'd find him glued to the television watching wrestling waiting to see him wrestle. It was after watching those matches that he had some of his most mind-blowing, earth-shattering orgasms just imagining what it would be like to be with him. To most people Jon would be considered to be a man, he stood 5'11" 180lbs of muscle. He worked out 4x a week, played all sports constantly, and ran his standard 5 miles each morning, but in his eyes he in know way could compare to "The Big Show."

Reprimanding himself saying, "You have to get yourself under control Jon. How does it look for you to come in and then run straight upstairs like a scared kid. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Okay, now down the stairs we go."

Sitting quickly to cover the beginning the rising bulge in his shorts, Jon began to explain his hasty departure earlier.

"Didn't mean to run out like that but my contacts were irritating my eyes and had to put in a new pair. Oh, where's Ma?"

"She said something about weeding the garden and that you'd keep me company until she got back."

If Jon wasn't mistaken Paul ended that sentence with a wink. Nah, just wishful thinking must be the new contacts getting settled on his eye.

"Did either of you have something specific in mind because as you can tell I didn't have any idea you would be dropping by?" Jon asked.

"I'm sure two grown men can find something to occupy our time," Paul answered.

Thinking to himself, Jon swore he finished that sentence with a wink too.

"I guess I can show you the nature trails and the some other areas on the mountain," said Jon. Thinking privately, "maybe even my favorite jack-off spot, depending on where the conversation leads as we're walking."

"Sure, okay by me."

"Let's do it then, just have to tell Ma. I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting."

This time there was know mistaking it, that was a wink. Oh my God, The Big Show is flirting with me.

"On second thought, I'll join you," Paul said. "Then we can just hit the trail since we will already be outside."

So out the back the two went. Jon in front and Paul close behind him.

"We're going to hit some trails, Ma. The guys are going to grille out about 6. We'll meet you over there." said Jon

"Okay, baby. You two have fun and `don't do anything I wouldn't do.'" And she too finished her sentence with a wink and a smile.

Jon showed Paul all the spots he loved when he was growing up on the mountain and as they walked they talked. The talked about any and everything. Paul knew of how Jon came to live with his grandmother, Ma had mentioned it before. Ma was very proud of the son she'd raised and just by listening Paul could understand why. Outside of being one hot number, he also had a brain, goals, and ideals. Paul didn't see that combination everyday and it was truly refreshing. In just this short time, Paul thought he might be falling for Jon.

Jon was right, there was more to this man than what everyone saw on television. He talked with him about his childhood, his family, his friends, dealing with the difficulties of being such a "big" man. Jon could tell that it wasn't and isn't as glamorous as people assume. It floored Jon that someone as attractive as Paul was single and had never really been in a serious relationship.

"Most people think because I wrestle that I'm not intelligent, so in turn that's how they treat me. It truly pissed my off at first, but then I realized they were showing just how truly unintelligent and stereotypical they were. On most dates the only thing they choose to discuss is wrestling, and most times that's the last thing I want to talk about."

"I can imagine. My thinking is that wrestling is like any other job and hopefully your job isn't your life. When it becomes your life, it's time to reevaluate your priorities" Jon said.

"Exactly! Why is that so hard for some people to understand."

"Because all they see is "the Big Show" and they don't see, Paul White. Can I tell you something Paul?"

"Sure, what?"

"I follow wrestling..."

"No problem, Jon. I figured as much since you already knew so much about me. Most people do whether that admit it openly or not."

"I only follow wrestling because of you, Paul."


"As you can tell I value honesty a great deal and it wouldn't be right if I weren't honest with you now. I think you are the sexiest man on the planet. The first time I saw you as "the Giant" I nearly came in my shorts and I've followed you ever since. Hope you don't think I some crazed fanatic now."

"I don't. I find it really interesting though."

"Hell, I've gone all this way. I might as well complete the thought. At first it was pure animalistic attraction, but talking with you I see it's much more. I think I would like to get to know `Paul White' more."

Paul's mind was spinning. Here this guy, sexy as hell wants to get to know `him' better. Talk about your unexpected turn of events. Finally, someone good in his life. Hopefully anyway.

"Jon I think you're sexy as hell. Originally all I wanted was to bag you, but talking to you has made me want more as well."

Looking at his watch Jon realizes they're late for the cookout.

"How do you feel about cookouts?" asked Jon "because I'm late for one. You're welcomed to come, if you want?"

"What and pass up an opportunity to spend some more time with you, I don't think so. Lead the way." The two backtracked to Brian & Christians continually conversing the entire way. Jon had forgotten to mention them during their previous conversations. Paul was a little shocked at first but then he'd heard the rumors before.

"About time you showed up and who's your friend?" asked Christian.

Jon handled the introductions, "Paul this is Brian, Christian, George, Todd, Eric & Tom. Guys this is Paul."

"Well food's done. It's in the kitchen just help yourselves. We're about to watch a movie" chimed Brian.

"Hey Jon, wasn't Ma suppose to be here?" asked Paul.

"She stopped by but said she was expecting a phone call and something else about `letting boys be boys'" said George.

The guys coupled up Brian lying in Christian's lap on the sofa, Todd & George in the same position on the love seat. Eric & Tom were sprawled out on the floor as Paul sat Jon in his lap.

"Hope you guys love old movies for tonight's selection is `Auntie Mame'" announced Christian.

"And now, our feature presentation" said Brian in his best theater voice.

Everyone loved the movie. There was some friendly ribbing about the movie reminding them of someone or perhaps being someone's life story, but no one could put their finger on who. Afterwards they all departed to their separate bedrooms while Jon called Ma to let her no he would be staying with Paul at Steve and Rob's cabin.

Back in the cabin Paul and Jon have just finished taking a hot, steamy shower together, where most of the steam was a bi-product of their action. Apprehensively Paul "Are you sure you want to go through with this, we can just cuddle and I'll be happy. I just don't want you to feel obligate to do anything you don't want to. Also, as you can tell from the shower, everything about me is fully proportional."

"I want this just a much as I know you do. We'll just have to take things slowly at first."

With that Paul drew Jon close and kissed him with his tongue forcing its way passed Jon's lips almost down his throat and he teased his mouth running all around the roof and then caressing Jon's tongue. Jon responded by sucking Paul's tongue weakly at first then as if it was his life's blood and he had to have it. Paul's hand wrapped around Jon's head like he was palming a coca nut and slowly pulled him away from his lips and said "time to take this to the bed."

Paul lifted Jon up in his arms as though he was a loaf of bread, delicately and lovingly never for a moment breaking the eye contact that the two shared. To the outside observer it looked as if they both were looking into the very soul of the other. It felt like an eternity to Jon before Paul lowered him onto the bed and climbed in beside him. Paul made a mental note to thank Rob & Steve for have this bed custom made for him, if it could hold his frame a few extra pounds shouldn't matter at all.

"Do you like me kissing you" Paul asked.

"Yeah, I love it."

With that Paul attacked Jon's mouth with more force than the first kiss and Jon was matching Paul's intensity with an intensity of his own. Paul passionately sucked Jon's tongue and lips probing the depths of his mouth with his tongue and Jon in turn did the same to him. As the two kissed hands roamed over every inch of the other's body. Paul rubbed his ruff thumbs over Jon's nipples he sighed and closed his eyes as Paul worked his mouth down Jon's neck sucking it hard and still rubbing his nipples harder. Jon lifted his head to let out another sigh but moaned instead. Paul worked his mouth down to Jon's left nipple and sucked and chewed it which made Jon arch backward and offer his nipples to even him. Seeing this as a sign of approval Paul worked them even more than before, first the left one then the right one. Paul worked Jon's nipples raw and Jon was moaning and sighing his consent through the unbelievably pleasurable torture. Paul then spread Jon's legs and stood there looking at his amazing body lustfully and rubbing his hands on the inside of Jon's thighs.

"What do you want?" Paul asked as his right hand massaged Jon's thigh and his left hand was busy manipulating Jon's balls & 10" sword.

"I want you to make love to me" Jon replied.

"be more descriptive, what do you want me to do to you" Paul asked teasingly.

"I want you to fuck me Paul, fuck me good." Paul smiled and replied "In do time Jon, but first lets get you worked up so you can take it."

Jon did not know what he meant he was already worked up. Paul grabbed Jon's throbbing cock and squeezed it in his hand as Jon gasped. Paul stuck his tongue out and licked up and down the back of his cock while he held it in his hand. Then he put the head of Jon's cock into his mouth and rolled his tongue around it and Jon moaned. Paul then sucked Jon's cock down his throat as Jon gasped from the feeling. Paul lifted Jon's legs on to his shoulders and moved his head around on Jon's cock, he then reached around Jon's legs and pinched, pulled, and twisted his raw nipples. Jon was enjoying his total attention to his muscled body and started to thrust his hips up into Paul's face saying loudly "OOOOOOOOOOH SHIT, that feels so fucking good".

Paul held onto Jon's 9 inch cock and worked it over with his throat muscles. First tightening then loosening he started bobbing his head up and down to a deliberate rhythm. The stubble from Paul's beard was beginning to rub Jon's thighs and nuts creating a whole new wonderful sensation. Trying desperately to hold back Jon failed and he let lose with a load of cum that blasted the back of Paul's throat. After the initial blast, Paul buried Jon's cock completely in his throat as the next few blast were deposited directly into Paul's stomach. Pulling off his cock a little, some of Jon's cum mixed with some of Paul's spit and dripped down and around Jon's balls and asshole.

Paul released Jon's cock from his mouth as his attention was now directed towards Jon's waiting asshole. Paul finally released his right hand from Jon's left nipple and began to rub his fingers through the cum/spit mixture and smeared it across Jon's tight little rosebud. He slid two fingers into Jon's love hole and immediately his tight hole clamped down on them as Paul started moving his fingers in and out methodically. Jon was moaning and jerking wildly as Paul began to pick up the speed of his finger fuck. Pretty soon Paul was pistoning into Jon's hole like a well oiled car engine, finger fucking him til' his body started giving in to his rhythm and his ass had opened to accommodate the welcome invaders. Jon didn't realize just how open his ass had become until he saw Paul remove almost his whole entire fist from the confines of his tight, hot ass. Looking down from Paul's hands to the weapon dangling from his pelvis he only hoped his ass had opened enough to accommodate that.

Paul was correct is saying he was fully proportional because what was hanging between his leg could honestly be called a 3rd leg. It was at least 12 or 13 inches in length and about 7 or 8 inches around. Jon wasn't concerned with the length as he'd had bigger but it was the width that would cause a little discomfort. Paul's cock was the same thickness from tip to base and could only be described as a stack of beer cans. Looking into Jon's eyes, Paul again asked, "are you sure you want this?"

With eyes clouded in lust Jon answered, "Yes, just remember to go slow."

Paul smiled down at Jon and began to lube the miniature bat that was his cock. Next Jon took his legs and pulled them to his shoulders. Paul noted how limber Jon was, "didn't know you were that flexible."

"Always have been. It has it's advantages at times. Like now for instance."

About this time Paul put the head of his hard, jumping, leaky cock to Jon's ass hole and started to push in and Jon's body tensed arching upward as Paul attempted to gain entry. He pushed slowly into Jon's hole. The previous finger fucked had stretched Jon's hole enough to allow for Paul's cock to make it this far, but even now Jon could tell his ass was stretched to its full limit. He shut his eyes to try and dampen the pain but it was not use. Fighting back tears he asked Paul to "wait, it's feels bigger than I though."

Paul looked a Jon with love in his eyes and not wanting to hurt his new found love said, "I thought, maybe we shouldn't--"

Jon stopped him in mid-sentence and offered up some advice, "maybe if you put some of the lube in your hand along with some spit and rub it across my ass and your cock."

Paul did as Jon asked then pressed his cock against Jon's hole again. He pushed and it went in easier but still stretched his hole to the limit. Jon new that if he said anything to Paul about the pain he would not go through with it and Jon just had to show him that he'd do anything for him. Pretty soon he started to get used to the massive size cock that was invading his ass.

Amazed Paul said, "Amazing, no one else has ever been able to handle this much. Most can't make it past the initial entry and you only have 2 more inches to go."

With that he push the last of his cock into Jon's ass. Inside Jon thought he was going to implode. Paul rested with his cock buried to the hilt in Jon's ass for what seemed like days as Jon's ass became accustomed to its new occupant. Pretty soon though Jon gave Paul the okay to begin moving in and out of his ass slowly. All the while Paul was watching his reaction with both a look of concern and lust. Paul could tell from the constant moaning and the way Jon was humping back to meet his cock that he could pick up the pace at any time. That exactly what he didn't. Pretty soon he was slamming into Jon's asshole with every thrust. The smacking noise of his hips slamming into Jon's ass was deafening and had Jon writhing in ecstasy. Surprisingly Jon's cock was limp but it was leaking precum as though it was a broken faucet. Paul was fucking Jon so hard he his body was going up and down and Jon loved every minute of it. Paul would take his cock all the way out of my ass and then stuff it back in hard and heavy. Jon swore he felt his hole split open. Jon cried out in pain and ecstasy "Aaaah, oh fuck. Fuck my ass Paul. Fuck my fuckin' ass."

Paul said "Fuck your ass is so fucking tight. I'm not going to be able to last much longer."

With that Paul started moving his cock around in Jon's ass hitting as yet unexplored spots making Jon beg, moan, and groan for more. Unable to take it anymore, Jon's ass tighten down on Paul's cock and he moaned and said "THATS IT,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I'M CUMMING" and he shifted his cock and started hitting a new spot in Jon's ass. My ass hole throbbed and the feeling of an anal orgasm came I trembled and my lip cock shot out another big load of cum while Paul just kept fucking away. After Paul was sure Jon was completely spent he collapsed on top of Jon and rolled over so he was on his back and Jon was nestled on his massive chest. No words were spoken but both Jon and Paul sensed the love they had for each other. As they fell asleep ball said, "Round two in the morning, let's see what damage those 9" inches can do."

"I'll be up for that challenge, you can guarantee."

I know I promised this story for Saturday but life is kinda hectic and a story a week is a pretty unrealistic goal. I think it's going to be more like once every two. I hope you've enjoyed the series thus far. As always I welcome any comments or suggestions. Next up is football, I just haven't figured out who the participants will be, any suggestions?

Next: Chapter 5: Qb Club

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