Massage femdom/bi

By tina foster

Published on Mar 9, 2008



With two fiancée down and a t.v. lover who revelled in being my submissive love, whilst being a master to others, I had decided that I needed to know if I still liked to be with women. That'd been my starting point. But, where to go and what to do? Both of them were good questions. Yet, I'd been working and single, so my options hadn't been few, that much can be said. So it was, I'd taken myself to a pub in Liverpool and downstairs, called `Atmosphere' and the charms of a Thai lap-dancer, May. She'd a beautiful smile, great body and smelt good. But, there's still been no contact. And, still the question had burned within: "Did I still like to be with women?" I'd needed, really needed an answer to my question. So, the Saturday after an evening of whiskey, too many cigarettes and looking at beautiful scantily clad and naked women, I had decided to do something about it. I went up the road and to the newsagents and bought a paper, The Sport. And, it hadn't been the sports section I'd been reading, with my glasses perched on my nose, as I'd read through the personal ads. Eventually finding what I'd been looking for. The best bit? It was quite local. Then time had passed, about four weeks and another pay-cheque in the bank and I'd decided to act, or rather, I'd decided to phone.

"Hello, this is Kate, welcome to..." A welcoming voice had answered.

"I've not done this before. I want a massage and..." I'd started.

"Well, we'll look after you," she'd responded and I could just imagine her smiling as she had done so.

"This afternoon we have Shelley with us." Kate had continued. "She's a blue-eyed blonde, with er.. nice big boobies. She'll appreciate a first-timer, I'm sure..."

"Er, how much?" I had answered with a quaver in my voice.

"Seventy pounds. Anything else is between yourself and the girl."

I'd had a little more than that in my wallet, well quite a bit more.

"Er.. can you give me an idea please.. ? So I know how much to bring..."

There'd been a brief pause before she answered.

"About forty..."

I'd checked my wallet again, quickly.

"I'll be there..." I'd retorted eagerly.

"About how long?" She had enquired.

"About an hour and a half," I'd assured her, looking at my watch.

"Well, you just ring when you're nearby, alright?"

"Uh-huh, certainly."

"It's the green gate. We're above the sweet shop, off Poulton Rd..."

"Uh huh, I'll be there..."

I'd crossed the road, feeling the light rain on my head as I'd done so: and, found the green gate to the left of the sweet-shop. I'd opened it and walked down the small pathway through the overgrown weeds, to the somewhat battered looking door.

Then I'd knocked and waited.

As the seconds had turned into a minute, I'd nearly turned and fled.

I hadn't though; and when the door opened I'd been glad that I hadn't.

"Hi, I'm Kate," the slim to medium build, sandy-haired smiler had pronounced.

"And, I'm nervous."

"Sorry for the delay `nervous', but I was checking the camera..." She had said as she gestured for me to follow her inside: and I had.

"I'm Neil."

"Hello Neil, some along then. This way..."

She'd led me up a carpeted flight of stairs and I'd happily followed her blue-jean clad buttocks.

"Shelley has someone with her right now. But, he's a regular and I'm h won't be long." Kate had continued, as she led me to a lounge dash reception area and bid me to sit down. I had and loosened my topcoat.

"Nice boots," I'd observed, having noticed them

"So this is your first time having a ... massage?" Kate had asked.

"Oh, I've had a massage before," I'd told Kate, as she glanced toward a t.v. monitor, "just never...

"One with extra's?"

"Yeah," I'd replied with a smile.

Kate undoubtedly had real people skills: I'd already started to feel comfortable.

"Do you want a coffee, or tea?" she queried, as she went into the kitchenette and begun to make our coffee.

"Coffee, black, please?" I had requested.

As I'd glanced round, I'd wondered whether Shelley would be a pleasant as Kate was. I had certainly hoped so.

Moments passed, and then finally she'd been back.

"So this is your first time?" Kate asked, as she had handed me my coffee.

"Well, like this..." I'd answered somewhat tongue-tied, "like I said on the phone."

"And what's `this' like?" She'd asked with a light grin on her face.

"Much different than I expected," I'd explained, then added, "but I didn't really know what I'd expected."

The room had looked like a residents lounge in a small hotel; and, comfortable.

My eyes had fallen to the monitor, on the floor, next to the phone. On the screen was an image in black `n white of where I'd entered a little earlier.

"That'd been a surprise," I'd said to Kate, indicating it with a pointed finger.

"Well, like I said, we've had some weirdo's around of late. And, I'm here till the when the girls go."

"You don't?.."

"Just answer the phone, take the booking's and..." she'd grinned, "watch out for weirdo's.

"Like me?" I'd asked with a light grin.

"Oh no, not like you," she'd responded with a grin, "you're different."

`Different,' I like different.

Kate undoubtedly had real people skills: I'd already started to feel comfortable.

"Do you want a coffee, or tea?" she queried.

She'd immediately got into my goods books and we'd begun to talk about all sorts of things.

And one of the things we'd spoken of had been what had brought me there. That had been a good question to try answer. But, I'd made the attempt. At explaining something I'd found difficult to explain to myself. By so doing, I found reflection and didn't notice the time pass at all.

Finally our chat was disturbed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

"Sounds like Shelley's finished," Kate informed me, as she had stood.

Shelley had finished with her client.

She'd been blonde, with blue-eyes; curvy in corselet and heels: and, not that tall. In fact, she was much shorter than Kate, even with her heels on.

"Oh-boy I need a piss and a drink. And not necessarily in that order," she expressed with a long sigh.

She'd removed one shoe, rubbed her foot, as she supported herself against the wall.

"Damn heels. I need the height, but god they ache after awhile."

"But they do look good on you," I'd said with a smile as I'd looked at her shapely legs, encased in fully-fashioned stockings.

"Why thank you," the blonde had said to me, on the way to the kitchenette.

"So who is the gentleman?" she had asked moments later as she had stuck her head round the doorway a bottle of blue WKD in her hand.

"Your next client," Kate had told her with a grin.

I'd looked from one to the other and caught `the look.'

Call it what you will, but they had definitely shared, that look.

"Well give me chance to have a wash up and pee and I'll be with you, `kay?"

Shelley had told me as she set her bottle on the floor and headed for the toilet across the passage-way.

Kate had stood up from the couch, away from where I'd sat.

"I'll take him downstairs and get things ready hun..."

"Ta babe," Shelley had responded from where she sat, as the sound of her peeing got louder.

"C'mon then Mr Nervous..." Kate had said, guided me to the stairway by the elbow.

She had led me to a small room, dominated by its bed. The only other furniture was a wardrobe, a nightstand and a chair by the closed curtains covering the windows.

The colours were all pastel shades, a variant on orange.

"Why don't you get undressed while I get `things ready'?"


I'd done so slowly, folding my trousers and placing my shirt over the back of the chair, then my jackets over it. Finally I stood naked with my back to Kate, as she finished putting down two white towels down the length of the bed.

"Have you got the money at hand?" Kate had quizzed.

"Uh huh," I'd responded, digging into the back of my trousers for my wallet.

I'd removed seventy pounds from it, which I'd handed to Kate, which she'd accepted with a smile.

"Do I give this to you?" I'd asked, as I'd hesitated with the other forty pound in my hands.

"No, you give it to Shelley."

There I'd stood, naked, discussing finances and I'd been comfortable with it.

That'd been surprising.

`Was I getting back to my old uninhibited self?' I'd mused, as she had lit some oil lamps and a couple of joss-sticks.

Very quickly the room had smelt good and the room was warm.

"Now you relax lie down and relax Neil, Shelley will be with you in a minute..."

I'd lain down as she suggested; and it'd felt okay, lying there. But I'd felt those butterflies of expectation, as Kate's footsteps could be heard on the steps.

Only a short while had passed, before the bedroom door had opened and Shelley had entered the room and stood at the end of the bed.

I'd looked over my shoulder and there she stood, long blonde hair, in black, stocking and heels, her hands on her hips.

"Do you like what you see?" She'd asked.

`Did I like you see?'

She'd been all hips and thighs; and, her full boobs had pretty-well overspilled from the material.

Her pendulous breasts hung to her chest, seeming to emphasise further to curves.

Shelley had wide hips leading to shapely full thighs, then to quite defined calve muscles, from the high heels.

But, it had been the width of her waist that got me, it was tiny.

"You're so slim." I'd had to comment, as I'd stared at her body.

"This helps," she had emphasized by caressing the corselets material, "But yes, after four kids, I figure I'm doin okay."

"Well, I think you look great." And, I'd meant it. Shelley hadn't just looked sexy she was sexy.

Having wondered if I'd being with a woman again, like this; I'd liked what I had seen.

"Do you want them out or in?" She had asked, with a wide smile as she cupped them through the corselet top.

`Oh-boy, a choice?'

"Out, please?" I'd asked, as if I were a child asking for sweets.

Staring at my intent gaze, Shelley had eased her voluminous breasts from her top. Magnificent.

My mouth had grown dry, as she had teased her nipples with her thumbs.

It had become a desert when she took her left breast in her hands and begun to lasciviously suck at her nipple, gazing at me.

"So do you want your massage then?" She had asked, allowing the breast to fall back to her chest.

"Oh yes please," I'd enthused, turning to place my chin on my folded hands on the pillows.

Shelley had then walked to the nightstand, removed a plastic bottle and she'd spread oils on her hands.

Her hands had felt good on my shoulders and back and that's where it had ended really. It wasn't the best massage I've had, but it had felt good.

"Do you want `extras then?" She'd asked in a matter of fact way, as she'd rubbed the excess oil onto a towel, she'd taken from a pile on the floor.

"Er yes," I'd responded eagerly, half-turning, so displaying my arousal, which I'd like to think she appreciated. She hadn't even glanced my way.

"Did Kate discuss prices with you?" Shelley had queried.

"Yeah, I believe forty will be enough?" I'd asked.

Shelley did I'd requested and held up the money, two tens and a twenty.

"Is that okay?" She'd asked.

"Yeah sure," I'd answered, as Shelley had poured reached into a bowl on the nightstand and removed a condom.

"We always use these, No matter what you want. Alright?" She quizzed.

I wasn't going to gamble with my health.

"Sure," I'd replied, aching to feel her hands on my body again.

Sighing, with my eyes closed, I'd relished the feel of her thigh as she sat next to me, really aware of the warm flesh above her stocking-top against me.

She was very much in control, as Shelley drove my flesh, her heavy breasts swinging in time with her pumping action on my tumescent flesh.

My thighs had begun to tremble as my climax began.

"Well, this isn't needed," Shelley had said, pulling the condom off.

Then, sliding her hands up my body, Shelley had increased her ministrations, her oily breasts a delight, as they slid up and down either side of man man-meat.

Finally I'd groaned loudly, as my back arched like an aroused feline, as I deposited Pulse after pulse of my cream over her breasts, coating them.

"Well, someone needed that," Shelley had said as she stood, wiping her breasts down, with the towel she had used earlier.

That day I'd decided I still liked women, a lot.

Then, fancy-free and with money from my job, I'd passed through that green gate many times. Only once did I see someone other than Shelley. It'd been `a kid', whose moves had been far too practised and business-like to me: and, just desirable.

So it was, I'd looked forward to seeing her and her massage.

One time had been really special.

I had had turned up as normal; and waited awhile talking, as normal.

The massage had been perfunctory, but pleasant. And, I'll say this; her had felt good to me. That'd been interesting; and particularly pleasant when her hands kneaded my buttocks, thumbs ever so near where only a few men and fiancée had been before her. Okay, more than a few mean: and, my last fiancée. But, she'd been the best.

And, it wasn't her at that moment; it'd been this lady, in a `massage parlour', Shelley.

I'd clenched my sphincter muscles together involuntarily and groaned.

I just couldn't help it.

And she'd smiled; I'd seen it, as I'd looked over my shoulder at her.

"You really like that, don't you?" She'd quizzed me, thumbs just teasing me open a little.

And, I'd wondered how much Kate had told her of my experiment. Maybe she'd known all along what I wanted.

I'd moaned into the pillows, gripping the bedclothes, quite aroused, but very frustrated. I just couldn't say what I wanted, need.

"Please," I'd entreated, still seeking satisfaction, nay, need it.

"Just lie there," Shelly instructed as she'd moved away, "I think I know where this is going..."

Shelley had returned to the bed, stretching the fingers of a doctor's surgical glove, to fit the fingers of her right hand.

"MMmmmmm..." I'd felt languorous, yet needy.

At that moment I'd have done anything she wanted.

Then, staring into my eyes, as I'd looked over my shoulder, she liberally applied lube to the fingers.

"Well, we don't want to hurt you, do we?" she'd said, with a particularly delightful wicked smile.

Shelley had then circled the bed and knelt on it, to my left.

With her left hand on my right buttock, she'd parted my cheeks, just as I'd turned my head to look at her.

Shelley's face had borne a look of intense concentration, as she pressed the middle finger-tip, against the tightened muscles of my asshole.

"Oh yes," I'd gasped, with pleasure, at that fingers slow intrusion. And, back and forth it slid, preparing me for what was to follow.

I'd just lain there, moaning with pleasure, as she'd taken possession of me with another three fingers.

In and out, she worked those fingers, filling me, as I'd wanted.

"Do you want more?" Shelley had whispered into my left ear.

Eyes closed in rapture; I'd only been able to answer in a hoarse voice.

"Oh yes please..."

With her left hand on my lower back, those fours fingers had pistoned in and out of me, slowly. They had stretched me, widening me further, so I'd be ready for what happened next.

Momentarily, Shelley had drawn those insistent digits from within me and left me hollow and feeling empty.

Then she had lubed her fist, much as she had her fingers earlier and she worked me slowly, at first.

Finally Shelley had been pumping that hand into my, well up to her wrist and as I'd gripped the bedclothes, I'd moaned my appreciation.

It was then that I'd realized that a woman could satisfy all my needs: including being taken, like Shelley had done so...

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