Massage Therapist

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Aug 30, 2016


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Chapter 2.

Mr Yuta Ninomiya

I opened the door and saw this Japanese guy standing there. Well in fact I looked down at him, I was 6ft and he would be about 5ft 5. He looked up at me and bowed, in return I bowed to him and thought about Tan. I absolutely LOVE the Japanese greeting, so respectful and genuine, much better than a hand shake! By the way do you know why we in the West greet by shaking hands? No? Ok I will educate you. (ok smart ass, you know already) In the Middle ages men carried swords, to indicate they were peaceful they held out their sword hand to grip the hand of the man they were meeting. They would then find a tavern, book a room and shag one another to death. It would have been quicker to sword fight, but much less fun!

"Welcome Mr Ninomiya, please come in, if you would like to shower and get into shorts I will wait for you here." I was looking at the guy and had no idea how old he was. He was far from being handsome and had a serious face on and the scraggly mustache and beard did not help, he did not smile and just came into the room and looked around, several times.

"Good, I will now shower." I watched him as he went into the shower room and hoped this would be quick so I could finish and go home. I waited for ages listening to the shower belching out and Mr Ninomiya singing out of tune, or maybe in Japanese tune. All I wanted was for him to come out and me doing the business then close up.

At last Mr Ninomiya stopped singing, thank goodness, and the shower was turned off. He would now by drying off and would be out soon I thought. None of it, I heard the shower again only this time much quieter. "Oh fuck," I said allowed, "He's having a douche! Bugger!" I pulled my waist band out and told my cock to get ready, it ignored me and stayed limp.

At last the door opened and Mr Ninomiya stepped out in the shorts and I have to say he looked great! I looked this man's body and saw a VERY trim, tight body that looked a lot younger than his face! He must have had a head transplant surely? A smile came over him as he stepped closer to me and when he got to two feet, he stopped and looked from my body to my face.

"May I make a request?"

"It depends what it is sir."

"I would like to take your top off and please call me Nino, all my British friends call me that." Cheeky cunt I thought, I had only met him a half hour ago and he is regarding me as a friend!? But then ego took over and I knew he would love my body and I would love for him to look at it, I raised my arms.

It was comical really, he could only get the top halfway up my chest before he ran out of arm length, but I did hear his sharp intake of breath when my six pack was exposed. I leaned over so he could complete the removal. He stood back and smiled at my torso.

"You are a very beautiful young man, a wonderful sight for this 70 year old!"

SEVEN FUCKING TEE!? NO WAY! But he was I found out later. Suddenly for some reason I liked this guy! He maybe 70 but his body was at most 30!

"May I run my hands over your body please young sir?" You can run me over with any thing you like! I thought. For fucks sake 70!? I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back.

"Help yourself."

He stepped forward again and placed both hands on my chest. He gently but firmly glided his hands over me and the sensation was electric, my entire body reacted to his touch and I was experiencing something more than very special, it was as if I was being hypnotised, there was nothing that I could do about it, not that I want too anyway! He stroked down to the top of my shorts but continued downwards and before I knew it they were around my ankles and he would now have an unrestricted view of a very, very hard penis. I waited holding my breath hoping he would touch it, but no he just glanced down at me then back up to my face and just grinned. The old man just knew what he was doing and in total control and I had none.

"Young beautiful Paul, please lay on the table face down." Hang on one cotton pickin moment Mr Frigging Nino, its MY table MY studio and you are............... I was talking to myself! Sod it, I laid down knowing he was going to take me to places I had no understanding of.

I was right for once and as soon as he laid his hands on my back the same sensation returned as it did when he first touched my chest. Goodness knows how he was able to bring about this amazing experience just by touch I had no idea and knew there and then I was pure amateur in comparison.

He manipulated every square centimetre of my back, arms, hands, feet, lower legs and thighs and during the whole time I was on a different planet and totally relaxed and a great sense of being at peace with myself and all the while becoming incredibly sexually worked up and he had not even touched my bum!

"I would ask you to turn over young man please." My thoughts flashed through my thick head. NOW he would see my even bigger hardon and he would take it in hand and finished off. None of it!

Next: Chapter 2

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