Massage Therapist

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Sep 9, 2016


Chapter 4

Reginald Campbell

I hardly slept a wink that night and just stared at nothing sitting up in bed. I picked my phone up a dozen times and put it back down again, I would not know what to say anyway. Each time I put the phone down I looked at the package Ali had given me. I picked it up and tossed it from one hand to the other guessing, hoping what it was. I carefully unwrapped the package and opened the mahogany box and stared at the chain and smiled, I would have something of his for the rest of my life. I got out of bed and went to the mirror and put it around my neck and stood looking at myself for sometime. I made a face, "It looked better on him." Back in bed I picked my phone up.

Thank you so much Ali. The chain is on now. The hurt will go eventually but the memories of our time together will stay forever. All my love Paul.

I got a text back straight away, Ali too must have been in his bed suffering like me.

Don't fucking flog it! Yes the memories I will have forever as well and thank YOU Paul, I just wish I had been born a commoner as well! All my love Ali. I still have that text.

I ran to the hotel early the next morning still feeling like shit and went straight to the gym to give myself a hard work out and then to the pool. After 50 lengths I showered and then to the parlour to get ready for the tramp, it was 8 30 and I was trying to get my head around my first appointment and thinking about Ali knowing he was already on his way when the phone rang, it was Colin.

"Mr Campbell has just rang to cancel, I have rebooked him for a months time and as you are now free so could I be, I could do with a good work over Paul." I thanked my luck and told Paul to fuck off, we loved to hate.

I wasn't exactly waiting for Campbell's appointment but it was during that time I took on more clients and even escorted some out for an evening but did not offer over night services or anything during a massage session that included anything sexual even though a number of them managed to explode into their pants as the massage progressed. At least I was not loosing my touch! Like many things sad I guess you just get used to the situation and try to move on and get on with life. There is no truer saying that "time heals" and after two weeks of Ali leaving I had begun to accept that he was no longer part of my life and admitted he never would have been anyway. What did help was his chain and that gave me great comfort.

I had my lunch break and got ready for my next appointment, Dr Trevor North who I had seen twice before and a really lovely man. Tall, slim and a handsome 60 year old, a very gentle person. He had found me on line and needed somewhere to go that was out of his living area and safe for him. A lovely gay man who had lost his partner years before but needed some relief from time to time. I was able to give him that and all without full sex.

"PAUL! How lovely to see you again and you bugger you look even better!" I shook his hand and looked at him and smiled my welcome.

"It's nice to see you again Trevor, you don't look so bad yourself. How are things for you?"

"Not too bad at all, I'm off to France next week to stay with a friend and thinking of retiring there in the near future."

"Oh right, nice is he?"


He went to get undressed and came back out naked and laid face down on the table and I went to work on him.

"All over Trevor?"

"Oh yes please Paul." By the time I had finished his back and asked him to turn over he was massively hard and smiled at me.

"I really don't think I will last too long dear boy." He was right and after a full frontal he was almost there and when I took him in hand it was like a bomb going off, He put his head to my body and his hand on my bum, then blew up. He laid there for sometime as I massaged more until he smiled at me.

"Time to shower I think, I need it. Paul may I talk for a while when I come out?"

"Of course, you still have 20 minutes but you don't get a reduced fee." He laughed and went off.

We sat on the couch, the first person to be there since Ali was being kissed by me.

"Something on your mind Trevor?"

"Nothing too important. I just want to ask if a Reginald Campbell has been in touch?"

"The tramp! Yes but he cancelled, he is supposed to be coming in a couple of weeks I think."

"Yes, he is odd I will admit. I recommended him to you so you can blame me. He is a patient of mine and in need of regular exercise and a massage will do him a lot of good I know. He has no regard for himself and because of his condition he needs some encouragement from someone other than me."

"May I ask what his problem is?"

"Of course but obviously cant say too much. He has a kidney condition and has to undergo regular dialysis once a week. He could do it himself at home but I don't trust him, he would just forget to do it, as it is I have to ring him the day before an appointment to remind him to go. He is totally immersed in his work and everything else he is oblivious too, including his health. Paul I know this sounds as though I am asking you to become rather involved but I just know you will like him even though he is out of this world most of the time. He is a really lovely chap and needs a shove in the right direction and at least meet him for a massage and try to encourage him to take light exercise. Oh bugger I am being a bit unfair and I expect you to be rather angry at me for suggesting all this." Too bloody right I am Trevor was my first thought but then I had changed a lot from the arrogant shit I was but turned round by Nino and Ali.

"What does he do?"

"He is a linguist and speaks, reads and writes ten languages and is employed by the Met police, the Ministry of Defence a translator for anyone who needs his expertise and also teaches at the London School of Economics. He has never had a girl friend as far as I know, not that anyone would be interested anyway, BUT such a sense of humour, goodness knows where on earth that came from."

"Well if he turns up I will try to encourage him to take more exercise and even show him the gym and swimming pool but I have never had any training in social work Trevor so it will all be a waste of time I'm guessing."

"Well at least talk Paul and thanks for listening and sorry if I have spoken out of turn but I am hoping that once he has experienced your excellent massage he may keep coming back and you may be able to influence him keeping in better health and shape."

Trevor left his usual generous tip and went out leaving me very curious about this Reggie and also cussing myself for not asking how old he was but I guessed at least in his fifties with the years of academic shit behind him. Colin thought even older. "I bet you a fuck he is in his 60's Paul." As an observer Colin would be useless and I would be no better the first time I met him.

I don't remember being nervous meeting a new client before but I was now as I waited at reception talking to Colin.

"What the fuck do I say to him Colin? "Welcome sir, tramps this way?"

"How about. "Hello sir, fuck off because Colin is taking your place?" I was about to say something rude but I saw Colin looking past me." Looks like Rambo's great granddad has just arrived! All yours Paul I just wish you a fucking bad time!" I turned and saw Reggie for the first time and nearly took early retirement there and then. I was looking at 1950's man! I guessed 5ft 10ish. rom the top I saw thick but very long black hair, then to his old worn tweed jacket and yellow waistcoat with red check pattern. The shirt was a lumber jack style with a green cotton knitted tie and then to more or less complete this fucking walking museum he had dark brown corduroys, badly worn at the knees. On his feet were highly polished brown shoes, vintage unknown. I looked back at his face and just could not believe what I was looking at, taped up glasses which were at an angle and could fall off any time. I remembered Dr North telling me he didn't think Reggie had ever had a girlfriend, NO fucking wonder! I then shivered, what the fuck were his underpants like?

"Hello, I'm Reginald and you must be Paul, Dr North told me a lot about you." I wondered what and actually cursed him.

"Yes I am Paul, nice to meet you too Reggie. I will lead the way."

"Actually its Reginald." This was going to be a long bloody hour. I heard Colin giggling behind me and promised myself he would never get another massage, EVER!

"Welcome to my massage parlour Reginald. If you would like to take a shower first and then do please change into the shorts provided before you come out."

"Another shower, I have just had one." Yeah and sweating like a waterfall getting here. "I'm only two minutes walk from here, one of the reasons I booked you." He lived two minutes away!? This area dripped millionaires and he was definitely NOT one! "If you wouldn't mind please." I asked but more like a plea.

Reginald went in and I looked at the couch thinking about the beautiful Ali and his sensational body and whished I could put the clock back! Then I told myself off, this is a paying client you twat, behave yourself.

I heard the door open and just stood looking at him and then into the shower room wondering were the hell Reginald had gone and who the hell was this bloke!

"There already, what do I do now Paul?" It only took seconds to look from head to toe but in that time I could not believe what I saw, he was, YOUNG, about my age for goodness sake and was also very, very good looking now that he was out of those dreadful clothes and glasses. That of course was my mistake I just was not looking under it all.

I still guessed 5ft 10 but it was his slim body that got to me, it was perfect. Ok, no body definition or muscled, that would have made him ugly, but oh my word everything was in absolute perfect proportion and the very body type I adored. An even bigger plus was he had the shorts on! I looked back to his face and saw him smiling at me showing that he took great care of his teeth, they too were perfect, in fact everything was except that mop of hair that even hedge trimmers would improve. I smiled back and suddenly did not want this hour to go too quickly.

"Would you lay face down on the table Reginald please?" I asked and knew I would not be going anywhere near a private area, this was massage only with no hopes for anything else, but I did wonder if he would get worked up while I massaged his legs and back.

I spread the oil on his legs and began my massage working my fingers, then full hand contact and thumbs on the spots that I knew were more sensitive to pressure and touch. I loved going further up his thighs and stayed for a long time manipulating the backs sides and inner thigh. I had no idea if he was liking it or not as I didn't hear a thing, so I asked.

"Is everything ok Reginald?" Not a word! I wondered if he was thinking about some translation from Russian to Hebrew or some shit like that, or worse fast asleep.

It was time to get my hands on that lovely back and even that was a pleasant surprise, his skin was like silk and his back was very firm, I just knew that with the right exercise he would gain not only an even better definition but his whole body would benefit by becoming even more toned. Thinking about it effected my own cock and the sod was beginning to wake up.

I was in my own heaven as I massaged and concentrated as never before and hoping Reginald was laying there in some sort of daze at my touch.

"Reginald would you turn over please." Nothing! I took my top off and bent down to his face and smiled at the smile coming back at me.

"Reginald, did you hear me?" He continued to smile and something must have dawned on him.

"Sorry Paul, I was completely lost in your touch. What is it you said?"

"Turn over please I need to massage your front."

"OH, why didn't you say!" Hard work or not. I stood up and watched Reginald turn over and was rooted to the spot as his body came into my sight which I already would be more than pleasant, but it was when I got to the shorts my own dick sprang to attention looking at his. It was not hard and possibly only half a semi, I had no idea but it was the hidden length that meant

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