Massive Muscle Dragon Power

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 26, 2023


====================================== Massive Muscle Dragon Power, chapter 2 ======================================

The four muscle dragons - amber, azure, scarlet, and now rose - hovered above the battle field, with the established heroes as nude as the rookie at the end of this fight.

"Mission over?" Azure Catfish asked.

"Not yet," Amber Lion said and dove down.

The others followed to land by a response vehicle of the Neo Aurora Defense Force.

A man in an off-white uniform came up to them. "Congrats, dragons. We think we have it from here."

"Good to hear, Sergeant Yang," the leader said. "Word from General Akira?"

The sergeant waved for a guy with a tablet to step in front. On the screen was a strict looking woman everybody in the city knew.

"Your friends are in trouble," Akira said through the screen. "At Zhuzi Gate. Take the Peakview rift. Serpent and needle class threats, area is evacuated."

"On it," Amber Lion said.

"Wardrobe?" Azure Catfish suggested.

A soldier brought three belts, yellow, red and blue.

The corresponding muscle dragons clicked the belts shut around them and new uniforms grew across their skin.

"We'll get you one of those soon," Amber Lion said with a wink at the naked Rose Wolf. "Ready for more?"

"Absolutely," Yazi said and hit a relaxed pose.

Amber Lion saluted on-screen General Akira and the sergeant and few off.

The muscle dragons flew at top speed, beams of plasma pushing them from behind, well ahead of the Defense Force helicopters. Top speed wasn't sustainable, though, and even then, crossing the entire city's territory would have taken a good hour.

Luckily, there were dragon rifts.

The three dressed hunks and one in pink boxers slowed down for the rift. It was visible to Yazi as a sliver of white, cutting through the air.

"Rose Wolf," muscle dragon #1 said. "I'd love to give you better introductions to all of this but not like we got a calm start either. Hop in after me."

The rift was a blinding tunnel of rushing through nothingness, spitting them out one by one in a windowless room. There were dozens such rifts all over, each marked with a sign on the floor.

"Peakview. There," Scarlet Phoenix said. "Hop on in."

One rift later the muscle dragons emerged in the air above a hillside, populated by organically shaped houses with gardens on the roofs.

Three minutes of flight brought them into view of the remaining heroes behind the Zhuzi Gate structure.

Jade Turtle and Silver Tiger were trapped in a cage of- No, obviously the two of them had built that barrier around the place. Metal struts and concrete blocks kept the Nyx contained together with the huge men.

Jade Turtle threw rocks and lobbed green orbs while the other dragon hunted Umbrath with a spear bigger than himself. The creatures here were snakelike, if snakes were as long as busses and covered in porcupine spikes.

The fighting muscle dragons had been shot by many of the spikes, their uniforms riddled with holes.

The four late arrivals came down with plasma beams ahead of them.

"Well fucking timed," Jade Turtle, the beefiest dragon, shouted. "You know how hard it is to herd snakes? And people think cats are trouble."

"What took you-" Silver Tiger started until he saw the naked, pink addition. Muscle dragon #2 let his feline-draconic mouth hang open. "Uh?"

"Rose Wolf," Amber Lion said. "Wouldn't have made it without him. Biggest Umbrath we've ever handled without the full team."

Yazi hammered a Nyx with rose orbs and flexed. "At your service."

"Welcome on board," Jade Turtle said. "What's your deal?"

Amber Lion gave Yazi a smack on the ass. "Show off a bit."

Yazi nodded, overjoyed, and flexed harder. Void manifested. He directed it right at the biggest serpent he could find.

The dark, misshapen creature shot spikes at him. About a quarter were absorbed by the void, many more pushed off course. The ones that hit were only a minor poke on Yazi's skin.

The void reached the snake's head and sucked it in. Spitting out half as much biomass as it swallowed, the void ran through the length of the Nyx, making it collapse in death spasms.

"Nice!" Jade Turtle said with emphasis and flexed.

"Introductions done?" Silver Tiger asked. "Because we have lives to save."

With enough manpower to spare, some dragons shot the incursion portal to ribbons, while Amber Lion and Rose Wolf kept the snakes within the cage zone and killed them one by one.

As the last Nyx fell, the group converged and Amber Lion raised a fist into their midst.

All fists met, sparkling with plasma. Yazi had seen this victory pose so many times it didn't feel real to be part of it – to see pink sparks in the muscle dragon rainbow.

Six musclemen shouted. "Massive muscle dragon power!"


"Welcome," Amber Lion said with arms wide, "to your new home."

Three people waited for them in the rift room, looking puny before the muscle dragons.

A brunet white woman with a tablet in hand stepped forward. Her office clothes were tight around big boobs, open to show cleavage. Bright red lipstick.

"Carabelle Smith," she said. "Director and overseer of the dragon tower. You'll have heard of my family. We supply gear and material to the Defense Force. Pleasure to meet, Rose Wolf."

Scarlet Phoenix leaned in to whisper to Rose Wolf. "Like the look of this slut? Carabelle will suck your dick anytime. Human or dragon form."

"I..." Rose Wolf started.

"This here," Director Carabelle continued, "is Doctor Hao Wang."

The thin man in office clothes was probably human-Yazi's size, now feeling tiny.

"Wow," Rose Wolf said. "I'm honored Doctor Wang. You've practically founded the muscle dragon project."

"Call me Hao, I'm not that old yet. And I was just in the right place at the right time."

"And this one," Carabelle said, "is the head quarter's steward Mei. For any material concerns."

The woman with in slutty office attire nodded demurely.

Scarlet Pheonix leaned in again. "One of our many sluts-on-call. Don't be misled by the fancy job title."

With Amber Lion's hand on his shoulder, Rose Wolf was lead to the door.

Beyond the rift room, the muscle dragons came to a chamber with dressing booths. There were five with embossed names and one with a paper sign.

"Wasn't sure we'd get to use that one," Silver Tiger said.

"Already put up a name tag, huh?" Amber Lion said to the director.

"A magenta spark appeared in the Crystallius," Carabelle said, "so we knew there was a rookie incoming. Someone overheard the naming and posted about it. I'll get belts made. General Akira reports a few minor incursions. Mostly aftermaths."

"Patrol volunteers?" Amber Lion asked. "Sorry, Rose Wolf, but you can put your hand down. You should really get settled first."

Scarlet Phoenix and Azure Catfish left through a rift after grabbing new belts, restoring their uniforms.

"We'll un-transform," Amber Lion said, "then hop in the showers and get to know each other. Okay with that, rookie?"

"Absolutely. Wait, do our human bodies get sweaty while we're in dragon form?"

The muscle dragon captain laughed. "No, but it helps clear the head. Especially..."

Mei brought in two other Asian women, young and slutty. "These are Rhory and Fen," Mei said. "Available anytime for massages, facials and more."

Amber Lion gave Rose Wolf an elbow poke with a grin. This wasn't at all what Yazi had fantasized about.

Hao got a bunch of muscle dragon merchandise clothes in various sizes from a cabinet. "Pick one once you're shifted back. Towels are in the booth."

The remaining heroes picked their cabins. Yazi went into his. He heard the shouts and imitated them with a raised fist. "Massive muscle dragon power!"

His body went back to normal, which had seemed so sexy and buff until an hour ago and now felt tiny and weak. His mask and boxers flickered out, leaving him fully nude.

The signet ring reappeared on his middle finger, looking as mundane as the ones sold o fans in stores.

He grabbed fitting clothes, wrapped a towel around himself, fixed his hair and left the safety of the cabin.

Amber Lion's civilian form was still tall and well trained, with a fairly enviable physique. He was blond, blue eyes and had the most jock-ish face imaginable.

"Call me Sunny," no-longer Amber Lion said. "If you need anything Mei and her girls can't take care of, I'm here."

"Yazi," Yazi said and got pulled into a handshake with a shoulder pat.

They moved toward the shower room, where individual cabins were separated by frosted glass doors.

"Welcome Yazi," no-longer Silver Tiger said, "Don't take this asshole too seriously of it'll get to his head. In fact, don't take life too seriously."

Sunny rolled his eyes with a smile.

The civilian side of Silver Tiger was an unassuming, brown-skinned Asian. Obviously the dude worked out but the way he carried himself it wasn't hard to imagine him wasting away at the beach all day.

One of the girls – Fen? – scooted up to Yazi. "Would you like help, beefcake? Hihi, the showers can be a little complicated."

"I'm... sure I can figure it out."

Last to join was no-longer Jade Turtle. He was the beefiest among them even out of dragon-form but with a mere "reasonably" muscular and bulky body.

With only a nod and a wink at Yazi, the hunk followed Mei into a shower cabin.

Amber Lion pushed his hand into Carabelle's skirt. "I can send this lady over if you need `assistance', Yazi."

"I-I'm good."

Yazi closed the shower door, turned on the water and jerked off as fast as he could. Despite the disappointing straightness all around he was now muscle dragon #6, able to look at and touch the others every day. He rubbed out a leg-trembling orgasm and finished in time with the others.

Sunny, the blond jock, wore a tank top which, despite the great decrease in mass, was still distractingly hot.

The man who had been Silver Tiger exited his shower in sweatpants and a totally washed out shirt. "I'm Bian, by the way."

"Resident numbskull," Sunny said.

Bian huffed. "Resident common-sense check on this menace of a team leader."

Sunny slapped Bian's abs. "When he's not saving Neo Aurora, his life is all about-"

"The triple P, man," Bian said and raised both hands with victory Vs. "Party, Pizza, Pussy. That's peak life." He groped Mei's crotch and the "tower steward" giggled.

"Right," Yazi said with a mix of amusement, confusion and disappointment.

Former Jade Turtle shook Yazi's hand. He was an Asian man with his hair styled back, wearing a super tight t-shirt.

"JT," the man introduced himself. "Neo Aurora Native. And just so you know, triple P philosophy was my idea." He thumped his chest.

"JT picked his name after getting chosen as Jade Turtle," Sunny said. "He thinks it's funny every time."

"Cause it is, boss," JT said.

Yazi let them bicker. They were all so crazy fuckable even like this. He wanted to beg them to transform again and let him look and touch and lick. But he didn't feel like coming out this very second.

They entered the main space. It was no secret the muscle dragons lived in the penthouse on dragon tower.

While it was as glamorous as the pictures had made it look, the muscle dragons had given the place a fairly bachelor vibe. Pizza boxes and protein shake bottles, posters of naked pin-up girls, a general lack of tidiness. There was a wall of fanart around framed images of each team member in a heroic, flexing pose Yazi knew from all the marketing material.

A terrace lead to a rooftop pool. Beyond it, the "city of brighter days" stretched past the horizon.

"Make yourself at home," JT said. "We'll get you an official job in the dragon tower so you can come and go without looking suspicious."

"Thank y-"

Yazi's thoughts stuttered as he saw Sunny grab Mei's tits in passing.

JT laughed. "Don't mind them. Can't have a female around here without the boss bedding her. Bian's the biggest pussy hound, though."

"Uh, I just-"

"Oh, you're intro her? Don't worry, she can be all yours. Sunny's got a girl - Lihua, the daughter of the guy who owns Borealis-IT. Wen is sort of dating a chick who runs Panda Industries, so hands off if a cutie with a panda shirt shows up here, hehe."

"Right, hands off," Yazi echoed. "You guys know a lot of... high profile women."

JT shrugged. "You know about the dragon parties? Rich guys trying to network with us, at least at the start. Now it's more like... hot super models spreading their legs for us. Don't worry, we'll get you a fitting chick."

"No pressure," Yazi said.

"Ah," JT said and raised his eyebrows. "That into Mei?"

"Why the fuck would he be," Bian said and threw his arm around Yazi's shoulder. "Don't get stuck on sloppy seconds. Chicks are lining up for us."

"Apropos," Sunny said. "You got to keep your identity a secret outside the dragon tower or things get complicated, but we get access to all the best parties in town. If you want pussy, I can hook you up."

"Uh, no," Yazi said. "Sorry, this is all a bit much. I guess I'll have a look around."

"Sure," Bian said. "Let me show you everything this place has to offer. And by the weekend, we go out and slay kitties with big titties."


The next day Yazi arrived at the penthouse and was greeted by Hao who sat by the entrance, checking readings of Nyx activity.

"Hello Yazi. We have an apartment ready for you if you'd like. More of a dorm room, really. Two floors down from the penthouse."

"Thanks Doc- I mean Hao, that's crazy generous."

"Your belts are ready in your dressing cabin. The guys taking you on patrol are in the lounge but our social media manager would like you for a quick shooting before you head out. Ask Mei to show you there."

Yazi walked through the space, trying to feign confidence. Sunny and JT were in animated conversation on the sofa and both waved with smiles as they saw him pass.

Yazi was awaited by two men at a coffee table, sipping from steaming cups.

One had to be the human form of Azure Catfish, a great swimmers build visible under a tight shirt but not beefy compared to Yazi. Asian, with glasses and a fine featured face. He had a streak of blue in his hair.

The other guy was black, bald and fairly buff, with a round head and a flat nose.

"Azure and Scarlet?" Yazi asked.

The men drew him into a shoulder-pat-hug.

"Happy to have you, number six," the black guy said. "No longer the rookie around here."

"I'm Wen," Azure Catfish's human form said. "Aurora native. Give me one second." He typed on a laptop. "Gotta finish these edits."

"Wen's a journalist," Scarlet Phoenix' human form said. "Some of the stuff you've read about us, especially the juicy stuff? His misdeed alone. Call me Chaofeng, or Chao for short. I came here to be a civil engineer but," Chao flexed. "One week and I got the red ring. Ever since, it's been saving lives and chasing chicks."

Wen huffed. "He's humble, acting like a playboy. Sunny was glad getting someone with brains on board. Our leader jock is an incorruptible beacon of morality but can't turn on a printer so save his ass."

"Oh," Yazi said, thinking about Sunny's fantastic ass now that it had been mentioned. "Good to have teamwork, huh?" He nodded toward the two muscle dragons on the sofa, too far away to hear their conversation.

"Yeah," Chao said, "Sunny is a personal trainer, online only, so he practically lives here. JT was an anthropology student when he got the jade ring. Bian... I'd make you guess but you'll never get it."

"Lawyer," Wen said. "Mister loophole nitpicker. Have they told you about their Peak philosophy yet?"

"Sure did. I feel like they forgot to fit `gym' somewhere in there."

"Good eye. JT's lazy until he's holding a dumbbell. But what about you?"

"Uh, art and design at Neo Aurora U."

"Sweet," Wen said. "If I need help with a graphic, you're my man?"


Chao slammed his fists together. "Let's get moving then. I oversaw the manufacture of your belts, Yazi. The uniforms are just poly-silk granulate stored in the belt segments, you see. But somehow the Crystallius imbues it with a flexile shaping field. We're decades away from replicating this stuff."

"The Crystallius," Yazi said. "The same thing that makes the rifts? It's here?"

"Secure location a few floors down," Chao said. "I could take you. Now, rookie, time to get dressed and have some pictures taken. Your transformation should be faster than first time. Those on duty stay in muscle dragon form all shift."

"I had a feeling," Yazi said, "that I shouldn't turn my power on and off trivially."

"That's right," Wen said with a cute chuckle. "Sunny tried when it was just him. Turning it on and off, on and off. You can guess why. He nearly lost his powers for a day. Really shook him. I bet he's going to pull you aside and tell you all about it one day."

They entered their individual cabins.

Yazi stripped and raised his fist. "Massive muscle dragon power!"

His arms and shoulders exploded with mass, faster than last time. His pecs started and already his legs were shifting to become immense. He changed his stance and watched his abs come in as he grew taller.

As he got heavy and strong, his cock and balls grew last, his dick hardening as it skinned back and thickened. His lupine-draconic head established.

He cummed hard, cringing as cumshots splattered against the cabin wall. Luckily there were towels and a bin.

Yazi felt antsy knowing the other hunks were beefing up and orgasming in their own cabins in spitting distance and he didn't get to see it.

He left the cabin to find the others already in costume. He fiddled with his new belt.

"Let me," Wen said and snapped the belt shut for the rookie. Getting touched by Azure Catfish seconds after cumming made Yazi want to sink into a cuddle with the man. No such luck.

His rose pink wrestling suit with white stripes oozed from the belt, granulate solidifying on him like body paint.

Mei was waiting to take him to his shooting.


The social media manager had a whole room for her photo studio, walls covered with every muscle dragon picture Yazi had ever seen in official material and then some.

She was pale, Asian, with hair dye red. "Oh hello, big strong hero. I'm Galiana Li. Have you heard of LiStyle Neo Factory, by any chance?"

Rose Wolf nodded. "Duh, my closet is full of it. I mean, my civilian identity's closet."

Galiana smiled wide. "Those would be my mother's designs, mostly. Some probably mine. If you're into politics you might have heard of my father, too. Consular Li? Well, let's get started. Stand in front of the white wall. Any poses you like to hit?"

After ten minutes of photography, standing, flexing, hovering, flexing some more – sometimes with his dick pointing right, sometimes in a Sunny-style front carry – Galiana let him go.

Chao, in his Scarlet Dragon form, was waiting for him. "The heiress of two empires didn't intimidate you into giving her your civilian identity, right? Or JT's?"

"No," Rose Wolf confirmed, "I'm keeping that secret in the penthouse as promised. Hope I don't mess up if I run into her as Yazi on the way to the lounge."

"You can totally fuck her, by the way. Just don't spill the beans. She's a great lay but obsessed with JT. Wants his babies when she hasn't even seen him in human form."

"Uh... okay."

Director Carabelle was waiting for the patrol team of Catfish, Phoenix and Wolf in the rift room.

"Juneberry Park," she said. "Some activity report just came in. three minutes from the West Slope rift."


One blinding swoosh later and Rose Wolf was heading for a park where darkness bubbled below a picturesque bridge.

"Hey," Azure Catfish said, "I had my birth blessing in that temple over there. The Nyx better now fuck with that."

"Professional language in civilian earshot," Scarlet Phoenix reminded. "That said, let's fuck them up."

Rose Wolf stayed airborne and fired a beam at the bubbling portal. Umbrath rose, having been buried in the grass for an ambush. They were some kind of oblong with spider legs on front and back, dragging their sagging bodies around, long as a car.

They were also great at jumping.

One Nyx got the drop on Rose Wolf and slammed him into the grassy ground. Azure Catfish kept up the assault on the portal itself, while Scarlet Phoenix set fire to the creatures that jumped at him.

Rose Wolf summoned his void power with a strong flex of as many muscles as he could. The Nyx on top of him got ripped apart.

The spider-worm ruptured and many more, head-sized versions burst forth.

Other Nyx had burst open, too.

"Azure," Scarlet Phoenix yelled. "Get something to flush them. Fire is a mixed bag here."

Rose Wolf punched himself all over to squish the Nyx-lings on him and started circling the area to blast an orb at any spiders threatening to escape the area.

Scarlet Phoenix was busy plasma-cutting the vegetation the burning spiders had set ablaze in their rush to get away. He snuffed out flames one flex at a time while leaving the Umbraths burning.

Rose Wolf stayed at the edges, firing a double-handed beam at the portal where new big spider-worms appeared.

He managed to make the portal wink out. Victory. Except it faded to reveal a ball of darkness behind it that spread and...

"Spider webs!" Rose Wolf yelled.

Azure Catfish was back with a load of water. He flew close to the ground, dragging a long lake behind him, making it follow the paths to avoid damage to the park as if pulling an invisible, meter-wide hose.

The water spread and drenched the Nyx-lings, flushing them ahead of the muscle dragon. Azure Catfish flexed with a grin and aimed himself for a flight under the bridge.

Rose Wolf intercepted him. "Don't go in there. Look."

The darkness ball had spread out. It was a black spider web, its many edges carried by moths.

Scarlet Phoenix sent fire at the web as it rose above the water. He managed to make the web rip but large swaths of it took off in different directions.

The three heroes shot plasma at the web fragments but the strings didn't break. It only served the push the webs away faster.

"Damnit," Scarlet Phoenix said. "Pursuit. I take those two."

He sent fire ahead and rushed off.

Rose Wolf picked his own targets and zoomed after them. He threw himself into the web and summoned void. Sucking up the web substance, he flew to the next one, dragging the sticky strings along. Azure Catfish had had a similar idea and collected webs by making them stick to him. He threw himself into his own stream and took the webs with him and all the spider-worms he had drowned so far, toward the Juneberry Lake.

Things were still a mess but the rest was cleanup. Rose Wolf pulled the web off him, all moths sucked through his void vortex and squished. He flexed and set his sights on tidying up.


Sunny was waiting for them in the rift room. No, Amber Lion was waiting.

The golden leader's anthropomorphic lion-dragon head smirked at them.

"Good job. We had another little incursion but I took care of it. Glad I wasn't the one getting stuck with the webs, those tend not to care about electricity."

The first muscle dragon took Yazi aside, hand around the rock-hard waist, gracing the belt. "Good job, rookie, quick thinking."

"Thanks. Were you watching?" Yazi asked.

He felt his huge cock twitch. If he turned right now he'd be brushing his dickhead against Amber Lion's bulge.

Amber Lion showed him a tablet. They'd been filmed from a respectable distance. Yazi looked so heroic he had trouble processing that this was him.

"Man, my costume's pink," he said instead.

"Haha, yeah dude, I always thought my yellow was too blinding, but it's grown on me. Since I'm already in costume, how about you patrol with me."

They hopped through a rift into downtown. Unlike a park, you couldn't exactly evacuate the densest part of Neo Aurora on a whim. There were people everywhere between the tall buildings.

"Looks like nothing," Amber Lion said. "So just smile and wave and, of course, flex for the eyes, drones and cameras."

"Can do."

"By the way, Rose Wolf, we'll have to redo all the merch to include you. New group pics and posters. We'll get together for a photoshoot sometime this week."

"Looking forward to it."

"And another thing. Something more delicate."

They landed on a bank's rooftop that wasn't meant to be accessible.

Rose Wolf had to remind himself his "mask" wasn't hiding where his eyes pointed. He kept looking at Amber Lion's glorious bulge. Despite the golden muscle dragon's perfectly proportioned, immense body, his crotch remained the obvious focal point.

It probably wasn't even that suspicious to stare. It had been half a day and he'd already noticed people looking right at his upward pointing dick-print.

"You know about dragon parties?" Amber Lion started.

"Hard to fail hearing about it. Everybod- every girl dreams of attending. Seems to be number two's and three's primary motivation."

"Haha, yeah. Bian's a good guy but he's better at finding loopholes in my plans than making his own. If he sees a tit his brain shuts off. But... what can I say, a lot of girls are into, well, this."

Amber Lion hit a double biceps pose and flexed his thighs. By some miracle, the uniform's legs' fabric turned slightly more transparent.

Rose Wolf swallowed. "So..."

"Up and coming models from all over the place," Amber Lion said. "We have a few regulars already going crazy thinking about you, I'm sure, pussies dripping, clits quivering, ready to sit on your dragon dick. Just make sure the mask doesn't come off with the underwear, but there's little chance of that happening on accident and they're all vetted, NDAs, the works."

"We're just, uh, naked at these parties?" Rose Wolf asked.

Amber Lion smacked him on the shoulder. "Ha, I can tell you still go that rookie nervousness but you're doing perfectly fine. If there's an influencer chick online you've been obsessing over, chances are we can invite her and let her ride Rose Wolf dick."

The muscle dragon in pink thought of all those times he'd jerked off to images, videos, stories and fanart of the man before him. He was going to see them naked.

"Thanks boss, I'll meditate on that."

Their right middle fingers gleamed in amber and rose respectively. The rings that vanished when they transformed had returned as transparent, shining beacons.

Amber Lion raised his hand. "Ah, a situation. Let's head back."


JT and Bian had not turned into Jade Turtle and Silver Tiger yet, scrolling on a tablet on the sofa while the others assembled around a wall screen.

General Akira gave a report next to a map of the city.

Yazi - no, still Rose Wolf - was hanging back and absorbing it all.

Bian motioned for him to move out of camera view and Rose Wolf slid to the side.

The well trained, dark-skinned Asian showed the much bigger Rose Wolf the tablet. A picture of Rose Wolf in heroic pose, the light making his up-pointing, hero-sized dick and the big balls extra obvious. Another image, focused on his ass – when had he arched his back like that? – and another of him flexing with all his might.

He was getting horny looking at himself.

Bian scrolled down to the comments, all lusting after him, wanting to suck, to rim, to kiss his thighs, rub off on him, fuck him in every possible way.

"You're one of us now," Bian said and chuckled darkly. "Don't get too high on it, the best one of those comments always turn out to be dudes, but there's plenty of girls shlicking their pussies for you, thinking of a certain wolfie while their boyfriends try to keep them entertained."

Rose Wolf looked away from the tablet. "Is anyone here not constantly thinking about sex?"

JT laughed. "I know how it was, coming on board. Let yourself get overwhelmed for a while and you'll settle into it in time."

Bian kept scrolling. There was already a ton of fanart, some of it from Yazi's favorite muscle dragon fan artists. Seeing himself in familiar styles was surreal. Some renders of what he'd look like nude, which was easy to guess with his uniform hiding no single fiber or vein.

"Ah," Bian said, "you're an art student, right? If you got any critiques, keep them to yourselves. Getting into a fight with fans is a bad look."

"I'd never," Rose Wolf said. "I'm in the art community myself. I'll just look those up later."

JT laughed loud enough to get a stare from Amber Lion. "Buy the prints and put them up in your room here. Some of us have our own portraits hanging over our beds, not naming any names. I put some up around here once but, I dunno, staring at your own muscle ass gets a bit..." He shrugged.

The report finished and Amber Lion was first to rise. "If Akira's right, there's been an ongoing incursion in the rain sewers. All hands on deck. Let's go."

Next: Chapter 3

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