Massive Muscle Dragon Power

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 28, 2023


====================================== Massive Muscle Dragon Power, chapter 3 ======================================

The Nyx had managed to set up a veritable base underneath Gibbon Plaza, blocking most of the rain water tunnels with tendrilous biomass.

Rose Wolf was dipping from tunnel to tunnel with Silver Tiger. Since the area they needed to cover was huge, they'd been given earpieces.

"Akira here," a voice said into Rose Wolf's ear. "Unbelievable this got so big without them tripping any sensors. It all looks dormant, which usually means it's a trap."

"Agreed," Amber Lion said. "We think the defiler vines are going to burst into adjacent buildings once we engage."

"I want three of you above ground, ready to take those on. The rest stays under."

"Catfish here, ready to flush them now."

"Tiger here," Rose Wolf's companion said. "I've metal-bent the small exits shut so the mass should only be able to flow one way."

"I have eyes on the abandoned train yard," Akira said. "We should be ready here."

"Go time," Amber Lion said.

Rose Wolf and the metal-striped muscle dragon #2 waited hovering in the dark tunnel, illuminated by silver and pink from their plasma sparkles.

"Rookie? Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"No, why?" Rose Wolf asked.

"Your first dragon party."

"Oh," Rose Wolf said. "Already?"

"Hehe, sorry I spoiled the surprise. They're relatively short notice so invites can stay limited. I can show you around the normal party scene out of costume after. Sometimes you get to fuck the same pussy twice and she's none the wiser. It's hilarious."

"Mhm, I bet. Maybe-"

The sewers trembled as the Defense Force set off explosives. The Nyx being woke up. Metal creaked as tentacles stretched against what Silver Tiger had set up to block them.

Smaller creatures squeezed through gaps, almost liquid until they reshaped into blobs of eyes and pustules.

The muscle dragons, flying in mid-tunnel, fired their orbs of plasma to zap the little Umbraths.

"Path clear?" Azure Catfish asked over ear piece.

"Negative," Silver Tiger said. "It's trying to break the block. The pressure might help it more than us."

"Do it anyway," Akira said. "Flush as much as possible."

The sound of an ocean passing by trembled through Rose Wolf. He looked aside and saw the tunnel crossing theirs filled with water, a wall moving through an invisible hose.

The Nyx stopped fighting as its biomass was dragged away by the pressure. Some metal covers popped. Rose Wolf and Silver Tiger were on it, shooting ahead as they rushed past the escapees to block their advance.

Tentacles broke concrete and wrapped around Rose Wolf. He pushed himself out with flight and strength but the tentacles grew spikes and dug into his uniform. Everything from the crotch down got shredded as he pulled away.

Rose Wolf heard a yelp and twisted around before he was even fully freed.

Silver Tiger was punching down on tentacles, silver beams cutting as fast as the creature grew more. He was submerged in dark, gooey mass.

"We got about half," Amber Lion said. "It must have ripped."

"It's here," Rose Wolf said, "centered on Tiger's position."

"Coming," Azure Catfish said.

The pink muscle dragon fought to the best of his ability while his friend vanished among the tentacles. Some of the Nyx limbs wrapped around his arms and he had to pull back.

Water rushed in. It was icy, which was no problem for a muscle dragon. The whole tunnel was immediately underwater, limiting sight. Pressure mounted. Azure Catfish arrived, slamming his considerable physique into Rose Wolf.

The water moved the invading extradimensional beast and the muscle dragons got pulled along.

Rose Wolf clung to the water-themed hero and the hug in near darkness was returned.

The entire goopy pile was pressure washed into an already flooded ditch, secured by sandbags and mounds of earth Jade Turtle had drawn into position.

The Defense Force was lobbing rockets at the writhing mass.

Silver Tiger burst from the water, naked. He arranged his big dick in the shining boxer shorts to point up again and sharpened a rusty train part to go to town on the massive Nyx until it stopped wriggling.

"Up here," Amber Lion shouted. He'd been sliced across the side, his suit hanging off him like a tunic. "Defiler breakthroughs."

The muscle dragons reconvened. Vines had wrapped around buildings and broken windows. Mercifully few people had been defiled so far.

Silver Tiger grabbed a fence and flexed. His power flowed into the metal and it bent into a cage. Jade Turtle volunteered for zombie collection duty.

The others set on cutting the vines. Rose Wolf created a void and dragged it after him, sucking the regrowth through an invisible wood chipper. That way, vines that got sliced once stayed down.

After a few minutes of work, Amber Lion tapped him on the shoulder. "Rookie? Defense Force found the incursion source. They'll blow up what they can. We'll take it out."

"Got it, sir."

"This way."

The six biggest, buffest, most beautiful men in Neo Aurora waited in the middle of Gibbon Plaza until some of the tiles lifted with a tremble, a muffled explosion going off underground.

Jade Turtle landed on all fours like a falling truck and the earth ripped open at his flexed command.

A rainbow of plasma power crashed into the hole. The muscle dragons hovered in a circle, arms pointing down. With a quiver of light, the dark gateway vanished.

The heroes punched each other into arms and chests, jubilant. "Good job boys", "Damn straight", "Hell yeah", "We rock".

People felt safe to leave their houses again, streaming into the streets to see the damage and film the circle of muscle dragons.

Their fists met, each sparkling their color. "Massive muscle dragon power!"


Rose Wolf gave a final wave and flex to the crowd below. He had half a mind to rip his shredded uniform off and show off his muscles but with his lower half torn off he was already showing the bulge in the skin-tight magic boxers. It was still a little shocking how naked he basically was – and exhilarating.

He slipped into the rift last and-

There was no rushing. The blinding light remained static, then faded to something that let him keep his eyes comfortably open.

He was hovering in a white void.

Before panic set in, a figure emerged.

A crazy muscular man about two heads taller than Yazi. Legs so big Yazi couldn't have wrapped his legs around the thighs. A dangling cock big enough to be an arm. Abs so perfect they looked fake. Arms and pecs that made even Jade Turtle seem wimpy.

He had the head of a slightly anthropomorphic Chinese dragon in pale, blueish white.

"Uh," Yazi said and bowed.

"Hello Yazi," the stranger said with a fittingly masculine voice. "You may call me True Dragon. I have moved you outside of time, for we – that is, the people of the uncertain future – have agreed to speak to you. You must swear secrecy."

"Sure, I guess. Wait, how can the future be uncertain to you if you're from there? That's just your present."

True Dragon crossed his arms and nodded. "That is at the heart of our concern. The battle against the Nyx stretches from your days to ours. Our only chance of winning was to hand power to the past through the Crystallius. However, while this has increased our chances against the Nyx, it had terrible consequences."

"Uh, we're not winning? I thought these powers were so we can beat the Nyx before they're unbeatable."

"We have been as careful in our selection of muscle dragons as possible but we haven't yet found enough to guarantee victory."

"Make more then? Or is this about those consequences?"

True Dragon flexed his arm for emphasis. "Exactly. Although the muscle dragons are paragons of heroism in the field and will not abuse their privileges during their lifetime, they will accumulate power regardless and create bloodlines of warlords and worse."

"And you can't, like, tell them off?"

"Every time we have added a muscle dragon, this increased our chances against the Nyx but worsened problems for future generations, bringing the world closer to collapse, devastation and unspeakable horrors. We are trading degrees of apocalypse."

"So we're just fucked? The future is doomed either way? The Nyx do it or humans misuse the weapons against the Nyx?"

True Dragon floated a step closer. Now Yazi had to look up. "It's uncertain. We have kept the timeline fragmented and tried to splinter off the worst consequences while reaping the benefits of victory over the Nyx. This cannot remain stable forever and eventually the timeline must be consolidated."


"You, Yazi, are a possible solution. You are the first muscle dragon who improved our chances in this battle without worsening future issues."

Yazi flexed with a smirk. "What do you want from me, then?"

"We will make changes to the past. Some delicate alterations are required to test our theories and you will be our anchor."

"So you'll send me to my present day but... different?"

True Dragon nodded and folded his hands over the root of his dick. "Act like nothing is different but lean into the differences. We may speak again later."

Blinding light and a rush later and Rose Wolf stepped out of the rift, just behind the broad back of Scarlet Phoenix who swaggered ahead like nothing was off.

Right away, some things were different.


Yazi's eyes went wide. Scarlet Phoenix wore his red-white wrestling suit but... It no longer had legs, leaving the thighs exposed with the cut more like a brief, even showing some glutes.

The rookie muscle dragon looked at the others, who also wore the "new" style of leg-less costume. Looking down on himself, his shredded lower uniform barely had a tear in it, now that the legs weren't there to begin with.

"Hey Chao," Yazi asked. "Who designed our uniforms?"

The black hero turned around. "It was a group effort, if I recall. The initial trio came up with some designs. It was finalized just before I joined."

Sunny turned to them. "It was mostly JT's idea. Why, does our resident designer have changes to propose?"

"No, I think they're great actually. Good job, JT."

The biggest muscle dragon slapped Yazi's ass as he passed. "Glad to have the newbie's approval. Wakefield, anything new?"

There was a white guy, twink-y, blond, and very young seeming, clad in office attire. He was either nervous or exhilarated to be there, grinning from ear to ear.

"No sir, all clear," this Wakefield guy said. Yazi gave him a nod in passing.

They moved into the dressing room, except this one was also different. Instead of cabins their areas were only separated by shower curtains.

Yazi found his space, where clothes waited for him.

"If you can," Sunny said, "stay in costume till sundown. There may be a retaliation incursion."

"You figure?"

Chao was the one who nodded. "The Nyx are overwhelmingly daylight active, although several nocturnal variants exist. Killing their biggest trap to date is exactly the sort of thing that makes them act out."

"I'll keep you updated," Wakefield said, looking at his tablet. "On code wyvern for now but we're still go for the dragon party."

Chao and JT wanted to hit the gym as humans, Wen volunteered for a patrol to reports that were probably nothing and Yazi...

"Uh, I'm just..."

Chao smacked the pink muscle dragon's ass. "Come on, work out with us. Get your blood flowing before you hammer a chick to dust tonight."

"Not sure that's for me," Yazi said, his heart racing as if gearing up for a fight.

"Ah," Sunny said. "Sitting out the first time? It's fine, you can hang out and just give a flexing show to the girls, no need to get your wolf-dragon cock out."

Chao, JT and Yazi stepped into their "booths". The curtains didn't even provide full cover.

Yazi stripped and noticed that the magic boxers had turned into briefs, as was necessary for the uniform design. Yazi wondered what influenced that.

"Massive muscle dragon power!" three voices echoed.

"Or," Sunny said outside the curtain, "you skip altogether. Hang out in human form, stay grounded, maybe slay pussy like a regular dude, hehe."

Yazi hurried into his clothes while the signet ring coalesced on his middle finger. He stepped back into the room. "Maybe that."

"Or," JT said and left his booth, "you join my triple P philosophy seminar." He flexed his mere human arms, a beefcake like few others, in a stringer top.

"Uh, you're not at the dragon party?" Yazi asked.

"Tried it," JT said. "Not a good fit for the original triple P. You know, party, pizza, penis. Not Bian's perversion of my ideology, haha."

Silver Tiger flashed a V sign. "Pussy supremacy."

Wait what? JT and penis?

The penthouse was barely changed but the pride flag above the sofa was impossible to ignore. The framed pictures of the muscle dragons in heroic poses showed the brief-cut suits. Hao was still there, barley looking up.

JT gave Yazi's jean-clothed ass a smack and made a gesture as if shoving a dick into his own mouth as he walked by with a wink.

What had True Dragon said? Lean into the changes.

"I..." Yazi raised a hand. "I guess this is when I tell you all I'm gay?"

A jumble of cheers and shoulder-pats rained down on the rookie.

JT poked Wakefield in the back. The two had a conversation consisting entirely of eye contact. Finally Wakefield stepped forward. "Uh, Yazi? If you'd like additional services..."

"Don't be shy, Wakefield," JT said. "I'm sure Carabelle and the sluts on call are glad to foist some more of their cocksucking duty on you, hehe."

"Yes sir," the twink said with more confidence. "It would be an honor. Human or dragon."

"M-maybe later?" Yazi said.

They dispersed, leaving Yazi alone and feeling nervous.

He quickly grabbed his phone and looked up Wakefield, who had apparently replaced Mei as steward in this timeline. "Toby Wakefield" was the son of a finance empire's CEO. He must have begged daddy to get him into muscle dragon sucking range.

Someone looked over Yazi's shoulder and he closed his search.

"Took your fucking time," JT said and flexed in his stringer top. "I bet I was your favorite muscle dragon before you joined, huh?"

He was somewhat correct. Although Yazi's favorite had been whoever he'd last seen a photo off, he'd had a fondness for size.

"You are the biggest."

"Fuck yeah I am. And the gay one. Not anymore, though. You're going public with it, right?"

"Yeah," Yazi said, hoping this counted as leaning into the changes.

"Wanna fuck?"

"Yes. Wait, yes? You're serious?"

JT shrugged. "We can dance around it and I'll have Wakefield suck me off instead."

"No, let's do it."

Yazi followed the beefcake, swaggering ahead onto the stairs down to the apartment area.

JT walked with an extra spring in his step. "I've wanted to bang a muscle dragon ever since Amber Lion showed up on the scene. We're doing it in dragon form right? We can start like we are but-"

"Dragon form," Yazi agreed. "Isn't frivolous use going to make your powers wane, though?"

"Not if we just stay dragons all night. Been a long time since I skipped gym but worth it. Here's my private party space, right next to my dorm room."

The party space was something like a spartan dorm room itself but with two walls mirror-clad, a leather covered bed, several drink dispensers and lots of mood lighting. There was a wall of fanart of Jade Turtle, almost all of it drawn or rendered naked. Plus press pictures of him at gay events.

With trembling hands Yazi stripped as his partner did.

"Ready, rookie? Massive muscle dragon power."

JT blew up into a grotesque muscle-god version of himself. Yazi's eyes dashed up and down, taking in the muscle growth. Finally JT's dick grew and skinned back, rock hard and pointing slightly up.

JT flinched with the power of his orgasm as cum squirted in fountains onto the hardwood.

"Your turn, tiny."

Yazi punched the air and said the magic spell. He grew in size, eyes still fixated on the other, naked man. His transformation was almost as fast as the others' now. He shot his load with a grunt, thighs quivering from the strength of pleasure, feeling fantastic.

"What now?" Yazi asked.

"Haha, we have ten to twenty minutes to kill before we can get hard again. Wanna cuddle? And by cuddle I mean feel each other up and maybe have a wrestling match."

"Fuuuuck yes."


Mutual muscle worship evolved seamlessly into cock sucking as their dicks recovered from the transformation-cumshot.

They laid down in the middle of the room, licking the shafts up and down. Yazi licked along the balls and between JT's glutes. The biggest muscle dragon spread his legs to give Yazi easier access, moaned and-

The door opened, followed by a squeal of joy. Director Carabelle wore a flimsy bikini and high heels.

"Hey boys. Having fuuuun?" she intoned.

"Uh," Yazi said.

She was nearly singing. "I'm bringing the gueeests."

The naked muscle dragons rolled apart just before three men entered. One of them was Wakefield, the tower steward.

"Rose Wolf?" JT said. "These are some of my regulars. Our manslut-on-call, Wakefield, who's going insane looking at you, right?"

"Uhhh, yes sir?" Wakefield said and the others chuckled. The blond was literally trembling, his eyes transfixed on the muscle dragons' erections. "Yes sir!"

"He's one hell of a cute cocksucker. The beefcake there is Ioan."

Yazi flexed and Ioan flexed back. Seeing a man with a physique that would have made old-Yazi green with envy, now stare so stricken with lust and awe made Yazi feel the butterflies of falling in love. Not with the guy but with the awe Rose Wolf inspired.

Ioan was pretty masculine looking, already shirtless in jeans, the muscle dragon emblem tattooed on his neck.

"This is Ekko. Do you happen to-"

"Yes," Yazi said, gawking at the fitness model and porn actor of great renown. Probably the biggest solo porn star in Neo aurora was wasn't just gay for pay. He was even prettier in real life. "I mean, yes, I've seen some of your stuff, Ekko."

"Honored," Ekko said with a laugh. "I live in this building, floor 38. If you're bored..."

"And this," Jade Turtle said and slapped his fellow muscle dragon's chest, "is Rose Wolf as you surely know. Turns out you guys get more than you signed up for."

"Fuck yes," Ioan said and flexed again. The three men were losing their clothes like they were on fire. Wakefield's package was secured in a black chastity cage, looking tiny.

Ioan and Ekko practically jumped into Jade Turtle's arm and he guided their heads to his nipples.

Wakefield, the small white guy, dropped to his knees in front of the muscle dragons. "Sirs, may this worthless faggot pleasure the cock of an alpha, sirs?"

Rose Wolf pulled the twink in by the hair and let him taste his shaft. "Pleasure me, then, bitch."

Wakefield was trembling so much it made Rose Wolf wonder if there was something wrong with him. "Yes sir, oral or anal?"

"A-anal?" Rose Wolf asked, his tool pressed to Wakefield's face like a stack of cans. "You sure about that?"

Jade Turtle laughed. "He's good. Let him sit on it and see for yourself."

While the senior muscle dragon pushed his guests to his crotch, the pink one pulled the twink into his lap. Wakefield sank his pre-lubed, pre-stretched hole onto the dick, fucked himself down the shaft with some struggle and went wild.

A wolf-dragon head grinned at a turtle-dragon one. They flexed at each other. This was better than old-Yazi had ever dreamt of.


Rose Wolf, back in ultra-tight pink briefs, wandered into the lounge area. Azure Catfish was drifting in the rooftop pool with "massage therapists" Rhory and Fen.

Amber Lion was wide legged on the sofa, his dick soft – but no smaller for it – and glistening. Rose Wolf tried to commit every millimeter of it to memory.

Next to the captain was an unknown woman in a swimsuit and Carabelle who was recovering from a fuck, by the look of it.

"Hey Wolf," Amber Lion said. "Here to check out the straight end of things?"

Rose Wolf pointed toward the stairs to the apartments. "Jade Turtle's out of cream for now and so am I. Going to be a few minutes, hehe. Where's the rest of our gang?"

"Headed to their own rooms with chicks in tow. We don't normally fuck out here, staring at each other and whatnot. I happened to have the place to myself so-" He gave Carabelle's tits a squeeze. "Built rapport with the manager. Oh, I think one of us is in the kitchen."

"Was going for more drinks anyway. See you around, Lion, Carabelle and... unknown supermodel woman."

Silver Tiger was in the kitchen. His brown skin gleamed with sweat, rivaling his tiger-dragon head and briefs that barely contained his forward bulge.

With him was Galiana, the red-haired Asian, getting her pussy eaten by the naked Hao. Dangling between Hao's legs was a package in chastity just like Wakefield's. Galiana was sipping champagne with yet another, even prettier, naked woman with damp hair in a towel.

"Hey Tiger, how's is going? All fucked out?"

The muscle dragon with a Mercury Cola in hand grinned, his fangs making the smile seem loopy. "Just got started. Only taking a break." He grabbed his bulge. "When my girl is ready to take it, I'll pump her full."

"And your girl would be...?"

Galiana raised a hand, the other in Hao's hair. So with JT gay, Galiana had latched onto Bian instead. Interesting.

The fashion-empire heiress giggled and pushed Hao's face into a different position. "He says that now, but he's not showing me his real self. I'd have his babies in a heartbeat."

"Yeah..." Rose Wolf slowly said. "That is... a thing, huh?"

He stepped out of earshot, toward Silver Tiger. "Why is Hao in chastity? I get it for Wakefield but..."

"It's policy for any male working in the penthouse."

"Oh," Rose Wolf said, "I get it. They can interact with the party girls but not, like, stick it in. I've heard of events like that."

"No, got nothing to do with the dragon party. Hao's head over heels for Galiana. She doesn't mind the attention but insisted we keep him `safe'. He's so crazy for her he said yes and we all thought it was funny so it became policy. Wakefield was super on board."

Rose Wolf hummed. "They put on a cage every day before work? I know a bathhouse with employee rules like that."

"That was the plan but Hao showed up uncaged one day, so we got him a permanent one. Only way to take it off is breaking it."

"Oh. Harsh."

Silver Tiger patted Rose Wolf's head. "Don't feel bad for him. Technically he still gets the triple P life, hehe." He flexed and Rose Wolf flexed back mostly on instinct. "Was Jade Turtle's version of peak philosophy more your speed?"

"I guess. I'll check in with him again. Can I grab some of those Colas?"

"They're sponsored, buddy. We're practically tripping over them."

Rose Wolf returned to Jade Turtle's room for another round of sex with men too hot for old-Yazi to even think of facefucking. Wakefield had calmed down a lot and begged for round two. This time Rose Wolf went for doggystyle and make sure the guy would feel it for the rest of the week.

His eyes always stayed on the mirror walls, watching himself flex, fuck and cum into a sobbing twink. At least when his eyes didn't roam Jade Turtle's even more massive body. The green muscle dragon returned the favor.

Orgasming, drinking, putting on a flexing show, chatting, orgasming again, making out with Jade Turtle and mutual worship, chatting, watching Ekko fist Wakefield, flexing again, orgasming again...

Even though muscle dragons didn't need to eat, making "pizza" absent, Yazi was fully immersed into the triple P lifestyle.


The next day, Rose Wolf and Jade Turtle went on patrol together. They managed to stop an incursion before it happened, posed for pictures and chatted about nothing.

Jumping back home through a rift, Jade Turtle slapped Rose Wolf's ass where the brief-cut of the uniform exposed it. "Go human and hit the gym or fuck like this?"

"Shower, fuck, gym," Rose Wolf said. And took his belt off as they entered the cabin room. "Unless we suck each other's sweaty cocks off."

"No sucking this time," Jade Turtle said. "Anal."

"Oh, Wakefield's coming?"

"No one's coming because you're fucking me. I don't keep any other mansluts around cause their dicks don't do it for Jade Turtle." He flexed, turned, flexed his back and pushed his ass out.

"Oh. Fuck yes. I didn't realize-"

Jade Turtle shrugged. "When the mood strikes. It's party, pizza, penis."

They undressed, which the suits didn't survive and stepped into the adjacent showers. In this timeline the showers didn't have glass doors, only wall-separated sections. Rubbing each other, the heroes started to muscle worship before they were even halfway done washing.

"Unless you want to fuck my human form instead," Jade Turtle said. "I only bother with dick in my off-duty state."

"Like, with me as dragon?"

"No, both huma- Shit, I never thought about that. I'm not Wakefield, though, and I'd rather not walk funny. Ready? Stick it in."

"Here? In the showers where anyone could walk in? Carabelle? Hao? The Muscle dragons? Akira herself?"

"Hot, isn't it?" Jade Turtle said and turned around, hands on the tile walls.

Yazi worked his monster between the ultra-firm globes and pushed in. JT's hole was tight, as expected, and should have been nearly impossible to safely fuck with a muscle dragon rod, but their power made them nearly invincible.

JT did not hold back with moaning. Everybody had to know they were fucking. So Yazi didn't bother holding back either, his moans telling the bottom exactly how much fun it was to rut into him.

It felt unbelievably good. Suspiciously even.

"Ughh fuck," Yazi said. "Feels like I'm having sex twice at the same timeeee fuuuuck."

"Fuck yes," JT said. "It's the best feeling ever, ughhhh. I've dreamt of-" He quivered, every muscle tense and Yazi could feel the sensation of whole-body pleasure, too. "-a muscle dragon fuck. But this is, ughhhhhh, incredible. Fuuuu-"

Hugging tight to feel their radiating bodies, the muscle dragons cummed at the same time. Yazi jizzed hard enough JT's gut couldn't handle it all and his cum burst past the rod down Yazi's balls. Meanwhile there were some splashes against the wall coming from JT's crotch.

They needed to shower all over again. But not right now. For the moment, they stayed hugging and basked in the glory.

Next: Chapter 4

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