Massive Muscle Dragon Power

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 31, 2023


====================================== Massive Muscle Dragon Power, chapter 4 ======================================

The Nyx incursions calmed down over the next few days and everybody assumed Neo Aurora was in for another lull.

Yazi was going over his "photography & lens-based media" notes with Baxley in the shade of a gold-clad pagoda and tropical trees at Fern Gardens when his ring seemed to explode with pink light.

He jolted and earned a confused glance from his friend. Right, normal people couldn't see this light. But it did mean somebody had activated the emergency beacon on the Crystallius. All hands on deck.

"Uh, can we cut it short?" Yazi asked. "I have a..." He looked at his phone. "Nyx alert."

"Not for the area, though," Baxley said.

"We should make our way to the station, though. Come on."

"Sure. Novena wants bubble tea anyway."

Yazi texted on the way. Carabelle responded. General Akira had found stray zombies with no nearby defiler vines. Some kind of highly mobile chameleon Nyx was thought responsible.

"Hey Yazi," said a familiar voice. "Good to see you, fucker."

A blond jock and a black hunk in tank tops approached them. They had rings aglow with yellow and red light only a muscle dragon could see.

"Oh, Baxley, these are Sunny and Chao from... gym. How about you go get your girl that tea. If I don't catch up with you I'll be hanging with these guys."


"We were going to grab you after your lecture to hang," Sunny said, "but you weren't there."

"Yeah, we always skip that one. But then how did you find me?"

"The rings," the leader said with a grin. "Muscle dragon fuckery. Anyway, we have a situation. Come on." They strolled into a side alley, behind an apartment complex. "And the rings also tell us if we're being observed or not. See how the shine changes?"

"Not... really."

"You'll learn that shit with practice. Get naked."

The trio stripped and stowed their clothes haphazardly into Chao's bag from where the hunk drew three belts.

Sunny raised his hand and the others joined. "Massive muscle dragon power!"

Lighting raced over them and Yazi grew into Rose Wolf. He turned away as his two friends did and rubbed his nipples on his massive pecs while his power worked down his abs and forward from his ass.

The others were still a bit faster to transform and grunted as they finished, two cumshots into a flowerbed making leaves rustle. Sunny's muscle dragon body bumped into Yazi as the force of orgasm made the leader stumble back.

Yazi flex-jolted from his own cumshot, pushing his ass into Sunny's with a shiver.

They established their draconic heads and briefs, Yazi pushing his dick horizontal to the left.

"We're flying straight to Indigo Village," Amber Lion said, stuffing his phone into Scarlet Phoenix's bag who hid it in a corner. "Six minutes as opposed to seven via the nearest rift. Someone's going to bring our shit home from here. Go."

Three ribbons of plasma took off, amber, scarlet and rose colored. They snapped on their spare belts in flight. Amber Lion jiggled his bulge into a forward position. Their uniforms painted themselves over their skin.

A minute before they reached the Indigo Village neighborhood, they saw the smoke plume. A house sized Umbrath of thick gray skin was gliding between condos like a fat slug. It dripped white-hot sludge from various orifices that was hot enough to set anything flammable on fire.

Silver Tiger was already present and stuck metal into the creature, bending it into clogs with his elemental power.

Scarlet Phoenix took control of the fires and extinguished them, going into building interiors to free trapped people.

There were smaller Umbraths - black, gooey octopuses on boney stilt-legs. Rose Wolf came in with a void already ahead of him and tore through their legs. Nyx bones splintered in the void-grinder and the beasts dropped.

Amber Lion was engaging defiled humans. Men, women, children with gray veins and glassy eyes. But those zombie acted with coordination. Amber Lion used non-lethal plasma orb blasts to corral them but they weren't mindless, they dispersed.

"Nemecite alert!" Amber Lion shouted. "I have to tell Akira. Hold positon."

The leader flew off to find the Defense Force's mobile base in the area.

The big lava-slug got mad and pressed hot sludge from its unstuffed holes at Scarlet Phoenix who took it to the bird-dragon face. The black hero burst out of the stream flexing, the front of his uniform melted away.

Azure Catfish arrived with a flood in tow, moving along the road. Rose Wolf zoomed toward the slug, plasma beam ripping the creature open. He flew over the wound with his void ahead of him. Glowing liquid splattered as it was dragged through the nothingness and about half of it vanished.

The slug lava sprinkled across Rose Wolf and burned holes into his uniform.

Azure Catfish arrived and his deluge dug into the Umbrath like a huge power washer, turning lava to stone and steam.

As the area was drenched in vapor and the slug froze, Amber Lion descended on them. "Akira got eyes on a Nemecite. This way."

Jade Turtle had arrived and started to encircle the defiled humans with earth but these smart zombies climbed and helped each other. Jade Turtle had to keep the earth moving, concrete chunks turning and churning to contain the involuntary Nyx recruits.

Silver Tiger had flown ahead and engaged the enemy.

A Nemecite was a highly intelligent Nyx. Humanoid in appearance but the number of limbs was rather arbitrary, symmetry was rare and the way they moved always gave Yazi the creeps.

The gray, textured figure was surround by pig-like Umbrath with thick tentacle-trunks for a face. It wielded a sword of jagged bones.

Defiled humans wandered from their houses.

Amber Lion went in, lightning blazing from his forehead and plasma from his hands. The enemy batted at him with the sword. The weapon shattered but it broke Amber Lion's advance.

The bone sword reformed in the Nemecite's hand and it slammed Amber Lion down into the road. The trunk pigs started snorting goo all over the leader.

Scarlet Phoenix engaged the enemy next, burning the mutant pigs before they got too close to him. He evaded the sword, which shifted in length to reach him, and sent blasts at the intelligent Nyx.

Amber Lion's plasma burned through the ooze like a candle through thick cardboard. It wasn't going fast but he'd make it out.

Rose Wolf and Silver Tiger collected zombies. They dragged two or three people in one go to the cages the Defense Force had set up, then dipped into the houses to rip apart the defiler vines that had made it in through drains, air vents and outlets.

Rose Wolf was mopping up a bundle of vine when a puppy-sized Umbrath emerged from under a chair and raced at him. He blasted it to bits but the dog turned to goo in mid jump and splattered all over the muscle dragon.

More goo dogs emerged and attacked. Whether he shot them down or not didn't matter, he was getting caked.

It limited his movements and kept him stuck to the ground. His vacuum roamed his body and got rid of half the slime on each run, taking the uniform with it.

Fully nude and still a bit gooey, Rose Wolf set out to find his friends.

Amber Lion had managed to drag himself out of the trap, leaving his uniform behind. He and Scarlet Phoenix were engaging the Nemecite whose sword was in pieces and no longer reforming.

Azure Catfish arrived without water and contributed plasma beams from up high. He was down to his briefs, too.

"Rose Wolf," Azure Catfish shouted, "help out Jade Turtle, we got ambushed."

Rose Wolf flew off, back to the crater the earth-bending muscle dragon had crated to keep zombies contained. He was nowhere to be seen. There were only trunk-pigs roaming free and-

A pile of goo, big enough to hide the entire muscle dragon team and wiggling.

Rose Wolf got to work with his void, his plasma and superpowered punches. His hands eventually met a muscle arm and he pulled Jade Turtle free. The last shreds of the gay hunk's uniform stayed behind as he escaped and together they took on the goo-spraying Umbraths from a safer distance.

Then it was time to rejoin the Nemecite battle.

The humanoid Nyx had had one more trick ready – getting eaten by a worm that broke through a yard and dragged its master away.

"After," Amber Lion said.

Jade Turtle took the lead, able to sense the movement of earth beneath his naked feet.

"Akira thinks," Amber Lion started, "they found the incursion portal on a drone sweep. I think the asshole is going back there. Rose Wolf, Scarlet Phoenix, let's cut him off. The rest of you, chase it."

The leader pulled ahead with his two followers and they made their way to a house. Amber Lion shot the door aside with golden plasma and rushed to the basement door, breaking it off its hinges with a shoulder bump.

There was the incursion. Wobbling and gross and interdimensional. Amber Lion's lighting-crackling naked arms illuminated the room. "I'm going in, who's with me?"

With two nods, Rose Wolf and Scarlet Phoenix confirmed and readied their elements.

"Hold your breath."

The muscle dragons in shining briefs rushed to the Nyx dimension. Darkness, wet and jiggly, somewhere between liquid and gas was all that awaited. Rose Wolf felt vines grasp for him and pink plasma beams traced his surrounding while his void circled. Lightning and fire exploded all over the place.

"Back home," Amber Lion shouted, a bit as if through water.

They emerged, black, slightly viscous water dripping off them, and aimed their beams at the portal.

Before they were done collapsing it, the Nemecite showed up, crawling in through a vent with inhuman contortions. Jade Turtle ripped the wall open behind it.

The Nemecite gunned for the portal.

"Akira wants to bomb the-" Jade Turtle started.

"Yes!" Amber Lion shouted. "Do it."

Jade Turtle took off, ramming a tunnel up through the house. The ceiling creaked and debris showered down.

Amber Lion engaged the enemy in a lightning-sparking wrestling match. Rose Wolf kept one hand shooting the portal to shreds, the other directing his void to suck the Nemecite's legs in. The creature could sense his approach and danced around the invisible projectile, which only sucked up basement dust and rusty nails.

Helicopters sounded overhead. Many, many footsteps in the house made the ceiling tremble.

The creature made one last attempt at reaching the portal but Rose Wolf hovered into its path, getting a dragon-face full of claw.

An avalanche of goo puppies rushed down the stairs and ripped themselves apart, showering the muscle dragons with sticky slime.

Rose Wolf hugged the Nemecite as he got caked and stuck in place. Jade Turtle returned just in time to land feet-first on the Nyx's head and pin it down.

The enemy was made slippery by the goo, the opposite effect it had on the heroes. It fought out of Rose Wolf's grip. Jade Turtle's stomped down on it, sticking himself in place but sending the creature sprawling for another second.

Rockets impacted the house.

There was more intense fire than Rose Wolf had ever seen. It was one explosion after the next. The whole structure came apart.

The bombs' echoes rang in the silence and darkness. Rose Wolf void-sucked away the dust in front of him and then got started on the mix of slime and concrete bits keeping him in place. He fought for a bit of space with the one free arm he still had.

Jade Turtle was moving earth around, Silver Tiger was probably doing the same with metal. The ruined house unfolded into a smoldering crater.

The Nemecite was crushed, smoking, unmoving – dead.

The dragon-headed hunks in glowing briefs were still partly stuck when the non-stuck Azure Catfish flew around and shared high fives.

General Akira descended into the crater with two soldiers in tow how packed up the Nemecite corpse.

"Excellent job, young men. As far as we know this is the most significant blow we can deal to the enemy."

Amber Lion limped at her with an entire girder glued to his thigh. He saluted. "Yes, ma'am. Couldn't have done it without you."

"Would you mind a quick redressing? This would make for an excellent photo op, as long as the place is still actively smoking."

"You heard the general, boys. Scrub off what you can, we need pics. Get ready to put on new suits, a smile and flex hard."


Rose Wolf entered the rift and got stuck in pure whiteness.

"Oh, again?"

True Dragon appeared, his massive cock swinging with every step of the ridiculous body.

"Hello again, Yazi, our anchor."

"Is there a problem?"

True Dragon folded his arms, legs shoulder wide apart. "The change we made to the emotional center of the team has propagated. We now understand the consequences of this alteration. It was helpful but as expected, it wasn't enough. Especially because it removed Jade Turtle from the team dynamic more that we'd hoped."

"What now?"

"We have made different changes. Since you've been with the muscle dragons for a bit longer now, you may be more surprised by the actions of past you in this new timeline. Try to lean into the changes as if they were natural to you."

"I think I've done a good job of that so far."

True Dragon gave a single nod.


Rose Wolf stopped straight out of the rift and gawked.

Ahead of him was Amber Lion's backside. The muscle dragon uniform's previous brief cut was slimmed down even more for a thong-cut, exposing the glutes and skin up the obliques. The upper part was more generously cut, too, half the pecs and shoulder blades now exposed.

Silver Tiger bumped into him.

"Oh sorry, Tiger."

"All good," Silver Tiger said and they moved out of the way together. "Can't wait to hit the showers."

"Same," Yazi said. "Putting on new suits still left me feeling grimy."

"I dunno," Silver Tiger said. "Feels just fine to me." With a smirk, muscle dragon #2 ran his hand over Rose Wolf's ass, the other hand brushing the costumed abs.

Silver Tiger was gay now? Lean into the changes, Yazi told himself, don't let them know this is weird. Not that he found it difficult to pretend.

He groped Silver Tiger's ass right back and, after that went over well, gave the man's upward pointing dick a gentle stroke.

The whole team marched into the dressing room. There were no more cabins or shower curtains, replaced by open shelving that held their clothes.

The muscle dragons #1 through #5 let the belts suck up their uniforms, so Yazi followed along. The amount of nudity nearly made him panic. He finally got to see all muscle dragons naked at the same time. His breath quickened traitorously.

Four people in plain clothes entered the room, apparently not weirded out by all the muscle and cock on display.

Carabelle was ahead, a tablet in hand, followed by Wakefield and Fen, a male and a female "slut on call". Wakefield was beaming at the sight. Last came Ekko, the model, trainer and porn star.

"No new incursions," the manager said. "All clear. But we'd appreciate if at least some of you... stuck around as is."

"Sure thing," Amber Lion said, his feline mouth grinning wide. "We'll just head for the showers."

"Just what I was hoping to hear."

The four undressed. Carabelle and Fen wore bikinis as if they'd been ready for that. Ekko and Wakefield were just naked but both wore tight black chastity cages.

CArabelle went straight for Amber Lion. Ekko threw himself at Bian for a kiss.

"Hey, tiny," Bian said and pulled him up by the hip for more convenient kissing.

Funny how Ekko was dedicated to hanging out with the muscle dragons, no matter who he was dating or fucking. It made sense, of course since old-Yazi would have been just the same - any muscle dragon's willing boyfriend.

The shower room was no longer separated into cabins either, just a big room with echo-dampening ceilings and shower heads all around, a waterfall shower in the middle.

Bian and Wen – the silver and the azure dragons – went over to one side, while the other three gather on the other.

Yazi joined Bian, assuming they hung out more in this timeline.

His concern was immediately addressed as Bian openly grabbed Yazi's cock for a light rub. Wen with his incredible physique – smallest among them by a slight margin but built from the horniest dreams – flicked Yazi's nipples and leaned in for a kiss.

The rookie was too perplexed to respond.

Warm water washed away grime and tension. The two women worked on the muscle dragons on the opposite side, while Ekko and Wakefield scrubbed and shampooed the apparently gay trio.

Yazi realized it alternated. Sunny was straight, Bian was gay and so forth, splitting the team as evenly as possible during its growth.

He jolted as someone's lips started roaming his dickhead.

Wakefield flinched back. "Sir, this bitch apologizes for its presumption, sir. Feel free to punish any way you see fit, sir."

"I'll think of something later," Yazi said. He glanced to the side and saw Ekko working his soapy hands on Bian's cock head, face turned up in admiration.

Yazi looked over to the straight half of the room where Sunny was holding Fen at his hip, rubbing his cock on her crotch without penetration, and Chao was getting sucked off by Carabelle. Only the Jade Turtle, muscle dragon #3, was properly washing himself.

Yazi pulled Wakefield onto his dick, letting the grateful boy suck, and leaned into Wen.

"Hey Wen, my investigative buddy. Why is JT going solo? Not enough sluts in this place?"

The catfish-dragon head chuckled. "He's probably going straight to Galiana after, but we don't want her in the penthouse. If I recall, she's on a date with Hao right now."

So the fashion empire heiress had snatched up JT again now that Bian wasn't playing for her team.

"A date with Hao?" Yazi asked.

"She's practically Jade Turtle's girlfriend and would be JT's, too, if she'd have it her way. But little Hao is head over heels for her and she's stringing him along. You try convincing his chastity addled mind of that."

Yazi stared at JT's immense backside, the super wide shoulders, the massive glutes, the unbelievable legs. Would he never again be able to-

"Hey there," Wen said and pushed Yazi's draconic head to look at him. "Don't get distracted by the pussy fucker squad. You'll waste your load."

Wen turned around and leaned over, his ass begging to be worshipped.

Yazi turned so fast his dick slapped Wakefield in the face. "R-right here?"

Wen looked back and winked. "You're going to ask that every time?"

The white twink Wakefield joined Ekko, just as enthusiastic about pleasing Bian's cock.

Yazi stuck his dick into Wen's ass and was almost consumed with the need to orgasm right away.

"Your ass... is too fucking good, holy shit."

"Never get tired of hearing that."

Wen leaned over and sucked Bian while Wakefield took on the duty of squatting under the bottom to suck him off in turn. Ekko was content to caress and watch.

"Ugh," Yazi grunted. "W-why do I need to cum so much? What the fuck is happening?"

Bian laughed. "I feel it, too. I wasn't sure until our last threesome but... You know how we always shoot at the same time?"

Yazi remembered his shower fuck with JT. They'd creamed simultaneously. Wasn't that just coincidence?

"I think so. Why?"

Bian flexed and his muscles bulged. "I think I found a loophole. My favorite thing." The law student looked ecstatic. "We feel each other's edge when we fuck together. As long as even one of us is close... we get... to feel at the cusp... Fuuuck, cusp of orgasm but... can't cum until... we all naturally... reach the point... whereuughh!"

The sexual pleasure of three cock uses happening at once shook the gay heroes.

The straight guys filed out, sharing the two chicks between them. Yazi noticed their glances. Envy?

After another minute of the chain-fuck, the gay muscle dragons creamed at the same time. Wakefield slithered on the soapy tiles as he got hit by Wen's load like a slap. Yazi filled the bottom's ass and Wen gagged on the load Bian squirted into his mouth.

They stayed in place, water running over them, basking in the afterglow. Wakefield kissed his way up the inside of Yazi's thighs to suck up what cum had overflown the blue hunk's ass. Ekko clung to the captain's lieutenant with stars in his eyes.


Once dry, they reestablished their underwear. Now it was a mere thong to fit the changed uniforms. They put on belts but didn't make them grow the uniforms in case they wanted to fuck some more.

Out in the lounge, changes reflected the fact half the muscle dragons were gay and had been since #2 had joined in the form of the metal-bending Bian. Posters and photos had changed to show the uniform style of this timeline, bulges popping even more with the total lack of legs on the suits.

Rhory, the massage-therapist and "slut on call", was nuzzling Sunny's erection out in the open. Ekko was riding on Bian's shoulders and they headed for the kitchen.

"Hanging out?" Wen suggested. "By the pool, mayhaps? Another fuck thereafter, by chance?"

"You're really into water, huh?" Yazi asked as he followed the man to the rooftop pool.

Wen flexed. "Best themed muscle dragon."

Yazi looked back at the team. Sunny was fucking Rhory over the table, Bian was driving his cock into the whimpering and shaking Ekko, probably overstimulating himself.

When everybody had been straight, the muscle dragons had suffered the usual hang-ups of guys not wanting to wave their dicks into each other's faces. But in this timeline, starting with dragon #2, there'd been no such qualms.

"Is this all we do when we're not fighting? Just bang?"

"Well," Wen said, "I have some articles I could work on and I'm meeting friends in human form when the sun is down. And it's technically chest day. Plus, JT would tell you all about p-p-peak philosophy."

"Heard of it. Well I guess there was always this much sex in the dragon tower, I just didn't get to see it."

Wen huffed. "Disappointed your heroes are sluts?"

"By no means," Yazi said and fired a slight plasma orb that bumped Wen over the edge of the pool.

The wolf-faced dragon jumped in after. The power of flight worked weird underwater. It was probably a good idea to practice that. There were aquatic Nyx. It was how Wen had gotten his powers – chosen after pulling a kid out of the river when extradimensional mutant whales had crawled on land.

Wen made the water swirl to make the two muscle dragons collide at the center of the pool, dicks sliding through each other's thighs. Yazi was getting horny again. Fine, he should lean into the changes anyway.

Next: Chapter 5

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