Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Aug 14, 2023


The BDSM Itch never leaves, but the Partners Change

I don't think I sudden woke up one day and found out I was Bi sexual, leaning towards Gay, I still loved woman, but there was something missing, I had no idea what or indeed what form it took, so I was very happy to continue living the peaceful life, no rocking the boat and definitely not looking to have an affair outside of the happy marriage I was in.

My wife and I did love to experiment in the bedroom, and even ventured into the city for the excitement of the BDSM club scene, and we got to the stage where she and I would put on demonstrations of flogging, spanking and various play, staying within the rules of the club. We were in fact one of the clubs draw cards, and well respected by other Doms and Subs within the BDSM circle. We joined various private parties, where all the rules were thrown out the door and it was basically a free for all. But the one rule that was never crossed was that a subbie was not to be used by anyone else, without the Dominates blessing, and even then she was never that far away that she couldn't protect her property. On various occasions we would meet up with other players, swap Dominates and Submissive, but the rule was NO LONG TERM MARKS. i.e whip or crop marks or rope burns that could be observed by others outside our circle.

The one thing about being a submissive is that you no longer have to worry about making decisions, for the length of the session, all your decision privileges were eliminated, your sole purpose was to please and satisfy the Dominate, (male or Female), on one occasion I was up for auction as per other slaves at a party, and all money raised at the auction went to a local charity or funds for the club, all this was sanctioned by the Dominates, and they in turn found or purchased another submissive for the night. In my case I was purchased by a Strong will Master that wanted a male slave and all the pleasures he could bring, as I said all bets were off, which meant all types of play could be done, as long as the rules applied.

I was taken to a private room, stripped naked, which took all of about 3 seconds, it doesn't take a lot of time to remove a leather G string. I was ordered onto my knees and told to beg for the Masters stiff cock, (I love to Beg) and before long his cock was pushing past my lips, doing its best to enter my throat. He continually berated me calling me for everything I was, and I knew he was right; I wasn't ashamed at what he called me, because I was a slut, a dirty fucking whore that could be bought or sold, and used as a pig for various cocks. This Dominated pounded my throat, fucking my mouth, then blew over my face, he even pulled me up whilst I had a mouth full of cum and kissed me, swapping tongues, juice and cum. The Dominate had me draped over a padded horse, and flogged my arse, for the life of me I couldn't understand the reason behind it, but my cock was rock hard. I'm not saying that my cock didn't stand to attention when my Mistress assaulted my arse, but once again I felt somewhat different when a cock waving Dominate did it, but the more he lashed my butt the more my cock rubbed against the padding, I was moaning and groaning, from the pleasure and pain at the hands of this dominate Master.

I was removed from the padded bench, and strung up, my hands secured above my head, and my legs spread, giving him easy access to my cock, balls and arse. The dominate took great delight in twisting my nipples, pulling the orbs, and still my cock throbbed and dribbled pre cum. Unable to stop whatever he wanted to do, I was stranded, cock painfully throbbing and pointing straight out, The dominate sunk to his knees and engulfed my shaft, teasing it with his mouth, and tongue, bringing me to the edge, but never taking me over the edge. He swung around the back of me pulled my arse cheeks apart and drove his tongue deep into my hole. " please Master, let me cum I'm begging you let me cum" he just laughed at my pitiful pleas for relieve , and continued to assault my arse hole , driving me insane, he even returned to twisting my nipples, while tongue fucking me.

Occasionally he would pull and stretch my ball sack, but would not touch my cock, and if he did it was only to collect the pre-cum which dribbled from the head, then he would make me lick his fingers clean. When I was released from the over head support I was made to spread his arse cheeks and tongue his butt, until he too was moaning and squirming on the floor. Then he bent me over and told me to beg for his cock, "please master fuck my arse, I need your cock" ...He wasted no time in finding my tongue fucked hole then drove it into me, it wasn't the biggest cock, but it felt great, I could feel the length sliding back and forth, occasionally he balls would touch mine, His cock was real, flesh and muscle and it was alive, I could feel the heat of his cock and the movement of skin on skin, unlike Mistresses silicon cocks, ( which I love , BUT) and I desperately wanted all the time, but now I needed to cum and perhaps this would take me over the edge and give me the relieve I craved. Once again I beg him to let me cum, and once again he just laughed, as his cock swelled and pulsated and his breathing became erratic, I knew he was close, then he blew his load deep into my bowels. He withdrew his cock then shoved it into my waiting mouth, so I could clean off the combined juices. My cock was still rock hard and dripping, my balls ached for relieve, but he just spanked my arse again, ensuring it was rosy red when he returned me to my Mistress and then headed for the bar for a drink. My Mistress asked how it was. I told her the truth about how he used me and that he refused to let me cum. "I know, he's like that with all his slaves". Time to go, I'm tired". She said as we said our goodbyes and left the club.

That was years ago, and we gradually slipped out of the club scene to enjoy our time and play at home, but life gets in the road of most things, especially our BDSM life style, yes I still love taking orders and occasionally we drift back into our Dom / slave role play, and it was always a pleasure to serve, and especially a Dominate woman that knew how to use and control a bitch like me. I would often find myself tied to the bed, and have her sweet cunt lowered onto my face and waiting mouth and my sole purpose in life was to make her cum.

My Mistress / wife knew all the tricks, she would pull, twist and manipulate my nipples, making me groan into her cunt, creating vibration which in turn gave her a better ride, bringing her to an earth shattering orgasm. My Mistress had a collection of strap-on toys, ranging from long and skinny to long and fat, and of course I was given orders to make her a strap-on harness. This led to many arse fuckings, whilst bent over the end of the bed or hanging in the door way, not to mention, allowed her the freedom to fuck me out in the open, in the back yard, away on holidays, in the local secluded park, late at night. All this had a profound effect on me; I started to love the excitement, the intrigue, and the fear of being caught. But more importantly, I was driven deeper into submission, there was nothing this Dominate could do to me, that I didn't derive pleasure from, I was once taken into Mc Donald's disabled toilets and told to lick her cunt after she had taken a piss. Then we walked out at separate times to avoid suspicion and then placed an order for lunch.

We were at a restaurant in Dandenong, and she told me to go pull myself in the bathroom, then come back to the table with the cum still on my hand. By this time the meal had arrived and she made me eat my chips using my cum, as a dipping sauce, and when the cum was almost gone she had me lick my hand and fingers at the table in front of other unaware patrons. Once again her control and my desire to obey was paramount, I couldn't get enough of her twisted orders or commands.

But as I said life, family, work, and health tend to get in the way sometimes, and our BDSM lifestyle took a distant back seat. BUT my obsession with being a submissive never faded, my wife/Mistress knew that I fucked myself with the toys, and constantly masturbated, thinking mainly of our previous BDSM adventures, which put her mind at ease. But in truth there was something else that motivated my cock pulling exploits, and it was the male Dominate, and the way I was used and abused, the feel of his cock in my mouth, the taste of his cum, and the pulsating cock up my arse, combined with the muscle and strength of a real man. I couldn't let it rest, I had to explore this unopened door and experience life again. But in reality I was drawing a blank, I tried in vain to secretly meets other like minded guys, but everybody was so guarded and no really willing to explore their dominate side, so I basically gave the idea away, opting to pull myself for relieve.

I've always stated that if you stop looking for something, that, something will turn up or be found. I was out walking early one day in the park, and just enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the morning stroll, soaking up the atmosphere, when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a male figure sitting on his own in a small clearing, it appeared that he was meditating or doing exactly what I was doing, just enjoying the solitude of early morning movement of the animals or birds which abound in the park. Not wanting to disturb the guy, I tried to slowly walk past, but as always the harder you try to be silent the more noise you make. "You don't have to leave, sit here and enjoy the moment", "but I don't want to disrupt you", I said "SIT", was his only comment. I complied, sitting alongside him, I tried to remain quiet, but I foolishly started talking, breaking his concentration, and again he said "KEEP QUIET BITCH" "SIT, NOT A WORD". With that I removed any thought of talking, but more importantly or strangely enough, I didn't move away. I was thinking to myself, did he just call me bitch? And upon reflection, it wasn't a request but more of a demand.

15 minutes later, this good looking man slowly began doing a type of Thai Chi moving his arms and legs in a graceful but measured movement. It was clear that he had done this type of thing before. But I was drawn to his shorts each and every time he spread his legs to do another movement. This strong athletic guy clearly didn't feel the need for jocks, and occasionally his beautiful cock would present its self. And all of a sudden those images of the Dominates cock came streaming back, and of course my cock tried to stand to attention. And my shorts did nothing to hide my 3D tent rising from the depths. "Looks like someone is enjoying the show" he said when he gradually turned in my direction; I quickly tried to cover up my groin area to hide my shame. "Get your hands down now bitch". He said with complete authority. "What were you looking at, tell me the truth" he demanded, I just blurted out that I was looking at his shorts, "try again bitch, the truth", I was totally embarrassed, but told him I was admiring his beautiful cock. I was sitting in the same spot he told me to sit, but now he was standing, facing me, his shorts now extended, with his cock pressing against the material, and only inches away from my face. "Well are you just going to look at it or are you going to pull my shorts down and lick what you have been perving on".

The devil in me slowly raised my hands, gripped his shorts and pulled them down, exposing the most beautiful, hard , and stiff cock I've ever seen, I lick my lips, "Bitch I want you to beg to lick and suck my cock" "Please may I lick and suck your sweet cock Sir" out of nowhere I call this complete stranger Sir, "Tell me, you want to deep throat my cock, Slut", "Please Sir, can I deep throat your cock". With that this man , whom I barely knew was pressing his horse cock into my mouth, touching the back of my throat , almost making me gag, he slowly withdrew, then edged back in again until I felt his silky balls touch my chin, then back out again, my hands had now taken a firm grip on his cute arse, and was assisting him in my face fucking. "put your finger in my arse bitch, I want to feel my arse muscles clamp down on it when I blow in your mouth, are you ready for my cum slut?" I just nodded my head as I felt his body spasm and tremble, his massive horse cock swelled and then shook as he filled my mouth with his seed, he continued to pound my mouth and throat, until he slowly withdrew his cock, my mouth still had cum in it , then he knelt down along side me and we locked lips, swapped tongues, and savoured the taste of his cum.

He rose to his feet dragging me up, and said that I appear to like directions, and orders or you would have left, and you clearly like or love cum. Once again this wasn't a question, it was a statement. I just stood there and listened, my head slightly bowed, "Do you like being told what to do Bitch" I just nodded, "Not good enough", now speak when I ask you a question Bitch" "Yes Sir, I like being told what to do and being ordered around", my mouth was working all by its self, this man didn't ask me about orders, but now I've told him. "Interesting, pull your shorts off and masturbate, spread your legs, I was being inspected, humiliated, forced to pull myself off, and I couldn't do it quick enough for this complete stranger. I gripped my cock using the pre-cum as lube and began sliding my hand up and down my cock. His hand touched my arse, squeezing both cheeks, pulling the cheeks apart then spanking the globes of flesh. This only drove my hand to move faster along the shaft of pulsating meat, then I could feel the heat rising deep within my balls, my legs started to grow weak. "Listen to me know bitch, you will only cum when I say so and not before", and you will ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION, is that clear?" "Yes Sir" was my only reply, but the pressure was building, "Please Sir may I cum", I'm about to burst" "NO WAIT" I was shocked by his response, but tried to comply. He spanked my arse some more, then slid his hands under my top and pulled and twisted my nipples, I moaned and groaned, still pulling my cock, "Please Sir , can I cum now, I don't think I can hang on much longer", I'll do anything you want, ANYTHING please let me cum". The stranger said "ANYTHING I WANT, OK "cum now bitch, blow your load over your hand, then lick it up, and don't miss a single drop". My hand was a blur of action, then I exploded into my palm, coating my fingers, and before my mind could register what I doing, I had already started licking and sucking my fingers. I dropped to my knees, defeated as a slave would do, knowing his fate.

"Well Bitch, did you like that? Did you like being ordered and told what to do, Did you like being humiliated, degraded, and berated by someone you barely know? "Yes Sir, I don't know why but, I was obsessed by your control, your power, not to mention being sexually attracted to your body. I've sort of known that I needed a male dominate in my life, but couldn't find one, that wanted a submissive like me."Well I think we have a lot to discuss, and I'm sure we can work something out." As we dressed to leave.........

Next: Chapter 22: Slave Davids Initiation 2

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