Master Reds Stable

By Nut Honey

Published on May 15, 2014


By Master Red

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit sexual interaction between men, all of which are consensual and of legal age. All names and some of the descriptions, attributes or characteristics of individuals have been changed or altered to protect the identity and privacy of actual people or person(s) encountered.

You need to be of legal age in your jurisdiction to read this story.

Copyright 2014 Nuttnhoney. This story -- in whole or part -- are property of the author and may not be copied and reposted, published or used in part without written permission of the author. Nuttnhoney reserves all rights to the story written herein.

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I just finished riding one of the fillies in my stable but did not cum so I am still horny and wanting some more ass.

As a rule, I am in charge of who cums when.

Part of being a good Dom Top and/or Master is being in control of every aspect of the scene...from arousal to orgasm (not that orgasm is the point or goal each time you are together).

But this particular filly is new and proving harder to be break in than others.

We first started chatting on back in early November of last year and quickly went off-site to continue our flirtation via yahoo.

After exchanging a lot of pics and emails it was obvious that He was a filly and not a colt.

Early in our correspondence I received an email asking if I would call him "Gina" and not *Giancarlo, **her given name.

Not all my fillies adopt a feminine persona; some still prefer their 'boy' names, are very masculine but still like to dress-up in knee socks, G-strings or other lingerie.

Gina is a 35 years old, 5 foot 8 inches, 170 pound, olive skinned, dark haired Italian from Rome with large expressive chocolate brown eyes, framed with long natural lashes that look liked they'd been applied with mascara, a handsome Mediterranean nose and full lips.

She works as a Personal Trainer and has a background as a gymnast and swimmer. Her body is completely shaved, well proportioned and muscular.

And she possessed a graceful, 7 and half uncut ***clit that matched the rest of her beauty.

I could not wait to fuck her.

I made it very clear to *Gina soon after we started emailing one another what I expect and what it takes to become a regular fuck-buddy of mine.

**She was eager to audition for a spot in my stable, knowing that she would have to be more than just a hot body with a pretty face to hold my attention for more than just one tryst.

Over the course of several encounters through last fall and winter she has proven to be obedient, submissive and follows orders very well; that is not the problem.

The challenge is that she gets too excited, lacks self-control and cums too quickly.

I will say this...she is the only person I have been with that consistently (nine times out of ten) cums without touching herself while I am fucking her.

It is hot to see her throbbing ***clit start to leak love juice spontaneously while I am deep inside her.

Of course size is not everything (it helps though) in combination with technique. I have learned to use my thick 9.5 dick to maximum benefit and pleasure for my sex-partner and myself.

I have been with guys before who have orgasm without touching themselves.

But, by the expression on their faces ("look pa-no hands!") they seemed as surprised (or more) than I because it was a rare (or sometimes a first time) experience that they usually attributed to my skills and how well I relaxed them, opened them up with my cock and fucked them deeper than anyone before, breaking past to the second inner hole to a pleasure spot they had never felt or knew existed.

But, I cannot take credit for the special talent that Gina had. All I can do is enjoy the show (and try to cum at the same time).

Of course there is usually some sort friction to help her get off (my belly against her clit while we are fucking face to face, or the carpet, blanket or whatever surface she is laying on face down when I am digging deep from behind...but still...most guys have to use their hand to jerk off to achieve orgasm while they are being fucked.

And for other bottoms it is different experience completely. With the sensations having been transferred from the external stimulation of the penis to the internal prostate being massaged by his partners penis, and while it is pleasurable being penetrated this can sometimes leave the bottoms penis flaccid (so while they are sexually satisfied) they never cum.

So, on one hand it is a compliment that Gina is so in the moment and excited that she cannot control herself because the fucking is so good and she has this incredible gift of being able to ejaculate unaided but on the other hand she's failing to satisfy me (her Master) first, which is a cornerstone of her training.

That is if she indeed really wants to be trained in the art of being a good submissive bottom, or she just wants as much of my meat as she can get...time will tell.

Till then, Daddys still got to get his nut so it's time to ring up someone else from the stable and take another ride...

  • All names and some of the descriptions, attributes or characteristics of individuals have been changed or altered to protect the identity and privacy of actual people or person(s) encountered.

** When I am with a feminine guy-especially ones that self identifies sexually as female while we are together-I will use the feminine pronoun when I write about our encounters, it just feels appropriate.

To be clear, feminine covers a whole host of types.

I have found that some of the girls that I have been with are what one would usually associate with being feminine; soft, demure and womanly in their presentation and mannerisms.

But others are hard, worked out, masculine and in control in all other aspects of their lives (what they deem to be a man) but when we're together behind closed doors they crave to be dominated by an alpha male so while they are losing control they are living out their fantasy of being passive (the girl) in mind if not body.

*** In addition to the commonplace usage of pussy to describe the male ass for the purpose of sexual pleasure I've also created my own language for my fillies; I have renamed their hardon are their clit and instead of jerking-off I say that they clit-off.

Next: Chapter 7: Gina and Jude 1

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