
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 14, 2019



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Bud Simpson and his mother arrived at SUNY Albany and parked right in front of his dormitory. She was parked illegally, but Claire intended to move her car as soon as it was unloaded. She knew where guest parking was, having scoped it out before she found Bud's dorm. He was the first of the two students to arrive.

As quickly as they could, Bud and his mother emptied the car of his needful things, and brought them to his dorm room. That being done, Claire parked her car in guest parking, and returned to help Bud organize his room. He had no problem choosing a bed. They were both situated on each side of a central window.

He and his mother quickly emptied the suitcases and put his clothes neatly in his armoire and in his dresser. Bud placed his lap top computer on his desk, and proceeded to help his mother to make his bed. As they were making the bed, Bud's roommate arrived with his father. Introductions were made, and Bud, his new roommate, Chuck, and Chuck's father, Walt, went to Walt's car to bring in Chuck's stuff. Walt then rushed off to park legally as Claire had done.

The four of them had the small dorm room in ship-shape condition quickly, and admired their work. It was now dinner time and Walt asked Claire. "I intended on taking Chuck to dinner and then returning to New York. I want to get there before midnight. Would you and Bud like to join us?"

Claire found Walt to be very handsome, and he liked what he saw also. She answered immediately. "Why yes," she said. "That will give our sons a chance to get acquainted before we both rush off for home. "

"A friend of mine comes to Albany on business very often," Walt said, "and he recommended a restaurant to me. We can go in my car, then bring the boys back, and you can pick up your car."

They had a very friendly dinner, and Walt picked up the bill. Claire objected, but he was insistent. After returning their sons to the dorm, Walt and Claire headed toward The New York State Thruway. They made no attempt to caravan home. It was not a very promising beginning for two people so attracted to each other.

Bud was agitated during the entire trip to Albany. He kept praying that his roommate would be an ugly nerd. The last thing in the world he needed was to room with an irresistible hunk. Bud had a secret he had not yet revealed, not even to his mother. He knew that he was gay. He had even had sex with a high school chum on several occasions. So when Chuck walked in with his father, he grew weak in his knees. Not only was Chuck a stunning hunk, and very athletic looking, but so was his father, Walt. Things got worse when the two young men shook hands. Bud had difficulty letting go.

"My name's Bradley Simpson," he told Chuck. "Everyone calls me Bud."

"I'm Charles Foster. Everyone calls me Chuck."

At dinner, while their parents chatted amicably, Bud asked Chuck what high school he had gone to, and if he was into any sports. Although they went to different high schools, they had both played varsity football.

"That's great," Chuck said. "I'm going to try to play football here. How about you?"

"I had intended going out for the team also. Isn't that great?"

Bud grinned a happy grin at Chuck, but he didn't think that it was great at all. He found Chuck to be irresistible. It was going to be difficult to control his urges, especially if he saw Chuck naked. Bud shuddered. He'd probably see Chuck naked this very night.

Claire and Walt were getting acquainted also. They found out that both their spouses were dead, and they both lived in Manhattan. They had very stressful jobs. Claire was a trial lawyer and Walt was a surgeon on staff at NYU Medical Center.

"Will you be able to make Parents' Day in October?" Claire asked Walt.

"I'm going to try my best."

Walt never asked Claire for her address and telephone number even though he thought she was a knockout. After they dropped the boys off, they went their separate ways.

When the boys entered their dorm, alone for the first time, Bud was visibly fidgety. Chuck would have to have been dead not to notice.

"What's wrong, Bud? Are you okay? No need to be nervous around me. I'm from The Big Apple. I've seen it all, and I never make judgments."

Bud made a quick decision. Obviously, Chuck was a street-smart New Yorker. Certainly he must have at least one gay friend. Bud decided to out himself for his own peace of mind. He sat down on his bed, and asked Chuck to sit on his. Chuck realized that Bud was about to say something very profound. He sat down and looked at Bud, expectantly.

"Talk, Bud," he said.

Bud hesitated a long time. "I've got something to tell you," he said.

"I figured," Chuck said. "Talk already. I won't bite."

"Actually, I wish you would bite me. I'm gay, and I find you so fucking attractive I'm having trouble controlling myself. If you still want to be roommates, I'll swear never to come on to you. Shit, you can even bring a girl to our room, and I'll make myself scarce."

Bud was truly frightened. He didn't know how Chuck would react to his confession. He sure didn't expect what happened next. Chuck jumped up and then sat down next to Bud on his bed.

"Fucking idiot," he said laughing all the time. "Don't you have any gaydar at all? I knew you were gay the moment we shook hands. I had every intention of seducing you this very night."

Bud threw his arms around Chuck. "I have no gaydar at all," he said. The two young men kissed each other with lots of tongue.

"Let's shower tonight," Chuck said. "That way we can avoid the morning rush."

They each grabbed their toiletry kits and a towel, and bounded naked to the showers. Nobody else was there and they took adjoining showers. They checked each other out good, and were happy that they were quite average. Neither wanted a humongous cock up his ass. They were both cut, and about four inches flaccid. At the moment they were hard and they reached seven inches. They were both pretty hefty, but Chuck had Bud beat by a smidgeon.

They took the plunge and washed each other's backs. Both of them reached low, and felt each other up. They started to erect, and stopped playing.

They didn't waste much time in the shower. They both knew what was waiting for them in the privacy of their dorm room. As soon as they entered the room, they locked the door and fell into each other's arms. Then they began an extended, passionate kissing session. During the next two hours, they sucked, fucked and rimmed each other without let up. They each reached Nirvana twice. Finally exhausted, they fell asleep. They only used one bed, and wrapped themselves up like the leaves of a cigar.

About a week after dropping his son off at the university, Walt left the hospital after a long day of performing surgeries. He dropped into a nearby bar for a drink to relax himself. A pretty young girl was not ashamed to flirt with him. She wasn't subtle at all. He took the willing young lady to his apartment. Now that Chuck was not there, his sex life was about to improve considerably.

He was mounted atop the girl, fucking away erotically, when suddenly the weirdest thing happened. He began to imagine that he was fucking Claire Simpson. As he came, he almost cried out Claire's name, but he was able to hold back. He didn't think much about it, but the next time he scored, the same thing happened. He imagined that he was fucking Chuck's roommate's mother. He didn't want to think about it, but the phenomenon just kept on happening. Finally, he admitted to himself that he was more than attracted to Claire. He wanted to kick himself for not getting her telephone number.

After meeting Walt, Claire began to imagine that he was making love to her. Her fantasies far exceeded anything she had ever done with her late husband. In fact, they were downright pornographic. She pictured herself sucking his cock, and swallowing his cum. Then she would feel his tongue giving her cunnilingus. When she imagined them fucking, she could actually feel his seed gushing up her vagina, and she gave out an involuntary whimper of joy. She chided herself for not being more aggressive in asking for his telephone number.

About a week before Parents' Day, Chuck's cell phone rang while Bud was giving him a first class blow job.

Shit!" he said. He picked up the phone and instructed Bud to keep going.

"Am I interrupting something?" Walt asked.


"I'll be brief then. Please make me a reservation at a nearby motel for the evening before Parents' Day, and get me Bud's mother's telephone number. I'd like to say hello."

"You're coming here next week. That's so great, Dad. After I make the reservation, I'll text you with all the information. Bye." He had to hang up quickly. He was about to cum.

About an hour later, as they were lying side by side fondling each other, Bud's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID.

"It's my mother," he said. "Hi, Mom."

Her request was similar to Walt's. She needed a motel reservation for the evening before Parents' Day, and she asked that he please get her Walt Foster's telephone number.

"OK, Mom. I'll text you the information."

Bud turned to Chuck and gave him a very wet kiss. "I think our parents are hot for each other. Isn't that cool?"

"It's more than cool. It's fantastic. Let's figure out how we can help things along."

As it turned out Claire and Walt never called each other, and neither one could understand why they were being so reticent.

Both of them arrived at the motel in the late afternoon on the day before Parents' Day. Of course, both their sons booked them in the same facility. Claire and Walt actually bumped into each other while registering in the lobby. They shook hands cordially, even though both of them wanted to do more, much more.

"Bud tells me he's arranged for the four of us to have dinner together," Claire said.

"Yes, Chuck told me. They've made reservations at a fine restaurant downtown. I think it's great how well the guys get along. I just know they're going to be lifelong friends."

"You drove last time," Claire said. "I'll drive this time, and don't argue; the check is on me. Meet me back here in the lobby at six, and we'll go pick up the boys."

That evening at the dinner table they might just as well have been seated at separate tables. Bud and Chuck were chattering away non-stop. Claire and Walt hardly spoke at all. They just kept glancing at each other and smiling. At some point, Bud said to them, "You two look like an old married couple. I'll bet the other diners think you're taking your two sons out to dinner." Claire and Walt turned beet red.

"Yeah," Bud agreed. "You two look like you belong together." Subtlety was not his strong point.

Claire and Walt were so embarrassed that the table grew uncomfortably silent. To ease the situation, the students started to chatter away, and the parents began to smile at each other again.

They were unaware, but after 8 PM the restaurant featured a three man combo and dancing. When the music began, the sons urged their parents to dance. Walt needed no further prodding. He stood up, extended his hand and led Claire to the dance floor. As they glided to a lovely fox trot, they held each other tighter and tighter.

"You're very pretty," Walt whispered in Claire's ear, and you smell luscious."

Claire was speechless. She didn't know what to do, so she kissed Walt on his cheek, and rested her head on his shoulder. He leaned in even more and hoped that she felt his erection. She did, and she smiled at him and nodded slightly. That was it. They both knew that they were going to sleep together that night.

Bud and Chuck saw everything and high-fived each other.

After the dance, the parents seemed anxious to end the evening. No surprise there. Actually, the boys felt the same way. They couldn't wait to get back in their own bed for games of their own.

That night, Claire and Walt performed every carnal act both of them had fantasized about since they met. Neither could believe the intensity of their union. It went way beyond what either one had ever experienced with their late spouses. They knew that they were meant for each other, and that this was it.

In the meantime, Bud and Chuck celebrated the apparent success of their matchmaking by giving each other the maximum pleasure that they could. Like their parents, they performed every act of love they could think of. They showered, and since nobody was around, they gave each other golden showers. When they got back in bed, they followed up with extended trips around the world. They did their best not to cum, and concluded by rimming, sucking and finally fucking. They didn't let up until dawn, and they each came twice. By then they were both in a stupor and fell fast asleep.

A few hours later, they were waiting for their parents to come on campus to begin the Parents' Day tours and activities. Bud took Chuck's hand and whispered in his ear, "I think it's time to tell our parents that we're gay, and we're committed to each other."

"I agree. Let's do it at dinner tonight before they head for home."

"I hope I can find the words to tell them how much I love you," Bud said.

"How much we love each other," Chuck corrected Bud.

During the second week of the following June, at the end of their freshman year, Bud and Chuck got married in the chambers of a judge who was Walt's friend. Judge Farrow was more than a friend. Walt had once performed delicate surgery on him and saved his life.

Immediately after he married the young men, he married their parents. They were the only four people in attendance and they acted as witnesses for each other.

After the two ceremonies, Bud and Chuck got into a car and headed south to honeymoon in Key West, Florida. Their parents took a cab to the airport and flew to Majorca, Spain for a one week honeymoon. That was all the time either of them could spare.

After the honeymoons, Walt moved into Claire's condo. Their sons used Walt's apartment all summer long, until they returned to Albany. They didn't have to pay rent, nor did they have to take summer jobs. Their parents were loaded. In fact, when Walt's lease was up, he renewed it, so that his sons could use it during school breaks and summers. Each couple had their own little love nest.

After graduation, Bud went to Harvard Law School, and Chuck went to Tufts University School of Medicine. They lived together in Boston. During school breaks, they continued to use Walt's apartment in Manhattan.

When all their schooling was over, Chuck was able to do his residency in surgery at New York University Medical Center. Eventually he attained staff status at the hospital and joined his father. Bud went to work for his mother's law firm. He and Chuck took over the lease of what had once been Walt's apartment.

Talk about following in your parents' footsteps, this was the ultimate. The children could not be happier, and the parents basked in the knowledge of just how happy their boys were; how happy they all were.

Once Bud asked Chuck jokingly, "Do you think we should add match-making to our resumes?"

Chuck answered with a kiss.

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