Mature Sex

By Avesland

Published on Feb 26, 2018


I will dispense with the Foreword, by now most of my readers know me, if not, please read one of my previous true stories. This is true story #25.

Now for some misc or stories that I remembered later of the times I have wrote about and some more recent. In addition, from all the guys I knew, will repeat sex stories, from their lives, that they had told me about back then. When a person is giving their body to someone else to have sex with, it sort of opens people to divulge their hidden secrets. Some are quite raunchy. And I will try to keep away from my bisexual tales.

Cruise Cabin Boys: I recently discover ship cruises as a venue for gay sex. I have taken several Caribbean cruises these last few years and they are remarkable for the amazing gay experience & the quality & quantity of hot younger boys. I am referring to the cabin boys, a term used by most people, that is used to describe their occupation. They are, for the most part, young, pretty, smallish, hot & available. On most cruises I have been on, they seem to be male, Filipino, SE Asian, 18 is the min age to work on a ship, small butts, hairless bodies, cut (Moslem)& un-cut (other) cocks, they rely on tips, and additional tips for extra service. Fucking is an extra service. Most seem to be of that min legal age, but they come from countries that treat their birth certificates as worthless paper, which can be modified or fake for a small sum of money. So an 18 could be a 14. They are very discrete & you can bargain with them for extra services.

I had notice this eye candy on each cruise, but always was with my wife. On a recent cruise, I had made plans on doing something about my needs and to find out how to do it. We got our cabin and our assigned cabin boys, they work as a team of 2 or 3. I, when I could, started a rapport with them, and some flirting, joking, friendly touching, got a promising response. Would do some touchy feely stuff. When we were seated for dinner, I noticed several tables that were all male & some all females, that to me is GAY probably. Later, late that night, went to the tavern lounge & spotted some of the groups. Started talking to them, mentioned that I was looking for some action, asked them about the cabin boys. They told me that having gay sex or straight sex with the passengers is how they make their money. At nights they are involved in orgy parties, and everything goes. They get very big tips. For that they Top & Bottom. During the day they are available for quickies for reasonable tips. If they don't cum and they only get fucked or if they suck it is cheap. They save their cum for those that will pay more. They could take it in the mouth or butt 100 x a day for $10 each time and make $1000/day. But they can only cum so much per day, there are guests that have to have the cum, they pay more. The younger & prettier get bigger tips than the older & uglier.

The next AM, we left for breakfast, the cabin boys were waiting by the cabins for people to leave. When we got to the restaurant deck & got our table, I "forgot" my glasses in the cabin & had to go back. My boy was starting to make the beds. He was one of the cutest, small, slight build, small ass, nice lips, hairless and as I found out, hairless & un-cut. I gave him a big smile & a friendly hello. Went by him to get my glasses & put my hand on his shoulder, then said to him that he was very cute with a wink. He smiled & thanked me. I then put my hand on his butt with a friendly feel. Said does that bother you? He shook his head no & kept the smile. I laid a $20 bill on the bed in front of him. Said this is for you, you know what for? He said yes. He picked up the 20. I sat down on the bed in front of him. I had a hard-on, and not trying to hide it. My pants had a bulge. Notice that I did not say anything about sex in any way. He got on his knees between my legs. Looked up at me, shook my head yes, & said do it. He pulled down my zipper, undid my belt, slid my pants down, my briefs down. Then his mouth went down on my cock. My thighs were along side his cheeks. Could not reach his butt too feel him. Sucking like mad, could not last long, shot a big load down his throat. I frenched, ran my fingers into his crack & thanked him & said for the remainder of the cruise I want a blow job & I want to fuck you at least once a day each when you are available, & I will give you a $100 tip. He wanted much more, told him that is all I want & that is all I will pay. He agreed.

Fucking him would be a problem because of where? They, the cabin crew, had an empty cabin they used for special passengers. They all shared this cabin, was well used. But had to give him $2 extra for each cabin use. Seems that their supervisors get a share of the tips, and some also did favors. I would arrange a time to meet him in the evening, times varied, depending on his customer schedule. Later evenings were for parties that paid the big bucks. I escaped early one evening to go play some black jack. Had arranged a meeting place, he took me to the room, which look well used. He said we had about 20-mins. I stripped down his clothes, what a small body, small ass, un-cut cock which was tempted to tip higher for the use of it. Felt & licked all over, he got on his back & raised his legs. Put the head at the opening & shoved it in. I could tell that hole was well used often. Fucked for 10-mins, shot my load deep as I frenched that beautiful mouth & lips. Everyday on that cruise I would meet him when he was available, from aprox 4PM to 8PM to fuck him. Once he provided a substitute boy, his equal in every way. In the AM, I always got a blow job from him or one of the others. All for aprox $100.

I learned lots from them, between cruises, they fuck each other, have sex parties. But they reserve for the passengers & their money. There are also plenty of girls on board, many as waitresses, they service the straight men & the bisexual women. They would sneak away from their spouses. Passing by the "room", often I would see passengers going inside or just coming out. I would recognize them later on board with their wives.

One night I was waiting in the hall for my wife and nearby there was this guy waiting for his wife. I knew him as one that uses the room & saw one of the boys with him. I struck up a conversation. I just went for broke. I said, as like a surprise: "Gee I know you! Saw you coming out of cabin # last night. He was shocked, I just walked away, found my wife & we moved on. Later, I was in the casino, he came over & asked if he could talk to me in private. He asked why did you say that? I told him I saw him coming out of that room with a cabin boy. He said lets go for a drink, went to one of the bars, and we talked some more with his hand on my thigh. He had paid extra to his boy & he would suck him off, lucky guy, then fuck him. He lived in another state than I, but one that I sometimes visit. The bar was dark, we were sitting in a rounded booth without anybody nearby, sort of secluded. Twice a day is not enough. I had not been fucked nor did I suck while on board as yet. We had our cocks out, under the table, fondling each other. He was 50s, showing some belly growth, but OK looking. I said lets see if we can get that cabin. Found one of the boys I knew & asked him, he returned & said it was arranged for an hour, $10. The guy fucked me, then I fucked him, then I blew him. Nice! There are many gays going double on these cruises as well as singles & groups. The singles offer opportunities if you cannot get enough from the cabin boys. They pay for a doubles cabin, although they prefer the boys. But worth a try for a quicky. I keep my eyes open. I can spot them, middle age or not that good looking, lonely, shy, introverted. I see the same ones wondering around the ship looking like they are having fun, but they have that lonely look, waiting for someone to speak to them. I remember one cruise, saw these two wondering around by themselves all the time, Eating by themselves, in the casino & bars by themselves. One day I saw them together, very happy & talking, they found true love finally.

Late one night, was at the casino (wife in bed) later that night about 10PM, went to the bar, saw one of the lonelys sipping a drink. Had seen him before, moping about. He had a nice look, early 30s, slight chub, my type. Sat down next to him, ordered a drink, turned to him & said hello. He turned to me & I introduced myself. I could tell that he became happy at that moment, probably could have pulled his pants down right then & there & fucked him. He said that he had seen me around the boat. I said: "checking me out"! He laughed, said but you are always with your wife? I said only when I am with her, now I am with you. After a few more drinks & a get-to-know-you talk, he asked if I were gay. I said only when I want to be. He said when is that? I said when I meet a guy I like that is not sharing a cabin with anyone. He "follow me"! We ended up in his room. A almost total bottom. I fucked his ass & then his mouth, while he jacked-off both times. He wanted me to stay with him the remainder of the cruise, said no way but will fix you up with a cabin bow, which later I did. For the remainder of the cruise, he had a very good time. But I did stop by late one night to fuck him a goodnight.

Another way to find a willing crew member, is to asked one that seems OK, if he knows anyone that likes to make some extra money. If he asks for what, do not say for sex, just for some companionship. This beats grouping some kids butt to find out, what if? Now there are two types of employees on board, the ships crew & the hospitality staff. Don't hit on the ships crew, unless they hit on you first. Hit on the younger cabin or refreshment staff. And do not stiff them, they have many ways to get back at you, even when you are leaving the ship.

Hotel/Motel staffs & room cleaners are another source, see some of my earlier stories. Once I was staying in an upscale hotel in Honolulu, while on business, without my wife. I always leave a tip every AM when going out. I want good service, extra tips in advance is the way to get it or something. Had a nice looking maid, first AM, left $5 when I left the room early. Came back around 3PM & she saw me in the hallway, said if I need anything, just ask. She had an accent, don't know what. I said sure come in, closed the door, put a twenty on the bed & smiled. Sat down on the chair with my legs opened, with a bulge. She looked at the 20, looked at me, gave a questioning look, I then shrugged my shoulders as I gave another smile. She finally admitted that she understood. Got down on her knees and did the work on my pants. Hate to say this on a gay site, but a blow job is better than no blow job & closed my eyes & fantasized that Axl Heck from the Middle was blowing me.

Another time, my wife had arrived a head (Head) of me & got our room in a San Francisco Hotel. When I arrived, there were a bunch of hot boys behind the desk. I asked which room she was in. At the time I was drop dead gorgeous & always getting hit on by gays & girls & even old ladies & men, I was quite use to it. When I said "she" they had to ask me if I had said she. I laughed & said too bad, but yes. I had two big bags & asked for a bellhop. The cutest said that he would be my bellhop. And I jokingly said and "not my valentine"? Which caused all of them to giggle. We got on the elevator, just the two of us, our room was on the 5th, he went to press 5, I intercepted, & pressed 12 or so. He looked @ me & smiled, I said whats my chances for a quicky good time, I give good tips. He took me to the 10th, had a pass key, we went in. Our lips were trying to eat each other before the door was closed. I started to undress him. Had him naked, running my tongue all over his body. Got my clothes off. We hit the bed. He said just to fuck him for now, he said he just had his cock sucked 10-mins earlier by one of the desk clerks. He told me which one. He had the most adorable body, a real bubble butt, hardly any body hair. Full lips, just right for a cock. The most beautiful cut cock, medium lth & width. Put him on his elbows & knees, got behind, put my head at his hole & shoved it in, started riding. I was not gentle. Cummed soon, I was horny. I like that position for a first time, get a good look at the pucker & like to watch as I slip it in, in & out. He washed my cock for me. I then cleaned his crack. I was now ready for his lips around my shaft. He started sucking, after awhile got hard. Blew a load down his throat. Then turned him over & took his cock & got him hard. Sucked him off, swallowed. Handed him a 20. Next AM, left the room, went down to the lobby for the paper. The crew were there behind the desk, so was my fuckee. They all said "mornin" with big smiles, one asked if I would require extra services today. I said today, tonight, now & everyday that we are here. My guy asked if he could carry my paper for me, I sad yes, & we took the elevator to our special floor. Got the chance to have him & one of the others a few times that week. Once both were with me.

Another time I had several trips to a job site in Myrtle Beach. Used the same hotel near the site. I noticed that the asst manager that always waited on me, seemed to have special qualities. Chubby with that lonely look but had a nice face, early 20s. But never acted on it, gave me no opening to start something. Third trip there, he upgraded me to the VIP suite, gratis. I thanked him. Said that was unexpected surprise. But what would I do with that large place. He said get a friend & enjoy the hot tub. I said unfortunately I do not have a friend here. Then I said, when you get off of work, I would like to treat you for dinner, as a thank you. It was 2PM he said he gets off (and I will make sure he does) at about 3PM, will come (cum) to my room then, if it is not to early, if it is we could do something. At about 3:15, he knocked on the door. I had just gotten out of the shower with a towel around me when I answered the door. I had been waiting by the door for about 15 mins with the towel around me. He came (not yet, but soon) in & I said sorry not ready yet. I went to the mini & took out two beers. He sat in a chair facing me setting on edge of the bed. He had a good view under my towel. I could tell he was getting flustered. I sad that he worked all day, he could use my hot tub to refresh. He said that sounds good, started to remove his clothes. I watched attentively, nice smooth big butt, short but wide un-cut cock. I said would you mind if I joined you. We got in facing each other, our hard cocks pointing at each other. He said lets do it. With the water spraying us, our tongues went at it. In the tub, his back to me, I entered him, started riding, came a load. He then sat there while I impaled my hole around his cock. We humped & the water was flying everywhere. At about 9PM we went to an Outback. He came back later & stayed the night. He said it was hell growing up in a Red Neck state. The hated gays in public, but they wanted to fuck him in private.

In some of my other stories, I told of other escapades with motel clerks.

Next true story #26, Mature Sex #7. Sex from age 30 to 60 approx.

Write me at I live somewhere south of Orlando. Could do a meet-up for coffee or beer.

My other True stories:

1st, Starting Out-in Youth;

2nd, Being Screwed by Ken-in Youth;

3rd, Fun With Hof-in Youth;

4th, 5th & 6th, Once In Love With Harry #1, 2 & 3-in High School;

7th, Final High School Days-in High School;

8th, 9th & 10th In The Air Force #1, 2 &3-in Military;

11th, After The Air Force-in Adult;

12th to 16th, My Tavern Years #1 to #5-in Encounters;

17th to 19th, Sex After The Tavern #1 to #3 -in Adults;

20th to 25st, Mature Sex #1 to #6-in Adults;

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Next: Chapter 7

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