Mature Sex

By Avesland

Published on Mar 18, 2018


I will dispense with the Foreword, by now most of my readers know me, if not, please read one of my previous true stories. This is true story #26.

Now for some misc or stories that I remembered later of the times I have wrote about and some more recent. In addition, from all the guys I knew, will repeat sex stories, from their lives, that they had told me about back then. When a person is giving their body to someone else to have sex with, it sort of opens people to divulge their hidden secrets. Some are quite raunchy. And I will try to keep away from my bisexual tales.

Going back now to my early 20s, this is about Steve & his later partner Orrin. I met Steve thru my sex friend Don, which I already told about. One of his parties that I attended as a straight person. There would be a mixture of Don's friends, both straight (or pretending to be, bisexual & gay, also women would be there. Their ages ranged from the teens to the 60s. I was constantly always getting hit on by most people there. Only Don knew about my sexual habits. Don was living with his soon to be his life partner, George, whom I have written about & eventually had sex with. At this time, I looked very young, like a teenager, pretty face, slim body, little body hair, nice med cut-cock, I was quite desired for sex.

To the people at these parties, I will dedicate this page to their stories. One that was there was Steve, about my age, good looking, aprox my build, I was enamored with his lips, full soft lips, I wanted to kiss. But I restraind myself at the party. Don later on another day, while he was fucking me, told me what he knew about Steve. It seems that Don & Steve were once lovers for a short while, but had a falling out. But Steve liked to brag, was proud of his gay sex life, told Don much about his past, he also told others as well as me eventually. Steve's older brothers had him sucking their cocks from the day he became a totler. At night, they would bring Steve, 3-yrs, to their bed & he would suck them off & swallow their loads of cum. This continued for many years, probably still is happening. Later a younger brother was born, & they used him also. Even Steve had him suck him. He also told Don that he sucked his father.

I was invited to Steve's parties, which included mostly gays, I was the straight guy there. We became friends in a way. One day I stopped by his apartment on a day we were not working, I was horny & worked up my desire to have sex with him. He wanted to show me his albums of photos. He was wearing house shorts, and settin next to his naked legs was just too much. I put my arm around him & he sort of frozed, as he turned to face me, I pulled him towards me & I got the taste of his lucheous lips. We started smuching, our tongues fighting eah other. My hand was on his naked thigh moving up his leg, under the cloth to his cock. He undid my belt & my zipper, pulled my pants off. Went down on my cock, swalloed it deep in his throat. When I came, it was a big load, down his throat. We then got in position & I deep throated him. It was a good afternoon. Steve & I had a few more times together, but my other obligations got in the way. Steve mentioned how I was able to take Don's big cock up my ass. Steve eventually hooked up with Orrin & they are still together, now many years. We stopped seeing each other, & lost track.

Fast forward about 15-years. I ran into Steve one day on a street, talked a little, we were both on our way back to work after lunch, exchanged phone numbers. I determined that I wanted sex with Steve again. It was winter & I brought my van downtown, called Steve, & asked him if he wanted a ride home. We met after work, it was dark & snowing. My van was large, had a bench seat. The seats in back were folded down & had blankets back there. I was prepared. We started driving & talking. The traffic was bad, tiook regular streets. Normally by bus we could get to our homes in 45-mins, now 90-mins. He asked me if I was still seeing Don, yes I was. I saked him about Orrin, he said they were good together. I said for him to move closer to me, which he did. I pulled over to the curb that was used by parked cars, We made out. We climed over into the back. With the weather like it was & winbdows steamed & covered with snow, we were safe. I had to fuck him, which I did, he then fucked me. I did have paper towells. Got to his apartment, which I never seen. He said Orrin was expected home soon, so I could not come in. I objected, & said only for a moment, I want to see the place. He agreed. Upstairs I pulld my pants down & told him to suck. Which he did in a very big hurrey, then I left.

Steve told Orrin that he saw me downtown, but nothing else. Orrin said for them to invite me to a party. A few weeks later, I was at their party, two of his brothers were there also. But Steve got sick to his stomach & had to end the party early. Steve went to bed, all the others left, Orrin said for me to wait behind. Now it was just the two of us in the living room, Steve in bed. We started to make out, took our clothes off. We had our cocks in our mouths when Orrin stopped & went to see Steve, came back & said Steve was feeling better now, invited me to stay & sleep with them. It was all planned by Steve & Orrin, but Orrin had not seen me in many years & was not sure if he would still be interested in fucking me. After the party got going, Orrin signalled to Steve to go into his sick act.

Bed time with me sandwiched between them was unexpected, but I made the most of it. Being fucked & sucked as well as fucking & sucking made the party complete. Steve then confessed about our trip home the other night. Steves lips were made for kissing & sucking cock, will never forget them.

Next true story #27, Mature Sex #8. Sex from age 30 to 60 approx.

Write me at I live somewhere south of Orlando. Could do a meet-up for coffee or beer.

My other True stories:

1st, Starting Out-in Youth;

2nd, Being Screwed by Ken-in Youth;

3rd, Fun With Hof-in Youth;

4th, 5th & 6th, Once In Love With Harry #1, 2 & 3-in High School;

7th, Final High School Days-in High School;

8th, 9th & 10th In The Air Force #1, 2 &3-in Military;

11th, After The Air Force-in Adult;

12th to 16th, My Tavern Years #1 to #5-in Encounters;

17th to 19th, Sex After The Tavern #1 to #3 -in Adults;

20th to 26st, Mature Sex #1 to #7-in Adults;

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Next: Chapter 8

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