Mayor Moor

By Nathan Booth

Published on Mar 3, 2021


Mayor Moor 1 - Vetting

The following story is fiction and involves sexually explicit erotic events between males. If you are offended by such material or are too young to be reading material of this nature, do not read the story. This is a work of fiction set in our world but no real place. Make sure you get consent before engaging in sex. Make sure you protect yourself.

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Jeff stood in the elevator next to a middle aged woman who held her small fluffy dog, the animal did not stop looking at Jeff as the floors counted up. Jeff, dressed in his best suit and thought over what he was going to say. He was nervous but excited meeting with Dante Moor the Mayor of Bainmoore and the ticket to the governorship. Bainmoore the city that straddled the mouth of the river Bain a thriving port city it was the largest contributor to the state and therefore made the Mayor a powerful man, three mayors of the city had gone on to be President. Moor was different he had pledged in his first campaign for the city Mayor, "Moor in Moore" he was not using the office to go elsewhere, building on his predecessor and mentors plans he carried on the investment which had seen the city grow further and establish Mayor Moor in the State, Party and Region.

Jeff stepped out on the 37th floor and moved off to find the apartment walking down a wall light corridor he came to 37C. He took a deep breath did the button up on his suit jacket looked down at himself smiled whispered the words "kiss the ring" his wife had said it to him as he got ready to leave to this important meeting Jeff exhaled and knocked. There was no instant reply he did not even hear foot steps he waited slightly concerned, looking at his watch it was 9:55 a bit early he thought but surely the Mayor would be in. Jeff listened in at the door still no sound, he pulled the card out of his pant pocket and looked at the address.

4th Street and 9th West Acabella Tower 37C Wednesday 10pm

Whilst in his head Jeff debated knocking again the door opened. Almost filling the frame was Dante Moor. "Hello Jeff" he said smiling like the good politician he was. "Come, come" he added stepping back into the aparment. Jeff took in the sight of the man, just over 6 foot, he had a broad frame with a slight gut, near 20 years at the top of the tree had led him to relax his physic. Dante had a trimmed heavily silver flecked beard and short cut hair, his eyes portrayed his age and the stress of his role in his mid- sixties he was still an impressive sight to see in person and on campaign, borad shouldered like any Port worker. Jeff shook the powerful had of the Mayor who normally dressed well in a three piece suit had lost the jacket and vest, the braces he wore hung about his legs and he had kicked off his shoes which Jeff passed on the floor. "Sorry to keep you waiting I just have to send an email. Get you a drink?" "No I am good thank you" Jeff replied "Nonsense, I drag you back into the city at this hour." He said moving off to a cupboard already open and Jeff could hear the clink of a glass and ice. "Whiskey man? Older than 18 and with 1 ice cube?" he asked but more said, Jeff looked at the back of the man the dark grey braces almost matching his pants hanging off his waist as the Mayor took a bottle of the shelf Jeff noted the Macallan label. Mayor Moor handed Jeff the glass and moved off. "Sorry I have to send another email" he said looking at the open laptop on his desk, which faced in from a book shelf to the sitting area. "That is ok" "You know this no matter when you think you finish the city keeps on working" the Mayor said as he moved off and sat down. "You live in sandbanks?" he asked. "Yes" Jeff said moving to the floor to ceiling windows and looking down on the Robertson Plaza, with the law courts taking up the right hand side of the Plaza. The apartment looked down on the Council building on the left hand side it was an impressive sight and put the mayor in the heart of the city. "Julie, Dean and Yulanda" he added sipping the good smooth whiskey a bit of heat tricking down his throat. "Interesting name that?" Dante said typing away on the laptop. "It was Julie's grandmothers" "She raised Julie, didn't she?" "Yes, I have to say.. Jeff uneasy how much the Mayor knew changing the conversation "This is a great view, I did not know the office came with this" Dante looked up at Jeff stood framed in the window, the sharp suit cut like it was made for him a dark grey so dark almost black but not quite. A cookie cut all-star as in a college movie, what a politician should look like, young not out of his thirties, but early set grey gave him a gravitas that many older politicians lacked Dante inwardly grunted and the younger mans before him. "It does not, really helps with work." Dante said "You and Julie met in college?" he moved the conversation back to Jeff. "We did" Jeff said wondering how the mayor could afford an apartment granted small in one of the most expensive area's of the city. "Bit young?" "Not really when you know you know. When did you meet your wife?" Jeff asked moving way from the window with the perfect view down on the Plaza to the sofa opposite the desk sitting on the edge so he sat up and straight he placed the excellent whiskey down on the coffee table. "I was in my thirties, I met Kaia. Already on the road to office" he said looking up at Jeff whose own grey eyes looked back. "Julie works for the Foundation for Children?" he took swig from his bottle beer and rested back down typing out a little more as he listened to Jeff "Yes she finds it very rewarding" Jeff knew the questions although all available online on his site they were leading to harder questions.

The two men kept conversation going once Dante had finished the email and closed the laptop he poured Jeff another whiskey and opened a bottle of beer for himself. Dante offered him some food but Jeff declined, and the questions flew at him, life, family, finances, views on key topics, social media presence. Both knew why they were there in an non official residence where no one was signed in or out. Jeff had broached the subject only the day before at a function they were both at and the mayor had told him to come here. As Jeff sipped on the whiskey conscious that he was drinking a very good but hard liquor and the Mayor a man of the city was on a light beer. Whilst Jeff did not like the questions he accepted them as the endorsement of the Mayor, his donors, the political and campaign machine along with Union support would carry him to governor of the fifth most prosperous State in the Republic. Those before mentioned Mayors had been Governors then President.

Dante sat at right angle to Jeff in an arm chair his legs spread as he reclined sipping his beer, Jeff sat on the edge of the sofa although his jacket was undone he had kept it on. Dante leant forward and from inside the coffee table pulled out a vanilla file and opened it.

"You have trouble keeping it in your pants?" he asked "Ahh no, happily married Sir" Jeff said still being the supplicant. "I know there have been no formal charges, but three women in your office when you were an Assistant State Prosecutor, were moved on after and I quote 'Personal contact'" Dante smiled his wide white tooth grin, "Love that euphemism, covers all kinds of sins, was it consensual was it not, maybe an abuse of power, maybe not" "I can explain" Jeff said "I am sure you can." "My Wife..." "Knows!" Dante said. "the deal you two have no more female assistants" "How do you..." Jeff said as the heat rose in him "What you spying on me" he blew standing as he shouted the words. "No" Dante said in a cool calm voice. "Jut since then you have not had any female assistants and your wife makes unexpected trips to see you in the office. My team put it together" "How many people did you have looking into me" Jeff was furious and marched up and down the walkway between the seating area and windows. "This is illigal you know that" "As many as needed, and no it is not my people do not violate any laws, just access what is accesable" "WHat does that mean?" he shouted. "what it means all that we have" Dante said holding the file up was obtained legally and could be gathered by anyone" "Not personnel files" Jeff was furious. "Yes when you know the right people and are looking to hire someone" Dante retorted. "Your not hiring me" "No you are asking for my endorsement so calm down, quiet down and sit down. I have neighbours" Jeff turned on the spot and looked at the Mayor, who had not changed position looking up at the younger man with an all knowing look. Jeff turned and looked out the window. "I wont suffer this humiliation" "Nor will I" spoke Dante "We ain't going through your personal life" "You came to me, you sought out my endorsement, I have a duty to myself to make sure the man I endorse represents what I do and will not embarrass me." "How will a maybe affair embarrass you?" Jeff turned back looking at the Mayor and spat out the words. "With me comes the Christian Workers Port Union, the Patriot Confederation of Church's, the Immaculate Conclave of our Christ and Saviour, the Apostle Churches of Lady Mary to name but a few, If I get them to endorse you and then it turns out you can't keep your pretty cock in your pants where it belongs then that reflects badly on me. I need them to turn the vote out for me, I need the five Parishes of Lower Donvale to endorse the rebuilding we are planning to begin next year not to mention the money that flows into the party through my hard work and connections with those good folk." Jeff felt like a school boy and his neck got redder. "So before I put in any more hard work to you, I need to know who these women are? Are they going to talk? What we need to do to silence them? Sit down, drink your whiskey and take your damned jacket off" the Mayor said a harsh tone. Jeff took off his jacket and placed if on the end of the sofa and Dante took in the view of the younger man's trim body, how there was no over hang from shirt tucked into the crisply pressed pants a cute butt hidden by the fabric. "Does that mean you are endorsing me." "That means you are the front runner" Dante said back. Jeff sat down.

The two talked and drank some more covering the women, the few times he bent the rules on prosecutions Dante was impressed but knew his team had done a very thorough job, just how thorough Jeff was about to find out. Covering what Dante got out of the arrangement and although Jeff said the right things Dante slapped them down and said "that's for the city, I want to know what I will get out of it. I put my name, and all my resources that come with me I need a return. Think on it a bit." He said moving the conversation on.

It was gone eleven when Dante brought up the fraternity. "What of it?" "Pledging?" Dante said in a knowing voice. "Yes" Jeff said apprehension in his voice. "No pledges died whilst you were a member, however the Frat has a reputation and in our own city we have banned them and prosecuted. Tell me about pledge week" "I am not meant to" "Yes here we are, no longer in our twenties and serious men, I never went and you know the scandals so spill 'College boy'" Dante said a chuckle in his voice. Jeff explained the process and what they did trying where best to water it down. "But the pledge master in your pledge year was a paedophile?" "What!" Jeff exclaimed. "You never saw any underage lads there?" Dante spoke like a prosecutor. "No never. Harry Butterworth is a peado? But I saw him only a few months" "Oh he settles out of court a loop hole in his state" Jeff digested the information as Dante pressed on. "when you pledged, you had to do what?" Jeff explained leaving out a part at the end. "Come on that is not all, I have on good authority that you had to suck cock" Dante added. "I don't know what this has to do with my vetting" Jeff said. "I need to know what we need to cover and what could come out" Dante enforced "As I understand, you had to strip to your underwear" "Yes" Jeff confirmed and took a last sip of his whiskey a good buzz in his head as he put the glass down he thought he saw the fabric of Dante's pants move around his groin. "Strip!" came the command. Jeff looked up and with a head gesture Dante signalled for Jeff stand before him Jeff went to protest but then something in him made him do as he was told and he stood "Take them off College boy, explain to me what goes on" Dante said his voice changing. Although he did not know why the Mayor needed a demonstration the servile in him took over and Jeff was back at Cappa Alpha Omega. He pulled off his tie and placed if it on his jacket having to turn slightly back to do so. Dante took in the sight as Jeff undid his shirt buttons his eyes taking in the slowly exposed body of the younger man who found time to go to the gym four times a week and cycled on Sundays to church with the family then off on his own for a longer one sometimes after. Jeff undid the cufflinks his hard dad body on show the chest hair of light brown had flecks of grey and ran down his torso not defined but muscular into the top of his pants. Jeff put the shirt neatly down and bent forward untying his shoe laces almost loosing balance before rising up. He was a little drunk he knew the humiliation being asked of him was some form of test. Once his shoes were off he looked at Dante who sat looking up at him and another nod of his head, the Mayor did not even need to speak and Jeff slid his hands to his belt and began to unbuckle it. Pulling them down and draping over the sofa he stood in a pair of trunk boxers his entire body on show. Dante held up his right hand his index finger pointing up and he moved it around in a swivel motion. Jeff turned around letting Dante look him over. Jeff did not hear Dante get up but when he came back round the man was stood before him hands in his pockets. "then?" he asked his face close to Jeff's "You kneel." And Jeff knew what he had to do and he got down on his knees before Dante looking a head he could see the thick member to one side of the pant groin had swelled and pulled the fabric forward. "then?" came the next question and Jeff found himself trying to swallow to wet his mouth. "You would pledge" "What would you say?" Dante asked. "I pledge my allegiance to my brothers..." "Not the master?" Dante asked. Jeff looked up over the gut and broad chest at the Mayor looking down at him. "I pledge to a brother" he said innocently. "Well sound better if it is Master" Jeff felt the sinking feeling in his stomach but also noted his cock was filling with blood. "I pledge my allegiance to my master, to honour the code of the brotherhood of Cappa Alpha Omega, I do this of my free will" Jeff said then he tried to get up but one hand slid out of Dante's pant pocket and lightly touched Jeff's shoulder. "I feel there is another part." "You kiss the head" Jeff said sinking back onto his knees. "You kiss the head of what?" "My Master's cock" Jeff said his cock jolted in his boxers his stomach in knots. Dante extended a finger and pointed to his crotch and Jeff looked up the big man looking down over him. With both hands Jeff undid the button of Dante's fly and pulled down the zipper the release of the fabric the cock was contained in. The shirt covering a little as Jeff pulled the pants open in a V. Jeff breathed heavily and uneven as his heart raced and the conflict inside him raged. He felt ashamed, horny and like he did that night many years ago when he sucked off Tommy Delaware. Jeff unbuttoned the boxers and reached into the warmth the two men breathing was the only sound as he pulled out the cock with his hand, once free and in the air Jeff looked up at Dante and leant forward and gave the head of Dante's cock poking out from the dark foreskin a kiss. Dante smiled above and looked down at the subjugation of Prosecutor Almar. "And that is all?" Dante said breathing heavily, his rock hard cock jutting out from his boxers and open pants Jeff kneeling in his boxers and socks before him. "That is meant to be it" Jeff said a nervous twitch in his voice. "But you can do better than that, taking a guy to full hardness and just giving him a peck." Dante said his right hand on the Back of Jeff's head. The two men looked at each other an Jeff opened his mouth and moved forward to took enveloped the hard meat.

Jeff had only suck cock in college he was known in the Frat for it as a pledge he sucked a fair few but once a sophomore he stopped and had not since. But now with Dante's cock in his mouth it all came flooding back to him and he opened his mouth wider let his tongue lap at the hard meat in his mouth as he moved back and forth on the cock. Dante cooed above him as he received the blowjob. It had been a while since he had one, and longer since he had used his power to get it. Here the 'college boy' was on his cock sucking like his life depended on it. Dante moved his hand back into his pocket Jeff did not need encouragement he was a natural. Leaning back on the balls of his heel Dante enjoyed the experience. "Yeah you are good at that College boy" he said tilting his head back the light buzz form the beer running through his veins mixing with the endorphins. Jeff hummed his agreement or gratitude around Dante's cock as he continued to suck. Dante let Jeff go at his own pace no need to speed the lad up yet. Opening his eyes he looked out the large wall of glass passed the building to his left and down onto the plaza lady justice on top of the court house light up by spot lights the flag on the council building also flooded in light. Jeff had one hand on Dante's leg supporting himself his other was wrapped around the base of the cock and moved with his eager strokes up and down. The lad's lips formed a vice about Dante's cock, he never left it running up to the base of the head and then back down touching his fingers then back up. The motion was repeated in quick back and forths Jeff went on Dante's dick and Dante was loving it. Shifting his balance forward he took his hands out of his pocket and placed the right on Jeff's head and took to short thrust's forward and into Jeff's mouth. The hand at the base of his cock became a barrier to Dante putting more into Jeff and with his left he grabbed Jeff's wrist to remove it. Jeff tried to resist but either realised Dante could over power him or gave into his own lust.

Almost holding Jeff still with his right hand on Jeff's head Dante thrust his cock in and out of the mouth. He brought Jeff's own right hand up and onto his stomach and Jeff ran them up trying to touch Dante's nipples. Dante thrust his cock into Jeff's mouth hitting the back of the throat and making Jeff gag and cough forward the saliva build up form his mouth. Taking a large breath Dante pushed his cock back into Jeff's mouth and the Prosecutor received it letting it moved back and forth over his togue. Dante's hand in his hair he tilted Jeff's face up so he could look down and into the grey eyes as his cock thrust in and out of the mans mouth. Salvia drooling out the side of Jeff's mouth down his cheek and chin, his eyes filled with water as ever so often he would cough or gag, his cheeks billowing out as his sucked in more air around the cock. Dante pushed forward with his assault his thighs and rhythm stronger than Jeff who pushed against them every so often. Holding Jeff's head in both hands Dante pushed his cock to the base Jeff making a choked strangled noise as his mouth opened wide to accommodate the fat piece and the cock slid into his throat. Withdrawing Jeff fell forward supporting himself on Dante as he coughed and wiped the spit from his mouth, leaning back again, his knees sore and the feeling of cramp in his left foot he opened his mouth and looked up begging with his eyes. Pointing his cock to the open mouth and back in Jeff took over the rhythm holding the base of the prick with his right hand, his left on the meaty thigh inside the suit pants Dante still wore.

Dressed still in shirt and pants his cock protruding from the now saliva wet boxers Dante continued to keep his hands in Jeff's hair encouraging the man to take more and more of his cock into his mouth. Dante was loving the feeling of the blowjob the power he held and how eagerly Jeff surrendered to him once the cock was in his mouth. Jeff was rock hard he wanted to toss himself off, but his jaw hurt and he did not know if he could or should. The conflict in him drove him on as lifting his right hand off the base of Dante's wet dick he reached into his boxers taking the plunge and gave himself a few strokes then was soon vigorously tossing himself off as Dante rocked back and forth his cock sliding in and out of Jeff's mouth.

"You like that?" Dante said in a hoarse voice breaking the silence which had existed between the two apart from the noises of sucking. Looking down on the man below him mouth around a fat dick hand down his own boxers jacking his own stiff dick. Jeff nodded and hummed agreement as he slurped and bopped on the cock in his mouth. Jeff reached up and took some of the saliva about Dante's cock into his palm and then put his right hand back into his boxers the slickness needed on his cut cock as he rubbed it. Dante pushed Jeff off his cock and looked down on him the younger mans taught body, the lightly hairy chest as he continued to rub his own cock and watch Jeff's hand in his boxers do the same. Dante knew then in that moment he could have taken Jeff bent him over and fucked him on the couch, floor against the window. He resisted and he watched Jeff look up at him eyes watered and a look like a dog who had lost his bone.

Jeff was lost in the moment his own desire to cum had taken over. The deep longing from college had awoken in him, something forced out long ago repressed was released the way Dante looked down on him king on a mountain a glint in his eye. Jeff's hole twitched as he leaned back showing off his lean body, his balls churning swimmers, Dante tossed his own impressive cock above Jeff who wanted it in him, his hole twitched again sending a jolt through him.

"You want this?" Dante breathed looking at Jeff. He could not speak but nodded begging pleading with his eyes. "Ahh Ohh" Dante moaned rising up on his toes moving forward with his free hand he grabbed Jeff and plunged his cock into the mouth hot sperm shooting in, Jeff was not expecting it and coughed the cum back out, his own cock exploded at that moment. Hot jets over his hand and the inside of his boxers and Dante stopped Jeff from moving off the cum pushing at the boundaries of his mouth. Moving his head to one side the dick popped out his mouth, with his own cum soaked hand Jeff spat out the cum stood and headed to the toilet near the door coughing and spitting as he did.

Having regained his breath Dante looked down at the mess at his feet, the hard wood floor had a pool of water (saliva), with deeper white fleck no doubt cum. He leaned over himself and looked at the wet front of his pants and tucked his softening cock back into this boxers not bothering with the buttons as he did up his fly and button leaving his shirt untucked. Dante whipped his hands on the back of his pants and listening to Jeff in the toilet cursing something and spitting, Dante shouted out. "There is mouthwash in the cabinet" No word came back but he heard the cabinet door shut. Picking up Jeff's clothes he went to the toilet opened the door it did not have a lock. Jeff looked startled and Dante put the clothes on the toilet seat. "Your clothes" he said catching Jeff's reflection in the mirror was it hurt, anguish on his face Dante was unsure but in that moment even he felt a little ashamed.

Jeff dressed in the toilet and came out jacked over his arm in front of his own groin the mans face was sheepish as Dante stood leaning on the back of the sofa checking something on his phone. "You did not?" Jeff asked anger flashing. "What?" Dante asked then looked at his phone "oh NO! definitely not" "So I should go." Jeff recovered. "Sure, you ok to drive." "Yes!" Jeff shot back. Dante led Jeff to the door something Jeff did not need but opening it Dante turned to Jeff extended his hand "Thank you Governor" he said an arrogance only he could pull off. Jeff took his hand and shook not quite catching Dante's eyes. "Thank you Mayor" and with that Jeff left, happy he had secured the endorsement but wat what price. Thoughts whirled in Jeff's head as he took the lift to his car, then drove out of the city he showered in the downstairs bathroom and thoroughly scrubbed his teeth and even his tongue before climbing into bed next to Julie he slept soundly.

Next: Chapter 2

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