May's Little Helper

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Sep 4, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

May's Little Helper By Chris

May saw her in the cafeteria at work in early September. The girl was young looking and May figured that she was probably just out of high school. She was slim with small breasts but had long brown hair. The moment May noticed her; she knew she had to get to know this young lady much better.

May was in her early mid thirties and was bi-sexual by nature but lately she found herself more attracted to women than men. In fact, it had been a couple of years since she had last went out with a man.

May was the manager of the finance department and she set out to find out where the girl worked and who she was. May started to make some discrete inquiries and found out what she could about this young lady. It only took her a couple of days to find out that the girl was named Kim but went by Kimmy. She had started there in July working as a clerk in customer service. She was still living at home but was trying to find a cheap place of her own.

May started her process of getting to know Kimmy by calling her every time she needed to know something from customer service. She kept this up for a couple of weeks before deciding it was time to meet Kimmy in person. She then went down to the plant cafeteria early one day and waited around for Kimmy to arrive. She did not have to wait long before she saw Kimmy enter the lunchroom. Luckily Kimmy sat at an empty table, May quickly got in line then headed directly towards Kimmy's table.

"Excuse me but are you Kimmy from customer service?" May asked as she got to Kimmy's table, knowing for a fact that she was.

"Ah, yes" Kimmy replied with a question on her face.

"Hi, I'm May. I have been talking to you the last few weeks and I wanted to meet you. I always like to put a face with a name when I can. Jane told me what you looked like so I thought I would take a chance on meeting you here. Do you mind if I sit and we can get to know one another a little better."

"Sure, that would be great. Please join me."

May found Kimmy to be quite shy so she did most of the talking at first then slowly brought Kimmy out. May had always had a gift for making people talk about themselves and May was set to put that gift to the test. But Kimmy quickly came around and was talking away by the time the lunch hour was over. May left Kimmy saying that she hoped to meet her again tomorrow and continue their conversation. Kimmy said that would be great since everybody in customer service had to eat at different times, this would give her somebody to talk to at lunch. The next day they met again and they continued to do that for the rest of the week. May found out that Kimmy's pay rate was just a little over minimum wage and at this rate, she would never be able to pay rent on an apartment. Much less, pay for everything else, which went with having your own place. May then knew she had a way to see if Kimmy would be interested in making their newfound friendship into something more. She told Kimmy that she had inherited a large old house from her grandmother and was in the process of fixing it up on the weekends. She suggested that Kimmy come and work for her on the weekends. That way she could get her extra money she needed and May could get her house fixed up quicker. Kimmy inquired on what she would be doing and how much May was paying. May explained that she needed help cleaning up the yard and there was a lot of old wallpaper to be removed and new put up. May thought about the wage, as she did not want it to be too little and not too much either. She finally decided on twelve dollars an hour but added that she would be working Kimmy hard so she would be earning her money. Kimmy had been working all her life so the work part did not scare her off. She thought about the offer a moment, then she took May up on her offer. May gave her the directions to her house and told her to be there at eight on Saturday morning.

At 7:30 Saturday morning, May was looking out her kitchen window drinking her first cup of coffee when she saw an old beat up car pull into the driveway. Since she always went around in the nude while she was in her house May was standing there buck assed naked. May quickly ran upstairs and got a robe to cover herself. She just made it back downstairs when she heard Kimmy knock at the front door. She tied her robe as she went to open the door.

Kimmy gave her the once over as May stood in the doorway in just her robe. May looked down and saw that she had put on her silk robe and you could make out her nipples in the thin material.

"I know I am early but I was afraid I would get lost so I left early. I am terrible at following directions."

"No that is fine. Come on in and you can have a cup of coffee as I get dressed."

May let her into the kitchen, poured her a cup of coffee, and then headed up to her bedroom to get dressed. May took notice that Kimmy never took her eyes off her as she went around the kitchen. This gave May hope that things might work out after all.

May put on a pair of jeans and tee shirt and went back down to Kimmy. She got a roll and a second cup of coffee as she told Kimmy that since it was still cool out that they would work on the yard first. When May finished her roll, they set out to work. They started with May trimming all the bushes around the house and Kimmy carrying the limbs to a ditch behind the house. There were a number of bushes to be trimmed and they were all over grown so this took them to lunchtime to finish.

They went in and washed up then fixed themselves a sandwich for lunch. As they ate, they talked. May gently began to pry into Kimmy's personal life. She found out that Kimmy had not dated much during high school and none since starting to work at the plant. May did not pry to hard, as there would be time for that later. Once lunch was done, they went back outside and started mowing. May had a very large yard so she got on the riding lawn mower and put Kimmy on the push mower. Once Kimmy had the grass around the house and trees done, they took a break to cool off and got something to drink. When they started back May put Kimmy on the riding mower and she started the trimming. It was getting hot by now so the took frequent breaks relaxing in the shade. They were taking their time it so it was about six before the mowing was completed. Once they put everything away, they went into the house. Kimmy started to get her stuff together to leave when May stopped her.

"Why don't you wash up here and stay the night. That would prevent you from having to get back up early tomorrow to come back. I am sure I have something you can wear and we can wash what you are wearing now so that you will have it to wear tomorrow."

Kimmy thought a moment before replying. "I would hate to put you out. I don't mind getting up early. I have been doing that all my life."

"It would be no problem, besides you would give me some company. This house can get to you when you are here alone every night." May emphasized the word alone making her case in getting Kimmy to stay the night.

"Ok sounds good to me. Do you mind if I call my mother so she won't worry."

"Sure, the phone is over there and I will go up and get you something to wear after you take your shower."

Kimmy made her call and went to find May whom she found in the bathroom. May showed her where the towels were and where Kimmy's bedroom was. She told Kimmy to put her clothes outside the door and she would put them in the wash and get supper started while she took her shower. May left her alone and Kimmy started the shower. Once the water got warm, she undressed and put her clothes outside the door then stepped into the shower. She did not realize how tired she was until the warm water cascaded down her sore muscles. She shower felt so good she did not want to get out but after twenty minutes she finally turned off the water and got a towel. After drying off, she looked at what May had given her to wear. She found a tee shirt, pair of sweat shorts and a pair of cotton panties. When she put the panties on, she found out that they were a little too large and if she wore them, she would be pulling them up all night. She did not want to do that but she also did not want to go without. After studying the problem a minute or two, she decided to go without the panties and just put the shorts. The tee shirt was a little big and she found that the shorts were also a little too big but once she tied the pull string, she was able to keep them up. She had never gone without panties before. She did not know what to do with the panties, as she did not want May to know she was going without. Therefore, she took them to her room and then went to the kitchen where May was fixing supper. As she walked, she found that going without panties was somewhat exciting.

She found that May had a chicken dish in the oven that look and smelled real good. May told her to watch the chicken to make sure it did not burn and make a salad as she took a shower. Kimmy made the salad and kept an eye on the chicken worrying the whole time that May was gone that she would ruin the dish that May had obviously taken great pains to prepare.

When May came back from taking her shower she was wearing a tee shirt that while not to tight still was a snug fit. Kimmy's eyes were drawn to May's breasts, which were larger than her own breasts. They were probably a C cup, Kimmy thought to herself. Kimmy looked down at her own breasts, which did not completely fill her B cup bra. She then looked back at May's breasts. When she realized that she was staring, she looked away hoping that May did not notice that she was staring at her. But May did notice as she went on getting the dinner ready. She got out some rolls out and put them in the oven as the chicken was about done.

As they ate, they talked about what they had finished that day and what they would tackle tomorrow. As the dinner went on, Kimmy found her eyes being drawn back to May's breasts. She found that she could just make out the nipples and it got harder to concentrate on what May was saying. Once they had had their fill and they both began to feel the day's work get to them, they decided to retire to the living room and watch a little TV. They quickly cleaned the kitchen and then went to the den.

They settled on the sofa and started watching a movie that was on. About halfway through the movie May noticed that Kimmy was flexing her shoulders.

"Are your shoulders bothering you?"

"Yea, I guess I am not use to pushing a mower. My brother always does that at home."

"Slide over here and let me massage your shoulders and see if I can get some of the soreness out. It is the least I can do since I am the cause of your discomfort."

"That sounds nice I have never had a shoulder massage before." Kimmy said as she scooted over and turned her back to May.

May took Kimmy's hair and parted it down the middle putting it over Kimmy's shoulders getting it off her back. May took her time though feeling the smooth silkiness of Kimmy's hair. May started at Kimmy's neck gently massaging the tense muscles. After a couple of minutes, May could feel Kimmy begin to relax. May moved on down to Kimmy's shoulders working her fingers and palms into Kimmy's muscles. May found that while Kimmy was slim she had good muscle tone and was not bony by any means. May worked her way down Kimmy's back and sides but stopped at her hips. She would have loved to pull Kimmy's top off and really give a good massage but she played it safe. After about twenty minutes, she noticed that Kimmy was yawning so she brought the massage to an end.

Once she had stopped, Kimmy just sat there about half asleep as the massage had relaxed her so much. What she did next would have surprised Kimmy as much as it did May had Kimmy been more awake than she was. Kimmy curled up on the sofa and put her head on May's lap. When May got over her surprise, she put her hand down to Kimmy's head and began to stroke her hair. May found the she was getting aroused and she hoped that Kimmy would not notice but Kimmy was already asleep by this time. May continued to stroke Kimmy's hair and face until she drifted off to sleep. May slept about an hour before waking up. She knew if she slept this way all night she would pay for it in the morning so she slipped out from under Kimmy and got up. May went and got a pillow and sheet to cover Kimmy. She gently lifted Kimmy's head and placed the pillow under her head then covered Kimmy up with the sheet. She then looked down at Kimmy and could not believe such a lovely creature was sleep on her sofa. Without thinking, she bent down and kissed Kimmy on her forehead. She did not think Kimmy would know but as she walked away Kimmy opened her eyes and watched her leave the room.

The next morning May woke up first and made a pot of coffee. Once it brewed, she sat it the living room where Kimmy was sleeping. As she sat there watching Kimmy sleep she could feel something stir in her heart. Kimmy was such a sweet innocent girl. She was also very smart which conflicted with what Kimmy had told her about school. Kimmy had said that she just had a C average in school but she seemed much smarter than that. That was something she would have to explore more. She also realized that she still wanted to get Kimmy into bed but she wanted more to keep her as a friend. She would have to play this carefully. About the time that she finished her first cup of coffee she saw Kimmy stir and wake up. Kimmy gave May a shy smile when she realized that May had been sitting there watching her.

"Morning, How did you sleep? I did not have the heart to wake you to go to bed last night so I just left you there."

"Sorry about that. I did not mean to go to sleep on you like that. I guess I was more tired than I though I was. Your massage did not help any either. That felt so good."

"Thank you, why don't you freshen up and I will make you a cup of coffee."

"Okay, thanks."

When Kimmy came into the kitchen, she had gotten dressed back into her clothes. They sat down and had breakfast and planned out their day. First was to finish up the yard then start on the inside. By mid morning, they had finished the yard work and they decided to take a break. May decided to press Kimmy about school and found out that Kimmy thought school was boring and had since she started. May studied this information as they moved to the master bedroom to get the old wallpaper off. When they stopped for lunch May went back to the school thing asking Kimmy if she had ever had her IQ tested which Kimmy replied no. May told her that maybe that the reason she did not do well in school was not because she wasn't smart but maybe that she was very smart. Kimmy did not believe her at first but when May kept asking her how long it took her to learn her job or pickup on anything Kimmy always had to reply in no time at all.

The rest of the afternoon Kimmy thought about this and wondered if what May was saying was true. It definitely gave her something to think about. They quit at about five and Kimmy gathered her things to leave. May did not press her about staying any longer as much as she wanted to do. May did give her a couple of books to read that week. These were interesting books that May gave her but they were not light reading by any means. Kimmy told her that she was never much of a reader but she would give them a try. May told her that she had to be out of town until Friday but that they could have lunch on Friday.

Kimmy picked up the first book that night and began to read. After the first twenty pages she started to get into the book. She found out that when it wasn't something she had to read but something she wanted to read it made it easier. The more she read the book the more it made her think. She did not put the book down until two in the morning and only then because her eyes were crossing on her. But as tired as she was she could not go to sleep. All she could think of was the weekend she had spent with May and how May had opened her eyes. Maybe May was right; she could do better than being an order entry clerk for the rest of her life. Also there was May herself that she could not get out of her mind. The way May looked, the way she acted around her. When her alarm went off, she was still awake. This made for a very long day. The rest of the week, she spent reading and thinking about May.

May on the other hand was doing a lot of thinking also. Most of what she thought about was Kimmy. She could not remember when she had been so smitten by someone. The difference in ages also worried her. If their relationship developed into something more than friendship would the age difference eventually come into play? Would Kimmy get tired of her and move on? And what if she made a pass and Kimmy rejected her? Being rejected was not new and did not bother her, but then she realized being rejected by Kimmy would bother her. What if Kimmy thought that she was a freak, if and when she made a pass? But the way Kimmy had looked at her at times seems to indicate that would not be the case. B7ut she knew that only time would tell.

Mid morning, May called Kimmy telling her that she got held over and was just now getting to the airport. She told Kimmy since she broke their lunch date that she would take her to dinner that night. That is if Kimmy would like to go. Kimmy said that would be great, that she had no plans for the evening. May told Kimmy to come on over to her house at six-thirty. She also suggested that Kimmy could stay the weekend. May held her breath until Kimmy agreed.

Kimmy rushed home after work, as she did not have much time to spare to get to May's by six-thirty. Kimmy only had one nice dress and she hoped that it was not too plain. Her family would not allow her many luxuries and nice clothes were not one of them. Kimmy arrived right on time and May again opened the door in her robe. May welcomed her in and told Kimmy to relax as she finished getting dressed. May did not get dressed before Kimmy got there, as she wanted to see what Kimmy was wearing. That way she would not show her up by wearing something to dressy. She went to her bedroom and made reservations at a nice but not to nice restaurant. She then finished getting dressed and they were off to dinner.

At dinner, they discussed the books that Kimmy had read. May quickly realized that she was right; Kimmy was a lot smarter than Kimmy thought she was. May knew that Kimmy had to go to college so she started by trying to talk Kimmy into taking a college entrance exam just to see how she did. Kimmy was not sure at first but was finally convinced to try. Kimmy told May that even if she did okay, she did not have the money to go to college. She could not even afford an apartment so how could she afford college. May assured her that if she did well they would find the money. They then went on to other subjects like why May was not married. Kimmy told May that as pretty and successful as she was she should have men coming out of the woodwork. May was not sure what to say so she left it vague saying that she never met anyone that she wanted to spend her life with. She did not specify a man to spend her life with, just someone.

The rest of the dinner went well as they talked. Every once in a while, May would make a point by touching Kimmy's hand or arm. She noticed that Kimmy did not move her hand or arm away when she did that. They ended up being one of the last ones to leave the restaurant. Once at home, May put on the stereo and slipped off her shoes as Kimmy sat on the sofa.

"I feel like dancing, come on, and dance with me." May stated as she went over and pulled Kimmy off the couch.

"No, I am a terrible dancer. Mom would never let me go to any of the school dances so I have never learned to dance. I would be to embarrassed to try."

"It is easy you just move your hips like I am doing. There is no one here but me to see you. Please join me I don't want to dance alone."

May put her hands on Kimmy's hips and she forced her hips to start to sway. Thus, she was able to get her to start moving. Once Kimmy started to move, she let loose and they began to dance to the music. Kimmy mimicked everything that May did. It was not long before May saw a smile appear on Kimmy's face and Kimmy let herself go. They had danced for about thirty minutes when May began to dance more seductively. She noticed that Kimmy never stopped watching her. When they were winded, they stopped for a few minutes and May poured them a glass of wine. They talked and sipped the wine for a few minutes. When the conversation began to die May went to the stereo and put on some slower music.

May then went to Kimmy who was standing by the bar. She put her glass of wine on the bar and took Kimmy's wine glass from her hand. She then took Kimmy by the hand and led her to the center of the room. She stood in front of Kimmy and drew her in close. They stared into each other's eyes. May knew this was it; Kimmy would either go along with what she was about to do or run screaming out of the room. For the first time in a long time, she was scared. She was afraid the Kimmy would choose to run. After a minute or so Kimmy put her arms around May and laid her head on May's shoulder. May held Kimmy tight and began to sway to the music. There was not a sound made except for the soft music and their beating hearts. For the first time in her life, May was not sure what to do next so she just held Kimmy.

After a few songs had played, May pulled back from Kimmy. She looked into Kimmy's eyes then she moved her head towards Kimmy's. When their lips met May felt Kimmy tense and then relax. May kissed her softly and slowly and when their lips parted, she found that Kimmy had a shy smile on her face. May smiled back and then kissed her again. When she parted her lips, Kimmy did the same and the kiss became more passionate. The kiss finally ended with both of them out of breath. Kimmy put her head back on May's shoulder and May held her tight. May caress her back as they held each other close. May was not rushing anything; she let Kimmy make the next move. When Kimmy was finally ready, she relaxed her grip on May and May pulled back again. May kissed her forehead, cheek, and neck before going back to her mouth. May kissed Kimmy again this time moving her tongue into Kimmy's mouth. Kimmy's tongue met hers and they kissed hard. Their tongues played as they kissed. This kiss lasted even longer and again they were out of breath when their lips parted. May squeezed Kimmy tight then released her. She took Kimmy by the hand and led her upstairs to her bedroom.

When they got there, May stood in front of Kimmy.

"Do you know what is about to happen?"

Kimmy nodded her head yes.

"Are you sure you want to continue?"

Again, Kimmy nodded yes and to make her point she moved in close and kissed May. They kissed lightly with their lips coming together then apart then back together again. The heat began to build up between them as they kissed. May let her hands roam around Kimmy's body, up and down her back and then to her front. When her hand cupped Kimmy's breast, Kimmy sucked in her breath then let it out slowly. Kimmy's small breast just filled her hand and May could not wait to expose it and suck on the hardening nipple. May caressed the breast running her fingers across the nipple as she started to kiss all around Kimmy's face and then to her neck. Kimmy moved her head back and exposed her neck to May's mouth. Kimmy was breathing faster now and the first moan escaped her lips. May removed her hand from Kimmy's breast and Kimmy whimpered from the loss of contact. May moved her hands to Kimmy's back and went to the top where she found the zipper.

May slowly pulled the zipper down. When it was down, she pulled the dress from Kimmy's shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Kimmy was now standing in her white cotton bra and panties. May looked at her and saw how vulnerable she looked. May dipped her head down and started kissing Kimmy's neck again and then moved on down to the area between Kimmy's breasts. May kissed all around Kimmy's breasts as she reached around Kimmy and unhooked her bra. As she stepped back, she took the bra with her. She slowly exposed Kimmy's breasts and when she did this, Kimmy covered them with her hands. May smiled at Kimmy and took she took her wrists and pulled her arms down. She then stepped back to look at the breasts she so longed to see. May was not disappointed. Kimmy's small breasts had quarter size areoles that were a nice pink color. May looked to Kimmy's face and saw that Kimmy was biting her lower lip as if afraid that May would be disappointed by what she was seeing. May knew she could not be more wrong. To prove that point her moved her mouth to the right nipple and kissed it and then she kissed the left one. She then went back to the right nipple and sucked it into her mouth. As she sucked on the nipple, she felt Kimmy's breathing quicken. May sucked and licked the tip of the nipple. She put her hand on the other breast and started caressing it. May soon felt Kimmy's hand at the back of her neck, holding her mouth to her breast and May did not disappoint her. She kissed nibbled and sucked on this breast before moving over to the other one. She did the same to this breast and now Kimmy was holding on to May, as her knees were getting weak. May worked this breast pretty good but she had to see the rest of young beauty.

May gave each nipple one last kiss and kissed her way down Kimmy's belly until she was on her knees facing Kimmy's panty clad pussy. May noticed that there was a wet place on Kimmy's panties and she could smell her aroma. May also felt her own pussy getting moist. May put her fingers at the sides of Kimmy's panties and she began to pull them down. Slowly she revealed Kimmy's full-untrimmed bush. As they came on down she found that only at Kimmy's upper thighs did she trim her pubic hair and that was probably did that when she shaved her legs. May pulled the panties on down and then off. She looked up at Kimmy and found that Kimmy was looking down at her. May smiled at her then moved her mouth to her pussy. She nuzzled her face against Kimmy's mound and breathed deeply. Kimmy opened her legs a bit when May started licking her pussy. May licked the outer labia then put her tongue at the slit and licked upward to the clit. At the first touch of May's tongue to her clit, Kimmy's legs failed her and she almost went down but May caught her. May moved Kimmy to the edge of the bed and pushed her down. Kimmy went down easily and May positioned Kimmy's butt at the edge of the bed.

May opened Kimmy's legs wide exposing her pussy. Kimmy's outer labia parted exposing the smaller inner lips. May began to lick Kimmy again. She licked Kimmy with short quick licks going up and down the slit and hitting the clit. Kimmy's juices were flowing and May was licking and sucking them up. May would go from the slit to the clit and back to the slit. She could hear Kimmy moaning and she felt her push her hips against her mouth. May wanted Kimmy's first experience with sex with a woman to be memorable so she took her time. She would get Kimmy close to a climax then back off and kiss her upper thighs as Kimmy calmed down then she went back to licking. After a few minutes she used her fingers to spread Kimmy open and she dipped her tongue as deep as she could into her. Kimmy pushed her hips forward forcing May's tongue even deeper. May swirled her tongue in and around Kimmy's entrance. Kimmy was crying out loud and moaning to beat the band. May knew Kimmy could not take much more of this so she put her mouth to Kimmy's clit and sucked it into her mouth. It only took about a minute of sucking and licking of Kimmy's clit to make her orgasm. Kimmy's whole body shook as the orgasm over took her. May continued to suck and lick the clit as one, and then a second orgasm passed through Kimmy's body. As the second orgasm ended, May released Kimmy's clit and licked the juices flowing from her.

As Kimmy rested, May stood up and thought about to do next then an idea came to her head. When Kimmy began to stir May helped her into a sitting position on the bed. She stood back and began to dance seductively. She only wished that she had put on some sexy undergarments when she dressed earlier but then she was only thinking about dressing so as not to show up Kimmy. She slowly started to do a strip tease for Kimmy. She danced to the music she was playing in her head. Her hand went to the back of her dress and pulled the zipper down. Once it was down, she moved her hand to her right shoulder and pulled the strap down revealing her right breast covered by the thin material of her black silk bra. She knew Kimmy could just make out the nipple poking against the bra. Next came the right breast and she pushed the dress to her hips. She then pushed the dress down over her hips revealing her black silk thong. The dress dropped to the floor and she kicked the it away. She was now down to her bra and panties. She danced around getting close to Kimmy but staying out of her reach. May saw Kimmy's hand move to her pussy and she started rubbing the slit and clit. May figured that Kimmy did not even realize that she was doing this. May reached back, unhooked her bra, and pulled it off but she covered her breasts with her hands. She slowly moved her hands down exposing her breasts. She breasts stood up high and her puffy nipples stood out. She played with them for a minute as Kimmy's hand masturbated her pussy a little faster. May moved her hands to her hips and she started pushing her panties down. Kimmy's eyes followed her every move and as her pussy was exposed, Kimmy's eyes widened. May was shaved clean and her inner lips just barely peeked put from her outer lips. May heard a moan come from Kimmy as she brought herself to orgasm.

May let Kimmy recover then she stepped forward until she was standing between Kimmy's legs. Kimmy's hands went directly to May's breasts and she squeezed them feeling the soft flesh. May closed her eyes as Kimmy's hands explored her breasts. She then felt Kimmy's mouth latch onto her right nipple. May stood there and let Kimmy do as she pleased. She figured that Kimmy had waited a long time for this to happen. Kimmy sucked hard on May's nipple as if she was trying to suck the whole breast into her mouth. After a couple of minutes Kimmy calmed down and started to ease off that nipple and she went to the other one taking it into her mouth. This one she was a little gentler with her sucking. All the while, she never stopped caressing both breasts with her hands. May began to moan as Kimmy caressed, kissed, and sucked on her breasts. After about fifteen minutes of this, May had another part of her body that needed attention. May took Kimmy's head in her hands and pried it from her nipple and she bent down and kissed her.

May moved passed Kimmy and laid down on the bed and she spread her legs. Kimmy jumped up on her knees and climbed between May's legs. Kimmy's hand trembled as she put it on May's pussy. Her fingers moved all around May's outer lips feeling the smoothness and the wetness coming from between the lips. May opened her legs wider and that opened her outer lips a little bit exposing the pinkness within. Kimmy's fingers went directly to the slit and she ran a finger up and down the slit going a little deeper each time. Kimmy finally got up the nerve and she pushed a finger into May causing her to moan. May squeezed her vaginal muscles around Kimmy's finger. Kimmy moved her finger in and out of May slowly, then she removed her finger from May's pussy. May watched Kimmy as she brought that finger to her lips and tasted pussy juice for the first time. May had to smile when Kimmy appeared to like the taste.

Kimmy put her hands at May's thighs and pushed them out wider and she bent her head down. May waited patiently for Kimmy's mouth to touch her pussy and was not disappointed when it did. Kimmy showed her inexperience at first as her tongue moved around her pussy. Soon she got the hang of it and she began to lick her pussy in earnest. She moved her tongue across the inner and outer lips and then pushed it in as deep as she could. When she found May's clit, she sucked it into her mouth. May tried to hold off the orgasm that was coming but Kimmy's tongue against her clit was too much and she climaxed. When Kimmy realized that she had made May climax she went wild. She licked harder and quicker causing May to orgasm repeatedly until she could not take any more and she pushed Kimmy away from her pussy.

May pulled Kimmy up in the bed and hugged her tight. They held each other for a long while enjoying the moment. When they had rested May rolled Kimmy to her back and she laid on her side facing her.

"Are you ok with what just happened?"

"Sure. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I just did not expect to do it with you."

"You did not expect to make love to an old lady right." May said jokingly.

"No not that. I just thought you were too pretty and successful to like someone like me."

"But you are the beautiful one. I would give anything to have a body like yours. You are slim and I would kill for that long brown hair. I could just get lost in all that hair."

"I would trade bodies in a second. I always wanted to have breasts like yours." Kimmy said as she cupped one of them in her hands. She caressed and then kissed the nipple.

"When did you realize that you liked girls and not boys?" May asked as she removed Kimmy's mouth from her breast.

"I guess when I was in my mid teens. I realized that my interest in boys would not develop just as my breasts never developed."

May just laughed and took Kimmy in her arms and kissed her. They kissed and kissed as their hands roamed around the other's body. Their hands caressed heads, backs, breasts, and asses before finding their way to each other's pussies. Kimmy then copied what May did. Their fingers slid along the slits and rubbed clits. They each were soon moaning. When May's finger entered her pussy, Kimmy stopped what she was doing enjoying what May was doing to her pussy. May pushed her finger in deep enough to find out that Kimmy was still a virgin. May had plans for that later so she went back to stroking the outer lips and clit. Kimmy meanwhile moved first one then two fingers deep into May. Kimmy began to fuck May with her fingers loving the feeling of her fingers slipping in and out of May. They kept this up for a while but then as they approached orgasm they stopped kissing and concentrated on bringing the other to orgasm. Kimmy was the first to cum but when May heard Kimmy cumming she felt her own orgasm wash over her.

When their orgasms ended, May brought up her fingers to her mouth and sucked the juiced from them. Kimmy did the same licking her fingers clean and then put her fingers back the get some more. Kimmy went back a number of times before May stopped her by pulling her in close then rolling into her back bringing Kimmy with her. They kissed and then Kimmy laid her head down on May's chest and they quickly fell asleep.

May woke up the next morning with Kimmy sucking on her nipple. May started to stroke Kimmy's hair as Kimmy sucked on her nipples. Kimmy would gently suck on one nipple then go to the other and suck on it. May felt herself getting aroused as Kimmy suckled on her breasts. About the time May could stand it no longer Kimmy slid down May's body and began to lick her pussy. May's was very sensitive and Kimmy's tongue was sending shock waves through her body. May need to pee only made things worse. Kimmy used her fingers to spread May open and she licked deep. As Kimmy's tongue swirled around her pussy May concentrated on not releasing her bladder, which only heightened the feeling, she was having. May started to squirm and when Kimmy got to her clit licking it with quick short strokes, May cried out as she came. May clamped Kimmy's head with her thighs as she rode out her orgasm praying that she would not release her bladder but she did feel a few drops leak out but Kimmy did not seem to notice or mind as she licked up the girlcum coming out of her.

When she had finished licking up May's girlcum, Kimmy jumped up kissing May quickly and ran to the bathroom. May laid there trying to enjoy her orgasm but she was in pain not from the need to pee. When she heard to toilet flush, May rushed to the bathroom barely making it before the pee poured from her bladder. She almost came again this time from the sensation of peeing. As she freshened up, she thought that Kimmy would probably be the death of her.

When may got to the kitchen, she found Kimmy in the kitchen making coffee and heating up a couple of sweet rolls. Kimmy had put on a tee shirt that came down to just below her butt. May on the other hand had not bothered to put anything on at all. As Kimmy moved and bent over May could see that Kimmy had not put any panties on. May watched Kimmy from behind for a few minutes just getting glimpses of Kimmy's cute butt cheeks and getting a thrill every time she did so. May finally came on into the room and took Kimmy in her arms. She kissed the side of Kimmy's neck then Kimmy turned her head toward May and they kissed. It was a nice long slow kiss that left them both out of breath. After the kiss, May gave Kimmy a hug then got a cup of coffee as Kimmy got the rolls out of the over and put them on the table. Kimmy picked one up and started to eat when she realized that May was not eating hers.

"Don't you want something to eat?" Kimmy asked as she stopped eating.

"I think I want something else this morning May replied."

Before Kimmy knew what was happening May was down on her knees in front of her. May opened Kimmy's legs and began kissing her way up Kimmy's thighs toward her pussy. When she got to Kimmy's pussy, May kissed her on the clit. She then pulled Kimmy's butt to the edge of the chair and began to lick. Kimmy giggled at first but those giggles soon turned into moans. May started slowly, licking the outer lips then moving her tongue in deeper. She would lick the slit then go to the clit sucking and chewing gently before going back to the pussy licking up the juices that Kimmy was now producing. May ran her finger through Kimmy's thick pubic hair as she pulled and sucked on the labia. Kimmy had a hard time sitting still as May ate her pussy. May brought her close several time to climax before backing off. This made Kimmy cry out in frustration but she did not interfere with what May was doing to her. Kimmy moaned loudly and gripped the edge of the chair as May moved back to her clit. Kimmy open her legs as wide as she could and she cried out to May "Please make me cum. Please..." May then stayed on Kimmy's clit when she heard this and brought Kimmy to a climax and it was a powerful one at that. Kimmy's whole body shook and she squirted girlcum all over May's face. May sucked up all that Kimmy had to give her, then she rose up with girlcum covering her face and she held Kimmy tight as she came down from the high of the orgasm.

When Kimmy had calmed down, she took May's face in her hands and kissed the rest of her girlcum off of May's face then kissed her hard and passionately. They hugged a few minutes after the kiss then May kissed her gently on the lips then went back to her seat and started eating her roll as if nothing unusual had happened. Kimmy meanwhile had a hard time finishing her breakfast.

When breakfast was done and the dishes put into the dishwasher, May told Kimmy that since they were in the kitchen they would just go ahead and remove the wallpaper in this room. Kimmy waited to see if May was going to put some clothes on but when she started to work Kimmy realized that May was going to work stark assed naked. May had Kimmy get up on the countertops and removed the wallpaper between them and the cabinets. What Kimmy did not realize was that this gave May an excellent view of her ass and pussy since she was on her knees bent way over trying to get the old wallpaper off. May found herself doing more watching than working but with effort she was able to get her mind back to work. Kimmy also did not pass up a chance to observe May as she worked. After a couple of hours, May ventured over to the sink to get a glass of water where Kimmy happened to be working. Kimmy's ass was pointed over the sink and her pussy was sticking out toward her. May took a couple of sips of her water but the temptation was too much. She moved her hand up to Kimmy's pussy and she lightly ran her fingers up and down Kimmy's pussy. Kimmy stopped what she was doing and opened up her legs for May's fingers. May stroked Kimmy's pussy and pubic hair. It did not take Kimmy long to start getting wet and when she was, May pushed her middle finger into her slit. May slid her middle finger up and down the slit and then gently caressed the clit with her finger. Kimmy moaned when May touched her clit. When May heard Kimmy moan she removed her fingers and kissed Kimmy on each of her cute ass cheeks. She then went back to work and as she walked away, May looked back at Kimmy and saw the frustration on her face. May just smiled and winked at her as she walked back to where she was working.

They did not stop until it was almost lunchtime. As they stood side by side at the sink washing their hands, Kimmy could not stand it any more. She dried her hands and pulled off her tee shirt. She then turned to May and kissed her hard as she hugged her tight. As they kissed, their hands groped and pulled at the other's body parts. May decided that a little playtime was in order before lunch so she broke off the kissing and she pulled Kimmy up to the bedroom. Kimmy positioned May so that her back was to the bed. They kissed and Kimmy forced her tongue into May's mouth. May knew Kimmy was hungry for some sex. Even knowing this she was still surprised when Kimmy broke off the kiss and pushed her back on the bed. Before she landed, Kimmy was on top of her kissing her lips and neck. Kimmy quickly moved down to May's breasts. Kimmy cupped her breasts in her hands and lowered her mouth to May's nipples. May closed her eyes as Kimmy sucked her right nipple into her mouth. Kimmy sucked and licked the nipple as her hands squeezed both of her breasts. Kimmy switched over to the left breast and sucked that nipple into her mouth. Kimmy's left hand began to twist and pinch her right nipple. May realized the Kimmy was getting pretty good at this and maybe it was time to try something new. When Kimmy moved down to her pussy, May opened her legs and let Kimmy get a little better access to her pussy. Kimmy used her fingers to spread May's lips open and she pushed her tongue deep into May's pussy. May felt Kimmy's tongue as it probed into her pussy. Kimmy licked and sucked the juices coming from May and when she got to her clit, May felt a small orgasm come over her. When it ended, she pushed Kimmy's head away.

"What's wrong, did I do something wrong?" Kimmy asked as May got up out of bed.

"Oh no honey, I just want you to do something for me."

Kimmy watched May in confusion as May went over to her dresser and pulled a drawer open. May rummaged around for a moment then pulled out a weird belt like thing and a dildo.

"What is that?"

"It's a strap-on dildo. I want you to fuck me with it."

Kimmy was not so sure about all this but if this was what May wanted she would try. May came back to the bed and pulled out some lubricant from her nightstand. May got up on the bed and sat in front of Kimmy. She started feeding the dildo into the ring in the center of the strap-on. The dildo was about 7 inches long and kind of thick Kimmy noticed. Once she got everything set, she had Kimmy get up on her knees.

"I have never done anything like this before."

"I know, I will talk you through it." May replied as she began to put the strap-on onto Kimmy.

"What is that nub at the base for?" Kimmy asked.

"I will leave that for you to figure out," May replied with a smile.

May hooked the waist belt around Kimmy's waist latching it tight. She then brought the third strap between Kimmy's legs and up to the waist belt. Once she had it set, she tested the belts to make sure they were tight enough. May decided to get Kimmy really going so she bent down, took the cock into her hands, and lowered her mouth to the head. She looked up at Kimmy as she took the cock into her mouth. She took as much of the cock into her mouth and began to give it head. Kimmy looked on in wonder as May's mouth moved up and down on Kimmy's fake cock. May did this for a minute or two, then got back up giving Kimmy's cock one last kiss.

"Hold out your hands."

Kimmy did so and May put some lubricant on both hands.

"Now put the lubricant on the cock to get it nice and slick. I think I am wet enough but a little extra lubricant never hurts."

Kimmy moved her hands to the cock as if it was a foreign object that she was not sure she wanted to touch but she did. As the cock moved in her hands the nub on the base rubbed on her clit and May saw that Kimmy was beginning to realize what the nub was for. Once the cock was slick, May took Kimmy's hands and rubbed them across her pussy applying the left over lubricant on her pussy. May then turned around and put her elbows on the bed and raising her ass to Kimmy.

"I think doggy style would be best for the first time using the strap-on. Just put the head to the entrance of my pussy and slowly pushed it in."

Kimmy crawled forward and put the head at May's pussy lips, which May was holding open with her fingers to help Kimmy guide the cock into her pussy. May looked back and watched Kimmy as she pushed the head of the cock into her.

"Ok now push it all the way in."

Kimmy moved her hips forward and watched the cock slowly disappear. Once it was all the way in May gave Kimmy the next step.

"Now put your hands on my hips and use your hips to move the cock in and out of my pussy. Start slowly then pick up the speed. Don't worry about hurting me, you won't."

May felt the cock slowly slide out of her pussy then back into her. When the cock was all the in, Kimmy hesitated a second before pulling it back out but she did not stop in time and the cock popped out of May's pussy.


"That is ok, just put in back in, and start again."

May felt the cock back at her entrance and this time Kimmy pushed it all the way in. Again she hesitated a second and pulled it back this time stopping before it popped out. Kimmy adjusted her knees a bit then started fucking May with her fake cock. Kimmy was going slow and awkward at first but soon got the hang of it. May watched Kimmy for another minute or so then turned her head back around and she concentrated on the feeling of having a cock filling her pussy again.

May started to push her hips back meeting Kimmy's hips as they came forward. It took them a couple of minutes but soon they got into a rhythm. May felt Kimmy grip her hips tighter as she began to push the cock into her a little harder. There was now a wet slapping sound as their hips met. May reached down and began to rub her clit, as she called out to Kimmy to go even harder and faster. May let out a moan as her pussy responded to the fucking she was getting. May looked back one last time and saw that Kimmy had her eyes closed and she heard her moan from the rubbing of the nub against her clit. They went on this way for about another five minutes by which time they both were sweating from the exertion. The slapping sound increased as well as the moaning and grunting.

"I am about to cum, fuck me good Kimmy."

Kimmy barely heard May as she was also close to cumming. The strokes got shorter and harder as Kimmy got closer to having her own orgasm. When the orgasm hit, Kimmy cried out. She drove the cock hard and deep into May causing her to cum. Kimmy then collapsed on top of May and they both fell to the bed as they enjoyed their orgasm. The head was left inside May and her vaginal muscles tightened around it. They rested there for about ten minutes before either of them could move.

Kimmy got up off May and the cock popped out of her pussy. Kimmy then laid down beside May and they kissed.

"Did I do ok?" Kimmy asked May after the kiss had ended.

"You did great honey, I could not have done better myself." May said as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"What's it feel like to have that done?"

"I love the feeling but it has to be done they way I like it."

"Wouldn't you rather have a man doing it instead of a woman?"

"Oh no honey, that is why I have one of those things you are wearing. A woman can make it last as long as you want and as hard or soft as you want. Plus with a woman there is lots of cuddling like we are doing now afterwards. That is the best part for me, I think. Take it from me I have had men before and I know it will be just women from now on."

"Will you do it to me?"

"Are you sure, it may hurt the first time?"

"I am sure. I want you to be my first one with everything."

"Ok, but stop me if it hurts too much or you don't like it."

They both got up on their knees and May took the harness off Kimmy. She pulled the dildo out of the ring and got up to get another one. She pulled a slightly shorter and slimmer one out of her drawer. May saw that Kimmy looked a little disappointed that she was not going to use the same one on her.

"I think this one would be better for the first time. We can always move up to that size later on."

Kimmy smiled and accepted what May was saying. May got back on the bed, put the cock into the ring, and with Kimmy's help put the harness on. May got some lubricant and put it on her hands. She lubed the cock real good then put her hands on Kimmy's pussy spreading the excess there. She realized that she did not have to bother with that as she found Kimmy's pussy already very wet. Kimmy then started to move around and get into the same position as May had done but May stopped her.

"No, I want to do you from the front this time. I think it will make it more special if we can see each other."

May directed her to lie down on the bed on her back. May moved over Kimmy on her hands and knees, bent down, and kissed her. It was a long slow kiss and when it ended May gently laid down on top of Kimmy with her legs between Kimmy's and she propped herself up on her elbows. Using her hand, she positioned the cock head at the entrance to Kimmy's pussy. Kimmy bit her bottom lip as the cock head pressed against her pussy lips. May gently eased the cock head into Kimmy stopping once the head was in. May allowed Kimmy to get use to something being in her pussy then pressed it in a little more until she felt resistance.

"I am at your hymen now. It will hurt a moment when it breaks but then it should ease off. Are you ready?"

Kimmy nodded yes and before Kimmy could think, May thrust her hips forward. The hymen held a second then broke and the cock slid into Kimmy's pussy.

"Oooh" Kimmy cried and screwed up her face.

May kept still letting Kimmy get use to something being in her pussy and soon Kimmy's face relaxed. There was a tear going down both of Kimmy's cheeks and May kissed then both off then she kissed Kimmy on the lips. They kissed for a minute or so then May began to pull the cock out a couple of inches and she pushed it back in. She paused a second then pulled it back out and again back in only using those couple of inches. May did this a few times before she slowly beginning to fuck Kimmy with the cock. As Kimmy started to relax, May began to use longer strokes. Kimmy was biting her lower lip as the cock slid in and out of her pussy. It took a few minutes for Kimmy to stop biting her lip and begin to enjoy what was happening to her. May went at this slow pace until she felt Kimmy raise her knees and start to move her hips. May increased her tempo and they got into a rhythm. Soon Kimmy was moaning and her hands reached around May and pulled her against her body. May adjusted she strokes to make sure she was getting friction against Kimmy's clit. May did not want to go too long or too hard the first time. So she increased the speed of her strokes a little more but not too much. She also used her hips to make sure that Kimmy's clit was getting the attention that it needed. Kimmy wrapped her legs around May and she hung on for dear life as May fucked her pussy. May knew Kimmy was close to having an orgasm, so she up the speed and length of her strokes and she took Kimmy over the top. Kimmy cried out May's name as she came. May gave Kimmy one last stroke and then held her tight as Kimmy rode out her orgasm.

May held Kimmy tight leaving the cock inside of her. May kissed Kimmy's face and lips and soon Kimmy relaxed her grip on her. When Kimmy's legs released their grip on May's hips May slowly removed the cock from Kimmy's pussy. May noticed that there was a little blood on the cock. She removed the strap-on, got up, and removed the cock from the strap-on and she placed it in a bag to save and never use again. She knew this was weird but taking a girl's virginity is special and she wanted to preserve that moment forever.

When May got back to bed, she noticed that Kimmy was silently crying. May took Kimmy into her arms and drew her into her body. She kissed the tears flowing from Kimmy's eyes. When Kimmy slowed down her crying May spoke up.

"Did I hurt you honey."

"No, I am fine. It hurt a little at first but then it felt great. I liked what happened and I would like to do it again. It is just the way you held me while it was happening and the way you have treated me in general, all came on me at once. I have never had anyone treat me as you have. I have never felt so much love before."

Kimmy started crying again and May felt herself crying with her as she took her back into her arms. As she held her, May whispered in Kimmy's ear. "I do love you darling, I really do."

Kimmy responded by squeezing May as tight as she could. They held each other like that until they both fell asleep. They slept for about two hours before May woke up. She looked at the beautiful naked young lady lying beside her. She wondered if she had done the right thing but it was too late now. She just had to make sure she did right by Kimmy from here on out.

May gently caressed Kimmy's body feeling the soft white skin. Slowly Kimmy woke up and she smiled at May. Their lips came together and they kissed. It was a slow long kiss and they both put all the emotion of the day into it. When the kiss ended, they held each other for a few minutes before May released Kimmy and got up. She helped Kimmy up and led her into the bathroom. May started the shower and once the water was warm she stepped in and pulled Kimmy in behind her. May got wet, then put Kimmy under the spray. Once Kimmy was wet, May got some shampoo and washed Kimmy's long hair. She ran her hands through the hair loving the feeling of her silky hair running through her fingers. Once it was washed, May put Kimmy back under the water and let her rinse it out and then she put some conditioner on her hair. Again, Kimmy rinsed her hair as May soaped a sponge and started to wash Kimmy's body. She washed every part of Kimmy's body with as much loving care as she could. She could tell from Kimmy's face that Kimmy was enjoying the attention she was getting. As Kimmy rinsed the soap from her body, May washed her own body and they stepped from the shower fresh and very hungry.

The first stop after the shower was the kitchen to fix some supper. They had made love through lunch and now they were starving to death. They made something to eat and as they ate, Kimmy started to talk more about her family. She started slow but more and more came out. After dinner, May took Kimmy out to the back porch to the swing. Kimmy did not want to go outside seeing how they both were still naked but May convinced her that no one would see them. May sat down and Kimmy curled up against her and started talking again. It seemed like she had to let everything out. By the time Kimmy was done May understood Kimmy a lot better. She found Kimmy had to give half of all the money she earned to her parents. Even the money Kimmy made during the weekends was halved with her parents. No wonder Kimmy wanted to get away. She had no control over her life; her parents controlled it. With Kimmy giving them half of her earnings, she would never get away much less ever go to college and really better herself. May knew she had to help Kimmy and she knew a way, if Kimmy would ever go for it but that she would hit Kimmy with later.

Soon Kimmy ran out of words, so they sat they quietly until the air got too cool and they moved to the den. May put on some music and she sat on the sofa. She took Kimmy by the hand and pulled her onto her lap. Kimmy put her head on May's shoulder and they sat there a long while. Neither said much but just enjoyed the feeling of holding each other.

After about an hour of just sitting and listening to the music, May felt Kimmy's hand move down to her left breast. Kimmy's fingers lightly danced over her nipple. May had not planned on making love tonight but it appeared that Kimmy had other ideas. Kimmy's index finger circled around the outer edge of her puffy nipple making it stick out even more. May let out a moan and Kimmy squeezed the nipple between her index finger and thumb. As Kimmy continued to play with her left nipple, she slid down and took the right one into her mouth. Kimmy began to suck on the nipple and May cupped her head against her breast. Kimmy just sucked and sucked on the nipple as if she was nursing it. Kimmy was still playing with the other breast and it was only after a long time did Kimmy switched breasts. She played with May's now wet and sensitive right breast as she sucked on the left. May moaned and moaned and she felt her pussy getting wet. Kimmy nursed on the right breast almost as long as she did the left but she finally let it pop from her mouth.

Kimmy gave May a quick kiss and got off the sofa and crawled between May's legs. Kimmy took May by the hips and pulled them toward her. Kimmy went from thigh to thigh as she kissed her way towards May's pussy. May sighed when Kimmy's lips finally got to her pussy and she kissed her clit. May looked down as Kimmy began to lick her pussy. Kimmy's tongue felt good as it slid up and down her outer lips then down inside her slit. May spread her legs wider and closed her eyes surrendering to the sensations that Kimmy's tongue was causing her. May felt Kimmy's fingers spread her lips open even more and Kimmy's tongue go deeper inside of her. Kimmy did not leave her clit out as she caressed it with her tongue. Kimmy kept switching back and forth from quick short strokes of the tongue to long probing deep ones. May's hands went to her own breasts pulling and twisting on her nipples as Kimmy continued to eat her pussy. When Kimmy's mouth went to her clit and stayed there May tried to hold off her orgasm but she could not hold it off for long and she felt the orgasm wash over her. Kimmy's mouth stayed on her clit through out the orgasm making it even more intense. When the orgasm finally eased off, Kimmy also eased off but her mouth did not leave May's clit. Instead it stayed there and May felt two of Kimmy's fingers slip into her pussy. Kimmy's fingers when in as far as they could and May moaned feeling Kimmy's fingers fill her pussy. Kimmy withdrew she fingers only to push them back in harder and she then began to fuck her with them. All the while Kimmy kept gently licking her clit. It did not take much of this before May felt another orgasm coming on. This time she let it come over it and she rode it out. But Kimmy still did not stop licking and finger fucking her. Kimmy's fingers were pounding her hard now and she was going back and forth from pain to pleasure. Kimmy drove her to third and forth orgasm before she had to cry out "No More. Please no more!"

Kimmy removed her fingers and licked them clean then she went back to May's pussy, licked, and sucked up the juices flowing from her. May felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness, not quite knowing what was going on only knowing she had never felt this good before.

It was not until the next morning when May woke up in bed with Kimmy that she was able to comprehend what all had happened. No one had ever made her feel that good before. May gently woke Kimmy up with her kisses and meant to return the favor from last night but Kimmy slipped from her arms after a few kisses and announced that they had work to do today to make up for not finishing their work from yesterday. May realized the need inside Kimmy had to make up for the money she did not make yesterday. Her parents had probably already spent that money that she was to earn for the weekend of work. They worked hard that day and the most that May could get out of Kimmy was a few kisses and a caress every once in a while. It was not until Kimmy was getting ready to leave that May pushed her down on the bed and yanked her jeans down. She dove into that hairy pussy of Kimmy's that she loved so much. Kimmy did not resist this time and quickly gave into May's tongue. May did not leave anything out as she licked and sucked Kimmy to one then two orgasms.

May helped Kimmy wash up, as she did not want to go home with the scent of sex on her. May tried to pay Kimmy the full amount that Kimmy would have made if she had worked the whole weekend but Kimmy would not hear of it. She would only take what the money for the hours that she had actually worked. She told May that she would figure something out to tell her parents.

As they held each other before Kimmy had to leave, May sprung her surprise.

"Why don't you move in with me? You know you will never make enough to get out on your own if you give half of what you make to your parents. This way you can live here and keep everything you make. That way you can really think about going to college. Don't answer now but let me know when you come back Friday."

Not giving Kimmy a chance to answer she kissed her and padded her bottom as Kimmy went out the door. The week went slow for May as she wondered what Kimmy would do. At lunch, she could tell Kimmy was seriously considering what she had asked. May never once pushed Kimmy for an answer what she was going to do and Kimmy never offered up an answer to the unasked question. On Friday, May missed Kimmy at lunch. When she called down to Kimmy's department she found out that Kimmy had taken a 1/2 day off. That worried May but there wasn't anything she could do but wait and see what Kimmy was up to and why she had left.

When she got home, she nervously waited for Kimmy to arrive that is if she was going to show up at all. May felt as if she was a young girl waiting on her first date to arrive, as she waited impatiently. Finally, she heard a car come up the drive and she knew from the sound it was Kimmy's old car. May went to the door and when she opened the door she found Kimmy getting out of a fully packed car. May's face lit up but she saw that Kimmy had a serious look on her face. May kissed and hugged Kimmy at the door and Kimmy returned both then said that they had to talk.

Kimmy told her that she had went home before lunch, packed up her things, and left her parents a note. In the note, she stated that she loved them but it was time she was on her own. She promised to call them in a few days but did not tell them where she was going as she did not know that herself. May had assumed that Kimmy would move in with her but was now a little scared as to what Kimmy had on her mind.

Kimmy hesitated a few seconds then announced her plans. She would move in with May but only if May allowed her to pay rent and work for free. That way she could pay her own way. May was surprised by the offer but she had spent the last ten years in finance dealing with contracts so she knew how to make a counter offer. May came back with her original offer of no rent but would pay for what Kimmy did to help her fix up the house. Kimmy made a counter offer to that offer. She stated her original offer plus bringing in that she would do all the housework as she was use to doing it all anyway. May countered her original offer only that they would split the housework.

They went back and forth for the next hour with neither willing to give up much. They both were starting to get frustrated with how things were going so May changed tactics. Instead of going down, she went up. She offered free rent, split the housework and 15 dollars an hour. This took Kimmy by surprise and she did not know what to say.

"That is not right, you are suppose to go down not up."

"I am trying to get you to see it my way and anything I can do to make that happen is fair. I have been doing this for the past ten years and I know all the games and how they are played."

Kimmy looked like she was about to cry. She did not know what to do. She had this all planned out and it was not working right. Now she did not know what to do. May let her think a few seconds before she came to Kimmy's rescue.

"Listen. We both want the same thing. That is for you to live here. We are both being too stubborn to give in. Right?"


"Ok Lets start with what we agree on. We both agree that you live here. Correct?"


"We both agree I need help with this house and you need to make some money to save so that you can go to college if you so decide. Correct?"

"Well yes, I guess."

"Ok lets live together with no rent involved, split the housework and I will agree to pay you what you think you have earned, but you have to be fair. You can't say a penny a hour. If you do that then I will get to pay you what I think you have earned. Is that fair enough?"

A smile came over Kimmy's face as she gave in.

"I guess I can live with that."

"Good then we can seal the deal with a kiss." May leaned in and they kissed. This kiss felt as special as the first kiss she had gotten from Kimmy and she knew that this kiss would only be one of many to come.

When the kiss ended, Kimmy made her last counter offer of the day.

"I believe I can think of another way to seal this deal." Kimmy had a wicked grin on her face as she got up and took May by the hand. She then turned and led May toward the bedroom.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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