Mazza Tweets Back

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jul 24, 2024


This is a functional story of a hot guy that lives in Europe. I have met him online through social media. This is a new story on same guy from before. Old screen name Mazza and new screen name Frontology. He is hot, beefy, hairy and hung. It's only fiction as we have only chatted online and never face to face met. One day I hope to change that..

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Mazza tweets back (Of Fur and Flesh (3)

... I could not believe what Mazza had said to me in his last message. An answer to mine stating how I wanted his cock and body. Howe after seeing that video of him and that twink. How he basically raped the boy with his thick ass wrecking cock. How the screams of the twink hd turned me on so much. How I wanted to take his place and be thoe one getting destroyed by this hot bear God. This hung hairy stud was offering me a visit by his glorious bear presence. To come here to see me in my neck of the woods. To give me the same wonderful treatment as that twink had received How could I say no to such an offer. so I sent back a reply with a hardy 'yes!' then asking when he could do so.

"I would love it mister" I said "That hot body would be mine to worship"

It was quiet for a few days until his next reply. Fearing that he may have changed his mind. But no, he replied and gave me an approximation based off his availability. I gladly took the preliminary dates. Certainly hoping they would indeed come to pass It was but 3 months from the last email. So I had little expectation of anything actually coming to pass in regards to this hook up. Then he sent me another message advising that when he was coming to the states. That he wanted so much to meet me face to face. And he was looking forward to it Me. All I saw was me meeting him face to bull dick. And that is what I wanted. His huge dick in my face. So I replied happily that he was actually coming. Saying it was gonna be fun. We chatted many times between them and his arrival. Save for a few days of no contact prior to him getting here. Many sexy conversations via online or Skype. Me staring at the screen as this hunk of man strokes his very big cock for me. Me gazing at the beauty of his bug hairy body and his big meaty cock. The two of us jerking off together as we talked dirty online.

"Fuck me Mazza. Fuck mee Soo good" I cried as I stroked my dick, pushing several fingers into my ass to imaging his cock. "Fuck me silly stud. Please"

Then jerking off until I burst forth a load. The guys 'blow me' chats were great and all. But I was desperate to actually feel this hunks body next to me, on me. What we were doing was now not going to suffice. The dream of that big hairy body was all that was sustaining me at the moment.

"I want that body" I constantly told myself

And as time passes and I waited I had to have him more. Each showing, each image I would see if this hunk of man had me only me only hir over than the time before.

"So when are you finally coming stud" I decided to send him.

I needed to know if he would indeed visit me. So I sent it. Hoping that the hit bear still wanted to come and fuck my brains out. He answered back the next day. Getting my message and letting me know what he was planning. And he indeed wanted to still come and pound me up. Saying he has some things he has to get done where he lives. But promised to let me know when he would be coming down. So again I had to wait for it, for him. Wait for his possible trip here, for me. And each day if that wait has me almost crazy. But what choice did I have after all. He said he would come see me and I had to take that as it was. Hoping that the hit bear would not in the interim change his mind.

"Goddamn" I huffed all the time "Wish he would come already"

And then when I least expected it. Several months after the initial conversation, he sent me a message.

"Hey sexy" it started "I will be there in two and a half weeks" "Hope you are still up for hook up"

My eyes widened and my dick became almost instantly hard from reading it. I sat there at my desk almost in disbelief that he finally decided to come. Reading the message several times as I was not sure it was real. But yes, Mazza was coming. He was coming here to see me. He would be all mine for his stay. How ever long it was. And then I realized I had no idea how long he planned on being here. Was it just a quick fuck and then he was off and gone, or was he gonna hang out for a bit. I was not sure. So I sent back a reply with that exact question. 'how long?' He sent back another message. He wanted to see the big city and the surrounding areas. Stating he was gonna be here for 2 weeks. And since I was just a few hours away from it, he would take a detour and come up to see me from it. He said he wanted to see a new big American cities in his month and a half long tour. Of course I was ever so glad he decided to make that detour to come see me. My ass was twitching at the thought

"Great Man. See you soon then" I sent back

So I was as happy as a gay man could get after the last message. I would get the hot hung man for a few days. And I guess that all I needed. Just a few days to crawl all over his hit hairy body. To worship his big hunky chest and to suck and ride that big bear salami.

"See you soon" I then kept saying to myself "See you soon"

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Next: Chapter 9: Of Fur and Flesh 4

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