Me and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Apr 3, 2005


Wow! I can't believe it, but the time has arrived. Me and Joey, the final chapter. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for reading. It's been one heck of a ride.

Now, it's time for some special thanks:

To DLS, what can I say D? You're an awesome writer, and a great friend. Thanks for inspiring me to do this.

To Matt, just for being you, buddy. It's been an honor, getting to know you, thanks for the friendship.

To my (((Angel))), Shell, you're the greatest. Thanks for being there.

To RandyM, Where are you, Mr. President? Thanks for the kind words.

To Casey, You've been with me, from the beginning. I appreciate that, more than you will ever know. Keep writing, my friend. You're a talented young man. PEACE!!!

To RCJ, Jeff, you have become a wonderful, loving, and trusted friend. There have been times, that I don't know what I would have done without you. Thanks for listening.

To all the wonderful friends I've made in the chat room, I won't attempt to name all of you, because I know, I'd leave out someone. Just know, that your friendship means a lot to me. MUCH LUV TO YA!!!!!!!

This story is completely fictional, and in no way is meant to say anything about the sexuality of the members of Nsync. All characters are fictional, except the members of Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexuality, then DO NOT read this story. Thank you.

And now............................THE REST, OF THE STORY!!!!!!!!

Me and Joey Chapter 12

'It's only been a week since I got home, and here I am, back on another airplane. This occasion, however, is one that will change my life forever. I can't believe I'm on my way to Hawaii to be married. I must be out of my freaking mind.' I said, to myself as the thoughts rushed through my brain. Then, I turned to see Joey, sitting next to me with his headset on, listening to whatever he had in his CD player. All of a sudden, everything felt right. It's funny isn't it? Just one look at him, and I felt safe, secure, and happy. If that's what being married to Joey was gonna be like, then, I wanted to be married to him forever.

I looked around the plane, just checking the faces of friends. I truly was one lucky S.O.B. I found myself asking, why me God? There are people who would give everything they have to be in my position, and yet I've been blessed with so much. I had such a warm feeling inside. One man, should not have so many treasures in his life. I had more than my share, and I was truly thankful for each and every one.

"You okay?" Joey asked, touching my leg.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, turning to face him.

"You looked like you were a million miles away." He said, as he examined my face.

"I guess I was, in a way." I said, smiling at him. "I was just sort of thanking God, for all my blessings."

"I do that, every time I look at you." He whispered into my ear.

"Aww, I love you so much." I said, taking his hand in mine.

"I love you too, Sweetie." He said, giving me a kiss.

"Okay, okay break it up you two." Chris said, leaning over our seats.

"Is there something that we can help you with, Chris?" Joey asked, looking up at his old friend.

"Nah, I'm just bored, so I thought I'd terrorize you guys for a while." He said, with a mischievous smile.

"And we thank you for it." I said, smiling back at him.

"Oh don't mention it. It's the least I can do." He said, with a laugh.

"The very least." Joey said, rolling his eyes.

"Chris! will you leave them alone!" Lance said, pulling him off the back of our seats.

"What? I was just talking to them." Chris said, in a child like way.

"Sure you were. And, what were they doing before you started talking to them?" Lance asked, as if he were Chris' dad.

"Oh that, they were just doing some lip aerobics." Chris said, with a laugh.

"Uh huh, well, they don't need an instructor, so leave them alone." Lance said, making me smile, as I heard his words.

"Fine, I'll go see what else I can get into, then." Chris said, as he stood to leave.

Once Chris had made his way towards the back of the plane, I lifted my hand over the back of my seat, knowing that it would connect with Lance's once he noticed it was there.

I didn't have to wait long, before I felt Lance slide his hand into mine, give it a squeeze, and then release it. He always knew what I was thinking, and feeling at any given moment. I had raised my hand over the seat to thank him for the Chris thing. He in turn, gave my hand a squeeze to say, 'You're welcome,' and then released it.

I was so amazed at how close, Lance and I had become. He was closer to me, in a lot of ways, than my own family. He was the jewel in my crown of friendship. I smiled, thinking how most people thought of Lance as being kind of shy. They would change their minds, if they had seen us together on a few occasions. That boy had a naughty side to him, that most aren't privileged to see. What's the old saying? A friend is someone who knows everything about you, and loves you anyway. However, a true friend is someone who could black mail you with your past. That's what Lance and I shared.

"It was really nice of Kev and Brian to charter this plane for us." Joey said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I still wish they could be here, though." I said, throwing my legs across his.

"Me too, Sweetie, but we'll get to see them when we get home." He said, reminding me of plans that we'd made with Kevin.

"I know, but they won't be there for the happiest day of our lives." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"There will be more happy times that they can share with us." He said, running his hand over my leg. "Besides, you know how it is, when your schedule gets rearranged by management."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish they could be here to share this with us, that's all." I answered.

"I know, Sweetie. I do too, but there's nothing that we can do about it." He answered, stating the reality of the situation.

"Yeah, you're right. At least everyone else got to come." I said, looking on the positive side of things.

"It's going to be beautiful, Sweetie. You'll see." Joey said, putting a finger under my chin, and turning my head towards him.

"With you there, how could it not be?" I replied, bringing a smile to his face.

"Boy, that probably peaked the cheese meter." He said, with a laugh.

"Probably," I said, joining his laughter.

"What's so funny?" I heard, from across the aisle.

"Nothing, just a little cheese for the trip." Joey said, making us laugh again.

"You guys worry me, sometimes." JC said, shaking his head.

"You worry about us? Aww, how sweet." I said, smiling at him.

"It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it." He said, throwing his hands in the air, for effect.

"And, you do it well, my friend." Joey said, giving JC a light high five.

"Damn straight, baby!" JC said, with a smile.

"You called?" Justin said, as he joined us.

"No, J, he said, 'straight baby.'" I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, he ain't straight, but he 'is' my baby." JC said, pulling Justin into his lap.

"And you called me cheesy." I said, rolling my eyes at Joey.

"Well, they are kind of cute together." Joey said, smiling towards JC and Justin.

"Yeah, they are." I said, smiling as I watched the love they shared.

"Oh, sorry guys," JC said, looking in our direction.

"Oh, don't be silly." I said, waving my hand in the air, in a dismissive gesture.

"So, are you two nervous?" Justin asked, relaxing on JC's lap.

"A little," Joey said, squeezing my thigh.

"A lot," I said, returning my head to Joey's' shoulder.

"Really?" JC asked, with surprise in his voice.

"Well, yeah, this is a very important time in our lives, and I want it to be perfect." I said, placing a hand on Joey's chest.

"You guys have nothing to worry about, everything will be fine." JC said, trying to assure us of success.

"I hope so," I said.

"Me too," Joey agreed.

"Don't worry about it, after all, you've been through much worse." Justin said, bringing back our past situations.

They were right. With what Joey and I had been through already, the amnesia, his dad, and our little fight, this shouldn't be too hard to handle.

"He's right, ya know?" Joey whispered, into my ear.

"Yeah, I know." I answered, with a slight grin.

Things progress, with everyone talking, laughing, and having a good time. The next thing I knew, we were landing. I had never been to Hawaii before, and I was really looking forward to it. We landed, got our luggage, and made our way to the hotel. Everyone checked in, and headed to their rooms. I just wanted to unpack and relax for a minute. The time had finally come. I was in Hawaii, and tomorrow, I was getting married.

My family arrived and checked in, and then met the guys, and some of the guys from the band. My sisters were excited to meet the guys of Nsync. They were big fans of their music, but they played it cool. I enjoyed watching them together. Mom, really liked Lance. He was so nice to her, and I loved him even more for going out of his way for her. My sisters, however, spent a lot of time with Justin and JC. Chris, ended up spending a lot of time with Randy. I have no idea how that happened, and to be honest, it was kind of scary. Chris and Randy, the trouble possibilities alone were enough to give me nightmares.

After a while of everyone getting to know each other, I decided that Joey and I should go and check on things at the church. I had decided to have the wedding at a church, because it just felt better, ya know what I mean? Well, anyway, we left and found the place. What a beautiful church. It looked like something out of a story book. It had big beautiful Ivory columns, two large entrance doors. It seated about 800 people. It looked more like a mansion than a church.

As we made our way inside, I was taken back by what I saw. Lance had assured me that the decorations would be taken care of, and that I had nothing to worry about.

When I walked into that sanctuary, I thanked my God above for Lance Bass. I have never seen a more breath taking sight in my life. He had mingled our colors, black and green, around the church in every imaginable way. There was a brass arch in front of the church, just beyond the altars. There were candles lined in an arch in the middle, and there were two big descending holders on the left and right sides. I could only imagine what it was going to look like the next day when they were all lit and glowing. The floor had been lined with red and white rose petals. They were laid out as a walkway of sorts. Although you could see them, they were undisturbed by the way that they were covered in some sort of invisible material. The roses were encased in some kind of net type material with the invisible, almost a clear coating type, of material over that. Each window, had a large candle holder sitting on it's ledge, with a thick black and green ribbon like material surrounding it. The church pews, where decorated on the sides with flowers and ribbons, as well.

I made a mental note to give my little Scoop, the biggest and best hug and kiss that I had ever given him. He had come through for us in a big way. I don't know what I would have done without him.

"Wow! This is absolutely amazing." Joey said, looking around in awe.

"Scoop, really came through for us, didn't he?" I said, being filled with pride.

"Big time, we really need to do something special for him after our honeymoon." Joey said, bringing a smile to my face.

I hadn't even thought of the fact that Joey and I were going to be in Hawaii, on our honeymoon. I was so concerned with the wedding, that I had forgotten what comes after. What a romantic time it was going to be, Joey and me in Hawaii, spending our first days together as husbands. The reality of that, was almost overwhelming to me.

"Honey, it's going to be hard to come up with something, that will even come close to thanking him for this." I said, still looking around the church.

"You're right. We'll think of something, though." He said, putting his arm around me.

"I just can't get over this." I said, as we walked towards the front of the church.

"It's going to be wonderful, Sweetie." Joey said, turning towards me with a smile.

About that time my cell phone started ringing, startling me a bit. Once I figured out what it was, I grabbed it, flipped it open, and answered.

"Hello?" I said, waiting for a reply.

"So, what do ya think?" Lance said, on the other end.

"Scoop! You are one amazing little blonde." I said, making Joey laugh.

"You like it then?" He asked, the uncertainty in his voice.

"Like it? We're blown away." I said, hoping he could hear my enthusiasm.

"Great! I wasn't sure that you would." He said, the relief evident in his tone.

"We don't know how to thank you for this one Scoop." I said, as Joey shook his head in agreement.

"Oh, you guys don't have to thank me. It was my pleasure." Lance said, being his usual southern gentleman self.

"No, really Lance, this is unbelievable." I said, looking at the many candles outlining the church.

"I'm just glad you guys are happy." He said. I knew, he was smiling on the other end of the phone.

"Scoop, we love ya buddy!" Joey yelled, so that Lance could hear him.

"I love you guys too." Lance said, with a small laugh.

"Well, listen we're going to finish up here and head out. Not that we have that much to do now, thanks to you. Remember, rehearsal is at 6pm tonight." I said, not that he needed reminding.

"Okay, I'll remind the guys." He said, as our conversation came to an end.

"We'll see you all at the hotel in a while, okay?" I said.

"Okay, see ya then." He said, as he hung up the phone.

We spent the rest of the day enjoying the beach, the sand, and the surf. Everyone was having such a good time. I was honored that they had come such a long way to witness this life changing moment for Joey and me. In less than twenty-four hours, I would become William Fatone. I still couldn't believe it.

Joey's family had arrived, and his mom and my mom were certainly hitting it off, well. I finally, got the chance to meet Joey's brother, Steven, and his sister, Janine. They were pretty cool about everything. The only shadow of sadness was the absence of Joey's father. He didn't say anything, but I knew his heart was aching. I watched him as he mingled with his family and mine. He was such a strong person. He was so very rarely serious in public, and that's the Joey that everyone had come to know and love. I wondered how their feelings for him would change, if they knew what a generous, caring, warm, and intelligent man he really is.

"Hey guy," JC said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Josh," I said, smiling at him.

"What cha doing?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"Oh, just thinking," I answered.

"I figured as much." He said, giving me a concerned look.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You had that, not quite there expression on your face. In fact, you've had that expression a lot lately." He said, hugging his knees up to his chest.

"Yeah, I've had a lot on my mind these days." I said, giving him a vague response.

"I'd say so, what with the wedding, starting your new life with Joey, and becoming our new drummer. That's a lot to take in at once." He said, causing me to do a double take.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's back this train up a little bit. What do you mean, becoming your new drummer?" I asked, totally confused by his statement.

"I mean, joining the band." He said, looking at me as if I'd grown a third eye or something.

"I'm not joining the band." I stated, wondering where that had come from.

"You mean, you're not taking the job?" He asked, furthering my confusion.

"Josh, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked, giving him a questioning look.

"You mean, Lance didn't tell you?" He asked, returning my dazed look.

"Tell me, what?" I asked, becoming impatient.

"Billy quit, yesterday." He said, with a distant expression on his face.

"He did, what?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yeah, he told Lance, and management that he was taking another job." He said, looking out at the sand. "They wanted to offer you the job. I'm sorry. I thought you knew."

"No, I didn't, but thanks for telling me." I said, as I stood to my feet. "Would you excuse me? I need to do something."

"Sure, I sort of had the feeling, you might." He said, with a smile. "Are you gonna take the job?"

"To be honest, I've never even thought about it, Josh. When I filled in for, Billy, I was just doing you guys a favor. I never even thought of doing it permanently." I said, looking down at him. "Let's just wait and see what happens, okay?"

"Fair enough," He said, standing to his feet, as I turned to go. "Hey," He said, causing me to stop.

"What?" I said, turning back to look at him.

"If, Billy, does leave, I hope you take the job. I like having you around." He said, with a smile.

"Thanks, Josh," I said, as I walked over and gave him a hug.

"You're welcome." He said, as he returned my hug.

I left JC, and went in search of my next task of the day. I found him lounging by the pool.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, as I approached him.

"Well, I think, I'm getting a tan, but to tell ya the God's honest truth, I wouldn't swear to it." He replied, with a grin.

"Don't play dumb with me, Billy. You know what I'm talking about." I said, as I took a seat next to him.

"They told ya?" He asked, but more in the form of a statement.

"Well, sort of, yeah. JC kind of let it slip, because he thought Lance had already talked to me." I said, filling him in on how I knew.

"Good old JC, there will never be another one like him." He said, with a slight laugh.

"So, why did you quit?" I asked, point blank.

"Oh, straight to final jeopardy eh?" He asked, looking in my direction.

"Yeah, I'll take stupid drummers for 500, please." I said, sarcastically.

"Oh, nice one," he said, taking a drink from his glass.

"Billy, what's going on here? Why would you just leave?" I asked, trying to understand him.

"Like I told Lance, and management, I got another job." He said, not facing me.

"You are such a liar. You love these guys. You wouldn't leave them unless something was going on." I stated, matter of factly. "Now, what's up?"

He just looked at the ground for a minute, and then sat up straight in his chair. Slowly, he removed his sun glasses, and turned to face me.

"Listen man, when you're out on the road, sometimes, it gets lonely. You and Joey are getting married tomorrow, and then, life goes on. He'll be with the guys, and where will you be?" He asked, causing me to think about that. "You, will be home alone waiting for Joey to come back to you, that's where you'll be. There will be times when you won't see each other for months, and that's no way to build a life together. If your marriage is going to work, you need to be there with, and for each other. You can't do that if you're thousands of miles apart."

"Billy, look......" I started, as he interrupted me.

"Listen, if you're playing for the guys, it will be a lot easier to keep it all together. You and Joey will be there for each other, your love and marriage will grow stronger, and there will be less worry and stress between the guys." He said, giving me a slight smile. "You're right, I love those guys, as if they were part of my family. Hell, they are part of my family."

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked, placing my hand on his leg.

"Because, it's the right thing to do. It's what's best for the guys, and it's what's best for you." He said, taking my hand in his. "Look, you took my place, when I couldn't be there for these guys. I will never forget that. Now it's my turn to do something for you. It's my wedding present to you. I made sure that if I left, that they would give the job to you. Don't worry about me. I'll still be doing what I love to do. It will just be with someone else that's all." He said, making his case for me.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I asked, hoping he would reconsider.

"Absolutely, hey, it's not like we won't see each other. I'll still see you guys. I can come by and visit, from time to time. And, I'm sure that there will be times when we'll be working together." He said, as he gave my hand a slight squeeze.

"I just don't want you to do something that you're gonna regret down the road." I said, looking into his eyes.

"If I stayed with the guys, and you and Joey had problems, because of the separation, then I'd regret it, because I'd know that I could have done something about it, and didn't." He said, giving me his best smile.

"Then, there's nothing I can do to talk you out of it?" I asked, my voice pleading with him.

"No, I've made up my mind. You just go play for them, and make me proud." He said, as he stood from his seat.

"I will never forget this, Billy." I said, as I gave him a hug. "I love you, buddy."

"I love you too." He said, as he tightened his hold on me. "Now, get out of here, before you make me cry." He said, as he released me.

I released him, stepped back, and looked into his eyes. I saw such love and compassion there. Billy and I had gotten close, during my little stint with the guys. He had been my teacher, my inspiration, and most of all, my friend. I didn't take lightly the sacrifice that he was making for me. I took one last look at him, and then turned and walked away.

I made my way back to the others, only to find Joey missing. I looked around the beach, but couldn't find him anywhere. I saw some of the others sitting around talking, but still no Joey. I saw Lance standing as if he were getting ready to leave. I saw this as my que to have a little talk with him. I walked up behind him throwing an arm around his neck, taking him by surprise.

"Hello Lansten," I said, in a voice that he recognized instantly.

"Uh oh, what have I done?" He asked, turning to look at me, as we walked along the beach.

"Depends, when were you planning to tell me about, Billy?" I asked, causing him to stop in his tracks. I took my arm from around his neck, and stepped back, facing him with my arms crossed.

"How did you find out?" He asked, looking down at the sand.

"JC, let it slip. He thought you had already talked to me. My question is, why haven't you?" I asked, as he brought his eyes up to mine.

"I was gonna tell you. I just didn't want to do it until after the wedding, because I knew you'd be upset." He said, making me understand his reasoning.

"Well, you're right. I am upset, or at least I was, until I talked to Billy." I said, placing my hands on my hips.

"You talked to him? What did he say?" Lance asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"He told me why he was leaving." I stated, matter of factly.

"He did?" He asked, examining my face.

"Yes, he did." I said, confirming what I had already said.

"And, how do you feel about that?" He asked, sensing my concern as usual.

"I think, he's a pretty amazing person." I said, my mind drifting back to my friend.

"Yes, he is. I'm going to miss him." Lance said, looking out towards the ocean.

"Me too," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"So, are you going to stay on as our drummer?" He asked, changing the subject a bit.

"How could I not?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that." He stated, smiling at me.

"Does Joey know about this?" I asked, wondering if it had been a group thing.

"Yeah, but he didn't find out until we got here, so don't be mad at him." Lance said, always the peace maker.

"How did he take it?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

"You know Joey. How do you think he took it?" Lance said, leaving me to my own conclusion.

"That's what I figured?" I said, my concern growing. "Do you know where he is?"

"I haven't seen him for a while. Have you checked his room?" He asked.

"No, I think I'll head up there and see if he's alright. If you see him, tell him where I am, okay?" I asked, as I started to go.

"Okay, and hey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought you had too much on your plate right now, to deal with it." He said, giving me a pleading look.

"It's okay, Scoop. I know you were just looking out for me." I said, giving him a smile.

I finished my talk with Lance, and headed up to Joey's room. We had gotten separate rooms for tonight. You know, the whole bad luck thing. Anyway, I walked up to his room and knocked. At first, there was no answer, but after a minute or so, Joey opened the door.

"Hey, Sweetie," he said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey yourself, I've been looking everywhere for you." I said, walking into the room.

"I'm sorry. I just needed to get away for a little while." He said, as he walked towards me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, as I examined his actions.

"No, everything's fine. I just needed to be by myself." He said, as he walked over and stood, looking out towards the ocean.

"You're upset about, Billy. Aren't you?" I asked, causing him to lower his head.

"How did you know?" He asked, lightly brushing the drapes with the back of his hand.

"I talked to him." I said, walking to him, and wrapping my arms around his chest.

"I'm really gonna miss him." He said, as a tear escaped his eye.

"I know, Honey." I said, leaning my head against the back of his shoulder.

"Did he tell you why he's leaving? I mean, the real reason." He asked, running one hand over mine.

"Yes, he did." I said, reflecting on my conversation with Billy.

"I can't believe, he would do that for us." He said, turning and looking into my eyes.

"Me either, Sweetie," I said, as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I feel like I'm losing one of my best friends." He said, as he placed his forehead against mine.

"You're not losing him, Honey. He'll come visit, and we'll still see him. I'm sure we'll work together from time to time." I said, repeating what Billy had told me.

"Yeah, I know. It just won't be the same, though. Ya know what I mean?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist.

"I know. But, look on the bright side. At least, we'll get to be together, and work together. We'll get to see all these different places together. I'll even get to share the stage with you." I said, bringing a slight smile to his face.

"Yeah, it is going to be great, having you on the road with us, permanently." He said, taking my face in his hands.

"I can't think of a better way to travel." I said, giving him a little grin.

"I can't either, Mr. Fatone." He said, smiling as he leaned in for a kiss.

Joey's kiss was so full of emotion and so tender that it took my breath away. I stood there for a moment, with my eyes closed, even after his lips had left mine. When I finally did open them, I stared right into his beautiful brown eyes. He was just holding me, letting me enjoy the moment, with a big smile on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked, knowing all too well, that I was wearing one of equal value.

"You," he said, pulling me to him.

I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling my face against his chest. I loved the way he felt, the way he smelled, the sound of his heart beating. I loved the way I could stand with him, my head on his chest, snuggled into his neck, just below his chin. It seemed like such a perfect fit. I loved everything about him. My heart had never fully belonged to anyone before. All of my life, It seemed as if something was missing. Now that I had Joey, I felt as if I had finally been completed. All the missing pieces were now in place.

Joey and I stood there for a few more minutes, just holding each other, and feeling the love radiating from the deepest regions of our being. I would have loved nothing more than to have stayed like that the rest of the night. However, there was a wedding rehearsal to get to, and we were running out of time, as usual.

The rehearsal went well, and everyone knew just what they were supposed to do the next day. I was really impressed with the way things were coming together. Tomorrow, was the big day.

JC and Justin had decided to take Joey out for a night on the town, for his last day as a bachelor. Joey had chosen JC to be his best man, which really didn't surprise me, considering how close they are. Although Joey, fought against the idea, we finally persuaded him to go out, and have a good time. I would have loved just spending the evening alone with him, but he needed to go out and blow off some steam. There had been so much, that had happened in his life, lately. I felt that a night out with his friends would do him some good. I only made him promise that he wouldn't get completely wasted. Having done that, I was all for it.

I on the other hand, would be spending a night out with Lance, Chris, and Randy. God only knows what those guys could have planned. It didn't matter really. I was going out, and I was going to have a good time, even if it killed me.

I was running around trying to get ready. When, I heard a knock at the door. I had just gotten out of the shower, so I threw a towel around my waist and headed for the main room.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's me." Joey said, from the other side. I opened the door and saw him standing there with his hands on both sides of the door frame.

"Hey," I said, smiling at him.

"Hi, Sweetie. Love your outfit." He said, glancing down at my towel.

"Oh, just get in here, already." I said, pulling him inside.

"So, when are the guys supposed to be here?" He asked, turning to face me.

"In about thirty minutes," I said, walking to him.

"You be careful tonight." He said, sitting on the bed, and pulling me to him.

"Honey, I'll be with Lance." I said, kissing the top of his head.

"It's not Lance, I'm worried about. It's those other two clowns." He said, with a slight laugh.

"I see your point." I said, with a laugh of my own. "Oh, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Just promise me, that you'll be careful." He said, giving me a little squeeze.

"This, from the great party animal?" I said, lifting his head, so that I could look him in the eye.

"That's different." He said, with a smile.

"Oh really? How so?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Because, that's me. I'm not worried about me. I just don't want anything to happen to you, that's all." He said, bringing the tone to a more serious note.

"Honey, I'll be fine. I'm not going to do anything to get myself hurt, if I can help it." I said, straddling his legs, and sitting on his lap.

"Promise?" He said, giving me a questioning look.

"Okay, okay, I promise. There, are you happy now?" I asked, getting off his lap, and finding my clothes.

"Very," he responded, giving me a sly little grin.

"Where are you guys going tonight?" I asked, dropping the towel, and reaching for my underwear.

"Nowhere, if you don't get some clothes on, fast." He said, giving me a little whistle.

"Oh, am I being distracting? I'm sorry. I had no idea." I said, putting on my best innocent face.

"Oh yeah, I'm buying that." He said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Funny, Sweetheart, when are Josh and Justin supposed to be here?" I asked, sliding on my jeans.

"Actually, any minute now, I guess I'd better get back to my room." He answered, checking his watch.

"Listen, you go out and have fun tonight. Just don't get too crazy on me, okay." I said, standing to walk him to the door.

"I won't, Sweetie. I promise." He said, as he turned to face me.

"Then, I'll meet you at the altar, tomorrow at 2pm, handsome." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Wild horses, couldn't drag me away." He said, leaning over to kiss me.

"They'd better not try, or they'll be dead horses." I said, causing him to giggle, as I kissed him fully on the lips.

"Love you," he said, as he stepped into the hallway.

"Love you too, Sweetie." I said, kissing him once more, before I closed the door.

Once Joey had gone, I finished getting ready, and waited for Lance and the guys to arrive. I didn't have to wait long before I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, as I reached the door.

"It's the Avon lady." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Sorry, I don't need any cosmetics today." I said, going along with the joke.

"Shut up, and open the door, ya ditz." Chris said, with a laugh.

"Wow, Avon ladies sure have gotten uglier, over the years." I said, opening the door to see Chris and the guys standing there.

"Very funny, smart ass, now, let's go." He said, pulling me into the hallway.

"Wait, wait a second. Let me get my keys." I said, breaking free of him long enough to grab my keys, check everything, and rejoin them.

"Geez, what'd you do, bake a cake?" Lance asked, leaning against the wall.

"No, just a quick double check," I said, closing my door.

"Well, I wouldn't say quick." Randy said, from beside me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just get out of here." I said, smacking his shoulder with the back of my hand.

"Yeah baby! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout." Chris said, doing a cocky little strut.

"We are so, gonna have to keep an eye on these two tonight." I said, looking over at Lance.

"Tell me about it." He said, shaking his head.

"Oh, you guys are such, wusses." Chris said, causing Randy to laugh.

Lance and I gave each other a smug look, right before we cuffed Chris in the back of the head.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" He asked, giving us a confused look.

"Oh, I can't imagine. Can you, Scoop?" I said, sarcasm filling my voice.

"Nope, don't have a clue." Lance said, throwing his hands up in the air for effect.

"Apparently, neither does Chris." Randy said, causing Lance and me to laugh.

"Traitor," Chris said, elbowing Randy in the gut.

"I prefer to think of myself as an equal opportunity slammer." Randy said, with a slight laugh.

"Equal opportunity asshole, is more like it." Chris said, as he made a break for it, with Randy right on his heels.

"Well, this is going to be a 'lovely' evening." I said, throwing an arm around Lance's neck.

"Oh yeah, nothing like a night out with the kids." Lance said, placing his hand on my shoulder, as we broke into laughter.

The evening was going far better than I had hoped. The guys and I went out to a nice little restaurant for dinner, and then headed over to a little club, that Chris knew. The music was going, girls were everywhere, and Chris and Randy were right at home.

Lance and I had gotten some drinks and found a nice booth over in the corner to plant ourselves. Chris and Randy had already grabbed a partner and headed for the dance floor.

"So, are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked, almost being drowned out by the music.

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous, but I think I'm ready." I said, smiling at him.

"Great! I'm so happy for you guys." He said, returning my smile.

"When are you going to find someone and settle down?" I asked, just trying to make conversation. Although, I was a little curious.

"Oh, who knows. I want to make sure I have everything in life that I want, before I get serious about anyone." He answered.

"Sounds like a good plan." I said, loudly over the music.

"WooHoo! How's it going, guys?" Chris said, as he and Randy found our table.

Looking up at them, I saw that they had a beautiful lady on each arm. I didn't have to think very hard to figure out what they were trying to accomplish.

"Hey guys, this is Ruby and Diana." Chris said, introducing us to his new friends.

"And, this, is Lisa and Crystal." Randy said, repeating Chris' motions.

"Very nice to meet you ladies." I said, standing and shaking their hands, as did Lance.

"Would you all like to join us?" Lance asked, motioning towards our seats.

"Nah, we're gonna go dance some more. You guys wanna come?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, come on you two. It'll be fun." Randy insisted.

"Oh, what the hell," I said, setting my drink on the table, and moving towards them.

"Okay, I'm game." Lance said, as we all headed for the dance area.

I ended up with Lisa. She was a very pretty lady. She had a nice personality, dark hair, and beautiful green eyes. I don't know when I've been more comfortable with a lady. She could dance, she was charming, and very intelligent.

Lance wound up with Ruby. She was a sweet lady, short dark hair, blue eyes, but a little on the wild side. They looked as if they were having a good time, though. We danced for hours. Finally, I had gone as far as I could go. I needed to take a break. So, I headed back to the table, with Lisa in tow. It wasn't long before Lance joined me, bringing Ruby with him. Chris, Randy, Diana, and Crystal were all still out there doing their thing.

"Would you look at them." I said, as I joined Lisa.

"We're gonna have to drag them out of here, you know that, don't ya?" Lance said, raising an eyebrow at me, as he and Ruby took a seat at the other end of the booth.

"Yep, and odds are, they won't go quietly." I said, with a chuckle.

"Not a chance in Hell," Lance said, as he started laughing.

Lisa and Ruby glanced at each other, completely in the dark about what Lance and I were discussing. Once we got a couple more drinks, and sat back down, we explained what we were saying about Chris and Randy. They completely understood, and told us a similar story about a couple of roommates, that they had been out with once. Seems that one of them ended up doing a strip dance on one of the pool tables, while the other one, made the bartender a very, happy man. Chris and Randy were partiers, but they hadn't gone that far, at least not yet. Anyway, the girls knew what we were up against.

All things considered, the night didn't go half bad. We had a great time with the girls, and even ended up giving them a ride home on our way back to the hotel. Lance, fortunately, had the foresight to get a limo. I wondered if that guy, ever fell behind on anything. Since I had known him, which granted wasn't all that long, but still, he had always been a thinker, a juggler, always ahead of the game.

Anyway, we managed to get the ladies safely home, and then headed back to the hotel ourselves. I couldn't believe it. I had gone out with Chris and Randy, and we were all still alive. Lance and I only had to be the responsible ones once. That time being, when we had to drag the guys out of the club. Of course, we knew that was going to happen, so it wasn't a big deal. No one had gotten into a fight, no one had thrown up on anyone, and we were all in a really great mood.

"Wheew!" Randy yelled, throwing his arm around me. "Did ya have a good time little brother?"

"I had a blast, guys. Thanks for everything." I said, with just a slight slur in my speech.

"Ah, don't mention it." Lance said, his voice having the same alteration as mine.

"Yeah! It's a party, baby!" Chris yelled, as he stood up, hanging out the moon roof.

"Freakin' A," Randy yelled, as he joined Chris. I don't know what they were doing up there, and I didn't care, at the moment, and neither did Lance, it would appear.

We laughed, as we heard them yelling at people as we passed through the streets. They were definitely having a good time.

"This has been some night." Lance said, draping an arm around my chest and pulling me to him.

"Yeah, it has," I said, with a slight laugh.

"I'm glad you had a good time." He said, squeezing me a bit.

"I sure did. Thanks man. You're the best friend, I've ever had, in my life." I said, turning to smile at him.

"Ain't nuthin' but a thang, baby," he said, "Besides, I feel the same way about you." He said, giving my chest a little pat.

I placed my hand over his wrist, giving it a slight rub. He had become so important to me. I loved the way he could hold me like that, and never think a thing about it. He could hold my hand, while he spoke to me, and still be confident in who he was. We had become so comfortable with each other.

We made it back to our hotel, without being arrested. No thanks to Chris and Randy, I might add. We headed up to our rooms laughing, and talking about the night's events. Everyone said goodnight, and went into their own room. I took out my key, still smiling from the night I had enjoyed, and placed it in the door. I unlocked it, and had just stepped inside, when I heard my cell phone ringing.

"Hello," I said, as I grabbed a seat on the bed.

"Hi, Sweetie" Joey said, almost in a whisper. "Where are you?"

"I just walked into my room." I answered, kicking off my shoes. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to say goodnight, and that I think you are the most beautiful man I have ever met, inside and out. I want you to know that I miss you, and that I love you with all my heart." He said, causing my smile to grow even brighter.

"Aww, I feel the same way about you, Sweetheart. Did you have a good time tonight?" I asked, wishing I could see him.

"Yeah, I think tonight is just what I needed." He said, his voice more at ease.

"I'm glad. Where are you?" I asked, wondering if he'd made it in yet.

"I'm standing right outside your door." He said, causing my heart to race.

"What are you doing outside my door?" I asked, getting up, and walking to it.

"Because, it's officially our wedding day, and this is as close as I can get to you right now." He answered.

"It's only a few more hours, Honey, then we'll never be apart again." I said, placing my hand on the door, as if I were touching him.

"Promise?" He asked, his voice quivering slightly.

"Absolutely," I said, leaning my forehead against the door.

"I love you." He said, softly.

"I love you, too." I responded, and he was gone.

I stood there against that door, for what seemed like hours, knowing that Joey was only a few feet away, and I couldn't be with him. It was almost maddening. I longed to have his strong arms around me. I wanted to feel his body next to mine. I wanted to hear him breathing. I so, wanted this night to end. This was the last night that I would spend as William Alan Prescott. In a matter of hours, I would become one, with the man of my dreams. That, was the thought that carried me to sleep that night.

I awoke the next morning at around 9am. I had to be at the church at 1pm, so I had some time to kill. I ordered some breakfast, and sat back watching a little television. I tuned in to a music video program, and watched, as I drank my coffee. A huge smile crossed my face, as an Nsync video started playing. I watched as the guys did their thing to the tune of 'Tearin' Up My Heart.' My smile faded as Joey came into view. I couldn't believe how much I missed him. We had been apart less than twenty-four hours, and I missed him so badly, that it was, indeed, 'Tearin' Up My Heart.' I shook my head bringing myself out of the funk, that I was about to dive into, head first. Deciding instead, to look at the positive side of things. In just a few hours I would become his husband. That thought, was enough to put my smile back in it's place.

The phone started ringing, which brought me out of my little world of happiness. It was just as well. I needed to start getting things together anyway. I reached for the phone, after putting my coffee cup on the table.

"Hello," I said, in a happier tone than I normally would at that time of morning.

"Well, don't you sound all happy, and together this morning." Lance said, his cheerful mood coming through the phone, as well.

"Hey, what's up blondie?" I said, smiling into the phone.

"Oh, you are so lucky, it's your wedding day, or I'd walk over there and slap you around." Lance said, making me laugh.

"Why, Scoop, I didn't know you were into that rough stuff." I said, playing with him a little.

"You are just asking for it, aren't you?" He said, with a slight laugh.

"Depends, what happens if I ask?" I said, continuing my little game.

"Will you knock it off, ya perv?" He said, trying to be serious, but having little luck.

"Okay, okay, what can I do for ya?" I asked, ending my fun.

"Well, I was wondering if you were riding with me to the church, or have you made other arrangements?" He asked, going into business mode.

"Aren't you going with the guys?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Well, I can. I just thought you might need me." He said, being his usual thoughtful self.

"Actually, that might not be such a bad idea." I said, thinking I could use a backup, just in case I forgot something.

"Okay, I'll send the guys on, and I'll be at your room, between 12:30 and 12:45." He said, filling me in on the plan.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Okay, I'll see ya then." He said, ending his part of the conversation.

"Okay, bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

The rest of the morning, I got things together, that I would need, and made some last minute calls, to make sure everything was set at the church. Everyone had a ride to the church, all the arrangements were confirmed, and as far as I knew, everything was good to go.

The moment of truth had arrived. If all went according to plan, in two or three hours, I'd be a married man. It was 12:30, and I was already nervous. I was walking around my room, listening to music to try to calm myself, when there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, knowing it had to be Lance.

"Who is it?" I asked, double checking.

"Your best man," was the reply I received. I opened the door, to see Lance standing there all decked out in his tux. That black tux, with the added green, really made him look sexy. It made his eyes dance. I found myself quite taken back.

"Well, are you ready? Or, are you just gonna stand there and stare at me all day?" Lance said, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Scoop. You just look really good in that tux." I said, as my cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Prescott." He said, bowing graciously, and bringing humor to the situation.

"You're more than welcome, Mr. Bass." I responded, in like manner, thankful for the tension breaker.

"You got everything?" He asked, making me do a mental double check.

"Yeah, I think so." I said, grabbing the rest of my things.

"Okay then, let's hit the road." He said, helping me with my stuff.

Lance and I headed to the church, which was only blocks away. The reality of the situation was beginning to set in, now. I found myself a bit nervous. I started thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong. Lance noticed my movements, with a little glance here and there.

"Are you okay?" He asked, touching my hand.

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous." I said, squeezing his hand.

"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be great. Trust me." He said, with such assurance.

"I sure hope you're right." I responded, as my thoughts ran away with me.

"You'll do fine. Remember, this moment is for you and Joey. It will be whatever you want it to be." He said, making me smile.

He was right. Of course, he was right. Lance is always right about these things. I wanted this day to be the most perfect day that Joey and I had ever known. That meant, that I had to get it together. I could do this. I just had to concentrate on the reason I was here.

Lance and I arrived a little after 1pm. I was told that Joey had already arrived and was getting changed. I was escorted to my changing room, with Lance in tow. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly found myself to be quite calm. I was already mostly dressed. All I had to do was put on my tie, and tails, and I would be ready. Lance was helping me with my tie, when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Lance asked.

"It's Ann." We heard, as my mother's voice came through.

Lance opened the door, to reveal my beautiful mother. She was all dressed to kill. She wore a long green gown, with a pearl necklace and earrings.

"Mrs. Prescott, you look absolutely radiant." Lance said, always the gentleman.

"Thank you, Lance. You look quite handsome yourself." She said, causing him to blush slightly.

"Thank you." He replied modestly. "I'll leave you two alone for a minute."

"Thanks Lance." I said, as he stepped outside.

"Well, look at you. I don't know when you've looked more handsome." She said, taking my hands in hers.

"Thanks, Mom," I said, smiling at her.

"Nervous?" She asked, squeezing my hands lightly.

"A little, but I'll be fine." I said, giving her a little wink.

"I'm so proud of you." She said, releasing my hands and giving me a hug.

"You have no idea, what that means to me, Mom." I said, as the tears came to my eyes.

"Now, don't start that. It's almost time to go out there. We don't want them to see red eyes and wet cheeks." She said, wiping my eyes with a tissue.

We were talking about the wedding and everything that was about to happen, when we were interrupted with another knock at the door.

"Yeah," I said, in that general direction.

"It's time, Billy." Lance said, popping his head inside.

"Let's do it," I said, taking a deep breath, and holding my arm out to my Mom.

My mother took my arm, and we started walking towards our entrance. Just as we got to where we were supposed to be, I heard music begin, and the voices of JC and Justin.

"From this moment life has begun," Justin sang, causing my mind to wander back to the night Joey had sung this song for me. "From this moment you are the one," JC sang, causing me to smile at his voice. "Right beside you is where I belong, from this moment on," they sang with such beautiful harmony.

Lance began his walk down the aisle.

"From this moment I have been blessed," Justin took over. "I live only for your happiness," JC followed. "And for your love I'd give my last breath, from this moment on," they sang once again in harmony.

Lance walked over to stand in his place, as Joey and his mother prepared to take their turn.

"I give my hand to you with all my heart," Justin sang, with such emotion. "Can't wait to live my life with you can't wait to start," JC returned. "You and I will never be apart, my dreams came true because of you," they continued, the harmony so tight, at times it was hard to tell who was who.

Joey and his mother started their walk down the aisle, arm in arm. As they reached the area for parents, Joey released his mother as she sat in her reserved place.

"From this moment as long as I live," Justin sang, taking the lead again. "I will love you, I promise you this," JC sang, closing his eyes. "There is nothing I wouldn't give, from this moment on," Again their harmony shined.

I stepped up to the entrance, with my mother on my arm.

"You're the reason I believe in love," Justin sang, looking at JC. "And you're the answer to my prayers from up above," JC sang, giving Justin a smile. "All we need is just the two of us, my dreams came true because of you," they continued, in harmony.

I walked down the aisle, looking towards the front of the church, where Joey stood, breath takingly handsome.

"From this moment," they sang, their harmony pure and powerful. "As long as I live," Justin sang. "I will love you, I promise you this," JC came in right behind Justin. "There is nothing I wouldn't give, from this moment," Again, in harmony.

I stopped long enough to allow my mother to take her seat.

"I will love you," Justin sang, as JC repeated the same words. "As long as I live," Their voices uniting one last time. "From this moment on," Justin sang, finishing the song.

I stepped up to face Joey, just as Justin sang his last note. JC walked over and took his place beside Joey, as his best man, while Lance stood with me as mine.

"Please, join hands." The minister said, to Joey and me. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses, to join together in holy matrimony Mr. Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr. and Mr. William Alan Prescott."

I stood there holding Joey's hands in mine, and becoming totally lost in his eyes. Everything, and everyone around me, seemed to disappear except him. I could barely even hear what the minister was saying. I finally, tuned him back in just as he was saying.

"If there be anyone here who has just cause why these two should not be wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."

"I do." We heard, from the back of the church.

My heart sank, as Joey and I turned to see his father, standing about 4 feet from the back of the church. I looked at Joey who's face was a mixture of hurt and anger. I really didn't know what to do or say. I saw the guys about to make a move in his direction, when I raised a hand to stop them.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Joey said, the hurt and anger battling within him.

"I can't," Joe Sr. spoke, as if he couldn't find the right words to say. "I can't let you do this."

"It's my life, Dad." Joey said, his anger starting to win.

"Joey, please, let me finish." His dad said, holding up his hand towards his son. "What I'm trying to say, is that I can't let you get married, without being here."

"What?" Joey asked, suddenly confused by his father's statement, as we all were.

"Joey, I don't want you to get married, without me. Son, I've been such a fool. I am so sorry. I didn't understand, and I pushed you away, but I want to try. Can you ever forgive me?" His father finished, as the tears came to his eyes.

I felt Joey's hands release mine. I watched as he slowly walked towards his father, with tears in his eyes. His pace quickened, as he opened his arms, just in time for his father to pull him into a hug. I smiled through the tears that had formed in my own eyes. I couldn't have asked for a better wedding present for Joey myself. I looked out at our guests, noticing that Joey and I were not the only ones with tear stained faces.

"Billy?" Joe Sr. said, causing me to turn my attention towards him.

"Yes, Sir," I responded.

"Billy, I know I picked a lousy time to do this, and I'm sorry for that. I know that I've hurt you too, but if you'll allow me, I would like the chance to make it up to you. I'm really sorry, Son." He said, with a questioning look on his face.

I couldn't help but smile, after he called me, Son. I walked towards him and Joey, opening my arms and giving him a hug. I knew it was a hard thing, for him to do what he had just done. If he was willing to do that, then I was willing to forgive him.

"I love you, boys." Joe Sr. said, pulling Joey and me into another hug. "Now, you two had better get back up there and give these people a wedding."

He released us, and walked over to take a seat with his wife, who was smiling brightly at him. Joey looked into my eyes and took me by the hand, leading me back in front of the minister.

"If no one has any objections?" The minister said, as he looked over the crowd. "Let us pray."

We bowed our heads in silent prayer, as the minister asked God to bless us and to keep us in his love and mercy forever. I was thanking God in my own way, for giving Joey back his Dad. I had hoped that Joe Sr. would come around, because I knew that he loved his son, and I knew Joey loved his Dad. It would still take some time, but I knew everything was going to be alright between them.

"Joseph and William have chosen to sing special songs to each other, at this time." The minister said, giving me my que.

Chris took his place, and grabbed a guitar. Lance handed me a microphone, as Chris started to play a song, that he and I had put together for this special occasion. I held Joey's hand tightly and sang these words to him.

I swear to you - I will always be there for you - there's nothin' I won't do I promise you - all my life I will live for you - we will make it through Forever - we will be Together - you and me Oh n' when I hold ya - nothin' can compare With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be right there

I looked deeply into Joey's eyes, seeing nothing but love, as I started the second verse.

I believe in us - nothin' else could ever mean so much You're the one I trust our time has come - we're not two people Now we are one - ya you're second to none Forever - we will be Together - a family The more I get to know ya - nothin' can compare With all of my heart - you know I'll always be right there

I watched a tear roll down Joey's cheek, as I began the last part of my song.

Forever - we will be Together - just you and me The more I get to know ya - the more I really care With all of my heart - you know I'll always be... Ya know I really love ya - and nothin' can compare For all of my life - you know I'll always be...right there

Joey mouthed the words I love you, as Chris played the last few notes of the song, and I handed Lance my microphone.

I looked at Joey, as Josh, handed him his microphone. Joey held my hand and flashed me a smile, as I heard the music begin. I looked into his eyes as he started to sing.

All I am, all I'll be Everything in this world All that I'll ever need Is in your eyes Shining at me When you smile I can feel All my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine And a thousand sensations Seduce me 'cause I

I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still >From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much I do

In my world, before you I lived outside my emotions Didn't know where I was going 'Til that day, I found you How you opened my life To a new paradise In a world torn by change Still with all of my heart 'Til my dying day

I do, cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still >From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much

Yes I do

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do

Baby, I do

I smiled at Joey through my tears as he ended his song. I knew that he meant every word that he had just sung to me. As he handed the microphone back to Josh, the minister continued with the ceremony.

"Joseph, do you have a ring for William, as a symbol of your undying love for him?" The minister asked, as Josh handed Joey the ring. "Place the ring on William's finger, please."

"Do you Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr. take William Alan Prescott to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to honor him, trust him, love him, and keep him, as long as you both shall live?" The minister asked, looking towards Joey.

"I do," Joey answered, causing me to smile, as he slid the ring onto my finger.

"William, do you have a ring for Joseph, as a symbol of your undying love for him?" The minister asked of me, as Lance handed me the ring. "Place the ring on Joseph's finger, please."

"Do you William Alan Prescott, take Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr, to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to honor him, trust him, love him, and keep him, as long as you both shall live?" The minister asked, looking in my direction.

"I do," I answered. Joey smiled brightly, as I slid the ring onto his finger.

"Then by the power invested in me, by Hawaii, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may seal your union with a kiss." The minister said, with a smile.

Joey and I listened to his words and then turned to each other. We leaned closer to each other until our lips met for the first time, as Joseph and William Fatone.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you Joseph Anthony and William Alan Fatone." The minister said, to a round of cheers from the audience.

The music started and Joey and I made our way back down the aisle, hand in hand. We waited until we were out of everyone's sight, and then gave each other the kiss that we really wanted. There was so much passion and love in Joey's kiss, that it was hard to pull myself away from him. However, I knew that we had guests that would be coming by, any minute now, to give us a few kind words.

Everyone was standing in line, as the crowd passed by us. Joey and I stood with our mothers, and his father, with Lance and Josh standing with us. I asked Justin and Chris to stand with us as well, because without them, this wedding would not have been what it was. Everyone was so happy for us, and it showed in the way they gave us their blessings as they passed by us.

The afternoon went on, with Joey and I doing the cake and punch routine for everyone. We took several photos of us, our parents, our families, the guys, and our guests. I couldn't have asked for a better wedding. I still couldn't believe that I was now, Billy Fatone. You couldn't have blasted the smile off my face.

Things finally came to an end, and it was time for Joey and I to make our escape. We had gotten a limo for our get away, so that there wouldn't be any car decorating, and the general public wouldn't know what had just happened. After everything else had been taken care of, it was time for Joey and I to leave. As we headed towards the car, all of our friends and family gathered around and gave us the traditional send off, with rice and shouts of congratulations. We made a run for it, and waved to everyone as we reached the car. Joey and I stepped inside as the driver closed the door, leaving us alone for the first time that day. We leaned back into the seat, almost with a sigh of relief. Joey took me in his arms, and kissed me passionately.

"I love you, William Alan Fatone." He said, stopping to look into my eyes.

"I love you too, Joseph Anthony Fatone." I said, giving him my best smile.

We rode on just holding each other, and kissing each other. The ride back to the hotel seemed almost instant for us. Joey exited the limo, and held the door for me as I made my way to him. We thanked the driver and then made our way to Joey's room. In the elevator, we kept looking at each other, with desire in our eyes. I could hardly wait until we made it to our room. I wanted him, with everything that was inside me. Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, and yes, even Spiritually, I longed to be with him, to be one with him.

We finally, made it to the room. Joey unlocked the door, and I started to walk in, only to be stopped by him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as I looked at him in surprise.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is right. So, I want to do this part right, as well." He said, as he scooped me up into his arms, and held me tight.

I smiled, as he carried me into the room. Using his foot he closed the door, and set me down on the bed. Immediately, his lips found mine as he gently pushed me back onto the bed. I lay back, allowing him to lay on top of me. He kissed me with every ounce of love and passion that was inside him.

Before I knew it, Joey and I were trying our best to remove each others clothes as fast as we possibly could. It didn't take long before we were lying on the bed locked in each other's arms completely naked.

"Oh, Baby, I want to make love to you. I want to take you to the farthest regions of pleasure, over, and over, and over. And, when I'm done, I want to start all over again." Joey said, breathing harder as he kissed my face and neck.

"I want to make love to you all night long, Joey. I want to feel you inside me. I want to make you so happy, Sweetie." I said, in moans of pleasure, as we continued our assaults on each other.

Joey kissed every inch of my body, working his way lower with each and every lash of his tongue. I found myself writhing, in complete ecstasy, at his touch. He was doing things to me, that he had never done before. The feelings he was causing, were incredible. I took in a deep breath, as he found my hardened cock, and immediately took it into his mouth.

"Oh, God, Joey, don't stop, Baby." I cried out, feeling every nerve in my body react to his sexual methods.

"Mmm," Joey moaned, around the hard flesh inside him.

I spread my legs, and placed both hands on his head, playing with his hair, as he slid his lips and his tongue up and down my erection. My cock ached for relief, with each movement of Joey's hot mouth. He released my cock from it's tormented pleasure, for a moment, as he took the time to lick and suck each of my balls. He kissed, and licked from my balls to my ass, sending me into fits of desire that I've never before experienced.

Slowly he worked his way back to my throbbing meat, taking it once again into his hungry mouth. I couldn't take much more and I knew it. I moved myself around to where I could reach his manhood. As I positioned myself, I pulled him on top of me. I took his hard, thick, meat in my hand, gently massaging and stroking him. I felt him tense up, as I slowly, took every inch of him into my mouth. He sank into my throat with ease.

"Oh yeah, Oh, Sweetie, that feels so good." He said, removing his mouth from my cock for only a moment.

"Mmmm," I moaned, as I moved my head, taking Joey into my throat, time, and time again.

I could feel every ounce of his thick meat, as it moved in and out of my throat. The feeling was overwhelming. He tasted so good. Joey and I had made love before, but tonight, oh god, tonight, something was different. It was as if we were one person, striving for the same goal, in the same mind. It was unbelievable.

"Oh, baby, Joey please," I said, as I took his cock from my mouth. "Oh, Sweetie, I'm cumming."

Upon hearing those words, Joey slid down the length of my hardness, resting his lips against my pubic hair. My body shook the entire bed, as I unloaded, into his waiting mouth. I wrapped my arms around him to help control myself, as my body quaked in a powerful orgasm.

I lay there panting uncontrollably, with Joey lying on top of me. He took everything I had to give him, as he held my cock deep within his throat. Slowly, he milked me of every last drop.

I gently rubbed his back, and his butt, as he slowly, slid my softening cock from his mouth. He laid his head on my thigh, as he began to massage my legs, giving me time to recover a bit, from my massive eruption.

Before long, I found myself relaxing more, and Joey managed to climb off me, making his way back up to my face. Ever so gently he kissed me, as he lowered his body weight once again onto mine. I raised my hands, and ran them over the sides of his head, feeling his hair run through my fingers.

Joey moved his kisses to my cheek, and then ran them along my jaw line, until he reached my neck. He kissed and sucked my neck until I thought I would go mad, with pleasure.

"Baby, I want you. I need you. I want to make love to you so bad, it hurts." Joey said, in between his kisses on my neck.

"Do it, Joey. C'mon, Baby, make love to me. I want to feel every inch of you inside me." I said, causing him to stop his attack on my neck.

He held me in his arms, and looked down at me with a face of love, compassion, desire, and lust. I felt him remove his weight from me, as he grabbed a container of lube from the night stand. He lay down on the bed, so that his head pointed towards the foot.

As he lovingly applied some lube to my entrance, I took his meat once again in my hand and began to stroke him. He slowly, and methodically rubbed the lube into my flesh, taking more time than was necessary, but I wasn't complaining. I took that opportunity to take his thick cock into my mouth once again. I licked, and sucked the length of him, making him slippery for the event yet to come.

Joey moved, putting himself into position to make love to me. He took his cock in his hand and rubbed the head of it, against my hole. Very gently, he pushed forward breaking through the tight ring of muscle. He pulled my legs up, so that my heels rested on his shoulders. Slowly, he began his descent inside me. I relaxed, as I felt each inch of his thickness entering me. Finally, he came to a stop, as I felt his balls rest against my ass. I squeezed my muscles around his cock, causing him to moan softly.

Taking his time, Joey pulled himself out of me so that just the head of his tool was still inside. Gently, he pushed back inside me, causing a groan of pleasure to escape my lips. I loved the feeling of him inside me. He quickened his pace somewhat, moving in and out of me in a steady rhythm. I lay back with eyes closed, enjoying the feelings he was arousing within me. I was in complete heaven, as Joey began to slam his hard cock into my body, filling me over, and over again, with his massive erection.

"Oh, Joey, don't stop, give it to me, baby." I moaned, as I met each thrust driving him deeper inside me.

I placed my hands on his chest, rubbing and massaging him as he continued to make love to me.

"Oh, Billy, Sweetie, you feel so good. Oh, God, Baby, you're so tight, so hot, I wanna make love to you all night." Joey said, his voice breathless, as he slammed his sweaty flesh into mine.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh," I groaned, as his pace quickened. I felt as if I were on fire.

"Oh yeah, here it comes, Baby. Ahhh!!!!!" He cried out, as he filled me with his juices. I felt the warm liquid, filling me, as his cock danced inside.

Joey collapsed on top of me, his breathing deep and heavy. I wrapped my arms around him, stroking his back, shoulders, and butt. I slid my hands over his sweat soaked body, massaging his muscles. He lay there, catching his breath. His voice released a breath filled sigh, as his cock slid from my body.

"Sweetie, that was the most intense experience, I have ever had." Joey whispered, into my ear.

"Me too, Honey. You were incredible." I said, kissing his cheek.

Joey rose, so that he could look into my eyes. He smiled, leaning in to give me a kiss, which started gently, but became more passionate, before it ended.

"Sweetie, I love you so much." Joey said, softly kissing my neck again.

I stopped him long enough to get his full attention. I took his head in my hands and looked deeply into his eyes, as I caressed his cheeks with my thumbs.

"Joey, I have never loved anyone, as much as I love you. Without you, there 'is' no me." I said, trying to put into words how I felt, yet still falling short of the reality.

He smiled, knowing that I had let him into a place in my heart, that no one had ever been able to find. He returned his lips to mine, as our passions took over once again.

Joey and I made love three more times that night. My body drained of every ounce of energy, sweat, and juices that I had. The last thing I remember, was falling asleep, with Joey's head on my stomach.

It had been a wonderful time in beautiful Hawaii, but the time came, when we had to leave. Joey and I discussed coming back again, on our anniversary. I liked that idea. Not only had it been our wedding, and honeymoon. It had also been a good vacation for the guys. I loved the fact that I would get to be with them on the road permanently, but I was also dreading going back to the hectic pace of our lives.

We all managed to make it to the airport on time, and proceeded to board the plane. Although, we had all been in Hawaii at the same time, the guys were so good to let Joey and me have our privacy. I appreciated that, more than they will ever know. I was also glad to get to be with them again.

Joey and I were the first on the plane, the others not being too far behind. I smiled as I saw Lance walk onboard.

"Scoop!" I yelled, grinning like a small child.

"Billy boy!" He yelled back, giving me a big hug.

"Phat-One! How ya doing Joe?" Lance asked, giving Joey a hug as well.

"Doing good, Scoop." Joey answered, returning his hug.

"Hey Josh, look it's the Fatones." Justin said, drawing my attention to him and JC.

"Curly!" Joey said, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey Mr. Fatone, and Mr. Fatone." Justin said, releasing Joey and hugging me.

"How ya doing, J?" I asked, as I returned his hug.

"Doing good, Billy boy." He answered, patting my shoulder.

"Hey guys!" Josh said, pulling Joey and me into a hug.

"Hey Josh," I said, giving him a squeeze.

"How goes it Mr. Chasez?" Joey asked, throwing an arm around his neck.

"It goes well, my friend." JC responded, slapping Joey on the back.

We were talking and getting reacquainted, when I noticed that there was someone missing from our little band of merry men.

"Hey, where's Chris?" I asked, looking around.

"I don't know. He was right behind us a minute ago." JC said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh no, he didn't try and smuggle something on the plane again did he?" Lance asked, with a small laugh.

"No, I didn't try and smuggle something on the plane, again." Chris said, making his presence known.

"Fumanskeeto!" I yelled, giving him a hug.

"Okay, okay, don't damage the goods." He said, giving me a light head noogie.

"Hey guy," Joey said, giving him a hug, as well.

"Superman, how's it going, big guy?" He asked of Joey, as he returned his hug.

"It's all good, man." Joey answered, with a laugh.

We all settled into talking and laughing, as the plane taxied down the runway. The guys filled us in on what they did on their vacation. I was glad that everyone had such a good time. Unfortunately, it was time to get back into the grind. This was going to be a new experience for me. I had filled in with the guys, but I had never been a full time member of a touring show of this magnitude. It was going to be interesting to say the least.

We made it to Orlando in one piece, and said good-bye, once again, as we, each went to our separate homes. Things were about to kick into high gear, and I had a lot of adjusting to do.

Joey and I made it home, and went inside to find things pretty much the way they were, when we had left. Joey paid a neighbor to watch things, keep mail, and general stuff like that, when he was out of town. We dropped our stuff in the entrance way, and went on to bed.

The next day, everything went completely nuts. Joey and I woke up around 9am and were in the process of doing the breakfast thing, when the phone rang.

"Hello," Joey said, into the phone.

I watched as he got a very unpleasant look on his face. It ranged from disbelief to anger. I knew whatever it was, I probably wasn't going to like it very much.

"We just got home, how can they expect us to just pack up and leave again, tomorrow?" He asked of, whomever it was on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, Lance. We'll be there. We won't like it, but we'll be there." He said, ending one mystery, and leaving another for me to contemplate.

"Okay, what time? Yeah, I'll tell him. It's only a few days though, right?" Joey said, continuing his conversation.

"Okay, bye," he said, ending his conversation, and hanging up the phone.

"Okay, what's going on, and how much time do we have to get ready?" I asked, expecting the worst.

"Well, we have to leave tomorrow to do a performance in New York. After that, we have to come back here to do some work on the next album." He said, kind of disheartened.

"Honey, that doesn't sound too bad." I said, giving him a questioning look.

"I know. It's just that, we just got home, and now we have to leave again. I wanted more time." He said, taking my hand in his.

"That's part of the business, Sweetheart. At least, we'll be together." I said, trying to make him look at the positive side of things.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just being stupid." He said, kissing my hand.

"What time do we have to leave?" I asked, hoping I would have some time to get some things done. I still needed to go to the court house and get my name changed. I had already taken care of the legal stuff. I just needed to sign some papers to make it official.

"We have to leave around noon." He said, as I ran a few things through my brain.

"Okay, that should give me enough time to get some of this other stuff taken care of, before we go." I said, as I started to clear the table.

"Here, let me do that." Joey said, taking the dishes from my hands.

"Oh, thanks, Sweetie." I said, smiling at him.

Joey started cleaning up the kitchen, as the phone rang, again. I gave him a knowing look, as I answered the phone.

"Hello," I said, wondering if it was who I thought it was.

"Hey, Billy." Lance said, on the other end, confirming my suspicion.

"Hi, Scoop," I said, glancing at Joey, who had stopped what he was doing, and was looking at me, with aggravation in his face.

"Billy, I hate to do this, but I don't have a choice." Lance said, the worry evident in his voice.

"That's okay. What's wrong?" I asked, becoming concerned.

"Management called, and we have to do a photo shoot today. I hate to do that to you guys, on your first day back home, but I have no choice in the matter. I did manage to get the time moved back. So, you guys have the first part of the day to yourselves." Lance said, being very apologetic about the whole thing.

"Oh, it's okay, Lansten. I can deal with it. Joey, on the other hand, might be a different story." I said, to him, as I looked at Joey, who was glaring at me.

"I know. He was kind of upset about the other call. Well, give him the phone and let me get this over with, so he can yell, and we can go on with our lives." He said, with a slight laugh.

"Tell ya what, why don't I take care of that for you." I said, hoping to ease his tension a bit.

"What? Are you serious?" He asked, clearly being taken back by the offer.

"Sure, just give me the time and place, and I'll make sure he's there." I said, grabbing a pen, as Joey started in my direction.

Lance, gave me the time and place of the photo shoot. Joey, walked over and stood by me as I wrote down the information. I watched his face, as he read what I had written.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, his tone angry, as he took the paper from my hand.

"Oh no, are you sure you don't want me to handle this?" Lance asked, hearing Joey in the back ground.

"No, it's okay. I'll take care of everything." I said, reassuring him.

"They have got to be kidding." Joey said, as he paced around the kitchen.

"Billy, are you sure? I don't want to get you in the middle of this." Lance said, his friendship side taking control.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about it. I can handle it." I said. "Listen, I'd better go now, so I can get started."

"Okay, thanks man." He said, in appreciation.

"No problem, bye." I said, ending the call.

"Bye," he said, as I hung up the phone.

"What is this?" Joey said, his anger still in tact, as he waved the paper in front of me with the information.

"You guys have to do a last minute photo shoot today, that's all." I said, trying to lessen the severity of things.

"That's all? What do you mean, that's all?" He said, looking at me, as if I'd lost my mind.

"I mean, it's not the end of the world, Sweetie. It's something that we can deal with, and go on with our lives." I said, trying to calm him.

"I don't want to deal with it, it's bad enough, we have to leave again tomorrow, and now this." He said, clearly upset.

"Joey, what's up? You never used to get this upset about last minute changes." I said, wondering where this was all coming from.

"I just want to spend some more time alone, with my husband, that's all." He said, his tone quieting.

"I know, Sweetie. I want to spend some more time with you too. However, we knew this kind of thing would happen, and we're just going to have to deal with it, or let it cause us problems." I said, stating the facts.

"Well, I might have to deal with it, but, that doesn't mean I have to like it." He said, as he took a seat.

"Well, why don't I go with you." I said, as I took a seat on his lap.

"Really? You'll come with me?" He said, his countenance brightening a little.

"Sure, why wouldn't I?" I asked, giving him a confused look.

"Well, I don't think this, is how you wanted to spend our first day back." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist, and placing a hand on my thigh.

"Well, no, not exactly, but, I'll be fine." I said, kissing his forehead.

"Thank you, Sweetie." He said, holding me close to him.

"It's okay. Besides, the shoot's not until 3pm, so we have all morning together." I said, brushing his hair back, with my hand.

"Well, let's not waste it, then. How about you and I taking a nice hot shower together?" He asked, giving me that killer smile of his.

"Sounds like a plan to me." I said, giving him a kiss.

Joey and I took a nice, hot, relaxing, shower together, making sure to take time to enjoy it, and each other. We spent the rest of the morning, just being with each other, holding each other, and having fun, being in love. Being with him, was like magic to me. Everything he did, everything he said, the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, just made me fall in love with him, all over again.

Time went by fast, as it tends to do in situations like that, and before we knew it, we found ourselves at the studio, to do this all important photo shoot. It was supposed to be a quick publicity session for the new project, but let's face it. Nothing, ever goes quickly for these guys.

Everyone was running around, trying to get things together. The guys had been in makeup, wardrobe, and were now spending time with the hair stylist. I must say, they were looking good. Everyone had to do single shots. Then, there were some group shots. Joey was doing his singles, dressed in jeans, a white long sleeve pull over shirt, and a hat. He looked so cute. Anyway, we did what need be done, and then headed back to the house, to get some rest for the next day.

What a difference a few months can make. Not long ago, I didn't even know these guys, and now, here I am, married to one, and about to take my place as their newest band member. Life is really full of twisting highways, with it's ups and downs. One just never knows, what's around the next curve.

"Sweetie, do you have everything?" Joey asked, as he checked our luggage.

"Yeah, I think so." I answered, as I headed in his direction.

"Good, I was waiting for you to bring out the kitchen sink." Joey said, with a smirk on his face.

"Damn! I knew I forgot something. Hang on, I'll go get it." I replied, as I turned to walk away.

"Smartass, C'mere." He said, as he pulled me to him, and gave me a nice kiss.

"Oh, if being a smartass is gonna get me more of those, I'll have to work on being a better one." I said, earning myself a smack on the butt.

"Just grab some of these, and help me load the car." He said, with a laugh.

"You're gonna take the jeep, right?" I asked, making sure I had things straight in my mind.

"Yeah, you're still going to the court house aren't ya?" He asked, as we headed out the door with our stuff.

"Yeah, I'll have to meet you guys at the compound." I said, setting some bags on the sidewalk.

"Okay, then, I'll take the jeep, and you can drive my car." He said, popping open the back hatch.

"Alrighty then," I said, doing my best Jim Carey.

"Management is going to have someone take our stuff on to the airport. So, make sure we've got everything." He said, as we headed back in for another load.

"Okay, are we all riding to the airport together, from the compound?" I asked, as I followed him inside.

"Yeah, I guess. We'll probably take the limo." He said, as he grabbed the last of our stuff.

"That'll work." I said, with a smile.

"I didn't think you'd complain, too much." He said, with a giggle.

"Me? Complain? Never," I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh no, not you, I'm sure you would never dream, of doing such a thing." He said, with that sly little grin of his.

"Keep it up, and you don't get a good-bye kiss." I said, making my threats.

"Okay, I'll be good." He said, dropping his head, as if he were a little boy.

"Baby, you're always good." I said, sliding my arms around his stomach, and kissing the back of his neck.

"Sweetie, if you keep doing that, we're never gonna make it to the compound." He said, leaning his head back against mine.

"Really?" I said, as I continued to kiss his neck.

"Mmm hmmm," He said, with a slight moan.

Before I knew what was happening, Joey dropped the luggage, and pushed me against the wall, kissing me passionately. His body pressed against mine, as his kiss deepened, sending me into a rage of desire. The next thing I knew, my jeans were at my ankles, and my cock was embedded deeply within Joey's throat.

"Oh god, Joey, that's incredible." I said, my breath heavy.

He slid his hands around my waist, cupping the cheeks of my ass with both hands. Methodically, he engulfed my hardness, as if he were a man driven by insatiable lust. My knees grew weak, as I felt myself coming closer to the point of no return.

"Oh, Baby, oh god, Joey, you're gonna make me cum, Sweetie." I cried out, no longer able to contain myself.

I grabbed his head with both my hands, holding him in place as I exploded inside him. I felt my cock expanding, as his throat muscles milked me of all my juices. Joey placed his hands on my thighs, to steady me, as I weakened from the pleasure overload, I had just experienced.

Once he had finished with me, Joey stood and put me back together, so to speak. He found his way to my face, and once again, kissed me. This time, he was more affectionate, than passion filled. As he kissed me, I ran my hand down to his crotch, feeling his erect cock, straining against his jeans. I began to unzip his pants when he placed his hand on mine.

"Sweetie, we don't have time." He said, his voice almost breathless.

"But, I can't just leave you like this, after what you did for me." I answered, trying to sway him.

"Baby, we can't." He said, resting his forehead against mine. "We'll miss our flight."

"Just give me five minutes," I said, as I resumed rubbing his hard member.

Joey struggled within himself, responsibility, warring against uncontrollable desire. He closed his eyes, as I felt him remove his hand from mine. Quickly, I traded places with him, so that he was against the wall. In seconds I had freed his aching cock, and had him inside me. I was a man on a mission at that point. The fact that Joey was so excited made my job a little easier. In a matter of minutes, his body tensed, and I felt him grow inside my mouth. He cried out in relief, as he filled me with his load. I held him against the wall, as his body convulsed from his orgasm.

"Oh, Sweetie, you are absolutely amazing." He said, as he ran his hands over my hair.

I managed to get Joey's clothes back in place, with his help, and then we finished our task of loading the jeep. After a quick double check, we were ready to roll.

"I'll see you at the compound after you finish at the court house." He said, stopping at the front door to give me a kiss.

"Okay, I'll be there as quick as I can." I said, returning his kiss.

"Love you," he said, as he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Love you too, Sweetheart." I said, covering his hand with mine.

Joey left, and I was not far behind. I went to the court house and took care of the business at hand. I smiled as I walked out of the building. It was official, my name was now, Billy Fatone.

I walked across the street and got into the car, as my mind began to wander. I looked up into the traffic, as if being transported through time. Right in front of me, was the intersection, where my accident had taken place. How ironic, that a place of great sorrow, would be the source of my greatest happiness, only months later.

'Man! I've been sitting here for 10 minutes.' I thought, to myself. 'I've got to get moving, or I'm gonna be late.'

I started the car, and put on my sun glasses. Glancing once more, into that charmed intersection, I smiled to myself, and drove away.


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