Me and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Jul 26, 2000


This story is completely fictional, and in no way is meant to say anything about the sexuality of the members of Nsync. All characters in this story are fictional, except for the members of Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexuality, then DO NOT read this story. Thank you.

Me and Joey Chapter 3

Over the course of the next two and a half weeks, things progressed nicely. I had regained most of my memory, called my family to let them know where I was, what had happened, and what I was doing. I had managed to track down what was left of my car, and retrieve the things I had in it. It turned out that two of my most listened to groups were Nsync and The Backstreet Boys. I had their CD's everywhere in my car. It's funny how fate just seems to take over sometimes.

My musical taste has a wide range. I listen to everything from gospel, to country, to Pop, to Heavy Metal. I listened to anything that fit, whatever mood I was in at the time, or had a good beat to it. I remembered how much I loved music, as well as my hopes and dreams of making it in the business.

I finally got the chance to meet the other guys, of course JC had already filled them in on me, for the most part, but I still had a lot to learn. Joey and I had gotten a lot closer as well. It seemed that we had everything in common, from our sense of humor to the food we liked. Chris would often comment that Joey and I shared the same brain. Justin, I found very easy to get along with, and talk to. He was so laid back. Lance and I hit it off immediately, I don't know if it was our taste in music, or our similar upbringing, but he and I had become close. It was evident that I would have a lasting friendship in Lance. So much had happened, but so much was yet to happen, and I knew I had some choices I needed to make.

"Joey, can we talk for a minute," I asked, as he walked into the kitchen.

"Sure, what's up?" He said, taking a seat at the bar.

"Well, there are some things that we need to talk about," I said, drawing Joey's attention on a more serious level.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, giving me a worried expression.

"No, it's nothing like that, it's just that," I started, pausing for a second to put my thoughts in order. "Joey, I've been here for over two and a half weeks now, and we've really gotten to know each other, and, well, I'd just like to know how you feel about things now."

"What do you mean?" He asked, not quite sure where I was heading with this.

"I mean, how do you feel about me now?" I asked, avoiding his eyes at all cost. "Do you still like me, the way you did when I found out you were gay? Has that changed? Do you see us in a relationship? How do you feel about things?" I asked, finishing my thoughts.

I was suddenly nervous, I mean what if he didn't like me any more, what if he decided that he just wanted to be friends. I had to know, I couldn't stand it any more. I went to the fridge to get a cold drink, and got one for him as well. I guess I was just trying to make myself busy so I wouldn't have to look at him. I had really grown to like Joey, in every way that I could. Now, I was afraid that he had changed his mind about the feelings he had for me.

"Well," he said, taking a drink from the bottled water, that I had just set in front of him. "I can't say that I feel the same way about you that I did." My heart felt as if it would break inside me, when I heard those words. Joey looked up at me and grinned.

"I can say, that I care more about you today, than I ever have," he said, smiling at me. I had to give myself a minute to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Suddenly, my heart began to beat faster, and I didn't know exactly what to say or do. Joey must have sensed what was happening in my mind. He stood from his seat, and walked to me, putting my face in both of his hands. He stood there staring into my eyes.

"Billy, all I know is that I want you in my life. If you decide that we can be no more than friends, then I'll accept that, but If you'll give me a chance, I promise you that I will give you my heart, my body, and everything I have." He said, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

I placed my hands on his wrists, as he held his hands on my face, and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Joey, I really care about you, I do." I said, "But there are a lot of things we have to consider here. What about our age difference, I'm ten years older than you."

"So what?" He retaliated, "I don't care if you're twenty years older than me.

The bottom line is, I want to be with you, and if you feel the same way, then who cares about our age, or what anyone else thinks about it?"

"Well, what about the guys, and your career?" I said, trying to make my case.

"You can't be serious," he said, "the guys really like you, you know that, and as far as my career is concerned, we'll just have to take it, one day at a time." "I'm not saying it will be easy, but if we don't at least give it a chance, we may regret it for the rest of our lives." He finished, making a strong case for me.

"Joey, I ......." I began, only to be interrupted.

"Look Billy," he said, taking my hand in his. "I already know how I feel about you. I've loved you since the day you walked through my front door. The question is, how do you feel about me? If you can look me in the eyes, and tell me you don't love me, then we'll pack your stuff, I'll drive you to the airport, and we'll put you on the first plane back to Kentucky. If you do love me, then think of what we could have together." Joey's argument was a hard one to oppose, and I knew that I didn't want to, but I wanted him to make sure this was what he wanted.

I looked at Joey, as my eyes filled with tears, however I refused to let them fall. I gave over to my feelings, and let my heart take control.

"I do," I said, in such a low voice, I was surprised that he had even heard me.

"What?" He asked, looking at me, as if he wasn't sure what I had said.

"I do love you Joey," I said again, causing a smile to come across his face. He put his arms around me, lifting me, and spinning me around the kitchen floor.

When he had finally put me down, he held me at arm's length, just staring into my eyes, before he said, "I am going to make you so happy."

I looked at him, and it seemed as if some invisible force was driving us together. I found myself lost in his soft brown eyes. Our faces came closer to each other, and then it happened. Joey's lips touched mine for the first time. I lost all track of time, as everything around me disappeared, except Joey and me. I felt the passion engulf me as our lips caressed each other. I let my hands run up and down his strong back, as he held me tight in his embrace.

Joey was the first to break the kiss, resting his forehead against mine. I had yet to open my eyes, in fear that it was all, just a dream. I was in complete and total heaven. Joey broke the silence, causing me to look at him. It wasn't a dream. There he was, strong and beautiful.

"You know what?" He asked, taking both of my hands in his.

"What?" I answered, in a content whisper.

"We've never officially, had our first date," he said, smiling down at me.

"Why Mr. Fatone, I do believe you're right," I said, in my best southern accent. "Whatever shall we do about that?" I said, continuing in character.

"Well," He started, "first, I'm going to take you out to dinner, then maybe a movie, or a nice long walk on the beach. How does that sound?"

"That sounds wonderful," I said, smiling at him, as if I had just won a million dollars.

"Good, you go on upstairs and get ready, and I'll make the arrangements," he said, taking charge of the situation.

"What should I wear?" I asked, as I made my way to the stairs.

"Something nice, but not fancy. A nice shirt and slacks will be fine." Joey answered, as he picked up the phone.

I walked up the stairs, watching him as he began to make the arrangements with whomever he was speaking. I thought about how, nothing I had read, or heard about this man, was anywhere near the truth. He wasn't this clumsy, irresponsible, just out for a good time, silly kind of guy. Joey had some deep feelings and emotions, that not many people were privileged enough to see. I was very thankful, that I was one of the few that had that honor.

I came back down stairs, dressed in black pants and a hunter green, button down shirt, with the top few buttons opened, to show just the slightest bit of chest hair. I could hear the shower running in the other bathroom, so I decided to make a few plans of my own. I picked up the phone, found the number I wanted, and hit the memory button. I looked down the hall, towards the bathroom, as the phone began to ring.

"Hello," I heard on the other end of the line.

"Lance, my man," I said, enthusiastically.

"Billy Bob," Lance said, with the same enthusiasm. "What's up?"

"First of all, don't ever call me that again, or I'll be forced to slap you in the face with a dead rabbit." I said, joking around with my new found best friend.

"Eeeew Gross!!!" He said, laughing at my last statement. "You are so warped, do you know that?"

"It's a gift, why waste it?" I said, laughing along with him. "Listen Lansten, are you doing anything tonight? I need a big favor."

"No, I don't have any plans, what'cha need?"

"Well," I said, as I filled him in on what had happened between Joey and I, along with my other plans. "Can you take care of that for me?" I asked, making sure it would be no problem for him to accomplish.

"Sure, I can handle that," he answered. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling. You see, Lance had known, for some time, that Joey was gay, and he'd been hoping that he would find someone that would truly make him happy. "What time should I have this finished?" He asked, making sure he knew what he was to do.

"I'm guessing around midnight," I told him, hoping everything would work out according to my plans.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.............Billy Bob!" he said, laughing hysterically at his little joke.

"OK, that's it, you'll be picking rabbit fur out of your teeth for weeks," I said, laughing along with the joke. "Gotta go Lance," I said, hearing the shower shut off down the hall.

"OK, hope everything goes well," he said, still laughing about our previous joke.

"I do too, and thanks for the help blondie," I said, smiling to myself.

"No problem big guy, talk to ya later," he said, finishing his end of the conversation.

"Bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

Several minutes went by, and Joey was still getting ready. My mind was going in about fifteen different directions. Did I look OK? Was this going to work? Did Joey mean everything he told me earlier? Did I have something on my face? You name it. I worried about it. I was still in my own little world, when Joey came into the room. My thoughts were interrupted, when I heard someone whistle, from behind me. I turned quickly, being startled by the sudden noise, to find Joey smiling at me.

"You look great," he said, looking me up and down. He was wearing dark slacks, and a deep red shirt, with the top two buttons open.

"You're looking quite handsome yourself, Mr. Fatone." I said, giving him the once over as well. "So, where are you taking me?" I asked, with just a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"Oh, don't you worry about that, I've got it all taken care of," he said, pulling me into a hug. He gently lowered his head, until our lips met for the second time. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but more like that of a husband kissing his wife good-bye, quick, yet tender and caring. Though it was a short kiss, it did have its effect on me.

Joey took me to a nice little Italian place, that was close to the beach. He and I enjoyed each other's company, and talked about several different things, such as movies, favorite places, celebrities, we thought were attractive, and of course, music. Joey had worked something out with the manager of the restaurant, in order for us to have a private place to dine, without being interrupted by a passing fan, who might have recognized him. I don't know if it was the atmosphere of the place, the way he smiled at me, or the fact that I could no longer argue with my heart, but I found myself falling hard for this man. I knew that I loved him, but until that very moment, I had no idea how much. I guess I had convinced myself that someone like Joey Fatone, could never fall in love with someone like me. I had made myself believe that it was just a passing thing, or that I would wake up and it would all just be a wonderful dream. Yet, here he was, across the table from me, and he loved 'me,' a man who had nothing more to give, than the heart, that he had already won. Things were definitely looking up.

After dinner, Joey took me to a private place, that a friend of his owned. It was a nice place, complete with it's own little stretch of beach. We took off our shoes and walked along the water's edge for a while, not really saying anything, but it was a comfortable silence. It was strange to have that kind of 'at ease' feeling with someone I had known such a short time, yet I did. The night sky filled with stars, and the moon reflected across the ocean, as the waves gently crashed against the shore. I don't think I could have imagined a more perfect place to be with the man of my dreams, than where I was, at that moment. We came upon some rocks and climbed up to the top. I sat down looking out over the ocean, as Joey slid in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"What'cha thinking about?" He asked, gently rubbing his hand over my chest.

"I was thinking, what a lucky man I am," I responded.

"I'm the lucky one," he said. "I've waited a long time for someone like you to come into my life. Now that you're here, I keep thinking, I'm going to wake up and it will all just be a dream."

I let a small laugh slip out, as I thought back to the restaurant. Joey tilted his head to look at me, as if he thought he had said something wrong.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I was thinking the 'exact' same thing when we were at the restaurant. Maybe Chris is right, maybe we do share the same brain." I joked, causing Joey to laugh.

"Ya know," Joey began, "I can't believe how close we've gotten, in the short amount of time we've had together. We have so much in common, and we think a lot a like, and I do mean a lot."

"I know, it's scary isn't it?" I said, placing my hands over Joey's. "Do you think the guys will survive?" I asked, causing us both to laugh again.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to take that chance," he said, as he kissed the back of my neck. Joey released his hold on my stomach and stood up, looking around the empty beach.

"I guess we should get going," he said, reaching for my hand, and helping me up. We walked hand in hand back to the car, strolling along the water's edge, just out of reach of the waves. I could not remember spending a more romantic evening with anyone, the way I had spent this night with Joey. So far, everything had been perfect. I checked my watch, just as we got back to the car. If all went well on the way home, we should arrive at just the right time to put my plan into action.

The drive home was quiet. We just held hands and listened to some music, thinking about the events of the evening. I'm not sure what Joey was thinking, but there was a content smile on his face. I didn't bother asking, instead I just let him have that moment to himself. If the truth be known, I was probably thinking the same thing.

We arrived at the house about a quarter after midnight. I crossed my fingers, hoping Lance had been able to finish the little project I had given him earlier. Joey disarmed the alarm system, as I took his keys and unlocked the door. 'This is it' I thought to myself, as I opened the door. I stepped back and bowed, motioning for Joey to enter, in a gentlemanly fashion.

"After you," I said, smiling at Joey.

"Why, thank you kind sir," he said, putting his hand over his heart, and stepping into the house. I followed him, waiting for the sound I was hoping to hear. My hopes came to life, as Joey entered the living room.

"Oh my God," Joey said, his mouth opened in surprise at the scene before him.

I walked over to stand beside him, looking at the reason for his words. As I looked around the room, I made a mental note to thank Lance again for his help. I should have known that my little Poofoo wouldn't let me down. Joey and I stood there speechless at the site. There were at least ten dozen red roses, in vases, placed in each corner of the room, on the mantle of the fireplace, and the tables, each one illuminated by a single candle. On the coffee table was a gold, fountain shaped object, with two angels on the top. Inside was a bottle of champagne, chilling on ice, and beside the fountain, were two long stem glasses. At each end of the table one single candle burned, with just enough light to create an incredibly romantic mood. The table itself, layered with red and white rose petals, brought to mind a friendship, that had grown into something greater. In the background, we could hear the soft sounds of Marvin Gaye.

"This is amazing," Joey said, finally finding his voice again.

"Yes it is," I agreed.

"Who could have done this? None of the guys knew we were going out tonight," he said, turning to face me.

"Well," I said, in a voice that let Joey know something was up. "I know at least one that did,"

"What?" He asked.

"Let's just say that I acquired the help of a certain blonde haired, green eyed bass singer that we both know and love," I said, sliding my arms around his neck, and gazing into his eyes.

"Why you sneaky little devil," he said, smiling at me. "When did you do this?"

"Well," I said, stroking the side of his face with the back of my hand. "I made a call earlier tonight, while my superman was in the shower." Joey gave me a wonderful smile, that let me know, he was very pleased with what I had done.

Joey led me to the couch, and held my hand as I sat down. He grabbed the champagne bottle and released the cork, filling a glass for each of us. He handed me a glass and held his up to make a toast.

"To the most wonderful man I've ever met," he said, with a serious expression. "I love you, with all my heart." He finished, touching his glass to mine, as we both took a drink.

I was totally overwhelmed by the heart felt sentiment that he had just shared with me. However, I could not let this moment pass without a response. I set my glass down on the table, and stood, wrapping both my arms around Joey's waist, and staring deeply into his beautiful eyes. I wished desperately for some divine inspiration to fill my voice, that I might convey to Joey the feelings within my heart. I smiled, as an idea came to mind. I continued to look into his eyes, and began to sing.

I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before And I promise you never, will you hurt anymore I give you my word, I give you my heart This is a battle we've won And with this vow, forever has now begun

Just close your eyes, each loving day And know this feeling, won't go away 'Till the day my life is through This I promise you I promise you

Joey looked at me, with tears streaming down his face. "That was beautiful. I had no idea that you could sing like that." He said, wiping the tears from his cheeks. No one has 'ever' done anything like this for me, I mean, the flowers, the champagne, the song." Joey finished, putting his hands on each side of my face. "I love you Billy." He whispered, as his eyes once again gazed into mine.

"I love you too," I whispered back, in the same tone Joey had used.

Joey leaned forward pressing his lips to mine. I felt as if I would explode from the many emotions I was feeling. He broke the kiss, stepping back from me taking only one of my hands in his. He looked at me, as if he were searching for an answer. Finding the one he had hoped for, he led me towards the stairs.

"Joey, shouldn't we blow these candles out?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't ruin the moment.

He gave a small sigh, as he looked around the room. "Yeah, I guess we should," he said. We both took one part of the room, until there were no more candles burning. Joey again took my hand in his.

"Now, where were we?" He asked, smiling brightly at me.

I led him over to the foot of the stairs, to the same position we were in before. "I think, we were, right about here," I said, smiling back at him. Joey held my hand and led me up the stairs. Reaching the top, we saw a row of candles that led from the top step, to the other side of Joey's room. Being encased in a safe chamber, we decided to let them burn.

Upon entering Joey's room, we were exposed to a nice fragrance. Lance had hooked up an electric potpourri container, that filled the room with a wonderful scent. Joey and I smiled at each other, both making mental notes, again, to thank Lance later. Joey led me to his bedside. Turning to face me, he looked deep within my eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked, examining my face.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I answered, smiling at him.

Joey stepped forward, taking my face in his hands, yet again. He did that quite often, but I never grew tired of it. It was Joey's way of locking the world out around us. He leaned in and kissed me softly and tenderly. I wrapped my arms around his strong back, feeling every muscle in it. I held him tight against me as our kiss deepened. Feeling his tongue caress my lips I opened my mouth slightly, to give him entrance. Taking my cue, Joey slid his tongue into my mouth, as mine began a playful battle with his. As we kissed, I managed to pull his shirt out of his pants, and began unbuttoning it. Joey let his arms fall to his side as the shirt fell to the floor. I ran my hands from his stomach, to his chest, feeling his tight muscles, and the fine hair that covered his chest and abdomen. Joey released a slight moan, at the pleasure he was receiving from my touch. I kissed his cheek, and worked my way to his neck, taking his ear lobe into my mouth, and gently nibbling on it. I could hear him, as he took a deep breath, sucking the air through his teeth. I stopped my attack long enough for Joey to remove my shirt and pants. I reached for his belt and unbuckled it. I released the button of his pants and unzipped them, as they fell to the ground, to join his shirt. We stood there, for only a moment, him in his boxers and me in my briefs.

Joey picked me up and gently laid me on the bed. He soon joined me, lying down on top of me. I spread my legs, giving Joey better access. He brought his weight down on me, and began to kiss me once again. The feeling of his body on top of mine was unbelievable. Joey kissed my neck, as he began his descent, kissing my chest, and taking time to suck on each nipple. He made his way down the center of my stomach, flipping his tongue into my navel. I closed my eyes, in complete ecstasy. Joey grabbed the waist band of my briefs and slowly tugged them down, revealing me in all my glory. I kicked my briefs to the floor, as Joey slid his hand up my thigh. Inch by inch he came closer to the prize he had been waiting for.

I felt his hand caress my throbbing cock, causing it to jump at his touch. I brought my hands up running them through my hair, trying to hold back a moan. Joey lowered himself, and flicked the head of my cock with his tongue. I thought I would lose it right then and there. I knew I had to concentrate, if I was to last very long under the pleasure that my body was receiving. Joey worked his tongue around the head of my shaft and began taking me into his mouth inch by inch, until he had the entire eight inches embedded into his throat.

"Oh baby, that feels so good," I said, running my fingers through his hair.

Joey began to slowly, and methodically slide his lips, and his tongue over my hard cock. I watched as my cock appeared and then disappeared into his hot mouth. If I had died at that particular moment, I would have died a very happy man. Joey released my swollen cock, as he worked his way back up my body. As he reached my lips, I kissed him with all the lust and passion that I had within me. I rolled him over, so that I was on top of him. It was now my turn to give him the pleasure that he had given me.

I kissed Joey's neck, as I ran my hands over his well-formed chest. I thought to myself, 'This man has an incredible body.' I worked my way to his nipples, taking time to give each one the attention I felt they deserved. Joey ran his hand over my head, as I worked my way down his abs. As I reached the waist band of his boxers, I could feel his hardened member beneath me. I began to lower his boxers, getting the first glimpse of the object of my desire. I removed his boxers completely, tossing them aside. I slid my hands up both his legs, massaging his thighs as I went. I stared at his manhood, as I made my way closer and closer to it. Joey's cock matched mine in length, but he was a bit thicker. I eased my hand over his hard tool, slowly caressing him. I wrapped my hand around him and began to slowly jack him. I could hear him moaning, at the pleasure he was feeling. Finally, I could take it no more. I eased myself lower, placing my lips on the head of his cock. I could feel him tense up, as I slid his hard cock into my waiting mouth. Slowly, I began to build a rhythm taking him time and time again into my mouth. I worked his shaft over using my lips and my tongue to pleasure him to the best of my ability. Joey grabbed the sheets with his hands, clutching them at each stroke of my mouth.

"Oh God yes!" Joey moaned, feeling as if he would not be able to take much more.

Finally, I retreated from my attack on his hard cock. I made my way up his body, looking him in the eyes. Joey was breathing heavy, and his eyes glazed over with passion.

"Joey," I said, looking down at him with all the love in my being.

"What is it baby?" He asked, in the most loving voice I had ever heard him use.

I took a moment to gaze into those beautiful brown eyes before giving him my thoughts. "Make love to me Joey," I said, as my body trembled at the very mention of it.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Are you really sure?"

I didn't say a word. I just kissed him once more and shook my head, showing him that I was indeed sure. Joey smiled at me, as if he had just walked through Heaven's gates. He opened a drawer next to his bed, and pulled out a container of lube, and a condom. I looked at Joey, with a questioning expression on my face. He smiled and said, "I just had a feeling they would be there."

'I swear, Lance is just too damned good at this.' I said, in my mind. He had thought of things that I had managed to over looked.

Joey put on the condom, and lubed himself. He then placed me on my back, in the center of the bed. Lifting my legs, he placed some lube at my opening, making sure to use enough to allow for as easy an entrance as possible. He moved himself into position, placing my feet over his shoulder. He then placed his cock against my hole. Very carefully, he eased forward penetrating me with just the head. I eased my head backwards against my pillow, and gasped at the initial pain. Joey sensed my discomfort.

"Sweetie, are you OK?" He asked, with great concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," I answered, "just give me a minute to adjust to your thickness."

Before long the pain subsided, and I eased my hips forward, signaling for Joey to continue. Slowly, he slid his massive cock deep within me. Any pain that I had experienced, had been replaced by unexplainable pleasure.

"Oh baby, you feel so good inside me," I said, letting Joey know how much pleasure he was bringing me. He slid his cock out until only the head remained in me, then pushed it back in to the hilt. I cried out at the unbelievable pleasure he was causing.

"I love you Joey," I said, as he made love to me for the first time.

"I love you too baby," he said, as he moved his thick tool in and out of my body.

"Oh yes!" I screamed, as Joey slammed himself into me time after time. I wrapped my hand around my cock and began to stroke in time with Joey's thrusts.

"Oh God, mmmmm, yes!" Joey shouted. "I'm not going to last much longer baby."

"Mmmmm, Oh, Oh, yes!" I yelled, as I shot my load all over my stomach and chest. My orgasm caused my hole to tighten around Joey's cock, sending him over the edge as well.

"AAHHHHH!" Joey screamed, convulsing in the pleasure that coursed through him.

I could feel his hard cock move inside me with each wave that engulfed his body.

Joey collapsed on top of me, sealing us together with my juices, and the sweat of our bodies. I held him, sliding my hands over his muscular back, until he had recovered from his powerful orgasm. He lay there with his head on my shoulder, making a slight moan, as his cock finally slipped out of me.

"That was incredible," he said, slightly out of breath.

"Uh huh," I said, in a contented voice.

"I think we need a shower," Joey said, looking at our messy bodies.

"I agree," I said, sliding off the side of the bed. Joey was still lying there, as I started for the bathroom.

"Are you coming?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"No," he said, grinning at me. "But if we're showering together there's always a chance."

"Very funny, smart boy," I said, giving Joey a slight grin.

We showered together, giving a small encore of our previous performance. We finished cleaning up, brushed our teeth, and then headed for bed. I climbed in, and waited for Joey. He had stepped out into the hall to take care of the candles we had left burning. He finally came back to bed, climbing in beside me. He pulled me to him, with my back against his chest, and my head just below his chin.

"I love you Billy," he said, as he tightened his hold on me.

"I love you too Joey," I said, as we drifted off to sleep.

To Be Continued..............................

Well, that's it for now. This is my first time writing so let me know what you guys/gals think so far. Send mail to Special thanks to DLS, author of Brian and Me for inspiring me to do this, thanks for all your help D I appreciate it. To Matt, author of Search and Rescue just for being you my friend. To my (((Angel))) you know who you are, thanks for the encouragement. To RandyM,author of Maverick, your kind words mean a lot..thanks Mr. President.....LOL. To all my friends in the chat room. MUCH LUV TO YA! GOODNIGHT!

Next: Chapter 4

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