Me and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Aug 3, 2000


This story is completely fictional, and in no way is meant to say anything about the sexuality of the members of Nsync. All characters in this story are fictional, except for the members of Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexuality, then DO NOT read this story. Thank you.

Me and Joey Chapter 5

The flight home went pretty smooth, not too much turbulence, or bad weather. I was looking forward to seeing my family again. So much had happened in my life, and I was eager to share it with them. Then again, there was that one task ahead of me that I wasn't looking forward to, telling my mom. I had two sisters and one brother. My sisters already knew about me being gay, and were accepting of it. My brother knew, but, avoided the subject at all cost. My mother, was the one obstacle in my way. I love my mother dearly. She has been the one who has been there for me my whole life. My dad died of cancer several years ago, but he and I were never very close. Nothing I did ever seemed to be good enough for him, not to mention the fact that he was a hopeless alcoholic. My mom was as loyal to him, as the day is long. I have always admired her for that. However, she had been through so much. Just the thought of telling her, that her baby boy was gay, nearly tore out my heart.

I arrived at the Lexington airport right on time. I opted to wait until at least 95% of the other passengers were off the plane before I got up to leave. When I stood from my seat I noticed another person, on the other side of the plane, who evidently had the same Idea that I did. I smiled at him, thinking he looked familiar. He was a tall man, with dark hair, and a goatee. He was wearing sunglasses, and a University of Kentucky baseball cap. He returned my smile.

"Billy? Is that you?" He asked, catching me off guard.

As I looked in his direction, he removed his sun glasses, causing my smile to widen.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" I asked, "I haven't talked to you in ages."

"It has been a while. How are you doing." He asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm doing good. Actually, I'm moving to your little area of the world." I said, smiling at him.

"Orlando? Cool, maybe we can get together and hang out some time." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that would be great." I said, lightly tapping him in the stomach with the back of my hand. "So, how's the family?" I asked, as he and I made our way down the aisle of the plane.

"They're doing good. Mom's still in Lexington, and the guys, well, you know them." He said, laughing slightly.

"Oh yeah, haven't changed at all have they?" I asked, joining in his laughter.

"No, and I don't look for things to change any time soon either." He said, continuing the course of conversation.

"Oh yeah, congratulations, I hear you're getting married." I said, turning to smile at him.

"Thanks man. Yeah, I'm getting hitched in a few months." He said.

"How long are you going to be here?" I asked, as we neared our exit.

"Just a few days. I came up to see mom for a while. The guys and me are on a little break right now." He said, filling me in on his plans. "When are you heading back?"

"The end of the week, I just came to get some more of my things, and see the family, then I'm heading back." I told him.

"Cool, maybe we'll be on the same flight back." He replied, smiling at me again.

"Maybe, Oh and Kev, you might want to put those shades back on before you get inside." I said, pointing to his sunglasses. "We wouldn't want to cause a riot now would we?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." He said, sliding his sunglasses back over his eyes."

Kevin and I stood in the gate entrance talking for another minute or so, catching up on each other's lives, and exchanging phone numbers, before we had to part company again.

"You take care, and say hi to everyone for me." He said, giving me one last hug, before walking away. I stood there for a moment watching him leave, when a familiar voice, caught my ears.

"Well, hello there stranger." A female voice said, from beside me. As I turned towards the voice, I began to smile.

"Hey sis, how are you doing?" I asked, as I hugged her. "Where is everyone?"

"They're all probably at mom's by now. I volunteered to come and pick you up. After all, I have to get the dirt on what's been going on in Orlando." She said, jabbing me in the ribs, with her elbow.

We laughed for a bit, as we headed for the airport exit. For the most part we just made small talk, as we made our way to the car. I put my stuff in the back seat, and we headed home.

"So, tell me what's been going on. Are you feeling OK now?" She asked, looking at me with concern.

"Oh yeah, I'm doing great." I said, enthusiastically.

"Great huh." She said, in a quizzical sort of way. "Who's this person you've been staying with?" She continued, with her interrogation. That question caused a smile to come to my face.

"His name is Joey. He's a great guy, who helped me out when I didn't have anyone." I said, answering her question.

"Uh huh, would this Joey be anyone special? Oh I don't know, maybe a new boyfriend?" She asked, grinning at me as if she had just uncovered the worlds greatest secret.

"Well," I started, when she interrupted me.

"I knew it. I knew he was your boy toy. I knew, when you called us that day." She said, slapping my thigh.

"Oh get real, Leigh. I didn't even know for sure then." I said, smacking her in the shoulder with the back of my hand.

"Well, don't just sit there, spill it." She said, as if she would burst at any moment.

"Well, his name is Joey Fatone. He's cute, he's adorable, he's funny, he's sweet, he's just the most wonderful man I've ever met in my life." I said, giving her a full blown smile.

"Fatone? That sounds familiar." She said, starting a search within that brain of hers.

"She's at the thirty." I said, watching her expression.

"Fatone?" She said again, starting to put it together.

"The twenty." I said, smiling at her.

"Fatone!." She said louder, her eyes widening with the revelation.

"The ten." I said, starting to laugh.

"Joey Fatone! From Nsync?" She asked, checking my expression for the truth.

"Touchdown! And the crowd goes wild." I said, doing a little dance in the passenger seat of the car.

"You cannot be serious. You and Joey?" She said, her excitement growing. "Oh My God, how did that happen?"

I began the explanation, of everything that had happened, in the last month or so, as we made our way down the road. I filled her in on the accident, how Joey had taken care of me, and meeting the members of Nsync.

"That's incredible. Do you love him?" She asked, as we neared the house.

"With all my heart." I said, smiling at her. She took my hand in hers and gave it a little squeeze.

"I'm so happy for you." She said, giving me her best smile.

"Thanks sis," I said, squeezing her hand back.

As we pulled into the driveway I noticed several cars. Some I didn't recognize, but most I knew right away. I grabbed my stuff from the back seat and made my way to the house. I opened the door for my sister, and followed her inside.

"Baby brother!" I heard, from my left side. I noticed my sister Lauren heading my direction. "How are you doing?" She asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm good." I said, returning her hug.

I looked around the room, taking in all the family, my sisters, my brother Randy, his girlfriend Tonya, my nephew Darren, my sister's boyfriend Ken, and Ann, my mother.

"Hi mom," I said, giving her a hug.

"It's good to see you honey." She said, tightening her grip on me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing good. There's still some memory left to get back yet, but it's getting there." I smiled, letting her know I was OK.

Things went well my first night back home. The family visited for a while, making sure I was really OK, and that I hadn't lost half my brain on a highway somewhere. They were great, but sometimes they could be a little over-protective. We talked, ate, shared some stories about old times, and just bonded as a family for a while. That was something we hadn't done in some time. As it approached bedtime everyone went home, and I went up to my old room, and began putting my things away. I got ready for bed, and climbed in. I lay there, knowing that I should be tired from the trip, but unable to sleep. It wasn't long before I heard my door open slowly. I didn't have to guess. I knew who it was. I looked up to see my mom standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would be asleep by now. I just wanted to check on you." She said, examining my face.

"Thanks mom," I said, smiling at her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, in that motherly way of hers.

"Nah, I'm OK." I said, not being quite honest with her. Of course, being my mother, she didn't buy it for a minute.

"Don't lie to your mother, young man." She said, shaking her finger at me.

"Mom, I'm thirty three years old, I'd hardly call me a young man." I said, still smiling at her.

"Well, you're still my baby, I don't care if you're fifty three." She said, making me laugh. God knows I needed it.

"Mom, there's something I need to tell you, and I'm not sure how to do it." I said, not being able to look at her. She walked over to the bed and sat next to me taking my hand in hers.

"Honey, whatever it is, you can tell me. You're my son, There's nothing you can't say to me." She said, in that loving way she had about her. I wondered if all mothers were able to do that with their children.

"Mom, it's just that it's so hard for me." I started.

"Does this have anything to do with you being gay?" She asked, looking me right in the eyes.

"What?" I asked, being totally taken back by her words.

"Honey, did you honestly think I didn't know. I'm a mother. Mother's know." She stated, matter of factly.

"But how," I started again, as she interrupted me.

"I don't know how. It's just a built in mother device, I can't explain it. But, I've known since you were in high school." She said, smiling at me again.

"And you're OK with this?" I asked, still in a bit of shock.

"Well, I won't lie. I'm not happy about it, but it doesn't change the fact that you're my son, and I love you. If you're gay, you're gay, but you're still my baby." She said, patting me on the leg. "Somehow, I get the feeling that the gay thing's not the only thing bothering you. Why is that?"

I looked back at her, amazed at her intuition. I hoped that I would have that kind of insight when I was her age. 'With Joey around I'd probably need it,' I thought to myself.

"I've met someone mom." I said, trying to gather my courage. "His name is Joey, and he's the one I've been staying with in Orlando."

"I see, go on." She said, staring at me. I suddenly felt the nervous energy boiling within me.

"He's a great guy mom. He took care of me after my accident, and things just fell into place after that. I really love him." I said, looking at her almost with pleading eyes.

"How old is this man?" She asked.

"He's 23." I stated, waiting for the inevitable.

"23? Isn't that a little bit young for you?" She asked, full mother mode kicking into high gear.

"I know, I thought the same thing. It's not like I went looking for this mom. It just happened. We don't get to choose who we fall in love with. When that person comes along, we just have to accept them and love them. He's such a wonderful man. I questioned him about the age difference myself. I wanted to make sure that this was what he wanted. He loves me mom. He wants me to be with him, and he makes me happy. Why should I deny myself that?"

"You shouldn't." She stated flatly, taking me again by surprise. "You're both old enough to make your own decisions. If you make each other happy, then I'm not going to stand in your way. I'm happy for you sweetie. I look forward to meeting him." She said, hugging me tightly.

"You're the best mom in the world, you know that?" I said, feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I know, but don't tell anyone. The other mothers will get jealous." She said, with a small laugh. I laughed along with her. I had never felt as close to my mom, as I did at that moment. "You feel better now?" She asked.

"More than you'll ever know." I said, giving her my best smile.

"Good, now you get some rest, and I'll see you in the morning." She said, tucking my covers tight around me and standing.

"I love you mom." I said, almost beaming with joy.

"I love you too sweetheart, now go to sleep." She said, kissing my forehead, and leaving my room.

I lay there in my quiet little room, thanking God for all that was happening in my life at the present time. Mom had taken things much better than I had hoped, and I had someone in my life, who truly loved me. The feeling was so overwhelming. Just as I was settling in for a good night's sleep, my cell phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey baby," Joey said.

"Hi Sweetie," I said, smiling to myself.

"How are things going?" He asked.

"Things are going wonderfully," I replied. "I told mom about me, about us, and she was very accepting and even happy for us.

"That's wonderful baby," He said. "I can't wait to meet her."

"Well, my family can't wait to meet you either." I said, picturing his face.

"I hope my family takes it that well," He said, with just a hint of worry in his voice.

"Sweetie, don't worry about that right now. We'll cross that bridge when we get there." I said, trying to reassure him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Anyway, on to more important business, "First, I miss you so much, I can hardly stand it." He said, causing me to smile brightly.

"Aww, I miss you too sweetheart, but I've been gone less than a day." I said, wishing I could kiss him.

"I know, but it feels like weeks." He said, over exaggerating just a bit.

"That's so sweet, honey, but I'll be back before you know it. What was the second thing?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, Lance got it cleared for you to tour with us." I couldn't see his face, but I knew the smile he was wearing was equal to, or beyond that of mine.

"That's great sweetie. Tell him, I won't have to hurt him when I get back now." I laughed, causing Joey to laugh as well.

"I'm sure that will make him rest a little easier at night." Joey said, still laughing with me.

"Joey, I wish you were here with me," I said, bringing things to a more serious tone.

"You just say the word baby, and I'm on the next flight." He said, making me feel the love in his voice.

"I would love that sweetie, but you have things to take care of there." I said, bringing us back to the reality of the situation.

"That can wait. If you need me I'm there." He said, reassuring me of his devotion.

"I know sweetie, but I'll be OK, I promise." I said, being overwhelmed by his desire to take care of me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure honey. You just take care of that bunch of misfits, you're singing with, and I'll be home in a few days." I said, not realizing what just left my mouth. I only heard silence on the other end of the phone. Then I heard Joey's sniffle, as if he were crying. That worried me somewhat.

"Joey? Sweetie are you OK?" I asked, becoming concerned, by his silence.

"You said home," He said, confusing me a bit.

"What?" I asked, still not understanding.

"It's the first time you've called this place your home. I guess it just got to me." He said, causing me to understand.

"It is my home sweetie. My place is with you, where ever that may be, and for as long as you'll have me." I finished.

"Then you're going to be here for a long, long time baby." He said, causing my smile to widen.

"I love you sweetheart," I said, with as much emotion as I could.

"I love you too baby. Now, you'd better get some sleep, and I'll talk to you tomorrow." He said, bringing our conversation to an end.

I closed my phone and put it back on the night stand. I smiled to myself as my thoughts drifted to the last few weeks I had spent with Joey. Time is a funny thing. I mean one day, my world is ending. The next, it's beginning a new. My pain, had been overshadowed by happiness, that I never dreamed was possible.

The time that I spent with my family was wonderful. They were all so encouraging about my relationship with Joey. Even Randy seemed to be happy for me. That was a miracle in itself. The week had flown by, and now I was preparing to head back to my new home, my new life, and my new boyfriend. Joey had been so wonderful this week. He called every night just as he promised he would. I also talked to Lance and the guys from time to time. Of course, Lance, was always willing to tell me how much Joey was missing me, and how tired they were of hearing my name. That boy should win a prize for the excessively dramatic. However, I was looking forward to seeing them all again. It had only been a few days, but it felt as if I had been away from them, forever.

I finally got all my clothes packed up, and loaded in the car. I did a double take in the house to make sure I had gotten everything I had meant to take with me. That being done, I headed down stairs to say good-bye to my mother. Things had definitely changed in our relationship, the past week. Not only was she my mother, but she had become the lady that I most admired in the world. I would miss her more than she would ever know. Feeling confident that I had everything I needed. I kissed my mother, and headed for the airport, with my brother, Randy.

Things had not been the best in the world, between Randy and me, for some time now. However, he was trying, or so it would appear, to make things better between us. I was about to find out just how, far he was willing to go.

"So, you think you're gonna like it down there?" He asked, trying to ease our tension.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna like it OK." I responded. He looked at me kind of strange, before pulling the car off to the side of the road. I shot him a confused look, wondering what the hell was going through his mind.

"Look, I know I haven't been very supportive of you being, well, you know." He said, stumbling over his words.

"I think the word you're looking for is gay." I said flatly.

"Right. Well, anyway, I know I haven't been very supportive, but I don't want you to go back to Orlando, with things the way they are between us." He said, tapping into my curiosity a bit.

"I'm sorry Randy, but I can't change the way things are between us." I said, not even looking at him.

"Well, maybe I can." He started. "Billy, I am really sorry for the way I've been acting. I know you didn't choose to be gay, but it's just so hard for me to deal with. I still can't say that I understand it, because I don't. I may never, but I do know that you're my brother, and I want what's best for you. If that's this Joey character, then I'm behind you." He said, causing me to look at him in a different light, for the first time in a long time. We sat there for a moment, looking at each other.

"I love you Bro., I'm really sorry." He said, his eyes starting to tear.

"It's OK Randy. I understand. I love you too." I said, taking his hand in mine and gently squeezing. I found myself wiping a few tears from my own eyes as well.

We headed on down the road to the airport, with a new feeling of accomplishment over taking the atmosphere around us. We got to the airport safely, and made our way to the gate of my departure, after checking my luggage. This had indeed, been an interesting visit with my family. However, I was looking forward to the reunion, with my new family.

Finally, the call came announcing my flight. Randy and I said our good-byes, and I thanked him for what he had said earlier. It seemed that fate had thrown my brother and me a new chance at a relationship. I for one, was going to make the best of it. I gave him a hug, and headed for my plane.

The plane took off with no problems, but I found myself a bit sad at its departure. I knew I was leaving my home town for good. Well, at least it felt that way. This time however, I was leaving with happier memories. I was staring out the window in my own little world, when I was brought back to reality by a familiar voice.

"Mind if I sit down?" He asked.

I turned to see who it was that was speaking to me. I smiled, when I recognized his face.

"Sure, take a load off." I said, pointing to the seat next to me. "Ya know, If I didn't know better, I'd say you were following me."

"OK, you caught me. I've been tailing you for three days now." He said, making us laugh.

"So, how was your visit?" I said, looking back at him.

"Pretty good, and yours?" He asked.

"Better, than I could have imagined." I said, smiling at him.

"Really? Sounds like we're going to have an interesting flight back to Orlando." He said, smiling back at me.

"You never know." I said, "We just might."

We sat there, lost in our conversations about this or that. I thought we had talked about everything under the sun, when he pulled a little surprise on me.

"Billy, can I ask you a personal question?" He asked, giving me a serious look.

"Well, if the look on your face is any indication, I'm not sure I want to know." I said, looking into his eyes.

"No, it's not that bad. I just don't want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable." He said, starting to second guess himself.

"Kev, we've known each other for, what, almost fifteen years now. You can ask me anything. I would have thought you would know that by now." I said, assuring him that it was OK, whatever he wanted to say.

"I know, it's just that we haven't seen each other in a while, and I didn't want to over step my bounds." He said.

"Well, now you know. So, what is it you wanted to ask me?" I asked, looking at him again.

"Actually, I have two questions. And, I want you to know that your answers will not effect the way I feel about you in any way. I just want you to be honest with me, OK?" He said, laying his hand on my arm.

"Sure Kev, now out with it. What's going on?" I asked, my curiosity kicking into high gear now.

"Are you gay?" He asked, taking me by surprise. I guess the shock on my face was evident, because he became nervous all of a sudden.

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have asked. It's none of my business anyway." He said, scolding himself.

"No Kev, it's OK. You just caught me a little off guard that's all." I said, putting my hand over his. "The answer to question number one is yes. I'm sorry, I guess I should have told you sooner." I said, feeling as if I had failed him.

"No no, it's OK. I guess that means that Joey Fatone is your boyfriend right?" He said, completely blind siding me with that one.

"What?" I said, a little louder than I should have.

"Sshhhh," He said, motioning with his hands for me to be quieter.

"What do you mean is Joey Fatone my boyfriend?" I asked, almost in a whisper this time.

"Well, I was putting those phone numbers you gave me into my book, when I noticed the home phone number looked familiar. Then I remembered where I knew it. It's Joey's phone number. I even checked it to make sure I was right." He said, smiling at me.

I must admit. He was taking this a lot better than me. I mean, I had just made a really bad mistake as far as the guys well being. A mistake that could be very hazardous to their careers. I didn't think Kevin would use it against them in any way, but if I was wrong, I could have very well just destroyed the lives and careers of five of my best friends. I began to panic within myself, trying to come up with an explanation. I guess the fear on my face was screaming volumes, because Kevin put his hand on my arm and began to gently stroke the tensing muscles.

"Billy, don't worry, it's OK." Your secret is safe with me. "In spite of what you may have heard, my guys and Nsync are not at each other's throats. We actually get along very well. Joey and I exchanged phone numbers a while back at an award show, we were attending. It's not a big deal. I know what it's like to have to keep things from the media. Don't worry about it OK? I have plenty of gay friends. I'm just glad you trusted me enough to be honest with me. So, how long have you two been together?" He asked.

I looked into Kevin's eyes searching for sincerity. Finding what I was looking for, I decided to trust him. I mean, at this point even if I didn't know him as a friend, what choice did I have? I filled him in on everything that had happened from the accident, right up to my visit with the family. I trusted Kevin, but the shock of what had just happened, had still not subsided.

"I'm very happy for you." He said. "Joey's a good guy. I think you two will make a great couple."

I turned to him and smiled. All the doubts and fears I had about placing my secret in his hands, began to vanish.

"Thanks Kev. Listen, if you don't mind I would rather, you didn't tell the other guys, Not just yet anyway. That needs to be Joey's decision. I still have to find a way to tell him that you know, without getting myself killed." I said, causing a small laugh from Kevin.

"Will you relax. Joey will understand." He started. "Besides, it's Lance you should be worried about." He finished, laughing a bit harder.

"Well, thank you Dr. Joyce Brothers, I feel so much better now." I said, hitting him in the chest.

"Don't mention it. As a matter of fact, I have my cell, I could call him and tell him for you." He said, smiling brightly at me.

"You do and you'll be digging that phone out of your colon, my friend." I said, laughing at him.

"Oh, I'm scared now. Please don't hurt me. I won't do it, really I won't." He said, giving me his best 'scared little boy' routine.

Kev and I settled back into our comfortable mode, with each other. We talked the rest of the way to Orlando, bringing each other up to speed on our families, careers, and friends. As the plane, made its' stop at our gate Kev and I did our usual wait until everyone else is off thing. When we felt sure that almost everyone had exited, we made our way down the aisle. When we walked into the airport I noticed a couple of guys, trying to make themselves as inconspicuous as possible. I got Kevin's attention and whispered in his ear.

"Over there with the magazines pulled up to their faces." I said, pointing in the direction of one Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass. Every once in a while the guys would lower their magazines and scope things out before placing them back to their faces. I found the whole thing rather funny myself.

"Oh yeah, they're blending," Kev said, causing us both to laugh. Fortunately for us neither of them had seen us yet. So, we decided to have a little fun with them. We went around to our left, sneaking up behind them. In our best high pitched female fan voices, we said, "Oh My God! It's Nsync." Just loud enough for them to hear us, but not loud enough for the rest of the airport to hear. Joey and Lance both jumped out of their seats and turned to look at us, with frightened expressions on their face.

"Hello gentlemen," I said, smiling at them.

"Billy! Are you trying to give us a heart attack?" Lance said, grabbing his chest.

"Hey guy." I said, giving Joey a hug. "I missed you so much." I whispered into his ear.

"I missed you too baby." He replied, in equal fashion.

"Come here blondie." I said, pulling Lance into a hug.

"Guys I believe you know Mr. Richardson." I said, bringing their attention to Kevin.

"Hi guys." Kevin said, extending his hand.

"Oh put that away," Joey said, pulling Kev into a hug. "How goes it Kevin?"

"Pretty good man." He said, returning Joey's hug.

"What's up Train." Lance said, taking his turn with the hugs.

"Not much Scoop, how are things with you guys?" Kev answered.

"Ah, you know, same old, same old." Lance answered.

"Wait a minute. Do you two know each other?" Joey asked, looking from me to Kevin.

"Yeah, Billy and I have known each other for quite a while." Kevin said. "Although, I didn't know he was moving to Orlando, until I met up with him on the plane."

"That's kind of wild isn't it?" Lance said.

"Yeah it is. We haven't seen each other in ages." I said, looking at Kevin.

"Well guys, there's my ride." Kevin said, bringing our attention to the approaching man. "Guys you remember Brian." Kevin said, introducing everyone. "Bri you know Joey and Lance, and this is Billy Prescott. He's an old friend from back home." He said, giving me an introduction to his cousin.

"Hey guys it's nice to see you again." Brian said, greeting Joey and Lance, then turning his attention to me. Brian removed his sunglasses long enough to look into my eyes.

"Billy, it's nice to meet you. Any friend of Kevin's is a friend of mine. I'm always happy to meet a fellow Kentuckian." He said, shaking my hand, and smiling that famous smile of his.

"Nice to finally meet you Brian." I said, shaking his hand.

Being that close to him, I could see what all the fuss was about. This man was absolutely beautiful. Those eyes, were almost mesmerizing. The friendliness, that radiated from him, was a welcomed surprise, as well.

We talked for a moment, then decided it would be best if we made ourselves scarce. So, we said our good-byes and headed for our cars. Joey stayed to help me with my luggage, while Lance took the bag I had with me to the car. I was so happy to see Joey and Lance again. Joey and I gathered the last of the bags, and head for the parking lot. Lance had pulled his SUV up front to load everything. We finished loading, and Lance jumped into the driver seat getting ready to leave. He heard a car door shut, but didn't take off, as if he was waiting for someone else. He looked in the driver's mirror and then to the passenger side. Seeing no one, he turned to the back seat. He began to smile, when he saw what he was trying to find. Joey and I had gotten into the back seat together, and were in the middle of showing each other how much we had missed the other. I'm surprised Lance hadn't heard our lips at work. He just shook his head, as Joey and I paid no attention to him.

"I'm sure glad I have tinted windows." He said, with a small laugh.

"Just drive boy." I said, giving Joey just enough of a break to get the words out of my mouth, before I resumed my attack on his lips.

"Aye aye captain." Lance said, giving me a salute, as he pulled out of the parking lot.

The drive home was nice. Joey and I worked some of our energy out, with our little make out session. Then we decided to join Lance in the world of reality. We talked about everything that had happened while I was away. I was so glad to be back, and it seemed that they were glad to have me back.

We arrived at the house. Lance and Joey helped me take my things inside, and carry them upstairs. It was at that moment, I decided to tell Lance and Joey what happened with Kevin and me.

"Guys, I need to tell you something." I said, as we made our way to the living room.

"Judging from your expression, It's not something we're going to like is it?" Lance asked.

"Well, I'm not sure, but here goes." I said, looking from Joey to Lance. Joey looked at me with concern on his face.

"Kevin, knows about Joey and me." I said, looking down at the floor.

"What?" Lance asked.

"Well, I told him about moving here, and he thought it would be good if he and I got together and hung out sometime. So, I gave him the number here. I had no idea that he already had it, and I never dreamed that he would put it together. He asked me if Joey and I were together. It took me so much by surprise, that I guess he figured out that it was true, by the way I reacted. He said that he wouldn't say anything, not even to the other guys. I am so sorry." I said, rushing my words.

"How could you do that?" Lance said, rather loudly, causing me to lower my head. "What if he does tell someone, they'll find out about you two. Then they're bound to find out about JC and Justin. Nsync would be finished. Do you have any idea what you've done?" He asked, getting a bit more angry with me.

"Oh lighten up Lance. He didn't do it on purpose. I gave Kevin my number at the fan awards two months ago. Billy didn't know. Besides, I trust Kevin, he won't tell any one." Joey said, coming to my defense.

"I hope you're right. It's not like we have a choice now." He said, the anger still evident in his tone.

"I'm sorry." I said, leaving the room with tears in my eyes. I could hear Joey calling my name, but I didn't answer. I went to my room, closed the door, and fell onto the bed. I don't know exactly how long I was there before I heard a knock at the door.

"Come on in Joey." I said, wiping away the remainder of the tears, that had settled on my cheeks. I heard the door open, not bothering to look, in that general direction.

"I guess, I really screwed things up between Lance and me huh?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"No, but I think maybe I might have." Lance said, from behind me.

"Lance." I said, being surprised by his presence. I sat up on the bed, looking at him. I started to say something, but he stopped me.

"Don't say anything. Look at you." He said, shaking his head. "I should have my ass kicked, for hurting you like that."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Billy." He said. "I know you didn't mean for this to happen. I know that you've known Kevin for a long time, and that you two are good friends. I trust you, I really do. It's just that when something happens that could affect the whole group, I go into business mode. I get all defensive, and sometimes, I just lash out, without thinking first. I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt us. If you say Kev will keep our secret, then that's good enough for me. Can you ever forgive me?" He asked, examining my face.

"It's already done, Scoop." I said, smiling through my tears. I stood to my feet, as Lance pulled me into a hug.

"I'm really sorry man." He said, tightening his hold on me.

"It's OK Lance. I understand." I said, rubbing his back. "I'm just glad we're still friends."

"Of course we're still friends, best friends. Even though I may not act like one sometimes." He said, releasing the hug, and wiping away the rest of my tears.

I looked over at him and grinned. "Joey made you come up here and talk to me, before he would let you leave, didn't he?"

"What? No, I just didn't want us to be mad at each other." He said, without looking me in the eye.

"Why don't I believe you?" I questioned.

"Because, you know me too well." He said, with a laugh. "OK OK, you got me. Joey made me come up here, but I meant every word I said."

"What did he do?" I asked, unsure if I really wanted to know, knowing Joey.

"Well, let's just say it was either come up here and settle things between us, or give up my ability to father children." He said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. We walked out of the room laughing at his last statement.

"That's my Joey." I said, turning to face Lance. "Are we cool now?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're cool. You know I love you too much to stay mad at you." He said, lightly punching me in the arm.

"I love you too Scoop." I said, hugging him once again.

We headed back down stairs, to find Joey. He wasn't in the living room, and I didn't see him in the kitchen, or the den. Finally, looking out the back door, we saw him sitting on a lounge chair, on the back deck. Lance took one of my hands in his, and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Listen, I'm gonna head on out, and give you two some privacy." He said.

"OK Lansten, thanks for the talk." I said, squeezing his hand in return.

"Thanks for letting me." He said, releasing my hand and heading for the front door.

"Bye blondie." I said, smiling at him. He turned in my direction, rolled his eyes at me, shook his head, and walked out the door.

I stood there for a moment longer just staring at Joey. He was always so protective of me. I watched him sitting there, as if he didn't have a care in the world. However, I could see from the expression on his face, that he had something on his mind. I knew it was probably Lance and me. So, I decided to go outside and join him, and let him know what happened between us.

"Hey." I said, as I walked towards him.

"Hey yourself. Did you and Lance get everything worked out?" He asked, moving his legs and patting the front of his chair. I took my cue and sat down, where his legs had been, as he pulled me back against him.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Thanks for making him come upstairs and talk." I said, wrapping my arms around his.

"You're welcome sweetie. I could see how much he hurt you. I just didn't want you two to be mad at each other. You guys love each other too much for that." He said, resting his chin on my shoulder.


"Yeah sweetie"

"I love you." I said, leaning my head against his.

"I love you too baby." He said, kissing my neck.

We sat like that for hours, just holding each other. The tension from earlier seemed to just disappear. We didn't make out. We just held each other and talked. It was a wonderful evening. Joey and I were happy, just sitting there talking. It was apparent, that we had reached a new level in our relationship. It felt great.

Joey went to take a shower, while I tried to put some of the things away, that I had brought back with me. I swear. I didn't realize that I had so much stuff. I managed to get most of it put away, by the time Joey had finished his shower. He walked into the bedroom, wearing only a towel around his waist. I stopped and stared at his body. It had been a week since I had seen him. He turned and caught me staring at him.

"See anything you like?" He asked, making me blush.

"I'm sorry. You just look so good." I said, honestly.

"Well, I would hate to think that my boyfriend, didn't want to look at me." He said, smiling at me. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. Leaning in, he gave me a light kiss. I raised my hand to the back of his head, not willing to let the kiss end so quickly.

Eventually allowing the kiss to end, I stood there gazing into his eyes. Ah those eyes, so soft, so caring, sometimes, I felt as if he could see into the darkest regions of my being with them.

Breaking the trance, that I was slowly falling into, I pulled away from Joey, and headed for the shower myself. I took my time, just letting the cool water flow over my body. It was so relaxing, that I almost didn't want it to end. However, thinking about who was waiting for me in the bedroom, quickly changed my mind. I finished my shower, brushed my teeth, slid on a pair of boxers and headed back to the bedroom. When I got there Joey was reading some kind of psychology book. When he saw me, he closed the book and placed it on the night stand. I went to the other side, and climbed into bed. Joey immediately opened his arms for me. I slid over to him, as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm so glad you're back." He said, holding me gently.

"I'm glad to be back." I replied, raising my head to look at him.

Joey leaned over and kissed me firmly on the lips. I returned the kiss with passion. He rolled me over so that he was lying on top of me, staring down into my eyes. He lowered himself to me, resting his lips once again on mine. Before I even realized it, Joey and I were in a heated frenzy of lust, passion, and ecstasy. Joey slowly began kissing my neck and shoulder, causing a tremor of pleasure to run through my body. I placed my hands on his shoulders, as he started to work his way lower. He stopped at my chest long enough to tease each nipple with his tongue. Kissing them and gently biting each one, he drove me to a state of unbelievable sensation. He kissed his way down my abdomen, removing my boxers, and making his way to my nether region. He slid his hands up my stomach, and chest, as he began to kiss from my pubic hair, down the length of my hard member. Bringing himself to the end, he flicked his tongue across the head, causing me to jump.

Slowly, he slid my hard cock into his mouth, licking and sucking his way to the end. Before long, I felt his mouth rest against my soft pubes. He started his way back up using his lips and tongue to drive me wild. I watched as he took my hardness into his mouth over and over again, bringing me to the edge more than once only to pull me back.

"Oh God Joey, do it baby, do it." I moaned, as he worked his magic on me.

I worked my way around, so that he and I were lying on our sides, facing each other's crotch. I reached out, and pulled his underwear down, throwing them to the floor. I took his hard meat in my hand, and began to work it back and forth, causing Joey to moan around my cock. I eased my way closer slipping the head of this massive tool into my mouth. I slowly worked him into me, taking my time to pleasure him as much as I could.

Joey rolled us over, so that he was on top of me, in a sixty nine position. He began to slowly pump his meat into my waiting mouth, as I reached up, and began to run my hands over the hard muscles of his ass. He bobbed his head up and down on my cock, matching the perfect rhythm of his thrust into my mouth.

"Mmm," I moaned, around his thick meat.

Joey kept working on my hard tool, causing my pleasure gages to peak. Faster he pumped his meat into my mouth, as he moaned around mine. I felt him tense, as his hard meat became even thicker. Joey released my cock, causing it to slap hard against my stomach.

"Oh baby, I'm going to cum! Oh yes! Oh baby here it comes! AAHHH!!!!" Joey screamed, as his orgasm took control of his body. I felt his hot juices hit the back of my throat, as his body convulsed under the intense sensations it was being subjected to. It was the first time, that I had tasted Joey's juices, as his seed filled my mouth to capacity. I took every drop of him, keeping his meat in my mouth, and swallowing him several more times until his erection had softened.

Joey rolled off me, lying next to me on the bed. His body was still trying to recuperate from its previous sensory overload. I could hear him panting, trying to regain his breath. He snuggled up to me, his body still twitching, as the waves of pleasure ran through him from time to time. I held him close, stroking his hair. He brought his head to rest next to mine and began to whisper into my ear.

"Baby?" He said, still quite breathless.

"Yeah sweetie." I responded.

"I want you to make love to me." He said, taking me by surprise. It wasn't that I didn't want to, it was just that Joey was a virgin. I wanted his first time to be very special.

"Sweetheart, are you sure?" I asked. "You don't have to do this."

"I know." He said. "I want my first time to be with someone that I love. I want to give myself to you mind, and body."

I was completely overwhelmed with the gesture he was about to perform. I knew I loved him, and I knew he loved me. I felt very honored that he was willing to give himself totally and unconditionally to me.

I positioned him on his back, on the bed. Reaching into the night stand I brought out the bottle of lube, that he and I had used, the first time we had made love. I also found a condom. Opening the pack, I slid it onto my waiting cock. I lubed myself, as well as Joey's entrance. Slowly, I worked my finger into his opening, causing him to gasp. Taking my time I worked my finger around inside him, giving him time to adjust to this new intrusion to his body. As he loosened up a bit, I worked a second finger into him, making him squirm under the attention I was giving him. I brought my fingers forward inside him, massaging his prostate. I felt him moving back and forth onto my fingers. Sliding my fingers out of him, I moved myself into position.

I raised Joey's legs putting his feet over my shoulders. I placed my cock at his hole, as I stared down into his beautiful eyes. I could see the love and the trust he had for me, shining in them.

"If I hurt you. You tell me, and we'll stop OK?" I asked, making sure he knew I wasn't willing to cause his pain, in order for me to receive pleasure.

"OK sweetie," He said, smiling up at me.

I eased forward, penetrating him for the first time. Joey grabbed the sheets with both hands, clutching them tightly, as he gasped in pain.

"Sweetheart, just relax, let yourself get used to me being inside you. Don't be tense, just try to relax." I said, softly trying to ease his mind of the pain he was feeling. He didn't answer me audibly, but instead nodded his head, letting me know he understood. I waited until he decided that he wanted to continue.

"OK, go ahead," He said, his breath more stable.

"Are you sure sweetie." I asked.

"Yes, baby, I'm sure." He answered.

I slowly started sliding myself into him. Inch by inch, I lowered myself, checking his expression every step of the way. Finally, I found myself completely embedded inside him. I watched as his pain, turned to pleasure. Making sure that he was doing alright, I began to ease my way out of him. He gave out a slight moan as I pulled myself back, until just the head of my cock rested within him. I pushed forward sliding back into him, causing him to gasp a bit. Seeing that he was no longer in pain, I began to slowly thrust myself into him. Joey began moving around under me. I could tell that he was starting to enjoy the things that his body was feeling. Soon, I began to increase my thrust, giving longer and harder strokes. Joey began to moan in pleasure.

"Oh, baby, you feel so good." I said, looking down at him.

"Mmm, this feels incredible. I can feel every inch of you inside of me." He said, in a breathless voice.

I continued my pace, causing Joey to writhe under me, in uncontrollable lust.

"Oh yes, he said, causing me to become even more excited.

"Sweetie, I'm not going to last much longer." I grunted, in between my thrusts.

"C'mon baby, give it to me! Oh yes!" He panted, moving his hips into me with each thrust.

"Oh, oh yeah, here it comes! UGH!!! I grunted, making one final thrust into him. My body shook, as I unloaded inside him. I could feel him tightly wrapped around my cock with each spurt. I had never felt such unbelievable pleasure in all of my life. I brought his legs down to my side, as I collapsed on top of him. I slid my arms under his shoulders, and laid my head on his chest, next to his chin, nuzzling my nose to his neck.

"Sweetie, you were unbelievable." I whispered, kissing his neck. "Are you OK?"

"If I was any better, I'd be twins," he said, causing me to laugh. "That was the most incredible feeling I have ever felt."

"I didn't hurt you?" I asked, making sure he was alright.

"No, baby, you were perfect. Thank you." He said, kissing the top of my head.

After we had regained the gift of movement, we made our way to the bathroom and cleaned each other. I made it back to the bed first, still in awe, of the moment that Joey and I had just shared. I was so in love with this man, that I could never imagine, ever being without him.

Joey came back to bed, crawling in behind me, lying on his side. He pulled me to him, in a spoon position. He kissed my neck and shoulder, holding me tightly against him.

"Baby, I love you so much." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too Sweetie, more than you will ever know." I answered, in an equally quiet voice.

We just lay there in the night, holding each other, and basking in the warmth of our love, until the effects of the nights' events, took over our bodies, causing us to give in to sleep.

To Be Continued................

Well, that's it for now. This is my first time writing so let me know what you guys/gals think so far. Send mail to Special thanks to DLS, author of Brian and Me for inspiring me to do this, thanks for all your help D. I appreciate it. To Matt, author of Search and Rescue just for being you my friend. To my (((Angel))) you know who you are, thanks for the encouragement. To RandyM, author of Maverick, your kind words mean a lot..Thanks Mr. President.....LOL. To all my friends in the chat room, MUCH LUV TO YA! GOODNIGHT!

Next: Chapter 6

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