Medical Lab Rat

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Dec 29, 2007


Being just out of college with a master's degree in psychology and not having a job I am wondering how the hell I'll survive and make a living. Considering that the only other qualification was that of being captain of the swim team and looking great in Speedos I'm without. With no money to pay the rent I'm reading every want ad offering any method of making a dollar. After a few weeks of desperation and being one month behind in my modest rent I found an ad in one of the underground papers that held some promise.

The ad was looking for healthy men between the ages of 21 and 26 to participate in a medical study involving male sexuality. The offer was to provide $500 for a one day study involving various medical tests with no invasive procedures. How bad could that be?

I decided that this was worth a look and called the listed number. After a cursory interview the person on the phone granted me a preliminary interview. I arrived at the appointed time and was ushered into a small office with a single desk and a very handsome young man with the required clipboard. After countless questions about my personal life, my family history, previous sexual practices and dietary habits I was granted a second meeting that would involve a medical exam and medial history.

An appointment was scheduled and I was told to not eat twelve hours before and to avoid alcohol for two days. Upon arrival I was sent to an interview room where I answered more questions that you could imagine. After an hour I was taken to a small exam room with the typical medical appointments and told to remove my clothes and put on the required paper gown. The Doctor arrived and told me to remove the paper gown and stand facing him. He sat on a small stool and looked me up and down several times. I found it unusual that he started with the typical hernia test followed by an order to bend over the table. As I followed instructions I heard the ominous sound of the rubber glove and the instruction to move my feet apart. As I waited in dread I finally felt the cold wet feel of his lubricated finger at my anal opening making small circular motions. I've had this done before but never with so much teasing. I'm starting to get erect and am a bit embarrassed by the method he is using. I finally told him that if he continued that I would get aroused. With that comment I felt his finger slowly insert into my sphincter and search for my prostate. My protest was a little late and my cock had reached half staff by the time he had finished. After poking and probing he removed his finger and proceeded with the exam. After the usual heart, lung and probing and poking he said that he was going to order some blood work and that the exam was nearly complete. As he finished the remaining tests he explained that on completion of the test work they would be in touch.

After a week, I was contacted and informed that the medical tests were satisfactory and that I would be elevated to the next level and scheduled for an appointment to explain the fee to be paid and what the study involved. This appointment was scheduled and I again was led to a small office with a single desk and guest chair. The interviewer was again a young handsome man with a charming demeanor. It was explained that the fee would be $500 and it would involve a one day study involving the sexual physiology of the male. Medical procedures were defined as limited and non invasive and it was explained that once committed I would be required to complete the program. A contract was provided that explained that all procedures and that if for some reason I failed to complete the program there would be no applicable fee paid. The contract clearly stated that I would suffer no permanent damage or visible marks on completion of the program.

One more appointment was scheduled and on arrival I again was taken to a small interview room. I was given a list of written instructions that included not to eat for twelve hours prior, take a mild laxative provided and prior to arrival take three large water enemas. My appointment was scheduled for the following Monday and I was to arrive at 0800 exactly.

After all of these appointments and meetings, needless to say, I was a bit apprehensive when I arrived on Monday. Once again I was directed to a small office where it was explained that there were 100 other men involved in the study, how long the tests would last and when I could expect to leave that day. I was then given a confidential statement to sign agreeing to never divulge the nature of the study.

On completion of the paper work I was directed to the exam room where I was told to remove my clothing and told to put on the usual paper gown and given my protein shake as promised. After sitting for about fifteen minutes the door opened and a young man entered explaining that he was there to give me an enema. I protested and explained that I had already done that, but was informed that this was standard procedure and was told to lay on the table in a fetal position. He carefully lubed my ass and inserted a rather large tube. Water flowed in, I cramped up, he told me to hold it as long as I could and left the room with the instruction to use the adjacent bathroom to expel the water. As the door closed I ran for the bathroom and let go with nothing but clear water since between the laxative and the enema I had taken at home left nothing in my system.

After sitting for what seemed hours, several people entered the room led by a rather imposing looking man in a starched white coat. He had to be at least six feet four and looked like he should be in a muscle commercial for some gym. Clearly he was in charge and in a feeble attempt to make me comfortable began to introduce his staff involved in the tests. With the niceties completed he instructed me to stand and follow them to the lab.

I was led down a long hallway into what almost appeared to be a basement type area. On entering the "lab" I observed a table covered in a sheet with minimal padding in the center of the room under adequate but subdued lighting. I was asked to stand by the table and the director began to explain that the program was an experiment to determine the extent of the male erogenous zones as measured by light touch. The measurement would be determined by heart rate, blood pressure and penis growth. Following that the erogenous zones would then be stimulated by pain to determine the difference in response.

Holy shit, what did I get myself into? He further went on to explain that once the zones were determined they would then be tested for response to tactile sensation and pain stimuli to determine which was most effective in producing a erotic response. Again the determination based on basic measured body responses. Rectal stimulation and excitement would be determined by insertion of small, medium and maximum of various objects to determine which size would generate the most pleasurable response. All of these factors would be determined based on blood pressure, heart rate and penis growth. The final testing phase would be to determine the maximum capacity of ejaculate produced based on a standard of five days without ejaculation. Have I said, holy shit, what have I gotten into yet. Unfortunately at the end of the explanation, they requested that I get on to the table and lie face down. Now it was becoming a little scary. The table had a hole about crotch level which I was placed over with my stuff hanging down, my face was placed at the head end with an opening similar to that of a massage table for my face. Now keep in mind, I am butt ass naked lying on a table with several guys in white coats standing around.

The director of the program asked me to try and relax and began to explain what they were going to do. It was explained that for the most accurate results, it would be necessary to immobilize me with restraints and he asked if this would be OK. Money being the motivator, I agreed. After I was being secured to the table with straps he then explained that in order for the test to be valid, it would be necessary for some sensory depravation and explained that I would be blindfolded and have large sound muffs placed over my ears so I would no be distracted. Have I said "holy shit what have I gotten into yet"? He then explained that one of the sensory devices would be inserted in my penis to measure specific responses.

At this point, unknown to me till now I have started to throw a world class hard on. With my mind racing overtime, I realized the "protein" shake was spiked with something. The muffs over my ears and my eyes covered, here I lie face down with my dick sticking in a hole wondering what would happen next. I suddenly felt someone under the table stroke my already hard cock and then felt the thin probe being inserted into the end of my now raging hard cock.

Having never been in a position where I was void of vision or hearing was unique, but knowing that things were about to be done that I may not like was elevating the level of apprehension causing my heart rate to soar. After about five minutes the director lifted my muffs and said that they were about to begin and asked me to just try and relax and enjoy the sensations.

My mind is racing trying to remember the criteria for the test and what was about to happen. As this is in my mind, I felt a soft touch on my outer ear which for me is a sensitive area. My cock stiffened a bit and I started to enjoy the attention.

To make a long story short, over the next thirty minutes I felt soft gentle touches over every inch of exposed skin. Not giving anything away, and the truth as most guys know, the inside of my knees, my thighs and the back of my balls registered very high on my list. The most sensitive of course being my ass hole which made me squirm when it was stimulated. After being covered from head to foot, through the muffs came the director's voice telling me that they had mapped the erogenous zones for light touch and were now going to test those same zones for pain stimulation.

The next thing I knew I felt a stinging sensation in my ear as an electrical shock was administered. The process was continued on until they covered all of my "sensitive" areas to determine if I reacted more favorably to soft touch or pain. Needless to say the electrical shock to the back of my balls and my ass hole were met with some wails and jerks on the restraints. With no notice, I was released and rolled over on my back exposing my very stiff cock to anyone in the room.

I suddenly realized that the process that had taken place when I was face down was about to begin with me being face up with my hard on pointing at the ceiling complete with probe and attached wire. Again I felt the soft touch on my face, neck and shoulders. Considering what I had been through my nipples were standing on end and waiting to be touched. When the technician brushed across my chest touching first one nipple and then the other, my cock stiffened beyond belief and after moaning I actually laughed thinking that the meter must have gone off the charts for that one. He continued down over my stomach, touching my belly button, which has never been a hot spot for me. Next he brushed my pubic hair and my response was more positive, looking forward to his contact with my cock. Being science I should have known, the bastard carefully avoided any direct contact with my cock. Finding everything on the front side to be somewhat benign except for my nipples, there was a pause while they conferred. Determining that the only area of sensitivity work testing was my nipples, I suddenly felt an intense pain in my right nipple, surprisingly causing my cock to stiffen a bit and me to moan in pleasure. Left next produced the same response. Wow, I hadn't thought about it but any time someone bit my nipple it always excited me. Again I laughed realizing that I didn't need a fucking machine to tell me that.

At this time my headphones announced that this part of the testing was complete and I could relax for a few minutes. Few minutes my ass, the next thing I felt was my legs being released and lifted straight up and spread exposing my ass once again to public view. The nest thing I felt was a hand running down the inside of my leg caressing my balls and gently sliding over my ass hole making me shudder. This was all interrupted by my headphones when the director explained that the next test was to determine anal sensitivity and range. What the hell does that mean? Didn't take me long to figure that out. I felt a smooth and cold sensation at my hole along with gentle pressure. Trying my best to relax, I allowed entry of an object into my ass which didn't provide bad sensations. The object was inserted and removed three times and felt very good. After removal, it was replaced by a similar feeling and pressure was exerted to force it into my now not so willing hole. Once past the opening the feeling was good and I realized it was larger than the first. Again three insertions were made all of which felt very good. After removal another even larger probe was inserted this one causing some pain but once used to it felt even better than the second. After three insertions it was removed and the head phones announced that except for the maximum capacity test this portion of the testing was complete. There was a pause and again I felt something at my hole pressing hard. The earphones came to life again and it was explained that this part might cause some discomfort. A sudden push of the object against my hole caused an involuntary scream which didn't stop with complete insertion. The object was slowly removed and my screaming stopped, leaving me covered in sweat and shaking. I guess this must have been the maximum capacity test, if not, I knew I would die shortly when it took place.

The headphones announced that all anal testing was complete and I could relax for a few minutes. Relax hell, I spent the next five minutes gasping for air trying to compose myself.

Composure returned, it occurred to me that my cock was still standing like a flagpole and only prevented from dripping by the probe inserted by the technician. The headphones then announced that the last procedure was to determine my maximum semen expulsion. The headphones again announced that while the old fashioned method might be more pleasurable, for accuracy and maximum flow the process would be done by electric stimulation. With that announcement, my restraints were released and I was rolled back onto my stomach with my now very hard cock extending through the hole at the center of the table. My legs were once again spread and I was strapped down securely to the table.

I am now taking deep breaths and trying to relax. This was interrupted when I felt someone under the table tugging on the probe inserted in my cock. As it slid out I had a sense of relief and could actually feel a few drops escape from the built up excitement. I had little time to enjoy the sensations of pre cum dripping from my very hard cock.

The headphones cracked and the director told me to try and relax that this part would be over in a few minutes. A lubricated finger slipped into my hole searching for my now very excited prostate which when contacted caused an involuntary jerk of my body. The finger was removed and quickly replaced by a lubed instrument of nominal size which caused no discomfort. Considering that I had recently had a phone pole shoved up my ass, a small lubricated instrument was of little concern. Boy was I about to be proven wrong!

Feeling the probe find my prostate was an interesting sensation when combined with the fact that someone under the table was holding a container against my aching cock was actually providing some pleasure. The next sensation was beyond description except to say that I felt like my prostate had exploded causing the most intense orgasm I had ever felt. Not ready for the following electrical impulse my body jerked again and a similar even more intense sensation rocked my body only slightly resembling an orgasm and totally void of any pleasure. The next three shocks could only be described as complete pain followed only by the anticipation of more pain.

I lost it for a few minute and was brought around by a light shaking of my shoulder telling me that it was over. I felt the straps holding me down released and had an urge to jump from the table and run. The problem was I couldn't move. As the technician removed the ear muffs and blindfold he explained that he would stay with me for a few minutes and that I should just relax. I finally felt well enough to sit up and look about the room noting that there was only me and the technician left. I was still naked and somewhat self- conscious which he quickly played down putting me at ease and handing me a robe to cover myself. As soon as I could I stood and with the tech's help went to the changing area where my clothes were. When I was dressed he produced five $100 dollar bills and said that the tax man didn't need to know about this. It was only then that I noticed the front of his scrub bottoms had a rather large wet spot and a still slight bulge poking out the front. He noticed me looking and smiled saying that he probably enjoyed the test a lot more than I did. With that he leaned in and whispered into my ear that if I wanted to explore some of those spots they found he would be happy to help me. Still not sure about what happened I just looked at him when he handed me his phone number and asked me to call sometime.

Will I call? I don't know. Will this open a window to new sexual adventures? After gathering my thoughts, I do wonder what pleasures a man with his training might provide.

This story idea was provided by one of Nifty's readers which is appreciated. Comments or suggestions appreciated, feel free to contact me.

Next: Chapter 2

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