Medical Lab Rat

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Jan 16, 2008


Recovery from my tests took about four days and I finally felt like having some kind of sex even if it was solo. I thought about the offer from the lab tech but couldn't find the paper with his number. Sitting at home a few days later watching the news and my cell rang indicating an unfamiliar number. What the hell I thought; maybe it was a job offer and answered. The guy on the phone said he was the lab tech that had given me his number and wanted to know if I'd like to meet for a beer some place. After he said he was buying I reluctantly agreed to meet him at a spot nearby and said give me an hour to cleanup and change. We met at the bar about an hour later and introduced ourselves and found a quiet booth at the rear. Conversation was strained until we had a couple of beers and then the conversation headed toward the area of sex. It seems he and his roommate both worked at the clinic and had found the work to be very "exciting" to use his words. He then asked if I was gay to which I answered that I really didn't know because other than the weirdness at the clinic I had never had any sexual contact with guys. He then commented that he felt that most of the guys who actually go along with the testing procedure were at the very least bisexual. He finally brought up the subject of us getting together at his place some evening and said that we could do as much or little as I wanted. After thinking it over a bit and hesitating to answer, he finally made the comment that he was the exact same size as my test result for maximum anal stimulation. This clearly was an ice breaker and we both laughed. The conversation stalled a bit at this point and we talked about sports for a while. He smiled at me and slipped his hand under the table and ran his fingers lightly up the inside of me leg. On reaching my crotch he brushed over my rapidly stiffening cock and gave a gentle squeeze making me close my eyes and whimper a bit. As I opened my eyes he was looking at me and still smiling. Well, what do you think? As everyone knows a stiff dick slows thinking and it took a few seconds for me to say why the hell not. He spent the next ten minutes explaining that if it was OK with me his roommate would like to be there. The next thing was a bit of a shocker as he explained that they both enjoyed the medical fetish thing and that they had a complete exam room setup in their apartment. He went on to say that the day of my testing they had both cum in their pants at the same time I was being drained of all my manly juices. I started to put him off not knowing if getting into something weird like this was my cup of tea. After some time I reluctantly said that I would go along with it one time but I did not want to deal with the electrical stimulator on my prostate. He explained that the lab test criteria required that all subjects be tested with maximum stimulation but that the device actually has ten settings which when used properly resulted in extreme pleasure with out the pain. We agreed that nothing causing undo pain would be done and I could quit at any time. He said that essentially what they would do is a complete physical with a lot of erotic touches culminating in orgasms all around. We discussed when and finally agreed on Friday the following week at 1800 hours.

Just to seal the deal and make sure this was really something I was up for I slipped my hand under the table and ran it lightly up the inside of his leg. This proved to be interesting because through his light weight pants it became apparent that he didn't wear anything under and getting to his crotch gave me a solid feel of his hard cock and even a little squeeze of his tight balls. His only response was to smile and say that now we were going to have to wait a few minutes before we can leave. I pulled my hand back and he asked if I was pleased with the feel. Being somewhat stunned it took a moment to formulate an answer. I finally blurted out that I think I was really looking forward to our next meeting. After a few minutes he gave me his address and phone number again and we decided to leave. As he stood his half hard cock was still visible through his pants and while I was a bit more restrained it was obvious to anyone that looked that I was also showing a bulge.

The weekend and the next week went by very slow and my anticipation for my first real man on man sex grew with each day. The idea of planning sex as opposed to just having it happen was something new and seemed to increase the excitement. Knowing that I would be naked and exposed in front of two guys in clothes while they poked and prodded my private places would make me stiffen at the oddest times.

Friday finally arrived and I spent the afternoon shaving everything but a small patch of hair above my cock. Even my legs were smooth which I preferred ever since my days of swimming in competition. At his suggestion I even douched my ass out a few times to make sure I was clean. While I was bent over the edge of the tub with a hose up my ass for the third time, I realized I didn't even know this guys name. Since I knew I wasn't going to have clothes on for very long I wore loose fitting warm up pants and a sweat shirt with slip on beach shoes.

I got in the car and drove the short distance to his address which turned out to be a newer well designed condo structure in a good part of town. I rang the buzzer and the door clicked open. I walked in and looked at the paper with his address on it and headed up the stairs to number 327. The trip up the stairs while increasing my heart rate also was increasing my excitement level. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds it swung open and there stood two very handsome men in light blue scrubs. The thin fabric of the scrubs did nothing to conceal the fact that neither was wearing under ware and the well defined outline of two very nice cocks was evident. I introduced myself as bob and they gave their names as Larry and Justin. Justin being the one I had met at the bar. I was invited in and offered a bottle of water and a chance to sit for a minute and talk before the exam. We talked about the experiment that I had been involved with and they explained that my results were consistent with 86% of the participants except for the fluid output test which I scored in the top 10% of all those tested. This of course led to several funny remarks and laughter. It was at this point I realized the bottle of water I was drinking had a bitter taste and my cock was starting to stiffen in my sweats. I also noticed that except for a steel pipe hard on I was very relaxed and comfortable.

Justin reached over and grabbed my hand and asked if I was ready to have the best examination I have ever had. At this point I was all smiles and said lets go for it. They led me to a bed room door which when opened looked like a typical doctor's exam room except for the very obvious straps on the exam table. I was handed a medical gown made of cloth not paper. They left and closed the door with instructions to get undressed and put on the gown. Undressing and putting on the gown took all of two minutes and I stood trying to keep my butt covered.

They returned in a few minutes and asked me to sit on the exam table while they checked my blood pressure, heart and reflexes. I was then instructed to drop the top of the gown and they did a careful exam of my nipples. Being overly sensitive to touch my cock just continued to get harder and was tenting up the front of the gown in an obvious manner. Small clips attached to electrodes were attached to my nipples and I was asked to lie back on the table. The gown was pulled away and my rock hard cock pointed at the ceiling. It was explained that they were going to do some prostate tests and that it would be necessary to immobilize me to prevent inaccurate test results. They strapped my arms down and ran a heavy strap over my chest. At this point I was at their mercy. A drawer in the exam table was opened and out came the stirrups which were installed at the bottom of the table. My feet were raised and placed in the stirrups and secured with additional straps. With my ass at the bottom of the table and my feet in the stirrups my ass, cock and balls are displayed for anyone to see.

A gloved finger is soon generously applying lube to my ass with the probing finger gently massaging my magic button making me moan. The clips attached to my nipples start to send electrical impulses at regular intervals causing additional moans. Justin removes his finger from my ass and leans down close to my ear to ask if I was comfortable. Before I could answer I heard Larry rattling around in the background and looked to see what he was doing. I realized he was setting up portable high intensity lights and then I saw the video cameras one being aimed at my face the other aimed at my raised and spread legs. Panic set in as I realized that I could not move and was going to be subject to any thing they chose to do. Trying to maintain my composure I asked Justin what the hell they were going to do. He just laughed and said that why should I care as long as it feels good. The red lights came on the cameras and it appeared they had begun taping. Justin again returned to my up turned ass and I could feel him insert something into my ass. It was then I felt a tingling in my cock. Between the electrical stimulation of my now very erect nipples and this new sensation my moans had turned to a low throaty growl. The sensation increased and I was bucking at the restraints, unknown to me why, because the feelings were very pleasurable ones.

After a few minutes of this I was literally drooling out the corners of my mouth and sweating like a runner on a hot day. Suddenly the tingle stopped and the impulses to my nipples were turned off. Laying there trying to get it together I overheard Larry tell Justin to give me another treatment. My nipples buzzed and my cock started to twitch and the pleasure returned. I bucked and moaned and growled and again started to drool from my mouth. When it felt like my cock would explode in an explosive climax, the sensations stopped again. I found myself begging them to let me cum and they just laughed.

They started again and I had the same reaction again until I came so close that I said that I was going to cum. They stopped again. With my cock leaking so much it was running down over my balls and into my ass crack this continued several more times until the last time when they stopped I was crying like a baby and begging them to let me cum. The probe was removed from my ass and the clips from my nipples undone. All I could say at this point was oh please let me, please, please. Larry looked at Justin and said I think he is ready. They smiled and removed their blue scrub top and bottom. Standing there naked and hard as pipes was two of the most perfect cocks I have ever seen. One stood on each side of the table at chest level and leaned down and each sucked lightly on my nipples making me shudder and whine in pleasure. Justin then stood on the small shelf at the bottom of the exam table between my legs and slowly inserted his cock up my exposed butt. The feeling was incredible as he slowly stroked in and out. Larry got up on the table and with his legs straddling my face inserted his hard cock into my mouth. I gladly sucked his dripping cock as he rocked back and forth.

Within a very short time all three of us were moaning and panting and when my ass finally contracted around Justin's pounding cock he exploded up my ass with a force that I felt in my stomach. With each spasm of my prostate long ropes of thick cum were landing on Larry's back. Larry was last to go by only seconds and I felt his cock swell and explode sending a torrent of salty cum into my mouth and throat. As Justin's cock slid from my well used ass I felt his juices run out and down my crack on to the table below. Larry disengaged from my mouth and my breathing returned to normal. As I lie there trying to comprehend what had just happened I felt a pinch on both nipples and looked up to see Justin twisting them. Even after what had happened my cock twitched and shot a small string on to my stomach.

As they released the straps and helped me up I was asked if I found that to be fun and exciting. My response "was what the hell do you think" and "when is my next appointment"? It was agreed that we would do this again with some new twists in two weeks. They suggested that we could watch the video then after they had a chance to edit and put the two together.

As we sat talking and having a beer, I found myself telling them that I love being restrained; I'm definably a bottom and could become a slave to moderate levels of pain. I laughed at my statement and commented that I'm not sure how I went from a complete heterosexual to craving a cock up my ass in two weeks. After leaving and getting into my car I realized that I still had a significant hard on.

Getting back to my apartment, I quickly shed my clothes and headed for the bedroom to jack off and relive what had just happened. While it took only minutes to cum it was certainly nothing compared to the explosive orgasm I had at their apartment.

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