Meeting Carson

By Remy Cox

Published on May 29, 2001


First off no I don't know Carson Daly or anyone associated with him. This is a total work of fiction and I really don't know what's been going on with him and his fiancee Tara Reid. To sum it up this isn't real just from the inner depths of my fantasies and imagination. No I don't know if he's gay nor am I implying he just tends to find his way into my fantasies sometimes.

It was one of those rush things. You know one minute you find yourself and the next thing you know you find yourself in Miami up in the Biltmore hotel laying on in four posted bed. I see the silk scarves still tied to them and I just think to myself. I still must be dreaming until I look over and see his resting form just there. His hair chest rising and falling. Still a dream, it has to be. I pinch myself a couple of times but I don't wake up. Deep in a dream because I know this is so not happening. Leaning up slowly I look towards him and move to touch him and I watch his eyes open and he just smiles at me pulling me close to him and I blink a couple of times. "Morning." Carson Daly whisper letting his lips play along my neck in a delicate manner that brings a chill down my spine. "Have fun last night?" I'm still trying to get over the fact that I'm here with Carson Daly, but the moment his lips touch mine I melt into the kiss remembering everything and that it wasn't a dream and if it was I didn't want to wake up...

Two days earlier.

The phones were ringing off the hook non stop talking about the big merger that was going on. I was a pivotal in making it happening. Well I brought up the idea and that got me on my way onto where I wanted to be, but there were times when I thought about it. Is this where I want to be or is this where I'm heading. Who's driving type of thing, but part me knew that sometimes you had to go with the flow. I was dressed in the uniform of Satan. A pin stripped suit to me this was the worse thing you could do and I was almost about to dip into Satan's sauce, a steaming cup of coffee, but I wasn't about to do that. I wasn't going anywhere near that stuff. I was trying to avoid all the cliches here in big business. I didn't want to be a player in this world. I took the job to basically pay the bills and keep the income flowing while I worked on other things. I was trying to find myself, but so many times I find myself working late hours listening to MTV or something like that. I know I should be working but we all have our vices right? Just need to relax not to mention I draw a little and write, but as my parents say it's not paying the bills right now. I need something a little more constant in my life. Yeah of all the things in my life that I need to be constant I need this job where my boss is an out and out slave driver. He left for Miami three days ago to get things rolling down there for the merger. I'm supposed to be the point person here, but it seems like I'm doing all the work. Sighing for a moment I looked over at the TV taping my pencil against the paper a couple of times when TRL came on and I saw the face that made it all better. Stupid may be but when I saw Carson Daly and I heard his voice it just made me smirk a little, smile more than smirk not to mention it brought me to a rise right then and there thinking about him. I looked around and move to the door to make sure no one was around. Closing and locking it I moved back to the seat behind the desk and looked over at the TV as he was interviewing some bank I think it was BBMak. Course they weren't on my mind. I know Cristian would say I was out of my mind, but I wasn't trying to think about what he would say. We both had our tastes and sometimes they were similar but on this one it was different.

Letting my eyes close I listened to the sounds of Carson's voice imagining he was right here in the office with me as he interviewed the group. I could feel my body responding to the movements of my hands as they move down along my legs brushing along the interior of my thighs. I let out a soft gasp letting my eyes open slowly and it was like the room was bathed in light because they weren't quite open, but they were open enough to let the light slip in. I was hearing everything around me as Carson continue speaking which caused my hands to brush back and forth along my thighs lightly and I just kept my mind on what I wanted most, or what I fantasized about. I always wondered about what his body looked under his clothing. He's hot as fuck I know he is, but I'm just one of those people you would never suspect really. I mean my parents know and my friends know, but no one really know me. I'm a shy reserved somewhat of a book-wormish kind of guy.

I don't do outlandish things really, but I do have fantasies and I always wonder about things. I mean what would I do if I had someone in my life. Right now there's no one, but that's off point right now back to Carson.

The moans that were coming from me were low and could barely be heard. For a moment I swore he was in the room as I slipped my hand to my belt undoing it slowly as I bit my lip and slipped my hands into my pants letting my fingers brush back and forth along the front of the boxers as my member pressed up in the confines of it's cotton prison. "God, Carson.." I let out in a soft cry as I felt a tremor slip through me. It wasn't a bad thing it was a very good thing in my eyes. I wanted him to be here, I really wanted him to be here. I know he was engaged and what not, but I didn't give a damn. In my mind it was just me and him and when I slipped my hand into my boxers I shivered again, my tip leaking like a faucet the pre-cum running out of me like no tomorrow. I could feel my member throbbing in my hand as I glided it along the hot pulsing flesh my fingers closing tight around it as I drew it back and forth slowly in a fluid motion as I opened my eyes looking right at the TV as Carson spoke and it was then that I notice there was something different in his eyes. Something was missing. I couldn't explain it, but something was missing. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it, but my thumb was some where else. It drew across the tip several times send sparks of electricity down along my spine.

I shook for a moment a gasp drifting from my lips as it went to commercial and almost on cue when my eyes closed and I saw Carson there in my mind pulling his shirt off the phone rang. "SHIT!" I called out but I also lost control and I started cumming all over the place and I felt it hit my hand and watched as my seed hit the desk as well along with a couple of forms. I scrambled a bit to get the phone, but I was spasming from the orgasm to letting it pass through me as I picked up the phone. "Hello." It came out as a bit hoarse, but I manage to compose myself.

"Ian?" I blinked a couple of times at the voice. "Anthony?" It was my boss. Man what did he want? "I need you to come down here and help me with the presentation. Think of it as a vacation with just a little work and you don't even have to use any of your vacation days." He said with a smile. I knew he was smiling. Definitely smile just one of those things about my boss that I knew. He wanted me to save his ass and make him look good. Well why don't you bend me over the desk and tell me to brace myself and believe me it wouldn't be a good experience. "When do you need me down there?" I asked. `Yesterday." He stated and that just made me feel even better. "You're catching the late flight out of New York. I need you here by tomorrow morning to go over a couple of things." Grumbling I remembered that I needed to clean up around here. I held the sigh for a moment and just told him that I'll be there. This was my job and this is a good move for me right? Just keep telling yourself that.

Yeah I kept telling myself that as I walked through JFK. He booked me on business class. I thought he would spring for First...not. Course when I got there were problems and I was being bumped to economy. I frowned for a moment thinking about some of the things that were going on in the Economy section. I needed to think and all I heard was some screaming child. Oh what have I done, I've gone to hell or something. I was about to take my place with the rest of the people when the Stewardess grabbed my arm. "Actually one of our First Class Passengers asked if you wanted to take the empty seat next to him. Something about it wasn't being used. He said it was up to you, but..." Hell yeah I'll take the seat. I have a light smile and let her lead the way. Looking around I wondered who the generous soul was.

I wasn't looking my best so I know it couldn't be a sugar daddy, not that I was looking for it. Maybe someone saw how pathetic I was looking and took pity on me. She showed me the seat and I sat down and strapped myself in. She told me the window seat was the open seat and I wondered for a moment and just took it. No harm right? That's what I told myself pulling out the report I redid. I wold get the laptop out once we were air born. Looking over a couple of things in the report I didn't see the generous soul coming up to sit beside me. I flipped through the report and was about to say something when I pulled myself out of the thrilling work. Yeah work. "Tha.." I started to say when I blinked when I set the report down. "Thank you." Oh my God I couldn't believe it. I must be dreaming. "You're welcome." Came the reply and even though it was his voice it was different.

There was a touch of sadness to it, but it was him, Carson Daly. I looked into those piercing blue eyes and then those soft lips. My member jumped in my pants and I shifted in my sit to settle it. Ice, I need ice. He gave a half smile on my behalf and leaned back. I thought I should say something more, but I just leaned back in my chair as the Flight Attendants began the preflight instructions and stuff. I closed my eyes wondering if I was dreaming, but when my ears popped, when we reached our altitude I looked over at him and he had his eyes closed and he smiled. "You're looking at me." I looked away and I shook my head at myself. "I didn't say it was a bad thing, I mean I like to talk, so there's no reason that you have to look out the window when you say something." This was totally happening and there was such a party in my pants going on that I thought I was going to explode right then and their. My eyes looked out the window for a moment longer before I turned towards him.

"You know who I am, well my name at least and I haven't even gotten yours." Whatever you do don't mess up, Ian. "Ian." It came out right at least I hoped so. Keep your eyes on his. Don't look him over. These are just things I needed to tell myself even though when he looked away at times my eyes did look him over and I just wanted to raise the arm that was separating us and scoot closer, but I jut smiled. "Thanks again. I really didn't want to be back there. My boss booked me in business class and something happened. I guess things got a little screwed up." Thank you. There is a God. I told myself mentally. "I know how it goes. You think one thing and then there's another." He said with a nod. I was a little curious though. "So you headed to Miami for a special or something." He nodded. "Taping of a new program. Just some promotional stuff and couple of other shots. I was supposed to be getting away with my fiancee, but things didn't work out." I knew who she was. Tara Reid, course when I first heard when she was basically an unknown I thought she was Tim Reid AKA Venus Flytrap's daughter. Talk about being wrong in a major way. "Scheduling conflict?" I asked him. "I know how that goes." He didn't say much about it just remained silent for the most part just keeping to himself on it and I thought about and the way he was on TRL. "I'm sorry for intruding." I told him and he shook his head. "It's alright. Everyone's going to know soon enough. We called off the engagement and broke up." He said softly so only I could hear. Even as he leaned in I though his lips were going to touch mine. I just watched him for a moment longer. "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "Things happen." He said with a shrug, but his eyes told a different story and I tried to control myself and shifted in my seat and he looked at me with a smile. "So tell me a little about you?" I blinked. "Me? There's not much to tell about me actually just one of those suit types." But I didn't sound thrilled to be one and he picked up on that immediately giving me a nod. "Sounds like you want to be doing other things." I chuckled at that. "Yeah, but it pays the bills at the moment." I had to keep myself under control because I just wanted to slide my hands all over his body, but I did nothing over the sort. I looked at the flight attendant as she looked over at me. "Could I get some water please." I asked her. "I'll have some orange juice." Carson said with a nod before turning back towards me. "You were saying?" I paused for a moment before answering trying to decide if I should answer or not. Would it be a good thing or bad thing to say? I didn't want him to think I was a goober or anything. "I like writing and I do a little drawing, but I'm still trying to put it all together. I just need to keep a little cash flow going." I told him and I smiled for a moment, but remembered what he told me. I wonder why they broke up, but it wasn't my place, still something in me just wondered. "My parents want me to be able to support myself and what not and who knew I would get this far in the suit game." I told him with a grin.

"Happens that way sometimes. You start out doing something you think isn't going to be much, but it turns out to be something more, but it still isn't exactly what you want not completely." He said with a nod. "You got that right." I told him. The flight attendant came back with our drinks and I took a sip of my water before I could say anything else. I just hat to keep my mind straight here, but I didn't know Carson would notice the bulge in my pants. He didn't say anything. He just took a sip of his orange juice. I think we were over the coast. I think. He asked the flight attendant for a blanket and I didn't' need one. I didn't fall asleep during flights. He slipped it over himself and closed his eyes turning towards me as he did. I didn't say anything I just picked up my report and just looked it over. I hadn't touched my laptop yet, but I just continued with my reading. I was about thirty minutes into it when I notice a little light movement under the cover. I paused for a moment wondering for a moment and I knew what was happening and I couldn't believe my eyes. He was so silent but I saw he was biting his lip and then his eyes opened.

"You're watching me again." He whispered and his hand continued moving slowly and I could only imagine and he smiled at me. "couldn't go through with a lie." He said with a nod. "I had to be honest." He whispered and I realized what he was talking about, but it was stunning the hell out of me as I took a deep breath and I looked around for a moment and I felt his hand reach for mine. I wasn't exactly the cream of the crop here, but when he slipped his hand under the blanket with mine in town he placed it on his thigh and resumed his stroking. My hand shook for a moment and he smiled at me my hand started to caress his thigh lightly. I could feel him shift a little as I caressed his thigh a little more and I moved to his hand and caressed it as it stroked his member and I looked into his eyes when I judged the size some. "It's not all the way there either." He stated noticing I got some of his precum on my fingers and I paused for a moment a milked him a little more and then drew my hand from under his cover. His hand continued moving and I brought it to my lips and I knew I was dreaming right. Right? Licking my fingers much like a cat laps a bowl of cream I savored the taste of his precum moaning softly.

"Like it?" He said curiously as he continued to caressing himself. I nodded and I turned towards the window for a moment and then towards him. He moved in closer to whisper something in my ear more like make it look like he was whispering something. He did actually, but for a moment before that I felt his tongue move along the curve of my ear, his warm breathe caressing it lightly before he started whispering to me. The things he said my cock get hard instantly. It had just gone down, but he was talking about all the things he wanted to do. He wanted to experience. He wanted to do something here on the plane, but he didn't want to get to adventurous. Not right now. I closed my eyes for a moment as he continued speaking. I wanted to rub myself so much as he continued talking. His voice was husky at the moment and he slipped my hand underneath the cover again and I could feel his member pulsing in my hand. "Everyone thinks I'm this Veejay jig had and I want you to see something different." I knew different already, but didn't say anything as he licked at my ear again. "Carson.." I whispered so softly with a bit of a moan and he just continued and I could feel the precum leaking from my tip and I knew I would get a wet spot if he didn't stop. "Gonna make you scream, gonna make you hum, gonna make you cum." He told me softly. "Gonna make you moist and wet like a guy can get and fuck your ass, your man-pussy...get it all nice and wet for me." He flicked his tongue and his hand slipped down along my side. "Gonna show you what Carson's all about for real." Just then he pulled away and I looked at me and passed me the cover after himself straightened up. I just had my eyes closed because I knew what happened. I had to bite the inside of my lip. I came in my pants from all that. Just from that alone.

Carson smiled at me and just picked up my report looking it over and just gave me a devlish grin and ran his tongue over his lips. This was so not happening but when the plane landed and I started to head off he was right there behind me pressing up against me saying that he wanted me, needed me to make it all go away. We moved through MIA with no problems he had his own limo waiting for him and he told them to get my bags too that he was dropping me off and I was staying at the Biltmore too. Last time I checked the boss had me at the HoJo's down the street in from of UM. I got into the limo and I felt his hand on my backside helping me in and copping a feel at the same time. I don't know what came over him during the flight, but it was like he was craving sex right then and there anywhere and everywhere.

I slipped over to the side and the glass dividing us from the driver was up already. I looked towards him and he smiled and close the door. When the door closed we were moving from the airport and he moved towards me almost lunging at me in a way. "Tell me to stop and I will, but I don't want to. I saw you get on the plane and I wanted you, Ian. I couldn't lie to myself or to Tara, but I don't want to deny myself either." His hand slipped along my neck as he caressed it letting his fingers drift along the back of it as he moved me into his lap and he just started kissing me. I wasn't a small guy. I was just me actually a little deeper from chestnut brown, perhaps a cocoa colored black guy that was about 6'1, but he was moving me around with little effort. When he brought his lips to mine I closed my eyes for a moment feeling his hands slip along my back caressing it slowly. I moaned softly letting my hips move a little as he ran his hand along my chest then down to my thighs and along them. His hands danced along the top sides and then the interior and when he did that I let out a soft cry a little louder than he probably wanted, but it was one of the reasons I knew that I had control but right now I let it melt away. "Oh sensitive to the touch. Even better." He grinned at me. "You are going to like the things I want to do." He told me and kissed me softly along the neck and I shivered with pleasure. I didn't think could take much more of his kisses without trying to get him to take me right hear and now. I pressed up against him slightly and he pressed back growling some and I just loved this side of him, but it's not like I know him or anything, but it's different from anything anyone had seen before. He cupped my asscheeks kneading them slowly as he pressed against me.

His lips were like heaven as he closed his eyes for a moment and let his tongue trace along my lips teasing them before I decided to part them. When I parted my lips his tongue danced around them for a moment before slipping in. Our tongues danced with one another for a moment before they went father exploring, testing, probing trying to do all that they could, my own nails pressing into his back as he held me close. I could feel the blood pulsing through his lips as we kissed. I thought I was going to pass out if I didn't take a breath, but I stayed right there with him as I let my tongue dance with his slowly. Swirling, twirling gliding over one another as he literally took my breath away growling again as he broke the kiss and began thrusting up against me fucking me even though we were both clothed. I could feel him pressing against my ass and I he didn't stop. He just kept it up even as the limo turned the corner and we lost a little balance. He got us back in position and pressed his lips against mine a little harder and he kept thrusting up against me and I felt him shudder, but he didn't cum he just had a dry orgasm as he held me. I don't know how he manage not to release, but I was intrigued, but at the same time so hot that I just rested my head on his shoulder. I felt like we did the deed, but it was something different. It was like there was this beast in him that couldn't be contained at times and he wanted to unleash it on me. I was scared and so turned on at the same time.

I felt him throbbing against my back side as I moved my rear along his lap. He looked at me and turned away. I frowned for a moment as I started to say something and he slipped me off. "It's not you it's me." He told me. "It happens sometimes like that. I feel like something else takes over and I just want to let it go. I don't want it to hold me back. I just need to be free, no restrictions. It's like I can feel it happening, I can see myself and it feels great, but I think about the other person and I know it scares them." He admitted. The car stopped and before he could say anything to me I reached out and I touched his face for a moment and I kissed him softly letting the kiss go deeper. "It scared Tara. It scares me sometimes. I don't want it to scare you or me." He told me as he looked down and I kissed him again. "I watched you all the time fantasizing, hoping and now this. I'm scared, but it excites me and intrigues me, but I'm not running am I."

I slipped back into his lap and pressed against him and he gasped and bit my on my neck hard growling again as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Mine." He called out and pressed up against me. "Mine." He repeated and it was like he was claiming me in a way and he pushed me back onto the floor of the limo like he was going to take me right there. It was a stretch limo so I could lay out but when there was ring on the phone it snapped him out of it and I could see the wild look in Carson's eyes. Something was happening to him and I just didn't know what it was, but right now I didn't care. I just lay there for a moment watching him as I slipped up and he caught me by my neck and pulled me closer, gently and he kissed me. "Yes." He spoke into the phone purring softly before leaning back against the seat of the car after pulling me back into his lap. "We're at the Biltmore, sir." The driver told him and I slipped out of Carson's lap and I felt my neck where he bit me. Carson looked at me as he nodded and set the phone down. He waited for a moment knowing that he couldn't walk out with a bulge like that and just closed his eyes for a moment letting it deflate some but he moved towards me and kissed me softly. "Come to my room. I don't want anyone to know we're staying together. Not yet." He said with a smile before I could frown. "I don't care what they think, but I want to tell people first that Tara and I are over not have them hounding you." He told me stealing a kiss. "I want you to know me. Feel me...all around you, in you. Make you hum, make you wet, make you cum." He said with a grin running his tongue down along my lips then my throat I shivered in pleasure as his hand pressed up against my legs and he brought me over his lap and gave me a swat on the ass before brushing his cheek along one of my asscheeks. "See you soon." He pulled me up and slipped out the limo.

I sat there for a moment wondering what I should make of all of this. I just wasn't sure at the moment. Part of me thought about what he said, but he said yet, but before I could say or think another thing I saw the door open and a hand extend to me. "Fuck it." Carson said as he helped me out the limo and we walked in together and everyone looked and he didn't give a damn and I didn't give a damn either, but I was still in shock that he came back like that. When the elevator doors open we walked in and they closed and I loked at him wondering and he moved to me and kissed me right then and there holding me close. "Being true to myself." He whispered in the kiss as the doors opened in the room he got. It was one of the suites and he walked us towards the couch and moved to the telephone and started ordering some things. I couldn't believe I was in the Biltmore still. Walking towards the window I looked out seeing everything around the hotel. I just couldn't believe this was happening. For the moment the original reason why I came down here slipped out of my mind. It was like I got sucked away into some movie. Maybe this was some type of candid camera thing but when I turned I looked right into Carson's eyes knowing that it wasn't. The dark hair, the sparkling eyes, the lips. Moving closer towards him my lips touched his and he ran his hands along my back slowly down to the back of my thighs. Drawing me closer I just looked into his eyes wondering what was going on behind them. Something was there even if he was scared of it and I was a little scared of it I knew there was something. Moving closer I let my lips brush along his lightly as I brought my fingers alongs the back of his neck when I heard that growl again. I felt his hands slip up to my rear and I moaned when his lips slipped to my neck and he bit it lightly his tongue dancing along the hollow of my throat when there was a knock at the door. I paused for a moment and he left to go get it.

"Go into the bedroom." He told me and smiled. "Take everything off but your briefs." How'd he know? I just nodded and walked into the bedroom looking at the four posted bed as I slipped my shoes off followed by my slacks. He came in and moved behind me slipping has hands up under my shirt. "Leave the shirt on." He whispered pressing against my ass as he slipped his hand into the front of them and I shivered under his touch and he nipped at my neck. "I'm having a party tomorrow, in the suite. There's a couple of people I want you to meet." I paused thinking about it and I could feel him smiling against my skin. "Don't worry it right now. Right now it's just us." That kind of caught me off guard as well. I mean I couldn't believe this was him, but it was. Part of me wondered if I should say anything about moving to fast, but the pace for everything that happened was fine, but still I know that he's still got feelings about the entire situation despite trying to be true to yourself can you actually get that far with someone and then just completely end it? "Carson..."

He held me close and just nipped at my ear lobe pressing into me as I shuddered. "I know and I'll work my way through it, and I want you there. I want to see where this is going to go and I know it's a surprise for you, me. Believe me when I walked on that plane I didn't think I would end up here. I didn't think this would be a place that I would find myself at." He confessed and I knew what he meant. Turning towards him he pushed me back on the bed and climbed up on me running his nails along my chest as he ripped my shirt open and tossed it away after pulling it off me. He looked over my tank top and began kissing along my neck, nips here and there as he moved lower a growl coming from his throat. It took him again as he moved up between my legs after he spread them and started dry humping me and he looked into my eyes and kissed me a little rough then licked my lips. "Mine." He growled out and started running his tongue along my neck humping even more and I got harder as he did so. I know it was a dry hump, but as he lifted up pulling his shirt off I moved my hands along his T-shirt and I pulled it off and looked at his chest.

There was a lot of natural definition. He was a looker and I feasted in the sight as I drew up to kiss him and when I took one of his nipples in my mouth and suckled it like I wanted it to give milk. I nipped and suckle dhim a little more and I heard him cry out my name as he just spasmed there and I moved my hand down to his pants and they were soaked and I suckled more and he continued cumming on the spot. I blinked a couple of times as he shot at least eleven times. He moved back panting on the king sized bed and closed his eyes. "Sensitive nipples." He told me and I moved down to pull his shoes off and then his pants. His boxers were soaked through in the front and I could still see his seed leaking from his still hard member.

I looked at the member and took a deep breath at the size. It was the side of a beer can and had to be eleven close to twelve inches in size. I moved down and ran the tip of my tongue along the tip of it then down to the base catching all of his sweet nectar, slightly salty, but that was besides the point. I could feel him shiver under the touch of my tongue.

I moved down again repeating the same process along The opposite side, top and underside. The tip of my tongue danced along the underside for a moment before I captured the tip between my lips and suckled it. There was a sharp gasp from Carson, his hands gripping the sheets as I did so, teeth nipping at the skin lightly, lips sliding down along the sides of throbbing flesh. I had to work myself down slowly trying to get accustom to the size and Carson was in now rush to hurry me. Flicking my tongue along the underside and around the tip he purred contently letting his eyes close his hips lifting off the bed slowly before I took more him into my mouth. I could feel his precum leaking into my mouth and I didn't waist a drop. I savored the taste and everything had to offer.

Sucking on the shaft for a bit I moved my lips back up to the tip before sliding them down taking more of him into my mouth and I heard him breathing a little faster as he moved his hips to my movements. "Oh God yes, Ian." I whispered fingers slipping through my hair down to my shoulders. He had strong hands, hands that I didn't want to be away from, but they were edging me onward when he began massaging my shoulders. My teeth left light grooves along his member as I descended downward towards the base, but I wasn't quite there yet. Opening my throat a bit more I closed my eyes humming softly and that got a chuckle out him. "Gonna make you hum, gonna make you cum." He said with a grin and I hummed a little more and I began swallowing on his member getting more of him into my mouth before I deep throated him completely. He couldn't believe I did it actually but when my lips touched his base, his hairs tickling my nose he just let out a loud moan. No one could hear us so he was free to let loose as much as he wanted. He began moving his hips a little and I quickly steadied his hips with my hands caressing them letting my thumbs press into the flesh of his hips as he throbbed in my throat and mouth. Drawing back slowly my tongue swirled around the tip some and he shivered with pleasure his toes curling in his socks. I grinned a little and began layering his cock with succulent kisses before he pulled me up kissing me deeply. His tongue dancing in my mouth as he did so. Swirling around for a moment before he explored my inner depths tasting himself as he pulled me on top of him.

"Gonna me you cum." He whispered in my ear nipping at my earlobe. The next thing I hear is the ripping of my briefs right down the middle and he presses his finger to my lips as he fondles my ass, gripping and caressing it. Moaning softly my lips part slowly letting his finger slip into the confines of my mouth. Suckling on it for a moment my tongue swirls around it nipping the tip as I presses me close to him before he slips his finger out and moved down to start massaging my tight ring of flesh. "Wonder what it tastes like too." He said with a grin, kissing me deeply as I moan when is digit slips into the tight, warm confines of my private entrance. I closed my eyes for a moment remembering what he said he wanted to do to me and it makes me shiver with anticipation, my cock slapping up against my stomach as he continues inching his long digit into my warm confines. Carson holds me to him kissing along my lips with a look of total lust in his eyes he presses his finger deep into me. When he strikes pay dirt I shudder calling out his name my thigh pressing against his sides as he presses himself up against me. He continues playing with my prostrate letting the tip of his finger stroke it several times, his lips moving along my shoulders, kissing, licking nibbling as he over loads my mind with the sensory input.

When he starts moving his finger in and out of me slowly my hips begin slowly but surely moving in time with the thrust of his fingers. I kiss him deeply as he drives his finger deep into me pressing right up against my prostate. My nails dig into his skin and he just presses more and starts doing a couple a quick thrusts against my prostate with his finger and I pant my eyes closing as I get dizzy with pleasure. "Carson.." He just silences me with a passionate kiss growling into me as he sucks on my tongue and withdraws his finger and thrusts it back up into me and does that couple times. I grip head board as he does it and I thrash my head around a little as my hips move against his finger, then fingers as he slips two into me and holds them scissoring them slowly then quickly. He turns and twists them as he moves up into a sitting position and his massive cock slides between the crack of my. He just lets it glide there as he thrusts his fingers into me faster and deeper until he hits me once and I cry out and I release my load covering us both. It gets trapped in the hairs of his chest and he smiles kissing me. Panting I think I want to pass out covered in sweat from both our bodies. Running my tongue along his neck slowly I move down and kiss along his chest capturing his nipple that's covered in my seed between my lips and start suckling on it. "Fuck yes...suck them." He encouraged me pressing me to his chest and his chest forward as his nipple got hard and I sucked it even more. Definitely something I need to remember. He was just up and at it and I thought he might lose another load, but he didn't. He slides his finger along his chest along his other nipple capturing some of my seed and brings it to his lips suckling on it savoring the taste. I can feel his own member leaking his lubricant along the crack of my rear as he moved me down to the bed and kisses me spreading my legs and kisses along my thighs.

"I don't think this is your first time." I tell him with moan. He smiled moving beside me and kissed the top of my head. "No, luv. Not first time, but you bring out things in me that no one, well few have and I don't want to let go this time." This time? I wondered who it was with the first couple of times. I looked over to him and he traced his fingers along my lips and down my body as he moved over it letting his tongue lick up the rest of my spent seed. "Lay here and just rest." He kissed me again and this time it was such a tender kiss that I wanted to wrap my arms around him. My friend called him the King of the Tennies and I didn't care he was hot as fuck in my eyes and if they knew what I knew he was the King of something else and it was tennies. He slipped out of his boxers completely and walked into the next room and I watched his ass and I just licked my lips a little watching it move and he looked at me with a grin. "You're watching me again." He rubbed his ass a little and smiled. "Want it?" I nodded and he gave it a good smack and it sounded it through the room and he smirked walking out. "You have me." He told me as he walked out and I thought about what he said. Him...not just his ass.

I laid there waiting for him to come back and when he did he moved along the bed crawling along it like he was stalking me and he pressed his finger along my lips and kissed along my neck. They were soft subtle kisses with nips and licks that made me want to melt right there. "J.C from NSYNC and Michael Owen." He told me and kissed me softly as he blind folded me. I didn't even know what to say. "They're going to be here tomorrow." He whispered. "But right now it's just us. We'll talk more about it tomorrow." He told me kissing along my neck. I couldn't believe what he said. I mean...I could see J.C. I mean he does interviews and such but Michael Owen how? But my thoughts slipped from my mind when his lips touched mine and he just pushed everything away letting me think on the here and now, but party, what does he mean by that?

All questions would be answered tomorrow I guess, but it was just silence as he pressed his lips along mine and moved down to my neck and then moved back from me and just started removing the rest of my clothes and his clothes which wasn't much actually. I felt his hand move to my wrist and then to my other as he laid me out spread eagle on the bed. The next them I felt was a cloth moving along my wrist being tightened around it before it was tightened around the other and they were tied to one of the posts then my ankles were tied to the other. He made them tight, but not to tight. I couldn't see so I didn't know what he was upto. When I felt his lips along my chest capturing one of my nipples between his lips I shivered with pleasure letting my own toes curl this time. He suckled and nipped on one then the other. His lips trailing from one side then to the other then down along my stomach. It jumped a little, his tongue dipping into my navel a little before he move down lower towards member which was sticking straight out for me. I felt his lips move along the tip teasing it with small kisses and quick swipes from his tongue. I didn't know he had rolled a car into here so when I felt the ice against my skin I pulled against the ropes moaning and shivering in pleasure. "Oh..." I cried out and I was silenced when his lips moved over my tip adding the much needed heat, but he slipped the ice cube in at the same time and started moving his lips mover the member slowly letting the sensations claim me until the ice melted all away.

Once the ice was completely gone he suckled on my tip adding another piece of ice to the treatment running it along my body hitting my nipples first letting them get hard as they could before sliding them down to my stomach then along my member occassionally hitting my balls. I closed my eyes for a moment when his hand caressed them but I jumped when I felt the cold chill of the ice. "Tease." I called out and his lips left the tip of my cock and he flicked it. "Oh I could tease you, Ian." He whispered slipping away and kissing my hips lightly. "You're just too delicious to tease at the moment." He moved his lips along my thighs along the insides of them his tongue tracing little designs along the inside of it. He brushed his lips along my ball sacs before pulling them into his mouth suckling on them for a moment one then the other then both rolling them around slowly.

He moved his lips down to my thighs letting his fingers dance along the area down to my private entrance and he teased me there causing me to tense up as his other finger moved to my nipple and started twisting and turning it. He moved his lips along my thighs a little more before removing his hands from various parts of my body. He slipped down to my ankles and start kissing me there leaving a trail with his tongue all the way up my legs along my thighs, nibbling here and there, his hand curling around my member rubbing the tip of it with his thumb. First it was light then it was a little more. He continued with the movements his lips getting closer towards his goal. Moving up to my tip and slipped his lips over it letting his lips slide down to take me completely into his mouth. I wasn't as big as him but I was a decent size at least I thought so. I wasn't getting any complaints from Carson as he ran his tongue along my member, but at the same time two fingers slipped back into me and he began mercilessly thrusting them into me while he sucked me off. His fingers thrust quickly into me in time with his lips my hips moving up to meet his mouth and then down to meet his fingers. The double stimulation was working me back up as he continued with the movements and ministrations. His tongue swirled around my cock as he cork screwed my ass with his fingers I began panting and I looked into the blindfold nothing but darkness, but I was seeing colors as he pressed deeper into me. Carson began brushing his cock along my leg and I could feel it leaking and I knew he needed it. I needed it, but when he growled I knew he really needed it, but I wanted to touch him so much. I wondered if he would let me touch him or would he keep me like this.

All the wondering and thoughts made me miss when he slipped his lips from my member and kissed me passionately his tongue invading my mouth conquering it with a moaning as he pressed against me his fingers slipping from my tight channel as well. His lips moved up a little more and I felt him moving away from me, no not away but over me and I felt his tip slide over my lips and I captured it with my lips and I was rewarded with his leaking precum. It's like it never stopped leaking. Suckling it began moving his member in and out of my mouth slowly and with care making sure that we both felt ever inch of what the other was doing as he removed the blind fold. I closed my eyes though just wanting the sensations to keep hitting me, but when he removed my wrist bonds my hands moved up to his the small of his back then down to that sexy ass of his. I squeezed it, caressed it, ran my thumbs along it and slapped it a couple of times and that brought sexual grunts out of him. "more.' I slapped his ass again. "More...fuck more." He called out and I slapped his ass a couple more times and he started thrusting faster and Carson just wanted more he was moaning as I slapped his as and ran my hands along it. I looked around saw how far the ass was and then looked into his eyes, lips slipping from his pulsating staff of meat. I moved up higher and he got the idea. Spreading his cheeks my tongue slipped out and ran right along the crack of his ass as he held himself up and my tongue danced along his tight ring of muscle that was winking at me. My tongue brushed back and forth over his asshole before pressing against it and he moaned out, gripping the headboard so tight his knuckles turned white. I pulled him closer intoxicated with the scent of him my tongue flicking over the sensitive flesh before my tongue sank inside of him. He shuddered intensely and I he started cumming again it hit the wall over and over as he jerked.

"Ian don't stop...don't. More." I pressed my tongue deeper and wiggled it around and he growled that sexy growl. I started thrusting my tongue in and out of him and his ass started moving as he rolled his hips slowly and he was just panting as he pressed his head against the all his cock throbbing as it continue to unload it's contents. I ran my tongue along his balls for a moment which were heavy with his nectar. I moved my tongue back to his as and he down on my face and started to fuck it as I fucked his ass. He gripped the sheets and just let his head thrash as he moved his hips wanting all he could get out of it. I began nibbling on the outside of his hole and he just loved it. He loved everything I was doing and he was just saying things I couldn't make out as he just had a dry orgasm. I didn't think it was possible for a guy to do it but he started having multiple orgasms right then and there shuddering and shivering and as one stopped another started. Many times they didn't wait for one to stop as he shuddered and shivered and I liked his hole still thrusting my tongue into him over and over again and he fell back and I watched him as he shivered with pleasure. I moved my hands to my ankles and undid the bonds and I moved over him kissing him deeply as I moved down and started sucking on his nipples and he just growled and pulled back and turned us over and looked into my eyes. "MINE!" He called out at me. "YOURS!" I called back and he bit my neck again an started kissing me along my body and pulled me closer. Carson started dry humping as he spread my legs wide. That lasted for about five minutes before he decided to return the favor briefly. He pulled my legs up and he thrust his face between my cheeks and ate me out right there and thin rimmed me. His tongue thrust into my hole several times and he pulled back looking at me as he ran his hand over his cock spreading the lubricant and he looked at me for a moment wondering.

He just pressed the tip against me and I closed my eyes for a moment shivering and I let out a wince of pain but he knew I didn't want him to stop. As he tip slipped into me I opened my eyes and he kissed me and whispered to me as he nipped at my ear and just eased into me. "I wanted you the moment you walked on the plane. I wanted to take you off the plane back to the limo and do you there." He told me letting his tongue run along the curve of my ear like he did on the plane. "You're not going anywhere." He told me knowing that I had to be somewhere tomorrow, but I wasn't about to say anything different. Kissing along my neck he eased himself an inch at a time sometimes two until I felt him throbbing inside me completely. Wrapping my arms around him my legs pressed up against him as he just stayed there letting me getting accustom to him. He moved a bit just to tease me and even the tiniest movement brought a gasp to my lips. I rose closer towards him to capture his lips with my own. I gave him a light squeeze with my channel and he closed his eyes and began thrusting into me slowly. I could feel his furry belly slide along my member bring me back up to full mast. Our lips brushed along one another, tongues slipping past lips into our mouths as we kissed.

The bed did start to squeak as time moved on. He moved faster then slower and sometimes not at all. Twenty minutes into it he pulled all the way out except the tip and thrust quickly into me. I shuddered thinking that I was going to split in two as he drove home. I could feel him hit my prostate each time and I slipped my hands down to his ass caressing it and he grinned. "You love my ass don't you." Carson growled and started moving his hips around in a slight circular motion just to keep me going and I shivered some more and he thrust back into me. "Sexy guy with the sexy ass." I whispered in his ear and he just pounded me hard as the sexual beast in him took over even more and he looked at me and I kissed him. "I'm right here with you. I slipped my legs around him as he humped me faster, pumping deeper trying to drill for oil as I thrust back against him rolling my hips and tightening my grip at the same time." I kissed along his neck as he thrust into me his lips moving along my face lightly as he nipped on my ear lobe and his balls slapped my ass loudly. I wanted him so bad and I had him here with me. I pressed my nails into his back and his nipples were so hard I could feel them brushing along me and with each brush he shivered and I nipped at his neck and he bite shoulder grunting and kissed me where he bit me. "Mm nice and warm, tight, gonna be wet soon." He grunted. "Gonna fuck you all over this suite baby." He told me. "You're not going to be able to walk when I'm done with you and you'll want more." He told me and I was definitely already agreeing it as he slowed up and started rolling his hips slowly and started fucking me nice and slow and deep. His hips moved a little faster but he was moving in and out of me, cock throbbing ready to erupt but I knew he was holding back as I pressed up against him and he pushed into me.

"I'm so glad you walked onto the plane. Remind me to thank you boss." He told me as he thrust deep hitting my prostate with all he had and I shuddered and I started cumming. "CARSON!" I cried out my cum splashing between the both of us as I tightening my legs around him about to say something when he thrust deep into me even more my channel clenched around his member spasming soon as it let go and tightened around him. I rode out my orgasm and he continue thrusting into him and he thrust once more and kissed me with so much depth and passion that when he came he shook, shuddered and gripped me tightly as his cum blew into me. "OH GOD, IAN." He yelled I could feel it filling me completely and his own cock expanding inside me. His volleys were so much that it leaked right down my legs down to my ankles and he just kept it there thrusting and smiled kissing me softly even as he shuddered and shivered. He thrust once more before pulling out and a little more of his seed ran along my legs. He moved down and start licking along my legs then along my ass eating it out and getting more of his own seed as he closed his eyes. He thrust his tongue into me a couple of times then let my legs fall back to the bed and he kissed me sharing the contents with me for a moment before slipping his arms around me. "We need to take some showers." He said with a grin nipping at my neck.

"Carson." I said his name and he smiled kissing me softly stroking me again. "When you're up to it, luv." He whispered and kissed me once more and pulled me onto him and he thrust his cock into me and I closed my eyes as he pulled up and carried me to one of the chairs. He sat down and started rolling my hips. I felt my head spinning again and he thrust into me deeply his cock already pulsing. "We're almost to the bathroom." He said with a devilish grin. "Told you that I was going to do good and bad things to you, luv." I clenched his cock and he moaned and held onto me and started kissing along my shoulder, nipping at the flesh as he thrust faster as he started to growl again. I leaned back and he just moved to the floor and did me right there on the floor my legs wrapped around him but he pulled back up so I could sit up and he thrust into me and I thrust down. I didn't think he'd be at it again and I didn't think I would be right back at it. "Carson, oh God yes. Oh God." I panted out as he thrust faster and harder and just sucked on my nipple, flicking his tongue over as he thrust faster and harder and cried out cumming me again and I pushed him back. "MINE!" I called out an I thrust down on his throbbing cock his cum flowing into me as I rode him and he turned the tables and thrust deep into me as he came. "YOURS!" he said and grinned kissing me deeply and to think the bathroom is still across the room.

That's it for now and definitely more in store especially with JC and Michael Owen showing up tomorrow to meet Ian. Tell me what you think. If you like it and if you have any ideas I'll see what I can do.

Email me at:

Next: Chapter 2

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