Meeting Joey Again

By R Jameson

Published on Jan 7, 2018


This is a fictional story about a guy I met at work. It is fictional, but definitely a fantasy. Enjoy! ____________________________________________________________________

Meeting Joey Again - By Bobby Jameson Part 2

On the first day back from the weekend, I only saw Joe once from across the office area and we hadn't had a chance to talk. On my way home that evening, I saw Joe walking home from work. Again, he was sort of limping and shuffling along the main road from the office building. I pulled up next to him and said, "Joe. You need a ride?"

At first he answered "No thanks, Mr. Jameson. I'll walk."

I insisted that he get in and insisted that he should start calling me Bob or Bobby.

He finally relented after the third request and climbed in. I headed toward his house which was about a mile and a half away. During the ride I was able to take a good look at Joe. He had scars on both the left and right side of his head from the surgeries during his teens. His hair was a very short crew-cut style and he sported a light brown beard and no moustache. He, again, was wearing his very baggy jeans. It wasn't until he sat next to me, that I noticed that he was about 6' 2" tall as compared to my 5' 10". As he talked, I continued to glance over at his face and realized that he had very full lips. Now, I don't usually get turned on by men like Joe because of the old, baggy jeans and old beat-up t-shirts. Usually, this kind of dress actually turns me off, but I started noticing his beard and lips and seemed drawn to them. Also, he was such a nice young man with his dedication to his daughter. It was then that I asked Joe what he was doing that night. He told me that his daughter was at a friend's house for the night having a sleep-over and that he was just going home, grabbing a bite to eat and hanging out playing video games. Since my family was out for the night, as well, I asked him if he wanted to grab a bite and a beer somewhere.

He answered, "Sure, Bob. Bobby." I slapped him gently on his jeans clad thigh and said, "That's what I like to hear."

We decided to head to a different town only about four or five miles away to a small pub that both of us had heard about but had never been to. On the ride over, Joe was telling me about his daughter and the fact that he could only work 20-25 hours a week and that he didn't have anyone to share expenses with. I told him about my struggles over the last 20 years and how my wife had passed away when my kids were young and that I had raised my kids alone. I told him about working two or three jobs for a few years just make ends meet and my neighbors had helped by watching my kids when I needed.

We arrived at the restaurant in about 20 minutes, went in, and sat at a booth near the back, as the place was pretty full. Joe ordered a water to drink and I encouraged him to get a beer. He looked at me for a second and I could see in his eyes that he was embarrassed/concerned about not having enough money. I immediately told him that the drinks and dinner were on me, tonight. He tried to say no, but, again, I insisted and reached across the table and grabbed the back of his hand and said, "Don't worry about it Joe. That's what friends do."

He paused for a second and said, "Thanks Bobby. You sure it's okay if I call you Bobby?"

I answered, "Of course Joe. I like that. I really do."

I kept my hand on his for a few seconds and then pulled away. Joe looked into my eyes and smiled. The server returned with our waters and Joe ordered a beer and we ordered some burgers and fries.

We again started talking about things and in no time our food arrived. Joe ordered another beer and I ordered a soda since I was driving. We finished up and headed out after I paid the bill. As we approached his apartment, Joe asked me if I wanted to come upstairs for a while to play video games. I realized that my fantasy from the week before was actually playing out! I accepted his invitation and when we arrived at his apartment I followed him upstairs. Joe unlocked the door and I followed him in. It turned out that the place was actually bigger than I had first fantasized about. We took off our coats and Joe asked me if I wanted a drink.

I asked him for a beer and he said, "Are you sure, Bobby? You do have to drive."

I answered, "I'll be alright. If I don't feel right, can I just crash here on the couch?"

Joe then said, "I wouldn't mind that at all, Bobby. Not at all." He then looked into my eyes and hesitated. I slowly moved toward Joe staring into his eyes and I said, "Joe. I have to tell you something."

He answered, "What is it Bobby" I then threw caution to the wind and said, "Joe. You turn me on. Your lips and your beard and your head with the scars just turn me on."

I was worried about his reaction and didn?t look into his eyes. At this point, we were standing only about a foot apart. Joe then reached over to my chin with his hand and slowly raised my head to look at him. He had a beautiful smile on his face and he just stared into my eyes.

I then said to him, "Joe. Are you okay with that? If you're not, I understand. I just haven't felt this way about anyone, man or woman, for a long, long time. I'm sorry Joe.

I don't mean to do this to you."

I continued to babble on thinking that Joe was trying to somehow tell me that there was no way this would happen, when he slowly leaned over and put his beautiful lips to mine and kissed me ever so gently! As he did this, I moaned out loud and we both started laughing.

I then grabbed Joe and pulled him close to me. Our lips met and we kissed hard. Joe's tongue pushed through my lips and reached for my tongue. I moaned again and held his head with my left hand and his waist with my right hand as we kissed. I suddenly realized how hard my cock had become. It was amazing. I don?t remember being that hard in a few years. I pushed Joe down to the couch and sat down next to him. Being taller than me, Joe reached over and pulled me to him in a big bear hug. I started saying his name, moaning "Oh, Joey! Oh man.

You are so fucking sexy!"

At this point I pulled Joe's shirt over his head and I got to see his torso for the first time.

He was so fucking beautiful! His areolas were perfectly quarter-shaped and the nipples stood out about 1/4 inch. He was not overly muscled or overly flabby. He was slightly defined, if you know what I mean. I reached over with my mouth and started licking his left nipple. Joe moaned and said, "Oh Bobby! Oh shit! That feels sooo good!" I answered by sucking it harder and pinching his other nipple. Joe writhed while he continued to moan. After a few minutes of me lavishing his nipples, going from one to the other, Joe pushed me back and lay on top of me.

He stared into my eyes and I reached up to hold his bearded face in my hands. His beard was very soft and felt like down. He didn't have a moustache which I found very sexy. He again stared into my eyes and kissed me passionately. We both moaned and I reached down to grab his cock through his baggy jeans. I couldn't get too good a grip so I tried opening his pants but was having trouble. He finally stood up and grabbed his pants and underwear and pulled them both down in one quick yank. At this point, he was completely naked except for some socks. I stared at his body in complete awe. His cock was hard and standing straight out from his bush and seemed about 7 inches long. I couldn't believe it! I reached up and gently grabbed his cock and started caressing his balls. Now, those balls were amazing, too! They were huge! They seemed to be the size of two large lemons. In all my years, I don?t think I saw balls that big. I remember thinking, 'Now I know why he always wears baggy jeans'. His balls were so soft and slightly hairy. I put my face right up to the head of his cock and stared at it. I then reached out my tongue and licked the helmeted head very slowly. Joe moaned and said, "Oh, daddy! Oh, Bobby. Ohhhhh!"

He then grabbed me and pulled me to my feet and said, "Take your clothes off, Daddy. Now. I need to see your body and your cock." He called me daddy! I was so turned on! I started taking off my shirt and he said, "Faster, daddy. Faster!"

I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and dropped my pants. I hadn't worn any underwear that night which I sometimes did. He looked into my eyes and slowly pulled my naked body into his.

Our lips met and he whispered into my left ear, "Oh Bobby. I need to make love to you. Can I do that? Can I call you daddy?" I answered, "Sure, son."

Joe moaned and pulled me tighter to his chest. We continued to stand there and make out, swapping tongue sucking. At one point Joe pushed me away and said, "I want to see your body, Bobby."

He held me at arms-length and reached down to grab my cock. He felt my balls and played with my meaty man-tits. They weren't huge but a small handful. I wasn't 'fat' but I did have some meat on me.

He continued to run his hands over my chest and my cock and my ass. He grabbed my globes and slowly massaged them as he kissed me gently. I felt his hand start toward my asshole, just slowly running a finger up and down my crack. I moaned and said, "Oh, Joey. Daddy wants you to fuck him.

Can you do that? Can you fuck me?" He answered by pushing his finger about an inch into my hot hole.

Again I moaned and begged him to put it in further. He pulled his finger out, reached down for my hand and said, "Let's go into my bedroom and finish this." I followed him with such anticipation, I could barely breath.

Next: Chapter 3

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