Meeting Mike

By Jonothan Wolf

Published on Nov 29, 2023


**Standard disclaimer applies. This is based on actual events, although names, places, and descriptions have changed to protect the identities of the living. Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a backwards area. I appreciate any and all feedback, so please email me at Enjoy the story! If you would like information on how to access future chapters faster, and my other stories, please feel free to reach out. I also offer unlimited access to the author, and exclusive content through my program. Thanks!

Meeting Mike 3

I knew that if I was going to find Mike on my own, I'd have to pull out all the stops. Pull out the big guns, and so I went to my friend who attended the law school across campus. His name was Kevin, and he was a burly gay black man who occasionally came across the bridge to party with us undergrads. He'd been in my fraternity until he graduated and went to law school. I knew him fairly well, and one thing I knew about him was that he could track down anyone with very limited information at his disposal.

I'd seen his skills at work multiple times when we had sat and helped sorority girls figure out which nameless frat guy they had fucked the weekend before. We'd done it with nothing more than a first name and Greek letters.

When I called him to track down the cadet, I knew it would be even more challenging. All I knew was that his name was Mike and he went to VMI.

Settled in, first Kevin opened Facebook and did a search for Mikes at VMI. None of the hits were him. We sorted by year. Nothing. Then we tried Michael. There were 4 hits, and none of them were my vmee. He must have gone by a different name on Facebook, if he had one at all.

"Give me a second," Kevin said. He pulled up the VMI website and went to the historical yearbooks page. He toggled back and forth from Facebook.

"Do you know if his dad went to VMI?" Kevin asked. Of course I didn't.

He scrolled through the years of the four Michaels. I watched as he worked. Then he pulled up the most recent year on the VMI website and settled on a Michael Anthony.

"Bingo," he said. "His last name is Loggerman, and so is this Michael here..."

He clicked on one of the older profiles. He went to that person's friend's list and typed in Anthony. Before he could even finish typing the name, my vmee's profile popped up on screen.

M. A. Loggerman. Michael Anthony.

"That's him!" I shouted. I gave Kevin a hug.

Mike's profile was private, but his profile picture matched. The next picture was a photo of just his abs and red VMI running shorts.

"Wow," Kevin sidled.

"Back off. He's mine."

Having his Facebook was one thing, but how to get in contact with him. And what to say.

Those were the days of AIM instead of messenger. I clicked the info tab on his profile, but it was blank. Being private, there was no way to see his information.

"You have to friend him," Kevin said. I was hesitant.

"Won't that look stalkerish?"

"Not at all. It shows initiative."

I debated back and forth. I didn't want to scare him away, but I wanted to message him so badly. Maybe write on his wall and tell him how much I loved sucking his cock. How I'd be his deep throat servant any time he wanted. How I'd worship him constantly, whenever we had a chance to link up. Finally, I decided with Kevin's help, that closed mouths don't get fed.

So I friended him.

And then I waited. It was painful waiting for a response. I wanted to know right away if he had seen it. But there was nothing I could do but wait.

And wait I did. I had no choice. Every day after classes, I scrolled Facebook, refreshing to see if my friend request had been accepted.

It took over a week, but finally, I got home, undressed, and crawled into bed. I opened my computer, logged into Facebook, and checked.

M. A. Loggerman has accepted your friend request.

I almost squealed with excitement. I clicked on his full profile and began scrolling, absorbing as much information about him as possible.

His pictures were top notch. For every smiling face in his photos, there was another one that was just his chest or his abs. There were a few of him in his wrestling onesie, a couple that left nothing to the imagination. I had already had his pecker in my mouth at that point, but seeing his cock straining against the lycra barely holding it in made my own cock spring to attention.

I found myself massaging myself through my boxer briefs as I scrolled. I went to the comments on his page, and then back to the pictures.

There was one picture of him standing on the podium accepting a gold medal. He was dressed in a white and gold singlet. The ref held his hand above his head as Mike clutched the medal. He was smiling wide and looked incredible.

He was still sweating from his match, so I was able to savor the sight of his sweaty singlet. His sexy armpit on display. I fondled myself wishing I was licking that sweaty pit. I was at full mast as my eyes wandered down to his crotch. He was wearing very short red shorts over his singlet, but the sweat had them matted tightly against his thighs. His onesie was so wetted through, you could see the sexy v-shape of his abs, just above the shorts.

And even with those on, you could clearly see what was hiding underneath. I wasn't sure what had gotten him so excited, but I stroked myself looking closely at the outline of his very visible cock.

At some point, I closed my laptop and my eyes. I remembered the time I sucked his cock in the country, outside of an off campus party. I recalled how hot his body was, how he'd shown me his tattoo and then guided my head to his cock. How wonderful he tasted.

I recalled the second time, when I gave him a ride back to campus. How we were squished in the backseat, and I was able to rub my hands all over him. How I felt every hard inch of his body before worshiping him from head to toe right here in my room.

I remembered the moans he made. For a `straight' guy, the appreciation he gave me and my skills. Before long, I was rubbing out a thick load right onto my chest, thinking of Mike the vmee, and wondering when I'd have the chance to suck him off next.

I wanted him. Badly. And after I came, I closed my laptop, almost feeling bad for shooting one off to his pictures without him knowing. Almost.

Part one of the waiting game was complete. Now I just had to figure out how to make contact with him on AIM. His handle was listed on his `About Me' Facebook profile, but I was nervous that reaching out to him would make me seem eager. Desperate.

"Just message him," my pledge brothers urged. "Closed mouths don't get fed."

I took their advice later that night, logged into AIM, and pulled up Mike's handle.

"Hey there, sir."

It was simple and straightforward. Not too aggressive. I wrestled back and forth about adding a smiley or winky face, but left it at just the message.

I waited again.

"Hey there, killer."

I read the message with butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"How's it hanging out there?" I asked.

"A little to the left," he replied. I smiled, and blushed, and my cock twitched just a bit.

"Hmmm... seems like straight out and down my throat would be even better." I decided to just go for it. He knew what I was after. No use hiding it.

"Naughty, naughty." He sent me a devil emoji. I replied with a smile.

"If I was there with you, what would you do to me?" he asked.

I replied in great detail. First I'd strip him completely naked. I'd take his balls in my hand, and then slowly open my mouth wide and engulf his entire length. Then I'd suck in deep until his toes curled. I would make sure he felt every inch of my tongue run up and down the length of his cock. I'd suck him deep and hard, no hands, no choking, and no letting up until he was ready to shoot every drop of his cum down my throat.

"I'm about to cum in my barracks," he replied after my lengthy description. "Don't tease me like that."

"I'm not teasing," I replied. "That's a promise. The next time I see you."

He didn't reply for a minute, so I continued.

"Which would be when?" I decided to just lay it all out there. I didn't care if it sounded desperate. My brothers were right. Closed mouths rarely get fed.

"I could sneak out... My buddy is on watch duty." Mike replied finally. "It'll take me a minute to get over there."

I almost cheered out loud. YES! I thought. I waited a few seconds.

"Yeah, sneak out and come over." I tried to play my response as cool as possible. But frankly, I was no cool cucumber. I was a horny cocksucker who needed some cadet cum that night. And I needed it badly.

I messaged him my number and told him to text me when he got close to the frat house.

I quickly straightened my room, made my bed, changed into a pair of thin fabric shorts, and waited. I looked on AIM and saw that Mike had been idle for a while. A few minutes later, I heard a chime on my phone.

"I'm parking. Downstairs."

I took a deep breath and walked down to the parking lot behind our frat house to greet him. I had a stupid grin on my face to match his as he closed the door to his jeep and bounded up the back landing stairs.

"Hey killer," he whispered. The house was still, but we were still discreet as I led him silently up the stairs to my room. He was dressed in his casual blues, probably just in case he got caught and had to explain himself. There were rules against cadets wearing street clothes, even if they were off campus. But there were certain allowances to them being off campus.

"What did you tell your buddy you were doing? So that he'd cover for you?"

"I told him I had to go slay some hot pussy at your school," he smiled, following me up to my room. As soon as we were inside, I turned and began undressing him. He reached up to help unbutton his jacket, but I swatted his hand out of the way. I wanted to do it. I was already hard doing it.

"That's what my throat is?" I asked. "A hot pussy?"

He leaned in and whispered. "It's better than a hot pussy, killer."

I blushed, pulled off his jacket, and dove in for his belt.

I did this meticulously. Slowly. Sensually. I pulled off his undershirt, crisp white and clearly pressed. I pulled down his twill blue pants to reveal that the cadet was going commando. I smiled at him as I sank down to my knees.

I smiled wide as I took his rapidly hardening cock in my head.

"Go ahead," he cooed above me. I looked up and met his gaze. He nodded, and gently ran the length of his dick down my face. As it approached my mouth, I opened wide. I closed my lips at the base of his cock, just as his head pushed through my throat and found it's new home. I moaned intensely, feeling his cock expand and fill my mouth.

"That's it," he whispered. He put his hand on the back of my head, and slowly pulled me in and out. We created a rhythm that felt so right between us.

"Suck that cock," he moaned. I put both of my hands on his massive muscular thighs and allowed him to pretend like he was creating the pace. In reality, I was sucking him in and out, creating the perfect pace and friction for his pleasure.

Mike flexed over and over as I held onto his legs. I allowed them to wander. One of the rules was I couldn't use my hands to jack him off, but I certainly could feel him up. He was such an athletic and muscular specimen, that I couldn't help but explore. His pecs were rock solid. His abs were incredibly defined. And his ass was like none other. Firm, round, perfect. Too perfect for a self professed `straight' guy who liked getting blown by whoever was willing to worship him.

Before long, Mike was pumping in and out vigorously, taking my throat as his own. With every thrust, I felt him slide inside of my willing throat effortlessly. I was determined not to gag on him, as thick as he was. I wanted him to feel that I loved the assault.

So instead, I relaxed and let him face fuck me.

"Oh fuck," he groaned, holding my head down on his cock. I breathed through my nose and let him hold me there. HIs cock expanded, filling my mouth first with a burst of precum.

"Oh fuck, Corbin!" he shouted. "Oh fuck! You're going to make me cum!"

I moaned. And then I felt it! A rush of cum filled my throat. I fought back on his hand on my head, pulling back slightly so that I could taste his amazing cum. It flooded my mouth. A little dribbled out, but I was able to swallow almost all of his seed.

"Oh fuck!" he continued to moan over and over. I felt a rush of pride as I looked down and saw his toes curled, just as I'd promised. "Oh fuck!"

The orgasm lasted a solid minute before he shuddered and pulled back.

"Oh God," he took a heavy seat on the edge of my bed. I licked the head of his cock and he shuddered again. "God, that's sensitive."

I smiled up at him. He gave me a look.

"What did I say about swallowing all of my cum?" he asked. His voice was soft and reassuring. Not upset, but playful instead. He used his thumb to scoop up the cum I'd let dribble out, and then fed it to me. I took his hand in mine while his thumb explored my mouth and sucked in his finger. I didn't want to appear too greedy for his seed, but man I loved it. After just three times with this guy, I was addicted to it.

"Well you have my number now," I said casually as he got dressed and I walked him downstairs.

"Yeah," he yawned. After coming down from the high of getting blown, he sounded a bit disinterested. Almost bored. It put a pit in my stomach, but a lot of guys were like that. Especially straight ones. "Maybe we should stick to messaging each other though."

"Okay, yeah," I replied casually.

"Just so you know... you can text me anything on AIM and I don't have to worry about opening it in front of my rats or cadet line, or anything. Imagine if my dike picked up my phone and it was you texting something sexual."

He said it matter of factly, until he turned around and saw the slight look of disappointment in my eyes. I tried not to show it, but it was there. And that was the risk of getting involved with someone straight, I thought.

He faced me and grinned.

"That was incredible, killer. The best I've ever had," he said, reassuring me. I smiled and gave him a hug. I wanted so badly to go in for a kiss, but I was more than certain that wouldn't go over well.

"Until next time," he said and climbed into his Jeep. I stood on the back landing and watched as the hottest guy I'd been with up to that point drove away.

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