Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 20, 2020


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Chapter 17 already! Many thanks to readers who've contacted me with kind words and story suggestions! I'm listening to you! Special thanks to those readers who ask about their favorite characters, and tell me how those characters affect them. As the writer, I am almost too close to them to experience the characters as erotic (rather than abstract) entities that readers find hot enough to serve as bate fodder. This kind of detailed feedback from readers really gets my imagination in gear!

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 17 by Rilobo1

Perhaps this Monday will calm down long enough for me to sort my thoughts: it certainly had been a Monday I'll not soon forget! Focusing on the more mundane, I got Atul's clothes together from Rana's tirade, and sorted them into clean and not so clean. His dirty boxer briefs smelled just like him, prompting yet another erection, so it was a difficult task to throw them into the smaller washer in the apartment with the other things. I also threw in the towel and sheet from Jin Woo's massage session, and put the massage table away. While the clothes were washing, I went out to the laundry room to move the larger items into the dryer, and came back to put Atul's things away, including the things he brought in his bag. It was a joy to clear out drawer and closet space for his things in OUR bedroom, put clean linens on, and make OUR bed, and set out his toiletry items and toothbrush in OUR bathroom. Again, pronouns are powerful.

About 2:00 PM, my phone rang. It was Neal. Before I could even get the word "hello" out, he was already well into a rapid fire interrogation: an attorney doing a cross-examination on a reluctant witness. "Where in the hell did you find that Adonis? How long has he been in your bed? Is he really as hung as the bulge in his pants would indicate?" I had to slow him down a bit before the deluge of questions became too much to wade through. "First," I told him, "Calm down -- I've known him for some months as my neighbor, before he even went to India to marry that harpie, and by the way, you won't believe the shit she did today. Second, we've been together for about a week now, but it's only been in the last few days that something of real substance has come out of it, and third, Yes -- he is really endowed. I'd describe things in more detail, but it would likely cause your heterosexual little noggin to explode." Neal then gave a wolf howl in response, but what he said next really jostled my world. "Rich, when he looked into my eyes, smiled at me, and shook my hand, - I'm not gonna lie - I started to get a stiffie. That man is a god, and even my own mother would've gotten moist looking at him." Ewwww. I knew his mother well -- totally prudish, no-dancing, no makeup Southern Baptist, and, just eeeew. I may have even thrown up a little in my mouth.

"Too much Information Rich? Hello? Are you still there?" I finally came back to the conversation, telling him he hadn't lost his talent for linguistic shock-and-awe, and that I may need another shower now. He just started guffawing in gales of laughter. Calming down after a few moments, he got serious again "no really, he is really a hot guy who checks all the boxes: he's sweet, kind, considerate, and really intelligent. His story really got to me, and if he weren't yours, I would give him a try." Before I could get the words "back off bitch" out, he laughed again, telling me he's proud of me, and wants to do everything possible to see me happy again. I'll forgive him this time. Then, my favorite attorney got back down to business: "now tell me what Rana did today?" I went over the whole episode with him -- in detail, telling him what I told her (at any rate I think I told her) about threatening to call the police, and what the neighbors said and did. He immediately (and predictably) asked if I had any of this on video, and was happy to hear that I did, and wanted to forward it to him ASAP. He also -- without going into any great detail -- told me that from his conversation with Atul that he had concerns that Rana might be capable of violent behavior, and that it might be a good investment to put up some hidden wireless video cameras inside and outside the apartment. Any violent behavior we can catch on camera would be most helpful. Neal then asked me some pointed questions: can we prove that he was coerced into marriage? and can it be proven that the marriage had not been consummated? I told him that the first one could easily be proven by getting 5 random Indians to testify about marriage customs. The second item might be difficult, but there are at least two witnesses that could testify they heard Rana refer to Atul's penis as a "deformity," and any of the neighbors would testify that it did not appear to be a real marital relationship.

Neal then surprised me: since the marriage was very recent, and may have happened due to coercion AND didn't appear to evidence any normal marital activities, it may be possible to have the marriage annulled, avoiding a big, hot contested divorce. There was no doubt in his mind that a divorce would be granted in Atul's favor, but an annulment would be faster, and get Rana out of the picture much more quickly. In addition, since Rana is not yet a Permanent Resident in her own right, a divorce or annulment would void her current immigration status, making her eligible for immediate arrest, detainment, and deportation. That little tidbit brought a smile to my face. Neal's advice was simple: make sure Atul had no contact with Rana without at least one witness, and if Rana does commit any violent behavior, and it's on camera and/or with witnesses, call the police, and have her arrested. That kind of thing would ensure a speedy dissolution of the marriage, as well as her removal from the country. He told me he had a meeting to attend, and ended the conversation with "Atul is special; he genuinely wants to take care of you. You take care of him, because if you don't, I'll take him. I'll be in touch, Love ya!", I followed with "Love ya too" I then sent him the video clip. It didn't take him more than a minute to text me back "What a cunt! I'll clean her nasty-ass clock!" Yep. We had the right guy on the job.

It was around 2:30, and I'd put the wet clothes into the dryer inside, and gone and collected the things from the industrial size dryer in the laundry room when Jin Woo came up and walked toward me. He looked like a new man! Young and virile again! He smiled, and asked if he could speak with me for a few minutes before the kids got home from school. Of course, I let him in. We kicked off our shoes, and I put the laundry basket down on the dining room table. I offered him some tea, but he just waved it off. We sat on the couch, and I was momentarily distracted as he was in the same seat where his son sat on my cock just last week. Focus Rich! I asked him if suddenly if he'd had a nap (only thing I could think of!), and he told me he did, and when he woke up, he felt like a new man, and knew he had to talk to me. He then asked me to be patient while he got out what he needed to say to me:

"Halmoni told me what Rana did, and that Atul stays with you for now. That is good. Rana is a terrible woman. We don't like her. I know Atul cares for my son very much, and my son cares for him. It is wonderful they have found each other." Good Lord, I got goosebumps; where was this conversation going?

"When I was younger, about 14 years old, I had an older man friend too. His name was Justice, he was American, and worked at the US Embassy in Seoul. We met at at Mun Hwa, a jjimjilbang -- a Korean sauna near the embassy in the Jeongno sam ga district of Seoul. I thought he was so exotic and masculine, and he spoke Korean! He always went there on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 PM, and I got into the habit of meeting him there. We always talked about things, and I could practice my English. He gave me good advice about how to deal with my conservative parents and my education." Here Jin Woo took a brief pause: it looked like he was building up to something. Indeed he was.

"He also taught me about how to be a man, about sex because I had many, many questions. After the sauna, we would go upstairs to the resting room. He taught me about my body, and my boy parts, and taught me about orgasms and other wonderful feelings that other traditional Koreans would never teach me about. He cared for me and protected me. When I needed something, he would help me get it. He loved me, and I loved him. I saw him often in the city, but we were only really together at Mun Hwa on Wednesday afternoons. After a couple of years, we started making sex there. Sometimes I would go inside him, and sometimes he would go inside me. We were together until I was 20, when he got transferred to another country. It was so difficult to lose him. We kept in contact by email for a few years, and we saw each other once again when he came to my marriage ceremony with my wife. He died shortly after that, and I miss him. That was ten years ago, just after Jason was born. After giving birth, my wife almost never had interest in sex, and my life has been burdened since. Until today when you helped me. I was so miserable earlier, and you helped me. You made me remember that joyful time in my life. Also, (he blushed) you look a lot like him, and.... your mouth felt like his mouth. You made me so very happy today. I think Atul is making Jason very happy too. I see it in my son's eyes, and it makes me happy."

He seemed to be at a stopping point in his story, so after I found my breath, I ventured a few careful omments and questions. "I know that Atul and Jason have grown to be very close, and I really do believe that they make each other very happy. I know that Atul is very protective of Jason, and would never hurt him. Is it OK with you if they are doing other things -- sex things?"

Jin Woo answered "Yes, I am ok with that. I also feel that Atul is an honorable and kind man. I know with my work I cannot be with Jason as much as he needs right now, so it pleases me that my son wants to spend time with a man like Atul, and also with a man like you. You care about people, and don't want to see people hurting. You are good role models for both Jason and Alex."

He could have knocked me over with a feather. He knows, and he approves.

Me: "Have you ever found another `Justice'?

Jin Woo: "No. My life is too busy, but in the area of love and sex, it is very empty like a desert. What you did for me today made flowers bloom in my heart once again. I miss that feeling."

Me: "Would you like to continue doing such things with me from time to time? say Wednesdays at 3:00 PM?"

That got Jin Woo's attention! He perked his head up, and his eyes had a twinkle in them. "What kind of things?"

Me: "Pretty much the same things you talked about with Justice. You could enter me, or I could enter you, or we could use our mouths. It would be your decision." I didn't want to scare him off by using the word "fuck". Almost immediately, I noticed a bulge rising in his pants.

Jin Woo: "Oh, that would be wonderful. From time to time, to fuck, or get fucked. I am so excited!"

Me: "We have about 45 minutes before the boys get home, would you like to fuck me now?"

Jin Woo's face was well flushed. He just nodded "yes". I told him we'd have to be quick about it today, but he should go into the guest room and take his clothes off while I went and got myself ready. He was up like a shot and off: kind of reminded me of how his son behaves. The apples never fall far, do they?

I got up, went to the bathroom, and gave myself a quick wash internally and externally, applying a good bit of lube to my anus. Wearing my bathrobe, I headed back to the guest room with the lube, but stopped and got the same beach towel and hand towel we'd used earlier from the laundry basket. Entering the guest room, Jin Woo was standing there, completely naked, and sporting an erection that was the very enlarged mirror image of Jason's angry, red nail. I threw the beach blanket onto the bed, took off my bathrobe, and stood in front of Jin Woo, naked for the first time. His eyes grew round, and he stepped forward to take a tentative hold of my penis, saying "you look like Justice here too."

Knowing we'd have to be quick about this, I stepped toward the bed and climbed on, laying on my back. I raised my legs high and apart, and Jin Woo hissed "yessss." He didn't waste time with any formalities, but grabbed the lube, applying it to his cock, lined up, and pushed forward. After having mastered Atul's cock, there was very little discomfort on the penetration, but his technique afterward did provide some pleasant surprises. He leaned forward with his hands on the mattress on either side of my chest, and anchored me there with my legs pinned back by his elbows at my knees. He started pounding me mercilessly fast. After he established his rhythm, he started getting verbal.

Jin Woo: "Atul FUCKS my son, yes?" (emphasis on the FUCK)

Me: "Yes"

Jin Woo: "Have you watched Atul FUCK my son?"

Me: "Yes"

Jin Woo: "Does Atul FUCK my son like I FUCK you now?"

Me: "Yes, and some other ways too."

Jin Woo: "Does my son like getting FUCKED?"

Me: "Oh God yes! He loves it?"

Jin Woo: "I want to watch Atul FUCK my son's ass." Here his tempo increased a bit. "I want to watch you FUCK my son too."

Me: "If you want. It can be arranged."

Jin Woo: " I want Atul to FUCK my ass too."

Me: I'm sure he would FUCK you.

Jin Woo: "Do you also FUCK Alex?"

Me: "Yes"

Jin Woo: "I want to FUCK Alex too."

Me: "I'll ask him. Do you want to FUCK your son?"

Jin Woo didn't answer. He just increased his tempo and his thrusts gained in intensity until seconds later his entire torso went red, planted his cock deep, and with a growl, began shooting in my ass. When he stopped, he raised himself up, smiled, and thanked me for giving myself to him. He told me it had been such a long time since he had sex, and he had missed it terribly. He pulled out, and his still hard, glistening cock was still dripping semen from his piss slit. I handed him the towel, while reaching for the wet-wipes. Giving ourselves a quick clean up, we both got dressed straightened things up, and were out in the living room in time to hear the school bus roll up. In no time, we heard the now six feet of the horde running up the walkway, and pounding on the door.

I opened the door, and the horde poured in, kicking off shoes, flinging their bookbags hither and yon, and babbling something about starving to death. When Jason and Alex saw Jin Woo standing there, they became still as statues, Eyes round as dishes, glancing at each other, at me, at Jin Woo, and at Jonas, who had no clue why his friends were acting so oddly. Jason broke the ice, asking "Apoji! (father) Why are you here -- in the middle of the day?" Jin Woo said "I wanted to say thanks to Mr. Rich, and spend some time talking to him." Jason then looked at me with some worry in his eyes, to which I just smiled, and told him that everything is OK. To the boys, I said "so you're starving, are you? Well, you should just run to the kitchen and get yourselves a snack then!" They took off, when I shouted after them "but clean your mess up before you come back!"

Jin Woo and I had a little laugh at that, and then he told me he had to get back to the store, glad to be feeling so young and refreshed. Then, he surprised me by giving me a hug, kissing my cheek (odd, because Margaret Cho, the comedienne, told the world that Koreans don't kiss), and then whispering in my ear "Will I see you on Wednesday at 2:00 PM? It'll be my turn to get fucked, and I can't wait" I whispered back to him "Yes. I can't wait my friend." He stepped back and then with his normal voice said: "please let me know whatever we can do to help Atul. Halmoni was so angry today, I thought she was ready to claw Rana's eyes out." We both laughed, shook hands, and he left. The boys came back in with their snacks, and I told Alex and Jason to run home and check in with Halmoni/Carla before coming back here to do your homework with Jonas. They looked at each other conspiratorially, and I added "and don't EVEN try to tell me you don't have homework!" Alex muttered the word "damn" under his breath, and I gave him a stern stare. They then gave up, and complied immediately.

Left alone with Jonas, I switched to German. "How was your afternoon at school?" Here, he became absolutely effusive. "I felt so good and peaceful after you and papa took care of me at the same time, the rest of the day was like heaven! The teacher had everybody introduce themselves to me, and I introduced myself to them. There are only twenty kids in my class, and they are all so interesting! Only three kids in my class grew up speaking English only, and they are now taking extra classes after school so they can catch up! Two black sisters there also speak perfect German too! They were refugees there for a while and went to school in Germany before they moved here. Miss Phelps is so kind too! She told me that if I have any problem to contact her on the school's lesson portal at any time." Jonas then developed an evil leer in his eyes, and said: "Mr. Wilson is also HOT too." I just looked at him and asked if he hadn't had enough Sonderhandlung for at least three days now? Also adding that it might not be a good idea to go looking for sex at school... that didn't work out so well for him the last time. He sheepishly nodded, and agreed to keep all Sonderhandlung here in this building.

Just then, Alex and Jason burst back in, but this time they both gave me big kisses on the lips before saying anything. Jonas looked a bit left out, so I bent down and gave him a smooch as well. I asked all three of them to sit down on the sofa so we could talk. Jason and Jonas sat to either side of me, but Alex claimed his rightful property, and plopped down on my lap. I could only grunt a bit, and grin. Getting serious, I told them what Rana had done today, and that all of us need to surround Atul with love and care right now, and support him strongly as he works through the next few weeks. They all nodded strongly in agreement. Alex reported that his mom told him to stay here and be with Atul this afternoon. Jason echoed that, saying that I need to stand with Atul, and that she was really pissed at Rana. "Oh," he said, "she is cooking bulgogi with rice right now, and bringing it kimchi over here in a little while for all of us." Bless that sly old fox's heart!

I also shared with them that Atul's and Rana's parents would likely be visiting very soon, and they were all angry and already saying hurtful things, so it would be a difficult time for Atul (and probably the whole building too.) Jason just gritted his teeth together, and firmly vowed that they would have to get through him before they hurt Atul. Alex and Jonas immediately seconded the motion. Finally, I shared that it was very important that we act like a team, and make sure Rana was never around Atul alone. There was a chance she might get violent, and we always had to have witnesses around. I warned them to watch what they say and do in the hallway, because I was going to install some hidden video cameras around to keep track of Rana. I also told them to watch what they say around Halmoni too, because she can secretly speak and understand English. Jason just responded with "I knew it! She can be soooo sneaky!"

The secret meeting of the "wrap Atul in love" club was then adjourned, and the boys were herded to the dining room table to start homework. They cooperated so well! Alex and Jason watched over Jonas to make sure he got everything, and shared their school supplies until Jonas had his own. I'm sure his father would be bringing everything on that list home tonight. While they were working, I put all the laundry up and did a little cleaning around the house, and answered the odd question from the table about various topics arising in their studies. I was really impressed by the variety of information Miss Phelps had been giving them! Just as they were finishing up with their homework right at 5:00 PM, there was a tap at the door. It was Halmoni, with a basket of goodies! She walked in babbling in Korean, and set about putting the dishes out, all the time giving me instructions in Korean. Jason just looked at her, and rolling his eyes said "Halmoni, I know you can speak English, give Mr. Rich a chance!" Without missing a beat and not even looking at Jason, Halmoni said sotto voce: "You don't tell your mommy and daddy. You keep my secrets, and I keep your secrets." Alex said "WOOOAAAAHHH! Burn Jason! Jason could only respond by having his chin drop to the table in surprise. Halmoni turned to me with a wry grin and said "Mas issge desoyo". I knew that one -- Bon Appetit, and she left, telling Jason -- in English -- to be home before 8:00 PM.

Atul got home about 5:15 PM, and everyone gave him a huge hug. Juergen showed up with a number of shopping bags (yep, from Target -- school supplies) just a few seconds into the group hug, and gave him a hug as well. Juergen, as the quintessentially practical German, asked Atul if he had everything he needed from his apartment above. Atul responded that he did need a few more things, and would go up to get them shortly. Everyone in the room shouted "NO!" in unison. I took over, and told him that his attorney has made it very clear that he is never to be in Rana's presence without witnesses, and that WE would go up there with him (Juergen nodded: he is part of "we" now.) First, I said, let me show you what we recovered from the yard and bushes. When he saw that I'd made him his own spaces for his things, he just broke down in tears and grabbed me. Very shortly, the four others had surrounded him, adding their own hugs to my own.

After emotions had all been collected, Atul took inventory, and asked us to go upstairs with him. Juergen grabbed the clothes basket and told the boys to stay inside with the door closed. I turned my phone on to video mode, stuck it in my shirt pocket facing outward, and we all went up. Atul knocked and waited a few seconds before opening the door. Before it could get halfway open, a badly aimed book flew across the room and hit the wall next to the door. Atul just strode in, with us behind. She was livid, and ran screaming at him, hitting him in the chest. I got in between them, and yelled "POLICE?" and "ARREST?" I guess she got the message, as she stomped her foot like a petulant, spoiled child, and then sat down in the corner, steaming, with her arms crossed, and a never ending stream of invective, with the word "vaikalyam" frequently coming out of her mouth. Atul went about the place, collecting the things he wanted -- and that hadn't been irreparably damaged. Those things that had been destroyed, I bent over to make sure they showed on the video. Atul remained remarkably patient throughout the ordeal: I was so proud of him, and he was SO going to get whatever he wanted tonight.

We left the apartment, with the Rana still screaming like a banshee, and Atul gave a brief summary of what she was screaming: she was angry that her parents called and that they were coming over to repair the marriage. I have a feeling he had toned down the translation for our benefit. It didn't matter: Neal no doubt had already found an official translator who would be busy with the many videos that would be made. Rana was thus already an active participant in the sealing of her own fate. We looked down the stairs and saw three little pairs of eyes peeking up from behind the rail. When they saw us, they quickly scrambled back into the apartment, and not-so-quietly, "quietly" shut the door. I had to just giggle.

On re-entry, our little cherubs were sitting around the dining table, just as innocently as could be. I couldn't be angry with them: they were worried about Atul. Juergen put the basket down, and Atul just sighed heavily. I hugged him tightly and whispered that I love him over and over: that seemed to help his mood. To change the subject, I took down six plates and announced "dinner time!" Halmoni made bulgogi for everybody! I dished up bulgogi, rice, and kimchi for everyone, and we all dug in. The boys seemed to be making a concerted effort to keep emotions up with their constant hijinks and banter, and they were successful in their effort: Atul's dimple was once again prominent. That dimple would in the future become my touchstone reference point on my mate's emotional state: dimple not there, fight the despair. After dinner, Juergen said they had some things to do at home, and took Jonas up. I told the boys to go wash up in the bathroom, and off they ran into my -- strike that -- OUR bathroom. Atul and I paired up to scrape the dishes, put them in the dishwasher, and put away the food. We didn't talk, but were in perfect unison as we went about these mundane tasks; it was so comforting to be so in tune with him in the moment. We kissed.

Before the kiss could even begin warming up, a plaintive cry came from our bedroom: "Daddies, can you help us?" We pulled apart, and shook our heads. Our boys were up to something. Rounding the corner, we beheld that both of them were a) completely naked, and b) completely hard. Each of them strode up to his partner, locked eye contact, and began disrobing. By the time they were finished, Atul and I were also rock hard. Alex then crawled up my body wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. A quick glance to the side showed Jason had done the same to Atul. Whatever was going on, it had been carefully choreographed. Alex shoved his tongue into my mouth, searching for my tongue: I couldn't let my boy go without, so I gave him back mine. It was another perfect moment. Then, I felt Alex climb up higher, and perch his little boyhole on the tip of my cock. He then immediately began sliding down it, gobbling up inch after inch on his way down to my root. Atul's moan to my left proved that Jason was doing the very same thing to Atul.

Then, when all the adult cock had been completely engulfed, both of them leaned back, looked us in the eyes, and said in unison: "breed me daddy". I turned toward the bed, just then noticing the towels that had been laid out in advance. Atul also turned, and we each laid our respective boy on his back on the edge of the bed. The boys released their legs and arms that were locked around us, pulled their legs up obscenely wide and again, in unison, said "FUCK ME!" Thus were we off on our missions, side by side.

It was incredible: I was gripped by Alex's tight little sheath, which I felt him squeeze several times to increase the fiction. He never broke eye contact, and I was reading the minutiae from his facial expressions to indicate what felt good to him and what didn't. Before long, his mouth formed a big "O", and I knew that I was in the right neighborhood inside him. I was pulling back and violently scraping his prostate with every thrust, and bottoming out with my balls pasted to his anus. Jason next door was muttering something like "Tear me up baby! Destroy my tiny Asian ass! Give me your baby!" over and over again. Alex took up that call as well: "Make me pregnant with your baby Rich! Breed me deep baby!"

I looked down at Alex's straining boycock, and saw the glistening little pool of pre-cum under its head. Scooping it up with a finger, I applied it directly to my cock pounding him. I looked him in the eyes and announced that I was fucking him using his own pre-cum. That put him up onto a whole new level of intensity. Wrapping my hand around his young shaft, I started beating his little meat until he finally clamped down on me. I told him to look down, holding his cock with my thumb and forefinger, and he watched his bloated little cockhead spew one, two, three, then a fourth stream of watery cum up onto his stomach. I was right behind him with my spewing right inside him. When complete, I pulled out of him, and began lapping up his sweet emission from his belly, and from his cockhead.

This sight sent both Atul and Jason over the edge too. Atul had been pummeling Jason's prostate, while Alex was shooting, and he planted deep as Jason screamed in his orgasm. In short order, four very worn out males were panting and plying their lovers with little kisses. Jason looked up into Atul's eyes, and asked him if he felt better now. Atul couldn't speak, but just kissed his boy, humming the sounds MMMM HMMM into his mouth. I recovered first, looked at the clock, and announced that it was almost time for the boys to get home. We disengaged, got the boys appropriately cleaned up, dressed, and after another bout of kisses, out the door. I kept my head outside to make sure each of them arrived safely before bolting OUR door behind us, and joining Atul in OUR bed. It had been a very long, and very interesting day. I would not survive many more like it! However, I was now in bed, cuddled up as the big spoon with my mate. Life is great right now, and it certainly not boring: I'll tell him all the other news tomorrow morning.

Next: Chapter 18

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