Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 21, 2020


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I've gotten some really HOT emails from readers, and I have to tell you, it fills my head with all kinds of new ideas for this story! I've been focusing on the "fantasy" edge of erotic gay fiction, so if you are expecting a documentary, then I'm sorry. Please keep your comments coming! And SS, carbonated water may help clean any stains (LOL). This kind of detailed feedback from readers really gets my imagination in gear!

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 17 by Rilobo1

6:30 AM, and NPR News rudely intrude once again on a beautiful dream. I may have to turn that damned alarm off. After getting the world to come into focus once again, I find myself exactly where I was yesterday morning: spooned up tightly against Atul's back, with my nose in his hair, enraptured by the smell of him. I thought of the movie "Groundhog Day", but in contrast to the main character in that film, I could never be disappointed should this become the standard start of all the rest of my days. We had been so exhausted when we went to bed last night that I doubted either one of us remembers getting into this position before falling asleep. Today was nonetheless a bit different; Atul had my right hand cradled tenderly in both his hands. There was no way in Hell or Heaven I was going to be the first one to remove it so that I could attend to other things "down there". Instead, I just moved my head so that I could start giving gentle little kisses along his hairline one after the other from his spine, up to his right ear, and then back down again. After my second round trip, he squeezed my hand to his chest, made a "mmmmmm" sound, and said -- very clearly -- "Good Morning, Rana."

WTF?!?! Of course I jerked my head back and was about to launch into some choice invective when he just very quickly twisted around in bed to face me -- fully awake, in full grin, giggling, eyes twinkling, with dimples (plural) ablaze. My theory is yet proven again: my man has a sick, twisted sense of humor. It may take me a while to get used to this, but I like it very much. He then scooted toward me so that every possible square inch of skin on the fronts of our bodies were in tight contact. My arms were still around him, and he moved to wrap his arms around mine, and we embraced tightly. Then, with the tip of his nose touching mine and our eyes connected, he began giving little kisses on my lips: cue another perfect moment. He's a few inches taller than me, so not all parts of our bodies were touching each other directly. I felt his cock beginning to demand access to the land between my thighs a few inches below my scrotum, so I lifted my right leg a bit to allow access. In no time, almost nine inches of steel were curled up and nestling below my scrotum, up my perineum, and beginning to moisten my hole. For my part, I wiggled my abdomen a bit to allow my own cock to tightly rest in the vertical valley of his six-pack. Closing my legs to give him a nice, tight, warm nest, he began slow strokes of frottage in addition to the little kisses. Then, his right foot forced its way between my calves, then with his ankle, he hooked and pulled my left leg between his calves effectively weaving our feet together. He then started bending his left leg over and over at the knee, providing friction up and down our legs with the black hair on his lower legs. The frottage continued.

I decided that I would add a little somethin-somethin to this increasingly hot wake-up call. Needing silence for my plan, I turned my head to the right, and said: "Alexa, turn off the alarm." In the then silent room, I moved my head to where it was just at his left ear. I could hear and feel his warm breath under my head and down my neck, and it made me shiver. My plan? kill two birds with one stone, and sensually whisper the hot news and steamy details of yesterday's development directly into his ear. Of course, his lips were now near my left ear, so this would be a very intimate conversation. It went something like this:

Me: "Neal thinks you are a sexy god. He's jealous of me."

Atul: "Neal is straight."

Me: "Yes, but he also isn't blind. He mentioned seeing your big COCK inside your pants. He told me he got a little hard when you looked at him."

Atul: "Mmmm. That's nice, but I like you better, my love."

Time to ramp things up a bit: "Jürgen and Jonas came by in the morning too. Jonas needed even more Sonderhandlung after Jürgen fucked him in the morning."

Atul: "Did you help him? Did you FUCK him?" On the word "FUCK", Atul jabbed his dick between my legs.

Me: "Yes, I spread his little legs wide apart over his naked little body, and FUCKED his little boypussy. He wanted more, I tried to pick him up with my COCK, but that didn't stretch him out enough, so he asked Jürgen to get naked put his fingers in his little pussy alongside my COCK. He wanted us to stretch his little pussy wide."

Atul: "Did he help you FUCK his boy with his fingers? How many fingers?"

Me: "Three fingers, and Jürgen's COCK got so hard."

Atul: "Mmmmm. Did the little boypussy open wide for a harder FUCK ? Did Jürgen FUCK his boy's little pussy?"

Me: "We both FUCKED that pink little boypussy. We FUCKED it at the same time, with both our COCKS deep inside the tight little pussy."

Atul groaned loudly and intensified the frottage up another notch, and his jabs began dialing in on my increasingly moist fuckhole. "Did you breed the little pussy? Did both your "COCKS" breed the little pussy at the same time?"

Me:"Yes baby. It was so hot and wet, and he was so calm and sweet after we FUCKED and bred his pink little boypussy -- like a little kitten." When I said "FUCKED", I ground my hole over the tip of Atul's cock.

Atul: "I want to FUCK that little boypussy with his father's COCK right next to my COCK "

Me: "Jürgen needs you to FUCK him aggressively like you FUCKED me on Sunday night. He needs your COCK so badly. If you FUCK him hard like you FUCK me, he will no longer be entirely straight. I know it."

Atul: "Maybe you should tell him to come for lunch today, and we can both FUCK him gay."

Me: "I'll do that. Jason's father Jin Woo also came by. He had muscle spasms in his back and legs, and I gave him a massage. He was completely naked, and my hands were all over him. His body and COCK look just like a beautiful adult Jason. His COCK got so hard.

Atul: "Did he FUCK you with his hard cock?"

Me: "No, but he told me when he was a boy, he knew an older American man who he used to FUCK or get FUCKED by every Wednesday for several years." Jin Woo's wife won't let him FUCK her anymore. He asked me to suck his dick. He really needed to come, so I did it. He came a lot."

Atul: "And then what happened? Tell me!"

Me: "He went home to take a nap, and then came back later to talk. He wanted to FUCK me. So we got naked, and I got on the bed spread my legs wide. He stuck his hot, wet COCK into me, and FUCKED me so hard!"

Atul: "Did he FUCK his cum into your hole?"

Me: "He did later, but first he told me he wanted to watch you FUCK his son, and watch me FUCK his son, and he wants you to FUCK him, and he wants to FUCK Alex too. He's coming here tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 PM to get FUCKED by me."

Atul was a panting, tense mess by this point. It wouldn't take much for him to ruin another set of sheets. My entire crack was now FULL of Atul's pre-cum.

Atul: "Did he say he wanted to FUCK Jason?"

Me: "I asked him if he wants to FUCK Jason. He didn't answer, but that is exactly the moment when he screamed, and his COCK exploded in my ass."

In an explosion of powerful motion, Atul got on his knees, twisted my body around so I was on my back, threw my legs wide apart, and with one hand, pressed his engorged cockhead tightly against my hole, forming a tight pressure seal. With a scream, he began injecting blasts of hot cum through my aperture and into my rectum. On the second or third blast, the pressure and the natural lubrication of his cum caused my hole to relax just enough to allow his entire cockhead to penetrate my ass ring, where he stopped his forward penetration and pulled back, with his corona just inside me, acting like a "docking ring" on a spacecraft. He grabbed my feet with both hands, and spread them far apart, so that we both had an unobstructed view of his huge, bronze shaft throbbing with each pulse of his powerful orgasm. I grabbed my own cock, and began my own orgasm onto my belly, as I felt Atul's remaining blasts blow against my prostate. When he was finished, he left everything in place until he could catch his breath. He then apologized for that unorthodox maneuver, stating that was the only thing he could think of to save the expensive 600 count Egyptian cotton sheets. Finally, he relaxed the hold on my feet (but still kept my hole plugged with his cockhead for the moment.)

Atul's cockhead seemed to have reduced down to its normal (merely huge) size, so I clamped down to maintain the tight seal a while longer.. He then looked down at me and smiled, dimple on high-beam. "Baby, thank you. That was the hottest fiction story I've ever heard. I don't think I've ever cum so hard! Where do you get such an amazing imagination?"

I just looked up at him, and with a serious face told him: "It's not fiction. It's all true. Every word." His cockhead swelled up once more, and he began blasting inside me again.

A few minutes later, and with a rectum full of Indian semen, it was time to disengage so we could get ready for the day, and send the boys off to school. I needed to get "unplugged" before his erection could begin to deflate, so I told him to pull back on the count of three. On "three", I pinched my sphincter together as hard as I could as he pulled out. The coordination worked! Not a drop spilled on the sheets, but I didn't have very much time to get to the toilet. I swiveled around, and made it there just in time: two loads of Atul's cum came pouring out with a loud "splash" in the bowl. Atul's beautiful naked, bronze body walked in, with his wet semi hard cock leading the way. His foreskin was still retracted, as I marveled at "my glistening Precious," He asked if I was OK, and I assured him I was FAR better than OK. He then set about getting OUR shower warmed up, and then asked if I was really being honest about Jürgen and Jin Woo, and I confirmed once again that I was. As we were climbing into the shower, he said very simply that he wanted to fuck them too, and would be home for lunch today, and at 3:00 PM on Wednesday.

We washed and dried each other tenderly, and I became aware that any moment any part of my body was in contact with any part of his body, there was a gentle tingling -- a vibration that I felt in my head. It was so very pleasant. The part of my mind that was almost always detached and observing everything around me noticed that my subconscious mind was making my body make frequent and unnecessary contact with him, and I knew that I was soon going to become irreversibly addicted to him. Funny thing though, he seemed to be making the same unnecessary contact with me. We got dressed, made a plate of toast and a pot of tea. Since it was a beautiful morning, we decided to have put everything on a tray with sugar and milk, and have breakfast out on the veranda. While sitting there, the "new and approved" horde came crashing down the stairs and onto the landing. Jürgen followed them at a more leisurely pace, wanting to see his son safely off to his new school. All three boys piled onto the veranda, and gave Atul and I both hugs and kisses. Jürgen walked up to give us handshakes -- which I noticed were soft and tender this time, rather than firm and painful. I asked him if he'd like to go grab a clean mug off the kitchen counter, and join us, which he did.

While sitting at the table, the boys decided to sit on the lap of their "Hauptstecher" (German for "main fucker") while they waited for the bus -- which did seem to be a bit late in arriving this morning. All three snuggled into their lap partner's chest, and emitted sighs of satisfaction. Just then, Jin Woo came practically lilting out of his apartment, and walked over to us. I (and from the look on his face, Atul too) noticed how different he looked! What had been a grumpy, sour old Korean man had transformed overnight into a vibrant, happy, young Korean HUNK! He was wearing a tighter shirt than usual, and instead of the usual white, it was a dark blue. It showed off his masculine torso well. His pants were different too: not so baggy. If fact, one could easily make out a bulge going on. We exchanged greetings, and I offered tea to Jin Woo, but he declined, saying he had to get the store open soon. Jin Woo then smiled at us, and made a MOST unusual (for him) comment: "this scene makes my heart so happy. I know my son is safe and loved and happy here. I feel happier right now than I have felt in many years." Jason then got up, walked over to his dad, hugged him tight around his waist with his head just below chest level, and said "I love you daddy." Not to be outdone, Alex jumped up and joined the hug saying, "I love you too, Mr Cho." To all of our surprise, Jonas jumped up and also joined the hug, adding "I guess that means I'm going to love you too, sir." I was barely able to avoid crying at that moment, but Atul lost that fight: in seconds, he was using a napkin to wipe the tears from his eyes: an event everyone else noted. The boys detached from Jin Woo, and reattached themselves to Atul, Jason giving him a quick kiss on the cheek with a "don't cry Atul!" Jin Woo and Jürgen had huge grins pasted on their faces. At just that perfect moment in time, the bus pulled up. The boys grabbed their backpacks, and were off. Jin Woo left a few seconds later, after bidding us farewell. He took a few steps before turning back to me and asked if I was still free tomorrow for that 2:00 PM appointment. I replied that it might be better if it could be at 1:30 PM, and also asked if it would be alright if I brought along a friend, my head nicking toward Atul. Jin Woo grinned broadly, and agreed. Jin Woo then left, and Atul, Jürgen, and I turned back to our teas.

After we each had a sip, Atul turned to Jürgen and told him: "Rich told me about all the adventures he had yesterday." It was unlike Atul to be so forward, but I was intrigued to see what would happen. I perched a little forward to listen closely. Atul leaned more toward Jürgen, and continued, but with a much lower volume: "the story made my cock so hard. I remember the time I fucked you for just a few minutes, but didn't finish. I remember how tight you felt around my cock when you tensed up. It seemed like you really started to enjoy it, but I didn't have time inside you to really give your prostate all of my efforts. I've been thinking about that ever since, and would really be happy if you would give me the chance to get between your beautiful legs, drive my cock inside you, and fuck you really hard for a really long time until I can fill you up with my cum inside you."

Damn. My boy can wax eloquent. I was hard again.

He wasn't finished. "I'd also like you to sometime fuck me bareback with your big, heterosexual, German daddy cock. I watched how hard you fucked the boys on the merry-go-round. Jason told me how good it felt when you were fucking him and when you came in him, and I want to experience the feeling of your cock and your cum for myself."

Jürgen, by this time, was completely overheating. His face and ears went bright red, and I swear I could see little puffs of steam rise up from his shirt collar.

"Can you come back here today at about 12:30 PM today for a couple of hours?"

Poor Jürgen couldn't find words: I don't blame him. After THAT soliloquy, Maya Angelou herself would have had a difficult time finding words. Instead, Jürgen just nodded his head "yes."

"Good", Atul said, "I need to get off to work so I can take care of some things before lunch. I'll see you then." He looked around, then leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the lips, whispering "bye baby. See you in a couple of hours." and then he left. I gave Jürgen a few moments to regroup, and added: "It'd be good if you arrived about 15 minutes earlier, in order to prepare your plumbing. More tea?"

Jürgen stayed seated for a few more minutes, I'm guessing to allow him time for a monstrous erection to subside. He left though, but ran upstairs first before heading off to work. Again, guessing with some fresh underwear on.

While outside, I grabbed my phone to send the video of Rana's meltdown last night to Neal before bringing the cups and plates back inside. I had just gotten them into the dishwasher, and everything cleaned up when I got a text back:

Neal: Good God, what a piece of work! Me: I see what U mean about violent tendencies. Neal: U gonna be home this afternoon? Me: Yeah. Busy until about 2 or so, why? Neal: I'm gonna have a security consultant friend drop by for a look/see Me: U think that's necessary? Neal: Yes. Definitely. 2:30 good? Me: Sure. Neal: He'll look like a repairman, so nobody will notice. Gotta run! Love ya! Me: Love ya back!

I had a few hours until Jürgen's full deflowering, so I went about getting the playspace prepared in the guest room. I got the last fresh bottle of poppers out of the freezer just in case. With everything prepared, I hopped into my office to take care of some overnight customer emails. There were a couple of "emergencies" in there that required the users to merely reboot their machines to clear the memory. Note to you all: never panic about computer problems until after you have checked the power connection and rebooted. Most customer service calls never get beyond a reboot. One customer needed to add a custom field to their database -- and included full specs! Easy peasy. It took less than an hour to create it, write a script to load it, and send the packet with instructions (including how important it is to back the database before beginning) to the client. I was thus free until Jürgen returned in less than an hour. Free time! That meant the guilty pleasure of watching some YouTube videos.

A few minutes before 12:00, I went back to the bathroom to clean myself out -- just in case. I put on my bathrobe, and pulled out another bathrobe for Jürgen to use, when right on time, there was a knock at the door. It was (of course) Jürgen. I took him back to my... err... OUR bathroom, showed him how to use the enema wand (he'll be buying one of those soon for sure,) gave him a bottle of lube to "prep", and pointed out the towel before leaving him to it. He was out and standing in the living room in about ten minutes: I hadn't noticed it before, but with him in a bathrobe, they were obvious; he really does have sexy feet: long, slim, high arches, and well-formed toes. As he stood there, I could sense a bit of worry and stress in him. After all, he was a very straight, card-carrying, pussy loving straight boy who until only very recently had ever dabbled in sexual activity with men -- and even then, it had only been for entirely utilitarian purposes: the protection and safety of own son, who he had created using natural, heterosexual processes. This today was different: he was here to VOLUNTARILY LAY BACK, SPREAD HIS LEGS WIDE and OFFER UP his own ASS to become a WET, GAPING, PUSSY for two other men to AGGRESSIVELY FUCK and use as a CUM DUMP, for the purpose of the entirely MUTUAL, HOMOSEXUAL gratification. Yeah. On reflection and under those terms, I'd be a bit freaked out too.

At just that moment, Atul came in and locked the door. He turned to me, and gave me a very sensual, three second kiss. Then turning to Jürgen, gave him the same kiss, which Jürgen only seemed to stiffly respond to in the last second. Atul announced he needed a couple of minutes to get ready, and would be out soon. He went into our bedroom (see! I'm getting better at this!) and he closed the door. I asked Jürgen to sit down with me on the couch to see if I could assuage his fears. We sat there, and I told him: "You know, Jürgen, you are going to survive this. And even more, I can promise you that you will very much enjoy the experience once it gets going. Furthermore, you are going to have a crystal clear understanding of what is going on in your son's mind and body. I know you love him so very much that you brought him to the other side of the ocean so that he could have a good and HEALTHY childhood. Once we -- all of us around him -- have dialed in on his needs, we will be able to direct his energies into a healthy sexual and personal life." Jürgen nodded in silent agreement. This logical argument hit home with him, and he visibly relaxed a bit, lowering his shoulders and stretching his neck from side to side. We talked about Jonas for a bit, just to allow his ego to focus on the fact that he was ultimately doing this because he loved his son, and not because he was trying to "convert" to homosexuality. I heard Atul opening the bathroom door. "Now," I asked, "do you have any question before we begin? His only question was if there were still poppers available. I just smiled and told him that I opened a brand new bottle just for him. He grinned and sighed in relief at that.

Atul came out wearing a bathrobe... it was open, and his cock was at full mast, pointing upward at about a 30 degree angle. He had already pulled his foreskin back, and had obviously applied a massive coating of lube. Waving like a slick, brown sword in front of him as he walked toward us, he asked "Gentlemen, are you ready?" before walking into the guest room. I could clearly see Jürgen's eyes dilate, and a vein in his temple began to throb: clearly, he was becoming aroused at the sight. He stood up, and walked into the guest room; I followed.

Atul was standing there, totally naked in his bronze erect "David" pose. He strode over to Jürgen, established eye contact with him, opened and slid Jürgen's bathrobe down his shoulders to join Atul's own bathrobe on the floor. Jürgen was well on the way to a full erection, and as Atul slid his hands down Jürgen's sides to his hips, Jürgen was fully hard, cock throbbing in time with his rapid heartbeat. I was overcome by the sight before me: they were beautiful; one dark, one light. I dropped my bathrobe as well, and stood there equally erect, as Atul bent forward, and kissed Jürgen lightly on the lips. He pulled back, and then went back in for another kiss, and then another, and then another when Jürgen tentatively kissed Atul back. Each time Atul went in for another kiss, Jürgen became more receptive and active. Soon, Jürgen reached up and grabbed Atul's face with both hands, preventing Atul from moving his head. Jürgen simply stated "I can't believe I'm saying this to another man, but you are fucking beautiful." He tilted his head slightly to the left, and engaged Atul in a full, passionate kiss, that soon developed into an open mouthed kiss -- complete with tongue. Jürgen moved his hands down to Atul's hips, and pulled him in tighter. Atul reached his left hand out to me, taking my hand, and pulling me into the kiss as well. Jürgen caught on quickly, and soon we were having a passionate make-out session à trois, with hands liberally travelling all over each other, with our cocks having their own independent swordfight session with each other.

Atul pulled back, and noting that we had only limited time, suggested we move this to the bed. Atul once again took control, and laid Jürgen down in the center of the bed. Atul got between his legs, and began lifting his feet in the air. I got on the bed at Jürgen's head, and Atul passed me Jürgen's feet to hold and spread, as Atul lowered his mouth down to Jürgen's hole. Opening his mouth wide, Atul latched onto the very pink orifice and applied a suction. I knew exactly what he was doing, and carefully watched Jürgen's face for the reaction I knew would soon be coming. At the moment, Jürgen's face depicted a kind of peaceful serenity. We'll see how long that lasts. Atul started bobbling his head over Juergen's hole, and I could tell from the change in Jürgen's face that Atul's tongue was acting as a pry bar/battering ram, demanding entrance. It only took moments until Jürgen stopped breathing. his eyes opened wide and his lips formed a huge "O": Atul's long, talented tongue was snaking its way to Jürgen's prostate.

When the tip of his tongue began flickering and probing the spot, Jürgen began gasping for air, and spread his legs impossibly far apart, with his toes pointing outward. He reached down with his own hands to open himself up more so that Atul could get even deeper. After a few more minutes, Atul rose up, and suggested that I put my cock in this gaping hole to open Jürgen up for his own cockhead. Atul and I traded places, as he gently moved his lower jaw from side to side to stretch those now tired muscles. Taking up my position between Jürgen's smooth, alabaster legs, I looked down to see a chasm lined with glistening, pink hotness. I lubed myself up, as well as Jürgen's hole, lined myself up, and as Jürgen had instructed before, plunged all the way in, and began vigorous strokes in and out.

Jürgen had been non-verbal up to that point, but soon began whispering "fick mich, fick mich, O Gott, fick mich." (I hope you don't need a dictionary to figure that one out.) My balls were slapping loudly into his crease, his long feet were waving in the air, and his red, moist cockhead was striving to free itself from his foreskin, Up to now, I had purposely not given a lot of attention to Jürgen's prostate. Atul pulled himself over to the side of Jürgen's head, turned his head toward Atul's cock, and touched Jürgen's lips with the tip of his cock. He didn't force himself into Jürgen's mouth, but patiently waited for Jürgen to get the idea. Soon, Jürgen's tongue dared to leave his mouth, and made brief contact with Atul's piss slit. A couple of seconds later, it came out again, and made a swipe at the glans. After a few more passes, Jürgen's lips made contact, and began caressing Atul's glans with growing pressure. I looked into Atul's eyes, and could see that he was plotting something. He reached into the bedside table, and took

On cue from Atul, I withdrew from Jürgen's ass, and looked down at my handiwork: It was gaped fully open, and had crossed the line between asshole to pussy. I told Jürgen that he had a truly beautiful manpussy, and it was now time for the main event. I told him in German that if he was not comfortable with anything, all he had to say was "STOP", and we would immediately stop. He agreed. Atul stood astride Jürgen on the bed, grabbed his hands, and strapped them together and to the center of the headframe. Then, we each took a foot, strapping them as far apart as we could to the headframe.

The whole time, Jürgen had a grin on his face. Germans have been stereotyped as sexually kinky, and there is a reason behind that stereotype: they ARE kinky. Atul placed a bunched up pillow under Jürgen's ass, and I placed one under his head so that he could look down onto the scene. Atul got back down on his knees between Jürgen's splayed legs and began liberally coating his cockhead with lube. I wiped my hands on a towel, took the bottle of poppers, and cracked it open. Atul placed the tip his engorged cockhead in contact with the outer rim of the pussy: It was SHOWTIME!

I held the open bottle under one of Jürgen's nostrils, holding the other shut for him to take another good huff, and reversing things for the other nostril. I suggested Jürgen take two more hits, and he did. The fresh poppers hit Jürgen powerfully, and he then yelled: FUCK ME ATUL! Atul obliged, forcing the pussy lips wide open on the downward plunge to Jürgen's depths. Jürgen protested, but being strapped into position, was unable to do anything about it. Atul pulled all the way out, and immediately re-penetrated the pussy. Soon, Atul had his angle set, and was pummeling all the way in and out in rapid motion. I dripped a bit more lube on Atul's cock, and gave Jürgen another couple of hits from the bottle, as Atul kept sawing in and out, pumping increasingly faster as he went. Jürgen's face indicated only pleasure, and no pain, proving Atul had opened him up completely.

Atul then stopped the fuck, surprising Jürgen, who looked up with questioning eyes. Atul shifted the pillow under Jürgen's ass around, flattening it so that his ass was lower to the bed, bringing Atul's cock angle up to the point where his hammer could begin working over Jürgen's prostate. Atul re-entered the pussy, and began throwing a vicious, withering, frontal assault directly on Jürgen's prostate. Jürgen was soon wailing and moaning and uttering jibberish. In less than sixty seconds, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his head fell back, and he blacked out, and I felt some concern. Atul stopped the assault, and went back to deep strokes. While Jürgen started to come back to the world, I asked Atul if that is what it looked like when I passed out the last time, and he told me that it was exactly like that. My concern evaporated, as I knew the bliss that Jürgen would soon be feeling. When he snapped back to consciousness, he began muttering how wonderful that felt. I looked down, and saw that Jürgen's cock was still hard as a granite rod. I closed the poppers bottle, and put it down: he wouldn't need them anymore. Atul stopped the deep strokes, and resumed the frontal assault once more. Again, loud moaning and jibberish, followed shortly by unconsciousness and a resumption of long strokes until consciousness came. This time, Jürgen lolled his head, looked up at Atul, and said "God your cock feels wonderful. Do that again! Fuck that spot again!"

Atul had other ideas. He began lifting upwards against Jürgen's sphincter, stretching it out until Jürgen moaned. Then, he pulled his cock out until the widest part of it was lodged inside Jürgen's sphincter, rolling it up, left, right and down to stretch it out even further. Then, he stuck it fully back inside to the root, and began lifting his body straight up, actually trying to lift Jürgen off the bed by his anal ring. I looked down, and saw that the ring was now actually wider that Atul's shaft, and knew that it was Atul's intent to double penetrate this straight man. Jürgen was moaning in pleasure, so I put my lips down to his ear and whispered "do you think that's what your son was feeling yesterday?" Once that idea got planted into his brain, the lights came on; Jürgen looked at me and asked me to put a finger in his pussy alongside Atul's cock: Jürgen was going to play along! I gave him one more hit of poppers, and obliged once the hit took effect. My finger was below Atul's cock, and as he lifted up, I hooked the lower sphincter, and pulled down until Jürgen began moaning: a visual inspection showed that it had indeed stretched some more. I gave Jürgen another hit, and introduced a second finger. He began moaning much sooner that he had with one finger. Again, Atul and I pulled in opposite directions, I changed a bit, and soon both my index fingers were inside him, allowing me to pull down and to the sides, stretching more of the muscle. Jürgen reported that if felt incredible. Then, I put two fingers from each hand inside, and we stretched again. I looked on at the sight in utter awe: without my fingers, there was a wide open crescent between Atul's shaft and the bottom rim of Jürgen's pussy ring.

I bent down to Jürgen's ear and told him that he was now stretched enough to get double fucked like his son was. He pondered this for a moment, and then said: "do it. I want both of you to breed me at the same time." I took over then, If we were able to do this safely, some experience would be needed. We unfastened Jürgen from the head frame, and I had Atul lay down on his back, with Jürgen straddled over his hips, facing forward. Atul's hips were narrow enough to allow plenty of space for Jürgen's knees to sit on the mattress comfortably over Atul. I then placed Atul's cock back into Jürgen's ass, which engulfed the shaft. I knew there was no way we could safely simultaneously penetrate Jürgen given the girth of Atul's glans; we'd have to do it separately. I straddled Atul's thighs and inserted my index fingers along Atul's shaft once again to re-establish the stretching. When satisfied, I lubed myself up again, pulled Jürgen back up against my chest, placed the popper bottle with one hand up at Jürgen's nose, and placed stiff cock at Jürgen's hole with the other, and told Jürgen to take as many hits off the bottle as he needed. He took a long hit, and I pressed forward with only limited progress. He took another hit, and I felt some motion. After a third hit, I could feel the ring really begin to relax. Following the fourth hit, my cockhead popped through. And as Jürgen let out a deep wail, I slid in balls deep. All three of us stayed motionless as statues as Jürgen adapted to the sensation of two cocks inside him. I looked down at Atul, who had his eyes closed, and a smile pasted onto his face. I knew what he was feeling: we were both entombed in the tightest, wettest, hottest space we'd ever felt.

Juergen adjusted to it too, and slowly leaned forward, moving Atul's arms so that both his hands could rest on the mattress under Atul's armpits. Jürgen moaned loudly, telling us that the pressure inside him was like being in heaven. He said he knew why Jonas wanted this so badly. He then tentatively rocked forward a couple of inches, and then rocked back onto us. The motion felt so good. A couple more, longer rocking motions forward and back seemed to work for Jürgen, and he asked for the poppers once more. Taking a very long hit, he put the top back on, and began diligently rocking with some speed, both our cocks embedded inside him. The pressure on my cock was exquisite, and from the angle, I guessed that Atul's hard cockhead was rubbing directly against Jürgen's prostate. Jürgen sped up the rocking, and I knew I wouldn't last long. Atul began moaning: I knew that sound. He was close. My cock could feel the pressure increase inside, and it was clear that Atul's head was swelling up, adding even more pressure on Jürgen's prostate. Jürgen couldn't take any more: he raised up his head and his torso, and with a roar, began spraying Atul's torso with torrents of cum. That visual took me over the edge, and I began spewing, whereupon Atul exploded. There was no space inside Jürgen to store the deluge, and it began pouring out, down Atul's cock shaft, over his balls, and pooling on the beach towel below.

We stayed in that position until we had caught our breaths, and I moved to pull out before Jürgen could try to pull off both of us. Once out, I told them to stay right there for a second. I ran into the living room, got my phone, started a video with the LED light on, and focused it on Atul's cock in Jürgen's sloppy pussy. I told Atul to pull out, and slide out from under Jürgen, which he did. Jürgen recognized the power of the moment, lowered his head to the mattress, reached around with both hands, and spread his cheeks to display his dripping, wrecked, red, raw, bred, fully de-virginized manpussy. He then followed that up by flipping over on his back and raising his legs wide open, feeling around his newly created cunt with his fingers: it was the most obscene thing I had ever seen, and it had been memorialized on video. I stopped the recording, and Jürgen began squeezing his sphincter sat up. I handed out the hand towels, and we started cleanup on aisle nine. I asked Jürgen how that experience rated on a scale of one to ten, and he immediately answered it was a nine point fivd, and now he fully understood what made his son tick. He thanked Atul and me abundantly for the experience, and told us that he was not converted to gay, but from now on, would consider himself bisexual.

Time was short -- so we quickly got ourselves cleaned, and after a bit more heavy kissing and hugging, Atul and Jürgen were soon on their way back to work, and I set about clearing the scene of the crime.

Next: Chapter 19

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