Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 23, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear, in fact, some of you may recognize your comments have come to life in this story!

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 19 by Rich Lobo

Good Lord, there was so much cum. It was pooled like a little white lava field, slowly spreading out across the landscape from where it had accumulated as it flowed down Atul's balls. I would need to clean that off the beach blanket before it could be washed or even picked up. A few paper towels were needed, and soon the beach blanket joined its brothers in the laundry basket. If this keeps up, we may need a large capacity washer for inside the apartment, as sooner or later the neighbors may become curious why we need to wash so many off-white towels.

It was then about 2:00 PM, and with nothing to do before the Neal's security consultant arrived, I laid down on the sofa, closed my eyes, and treated myself to a little afternoon nap which featured the weirdest dream. In it, Juergen was in the guestroom, but he was naked with legs fastened back in a sling hanging down from the ceiling. There were men walking by, and Juergen was pleading with all of them to fuck him, but no one would. This dream went on and on, repeating the same thing until one of the men walked up to him and stuck his cock in deep and fast, banging him four times and then pausing for some reason. He then banged him four more times, but the sound wasn't right. It was then that I awoke, and realized that someone was knocking on the door. Shaking the dream out of my head, I jumped up, and realized it was the security consultant - right on time at 2:30 PM. Turning to the task at hand, I filed the dream away for future analysis by the "detached" side of my brain.

Opening the door, I saw a middle aged man in grey coveralls. The coveralls had a white oval patch on the left with the name "Robert" embroidered onto it, and the had the words "Grant's Electricians" embroidered on the right side. He had well-worn work boots on, a weathered tool belt - with tools, and an old Atlanta Braves cap on his head to complete the look. With somewhat unkempt hair sticking out from under the cap, and a salt and pepper beard, he didn't look at all like any kind of "security consultant" I had thought was coming: I was rather expecting something like "Men in Black". Neal did say he would be camouflaged, and in fact, he was VERY well camouflaged: no one around here would pay him any notice. With a rich, Piedmont southern drawl, he announced "Hi there. I'm Robert with Grant's Electricians here to check out the problems you reported in the building. Are you Rich?" Sensing this was for the benefit of anyone listening, I kept up the pretense: "Yes. I'm glad you could come by on such short notice. The circuit breakers keep going off for no apparent reason. Please, come in!" He did, and seeing the shoes in the foyer, kicked off his work boots before coming to meet me at the dining room.

I asked him if he'd like something to drink, but he simply sat at one of the chairs, pulled out a small iPad, typed and sent a quick text, and said "no. we don't have a lot of time for anything other than a normal service call', and we really need to get down to business." I noted that the Southern drawl was completely gone, leaving a deep, professional voice in its wake. "Mr. Lobo, or may I call you Rich?" I told him that Rich was fine, and he continued. "Rich, we believe your and Atul's life may be in some danger. I had the videos you sent to Neal translated and transcribed, Rana was screaming some incredibly vile things. In the first video with her throwing his things off the balcony, she was screaming that his penis was a deformity, that she was glad she never let him have sex with her, and she would cut it off if before she killed him." I felt my blood run cold at that news, but Robert was not finished. "In the second video, was that your voice telling her police' and `arrest'?" I nodded yes, He continued: "good idea. Georgia as a "one-party consent" state allows for recording persons in any private place as long as one person in that recording consents to being recorded. Your voice as the recorder covers the legal requirements. Keep that in mind, because any illegally obtained recordings would not be allowed as evidence." I noted this well indeed, he continued: "That particular recording is the one that worries us the most."

Robert continued, telling me that the invective she was throwing was applied to everyone in the room: after once more telling him she was going to cut off his penis and then cut his neck, she threatened that after she killed Atul, she would set fire to the whole apartment building in the middle of the night. She called you and the other man "bastards" and "filthy monkeys" along with a few other difficult to translate things, and then threatened to destroy anything Atul cares about, including some little Chinese boy named Jason.

Jason?? Bitch threatened to kill Jason?? That BITCH threatened to kill Jason! I will rip her skin off!

Robert told me to calm down, and let him and Neal take care of this threat. He took a few deep breaths before he continued: "With the information Atul gave Neal yesterday, my firm contacted the Hyderabad police to see if they had anything on Rana. My firm has contacts all over the world. They had plenty, but since they had no direct evidence, and her family was so well connected, they couldn't charge her. It seems that in her late teens, she had taken a liking to decapitating small animals, and had been implicated in arson of a house where one of her school mates lived. The entire family of six perished. I believe we are dealing with a psychopath here."

It took me a few seconds to absorb this information. Robert said he needed to get some things out of his van, so I walked to the door with him. Changing back to the Southern drawl, he said he'd be right back, after he got some parts from his "vee-hick-hil". Spot on Southern for "vehicle:" If I'd had anything in my mouth at that second, It would have sprayed across the hallway. I jumped at a sudden movement to my left, and saw a maintenance man on a stepladder changing out the light bulbs in the corridor. He apologized for frightening me, and said he'd soon be done changing out all the lights to new more energy efficient ones. I was wondering when management was going to get around to that; some of the lights were out anyway. I'd be glad for the better lighting now knowing what a fuck-mess lived right above us.

Robert came back inside with a box and a large bag. Kicking off his boots again without so much as a pause to think about it (this man was not a local: he knows the world, and is facile with cultural behaviors.) He asked where my computer was. I took him into my office, and he sat down and started pulling things out while I logged into my desktop machine. Two of the items he took out were flowerpots with green, leafy plants in them. The flowerpots themselves were pieces of art in themselves: white, with raised black spots all over them. He asked me to identify my wi-fi network, and asked me to enter the password. That done, he told me that the plants were fake (if so, they were really good fakes!), but the black spots were a combination of cameras, microphones, and small solar panels that powered the whole unit. It would be set to record in all directions whenever motion was detected, and continue recording for three minutes after the motion had ceased. There was an "L" shaped half height brick wall that partially surrounded the veranda outside. Robert pointed out a very small red dot on the rim of the pot, and asked me to go out and put the pot on the corner of the brick wall, with the red dot pointing at the landing of the stairs going to the second floor. First, he peeled some plastic off the bottom, telling me to the red dot placed exactly before pressing down onto the wall; it would be difficult to move it once the adhesive sat.

That done, I came back in and saw my double monitors filled with eighteen little windows sixteen of them showing images of the outside areas of the building. Each screen had a label describing what it was describing, ie: 2nd floor front, 1st floor hallway, etc. He then added labels for the four cameras on the flower pot: veranda, stairway, lawn left, lawn right. He said he would be right back, and went to install a small box with a button next to the door to the veranda. He pushed that button, which began to flash. Just then, I noticed that the flower pot cameras went black, and on pushing the button again, the flashing stopped and the cameras came back on. He explained that it was a privacy feature, so when are using the veranda, we won't be recorded. When we were finished using the veranda, we had to simply press the flashing button to turn the cameras back on. The man is thorough! He then went to the windows in the bedroom and guest room, lifting them up and pressing something small on the outside bottom of each window. He picked up his phone and sent another text, and very quickly one of the dark windows lit up and I clearly saw the face of the maintenance worker from before. He walked away, and soon thereafter, the last window lit up with his face. Aha. That worker was not from the apartment complex: he was with Robert. and those new energy efficient lights weren't just energy efficient lights. I just pointed at the rooms, identifying "master bedroom" and "guest room". He set those names as labels for those cameras.

He asked me to unlock my phone, and he loaded a new app on it. When activated, I could see mini tiles of all eighteen cameras. When one was selected, that camera's view would become full screen, and live sound collected by its microphone was played over the speaker. In addition, sliding the bar at the bottom of the screen would display any scenes within the last 72 hours where motion was detected, the same as the flower pot. He attached an external hard drive into one of the empty USB ports on the CPU, and configured it. Then he explained the functionality of the system. Being an IT guy myself, it wasn't difficult to get the hang of it. Each camera could be zoomed in or out using the mouse, but that was really the only thing the user had to do. The cameras would adjust for lighting conditions, and in the dark, would render a green low-light, night vision image. He told me that if ever the window sensors caught motion, it would send a loud warning notice to his firm and to my phone, overriding whatever volume controls werecset on the phone. He then activated an app on his own phone, and the same eighteen tiles showed up. This stuff was so cool, and so James Bond.

Only then did he ask if he could have some water while he finished configuring things. He brought all his stuff and the cartons for the equipment out to the dining room again. He explained to me that earlier he had been by to visit an old military buddy who happened to be the Chief of the Clarkston Police Department. Robert then pulled out two key fobs, and another little box just like the one by the veranda door, except all of these devices had two buttons on either side of it. He explained that if both the buttons on any of them were pressed at the same time for two seconds, all cameras would go into "recording" mode, and that a signal would be sent to a unit placed in the police dispatcher's area at the police department. The Chief instructed the dispatchers that if this box goes off, at least two units and an ambulance were to be sent here with lights and sirens. One key fob was for me, and the other was for Atul. The little box was meant to be placed on the bedside table. Finally, he told me that his firm would be monitoring motion as well, and could signal the police themselves, should they see anything of concern. Robert had one final piece of advice: don't tell anyone - even Atul - about the cameras. People who know they are there would change their behaviors unconsciously, and that change in behavior might change outcomes. Anything that got recorded would go away in 72 hours, and we were the only ones with access to the content.

Of course I felt much better now, and thanked him profusely. I did have to ask him (my eyes wincing in anticipation of the answer) how much all of this cost. He told me that the equipment was all "rented" at a reduced cost by Neal, who was a very good business partner, client, and friend, and that I would not be receiving a bill. I let out a great sigh (internally) and thanked Robert profusely. I walked him to the door, and upon leaving he went all southern again, and said, "now if y'all have any more problems with them thar circuits, jus' call me. Here's my business card. All my work is "gah-ron-teed." Y'all have a good evenin'!" He walked on, climbed into his "electrician's" van, and drove off. I looked up to the sky in the west, and it looked like we were going to have a good rain shower soon. As if on cue, my phone beeped with a weather alert from the radar app on my phone: moderate rain in ten minutes, lasting for about 30 minutes.

I had barely gotten back into the apartment when my phone rang: it was Neal. On picking up, Neal started: "Robert has already done his job, and I suppose you have some questions. Can I swing by right now?" I told him he was always welcome, and yes, I have some questions. He said "Alright. I'll be there in about 15. Looks like it's about to rain. See you soon. Love ya!"; to which I responded "Love ya too!" and

Sure enough, the rain began in about ten minutes, falling in torrents. There is a little depression in the middle of the parking lot that collects a significant puddle whenever it rains, and within five minutes, it was full. I was standing at the open veranda door, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of mother nature (I love the rain!) when Neal's car pulled into a visitor's parking space. Neal got out with an umbrella and was walking toward the walkway when a neighbor's car sped through the puddle, splashing water all over Neal's front side: I had to stifle a giggle. Immediately though, I ran to the guest room and got two of the "play towels", and spread one down on the floor by the door. Neal came in cursing up a storm, so I reminded him that he was now on camera. He just said "oops." I told him to take off his pants and dress shirt, and dry off with the other towel. He did as requested. His tee-shirt and underwear hadn't gotten wet, but his socks had; off they came too. While he dried himself, I cleared out his pockets, and threw everything into the dryer.

Walking back, he handed me the towel. I asked if he'd like some coffee or tea, but he declined. I looked down at him (I'm gay. If a guy is standing there in his underwear, we're going to look. Straight men do it too.) He was wearing an "Everyday" pair of tight, lime green boxer briefs, and they supported him VERY well. "Speaking of bulges" I said pointing down at his crotch. "when did you throw away your tighty- whitie FTLs and join the 21st century? He just laughed and said he's experimenting to see if they might induce the "current and most recent Mrs. Turner" to give up a little pussy. I had long since stopped trying to remember their names, simply referring to them by ordinal numbers, i.e. the first Mrs. Turner, the third Mrs. Turner, the last Mrs. Turner, and the current "Mrs. Turner." That always annoyed him when I did that, but HIS use of it this terminology right now was interesting: perhaps another happy marriage was turning sour? It wouldn't be the first time.

Me: "So, she has shut down the current Mrs. Turner cookie shop? Poor guy, but wear those briefs around here more often, and I'll throw the doors of the Rich Lobo cookie shop wide open for you."

Neal: "Don't tempt me buddy. It's been quite a while, and she's watching me like a hawk. I'm starting to look at her poodle with amorous intent."

Me: "I have a warning for you counselor, bestiality is a felony in Georgia. Heheheh."

Neal: "No worries. I hate the little bitch, always yipping and yapping and growling."

Me: "The current Mrs. Turner, or the poodle?"

Neal: "I'm going to invoke my fifth-amendment rights now. Can we sit down and talk?"

We both had a good laugh, With my open hand, I offered him a seat on the couch; he walked ahead of me, giving me a prime view of his tightly lime-green clad bubble butt. It was beautiful, and such a damn waste that the current Mrs. Turner held the license for it. Neal, upon sitting on the couch leaned back and spread his arms along the top of the sofa, and knees out wide in the way that straight men are wont to do. My theory is that it has something to do with claiming territory.

Neal: "Did you understand everything Robert did?"

I just pulled out my phone, opened the app, selected the "lawn right" camera, rewound it to the desired time index, and showed Neal what it looked like when the car soaked him with water.

Neal: "OK smart ass, I guess you did. You are such a fucking geek."

Me: "Sorry, but I may have to save that clip. Robert is a gem; where on Earth did you find him?"

Neal: "Oh, I've known him for years since he "retired" from his last job. which I believe was in some country's intelligence agency. He doesn't talk about it, referring to it as "his former firm." I'm starting to think a lot of the people in his "current" firm seem to still have the same contacts that they had in his "former" firm. I'm not going to ask any questions for fear of losing his services. The man has collected evidence that allowed me to win some very dicey divorce cases, and collect a shitload of legal fees for my services. Any questions?

Me: "Just one, why are you picking up the bill on this one?"

Neal: "Because I love your dumb ass. I'm not about to let anything happen to you. Besides, I could not let your beautiful boyfriend's cock get cut off, if it's as nice as you seem to think it is. Furthermore, it took nearly twenty years to get you up and off your ass and into some other guy's ass. I couldn't stand another twenty years."

Me: "Oh, it is that nice indeed. Long, thick, uncut, huge, wet cockhead that was made to be worshipped." Did I just see a bit of movement in those lime-green Everydays? "again, I don't want to make your straight little head explode, so tell me what the plan is boss."

Neal just covered his bulge with his hands, shook his head a bit, as if he were trying to get rid of a thought, and changed the subject by starting to tell me what they'd found out. He confirmed what Robert had told me, and further explained that they would be soon getting copies of any police reports regarding Rana's alleged activities. Robert had people on the ground in Hyderabad sniffing out what else they could come up with. By the way, both Atul's and Rana's parents have valid US tourist visas, and will be arriving in Atlanta on Lufthansa flight 444 arriving at 5:40 PM on Friday. By that time, I'll have everything lined up so that we can do a proper "show and tell" for them when we get here. I and our translator will go with you and Atul to meet them in a van with a driver. I started to object, but he waved me off. "The van will have recording equipment so that we will have a record. A lot of good dirt gets spewed when people are tired and jet-lagged. Trust me, and let me handle this. We've booked two rooms at the Comfort Suites in Tucker in case we will need them.

Me: "What do we tell Atul? He will try to protect me by keeping me at a distance."

Neal: "I thought about that. It's probably not a good idea to let him know what we know, but we can let him know that the translator told us about Rana said about snip-snip on the pee pee, burning the building, and killing Jason - that's the little Korean kid that lives next door, right?"

Me: "Yes, such a sweet little guy too! If she lays one hand on him, she's toast Atul and I would remove her from the planet. I can't believe Atul actually heard that, and didn't choke her out on the spot."

Neal: "Yes. He did tell me about that, but didn't want to worry you so he held his reactions in check. This guy must be incredibly strong willed. By the way, who was the Nordic god in the video with you?

Me: "Oh yeah. That is Juergen. He and his 11 year old son just moved here from Germany - it's really nice to have someone here with whom I can speak German again. His son Jonas is 11, and has become great friends with Jason and Alex"

Neal: "Alex is the little Hispanic one, right? So, Juergen is straight? He produced children? That can't be right. According to you, any man that hot can't be straight.

Me: "Well he has been 100% heterosexual. until he moved here. Let's just say he's since relaxed a little, and has become a wee bit heteroflexible, and leave it at that."

Neal: "Oh Hell no! Spill!"

At just that moment, I heard the dryer beep, notifying us that the items in it were dry, when three little fists started banging on the door: the horde had arrived. I excused myself to let them in. Each entered one at a time, giving me a big hug and a little kiss on the cheek. Of course, they noticed the nearly naked man in his underwear on the couch. Before they could ask, I told them this was Mr. Neal, a car had splashed him from the puddle out front, his clothes were drying in the dryer, he is my good friend, and that he is the lawyer that is going to help Atul get free of Rana. On hearing that, Jason ran over to Neal, climbed up onto his lap, straddling his legs, giving him a huge hug and a big ole smooch on the cheek. Alex and Jonas climbed onto the couch on either side of him, hugging him, and thanking him for helping their friend.

Me: "By the way, this is Jason, Alex, and Jonas, also known as "the horde", who need to get up off of Mr. Neal, and go get their after school snacks." They got up, and ran into the kitchen. I looked down to see a discernible bit of wood in those lime-green Everyday boxer briefs, him noticing that I noticed.

Neal: "and what about it. That's the most action I've gotten in months."

The boys had their snacks, and I told them to check in at home because I and Mr. Neal had some important things to discuss. I suggested that they might study together at Alex's or Jason's, but not alone at Jonas' without his father there. Neal added that he didn't want them to be anywhere around Rana, to which came petulant eye rolls, Alex adding "As if we would want to be anywhere around that nasty bitch."

Me: "LANGUAGE, mister!"

Alex: "Ok, ok. Nasty psychopath then, better?"

Neal, Jason, and Jonas nearly doubled over in laughter at that."

Me: "Ok Alex. You are forgiven. Go study, and play a bit, maybe you can come over around 7 to hang with Atul and me, ok?

They agreed, cleaning up the snack mess, putting on their shoes, and dashing out the door. Neal made no motion to go retrieve his dry clothes. When they opened the door, I could hear the rain falling outside.

Neal: "That is quite a group. Alex is smart as a whip! He picked up on exactly what my colleagues have been thinking. I think that Jason might have a crush on Atul: while he was hugging me, I could feel a little dagger pressing against my stomach. That other kid looks exactly like his dad - a little Norse prince. Which brings us back to where we left off. Spill!"

My radar app notified us that moderate rain was about to occur, so we had time. Without giving all the details, I let him know that Juergen has here without his wife, who was still in Germany, for some weeks, and who like Neal had been without marital conjugation for too long, so I "opened the cookie shop" for him.

Neal: "No Way! What did you do?"

I sanitized what happened, editing out the parts with Atul, the boys, and the DP adventure, letting him know about some mutual masturbation, a blow job, and a bare fuck, ending with him painting my insides with hot, Nordic cum. Neal simply stopped trying to hide his erection, and there was now a small moist olive-green spot was appearing at the point where his cockhead was located. It was just then that Atul arrived home, and of course he was drenched from the rain. "I thought I had enough time to get home, but the rain caught me half way here." The towel was still on the floor, so I had him disrobe there, standing ready to collect the wet garments. Neal's drying off towel was still there, so I handed it to him. Only then did he notice and acknowledge Neal's presence. "Hi Neal, did you get caught in the rain too?" I just replied "puddle out front," Atul accepted that reasoning with no further comment, saying "OK, I will be back in a minute." I told him that the boys may come by later to hang out, and I was planning on ordering a vegetarian pizza for dinner, so no tuxedo tonight. Collecting the towels and the wet garments, I put them in the hamper to deal with later.

About ten minutes later, Atul came out with a yellow sleeveless tank top that might have been two sizes too small for him, and a pair of sheer and silky green running shorts. The outfit left almost nothing to the imagination. His shorts were also a bit tight, as the outlines of his cock were prominently displayed. His cockhead made a bulge of its own. I popped wood immediately. Atul casually mentioned that he might go out for a run later if the weather cleared, and he started doing "stretching" exercises in the middle of the living room. An observer with no understanding of the context would probably accept that Atul was indeed stretching his muscles. I knew, however, Atul was testing to see if he could get a rise out of Neal. Atul did, to his credit, report that the parents would be arriving late Friday afternoon. Neal told him that he'd arrange a van to go pick them up. Atul objected, saying that he'd go get them in his Honda Civic. Neal just laughed at this, telling him when was the last time you saw four Indians, two of them women, travelling overseas with just carry-on luggage? In a Honda Civic, he'd have to make two trips: one for the people, and one for the luggage. Atul grinned at that, and said "you're right. They will also be bringing gifts and food. You win."

Atul continued his stretches, this time doing hip rotations. He looked just like a stripper on stage, with his bulge even more prominent when he was leaned back during the rotations. Neal's eyes were fixated on the bulge, his legs, his bare feet, then up to his chest, torso, and abs before repeating the cycle. I don't think a thunderclap could've penetrated his mental state. I looked over, and Neal's cock seemed nearly firm, and the wet spot of pre-cum had enlarged, the older pre-cum had spread out to form a larger spot of just plain green, while a new spot of fresh pre-cum sat in a nice darker olive green in the center. Atul then stopped his "stretching", and sat on the coffee table, just across from Neal. He leaned back, with his elbows on the table and spread his legs like all straight men do. From the side, I thought I could see the tip of Atul's cock poking his underwear out the right leg of his shorts. He asked Neal if there were any more instructions. With a herculean effort, Neal managed to get out some relatively coherent words; "I'll have more information soon, but for now, please keep yourself and those boys away from Rana."

Neal's cock then went full, cast-iron hard. The tip of his cock shifted out about an inch up, tight against the now multi-hued lemon-green Everyday boxer briefs, where a new and larger olive green spot appeared. Atul then sat up a bit, and announced that it was a little warm in the apartment, and pulled his tight tank top up and over his head, before leaning back on his elbows. Oh my. This was a SLUT SHOW! I should have popped some popcorn! Atul then began flexing his legs up rhythmically by raising them up by going onto his tiptoes, and then letting them back down. I had to check to see if Neal was still breathing. Here was the point where I joined in on the seduction.

Me: "Baby, don't stress him out too much. His wife hasn't let him have any sex in a while, and he is having a rough time."

Atul: "How long has it been since you've had sex then Neal?"

Neal: "About two months."

Atul: "Wow. I know what that is like. You look like you are getting warm. Perhaps you should take off your tee-shirt to cool off." Neal did just that. He was sweating.

Atul: That's better. I hope you're not embarrassed by being the only one in the room wearing only underwear. They're cool, by the way. I'm also wearing a pair of Everyday boxer briefs, but they're light blue. Would you like to see them?"

Neal barely but noticeably nodded his head. He was mouth breathing by this point, and his right hand moved to his cock, and started rubbing it. Atul languidly laid down flat on the coffee table grabbed the top of this shorts with both hands, raised his ass up by using his tiptoes, slid them down his hips before lowering his ass back to the table. Then lifting his legs all the way up in the air and pushing his shorts to his knees before lowering his feet back to the floor, and letting gravity drop the shorts to the floor, pooling at his feet. He then lifted his left foot, and by kicking his foot to the side, ridding himself of the shorts. He then rose back up on his elbows and spreading his knees out again before engaging Neal in conversation again.

Atul: "I love these Everyday underwear, but you cannot let them get wet, because it is so obvious. See?" Atul grabbed his cock, lifting it up to show the large dark blue spot sitting in the middle of a lighter blues spot. "In fact, I am so embarrassed by it, I think I'll take them off. He lifted his ass off the table again, and started to pull them down, but stopping before anything got revealed. "I don't know. Rich told me you had noticed my penis in my pants yesterday. I don't want to shock you, so perhaps I should just leave them on."

Neal immediately spat out a loud, whispered "NO!" and Atul started removing them again, using the same procedure he did for the shorts. Seconds later, he was naked, back on his elbows, knees apart. Atul grabbed his foreskin with his thumb and forefinger. Stripping it back tightly, displaying and exposing his entire, moist glans.

Atul: "This is what Rana means by "Vaikalyam", my deformity, this is why she and I have never had sex. Rich is constantly telling me that it is not deformed, but is perfect. He thinks that because of its shape, it is perfect for creating a prostate orgasm in him. I don't know if it is truly perfect or not. Would you please touch and check to see if it is perfect or if it is a deformity?"

Geez. This is a show. The front of Neal's underwear is now sopping wet. Neal then surprised me by leaning forward, and slowly extending his hand slowly across the space between the sofa and the coffee table. When he reached Atul's throbbing cockhead, Neal extended an index finger to where it was almost in contact with it.

Neal: "I've never touched another man's cock before. I shouldn't."

Atul: "You are the attorney for my divorce, my wife's principle problem is that my cock is deformed. You as my attorney will have to rebut her argument, so I think you should check it to make certain in your mind what your rebuttal should be." Interesting twist in logic.

Neal seemed to ponder this for a second, and then moved to make contact. Soon, he was drawing small circles with his finger. Not much longer after that, His thumb joined the party, and the other fingers joined in shortly thereafter.

Atul: "My fingers are tired from holding my foreskin down, could you strip it back with your other hand?"

No sooner said than done, Neal wrapped his right hand around the bronze shaft, pulling the foreskin down. Atul's cock was being manhandled by another straight man. This was so hot. Neal had crossed the Rubicon, and Atul knew it.

Atul: "I am guessing that your wife also let you see her pussy." "Am I right?" Neal nodded his head. "would you like to see mine?" Again, Neal nodded his head. Atul then raised his legs high and wide, breaking the contact between Neal's hands and his cock. Atul held his feet with his hands, and pulled his legs back and wide even further, exposing his glistening, pink hole surrounded by a small, light brown crater. "Would you like to touch my pussy? It's fresh and clean. I was planning to give it to Rich later, so I cleaned it out, and lubed it up a few minutes ago. It should be really tight. Neal again reached his hand across the space, and this time, just put his index finger on the glistening spot. "It's ok, you can stick your finger in to see how tight and clean it is." Neal did just that, and both he and Atul moaned.

Neal began finger fucking a now moaning Atul. Neal reverted to mouth breathing. This continued for just a minute until Atul looked up and stared into Neal's eyes, saying "you look so stressed. A lot of your stress comes from you not being able to fuck a pussy. If you want, you can fuck my pussy as hard as you would like. You can shoot all your cum and your frustrations deep inside me." Atul paused for a second, and let that sink in and penetrate into Neal's befuddled mind. "All you need to do is take your boxers off and stick it in. It's all prepared and ready.

Neal continued finger fucking Atul for another minute before looking at me, as if he were seeking permission. I told him "it's up to you. You seem to be suffering some stress, and I would hope you could get relief before you make any mistakes representing Atul in court. With that, he finally made up his mind: he stood up (I sat forward, not wanting to miss this part of the show), shucked down his briefs and released what looked to be about ten inches of monster. I was shocked! I had seen Neal's cock before, but not his erect cock. Neal was a "grower", not a "shower". Neal spit on his cut cockhead, and lined it up with Atul's pussy. Atul reached down with both hands, to pull his cheeks apart, and to help guide Neal's entry. With the tip of his cock seated at Atul's anus, Neal said "I don't want to hurt you", to which Atul responded "you won't hurt me. Please put it inside, and fuck me." With no further ado, Neal did just that, forcing his cock inside, with Atul taking a deep breath.

I was watching with rapt attention, but this scene didn't take long: it couldn't. Neal was on a hairtrigger. Barely twenty long strokes in, Neal announced "I'm close. Where should I shoot it?" Atul simply said: "In me. Shoot it deep inside me." Seconds later, Neal slammed deep, and kept it there. Atul also began cumming. I had been spellbound by the scene I was watching, but snapped out of it when I saw Atul cumming. I dashed into the guest room and grabbed some towels. I barely got back in time before the white waterfalls hit the coffee table. Neal pulled out and sat back down on the couch. I threw him a towel, and moved to put the first towel under Atul's ass. He sat up on the towel and asked for Neal's verdict, which was "I'm pretty sure it's perfect. It is not a deformity, but to be sure, (here, Neal grinned a bit) I might at some point have to see what it does to my prostate. " We all laughed. Neal thanked us, winking his eye, and telling us that he is still heterosexual, but with an open mind. I went to get his dry but no longer warm clothes. Atul visited our bathroom, and Neal visited the guest bedroom to "straighten up" as it were. They were both dressed and back into the living room when Neal took the opportunity to announce that he would be taking Neal's case "pro bono," because he was a truly nice guy who needed a break" just before three little fists knocked on the door again. I checked to make sure the flowerpot cam was armed before opening the door for the boys to come in.

All three boys gave Neal another hug before he left. Neal left, using languid strides indicating he was less stressed than when he arrived. I ordered one veggie pizza and one pepperoni pizza. The boys scarfed it down, and sat around and cuddled and watched TV with us until 8:00 PM when they had to be back home. I made sure they got back to their doors safely, and closed our door. Turning around, I found Atul on his knees before me. He pulled my pants down, and made oral love to me. He is definitely improving his technique! Before long, I shot a load into his mouth; he swallowed without complaint. We watched TV until we were both tired, and went to bed, once again spooning against each other, and fell asleep quickly. It was so nice to hold my sweet (and a bit slutty) man in my arms.

Suddenly, my phone made a loud, blaring noise. I turned over to grab it, one of the motion alarms had gone off. I opened the app, saw that the master bedroom cam was activated, and touched that panel, whereupon I could make out a face on the night vision cam: it was Rana's face.

Next: Chapter 20

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